
RRS Discovery DY054

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RRS Discovery (74EQ)
Cruise identifierDY054
Cruise period2016-07-27 — 2016-08-17
Port of departureReykjavík, Iceland
Port of returnSouthampton, United Kingdom
ObjectivesCruise DY054 was the second leg of the 2016 UK OSNAP mooring refurbishment programme on RRS Discovery. Following the first leg (DY053, Cunningham et al 2016) which serviced and re-deployed US and UK moorings in the Iceland Basin and Rockall Trough, the scientific objectives of DY054 were:

- to service (recover and re-deploy) the 5 UK OSNAP moorings in the western Irminger Sea (the Deep Western Boundary Array, M1-M5)
- to service the 5 Dutch OSNAP moorings in the eastern Irminger Sea (the Irminger Currrent Array, IC0-IC4)
- to service the Dutch LOCO mooring in the central Irminger Sea
- to complete a CTD/LADCP section across the Irminger Basin, from the Greenland coast to the mid-Atlantic Ridge
- to collect and freeze nutrient samples from CTD stations for later analysis by NIOZ
- to deploy an Argos float for the UK Met Office
- to deploy a series of OSNAP RAFOS floats in the overflow waters
- to deploy a new WHOI sound source in the Maury Channel of the Iceland Basin
- to collect material for outreach programmes, including film footage, audio recordings and photography for a US OSNAP website, and material to be used in an art project

All OSNAP moorings were previously deployed in 2014, refurbished in 2015, and will be recovered in 2018. The moorings and the CTD profiles will be used to measure the mean and variability of the surface-to-seafloor currents, and to compute the volume, heat and freshwater transport within the currents. They are part of a large international programme, OSNAP (Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Programme) which has other moorings in the Labrador Sea, Iceland Basin and Rockall Trough.
Chief scientistN Penny Holliday (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)
ProjectUK - Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Programme (UK-OSNAP)
Cruise reportRRS Discovery DY054 cruise report dy054.pdf (20.77 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Atlantic Ocean
SpecificIrminger Sea, Iceland Basin
Track chartsRRS Discovery DY054 cruise track — dy054trk.pdf (0.60 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
Surface measurements underway (T,S)Quantity: number of stations = 76
Description: Discrete salinity samples taken from underway system intake. Measured on board.
Surface measurements underway (T,S)Quantity: activity duration in days = 20
Description: Underway thermosalinograph measurements of sea surface temperature, conductivity, transmittance and fluorescence.
Water bottle stationsQuantity: number of stations = 38
Description: Discrete salinity samples from CTD bottles. Measured on board.
CTD stationsQuantity: number of stations = 38
Description: Standard SBE9/11+ CTD package measuring conductivity, temperature, transmittance and oxygen.
Transparency (eg transmissometer)Quantity: number of stations = 38
Description: Standard SBE9/11+ CTD package measuring conductivity, temperature, transmittance and oxygen.
Transparency (eg transmissometer)Quantity: activity duration in days = 20
Description: Underway thermosalinograph measurements of sea surface temperature, conductivity, transmittance and fluorescence.
Current profiler (eg ADCP)Quantity: activity duration in days = 20
Description: Underway ADCP measurements, 150 kHz system.
Current profiler (eg ADCP)Quantity: number of stations = 38
Description: Downward looking lowered ADCP measurements, Up + down-looking 300kHz system.
Current profiler (eg ADCP)Quantity: activity duration in days = 20
Description: Underway ADCP measurements, 75 kHz system.
Chemical oceanography 
OxygenQuantity: number of stations = 38
Description: Standard SBE9/11+ CTD package measuring conductivity, temperature, transmittance and oxygen.
PhosphateQuantity: number of stations = 38
Description: Discrete nutrient samples taken from CTD bottles. Frozen, to be measured at NIOZ.
NitrateQuantity: number of stations = 38
Description: Discrete nutrient samples taken from CTD bottles. Frozen, to be measured at NIOZ.
NitriteQuantity: number of stations = 38
Description: Discrete nutrient samples taken from CTD bottles. Frozen, to be measured at NIOZ.
