
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets originating from IEO-CSIC, Cadiz Oceanographic Centre

| New query | Found  7 | Show  (1-7) |    

Host Data set name Show
esCTD, nutrients and biological data in the Gulf of Cádiz (since 2009)Click to show data set information
esFishing Data, tuna-tagging around the Canary Islands Click to show data set information
esFishing statistics and biological data for oceanic pelagic fish around the Canary Islands Click to show data set information
esFishing statistics and biological data from the Canarian artisanal fleet operating in the Sahara fishing ground Click to show data set information
esFishing statistics data of the Spanish shellfish fleet operating in African waters Click to show data set information
esFishing statistics data on small pelagic species fished by the Spanish purse seine fleet in the Moroccan Atlantic Click to show data set information
esFishing statistics data on small pelagic species fished by the Spanish purse seine fleet in the South Atlantic Region of Spain (Gulf of Cadiz) Click to show data set information

| New query | Found  7 | Show  (1-7) |