
RRS Discovery D257

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RRS Discovery (74E3)
Cruise identifierD257
Cruise period2001-09-21 — 2001-10-09
Port of departureGovan, United Kingdom
Port of returnGovan, United Kingdom
Objectives1. Occupy the Ellett Line (Sound of Mull to Rockall) and deploy moorings at 'F' and 'M'.
2. Work 3 stations within the Clyde Sea - CTD and Rosette, corers and landers ...
3. Work 2 stations either side of Wyville Thomson Ridge about 1100m CTD and Rosette, corers and landers ...
4. Trawl for coral in S. Minch off Mingulay.
5. Deploy 3 ADCP moorings in F/S Channel.
6. Various underway measurements along cruise track.
Chief scientistColin R Griffiths (Scottish Association for Marine Science)
ProjectNorthern Seas and OAERRE Edinburgh
Coordinating bodySAMS/School of Life Sciences, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
Cruise reportRRS Discovery D257 cruise report d257.pdf (1.20 MB)  RRS Discovery D257 cruise report d257stationlog.pdf (0.04 MB)  RRS Discovery D257 cruise report d257summary.pdf (0.02 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificRockall Trough, Clyde Sea, Wyville Thomson Ridge, Sea of the Hebrides
Track chartsRRS Discovery D257 cruise track — d257trk.pdf (0.14 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
BathythermographQuantity: number of profiles = 58
Description: XBT drops with T5 and T7 probes
Water bottle stationsQuantity: number of stations = 26
Description: Rosette pylon - 24 bottles samples taken for salinity, Chl, nutrients, radiochemistry, phytoplankton and oxygen
CTD stationsQuantity: number of profiles = 26
Description: using SBE9/11+ and oxygen, Fl. Trans, L55
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurementsQuantity: track kilometres = 2778
Description: Underway measurements ADCP, T, S, Fl, Trans, Chl
Current profiler (eg ADCP)Quantity: track kilometres = 2778
Description: Underway measurements ADCP, T, S, Fl, Trans, Chl
Chemical oceanography 
OxygenQuantity: number of deployments = 39
Description: NIOZ, multi, mega corers
Total - PQuantity: number of deployments = 39
Description: NIOZ, multi, mega corers
NitrateQuantity: number of deployments = 39
Description: NIOZ, multi, mega corers
Other chemical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of deployments = 39
Description: NIOZ, multi, mega corers
Biology and fisheries 
PhytoplanktonQuantity: number of stations = 26
Description: Vertical plankton net
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of stations = 26
Description: Vertical plankton net
Other biological/fisheries measurementQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Agissez trawl (S. Minch) coral
Routine standard measurementsQuantity: activity duration in days = 18
Description: Synoptic Met reports - voluntary observing ship
Geology and geophysics 
Bottom photographyQuantity: number of deployments = 8
Description: Bedhop camera b/w and colour
Single-beam echosoundingQuantity: track kilometres = 2778
Description: Bathymetry PES
Other geological/geophysical measurementsQuantity: track kilometres = 2778
Description: 3.5 KHz sub bottom profiler
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Physical oceanography 
Current meters57° 31' 59" N  12° 15' 0" W — Deploy 5 RCM's Mooring F
Current meters57° 31' 59" N  10° 22' 59" W — Deploy 6 RCM's mooring M
Current profiler (eg ADCP)60° 12' 59" N  6° 24' 59" W — Deploy WT2 ADCP 75 LR (recovered on Scotia 1501S in October 2001)
Current profiler (eg ADCP)60° 34' 59" N  4° 47' 59" W — Deploy WT3 ADCP 75 LR (recovered on Scotia 1501S trip in October 2001)
Current profiler (eg ADCP)59° 53' 59" N  6° 18' 59" W — Deploy WT1 ADCP 300 (recovered on Scotia 1501S trip in October 2001)
Chemical oceanography 
Oxygen60° 15' 0" N  6° 52' 59" W — SAMS Lander - deployed for about 24 hours
Oxygen59° 42' 59" N  7° 9' 0" W — SAMS Lander - deployed for about 24 hours
Oxygen55° 58' 59" N  4° 52' 59" W — SAMS Lander - deployed for about 24 hours
Oxygen55° 47' 59" N  5° 15' 59" W — SAMS Lander - deployed for about 24 hours
Oxygen55° 13' 59" N  5° 15' 59" W — SAMS Lander - deployed for about 24 hours