
RV Lough Foyle LF/18/94

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Lough Foyle (74LG)
Cruise identifierLF/18/94
Cruise period1994-06-27 — 1994-07-07
Port of departureBelfast, United Kingdom
Port of returnBelfast, United Kingdom
ObjectivesDemersal young fish survey (summer)
1. To obtain indices of abundance of juvenile gaidoids to facilitate predictions of stock-size and yield of recruited fish in future years.
2. To investigate the diets of predatory fish species in relation to the distribution and relative abundance of their fish prey, with particular emphasis on predation on commercial species.
3. To obtain further information on distribution of different age-classes of fish to facilitate interpretation of data from commercial species.
4. To retain all 'O' group gadoids for future study.
5. To collect samples of sepiolids for a UCC project.
6. To retain all weever fish (Trachinus vipera) for a PEML based project.
Chief scientistRichard P Briggs (Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland)
Cruise reportRV Lough Foyle LF/18/94 cruise report lf18_94.pdf (0.31 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralIrish Sea and St. George's Channel
SpecificIrish Sea and North Channel
Track chartsRV Lough Foyle LF/18/94 cruise track — lf18_94track.pdf (0.04 MB) 
Biology and fisheries 
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 250. Trawl time 08.40. Trawl went to 54 06.7N and 3 39.1W. Mean depth 32m. Catch size 216kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 61. Trawl time 11.44. Trawl went to 54 32.7N and 4 34.5W. Mean depth 58m. Catch size aborted.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 63. Trawl time 09.36. Trawl went to 54 35.7N and 4 16.2W. Mean depth 58m. Catch size 228kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Cruise to investigate the diets of predatory fish and abundance gadiods. Trawl 35. Trawl time 07.10. Trawl went to 54 44.0N and 5 36.9W. Mean depth 18m. Catch size 1105kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 86. Trawl time 09.31. Trawl went to 54 34.6N and 5 25.4W. Mean depth 40m. Catch size 89kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 83. Trawl time 11.50. Trawl went to 54 20.1N and 5 17.1W. Mean depth 90m. Catch size 91kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 81. Trawl time 14.15. Trawl went to 54 12.7N and 5 24.2W. Mean depth 47m. Catch size 180kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 101. Trawl time 16.15. Trawl went to 54 06.0N and5 18.3W Mean depth 96m. Catch size 70kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 97. Trawl time 05.58. Trawl went to 54 21.0N and 4 55.5W. Mean depth 80m Catch size 519kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 46. Trawl time 08.26. Trawl went to 54 09.2N and 4 55.4W. Mean depth 76m. Catch size 145kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 99. Trawl time 10.14. Trawl went to 54 05.5N and 5 03.6W. Mean depth 76m. Catch size 287kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 48. Trawl time 12.19. Trawl went to 53 58.2N and 4 58.8W. Mean depth 58m. Catch size 131kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 73. Trawl time 05.55. Trawl went to 53 51.6N and 6 5.8W. Mean depth 26m. Catch size 83.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 71. Trawl time 08.00. Trawl went to 53 53.8N and 5 50.9W. Mean depth 40m. Catch size 153kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 70. Trawl time 09.50. Trawl went to 54 02.5N and 5 43.8W. Mean depth 42m. Catch size 1014kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 100. Trawl time 11.02. Trawl went to 54 09.7N and 5 40.5W. Mean depth 29m. Catch size 845kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 17. Trawl time 12.46. Trawl went to 54 04.6N and 5 33.0W. Mean depth 59m. Catch size 252kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 88. Trawl time 15.46. Trawl went to 53 56.6N and 5 40.6W. Mean depth 68m Catch size 161kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 103. Trawl time 05.57. Trawl went to 53 36.3N and 5 22.6W. Mean depth 81m. Catch size 87kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 50. Trawl time 08.11. Trawl went to 53 48.2N and 5 19.6W. Mean depth 83m. Catch size 206kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 216. Trawl time 10.17. Trawl went to 53 57.5N and 5 11.1W. Mean depth 67m. Catch size 77kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 51. Trawl time 12.35. Trawl went to 53 50.4N and 4 57.8W. Mean depth 70m. Catch size 475kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 96. Trawl time 14.50. Trawl went to 53 49.4N and 5 06.4W. Mean depth 65m. Catch size 191kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 105. Trawl time 15.44. Trawl went to 53 42.4N and 5 09.8W. Mean depth 73m. Catch size 266kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 