
RRS James Clark Ross JR20141231 (JR307, JR308)

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RRS James Clark Ross (74JC)
Cruise identifierJR20141231 (JR307, JR308)
Cruise period2014-12-31 — 2015-01-07
Port of departureRothera, Antarctica
Port of returnRothera, Antarctica
ObjectivesJR307: Tracing deep waters and nutrient dynamics across the WAP shelf

Cruise JR307 was a key part of the three year field component of NERC Fellowship NE/K010034/1: Isotopic characterisation of nutrient dynamics and deep water behaviour in the west Antarctic Peninsula sea ice environment. Within this broad project, the specific objective of this cruise was to trace the circumpolar deep water (CDW) nutrient source from the shelf break to the coast, and examine its modification across the shelf and delivery to productive shelf ecosystems. We also aimed to examine spatial variability in nutrient supply, uptake and primary production along a transect across the shelf to the coast, thus providing a spatial context to ongoing time-series work at Rothera to examine the biogeochemical response to physical climate change at the Antarctic Peninsula. Cruise JR307 also provided a collaborative opportunity to examine the CDW supply of CO2 and spatial variability in DMS production by phytoplankton.
We conducted full-depth water column sampling at eleven stations along a transect from the shelf break to the long-term monitoring station of the Rothera Time Series (RaTS) in Ryder Bay. Stations were chosen to follow the deepest bathymetry (500 - 1000m depth) thought to act as a conduit for CDW across the WAP shelf. At each station full-depth physical oceanographic parameters were measured using the ship's CTD system and water samples were taken throughout the water column using the ship's 24 bottle Niskin rosette. Samples were taken for analysis of macronutrient concentrations, stable isotope composition of nitrate, concentration and isotope composition of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, and RNA sequencing of organic matter. Samples were also taken for dissolved inorganic carbon system parameters, oxygen isotope composition of seawater, dimethyl sulphide (DMS) concentrations and associated parameters. Samples were filtered or fixed with preservative, for subsequent analysis at Rothera or on return to the UK or The Netherlands.

JR308: Benthic Biology of the Cold Hole

The aim of this cruise was driven by the objectives of EvolHist, a core project at BAS studying biodiversity, biogeography,
phylogeography and evolution in marine Antarctic fauna. Working in partnership with Polar Oceans, we had a four day scientific
cruise on RRS James Clark Ross to investigate the benthic biodiversity and oceanography of a basin with temperatures 1.1 oC colder than the surrounding regions at the same depths recently discovered by the Polar Oceans glider team (Venables, Anker, Meredith) at ~67o45 S, 69o01W. The cruise investigated the effect of temperature on the faunal composition of Antarctic shelf
benthos at a local scale, something that is only possible at this location due to this oceanographic anomaly.
The main objective of the biological component of this cruise was to collect marine invertebrates from transects inside the cold basin, in the shallower region surrounding the basin and in other (warmer) neighbouring areas at the same depth as the basin for comparison.
Using CTDs, video transects, and benthic trawls to collect animals for identification and population genetic analyses. We sampled two transects in each location at depths of between 200 m and 500 m including replicate Aggasiz trawls (AGT), epibenthic sledge (EBS) with video (shallow underwater video)(BAS's SUCS) and CTDs. On board, the AGT samples were sorted to phylum and class level before fixation while the EBS samples were initially fixed and will then be sorted on return to BAS Cambridge. Before the trawling took place, a swath survey was carried out to select seafloor areas suitable for benthic trawling.
Chief scientistPeter Enderlein (British Antarctic Survey), Sian Frances Henley (University of Edinburgh School of GeoSciences)
Coordinating bodyBritish Antarctic Survey (BAS)
Cruise reportRRS James Clark Ross JR20141231 (JR307, JR308) cruise report jr307_308.pdf (2.44 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralSouthern Ocean
SpecificWest Antarctic Peninsula shelf
Track chartsRRS James Clark Ross JR20141231 (JR307, JR308) cruise track — jr307trk.pdf (0.48 MB)  RRS James Clark Ross JR20141231 (JR307, JR308) cruise track — jr308trk.pdf (0.44 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
Water bottle stationsQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Discreet seawater samples collected for analysis of biogeochemical and biological parameters using the JCR's stainless steel 24-bottle Niskin rosette. A vertical profile was sampled at each of the 11 stations. Seawater samples were taken for later analysis of macronutrient concentrations, isotopic composition of nitrate, concentration and isotopic composition of POC and PN, RNA sequencing, dissolved inorganic carbon system parameters, oxygen isotope composition of seawater, DMS and DMSP concentrations, and HPLC pigment analysis.
CTD stationsQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Conductivity, temperature, fluorescence and dissolved oxygen from the JCR's CTD package, measured on 11 vertical profiles.
