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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Discovery cruise DY008


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS Discovery cruise DY008
Short name DY008
Objectives and Narrative The core objective of the cruise was to collect samples and data to understand how the chemistry and biology of the Celtic Sea link together to drive healthy and productive conditions, as well as how those conditions might change with climate change. It is one of a series of cruises in the NERC Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry Programme.
Ship RRS Discovery
Departure Port Southampton, United Kingdom
Departure Date 2014-03-18
Arrival Port Southampton, United Kingdom
Arrival Date 2014-04-13
Principal Scientist(s) Henry Ruhl (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)
Responsible Organisation National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Associated Project(s) Shelf Seas Biogeochemistry
IHB Sea Areas Visited Celtic Sea
Marsden Squares Visited 145;4/181;2
Work Area Description Celtic Sea
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of stations = 14
Description: CTD stations (SBE911plus CTD and auxilliary sensors, titanium frame)  
Current profiler (eg ADCP) Quantity: activity duration in days = 26
Description: Underway measurements from vessel-mounted ADCP (Teledyne RDI Ocean Surveyors 150 kHz)  
Optics (eg underwater light levels) Quantity: number of stations = 14
Description: CTD stations (SBE911plus CTD and auxilliary sensors, titanium frame)  
Surface measurements underway (T,S) Quantity: activity duration in days = 25
Description: Sea surface meteorology and hydrography (intake pipe at ~6 m below sea level, met platform at ~17.6 m above sea level) - salinity bottle samples for calibrations  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: activity duration in days = 25
Description: Sea surface meteorology and hydrography (intake pipe at ~6 m below sea level, met platform at ~17.6 m above sea level) - salinity bottle samples for calibrations  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: number of stations = 14
Description: CTD stations (SBE911plus CTD and auxilliary sensors, titanium frame)  
Water bottle stations Quantity: number of stations = 13
Description: CTD bottles fired for discrete sampling, independent samples for CTD calibrations and incubation bulk water (24 x 10 L OTE trace metal (TMF) niskin bottles, SBE32 carousel) - salinity bottle samples for calibrations  
Chemical oceanography  
Alkalinity Quantity: number of samples = 46
Description: Dissolved (DOC, DON, DOP) and particulate organic matter (POC, PON, POP), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) from CTD bottles and clean seawater pumped supply  
Ammonia Quantity: number of samples = 86
Description: Inorganic nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, silicate, ammonia) from CTD bottles and clean seawater pumped supply  
Carbon dioxide Quantity: activity duration in days = 26
Description: Underway measurements from pCO2 system.  
Nitrate Quantity: activity duration in days = 26
Description: Underway measurements from nitrate sensor (SUV6)  
Nitrate Quantity: number of samples = 86
Description: Inorganic nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, silicate, ammonia) from CTD bottles and clean seawater pumped supply  
Other chemical oceanographic measurements Quantity: number of stations = 10
Description: Chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton lugol's, biogenic silica (PSi) and particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) samples from CTD bottles  
Other chemical oceanographic measurements Quantity: number of samples = 46
Description: Dissolved (DOC, DON, DOP) and particulate organic matter (POC, PON, POP), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) from CTD bottles and clean seawater pumped supply  
Oxygen Quantity: number of stations = 14
Description: CTD stations (SBE911plus CTD and auxilliary sensors, titanium frame)  
Oxygen Quantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Oxygen bottle samples from CTD bottles (Winkler titration)  
Phosphate Quantity: number of samples = 86
Description: Inorganic nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, silicate, ammonia) from CTD bottles and clean seawater pumped supply  
Silicate Quantity: number of stations = 10
Description: Chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton lugol's, biogenic silica (PSi) and particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) samples from CTD bottles  
Silicate Quantity: number of samples = 86
