
RV Cirolana CIR9A/93

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Cirolana (74CZ)
Cruise identifierCIR9A/93
Cruise period1993-09-14 — 1993-09-29
Port of departureLowestoft, United Kingdom
Port of returnLowestoft, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To calibrate the FSI ICTD (high precision deep water) and FSI MCTD (self recording) in a variety of conditions (AE0504A0 and AE0207A0).
2. To conduct an intercomparison of the portable Jabsco pump and the ships clean saltwater supply for long lived U/Th and Cs radionuclides (95060000 and AE0114A0).
3. To reoccupy the TH19 anchor station site at the entrance to Morecambe Bay (54º 01.15' N, 03º 32.41' W) to compare spring and neaps tidal resuspension using the Tetrapod, Quadrapod and hourly CTD casts for 238U/234Th disequilibrium studies (AE0207A0; AE0118A0).
4. To test the new Benthic Acoustic Stress Sensor (BASS) on the Tetrapod (AE0207A0).
5. To test deploy the new Minipod and new C-T-MOBS logger (if available) (AE0207A0). The Minipod and C-T-MOBS logger were unavailable.
6. To collect sediment samples from the Lune Deep and conduct an anchor station in Lancaster sound, Morecambe Bay for calibration of the Morecambe Bay Model (AE0127B0) if time permits.
7. To deploy 3 current meters in the North Channel as part of the North Channel exchanges STA and conduct a CTD section along the line of moorings (AE0128B0).
8. To deploy the Tetrapod, Quadrapod and guard buoys for a long deployment at TH19, off Morecambe Bay. To be recovered on Cirolana 11/93 early in December (AE0207A0).
9. To conduct a sediment survey from the Isle of Man to Liverpool Bay for long lived natural radionuclides (AE0118A0) - if time permits.
Additional aim:
10. To undertake a Sidescan Survey of the Barrow-in-Furness dredge disposal site (AE0201C0).
Chief scientistJonathon Mark Rees (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Lowestoft Fisheries Laboratory)
Cruise reportRV Cirolana CIR9A/93 cruise report ci9a_93.pdf (0.12 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralIrish Sea and St. George's Channel
SpecificNorth channel, E Irish Sea
Track chartsRV Cirolana CIR9A/93 cruise track — trk3974.html
Physical oceanography 
Current metersQuantity: number of stations = 4
Description: deployed
Chemical oceanography 
RadioactivityQuantity: number of samples = 20
Description: sites sampled for radionuclides
Geology and geophysics 
GrabDescription: Sediment survey
Long/short range side scan sonar
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Physical oceanography 
Current meters54° 40' 59" N  5° 15' 0" W — deployed
Current meters54° 36' 0" N  5° 27' 0" W — deployed
Current meters54° 1' 0" N  3° 31' 59" W — near bed current meters deployed
Current meters54° 37' 59" N  5° 22' 0" W — deployed