CTD stationsQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Conductivity, temperature, fluorescence and dissolved oxygen from the JCR's CTD
Chemical oceanography 
Other dissolved gasesQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Discreet seawater samples collected for analysis of biogeochemical and biological parameters using the JCR's stainless steel 24-bottle Niskin rosette. A vertical profile was sampled at each of the 11 stations. Seawater samples were taken for later analysis of macronutrient concentrations, isotopic composition of nitrate, concentration and isotopic composition of POC and PN, RNA sequencing, dissolved inorganic carbon system parameters, oxygen isotope composition of seawater, DMS and DMSP concentrations, and HPLC pigment analysis.
PhosphateQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Discreet seawater samples collected for analysis of biogeochemical and biological parameters using the JCR's stainless steel 24-bottle Niskin rosette. A vertical profile was sampled at each of the 11 stations. Seawater samples were taken for later analysis of macronutrient concentrations, isotopic composition of nitrate, concentration and isotopic composition of POC and PN, RNA sequencing, dissolved inorganic carbon system parameters, oxygen isotope composition of seawater, DMS and DMSP concentrations, and HPLC pigment analysis.
NitrateQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Discreet seawater samples collected for analysis of biogeochemical and biological parameters using the JCR's stainless steel 24-bottle Niskin rosette. A vertical profile was sampled at each of the 11 stations. Seawater samples were taken for later analysis of macronutrient concentrations, isotopic composition of nitrate, concentration and isotopic composition of POC and PN, RNA sequencing, dissolved inorganic carbon system parameters, oxygen isotope composition of seawater, DMS and DMSP concentrations, and HPLC pigment analysis.
NitriteQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Discreet seawater samples collected for analysis of biogeochemical and biological parameters using the JCR's stainless steel 24-bottle Niskin rosette. A vertical profile was sampled at each of the 11 stations. Seawater samples were taken for later analysis of macronutrient concentrations, isotopic composition of nitrate, concentration and isotopic composition of POC and PN, RNA sequencing, dissolved inorganic carbon system parameters, oxygen isotope composition of seawater, DMS and DMSP concentrations, and HPLC pigment analysis.
SilicateQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Discreet seawater samples collected for analysis of biogeochemical and biological parameters using the JCR's stainless steel 24-bottle Niskin rosette. A vertical profile was sampled at each of the 11 stations. Seawater samples were taken for later analysis of macronutrient concentrations, isotopic composition of nitrate, concentration and isotopic composition of POC and PN, RNA sequencing, dissolved inorganic carbon system parameters, oxygen isotope composition of seawater, DMS and DMSP concentrations, and HPLC pigment analysis.
AlkalinityQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Discreet seawater samples collected for analysis of biogeochemical and biological parameters using the JCR's stainless steel 24-bottle Niskin rosette. A vertical profile was sampled at each of the 11 stations. Seawater samples were taken for later analysis of macronutrient concentrations, isotopic composition of nitrate, concentration and isotopic composition of POC and PN, RNA sequencing, dissolved inorganic carbon system parameters, oxygen isotope composition of seawater, DMS and DMSP concentrations, and HPLC pigment analysis.
IsotopesQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Discreet seawater samples collected for analysis of biogeochemical and biological parameters using the JCR's stainless steel 24-bottle Niskin rosette. A vertical profile was sampled at each of the 11 stations. Seawater samples were taken for later analysis of macronutrient concentrations, isotopic composition of nitrate, concentration and isotopic composition of POC and PN, RNA sequencing, dissolved inorganic carbon system parameters, oxygen isotope composition of seawater, DMS and DMSP concentrations, and HPLC pigment analysis.
Other chemical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Discreet seawater samples collected for analysis of biogeochemical and biological parameters using the JCR's stainless steel 24-bottle Niskin rosette. A vertical profile was sampled at each of the 11 stations. Seawater samples were taken for later analysis of macronutrient concentrations, isotopic composition of nitrate, concentration and isotopic composition of POC and PN, RNA sequencing, dissolved inorganic carbon system parameters, oxygen isotope composition of seawater, DMS and DMSP concentrations, and HPLC pigment analysis.
Biology and fisheries 
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Discreet seawater samples collected for analysis of biogeochemical and biological parameters using the JCR's stainless steel 24-bottle Niskin rosette. A vertical profile was sampled at each of the 11 stations. Seawater samples were taken for later analysis of macronutrient concentrations, isotopic composition of nitrate, concentration and isotopic composition of POC and PN, RNA sequencing, dissolved inorganic carbon system parameters, oxygen isotope composition of seawater, DMS and DMSP concentrations, and HPLC pigment analysis.