Description: Inorganic nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, silicate, ammonia) from CTD bottles and clean seawater pumped supply  
Trace elements Quantity: number of samples = 60
Description: Iron speciation, form and isotopes (TDM, DM, TDFe, Dfe, Sfe, Pfe, S56Fe, ligands, FeL) from CTD bottles, stand-alone pumping systems (SAPS) and trace metal clean fish  
Suspended matter Quantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples from CTD bottles  
Biology and fisheries  
Benthic bacteria/micro-organisms Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Microbial community structure, microbial biomass and HPLC pigments from NIOZ cores  
Crustaceans Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Macrofauna , meiofauna and megafauna in NIOZ cores and SMBA boxcores  
Dissolved organic matter (inc DOC) Quantity: number of samples = 46
Description: Dissolved (DOC, DON, DOP) and particulate organic matter (POC, PON, POP), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) from CTD bottles and clean seawater pumped supply  
Molluscs Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Macrofauna , meiofauna and megafauna in NIOZ cores and SMBA boxcores  
Particulate organic matter (inc POC, PON) Quantity: number of samples = 46
Description: Dissolved (DOC, DON, DOP) and particulate organic matter (POC, PON, POP), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) from CTD bottles and clean seawater pumped supply  
Phytoplankton Quantity: number of stations = 10
Description: Chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton lugol's, biogenic silica (PSi) and particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) samples from CTD bottles  
Phytoplankton Quantity: number of stations = 5
Description: HPLC pigments from CTD bottles  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Microbial community structure, microbial biomass and HPLC pigments from NIOZ cores  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of stations = 5
Description: HPLC pigments from CTD bottles  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: activity duration in days = 25
Description: Sea surface meteorology and hydrography (intake pipe at ~6 m below sea level, met platform at ~17.6 m above sea level) - salinity bottle samples for calibrations  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of stations = 10
Description: Chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton lugol's, biogenic silica (PSi) and particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) samples from CTD bottles  
Zoobenthos Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Macrofauna , meiofauna and megafauna in NIOZ cores and SMBA boxcores  
Routine standard measurements Quantity: activity duration in days = 25
Description: Sea surface meteorology and hydrography (intake pipe at ~6 m below sea level, met platform at ~17.6 m above sea level) - salinity bottle samples for calibrations  
Geology and geophysics  
Bottom photography Quantity: number of stations = 55
Description: SPI camera surveys for images of sediment cross sections  
Core - soft bottom Quantity: number of cores = 227
Description: Coring for benthic observations and incubations (NIOZ corer, NOC megacorer, SMBA boxcorer)  
Grab Quantity: number of samples = 23
Description: Day grab surveys for ground truthing  
In-situ seafloor measurement/sampling Quantity: number of stations = 5
Description: In-situ benthic sediment resuspension flume experiments  
Multi-beam echosounding Quantity: number of surveys = 2
Description: Swath bathymetry surveys (Konsgberg EM220 multibeam echo sounder)  
Other geological/geophysical measurements Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Oxygen uptake and carbon turnover incubations using megacores and NIOZ cores  
Other geological/geophysical measurements Quantity: number of stations = 3
Description: Oxic water and iron incubations using megacores  
Other geological/geophysical measurements Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Bioturbation and bioirrigation incubations in NIOZ cores  
Other geological/geophysical measurements Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Nutrient (nitrate, silicate, phosphate) and dissolved organic matter (DOC, DOP, DON) analysis from porewaters in NIOZ cores  
Other geological/geophysical measurements Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Nutrient flux incubations using NIOZ cores  
Other geological/geophysical measurements Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Sediment resuspension mini-flume incubations using NIOZ cores  