SilicateQuantity: number of stations = 38
Description: Discrete nutrient samples taken from CTD bottles. Frozen, to be measured at NIOZ.
Biology and fisheries 
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: number of stations = 38
Description: Standard SBE9/11+ CTD package measuring conductivity, temperature, transmittance and oxygen.
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: activity duration in days = 20
Description: Underway thermosalinograph measurements of sea surface temperature, conductivity, transmittance and fluorescence.
Routine standard measurementsQuantity: activity duration in days = 20
Description: Underway meteorology measurements of radiation, air temperature, wind speed and direction, relative humidity and air pressure.
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Physical oceanography 
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 7' 0" N  33° 40' 59" W — OSNAP mooring IC1-2 - current meters, microcats, ADCPs, profiler.Recovered.
Other physical oceanographic measurements58° 57' 0" N  31° 56' 59" W — OSNAP mooring IC3-2 - current meters, microcats, ADCPs, profiler.Recovered.
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 0' 0" N  33° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1404 deployed West Reykjanes Ridge 09/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 0' 0" N  34° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1415 deployed West Reykjanes Ridge 07/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 0' 0" N  34° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1417 deployed West Reykjanes Ridge 07/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 0' 0" N  34° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1409 deployed West Reykjanes Ridge 07/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 0' 0" N  34° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1414 deployed West Reykjanes Ridge 07/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 0' 0" N  34° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1416 deployed West Reykjanes Ridge 07/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 0' 0" N  35° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1419 deployed West Reykjanes Ridge 06/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 53' 59" N  41° 7' 0" W — Mooring NOCM1, released 30/07/2016 - current meter, microcat, ADCP
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 52' 0" N  40° 40' 59" W — Mooring NOCM2, released 30/07/2016 - current meter, microcat, ADCP
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 49' 0" N  40° 16' 59" W — Mooring NOCM3, released 01/08/2016 - current meter, microcat, ADCP
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 38' 59" N  38° 34' 0" W — Mooring NOCM4, released 04/08/2016 - current meter, microcat, ADCP
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 34' 59" N  37° 47' 59" W — Mooring NOCM5, released 05/08/2016 - current meter, microcat, ADCP
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 53' 59" N  41° 7' 0" W — Mooring NOCM1, deployed 31/07/2016 - current meter, microcat, ADCP
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 52' 0" N  40° 40' 59" W — Mooring NOCM2, deployed 31/07/2016 - current meter, microcat, ADCP
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 49' 0" N  40° 16' 59" W — Mooring NOCM3, deployed 02/08/2016 - current meter, microcat, ADCP
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 38' 59" N  38° 34' 0" W — Mooring NOCM4, deployed 04/08/2016 - current meter, microcat, ADCP
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 34' 59" N  37° 47' 59" W — Mooring NOCM5, deployed 05/08/2016 - current meter, microcat, ADCP
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 12' 0" N  39° 30' 0" W — OSNAP mooring LOCO 2-12 - current meters, microcats, ADCPs, profiler.Recovered.
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 13' 0" N  35° 7' 0" W — OSNAP mooring IC0-2 - current meters, microcats, ADCPs, profiler.Recovered.
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  32° 43' 59" W — OSNAP mooring IC2-2 - current meters, microcats, ADCPs, profiler.Recovered.
Other physical oceanographic measurements58° 52' 59" N  31° 18' 0" W — OSNAP mooring IC4-2 - current meters, microcats, ADCPs, profiler.Recovered.
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 12' 0" N  39° 30' 0" W — OSNAP mooring LOCO 2-13 - current meters, microcats, ADCPs, profiler.Deployed.
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 13' 0" N  35° 7' 59" W — OSNAP mooring IC0-3 - current meters, microcats, ADCPs, profiler.Deployed.
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 6' 0" N  33° 40' 59" W — OSNAP mooring IC1-3 - current meters, microcats, ADCPs, profiler.Deployed.
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  32° 43' 59" W — OSNAP mooring IC2-3 - current meters, microcats, ADCPs, profiler.Deployed.