Particulate organic matter (inc POC, PON)Quantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Discreet seawater samples collected for analysis of biogeochemical and biological parameters using the JCR's stainless steel 24-bottle Niskin rosette. A vertical profile was sampled at each of the 11 stations. Seawater samples were taken for later analysis of macronutrient concentrations, isotopic composition of nitrate, concentration and isotopic composition of POC and PN, RNA sequencing, dissolved inorganic carbon system parameters, oxygen isotope composition of seawater, DMS and DMSP concentrations, and HPLC pigment analysis.
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of stations = 5
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of stations = 19
Description: Shallow Water Camera system deployments
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: Agassiz Trawls of benthic invertebrates
Data held at BODC Get data
1  Bathythermograph (MBT/XBT)
Sound velocity and travel time in the water column
Reference numbers
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Sound velocity and travel time in the water column
Reference numbers
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
18018822014-12-26 12:12 66° 35' 19" S  68° 20' 3" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1801882
44  Bottle station
Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column
Reference numbers
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Stable isotopes in water bodies
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column
Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column
Reference numbers
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Stable isotopes in water bodies
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
19786342015-01-04 07:46 66° 56' 31" S  70° 21' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978634
19787022015-01-06 15:04 68° 14' 16" S  68° 34' 19" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978702
19787512015-01-02 08:38 67° 47' 59" S  68° 10' 1" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978751
19787992015-01-05 20:41 67° 59' 20" S  69° 39' 7" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978799
19788552015-01-07 11:04 67° 34' 13" S  68° 13' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978855
19784492015-01-06 00:32 67° 56' 17" S  70° 17' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978449
19784502015-01-06 10:06 68° 11' 0" S  69° 40' 45" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978450
19785302015-01-05 07:04 67° 27' 39" S  70° 34' 3" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978530
19786582015-01-05 07:04 67° 27' 39" S  70° 34' 3" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978658
19786712015-01-05 20:41 67° 59' 20" S  69° 39' 7" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978671
19786832015-01-06 00:32 67° 56' 17" S  70° 17' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978683
19787632015-01-04 07:46 66° 56' 31" S  70° 21' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978763
19785782015-01-06 15:04 68° 14' 16" S  68° 34' 19" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978578
19786102015-01-01 00:00 67° 49' 24" S  68° 34' 8" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978610
19787872015-01-05 07:04 67° 27' 39" S  70° 34' 3" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978787
19788182015-01-06 10:06 68° 11' 0" S  69° 40' 45" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978818
19783822015-01-01 00:00 67° 49' 24" S  68° 34' 8" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978382
19785662015-01-06 10:06 68° 11' 0" S  69° 40' 45" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978566
19786952015-01-06 10:06 68° 11' 0" S  69° 40' 45" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978695
19787752015-01-04 12:28 66° 29' 13" S  71° 14' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978775
19784252015-01-05 07:04 67° 27' 39" S  70° 34' 3" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978425
19784862015-01-07 11:04 67° 34' 13" S  68° 13' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978486
19784982015-01-01 00:00 67° 49' 24" S  68° 34' 8" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978498
19785422015-01-05 20:41 67° 59' 20" S  69° 39' 7" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978542
19786222015-01-02 08:38 67° 47' 59" S  68° 10' 1" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978622
19788432015-01-06 21:02 67° 56' 26" S  68° 29' 8" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978843
19784742015-01-06 21:02 67° 56' 26" S  68° 29' 8" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978474
19785542015-01-06 00:32 67° 56' 17" S  70° 17' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978554
19786462015-01-04 12:28 66° 29' 13" S  71° 14' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978646
19787142015-01-06 21:02 67° 56' 26" S  68° 29' 8" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978714
19788062015-01-06 00:32 67° 56' 17" S  70° 17' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978806
19786092015-01-07 11:04 67° 34' 13" S  68° 13' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978609
19787262015-01-07 11:04 67° 34' 13" S  68° 13' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978726
19783942015-01-02 08:38 67° 47' 59" S  68° 10' 1" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978394
19784012015-01-04 07:46 66° 56' 31" S  70° 21' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978401
19784622015-01-06 15:04 68° 14' 16" S  68° 34' 19" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978462
19785052015-01-02 08:38 67° 47' 59" S  68° 10' 1" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978505
19787382015-01-01 00:00 67° 49' 24" S  68° 34' 8" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978738
19788312015-01-06 15:04 68° 14' 16" S  68° 34' 19" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978831
19784132015-01-04 12:28 66° 29' 13" S  71° 14' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978413
19784372015-01-05 20:41 67° 59' 20" S  69° 39' 7" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978437
19785172015-01-04 07:46 66° 56' 31" S  70° 21' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978517
19785292015-01-04 12:28 66° 29' 13" S  71° 14' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978529
19785912015-01-06 21:02 67° 56' 26" S  68° 29' 8" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1978591
Discrete samples 
22  CTD frame plus rosette sampler
1  Expendable Bathythermograph