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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Discovery (74E3) cruise D321B


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS Discovery (74E3) cruise D321B
Short name D321B
Objectives and Narrative The cruise achieved objectives were:
1. Standard oceanographic and nutrients section from Iceland to Scotland (the Extended Ellett Line)
2. Serendipitous biological and other chemical observations along the same line
3. Turn-round of long term current meter mooring on Wyville Thomson Ridge
4. Observations of internal waves and turbulence just north of the Wyville Thomson Ridge using short term moorings, CTDs and a microstructure probe

On leaving Reykjavik, Discovery worked most of the Extended Ellett Line stations (with the exceptions of stations from the middle of the Iceland Basin to Rockall which were undertaken on D321) from Iceland to Scotland with only one day down time due to bad weather. We then headed north to the Wyville Thomson Ridge where first an ADCP mooring was turned round, and subsequently microstructure and internal waves were observed. The ship then sailed for Fairlie. The weather was largely fair, and there were no major failures of equipment although the quality of the CTD data are questioned, and original plan to sample zooplankton was abandoned.
Ship RRS Discovery
Departure Port Reykjavík, Iceland
Departure Date 2007-08-24
Arrival Port Fairlie, United Kingdom
Arrival Date 2007-09-09
Principal Scientist(s) Toby J Sherwin (Scottish Association for Marine Science)
Responsible Organisation Scottish Association for Marine Science
Associated Project(s) Oceans 2025
IHB Sea Areas Visited North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Marsden Squares Visited 181/182/217/218/219
Work Area Description Iceland Basin; Rockall Plateau; Rockall Trough; Scotland Shelf; Wyville Thomson Ridge
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of profiles = 54
Description: Seabird 911plus: 2 × Seabird 3P temperature sensors; 2 × Seabird 4C conductivity sensors; Digiquartz pressure sensor; Seabird 43 DO sensor; Chelsea MKIII Aquatracka fluorometer; Chelsea MkII Aquatracka transmissometer; upward and downward looking 300 kHz Lowered ADCPs; stainless frame  
CTD stations Quantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: Seabird 911plus: Seabird 3P temperature sensors; Seabird 4C conductivity sensors; Digiquartz pressure sensor; Seabird 43 DO sensor; Chelsea MKIII Aquatracka fluorometer; Chelsea MkII Aquatracka transmissometer; titanium frame  
Other physical oceanographic measurements Quantity: number of profiles = 102
Description: Sea and Sun Technology microstructure profiler  
Other physical oceanographic measurements Quantity: number of profiles = 1
Description: Sippican T-7 XBT  
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Quantity: track kilometres = 3000
Description: 75 kHz and 150 kHz ship mounted ADCP (continuous)  
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Quantity: track kilometres = 3000
Description: Temperature, conductivity, transmissometer, fluorometer (continuous)  
Water bottle stations Quantity: number of deployments = 61
Description: 24 bottle carousel  
Chemical oceanography  
Ammonia Quantity: number of profiles = 51
Description: Phosphate, Nitrate, Ammonia, Silicate (analysed on board with a Lachat Quik Chem 8000 flow injection autoanalyser)  
Nitrate Quantity: number of profiles = 51
Description: Phosphate, Nitrate, Ammonia, Silicate (analysed on board with a Lachat Quik Chem 8000 flow injection autoanalyser)  
Oxygen Quantity: number of samples = 54
Description: Winkler titrations for calibrating the CTD DO sensors  
Phosphate Quantity: number of profiles = 51
Description: Phosphate, Nitrate, Ammonia, Silicate (analysed on board with a Lachat Quik Chem 8000 flow injection autoanalyser)  
Silicate Quantity: number of profiles = 51
Description: Phosphate, Nitrate, Ammonia, Silicate (analysed on board with a Lachat Quik Chem 8000 flow injection autoanalyser)  
Trace elements Quantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: Dissolved iron, iron speciation, total iron. To be analysed at NOCS  
Biology and fisheries  
Biochemical measurements (eg lipids, amino acids) Quantity: number of samples = 3
Description: Heme. To be analysed at NOCS  
Biochemical measurements (eg lipids, amino acids) Quantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: Sampling for viruses, DNA and RNA. To be analysed at NOCS  
Biochemical measurements (eg lipids, amino acids) Quantity: number of profiles = 13
Description: DNA analysis To be analysed back at NOCS  