Other physical oceanographic measurements58° 57' 0" N  31° 56' 59" W — OSNAP mooring IC3-3 - current meters, microcats, ADCPs, profiler.Deployed.
Other physical oceanographic measurements58° 52' 59" N  31° 18' 0" W — OSNAP mooring IC4-3 - current meters, microcats, ADCPs, profiler.Deployed.
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 13' 59" N  39° 28' 59" W — Met Office Argo float S/N 7577
Other physical oceanographic measurements63° 0' 0" N  27° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1223 deployed Northern Irminger Basin 28/07/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements63° 0' 0" N  27° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1224 deployed Northern Irminger Basin 28/07/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements63° 0' 0" N  27° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1233 deployed Northern Irminger Basin 28/07/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements63° 0' 0" N  27° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1246 deployed Northern Irminger Basin 28/07/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  39° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1422 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  39° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1423 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  39° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1433 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  40° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1427 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  40° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1425 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  40° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1426 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  40° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1429 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  40° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1421 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  40° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1424 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  41° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1348 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  41° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1420 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  41° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1428 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 0' 0" N  32° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1405 deployed West Reykjanes Ridge 08/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 0' 0" N  32° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1407 deployed West Reykjanes Ridge 08/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements58° 0' 0" N  58° 0' 0" W — Sound Source 12: URI-WHOI S/N 22
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 0' 0" N  33° 0' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1408 deployed West Reykjanes Ridge 09/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 0' 0" N  34° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1418 deployed West Reykjanes Ridge 07/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  40° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1432 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Other physical oceanographic measurements59° 1' 0" N  39° 1' 0" W — WHOI RAFOS Float 1437 deployed East Greenland 01/08/2016
Data held at BODC Get data
10  Acoustic current meter
Moored instrument depth
Reference numbers
Date and time
Raw current meter output parameters
Temperature of the water column
Engineering parameters
Platform or instrument orientation
Vertical velocity of the water column (currents)
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Moored instrument depth
Reference numbers
Date and time
Raw current meter output parameters
Temperature of the water column
Engineering parameters
Platform or instrument orientation
Vertical velocity of the water column (currents)
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
19891712016-08-01 00:00  — 2018-06-16 09:30 59° 51' 33" N  40° 41' 19" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1989171
19892022016-08-05 14:30  — 2018-06-18 13:30 59° 38' 45" N  38° 33' 59" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1989202
19891102016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1989110
19891222016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1989122
19891952016-08-05 14:30  — 2018-06-18 13:30 59° 38' 45" N  38° 33' 59" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1989195
19891832016-08-16 09:30  — 2018-06-16 12:00 59° 48' 52" N  40° 16' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1989183
19891342016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1989134
19891462016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1989146
19891582016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1989158
19892142016-08-05 14:30  — 2018-06-18 09:30 59° 34' 37" N  37° 47' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1989214
45  Acoustic doppler current profiler
Reference numbers
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Date and time
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Platform or instrument orientation
Vertical velocity of the water column (currents)
Horizontal platform movement
Metadata parameters
