BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS James Clark Ross (74JC) cruise JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents
- Cruise Inventory Information
- A summary of BODC data holdings for the cruise from the
- References - including cruise tracks and cruise reports
Cruise Inventory Information
Long name | RRS James Clark Ross (74JC) cruise JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5) |
Short name | JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5) |
Objectives and Narrative |
JR276 was part of DIMES, "Diapycnal and Isopycnal Mixing Experiment in the Southern Ocean", a joint UK and US project funded by the National Science Foundation in the US and NERC in the UK. The objective of DIMES was "to test and, if necessary, redefine the present paradigm of Southern Ocean mixing by obtaining the first systematic measurements of mixing processes in two contrasting regimes (the SE Pacific and the SW Atlantic) of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC)".
The methods of relevance to this cruise were: (1) the release of an inert chemical tracer, CF3SF5 (tri-fluoromethyl sulphur pentafluoride) in the SE Pacific sector west of Drake Passage and following its dispersion horizontally and laterally as it transits the SE Pacific, Drake passage and the Scotia Sea (2) The use of fine structure and microstructure measurements from Lowered ADCP, CTD and free-falling microstructure probes (3) the release of surface drifters and neutral density floats. This cruise took place about two years after the experiment was initiated by release of tracer and floats in the SE Pacific. Its specific objective was to observe the distribution of tracer and make measurements of turbulence on sections either side of Drake Passage, to quantify the mixing taking place in that region. The western section was along 78°W in the SE Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, from 56.5°S to 64°S. It comprised 38 CTD and water bottle rosette stations, at various spacings but with those between 60° and 62° being very closely spaced, about 1/8 degree. The eastern section was along part of the CLIVAR repeat hydrography SR1 line, from 59°S 55.85W, to 55.14°S 58°W, with 14 CTD /rosette stations, about every 20 nautical miles. Vertical microstructure profiles were also measured on a total 14 of the stations, using a free-falling instrument manufactured by Rockland Scientific. Thirteen surface drifters and six subsurface RAFOS floats were released in clusters at two locations on the cruise track between the two sections, to study the evolution of Lagrangian coherent structures in the velocity field and their role in mixing Underway data (surface TSG, met, ADCP and swath bathymetry) were collected continuously once the vessel had left Chilean waters, just before the first station on the S3 line. |
Ship | RRS James Clark Ross |
Departure Port | Punta Arenas, Chile |
Departure Date | 2011-04-09 |
Arrival Port | Stanley, Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |
Arrival Date | 2011-04-26 |
Principal Scientist(s) | Andrew J Watson (University of East Anglia School of Environmental Sciences) |
Responsible Organisation | British Antarctic Survey |
Associated Project(s) | Diapycnal and Isopycnal Mixing Experiment in the Southern Ocean (DIMES) |
IHB Sea Areas Visited | South West Atlantic Ocean (limit 20W) |
Marsden Squares Visited | 485/486/487/521/522/523 |
Work Area Description | Drake Passage |
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time | |
Work Area Bounding Polygon | |
Southern Limit | unknown |
Northern Limit | unknown |
Western Limit | unknown |
Eastern Limit | unknown |
Cruise Inventory Datasets
Physical oceanography | |
CTD stations |
number of profiles =
Description: CTD data from stations |
Current profiler (eg ADCP) |
track kilometres =
Description: Vessel-mounted ADCP |
Current profiler (eg ADCP) |
number of profiles =
Description: Lowered ADCP |
Geochemical tracers (eg freons) |
number of profiles =
Description: Measurements of released tracer, SF¬6 and CFCs 12 and 13 using samples drawn from water bottles on 24 bottle rosette. |
Neutrally buoyant floats |
number of deployments =
Description: Neutrally buoyant RAFOS floats |
Other physical oceanographic measurements |
number of profiles =
Description: Vertical temperature and velocity microstructure using Rockland Scientific VMP |
Surface drifters/drifting buoys |
number of deployments =
Description: Surface drifters |
Surface measurements underway (T,S) |
track kilometres =
Description: Thermosalinograph |
Chemical oceanography | |
Alkalinity |
number of samples =
Description: Alkalinity/TCO2 samples for later analysis |
Carbon dioxide |
track kilometres =
Description: Continuous underway surface pCO2 |
Meteorology | |
Routine standard measurements |
track kilometres =
Description: Meteorological package (barometer, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, TIR, PAR) |
Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations
No information on datasets is currently available
Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise
National Oceanographic Database
# Series | Instrument Description | Parameters |
1 | Acoustic doppler current profiler |
Date and time Horizontal platform movement Horizontal spatial co-ordinates Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Reference numbers Vertical spatial coordinates |
52 | Acoustic doppler current profiler |
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Metadata parameters Reference numbers Vertical spatial coordinates |
53 | CTD/STD cast |
Density of the water column Reference numbers Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Vertical spatial coordinates |
13 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe |
Reference numbers Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Turbulence in the water column Vertical spatial coordinates |
Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)
Full List
BODC Reference | Instrument Description | Date/Time | Location | |
1088827 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-11 15:44Z to 2011-04-11 17:05Z | 56° 30' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088839 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-13 17:22Z to 2011-04-13 18:12Z | 59° 24' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088840 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-13 21:09Z to 2011-04-13 21:55Z | 59° 36' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088852 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-14 04:20Z to 2011-04-14 05:14Z | 59° 48' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088864 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-14 08:16Z to 2011-04-14 09:09Z | 60° 0' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088876 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-14 11:31Z to 2011-04-14 12:21Z | 60° 7' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088888 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-14 15:15Z to 2011-04-14 16:44Z | 60° 14' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088907 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-15 01:44Z to 2011-04-15 02:23Z | 60° 21' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088919 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-15 04:36Z to 2011-04-15 05:22Z | 60° 28' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088920 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-15 07:31Z to 2011-04-15 08:14Z | 60° 35' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088932 