
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets collated by National Center for Marines Sciences

| New query | Found  6 | Show  (1-6) |    

Host Data set name Show
lbCurrent meter observations in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Lebanon during 1981-1983Click to show data set information
lbDistribution of zooplankton in the Lebanese coastal area Click to show data set information
lbMeiofauna along the Lebanese coast Click to show data set information
lbMonitoring Program for Lebanese Coastal Water Click to show data set information
lbPhysio-chemical and biological characteristics of the marine environment around Batroun, North Lebanon (Eastern Mediterranean) Click to show data set information
lbVariability of phytoplankton and microzooplankton populations in the Lebanese coastal waters Click to show data set information

| New query | Found  6 | Show  (1-6) |