Biochemical measurements (eg lipids, amino acids) Quantity: number of samples = 6
Description: Sampling for viruses, DNA and RNA. To be analysed at NOCS  
Particulate organic matter (inc POC, PON) Quantity: number of profiles = 51
Description: Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen. To be analysed at SAMS  
Pelagic bacteria/micro-organisms Quantity: number of profiles = 21
Description: Flow cytometric analysis using a Becton Dickinson FACSCalibur flow cytometer and a Tecan Miniprep 60 liquid handling robot  
Pelagic bacteria/micro-organisms Quantity: number of profiles = 15
Description: Bacterial isolations from seawater samples  
Pelagic bacteria/micro-organisms Quantity: number of samples = 14
Description: CTG FASTtracka FRRf  
Phytoplankton Quantity: number of profiles = 17
Description: Phytoplankton samples. To be analysed at SAMS  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of samples = 40
Description: Total chlorophyll measurements  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of profiles = 24
Description: HPLC. Analysis for pigments to take place at NOCS  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of samples = 150
Description: Microscopy and Flow Cytometry  
Primary productivity Quantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: Phytoplankton uptake measurements. Analysis to take place at NOCS  
Primary productivity Quantity: number of profiles = 10
Description: Photosynthetic picoeukaryote ecology samples (DNA / RNA) for FISH. To be analysed at the University of Warwick  
Primary productivity Quantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: Nutrient addition bioassay experiment  
Routine standard measurements Quantity: track kilometres = 3000
Description: Port and starboard PAR and TIR; atmospheric temperature and humidity; wind speed and direction; barometric pressure (continuous)  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

Latitude Longitude Data type Description
60° 15' N 9° 0' W Current profiler (eg ADCP) Deployed upward looking ADCP on the seabed in 1300 m
60° 15' N 8° 54' W Current profiler (eg ADCP) Recovered upward looking ADCP on the seabed in 1200 m
60° 1' N 6° 27' W Subsurface temperature measurements Deployed and recovered thermistor chain with 41 minilogs set between 300 and 700 m depth
60° 34' N 8° 17' W Subsurface temperature measurements Deployed and recovered thermistor chain with 41 minilogs set between 300 and 700 m depth

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
1 Acoustic doppler current profiler Acoustic backscatter in the water column
Date and time
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Metadata parameters
Platform or instrument orientation
Reference numbers
Sea level
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Vertical velocity of the water column (currents)
32 Acoustic doppler current profiler Acoustic backscatter in the water column
Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Metadata parameters
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
Vertical velocity of the water column (currents)
42 Bottle station Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
61 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Reference numbers
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
1 Fluorometers Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Reference numbers
Variable fluorescence parameters
96 Turbulence energy dissipation probe Reference numbers
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Turbulence in the water column
Vertical platform movement
Vertical spatial coordinates

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
847243 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-25 02:10Z to 2007-08-25 02:15Z 63° 19' N, 20° 13' W Click for more
847255 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-25 22:30Z to 2007-08-25 22:46Z 63° 13' N, 20° 4' W Click for more
847267 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-26 01:09Z to 2007-08-26 01:32Z 63° 8' N, 19° 54' W Click for more
847279 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-26 04:49Z to 2007-08-26 05:18Z 62° 55' N, 19° 33' W Click for more
847280 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-26 08:26Z to 2007-08-26 08:59Z 62° 40' N, 19° 39' W Click for more
847292 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-26 13:00Z to 2007-08-26 13:34Z 62° 19' N, 19° 50' W Click for more
847311 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-26 17:06Z to 2007-08-26 17:46Z 62° 0' N, 20° 0' W Click for more
847323 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-27 03:44Z to 2007-08-27 03:48Z 61° 6' N, 19° 31' W Click for more