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Acoustic backscatter in the water column
Reference numbers
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Date and time
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Platform or instrument orientation
Vertical velocity of the water column (currents)
Horizontal platform movement
Metadata parameters
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Acoustic backscatter in the water column

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
18403832016-07-28 09:00:24 62° 53' 14" N  29° 8' 1" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840383
18403952016-07-30 04:26:41 60° 0' 19" N  42° 39' 48" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840395
18406592016-08-07 00:45:44 59° 10' 28" N  34° 31' 36" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840659
18406722016-08-07 19:03:50 59° 0' 6" N  32° 45' 25" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840672
18406842016-08-07 22:13:15 58° 58' 11" N  32° 23' 23" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840684
18407152016-08-08 14:48:45 58° 52' 6" N  31° 17' 24" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840715
19715312016-08-05 14:48  — 2018-06-16 19:36 59° 34' 37" N  37° 47' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1971531
18404142016-07-30 23:01:52 59° 58' 35" N  42° 22' 36" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840414
18404512016-07-31 03:42:40 59° 56' 57" N  42° 5' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840451
18404632016-07-31 10:04:07 59° 49' 16" N  40° 46' 29" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840463
18404752016-08-01 02:04:21 59° 53' 10" N  41° 25' 35" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840475
18404992016-08-01 11:23:01 59° 46' 52" N  40° 20' 59" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840499
18405062016-08-01 19:59:41 59° 43' 46" N  39° 49' 49" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840506
18405672016-08-04 18:56:40 59° 30' 29" N  37° 39' 8" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840567
18406962016-08-08 02:14:11 58° 56' 6" N  32° 1' 21" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840696
18407522016-08-10 00:26:03 58° 57' 10" N  32° 12' 19" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840752
18407642016-08-10 03:17:17 58° 55' 6" N  31° 50' 25" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840764
18404262016-07-31 00:29:47 59° 57' 23" N  42° 9' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840426
18405552016-08-03 23:15:47 59° 34' 14" N  38° 13' 49" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840555
18405792016-08-04 22:27:10 59° 28' 35" N  37° 21' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840579
18405802016-08-05 02:01:26 59° 26' 45" N  37° 4' 26" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840580
18406352016-08-06 14:08:19 59° 15' 27" N  35° 18' 53" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840635
18407402016-08-09 21:14:38 58° 59' 8" N  32° 34' 21" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840740
19715062016-08-16 10:00  — 2018-06-14 02:00 59° 48' 52" N  40° 16' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1971506
18405922016-08-05 14:37:09 0° 0' 0" N  0° 0' 0" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840592
18406472016-08-06 20:50:16 59° 12' 46" N  34° 55' 6" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840647
17492342016-07-27 08:50:44  — 2016-08-15 05:50:30 64° 9' 34" N  21° 55' 27" W — 49° 44' 22" N  5° 46' 19" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1749234
18404022016-07-30 05:50:26 60° 2' 58" N  42° 52' 19" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840402
18406232016-08-06 05:46:33 59° 17' 55" N  35° 42' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840623
18407392016-08-09 03:17:27 59° 5' 57" N  33° 40' 54" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840739
18404382016-07-31 01:54:10 59° 57' 13" N  42° 8' 7" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840438
18405312016-08-02 21:52:16 59° 13' 34" N  39° 28' 39" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840531
17492222016-07-27 08:50:38  — 2016-08-15 05:54:36 64° 9' 33" N  21° 55' 27" W — 49° 44' 35" N  5° 45' 19" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1749222
18404872016-08-01 05:50:22 59° 51' 15" N  41° 6' 0" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840487
18405432016-08-03 19:01:13 59° 37' 44" N  38° 47' 0" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840543
18406112016-08-05 23:47:53 59° 23' 0" N  36° 29' 56" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840611
18406602016-08-07 04:29:25 59° 7' 57" N  34° 7' 49" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840660
18407032016-08-08 05:10:10 58° 54' 5" N  31° 39' 27" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840703
18407762016-08-10 18:11:05 58° 50' 3" N  30° 55' 23" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840776
19714992016-07-31 15:00  — 2018-06-14 00:00 59° 51' 33" N  40° 41' 19" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1971499
19715182016-08-05 14:48  — 2018-06-17 12:24 59° 38' 45" N  38° 33' 59" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1971518
18405182016-08-02 00:14:21 59° 40' 44" N  39° 18' 15" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840518
18407272016-08-08 23:25:16 59° 2' 50" N  33° 14' 53" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840727