208. Trawl time 05.38. Trawl went to 53 54.8N and 5 45.5W. Mean depth 67m. Catch size 231kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 79. Trawl time 08.07. Trawl went to 53 40.3N and 5 57.9W. Mean depth 33m. Catch size 95kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 75. Trawl time 10.00. Trawl went to 53 38.3N and 5 50.4W. Mean depth 54m. Catch size 184kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 92. Trawl time 11.55. Trawl went to 53 34.1N and 5 53.9W. Mean depth 38m. Catch size 468kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 90. Trawl time 14.10. Trawl went to 53 39.4N and 5 42.5W. Mean depth 80m. Catch size 290kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 94. Trawl time 09.59. Trawl went to 53 24.5N and 5 46.9W. Mean depth 58m. Catch size 321kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 93. Trawl time 12.10. Trawl went to 53 31.2N and 5 50.2W. Mean depth 61m. Catch size 291kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 56. Trawl time 13.45. Trawl went to 53 29.9N and 5 37.8W. Mean depth 70m. Catch size 308kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 245. Trawl time 05.45. Trawl went to 53 30.8N and 4 15.2W. Mean depth 44m. Catch size 418kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 102. Trawl time 91.32. Trawl went to 53 46.2N and 4 40.9W. Mean depth 62m. Catch size 278kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 77. Trawl time 12.03. Trawl went to 53 51.3N and 4 40.8W. Mean depth 85m. Catch size 151kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 76. Trawl time 14.36. Trawl went to 54 00.3N and 4 24.2W. Mean depth 44m. Catch size 134kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 243. Trawl time 08.55. Trawl went to 53 47.5N and 4 08.6W. Mean depth 50m. Catch size 301kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 246. Trawl time 12.27. Trawl went to 53 29.1N and 3 46.5W. Mean depth 33m. Catch size 353kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 247. Trawl time 14.28. Trawl went to 53 35.9N and 3 31.0W. Mean depth 29m. Catch size 1059kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 249. Trawl time 05.59. Trawl went to 53 48.9N and 3 43.7W. Mean depth 33m. Catch size 422kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 259. Trawl time 10.41. Trawl went to 54 17.7N and 3 42.6W. Mean depth 37m Catch size 96kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 258. Trawl time 12.40. Trawl went to 54 21.9N and 3 56.6W. Mean depth 38m. Catch size 169kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 257. Trawl time 14.60. Trawl went to 54 26.9N and 3 46.8W. Mean depth 31m. Catch size 248kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 64. Trawl time 05.30. Trawl went to 54 38.3N and 3 45.3W. Mean depth 16m. Catch size 330kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 256. Trawl time 07.26. Trawl went to 54 35.8N and 3 59.4W. Mean depth 30m. Catch size 398kg.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 242. Trawl time 05.54. Trawl went to 54 04.7N and 4 01.1W. Mean depth 36m. Catch size 216kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 250. Trawl time 08.40. Trawl went to 54 06.7N and 3 39.1W. Mean depth 32m. Catch size 216kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 242. Trawl time 05.54. Trawl went to 54 04.7N and 4 01.1W. Mean depth 36m. Catch size 216kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 63. Trawl time 09.36. Trawl went to 54 35.7N and 4 16.2W. Mean depth 58m. Catch size 228kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Cruise to investigate the diets of predatory fish and abundance gadiods. Trawl 35. Trawl time 07.10. Trawl went to 54 44.0N and 5 36.9W. Mean depth 18m. Catch size 1105kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 86. Trawl time 09.31. Trawl went to 54 34.6N and 5 25.4W. Mean depth 40m. Catch size 89kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 83. Trawl time 11.50. Trawl went to 54 20.1N and 5 17.1W. Mean depth 90m. Catch size 91kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 81. Trawl time 14.15. Trawl went to 54 12.7N and 5 24.2W. Mean depth 47m. Catch size 180kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 101. Trawl time 16.15. Trawl went to 54 06.0N and5 18.3W Mean depth 96m. Catch size 70kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 97. Trawl time 05.58. Trawl went to 54 21.0N and 4 55.5W. Mean depth 80m Catch size 519kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 46. Trawl time 08.26. Trawl went to 54 09.2N and 4 55.4W. Mean depth 76m. Catch size 145kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 99. Trawl time 10.14. Trawl went to 54 05.5N and 5 03.6W. Mean depth 76m. Catch size 287kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 48. Trawl time 12.19. Trawl went to 53 58.2N and 4 58.8W. Mean depth 58m. Catch size 131kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 73. Trawl time 05.55. Trawl went to 53 51.6N and 6 5.8W. Mean depth 26m. Catch size 83.