
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets originating from CNR, Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque

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Host Data set name Show
itEutrophication monitoring (hydrography, nutrients and chlorophyll) off the NE coast of Italy (1987-89)Click to show data set information
itHerbicides input from Ebro, Rhone and Po rivers and Thermaikos gulf (1991) Click to show data set information
itHydrography, nutrient and carbon cycle related measurements in the northern Adriatic off the coast of Italy (1990 onwards) Click to show data set information
itOrganophosphorous compounds input from Ebro, Po and Nile rivers and off Israeli coast (1988) Click to show data set information
itPCBs in the sediments of the Adriatic coast of Italy from Trieste to Bari (1990) Click to show data set information

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