847335 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-27 19:39Z to 2007-08-27 20:04Z 58° 52' N, 16° 59' W Click for more
847347 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-28 01:04Z to 2007-08-28 01:29Z 58° 30' N, 16° 0' W Click for more
847359 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-28 05:26Z to 2007-08-28 05:40Z 58° 15' N, 15° 20' W Click for more
847360 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-28 13:07Z to 2007-08-28 13:13Z 57° 39' N, 13° 54' W Click for more
847372 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-28 15:01Z to 2007-08-28 15:06Z 57° 34' N, 13° 38' W Click for more
847384 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-28 17:17Z to 2007-08-28 17:25Z 57° 34' N, 13° 19' W Click for more
847396 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-28 19:14Z to 2007-08-28 19:25Z 57° 33' N, 13° 0' W Click for more
847403 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-28 20:48Z to 2007-08-28 21:13Z 57° 32' N, 12° 52' W Click for more
847415 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-29 02:26Z to 2007-08-29 03:01Z 57° 30' N, 12° 15' W Click for more
847427 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-29 05:36Z to 2007-08-29 06:14Z 57° 29' N, 11° 51' W Click for more
847439 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-29 11:31Z to 2007-08-29 11:50Z 57° 28' N, 11° 19' W Click for more
847440 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-29 13:53Z to 2007-08-29 14:07Z 57° 27' N, 11° 5' W Click for more
847452 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-29 16:35Z to 2007-08-29 16:55Z 57° 24' N, 10° 52' W Click for more
847464 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-29 22:23Z to 2007-08-29 23:04Z 57° 18' N, 10° 22' W Click for more
847476 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-30 02:26Z to 2007-08-30 03:07Z 57° 13' N, 10° 3' W Click for more
847488 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-30 10:03Z to 2007-08-30 10:32Z 57° 6' N, 9° 25' W Click for more
847507 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-30 12:35Z to 2007-08-30 12:46Z 57° 3' N, 9° 13' W Click for more
847519 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-30 14:39Z to 2007-08-30 14:45Z 57° 0' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
847520 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-30 16:19Z to 2007-08-30 16:26Z 56° 57' N, 8° 46' W Click for more
847532 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-30 18:01Z to 2007-08-30 18:07Z 56° 52' N, 8° 30' W Click for more
847544 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-30 19:24Z to 2007-08-30 19:30Z 56° 49' N, 8° 19' W Click for more
847556 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-30 20:52Z to 2007-08-30 20:55Z 56° 48' N, 8° 10' W Click for more
847568 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-30 22:11Z to 2007-08-30 22:16Z 56° 46' N, 8° 0' W Click for more
847581 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-31 03:02Z to 2007-08-31 03:05Z 56° 48' N, 7° 30' W Click for more
847593 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-31 04:58Z to 2007-08-31 05:05Z 56° 48' N, 7° 21' W Click for more
847600 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-31 06:43Z to 2007-08-31 06:49Z 56° 48' N, 7° 10' W Click for more
847612 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-31 08:19Z to 2007-08-31 08:23Z 56° 44' N, 7° 0' W Click for more
847624 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-31 09:54Z to 2007-08-31 09:56Z 56° 43' N, 6° 45' W Click for more
847636 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-31 10:52Z to 2007-08-31 10:54Z 56° 43' N, 6° 36' W Click for more
847648 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-31 12:08Z to 2007-08-31 12:11Z 56° 43' N, 6° 27' W Click for more
847661 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-31 14:30Z to 2007-08-31 14:37Z 56° 40' N, 6° 7' W Click for more
847673 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-02 15:12Z to 2007-09-02 15:44Z 60° 15' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
847685 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-02 22:31Z to 2007-09-02 22:48Z 60° 33' N, 8° 11' W Click for more
847697 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-03 03:34Z to 2007-09-03 03:51Z 60° 36' N, 8° 17' W Click for more
847704 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-03 04:13Z to 2007-09-03 04:29Z 60° 36' N, 8° 17' W Click for more
847716 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-04 17:39Z to 2007-09-04 18:07Z 60° 34' N, 7° 28' W Click for more
847728 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-05 00:40Z to 2007-09-05 01:00Z 60° 23' N, 7° 15' W Click for more