Other geological/geophysical measurements Quantity: number of stations = 3
Description: Iron speciation, form and isotopes in porewaters of megacores  
Other geological/geophysical measurements Quantity: number of stations = 3
Description: Pulse-chase isotopic tracer (13C/15N) experiments using NIOZ cores  
Other geological/geophysical measurements Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: DET probes in NIOZ cores  
Other geological/geophysical measurements Quantity: number of stations = 4
Other geological/geophysical measurements Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Nitrogen cycling incubations using NIOZ cores  
Other geological/geophysical measurements Quantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Oxygen profiles in megacores  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

Latitude Longitude Data type Description
51° 11' N 6° 8' W Bottom photography Autosub6000 (Benthic A), - deployed 08/04/2014, recovered 08/04/2014. Recovered early
51° 5' N 6° 34' W Bottom photography Autosub6000 (Benthic G) - deployed 08/04/2014, recovered 08/04/2014
50° 31' N 7° 1' W Bottom photography Autosub6000 (Benthic H) - deployed 10/04/2014, recovered 10/04/2014
50° 36' N 7° 6' W Bottom photography Autosub6000 (Benthic I) - deployed 11/04/2014, recovered 11/04/2014
51° 4' N 6° 34' W Bottom photography Mini stable lander (Benthic G) - deployed 31/03/2014, recovered 07/04/2014
51° 11' N 6° 8' W Crustaceans Autosub6000 (Benthic A), - deployed 08/04/2014, recovered 08/04/2014. Recovered early
51° 5' N 6° 34' W Crustaceans Autosub6000 (Benthic G) - deployed 08/04/2014, recovered 08/04/2014
50° 31' N 7° 1' W Crustaceans Autosub6000 (Benthic H) - deployed 10/04/2014, recovered 10/04/2014
50° 36' N 7° 6' W Crustaceans Autosub6000 (Benthic I) - deployed 11/04/2014, recovered 11/04/2014
49° 24' N 8° 36' W Current profiler (eg ADCP) ADCP bedframe (Candyfloss) - deployed 26/03/2014
49° 24' N 8° 36' W Current profiler (eg ADCP) ADCP mooring (Candyfloss) - deployed 27/03/2014
51° 13' N 6° 8' W Current profiler (eg ADCP) Autosub6000 (Benthic A) - deployed 06/04/2014, recovered 06/04/2014
51° 6' N 6° 34' W Current profiler (eg ADCP) Autosub6000 (Benthic G) - deployed 04/04/2014, recovered 04/04/2014
51° 4' N 6° 34' W Current profiler (eg ADCP) Mini stable lander (Benthic G) - deployed 31/03/2014, recovered 07/04/2014
51° 11' N 6° 8' W Demersal fish Autosub6000 (Benthic A), - deployed 08/04/2014, recovered 08/04/2014. Recovered early
51° 5' N 6° 34' W Demersal fish Autosub6000 (Benthic G) - deployed 08/04/2014, recovered 08/04/2014
50° 31' N 7° 1' W Demersal fish Autosub6000 (Benthic H) - deployed 10/04/2014, recovered 10/04/2014
50° 36' N 7° 6' W Demersal fish Autosub6000 (Benthic I) - deployed 11/04/2014, recovered 11/04/2014
51° 13' N 6° 8' W In-situ seafloor measurement/sampling Autosub6000 (Benthic A) - deployed 06/04/2014, recovered 06/04/2014
51° 11' N 6° 8' W In-situ seafloor measurement/sampling Autosub6000 (Benthic A), - deployed 08/04/2014, recovered 08/04/2014. Recovered early
51° 6' N 6° 34' W In-situ seafloor measurement/sampling Autosub6000 (Benthic G) - deployed 04/04/2014, recovered 04/04/2014
51° 5' N 6° 34' W In-situ seafloor measurement/sampling Autosub6000 (Benthic G) - deployed 08/04/2014, recovered 08/04/2014
50° 31' N 7° 1' W In-situ seafloor measurement/sampling Autosub6000 (Benthic H) - deployed 10/04/2014, recovered 10/04/2014
50° 36' N 7° 6' W In-situ seafloor measurement/sampling Autosub6000 (Benthic I) - deployed 11/04/2014, recovered 11/04/2014
51° 7' N 6° 9' W In-situ seafloor measurement/sampling CEFAS mini lander (East of Celtic Deep) - deployed 21/03/2014
50° 36' N 7° 1' W In-situ seafloor measurement/sampling CEFAS mini lander (East of Haig Frais) - deployed 22/03/2014
51° 2' N 6° 36' W In-situ seafloor measurement/sampling CEFAS mini lander (Nymph Bank) - deployed 22/03/2014
51° 4' N 6° 34' W In-situ seafloor measurement/sampling Mini stable lander (Benthic G) - deployed 31/03/2014, recovered 07/04/2014
49° 24' N 8° 36' W Instrumented wave measurements ODAS buoy (Candyfloss) - deployed 27/03/2014
50° 36' N 7° 6' W Long/short range side scan sonar Autosub6000 (Benthic I) - deployed 11/04/2014, recovered 11/04/2014
51° 11' N 6° 8' W Molluscs Autosub6000 (Benthic A), - deployed 08/04/2014, recovered 08/04/2014. Recovered early
51° 5' N 6° 34' W Molluscs Autosub6000 (Benthic G) - deployed 08/04/2014, recovered 08/04/2014
50° 31' N 7° 1' W Molluscs Autosub6000 (Benthic H) - deployed 10/04/2014, recovered 10/04/2014
50° 36' N 7° 6' W Molluscs Autosub6000 (Benthic I) - deployed 11/04/2014, recovered 11/04/2014