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 71. Trawl time 08.00. Trawl went to 53 53.8N and 5 50.9W. Mean depth 40m. Catch size 153kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 70. Trawl time 09.50. Trawl went to 54 02.5N and 5 43.8W. Mean depth 42m. Catch size 1014kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 100. Trawl time 11.02. Trawl went to 54 09.7N and 5 40.5W. Mean depth 29m. Catch size 845kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 17. Trawl time 12.46. Trawl went to 54 04.6N and 5 33.0W. Mean depth 59m. Catch size 252kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 88. Trawl time 15.46. Trawl went to 53 56.6N and 5 40.6W. Mean depth 68m Catch size 161kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 103. Trawl time 05.57. Trawl went to 53 36.3N and 5 22.6W. Mean depth 81m. Catch size 87kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 50. Trawl time 08.11. Trawl went to 53 48.2N and 5 19.6W. Mean depth 83m. Catch size 206kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 216. Trawl time 10.17. Trawl went to 53 57.5N and 5 11.1W. Mean depth 67m. Catch size 77kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 51. Trawl time 12.35. Trawl went to 53 50.4N and 4 57.8W. Mean depth 70m. Catch size 475kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 96. Trawl time 14.50. Trawl went to 53 49.4N and 5 06.4W. Mean depth 65m. Catch size 191kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 105. Trawl time 15.44. Trawl went to 53 42.4N and 5 09.8W. Mean depth 73m. Catch size 266kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 208. Trawl time 05.38. Trawl went to 53 54.8N and 5 45.5W. Mean depth 67m. Catch size 231kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 79. Trawl time 08.07. Trawl went to 53 40.3N and 5 57.9W. Mean depth 33m. Catch size 95kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 75. Trawl time 10.00. Trawl went to 53 38.3N and 5 50.4W. Mean depth 54m. Catch size 184kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 92. Trawl time 11.55. Trawl went to 53 34.1N and 5 53.9W. Mean depth 38m. Catch size 468kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 90. Trawl time 14.10. Trawl went to 53 39.4N and 5 42.5W. Mean depth 80m. Catch size 290kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 94. Trawl time 09.59. Trawl went to 53 24.5N and 5 46.9W. Mean depth 58m. Catch size 321kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 93. Trawl time 12.10. Trawl went to 53 31.2N and 5 50.2W. Mean depth 61m. Catch size 291kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 56. Trawl time 13.45. Trawl went to 53 29.9N and 5 37.8W. Mean depth 70m. Catch size 308kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 245. Trawl time 05.45. Trawl went to 53 30.8N and 4 15.2W. Mean depth 44m. Catch size 418kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 102. Trawl time 91.32. Trawl went to 53 46.2N and 4 40.9W. Mean depth 62m. Catch size 278kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 77. Trawl time 12.03. Trawl went to 53 51.3N and 4 40.8W. Mean depth 85m. Catch size 151kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 76. Trawl time 14.36. Trawl went to 54 00.3N and 4 24.2W. Mean depth 44m. Catch size 134kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 243. Trawl time 08.55. Trawl went to 53 47.5N and 4 08.6W. Mean depth 50m. Catch size 301kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 246. Trawl time 12.27. Trawl went to 53 29.1N and 3 46.5W. Mean depth 33m. Catch size 353kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 247. Trawl time 14.28. Trawl went to 53 35.9N and 3 31.0W. Mean depth 29m. Catch size 1059kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 249. Trawl time 05.59. Trawl went to 53 48.9N and 3 43.7W. Mean depth 33m. Catch size 422kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 259. Trawl time 10.41. Trawl went to 54 17.7N and 3 42.6W. Mean depth 37m Catch size 96kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 258. Trawl time 12.40. Trawl went to 54 21.9N and 3 56.6W. Mean depth 38m. Catch size 169kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 257. Trawl time 14.60. Trawl went to 54 26.9N and 3 46.8W. Mean depth 31m. Catch size 248kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 64. Trawl time 05.30. Trawl went to 54 38.3N and 3 45.3W. Mean depth 16m. Catch size 330kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 256. Trawl time 07.26. Trawl went to 54 35.8N and 3 59.4W. Mean depth 30m. Catch size 398kg.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Trawl 61. Trawl time 11.44. Trawl went to 54 32.7N and 4 34.5W. Mean depth 58m. Catch size aborted.