
RRS Charles Darwin CD121

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RRS Charles Darwin (74AB)
Cruise identifierCD121
Cruise period2000-04-20 — 2000-05-04
Port of departureSouthampton, United Kingdom
Port of returnSouthampton, United Kingdom
ObjectivesThe objective of this cruise was to test a variety of oceanographic instruments under realistic field conditions.
Chief scientistJonathan Michael Campbell (Southampton Oceanography Centre)
Cruise reportRRS Charles Darwin CD121 cruise report cd121.pdf (1.67 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralEnglish Channel
North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Track chartsRRS Charles Darwin CD121 cruise track — cd121track.pdf (0.02 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
CTD stationsQuantity: number of profiles = 1
Description: A CTD dip took place at the test area, with the SUV-6 nitrate sensor attached.
CTD stationsQuantity: number of profiles = 1
Description: A CTD with Nitrate sensor dip was taken.
CTD stationsQuantity: number of profiles = 2
Description: CTD dips were taken to a depth of 40m with FOOTPADS.
Optics (eg underwater light levels)Quantity: activity duration in hours = 2
Description: SUMOSS2 optical spectrometer was deployed to depths of 180m over a 2 hour period.
Other physical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of deployments = 1
Description: The Sonardyne USBL acoustic positioning system head was deployed.
Biology and fisheries 
Gear researchQuantity: number of deployments = 1
Description: MSV was deployed to test the inverted acousic navigation system.
Gear researchQuantity: number of deployments = 2
Description: MPV profiler was deployed.
Gear researchQuantity: number of deployments = 2
Description: SHRIMP was deployed for a pressure test of the tubes.
Geology and geophysics 
Bottom photographyQuantity: number of recoveries = 1
Description: The Brian Bett's mooring was recovered.