51° 13' N 6° 8' W Multi-beam echosounding Autosub6000 (Benthic A) - deployed 06/04/2014, recovered 06/04/2014
51° 6' N 6° 34' W Multi-beam echosounding Autosub6000 (Benthic G) - deployed 04/04/2014, recovered 04/04/2014
50° 36' N 7° 6' W Multi-beam echosounding Autosub6000 (Benthic I) - deployed 11/04/2014, recovered 11/04/2014
51° 4' N 6° 34' W Nitrate Mini stable lander (Benthic G) - deployed 31/03/2014, recovered 07/04/2014
51° 7' N 6° 9' W Optics (eg underwater light levels) CEFAS mini lander (East of Celtic Deep) - deployed 21/03/2014
50° 36' N 7° 1' W Optics (eg underwater light levels) CEFAS mini lander (East of Haig Frais) - deployed 22/03/2014
51° 2' N 6° 36' W Optics (eg underwater light levels) CEFAS mini lander (Nymph Bank) - deployed 22/03/2014
49° 24' N 8° 36' W Optics (eg underwater light levels) CEFAS smart buoy (Candyfloss) - deployed 27/03/2014
51° 8' N 6° 34' W Optics (eg underwater light levels) CEFAS smart buoy (Celtic Deep) - deployed 23/03/2014
51° 8' N 6° 34' W Optics (eg underwater light levels) CEFAS smart buoy (Celtic Deep) - recovered 23/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Optics (eg underwater light levels) Seaglider, Eltanin SG550 (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Optics (eg underwater light levels) Seaglider, Fomalhault SG525 (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 31' W Optics (eg underwater light levels) Slocum glider Stella 43b (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Optics (eg underwater light levels) Slocum glider, Raleigh 399 (near shelf break) - deployed 28/03/2014
49° 24' N 8° 36' W Other physical oceanographic measurements ADCP bedframe (Candyfloss) - deployed 26/03/2014
51° 7' N 6° 9' W Other physical oceanographic measurements CEFAS mini lander (East of Celtic Deep) - deployed 21/03/2014
50° 36' N 7° 1' W Other physical oceanographic measurements CEFAS mini lander (East of Haig Frais) - deployed 22/03/2014
51° 2' N 6° 36' W Other physical oceanographic measurements CEFAS mini lander (Nymph Bank) - deployed 22/03/2014
49° 24' N 8° 36' W Other physical oceanographic measurements CEFAS smart buoy (Candyfloss) - deployed 27/03/2014
51° 8' N 6° 34' W Other physical oceanographic measurements CEFAS smart buoy (Celtic Deep) - deployed 23/03/2014
51° 8' N 6° 34' W Other physical oceanographic measurements CEFAS smart buoy (Celtic Deep) - recovered 23/03/2014
51° 4' N 6° 34' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Mini stable lander (Benthic G) - deployed 31/03/2014, recovered 07/04/2014
49° 24' N 8° 36' W Other physical oceanographic measurements ODAS buoy (Candyfloss) - deployed 27/03/2014
49° 24' N 8° 36' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Temperature chain (Candyfloss) - deployed 26/03/2014
51° 7' N 6° 9' W Oxygen CEFAS mini lander (East of Celtic Deep) - deployed 21/03/2014
50° 36' N 7° 1' W Oxygen CEFAS mini lander (East of Haig Frais) - deployed 22/03/2014
51° 2' N 6° 36' W Oxygen CEFAS mini lander (Nymph Bank) - deployed 22/03/2014
49° 24' N 8° 36' W Oxygen CEFAS smart buoy (Candyfloss) - deployed 27/03/2014
51° 8' N 6° 34' W Oxygen CEFAS smart buoy (Celtic Deep) - deployed 23/03/2014
51° 8' N 6° 34' W Oxygen CEFAS smart buoy (Celtic Deep) - recovered 23/03/2014
51° 4' N 6° 34' W Oxygen Mini stable lander (Benthic G) - deployed 31/03/2014, recovered 07/04/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Oxygen Seaglider, Eltanin SG550 (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Oxygen Seaglider, Fomalhault SG525 (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 31' W Oxygen Slocum glider Stella 43b (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Oxygen Slocum glider, Raleigh 399 (near shelf break) - deployed 28/03/2014
51° 7' N 6° 9' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) CEFAS mini lander (East of Celtic Deep) - deployed 21/03/2014
51° 2' N 6° 36' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) CEFAS mini lander (Nymph Bank) - deployed 22/03/2014
49° 24' N 8° 36' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) CEFAS smart buoy (Candyfloss) - deployed 27/03/2014
51° 8' N 6° 34' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) CEFAS smart buoy (Celtic Deep) - deployed 23/03/2014
51° 8' N 6° 34' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) CEFAS smart buoy (Celtic Deep) - recovered 23/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Seaglider, Eltanin SG550 (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Seaglider, Fomalhault SG525 (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 31' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Slocum glider Stella 43b (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Slocum glider, Raleigh 399 (near shelf break) - deployed 28/03/2014