847741 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-05 08:32Z to 2007-09-05 08:55Z 60° 15' N, 6° 50' W Click for more
847753 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-07 01:58Z to 2007-09-07 02:23Z 60° 10' N, 6° 9' W Click for more
847765 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-07 04:20Z to 2007-09-07 04:50Z 60° 7' N, 6° 16' W Click for more
847777 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-07 06:23Z to 2007-09-07 06:46Z 60° 4' N, 6° 22' W Click for more
847789 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-07 08:13Z to 2007-09-07 08:32Z 60° 1' N, 6° 25' W Click for more
847790 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-07 11:03Z to 2007-09-07 11:13Z 60° 1' N, 6° 30' W Click for more
847808 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-07 12:27Z to 2007-09-07 12:36Z 59° 58' N, 6° 37' W Click for more
847821 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-07 13:46Z to 2007-09-07 13:58Z 59° 55' N, 6° 43' W Click for more
847833 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-07 15:43Z to 2007-09-07 16:06Z 59° 49' N, 6° 57' W Click for more
847845 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-26 22:17Z to 2007-08-26 23:00Z 61° 30' N, 20° 0' W Click for more
847857 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-28 09:29Z to 2007-08-28 09:41Z 57° 57' N, 14° 34' W Click for more
847869 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-28 22:55Z to 2007-08-28 23:27Z 57° 31' N, 12° 37' W Click for more
847870 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-29 08:43Z to 2007-08-29 09:19Z 57° 28' N, 11° 31' W Click for more
847882 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-29 18:55Z to 2007-08-29 19:38Z 57° 22' N, 10° 40' W Click for more
847894 CTD/STD cast 2007-08-30 06:53Z to 2007-08-30 07:34Z 57° 9' N, 9° 42' W Click for more
847901 CTD/STD cast 2007-09-04 08:08Z to 2007-09-04 08:28Z 60° 36' N, 8° 7' W Click for more
974580 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-24 14:37:15Z to 2007-08-25 11:39:18Z From 64° 7' N, 22° 40' W to 63° 10' N, 20° 6' W Click for more
974592 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-25 11:40:21Z to 2007-08-25 14:38:23Z From 63° 10' N, 20° 6' W to 63° 12' N, 20° 8' W Click for more
974611 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-26 11:48:14Z to 2007-08-26 15:24:16Z From 62° 29' N, 19° 45' W to 62° 15' N, 19° 55' W Click for more
974623 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-26 15:28:29Z to 2007-08-26 15:34:29Z From 62° 14' N, 19° 55' W to 62° 13' N, 19° 55' W Click for more
974635 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-26 15:41:03Z to 2007-08-26 15:43:04Z From 62° 12' N, 19° 55' W to 62° 12' N, 19° 55' W Click for more
974647 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-26 15:45:21Z to 2007-08-27 11:55:22Z From 62° 11' N, 19° 55' W to 60° 0' N, 18° 16' W Click for more
974659 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-27 11:56:10Z to 2007-08-28 12:00:12Z From 60° 0' N, 18° 16' W to 57° 45' N, 14° 7' W Click for more
974660 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-28 12:00:36Z to 2007-08-29 11:58:37Z From 57° 45' N, 14° 7' W to 57° 27' N, 11° 19' W Click for more
974672 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-29 11:59:18Z to 2007-08-30 12:09:20Z From 57° 27' N, 11° 19' W to 57° 3' N, 9° 15' W Click for more
974684 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-30 12:10:14Z to 2007-08-31 12:22:16Z From 57° 3' N, 9° 15' W to 56° 43' N, 6° 27' W Click for more
974696 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-31 12:22:47Z to 2007-09-01 12:16:49Z From 56° 43' N, 6° 27' W to 59° 16' N, 7° 15' W Click for more
974703 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-01 12:18:03Z to 2007-09-02 15:10:05Z From 59° 16' N, 7° 15' W to 60° 15' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
974715 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-02 15:10:59Z to 2007-09-03 11:55:00Z From 60° 15' N, 9° 0' W to 60° 36' N, 8° 19' W Click for more
974727 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-03 12:00:23Z to 2007-09-04 12:00:26Z From 60° 36' N, 8° 19' W to 60° 34' N, 8° 17' W Click for more
974739 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-04 12:01:36Z to 2007-09-05 17:13:36Z From 60° 34' N, 8° 17' W to 60° 4' N, 6° 14' W Click for more
974740 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-05 17:14:00Z to 2007-09-06 11:50:00Z From 60° 4' N, 6° 14' W to 60° 3' N, 6° 28' W Click for more
974752 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-06 11:50:24Z to 2007-09-07 11:52:24Z From 60° 3' N, 6° 28' W to 60° 0' N, 6° 33' W Click for more
