
Salling Sandeel2012

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)Salling (26SB)
Cruise identifierSandeel2012
Cruise period2012-11-15 — 2012-12-20
Port of departureUnknown, Denmark
Port of returnUnknown, Denmark
ObjectivesTo collect samples of sandeels and the seabed that can be used to estimate local abundance and distribution pattern of sandeels, using a modified scallop dredge that collects sandeels from the upper 20 cm of the seabed.
Chief scientistDirk Thijssen (Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Aquatic Resources)
NPRCSalling Sandeel2012 NPRC reykjanes_salling_2012.pdf (0.07 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
Specific52 N to 58 N, 0 E to 8 E