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-15 10:27Z to 2011-04-15 11:10Z | 60° 42' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088944 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-15 13:15Z to 2011-04-15 13:56Z | 60° 49' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088956 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-15 16:01Z to 2011-04-15 16:44Z | 60° 56' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088968 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-15 18:48Z to 2011-04-15 19:30Z | 61° 3' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088981 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-15 21:36Z to 2011-04-15 22:15Z | 61° 10' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1088993 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-16 00:21Z to 2011-04-16 01:03Z | 61° 17' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089007 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-16 03:40Z to 2011-04-16 05:17Z | 61° 24' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089019 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-16 10:28Z to 2011-04-16 11:12Z | 61° 31' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089020 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-16 13:20Z to 2011-04-16 14:02Z | 61° 39' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089032 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-16 16:06Z to 2011-04-16 16:52Z | 61° 45' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089044 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-12 02:07Z to 2011-04-12 02:56Z | 56° 55' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089056 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-16 18:59Z to 2011-04-16 19:38Z | 61° 52' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089068 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-16 21:30Z to 2011-04-16 22:16Z | 62° 0' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089081 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-17 01:27Z to 2011-04-17 02:55Z | 62° 13' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089093 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-17 08:03Z to 2011-04-17 08:47Z | 62° 26' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089100 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-17 11:21Z to 2011-04-17 12:03Z | 62° 40' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089112 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-17 14:45Z to 2011-04-17 15:25Z | 62° 53' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089124 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-17 18:32Z to 2011-04-17 19:58Z | 63° 6' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089136 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-18 01:05Z to 2011-04-18 01:45Z | 63° 19' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089148 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-18 04:13Z to 2011-04-18 04:57Z | 63° 33' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089161 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-18 07:21Z to 2011-04-18 08:03Z | 63° 46' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089173 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-12 07:24Z to 2011-04-12 08:20Z | 57° 19' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089185 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-18 11:15Z to 2011-04-18 12:39Z | 64° 0' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089197 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-21 09:53Z to 2011-04-21 11:07Z | 59° 0' S, 55° 51' W | Click for more |
1089204 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-21 16:07Z to 2011-04-21 17:18Z | 58° 40' S, 56° 3' W | Click for more |
1089216 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-21 22:14Z to 2011-04-21 23:24Z | 58° 21' S, 56° 13' W | Click for more |
1089228 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-22 05:34Z to 2011-04-22 06:47Z | 58° 3' S, 56° 27' W | Click for more |
1089241 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-22 11:31Z to 2011-04-22 12:40Z | 57° 43' S, 56° 38' W | Click for more |
1089253 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-22 17:31Z to 2011-04-22 18:40Z | 57° 25' S, 56° 50' W | Click for more |
1089265 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-23 12:24Z to 2011-04-23 13:49Z | 57° 5' S, 57° 1' W | Click for more |
1089277 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-23 19:18Z to 2011-04-23 20:20Z | 56° 46' S, 57° 13' W | Click for more |
1089289 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-24 03:12Z to 2011-04-24 04:28Z | 56° 28' S, 57° 25' W | Click for more |
1089290 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-12 12:20Z to 2011-04-12 13:48Z | 57° 45' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089308 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-24 07:00Z to 2011-04-24 07:48Z | 56° 28' S, 57° 25' W | Click for more |
1089321 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-24 11:29Z to 2011-04-24 12:36Z | 56° 9' S, 57° 36' W | Click for more |
1089333 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-24 17:00Z to 2011-04-24 18:27Z | 55° 50' S, 57° 48' W | Click for more |
1089345 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-25 00:43Z to 2011-04-25 01:59Z | 55° 31' S, 58° 0' W | Click for more |
1089357 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-25 06:09Z to 2011-04-25 07:09Z | 55° 8' S, 58° 0' W | Click for more |
1089369 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-25 14:29Z to 2011-04-25 15:17Z | 55° 4' S, 57° 58' W | Click for more |
1089370 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-12 19:16Z to 2011-04-12 20:07Z | 58° 10' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089382 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-13 00:24Z to 2011-04-13 01:13Z | 58° 34' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089394 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-13 06:16Z to 2011-04-13 07:54Z | 59° 0' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1089401 | CTD/STD cast | 2011-04-13 13:40Z to 2011-04-13 14:31Z | 59° 12' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1716401 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-22 17:26Z to 2011-04-22 21:34Z | 57° 25' S, 56° 50' W | Click for more |
1716413 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-23 19:06Z to 2011-04-23 23:09Z | 56° 46' S, 57° 13' W | Click for more |
1716425 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-24 03:06Z to 2011-04-24 06:50Z | 56° 28' S, 57° 25' W | Click for more |
1716437 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-24 16:52Z to 2011-04-24 22:12Z | 55° 49' S, 57° 44' W | Click for more |
1716449 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-25 06:02Z to 2011-04-25 13:48Z | 55° 8' S, 58° 0' W | Click for more |
1716450 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-13 06:09Z to 2011-04-13 12:08Z | 59° 0' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1716462 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-14 15:01Z to 2011-04-14 20:47Z | 60° 14' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1716474 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-16 03:37Z to 2011-04-16 09:30Z | 61° 24' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1716486 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-17 01:07Z to 2011-04-17 06:45Z | 62° 13' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1716498 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-17 18:19Z to 2011-04-17 23:38Z | 63° 6' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1716505 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-18 11:15Z to 2011-04-18 15:55Z | 64° 0' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1716517 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-21 09:47Z to 2011-04-21 14:09Z | 59° 0' S, 55° 51' W | Click for more |