974764 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-07 11:52:48Z to 2007-09-08 10:26:50Z From 60° 0' N, 6° 33' W to 57° 6' N, 7° 0' W Click for more
1014484 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-02 17:45Z to 2008-05-18 07:00Z 60° 15' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1015463 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-24 16:01:30Z to 2007-08-25 11:34:08Z From 64° 1' N, 22° 57' W to 63° 10' N, 20° 7' W Click for more
1015475 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-25 11:36:09Z to 2007-08-26 11:57:04Z From 63° 10' N, 20° 7' W to 62° 27' N, 19° 46' W Click for more
1015487 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-26 11:59:00Z to 2007-08-27 11:59:52Z From 62° 27' N, 19° 46' W to 60° 0' N, 18° 15' W Click for more
1015499 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-27 12:01:53Z to 2007-08-28 12:00:40Z From 60° 0' N, 18° 15' W to 57° 45' N, 14° 8' W Click for more
1015506 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-28 12:02:40Z to 2007-08-29 12:01:32Z From 57° 45' N, 14° 7' W to 57° 27' N, 11° 19' W Click for more
1015518 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-29 12:03:33Z to 2007-08-30 12:02:37Z From 57° 27' N, 11° 19' W to 57° 4' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
1015531 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-30 12:04:37Z to 2007-08-31 12:03:02Z From 57° 4' N, 9° 16' W to 56° 43' N, 6° 27' W Click for more
1015543 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-08-31 12:05:03Z to 2007-09-01 12:03:58Z From 56° 43' N, 6° 27' W to 59° 15' N, 7° 12' W Click for more
1015555 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-01 12:05:57Z to 2007-09-03 12:05:38Z From 59° 15' N, 7° 13' W to 60° 36' N, 8° 19' W Click for more
1015567 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-03 12:07:38Z to 2007-09-04 12:06:28Z From 60° 36' N, 8° 19' W to 60° 34' N, 8° 17' W Click for more
1015579 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-04 12:08:28Z to 2007-09-05 12:07:16Z From 60° 34' N, 8° 17' W to 60° 13' N, 6° 39' W Click for more
1015580 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-05 12:09:17Z to 2007-09-06 12:08:06Z From 60° 13' N, 6° 39' W to 60° 3' N, 6° 28' W Click for more
1015592 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-06 12:10:05Z to 2007-09-07 12:08:58Z From 60° 3' N, 6° 28' W to 59° 59' N, 6° 34' W Click for more
1015611 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2007-09-07 12:10:58Z to 2007-09-08 10:47:46Z From 59° 58' N, 6° 36' W to 57° 2' N, 7° 0' W Click for more
1043427 Fluorometers 2007-08-24 17:59Z to 2007-09-07 14:59Z 56° 40' N to 63° 45' N; 22° 43' W to 6° 0' W Click for more
1080099 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 05:41Z to 2007-09-03 05:55Z 60° 34' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1080106 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 06:09Z to 2007-09-03 06:23Z 60° 34' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1080118 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 06:37Z to 2007-09-03 06:51Z 60° 34' N, 8° 16' W Click for more
1080131 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 07:10Z to 2007-09-03 07:25Z 60° 34' N, 8° 16' W Click for more
1080143 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 07:40Z to 2007-09-03 07:55Z 60° 35' N, 8° 16' W Click for more
1080155 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 08:11Z to 2007-09-03 08:24Z 60° 35' N, 8° 17' W Click for more
1080167 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 08:42Z to 2007-09-03 08:54Z 60° 35' N, 8° 17' W Click for more
1080179 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 09:09Z to 2007-09-03 09:22Z 60° 35' N, 8° 18' W Click for more
1080180 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 09:58Z to 2007-09-03 10:13Z 60° 35' N, 8° 18' W Click for more
1080192 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 10:29Z to 2007-09-03 10:44Z 60° 35' N, 8° 18' W Click for more
1080211 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 10:58Z to 2007-09-03 11:13Z 60° 35' N, 8° 18' W Click for more
1080223 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 11:49Z to 2007-09-03 12:02Z 60° 36' N, 8° 19' W Click for more
1080235 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 12:17Z to 2007-09-03 12:30Z 60° 36' N, 8° 19' W Click for more
1080247 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 12:50Z to 2007-09-03 13:06Z 60° 36' N, 8° 19' W Click for more
1080259 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 14:35Z to 2007-09-03 14:51Z 60° 35' N, 8° 16' W Click for more
