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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Challenger (74CH) cruise CH125A


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS Challenger (74CH) cruise CH125A
Short name CH125A
Objectives and Narrative Recovery and redeployment of the mooring array.
After these mooring deployment, searches and attempted recoveries, including dragging, will be made for 'lost' moorings. The highest priorities are:
1) The BPRs deployed at S1500 on Charles Darwin 91 and at N1500 on Charles Darwin 93.
2) Two S200 moorings (deployed on Charles Darwin 93 and Challenger 121A) located acoustically at 56 15'N 9 10.08'W, with ranges of 1.9 and 2.5km.
3) The S140 mooring deployed on Charles Darwin 93 located acoustically at the N140 site.
Seabed photographs will be taken near the STABLE S200 site with a bed-hopping camera.
Ship RRS Challenger
Departure Port Ardrossan, United Kingdom
Departure Date 1996-01-31
Arrival Port Ardrossan, United Kingdom
Arrival Date 1996-02-12
Principal Scientist(s) M John Howarth (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Responsible Organisation Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory
Associated Project(s) LOIS - SES
IHB Sea Areas Visited Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland, North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Marsden Squares Visited 181;4
Work Area Description
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of profiles = 43
Current meters Quantity: number of stations = 9
Description: 15 cms deployed  
Current profiler (eg ADCP) Quantity: activity duration in days = 12
Description: shipborne ADCP  
Surface measurements underway (T,S) Quantity: activity duration in days = 12
Description: underway thermosalinograph, fluorometer and transmissometer  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: activity duration in days = 12
Description: underway thermosalinograph, fluorometer and transmissometer  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: number of profiles = 43
Description: transmissometer on CTD  
Water bottle stations Quantity: number of profiles = 43
Description: at least 2 water bottles on each CTD cast  
Biology and fisheries  
Other biological/fisheries measurement Quantity: number of image series = 14
Description: 150 to 300 photographs per film at 15 second intervals for marine snow  
Particulate organic matter (inc POC, PON) Quantity: number of samples = 52
Description: POC determinations from samples from 5 CTD casts to a minimum depth of 1508m  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of profiles = 43
Description: fluorometer on CTD  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of samples = 121
Description: 83 sub-surface and 38 surface samples for chlorophyll determination  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: activity duration in days = 12
Description: underway thermosalinograph, fluorometer and transmissometer  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

Latitude Longitude Data type Description
56° 37' N 9° 1' W Current meters CC1, CM, transmissometer (H16), thermistor chain (H72) depl. in 228m water
56° 37' N 9° 1' W Current meters CC2, CM, transmissometer (H16), thermistor chain (H72) depl. in 335m water
56° 43' N 8° 58' W Current meters CC3, CM, transmissometer (H16), thermistor chain (H72) depl. in 234m water
56° 43' N 9° 25' W Current meters N1500, 2 sediment traps (B73), CM/transmissometer (H16) rec./redepl.
56° 37' N 9° 1' W Current meters N300, sub-surface mooring, 3 CMs deployed in 303m water
56° 28' N 8° 58' W Current meters S140, 2 CMs and 1 transmissometer (H16) deployed in 146m water
56° 28' N 9° 3' W Current meters S200, STABLE sea bed frame (D09, D72) deployed in 204m water
56° 28' N 9° 4' W Current meters S300, 3 CMs, bottom CM fitted with transmissometer (H16) depl. in 298m water
56° 28' N 9° 10' W Current meters S700, 3 CMs, lowest plus transmissometer (H16), 3 thermistor chains (H72)
56° 28' N 8° 58' W Current profiler (eg ADCP) S140, pop-up ADCP and bottom pressure recorder (D09) recovered/redeployed
56° 27' N 9° 4' W Current profiler (eg ADCP) S400, pop-up ADCP deployed in 400m water
56° 36' N 8° 55' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) N140, bottom pressure recorder recovered/redeployed in 137m water
56° 28' N 8° 58' W Transparency (eg transmissometer) S140, surface mooring with transmissometer and fluorometer (B02) deployed

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
2 Acoustic doppler current profiler Date and time
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Metadata parameters
Vertical spatial coordinates
Vertical velocity of the water column (currents)
42 Bottle station Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
2 Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge Date and time
Sea level
Temperature of the water column
7 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
40 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
1 Fluorometers Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Date and time
Raw fluorometer output
2 Paddle wheel current meter Date and time
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Moored instrument depth
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
5 Paddle wheel current meter Date and time
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Moored instrument depth
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
1 Pumped water sample Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
1 Savonius rotor current meter Date and time
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Platform or instrument orientation
Sea level
Temperature of the water column
3 Thermistor chain Date and time
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
1 Transmissometer Date and time
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
1 Water temperature and/or salinity monitor Date and time
Temperature of the water column