18407882016-08-10 21:46:14 58° 45' 39" N  30° 21' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1840788
19714872016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-15 23:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1971487
37  Bottle station
Reference numbers
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
20020512016-08-01 11:49:15 59° 46' 52" N  40° 20' 59" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002051
20020632016-08-01 20:23:42 59° 43' 46" N  39° 49' 49" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002063
20022602016-08-08 05:23:30 58° 54' 6" N  31° 39' 27" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002260
20022722016-08-08 15:02:06 58° 52' 6" N  31° 17' 24" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002272
20022842016-08-08 23:44:03 59° 2' 50" N  33° 14' 53" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002284
20020142016-07-31 10:27:11 59° 49' 17" N  40° 46' 29" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002014
20021312016-08-04 22:53:31 59° 28' 35" N  37° 21' 56" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002131
20021792016-08-06 06:16:09 59° 17' 56" N  35° 42' 38" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002179
20022232016-08-07 04:50:37 59° 7' 58" N  34° 7' 49" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002223
20023032016-08-09 21:33:43 58° 59' 8" N  32° 34' 21" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002303
20020262016-08-01 02:21:49 59° 53' 10" N  41° 25' 35" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002026
20020382016-08-01 06:08:34 59° 51' 15" N  41° 6' 0" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002038
20021672016-08-06 00:14:18 59° 23' 0" N  36° 29' 56" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002167
20022472016-08-07 22:31:56 58° 58' 11" N  32° 23' 23" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002247
20021062016-08-03 23:41:50 59° 34' 14" N  38° 13' 47" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002106
20021432016-08-05 02:29:10 59° 26' 45" N  37° 4' 27" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002143
20021802016-08-06 14:35:49 59° 15' 28" N  35° 18' 52" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002180
20021182016-08-04 19:23:10 59° 30' 29" N  37° 39' 7" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002118
20022962016-08-09 03:38:58 59° 5' 57" N  33° 40' 54" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002296
20023152016-08-10 00:39:49 58° 57' 10" N  32° 12' 20" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002315
20023272016-08-10 03:32:59 58° 55' 6" N  31° 50' 25" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002327
20023402016-08-10 22:01:24 58° 45' 39" N  30° 21' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002340
20021922016-08-06 21:11:34 59° 12' 50" N  34° 54' 58" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002192
20022352016-08-07 19:22:15 59° 0' 6" N  32° 45' 25" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002235
20022592016-08-08 02:30:55 58° 56' 6" N  32° 1' 21" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002259
20023392016-08-10 18:22 58° 50' 3" N  30° 55' 23" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002339
20019512016-07-30 04:29:11 60° 0' 19" N  42° 39' 48" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2001951
20019872016-07-31 00:37:19 59° 57' 23" N  42° 9' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2001987
20020022016-07-31 03:58:04 59° 56' 59" N  42° 5' 32" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002002
20021552016-08-05 15:05:42 59° 36' 1" N  37° 49' 36" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002155
20022112016-08-07 01:09:15 59° 10' 28" N  34° 31' 36" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002211
20019632016-07-30 05:53:14 60° 2' 59" N  42° 52' 18" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2001963
20019752016-07-30 23:04:14 59° 58' 35" N  42° 22' 36" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2001975
20019992016-07-31 02:09:20 59° 57' 13" N  42° 8' 8" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2001999
20020752016-08-02 00:39:54 59° 40' 44" N  39° 18' 15" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002075
20020872016-08-02 22:18:30 59° 13' 34" N  39° 28' 38" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002087
20020992016-08-03 19:27:04 59° 37' 44" N  38° 47' 0" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2002099
38  CTD/STD cast
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Density of the water column
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Density of the water column
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
17465012016-07-28 08:59:57 62° 53' 14" N  29° 8' 1" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746501
17465492016-07-31 00:30:38 59° 57' 23" N  42° 9' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746549
17466302016-08-02 21:51:59 59° 13' 34" N  39° 28' 38" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746630
17467222016-08-06 05:46:17 59° 17' 56" N  35° 42' 38" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746722
17467712016-08-07 04:29:14 59° 7' 58" N  34° 7' 49" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746771
17467952016-08-07 22:12:52 58° 58' 11" N  32° 23' 23" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746795
17465502016-07-31 01:53:39 59° 57' 13" N  42° 8' 8" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746550