1080260 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 15:05Z to 2007-09-03 15:22Z 60° 35' N, 8° 16' W Click for more
1080272 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 15:39Z to 2007-09-03 15:55Z 60° 36' N, 8° 16' W Click for more
1080284 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 16:11Z to 2007-09-03 16:27Z 60° 36' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1080296 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 16:42Z to 2007-09-03 16:58Z 60° 36' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1080303 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 17:14Z to 2007-09-03 17:29Z 60° 36' N, 8° 13' W Click for more
1080315 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 17:49Z to 2007-09-03 18:05Z 60° 36' N, 8° 13' W Click for more
1080327 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 18:21Z to 2007-09-03 18:36Z 60° 36' N, 8° 12' W Click for more
1080339 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 18:52Z to 2007-09-03 19:07Z 60° 35' N, 8° 11' W Click for more
1080340 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 19:22Z to 2007-09-03 19:37Z 60° 35' N, 8° 11' W Click for more
1080352 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 20:02Z to 2007-09-03 20:16Z 60° 35' N, 8° 11' W Click for more
1080364 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 20:38Z to 2007-09-03 20:52Z 60° 34' N, 8° 12' W Click for more
1080376 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 21:12Z to 2007-09-03 21:25Z 60° 34' N, 8° 12' W Click for more
1080388 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 22:22Z to 2007-09-03 22:34Z 60° 35' N, 8° 14' W Click for more
1080407 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 22:53Z to 2007-09-03 23:06Z 60° 35' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1080419 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-03 23:34Z to 2007-09-03 23:47Z 60° 36' N, 8° 16' W Click for more
1080420 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 00:03Z to 2007-09-04 00:17Z 60° 36' N, 8° 16' W Click for more
1080432 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 00:32Z to 2007-09-04 00:46Z 60° 36' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1080444 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 01:06Z to 2007-09-04 01:21Z 60° 37' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1080456 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 01:39Z to 2007-09-04 01:54Z 60° 37' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1080468 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 02:15Z to 2007-09-04 02:30Z 60° 37' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1080481 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 02:50Z to 2007-09-04 03:05Z 60° 37' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1080493 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 03:23Z to 2007-09-04 03:38Z 60° 37' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1080500 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 03:57Z to 2007-09-04 04:12Z 60° 37' N, 8° 14' W Click for more
1080512 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 04:31Z to 2007-09-04 04:46Z 60° 38' N, 8° 13' W Click for more
1080524 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 05:08Z to 2007-09-04 05:23Z 60° 38' N, 8° 13' W Click for more
1080536 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 05:45Z to 2007-09-04 06:00Z 60° 38' N, 8° 12' W Click for more
1080548 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 06:25Z to 2007-09-04 06:38Z 60° 37' N, 8° 10' W Click for more
1080561 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 19:38Z to 2007-09-04 19:52Z 60° 28' N, 7° 24' W Click for more
1080573 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 20:12Z to 2007-09-04 20:25Z 60° 27' N, 7° 23' W Click for more
1080585 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 20:50Z to 2007-09-04 21:03Z 60° 26' N, 7° 22' W Click for more
1080597 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 21:26Z to 2007-09-04 21:38Z 60° 25' N, 7° 23' W Click for more
1080604 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 22:07Z to 2007-09-04 22:20Z 60° 24' N, 7° 25' W Click for more
1080616 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-04 22:39Z to 2007-09-04 22:51Z 60° 24' N, 7° 27' W Click for more
1080628 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 03:13Z to 2007-09-05 03:28Z 60° 19' N, 7° 3' W Click for more
1080641 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 03:47Z to 2007-09-05 04:03Z 60° 19' N, 7° 3' W Click for more
1080653 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 04:35Z to 2007-09-05 04:48Z 60° 20' N, 7° 3' W Click for more
