
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets held by Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

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Host Data set name Show
gbDemersal fish surveys, Station L4, western English Channel (1920-1987)Click to show data set information
gbIntertidal Survey Unit Database (1975-1980) Click to show data set information
gbLarval stages of fish and zooplankton off the Eddystone reef, near Plymouth (1924-1987) Click to show data set information
gbMacrobenthos (echinoderm and mollusc) in the western English Channel (1947-1986) Click to show data set information
gbNE England and NW Scotland Rocky Shores Species Population Dynamics (1967-) Click to show data set information
gbNet phytoplankton surveys near Plymouth, western English Channel (1964-1987) Click to show data set information
gbSouth West England intertidal rocky shores surveys (1954-1987) Click to show data set information
gbSulphide and methane-based ecosystems in the North Sea and Skagerrak (1991) Click to show data set information
gbTemperature, salinity, chemical and phytoplankton data from Station E1, western English Channel (1928-1987) Click to show data set information

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