
RV Lough Foyle LF/05/94

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Lough Foyle (74LG)
Cruise identifierLF/05/94
Cruise period1994-02-14 — 1994-02-18
Port of departureBelfast, United Kingdom
Port of returnBelfast, United Kingdom
ObjectivesNW Irish Sea scallop stocks
1. To survey the scallop, Pecten maximus grounds off the County Down coast and collect the following scallop data:
a) catch per unit effort
b) age composition
c) measure growth of scallops from shell band widths
d) weight, height and length of individual scallops
e) abductor muscle weight.
2. To collect samples of scallop abductor muscle tissue for analysis of heavy metal and organic residue levels.
3. Identify and quantify macrofauna associated with scallops.
Chief scientistRichard P Briggs (Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland)
Cruise reportRV Lough Foyle LF/05/94 cruise report lf05_94.pdf (0.16 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralIrish Sea and St. George's Channel
SpecificIrish Sea and North Channel
Biology and fisheries 
MolluscsQuantity: number of measurements = 4
Description: Stations 15, 1, 2 and 12 were sucessfully towed.
MolluscsQuantity: number of measurements = 6
Description: Tows 6-11 took place in fair weather.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of measurements = 9
Description: Dredging at station 8, followed by fishing at stations 5,6,7,16,17 and 18. Stations 12/13 were dredged in order to compare the catch rates with those earlier in the cruise.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of measurements = 9
Description: Stations 4, 3, 24, 25, 23, 27, 21, 20 and 17 were all dredged.