
FRV Scotia 1398S

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FRV Scotia (748S)
Cruise identifier1398S
Cruise period1998-07-29 — 1998-08-06
Port of departureAberdeen, United Kingdom
Port of returnAberdeen, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To recover caged mussels from moorings in the vicinity of the Thistle "A" platform.
2. To sample sediments around the Thistle "A" and Magnus platforms for determination of speciality chemicals and hydrocarbon concentrations.
3. To obtain samples of produced water from the Thistle "A" and Magnus platforms.
4. To sample water from the oiled water discharge plume for determination of speciaility chemicals and hydrocarbon concentrations.
5. To conduct radiochemical experiments aboard the vessel.
6. To deploy caged mussels at the Magnus field.
7. To monitor and sample the water column in the oiled water discharge plume by specialised monitoring equipment.
8. To sample Nephrops from the Burra Haaf and Little Halibut Bank for sensory assessment and PAH concentration.
Chief scientistAlistair D McIntosh (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportFRV Scotia 1398S cruise report sc13_98.pdf (0.14 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificNorthern North Sea: Little Halibut Bank, Burra Haaf, Magnus and Thistle
Track chartsFRV Scotia 1398S cruise track — trk4363.html
Petroleum residuesQuantity: number of samples = 48
Description: Day Grabs
Bottom depositsQuantity: number of samples = 48
Description: Day Grabs
Contaminants in organismsQuantity: number of samples = 48
Description: Day Grabs
Biology and fisheries 
Benthic bacteria/micro-organismsQuantity: number of samples = 48
Description: Day Grabs
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of samples = 48
Description: Day Grabs
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 2
Description: Bottom trawls
MolluscsQuantity: number of hauls = 2
Description: Bottom trawls
Geology and geophysics 
GrabQuantity: number of samples = 48
Description: Day Grabs
Multi-beam echosoundingQuantity: activity duration in days = 2
Description: Days of swathe bathymetry
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Other contaminant measurements61° 22' 0" N  1° 31' 59" E — Lost 1 rig with mussel cages
Other contaminant measurements61° 22' 0" N  1° 34' 59" E — Recovered 3 rigs with mussel cages. Lost 1 rig.