1716529 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2011-04-21 21:59Z to 2011-04-22 02:46Z | 58° 22' S, 56° 15' W | Click for more |
1717662 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-11 15:49Z | 56° 30' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717674 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-12 02:13Z | 56° 55' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717686 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-12 07:37Z | 57° 19' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717698 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-12 12:32Z | 57° 45' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717705 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-12 19:23Z | 58° 10' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717717 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-13 00:30Z | 58° 34' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717729 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-13 06:30Z | 59° 0' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717730 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-13 13:47Z | 59° 12' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717742 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-13 21:13Z | 59° 36' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717754 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-14 04:31Z | 59° 48' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717766 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-14 08:26Z | 60° 0' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717778 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-14 11:37Z | 60° 7' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717791 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-14 15:21Z | 60° 14' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717809 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-15 01:48Z | 60° 21' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717810 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-15 04:48Z | 60° 28' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717822 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-15 07:39Z | 60° 35' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717834 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-15 10:35Z | 60° 42' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717846 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-15 13:20Z | 60° 49' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717858 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-15 16:08Z | 60° 56' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717871 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-15 18:54Z | 61° 3' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717883 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-15 21:41Z | 61° 10' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717895 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-16 00:27Z | 61° 17' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717902 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-16 03:52Z | 61° 24' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717914 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-16 10:37Z | 61° 31' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717926 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-16 13:26Z | 61° 39' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717938 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-16 16:16Z | 61° 45' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717951 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-16 19:02Z | 61° 52' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717963 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-16 21:34Z | 62° 0' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717975 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-17 01:31Z | 62° 13' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717987 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-17 08:12Z | 62° 26' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1717999 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-17 11:27Z | 62° 40' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1718002 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-17 14:50Z | 62° 53' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1718014 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-17 18:37Z | 63° 6' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1718026 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-18 01:09Z | 63° 19' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1718038 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-18 04:22Z | 63° 33' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1718051 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-18 07:28Z | 63° 46' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1718063 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-18 11:27Z | 64° 0' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
1718075 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-21 10:02Z | 59° 0' S, 55° 51' W | Click for more |
1718087 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-21 16:13Z | 58° 40' S, 56° 3' W | Click for more |
1718099 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-21 22:18Z | 58° 22' S, 56° 14' W | Click for more |
1718106 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-22 05:40Z | 58° 3' S, 56° 27' W | Click for more |
1718118 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-22 11:40Z | 57° 43' S, 56° 38' W | Click for more |
1718131 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-22 17:39Z | 57° 25' S, 56° 50' W | Click for more |
1718143 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-23 12:32Z | 57° 6' S, 57° 2' W | Click for more |
1718155 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-23 19:21Z | 56° 46' S, 57° 13' W | Click for more |
1718167 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-24 03:20Z | 56° 28' S, 57° 25' W | Click for more |
1718179 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-24 07:08Z | 56° 28' S, 57° 25' W | Click for more |
1718180 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-24 11:34Z | 56° 9' S, 57° 37' W | Click for more |
1718192 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-24 17:06Z | 55° 49' S, 57° 49' W | Click for more |
1718211 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-25 00:47Z | 55° 31' S, 58° 0' W | Click for more |
1718223 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-25 06:18Z | 55° 8' S, 58° 0' W | Click for more |
1718235 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-25 14:39Z | 55° 4' S, 57° 58' W | Click for more |
1813521 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2011-04-11 15:44:18Z to 2011-04-26 10:57:40Z | From 56° 30' S, 78° 0' W to 56° 30' S, 78° 0' W | Click for more |
Project Database
# Events | Gear Type | Parameters Held |
78 | Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply | Salinity of the water column |
53 | CTD frame plus rosette sampler |
Water body released tracers
Chlorofluorocarbon concentrations in the water column |
Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)