49° 24' N 8° 36' W Routine standard measurements ODAS buoy (Candyfloss) - deployed 27/03/2014
50° 36' N 7° 1' W Seston CEFAS mini lander (East of Haig Frais) - deployed 22/03/2014
51° 13' N 6° 8' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Autosub6000 (Benthic A) - deployed 06/04/2014, recovered 06/04/2014
51° 11' N 6° 8' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Autosub6000 (Benthic A), - deployed 08/04/2014, recovered 08/04/2014. Recovered early
51° 6' N 6° 34' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Autosub6000 (Benthic G) - deployed 04/04/2014, recovered 04/04/2014
51° 5' N 6° 34' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Autosub6000 (Benthic G) - deployed 08/04/2014, recovered 08/04/2014
50° 31' N 7° 1' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Autosub6000 (Benthic H) - deployed 10/04/2014, recovered 10/04/2014
50° 36' N 7° 6' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Autosub6000 (Benthic I) - deployed 11/04/2014, recovered 11/04/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Seaglider, Eltanin SG550 (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Seaglider, Fomalhault SG525 (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 31' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Slocum glider Stella 43b (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Slocum glider, Raleigh 399 (near shelf break) - deployed 28/03/2014
51° 4' N 6° 34' W Suspended matter Mini stable lander (Benthic G) - deployed 31/03/2014, recovered 07/04/2014
51° 13' N 6° 8' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) Autosub6000 (Benthic A) - deployed 06/04/2014, recovered 06/04/2014
51° 6' N 6° 34' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) Autosub6000 (Benthic G) - deployed 04/04/2014, recovered 04/04/2014
51° 7' N 6° 9' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) CEFAS mini lander (East of Celtic Deep) - deployed 21/03/2014
50° 36' N 7° 1' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) CEFAS mini lander (East of Haig Frais) - deployed 22/03/2014
51° 2' N 6° 36' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) CEFAS mini lander (Nymph Bank) - deployed 22/03/2014
49° 24' N 8° 36' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) CEFAS smart buoy (Candyfloss) - deployed 27/03/2014
51° 8' N 6° 34' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) CEFAS smart buoy (Celtic Deep) - deployed 23/03/2014
51° 8' N 6° 34' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) CEFAS smart buoy (Celtic Deep) - recovered 23/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) Seaglider, Eltanin SG550 (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) Seaglider, Fomalhault SG525 (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 31' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) Slocum glider Stella 43b (shelf break area) - deployed 28/03/2014
48° 34' N 9° 30' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) Slocum glider, Raleigh 399 (near shelf break) - deployed 28/03/2014

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
1 Acoustic doppler current profiler Date and time
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Reference numbers
Sea level
Vertical spatial coordinates
Vertical velocity of the water column (currents)
13 Bottle station Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
7 Bottle station Dissolved metal concentrations in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
7 Bottle station Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
12 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Optical backscatter
Reference numbers
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
2 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Optical backscatter
Reference numbers
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
1 Meteorological data logger Air pressure
Air temperature
Atmospheric humidity
Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Solar Radiation
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere
Wind strength and direction
8 Moored CTD Date and time
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Moored instrument depth
Reference numbers
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
15 Moored CTD Date and time
Moored instrument depth
Reference numbers
Temperature of the water column
1 Multiple instrument types Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Date and time
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Metadata parameters