1080665 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 05:03Z to 2007-09-05 05:17Z 60° 20' N, 7° 3' W Click for more
1080677 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 05:33Z to 2007-09-05 05:47Z 60° 20' N, 7° 3' W Click for more
1080689 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 06:10Z to 2007-09-05 06:26Z 60° 20' N, 7° 3' W Click for more
1080690 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 10:51Z to 2007-09-05 11:07Z 60° 13' N, 6° 37' W Click for more
1080708 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 11:24Z to 2007-09-05 11:39Z 60° 13' N, 6° 38' W Click for more
1080721 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 12:01Z to 2007-09-05 12:16Z 60° 13' N, 6° 39' W Click for more
1080733 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 12:37Z to 2007-09-05 12:53Z 60° 13' N, 6° 39' W Click for more
1080745 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 13:16Z to 2007-09-05 13:32Z 60° 13' N, 6° 39' W Click for more
1080757 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 13:55Z to 2007-09-05 14:11Z 60° 14' N, 6° 39' W Click for more
1080769 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 21:36Z to 2007-09-05 21:52Z 60° 1' N, 6° 23' W Click for more
1080770 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 22:08Z to 2007-09-05 22:25Z 60° 1' N, 6° 23' W Click for more
1080782 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 22:45Z to 2007-09-05 23:00Z 60° 1' N, 6° 24' W Click for more
1080794 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 23:16Z to 2007-09-05 23:31Z 60° 1' N, 6° 24' W Click for more
1080801 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-05 23:52Z to 2007-09-06 00:06Z 60° 2' N, 6° 25' W Click for more
1080813 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 00:37Z to 2007-09-06 00:51Z 60° 2' N, 6° 27' W Click for more
1080825 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 01:12Z to 2007-09-06 01:28Z 60° 3' N, 6° 28' W Click for more
1080837 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 01:58Z to 2007-09-06 02:12Z 60° 3' N, 6° 29' W Click for more
1080849 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 02:35Z to 2007-09-06 02:51Z 60° 4' N, 6° 30' W Click for more
1080850 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 05:18Z to 2007-09-06 05:32Z 60° 1' N, 6° 22' W Click for more
1080862 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 05:53Z to 2007-09-06 06:09Z 60° 1' N, 6° 22' W Click for more
1080874 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 06:25Z to 2007-09-06 06:40Z 60° 1' N, 6° 23' W Click for more
1080886 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 07:02Z to 2007-09-06 07:20Z 60° 1' N, 6° 24' W Click for more
1080898 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 07:39Z to 2007-09-06 07:55Z 60° 1' N, 6° 24' W Click for more
1080905 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 08:12Z to 2007-09-06 08:30Z 60° 2' N, 6° 24' W Click for more
1080917 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 08:45Z to 2007-09-06 09:04Z 60° 2' N, 6° 24' W Click for more
1080929 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 09:21Z to 2007-09-06 09:39Z 60° 2' N, 6° 25' W Click for more
1080930 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 09:56Z to 2007-09-06 10:14Z 60° 2' N, 6° 25' W Click for more
1080942 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 10:35Z to 2007-09-06 10:52Z 60° 2' N, 6° 26' W Click for more
1080954 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 11:10Z to 2007-09-06 11:28Z 60° 2' N, 6° 27' W Click for more
1080966 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 11:49Z to 2007-09-06 12:04Z 60° 3' N, 6° 28' W Click for more
1080978 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 12:25Z to 2007-09-06 12:41Z 60° 3' N, 6° 28' W Click for more
1080991 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 13:08Z to 2007-09-06 13:24Z 60° 3' N, 6° 30' W Click for more
1081005 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 13:45Z to 2007-09-06 14:01Z 60° 4' N, 6° 30' W Click for more
1081017 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 15:30Z to 2007-09-06 15:45Z 60° 1' N, 6° 22' W Click for more
1081029 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 16:06Z to 2007-09-06 16:18Z 60° 1' N, 6° 24' W Click for more
1081030 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 16:36Z to 2007-09-06 16:51Z 60° 2' N, 6° 24' W Click for more
1081042 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 17:11Z to 2007-09-06 17:25Z 60° 2' N, 6° 25' W Click for more
1081054 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 17:44Z to 2007-09-06 18:00Z 60° 2' N, 6° 25' W Click for more
