
Strathyre Charter 9228H

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship nameStrathyre
Cruise identifierCharter 9228H
Cruise period1993-03-05 — 1993-03-15
Port of departurePort Seton, United Kingdom
Port of returnPort Seton, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To monitor a dredging operation in Port Edgar Marina.
2. To observe and monitor the release of an artificial fluorescent tracer particle injected into the seabed sediment in the area to be dredged.
3. To collect sea water samples from selected sites in the vicinity of Port Edgar Marina, for fluorescence analysis at Environmental Tracing Systems Laboratories.
4. To collect sediment samples from selected sites in the vicinity of Port Edgar Marina, for fluorescence analysis at Environmental Tracing Systems Laboratories.
5. To collect sediment samples for heavy metal analysis from selected dredge spoil disposal sites in the Firth of Forth.
Chief scientistJames C McKie (Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportStrathyre Charter 9228H cruise report strathyre_2892h.pdf (0.10 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificPort Edgar Marina, Firth of Forth
Physical oceanography 
Water bottle stationsDescription: Water samples collected using NIO bottles to confirm background levels of fluorescence.
Geochemical tracers (eg freons)Description: Occasional water samples collected throughout the cruise for fluorescence analysis.
Geology and geophysics 
DredgeDescription: To monitor a dredging operation in Port Edgar Marina, using an artificial fluorescent tracer to monitor the seabed sediment.
GrabDescription: Pre-injection grab survey.
GrabDescription: Day grab samples taken for heavy metal analysis.
GrabDescription: Day grab to confirm background levels of fluorescence.
Core - soft bottomDescription: Craib corer in order to confirm background levels of fluorescence.