
RV Corystes COR11a/89

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Corystes (74RY)
Cruise identifierCOR11a/89
Cruise period1989-10-04 — 1989-10-11
Port of departureLowestoft, United Kingdom
Port of returnSouth Shields, United Kingdom
ObjectivesPart 1 of a 4 part cruise.

1. To carry out a plankton survey for herring larvae in the area of the north-east coast between the Humber and 56ºN.
2. To deploy current meters for the duration of the cruise at up to five sites to the north-east of Scarborough and three sites between the Tyne and Wear.
3. To carry out a closely spaced section of CTD stations across the front for geotrophic modelling.
4. To deploy ARGOS drifters in the vicinity of the front.
Chief scientistKeith M Brander (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Lowestoft Fisheries Laboratory)
Cruise reportRV Corystes COR11a/89 cruise report co11_89.pdf (0.27 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificN.E. Coast
Track chartsRV Corystes COR11a/89 cruise track — co11_89track.pdf (0.02 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
CTD stationsQuantity: number of stations = 15
Current metersQuantity: number of deployments = 8
Description: current meters moorings deployed: 3 in the Marsden area and 5 in the Flamborough head area
Surface drifters/drifting buoysQuantity: number of deployments = 2
Description: Satellite tracked buoy
Biology and fisheries 
Eggs and larvaeQuantity: number of hauls = 47
Description: 46 HSTN tows and one LHPR tow for herring larvae counts
Data held at BODC Get data
15  CTD/STD cast
Vertical spatial coordinates
Temperature of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Temperature of the water column
Salinity of the water column

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.