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
436204 Paddle wheel current meter 1996-02-05 18:15Z to 1996-04-17 16:45Z 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
436228 Paddle wheel current meter 1996-02-01 09:45Z to 1996-04-17 09:45Z 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
436253 Paddle wheel current meter 1996-02-03 15:30Z to 1996-02-18 19:30Z 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
436265 Paddle wheel current meter 1996-02-03 15:30Z to 1996-02-18 19:30Z 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
436277 Paddle wheel current meter 1996-02-05 17:45Z to 1996-04-17 16:45Z 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
439380 Paddle wheel current meter 1996-02-01 09:45Z to 1996-04-17 10:15Z 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
439392 Paddle wheel current meter 1996-02-06 21:30Z to 1996-04-21 17:30Z 56° 43' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
442406 Thermistor chain 1996-02-05 18:00Z to 1996-04-17 17:30Z 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
442431 Thermistor chain 1996-02-05 18:00Z to 1996-04-17 17:30Z 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
442443 Thermistor chain 1996-02-05 18:00Z to 1996-04-17 17:30Z 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
442719 Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge 1996-02-01 11:50Z to 1996-04-19 18:10Z 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
442720 Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge 1996-02-02 16:00Z to 1996-04-23 07:15Z 56° 36' N, 8° 55' W Click for more
444425 Savonius rotor current meter 1996-02-01 08:17Z to 1996-02-21 08:46Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
476138 Fluorometers 1996-02-01 16:02Z to 1996-04-15 17:02Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
477234 Water temperature and/or salinity monitor 1996-02-03 09:20Z to 1996-05-17 13:00Z 56° 36' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
489769 Acoustic doppler current profiler 1996-02-01 11:55Z to 1996-04-19 17:54Z 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
489770 Acoustic doppler current profiler 1996-02-05 20:15Z to 1996-02-22 12:35Z 56° 27' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
491909 Transmissometer 1996-02-01 13:17Z to 1996-03-16 18:46Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
855937 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-01 11:11Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
855949 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-01 18:01Z 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
855950 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-01 19:23Z 56° 27' N, 8° 59' W Click for more
855962 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-01 20:12Z 56° 28' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
855974 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-01 22:32Z 56° 28' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
855986 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-01 23:55Z 56° 28' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
855998 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-02 03:12Z 56° 28' N, 9° 13' W Click for more
856001 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-02 04:45Z 56° 27' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
856013 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-02 22:15Z 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W Click for more
856025 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-03 01:31Z 56° 28' N, 9° 36' W Click for more
856037 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-03 03:06Z 56° 28' N, 9° 30' W Click for more
856049 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-03 17:20Z 56° 36' N, 8° 55' W Click for more
856050 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-03 19:13Z 56° 37' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
856062 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-03 21:33Z 56° 37' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
856074 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-03 22:31Z 56° 37' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
856086 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-04 01:38Z 56° 39' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
856098 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-04 03:08Z 56° 39' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
856105 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-05 21:50Z 56° 30' N, 8° 59' W Click for more
856117 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-05 22:34Z 56° 30' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
856129 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-06 23:31Z 56° 42' N, 9° 19' W Click for more
856130 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-07 05:11Z 56° 31' N, 9° 10' W Click for more
856142 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-07 06:22Z 56° 30' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
856154 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-10 19:36Z 56° 42' N, 8° 59' W Click for more
856166 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-10 21:21Z 56° 33' N, 8° 55' W Click for more
856178 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-10 22:09Z 56° 33' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
856191 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-10 22:49Z 56° 33' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
856209 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-10 23:52Z 56° 34' N, 9° 7' W Click for more
856210 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-11 00:55Z 56° 34' N, 9° 10' W Click for more
856222 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-11 02:14Z 56° 36' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
856234 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-11 04:15Z 56° 37' N, 9° 28' W Click for more
856246 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-03 18:23Z 56° 36' N, 8° 56' W Click for more
856258 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-04 00:34Z 56° 38' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
856271 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-04 04:48Z 56° 40' N, 9° 12' W Click for more
856283 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-06 21:27Z 56° 42' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