Raw fluorometer output
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
2 Pumped water sample Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
1 Pumped water sample Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column
Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column
1 Single-beam echosounder Bathymetry and Elevation
Date and time
Horizontal platform movement
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Platform or instrument orientation
4 Thermistor chain Date and time
Reference numbers
Temperature of the water column
2 Thermistor chain Date and time
Moored instrument depth
Reference numbers
Temperature of the water column

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
1336606 Bottle station 2014-03-21 16:05Z 51° 7' N, 6° 10' W Click for more
1336618 Bottle station 2014-03-22 12:07Z 51° 2' N, 6° 36' W Click for more
1336631 Bottle station 2014-03-22 21:04Z 50° 36' N, 7° 1' W Click for more
1336643 Bottle station 2014-03-23 08:51Z 51° 7' N, 6° 33' W Click for more
1336655 Bottle station 2014-03-23 16:23Z 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1336667 Bottle station 2014-03-23 18:41Z 51° 12' N, 6° 8' W Click for more
1336679 Bottle station 2014-03-25 07:25Z 50° 30' N, 7° 3' W Click for more
1336680 Bottle station 2014-03-25 13:36Z 51° 12' N, 6° 8' W Click for more
1336692 Bottle station 2014-03-27 19:44Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1336711 Bottle station 2014-03-28 15:55Z 48° 34' N, 9° 30' W Click for more
1336723 Bottle station 2014-03-31 19:06Z 51° 12' N, 6° 8' W Click for more
1336735 Bottle station 2014-04-02 17:43Z 51° 4' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1336747 Bottle station 2014-04-04 11:51Z 51° 4' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1371468 CTD/STD cast 2014-03-21 15:18Z 51° 7' N, 6° 10' W Click for more
1371481 CTD/STD cast 2014-03-21 15:56Z 51° 7' N, 6° 10' W Click for more
1371493 CTD/STD cast 2014-03-22 12:02Z 51° 2' N, 6° 36' W Click for more
1371500 CTD/STD cast 2014-03-22 21:02Z 50° 36' N, 7° 1' W Click for more
1371512 CTD/STD cast 2014-03-23 08:51Z 51° 7' N, 6° 33' W Click for more
1371524 CTD/STD cast 2014-03-23 16:22Z 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1371536 CTD/STD cast 2014-03-23 18:43Z 51° 12' N, 6° 8' W Click for more
1371548 CTD/STD cast 2014-03-25 07:23Z 50° 30' N, 7° 3' W Click for more
1371561 CTD/STD cast 2014-03-25 13:31Z 51° 12' N, 6° 8' W Click for more
1371573 CTD/STD cast 2014-03-27 19:38Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1371585 CTD/STD cast 2014-03-28 15:49Z 48° 34' N, 9° 30' W Click for more
1371597 CTD/STD cast 2014-03-31 19:00Z 51° 12' N, 6° 8' W Click for more
1371604 CTD/STD cast 2014-04-02 17:42Z 51° 4' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1371616 CTD/STD cast 2014-04-04 11:47Z 51° 4' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1748476 Pumped water sample 2014-04-12 00:58Z to 2014-04-12 15:27Z 49° 39' N to 50° 26' N; 7° 14' W to 4° 24' W Click for more
1748974 Pumped water sample 2014-03-21 16:30Z to 2014-04-10 16:17Z 49° 24' N to 51° 14' N; 8° 36' W to 6° 0' W Click for more
1848207 Single-beam echosounder 2014-03-18 12:00Z to 2014-04-12 17:34Z 48° 31' N to 51° 15' N; 9° 33' W to 1° 17' W Click for more
1848219 Meteorological data logger 2014-03-18 12:00Z to 2014-04-12 17:34Z 48° 31' N to 51° 15' N; 9° 33' W to 1° 17' W Click for more
1848220 Multiple instrument types 2014-03-18 12:00Z to 2014-04-12 17:34Z 48° 31' N to 51° 15' N; 9° 33' W to 1° 17' W Click for more
1891623 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 22:20Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1891635 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 21:50Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1891647 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 21:25Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1891659 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 22:40Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1891660 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 22:30Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1891672 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 20:55Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1891684 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 21:10Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1891881 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 14:00Z to 2014-06-21 17:39Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1891893 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 14:00Z to 2014-06-05 05:20Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1891900 