1081066 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 18:20Z to 2007-09-06 18:36Z 60° 3' N, 6° 26' W Click for more
1081078 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 18:56Z to 2007-09-06 19:10Z 60° 3' N, 6° 26' W Click for more
1081091 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 19:32Z to 2007-09-06 19:46Z 60° 3' N, 6° 27' W Click for more
1081109 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 20:47Z to 2007-09-06 21:03Z 60° 3' N, 6° 28' W Click for more
1081110 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 21:26Z to 2007-09-06 21:43Z 60° 3' N, 6° 29' W Click for more
1081122 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 21:59Z to 2007-09-06 22:16Z 60° 3' N, 6° 30' W Click for more
1081134 Turbulence energy dissipation probe 2007-09-06 23:19Z to 2007-09-06 23:35Z 60° 3' N, 6° 32' W Click for more
1348539 Bottle station 2007-08-25 02:21Z 63° 19' N, 20° 12' W Click for more
1348540 Bottle station 2007-08-25 22:59Z 63° 13' N, 20° 4' W Click for more
1348552 Bottle station 2007-08-26 01:41Z 63° 8' N, 19° 54' W Click for more
1348564 Bottle station 2007-08-26 05:29Z 62° 55' N, 19° 33' W Click for more
1348576 Bottle station 2007-08-26 09:12Z 62° 40' N, 19° 39' W Click for more
1348588 Bottle station 2007-08-26 13:45Z 62° 19' N, 19° 51' W Click for more
1348607 Bottle station 2007-08-26 23:16Z 61° 30' N, 20° 0' W Click for more
1348619 Bottle station 2007-08-27 03:53Z 61° 6' N, 19° 31' W Click for more
1348620 Bottle station 2007-08-27 20:17Z 58° 52' N, 17° 0' W Click for more
1348632 Bottle station 2007-08-28 01:37Z 58° 30' N, 16° 0' W Click for more
1348644 Bottle station 2007-08-28 05:50Z 58° 15' N, 15° 20' W Click for more
1348656 Bottle station 2007-08-28 09:50Z 57° 57' N, 14° 34' W Click for more
1348668 Bottle station 2007-08-28 15:14Z 57° 34' N, 13° 38' W Click for more
1348681 Bottle station 2007-08-28 19:34Z 57° 33' N, 13° 0' W Click for more
1348693 Bottle station 2007-08-28 21:18Z 57° 32' N, 12° 52' W Click for more
1348700 Bottle station 2007-08-28 23:38Z 57° 31' N, 12° 37' W Click for more
1348712 Bottle station 2007-08-29 03:11Z 57° 30' N, 12° 15' W Click for more
1348724 Bottle station 2007-08-29 06:27Z 57° 29' N, 11° 51' W Click for more
1348736 Bottle station 2007-08-29 09:35Z 57° 28' N, 11° 31' W Click for more
1348748 Bottle station 2007-08-29 11:56Z 57° 27' N, 11° 19' W Click for more
1348761 Bottle station 2007-08-29 14:12Z 57° 27' N, 11° 6' W Click for more
1348773 Bottle station 2007-08-29 17:04Z 57° 24' N, 10° 52' W Click for more
1348785 Bottle station 2007-08-29 19:50Z 57° 22' N, 10° 40' W Click for more
1348797 Bottle station 2007-08-29 23:27Z 57° 18' N, 10° 22' W Click for more
1348804 Bottle station 2007-08-30 03:18Z 57° 14' N, 10° 3' W Click for more
1348816 Bottle station 2007-08-30 07:45Z 57° 9' N, 9° 42' W Click for more
1348828 Bottle station 2007-08-30 10:44Z 57° 6' N, 9° 25' W Click for more
1348841 Bottle station 2007-08-30 12:52Z 57° 3' N, 9° 13' W Click for more
1348853 Bottle station 2007-08-30 14:52Z 57° 0' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1348865 Bottle station 2007-08-30 18:11Z 56° 52' N, 8° 30' W Click for more
1348877 Bottle station 2007-08-30 22:20Z 56° 46' N, 8° 0' W Click for more
1348889 Bottle station 2007-08-31 05:11Z 56° 48' N, 7° 21' W Click for more
1348890 Bottle station 2007-08-31 08:27Z 56° 44' N, 7° 0' W Click for more
1348908 Bottle station 2007-08-31 10:59Z 56° 43' N, 6° 36' W Click for more
1348921 Bottle station 2007-08-31 12:17Z 56° 43' N, 6° 27' W Click for more
1348933 Bottle station 2007-08-31 14:43Z 56° 40' N, 6° 7' W Click for more
1348945 Bottle station 2007-09-02 16:03Z 60° 15' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1348957 Bottle station 2007-09-04 08:45Z 60° 36' N, 8° 7' W Click for more
1348969 Bottle station 2007-09-04 18:02Z 60° 34' N, 7° 28' W Click for more
1348970 Bottle station 2007-09-05 01:05Z 60° 23' N, 7° 15' W Click for more
1348982 Bottle station 2007-09-05 08:57Z 60° 15' N, 6° 50' W Click for more
1348994 Bottle station 2007-09-07 02:32Z 60° 9' N, 6° 10' W Click for more

Project Database

# Events Gear Type Parameters Held
3 Instrument mooring
42 Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply Salinity of the water column
61 CTD frame plus rosette sampler Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column

Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column
Dissolved metal concentrations in the water column
1 Unspecified zooplankton net or nets
104 Microstructure and precision CTD profiler

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)


Track Charts

Track Chart


Cruise Report