856295 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-01 07:22Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
856302 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-01 18:38Z 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
856314 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-01 21:17Z 56° 28' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
856326 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-02 01:09Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
856338 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-03 00:47Z 56° 28' N, 9° 35' W Click for more
856351 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-03 04:39Z 56° 27' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
856363 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-03 19:50Z 56° 36' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
856375 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-03 23:30Z 56° 38' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
856387 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-07 01:03Z 56° 40' N, 9° 15' W Click for more
856399 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-07 07:12Z 56° 30' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
856406 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-03 20:37Z 56° 36' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
856418 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-07 03:28Z 56° 31' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
856431 CTD/STD cast 1996-02-05 21:05Z 56° 30' N, 8° 55' W Click for more
1651330 Pumped water sample 1996-02-01 07:01Z to 1996-02-11 04:58Z 55° 36' N to 56° 43' N; 9° 39' W to 5° 49' W Click for more
1678840 Bottle station 1996-02-01 07:36Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1678852 Bottle station 1996-02-02 03:36Z 56° 28' N, 9° 13' W Click for more
1678864 Bottle station 1996-02-02 05:18Z 56° 27' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
1678876 Bottle station 1996-02-02 23:06Z 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W Click for more
1678888 Bottle station 1996-02-03 02:03Z 56° 28' N, 9° 36' W Click for more
1678907 Bottle station 1996-02-03 03:35Z 56° 28' N, 9° 30' W Click for more
1678919 Bottle station 1996-02-03 05:09Z 56° 27' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
1678920 Bottle station 1996-02-03 18:33Z 56° 36' N, 8° 56' W Click for more
1678932 Bottle station 1996-02-03 19:19Z 56° 37' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1678944 Bottle station 1996-02-03 20:01Z 56° 36' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1678956 Bottle station 1996-02-03 20:45Z 56° 36' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
1678968 Bottle station 1996-02-03 21:45Z 56° 37' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1678981 Bottle station 1996-02-03 22:44Z 56° 37' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1678993 Bottle station 1996-02-03 23:49Z 56° 38' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1679007 Bottle station 1996-02-04 00:49Z 56° 38' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1679019 Bottle station 1996-02-04 02:00Z 56° 39' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1679020 Bottle station 1996-02-04 03:30Z 56° 39' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1679032 Bottle station 1996-02-04 05:16Z 56° 40' N, 9° 12' W Click for more
1679044 Bottle station 1996-02-05 21:11Z 56° 30' N, 8° 55' W Click for more
1679056 Bottle station 1996-02-05 21:56Z 56° 30' N, 8° 59' W Click for more
1679068 Bottle station 1996-02-05 22:36Z 56° 30' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1679081 Bottle station 1996-02-06 22:09Z 56° 42' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
1679093 Bottle station 1996-02-06 23:58Z 56° 42' N, 9° 19' W Click for more
1679100 Bottle station 1996-02-07 01:29Z 56° 40' N, 9° 15' W Click for more
1679112 Bottle station 1996-02-07 03:54Z 56° 31' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
1679124 Bottle station 1996-02-07 05:30Z 56° 31' N, 9° 10' W Click for more
1679136 Bottle station 1996-02-07 06:33Z 56° 30' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1679148 Bottle station 1996-02-07 07:20Z 56° 30' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1679161 Bottle station 1996-02-01 18:46Z 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
1679173 Bottle station 1996-02-10 19:46Z 56° 42' N, 8° 59' W Click for more
1679185 Bottle station 1996-02-10 21:26Z 56° 33' N, 8° 55' W Click for more
1679197 Bottle station 1996-02-10 22:13Z 56° 33' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1679204 Bottle station 1996-02-10 22:56Z 56° 33' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
1679216 Bottle station 1996-02-11 00:06Z 56° 34' N, 9° 7' W Click for more
1679228 Bottle station 1996-02-11 01:11Z 56° 34' N, 9° 10' W Click for more
1679241 Bottle station 1996-02-11 02:38Z 56° 36' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
1679253 Bottle station 1996-02-11 04:46Z 56° 37' N, 9° 28' W Click for more
1679265 Bottle station 1996-02-01 19:31Z 56° 27' N, 8° 59' W Click for more
1679277 Bottle station 1996-02-01 20:24Z 56° 28' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1679289 Bottle station 1996-02-01 21:32Z 56° 28' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1679290 Bottle station 1996-02-01 22:49Z 56° 28' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1679308 Bottle station 1996-02-02 00:10Z 56° 28' N, 9° 6' W Click for more

Project Database

# Events Gear Type Parameters Held
48 Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply Salinity of the water column

Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
3243 Shipborne Acoustic Doppler Current Profile
13 Instrument mooring Concentration of silicon species in suspended particulate material
Other physical and chemical properties of suspended particulate material
Carbon concentrations in suspended particulate material
Sedimentation flux of carbon, nitrogen or organic matter in the water column

Nitrogen concentrations in suspended particulate material
Sedimentation flux quantification in the water column
Sedimentation flux of non-metallic inorganic species in the water column
47 CTD frame plus rosette sampler Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
Density of the water column
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)


Track Charts

Track Chart


Cruise Report