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 14:00Z to 2014-06-21 16:25Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1891912 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 14:00Z to 2014-06-21 18:55Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1892104 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 17:00Z to 2014-06-19 18:55Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1892116 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 14:00Z to 2014-06-21 15:00Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1892128 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 14:00Z to 2014-06-21 09:50Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1892141 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 14:00Z to 2014-06-21 13:45Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1892325 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 19:55Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1892337 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 20:05Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1892349 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 20:25Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1892350 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 20:50Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1892362 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 20:45Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1892374 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 20:20Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1892386 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 20:30Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1892398 Moored CTD 2014-03-26 00:00Z to 2014-06-21 20:35Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
1905571 Thermistor chain 2014-03-23 15:45Z to 2014-06-17 13:45Z 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1905583 Thermistor chain 2014-03-23 15:45Z to 2014-06-17 13:45Z 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1905638 Thermistor chain 2014-03-23 15:44Z to 2014-06-17 13:44Z 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1905651 Thermistor chain 2014-03-23 15:44Z to 2014-06-17 13:44Z 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1905663 Thermistor chain 2014-03-23 15:44Z to 2014-06-17 13:44Z 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1905675 Thermistor chain 2014-03-23 15:44Z to 2014-06-17 13:44Z 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1965722 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2014-03-26 19:30Z to 2014-05-12 10:25Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
2117481 Pumped water sample 2014-03-23 12:40Z to 2014-04-10 16:15Z 49° 24' N to 51° 14' N; 8° 36' W to 6° 7' W Click for more
2117493 Bottle station 2014-03-21 16:04Z 51° 7' N, 6° 10' W Click for more
2117500 Bottle station 2014-03-22 12:06Z 51° 2' N, 6° 36' W Click for more
2117512 Bottle station 2014-03-25 07:24Z 50° 30' N, 7° 3' W Click for more
2117524 Bottle station 2014-03-25 13:35Z 51° 12' N, 6° 8' W Click for more
2117536 Bottle station 2014-03-27 19:44Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
2117548 Bottle station 2014-03-28 15:55Z 48° 34' N, 9° 30' W Click for more
2117561 Bottle station 2014-04-04 11:50Z 51° 4' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
2119057 Bottle station 2014-03-21 16:04Z 51° 7' N, 6° 10' W Click for more
2119069 Bottle station 2014-03-22 12:06Z 51° 2' N, 6° 36' W Click for more
2119070 Bottle station 2014-03-25 07:24Z 50° 30' N, 7° 3' W Click for more
2119082 Bottle station 2014-03-25 13:35Z 51° 12' N, 6° 8' W Click for more
2119094 Bottle station 2014-03-27 19:44Z 49° 24' N, 8° 36' W Click for more
2119101 Bottle station 2014-03-28 15:55Z 48° 34' N, 9° 30' W Click for more
2119113 Bottle station 2014-04-04 11:50Z 51° 4' N, 6° 34' W Click for more

Project Database

# Events Gear Type Parameters Held
4 Multicorer
223 Box core Insect and earthworm taxonomy-related abundance per unit area of the bed
Zoobenthos taxonomic abundance
Zoobenthos taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bed
4 Stand-alone pumps
74 No parameter data available
5 Bottom Lander
30 All plastic clean surface pumped supply Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
9 Instrument mooring
54 Day grab
142 Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column

Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column
11 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle deployment

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)


Track Charts

No track charts currently available


Cruise Report