Cruise summary report
Cruise Info. | |
Ship name (ship code) | FV Helenus (74OQ) |
Cruise identifier | 2301H |
Cruise period | 2001-12-02 — 2001-12-07 |
Status | Completed |
Port of departure | Fraserburgh, United Kingdom |
Port of return | Fraserburgh, United Kingdom |
Purpose | Research |
Objectives | To collect biological data on the gadoid populations (cod, haddock and whiting) at two geographcally contrasting sites: Inshore - North Minch; Offshore - Butt of Lewis.
This charter is one of a series of surveys in both the North Sea and off the west coast of Scotland. These surveys are to be performed bi-monthly and the collected data will allow:
a) Comparison of inshore and offshore gadoid populations, with respect to size structure, growth, age composition and condition indices;
b) Description of temporal variation in these condition indices; and
c) Development of unbiased bi-monthly growth curves for the target gadoid species.
This project will be conducted as a preliminary exercise to assess the feasibility of using commercial vessels to supplement the collection of biological data on key commercial stocks. |
Chief scientist | Michael Breen (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory) |
Project | Gadoid Survey - West Coast No 1 |
Cruise report | (0.05 MB) |
Ocean/sea areas | |
General | Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W) |
Specific | North Minch (57E50'N 05E55'W) and Butt of Lewis (58E50'N 06E20'W) |
Measurements | |
Biology and fisheries | |
Pelagic fish | Quantity: number of hauls = 8 Description: Trawls. Cod, haddock and whiting measured for length, weight, age, sex, maturity, somatic weight, liver weight and ovarian tissue samples. |