
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets originating from University of Coimbra, Marine Sciences Unit (IMAR network)

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Host Data set name Show
ptBiology, dynamics and production of key species in the Mondego Estuary (western coast of Portugal), 1985 onwardsClick to show data set information
ptCharacterization of sediments in the Mondego Estuary (western coast of Portugal), 1988-90 Click to show data set information
gbINlet Dynamics Initiative: Algarve (INDIA) Project Data Set - Inlet dynamics data collected in the Ria Formosa National Park. January - March 1999 Click to show data set information
ptMacrofaunal benthic communities of Mondego Estuary, Portugal (influence of dredging and water circulation), 1985 onwards Click to show data set information
ptPlanktonic communities of the Mondego Estuary (western coast of Portugal), 1988-90 Click to show data set information
ptTaxonomy, distributional ecology and biogeography of amphipod crustaceans along the Portuguese coast (1890 onwards) Click to show data set information
ptTides and hydrodynamic circulation in the Mondego Estuary (western coast of Portugal), 1989-90 Click to show data set information

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