17465742016-07-31 10:03:21 59° 49' 17" N  40° 46' 29" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746574
17465862016-08-01 02:03:38 59° 53' 10" N  41° 25' 35" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746586
17468022016-08-08 02:13:49 58° 56' 6" N  32° 1' 21" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746802
17468142016-08-08 05:10 58° 54' 6" N  31° 39' 27" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746814
17468872016-08-10 03:16:57 58° 55' 6" N  31° 50' 25" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746887
17466542016-08-03 23:15:40 59° 34' 14" N  38° 13' 47" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746654
17466662016-08-04 18:56:20 59° 30' 29" N  37° 39' 7" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746666
17468752016-08-10 00:25:37 58° 57' 10" N  32° 12' 20" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746875
17466422016-08-03 19:01:07 59° 37' 44" N  38° 47' 0" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746642
17466782016-08-04 22:27:02 59° 28' 35" N  37° 21' 56" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746678
17466912016-08-05 02:01:20 59° 26' 45" N  37° 4' 27" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746691
17467102016-08-05 23:47:35 59° 23' 0" N  36° 29' 56" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746710
17465252016-07-30 05:50:27 60° 2' 59" N  42° 52' 18" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746525
17466052016-08-01 11:22:29 59° 46' 52" N  40° 20' 59" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746605
17466172016-08-01 19:59:24 59° 43' 46" N  39° 49' 49" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746617
17466292016-08-02 00:13:47 59° 40' 44" N  39° 18' 15" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746629
17467342016-08-06 14:07:38 59° 15' 28" N  35° 18' 52" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746734
17467462016-08-06 20:50:07 59° 12' 50" N  34° 54' 58" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746746
17469062016-08-10 21:45:47 58° 45' 39" N  30° 21' 57" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746906
17465622016-07-31 03:41:07 59° 56' 59" N  42° 5' 32" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746562
17468382016-08-08 23:25:06 59° 2' 50" N  33° 14' 53" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746838
17465372016-07-30 23:01:28 59° 58' 35" N  42° 22' 36" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746537
17465982016-08-01 05:50:08 59° 51' 15" N  41° 6' 0" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746598
17467092016-08-05 14:36:23 59° 36' 1" N  37° 49' 36" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746709
17468512016-08-09 03:16:56 59° 5' 57" N  33° 40' 54" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746851
17468632016-08-09 21:14:25 58° 59' 8" N  32° 34' 21" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746863
17465132016-07-30 04:26:22 60° 0' 19" N  42° 39' 48" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746513
17467582016-08-07 00:45:30 59° 10' 28" N  34° 31' 36" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746758
17467832016-08-07 19:03:30 59° 0' 6" N  32° 45' 25" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746783
17468262016-08-08 14:48:12 58° 52' 6" N  31° 17' 24" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746826
17468992016-08-10 18:11 58° 50' 3" N  30° 55' 23" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1746899
1  Meteorological data logger
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Air pressure
Date and time
Raw light meter output
Air temperature
Wind strength and direction
Solar Radiation
Atmospheric humidity
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Air pressure
Date and time
Raw light meter output
Air temperature
Wind strength and direction
Solar Radiation
Atmospheric humidity

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
18170242016-07-27 08:30  — 2016-08-15 00:00 49° 50' 1" N  42° 52' 22" W — 64° 11' 24" N  7° 13' 0" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1817024
29  Moored CTD
Moored instrument depth
Reference numbers
Date and time
Temperature of the water column
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Moored instrument depth
Reference numbers
Date and time
Temperature of the water column
Electrical conductivity of the water column

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
19274502016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927450
19274622016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927462
19276462016-08-05 15:00  — 2018-06-18 09:00 59° 34' 43" N  37° 47' 58" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927646
19276832016-08-05 15:00  — 2018-06-18 09:00 59° 34' 43" N  37° 47' 58" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927683
19274862016-07-31 15:00  — 2018-06-16 09:00 59° 51' 34" N  40° 41' 25" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927486
19275422016-08-16 10:00  — 2018-06-16 12:00 59° 48' 52" N  40° 16' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927542
19275912016-08-05 15:00  — 2018-06-18 13:00 59° 38' 45" N  38° 33' 59" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927591
19274742016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927474
19276342016-08-05 15:00  — 2018-06-18 13:00 59° 38' 45" N  38° 33' 59" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927634
19276712016-08-05 15:00  — 2018-06-18 09:00 59° 34' 43" N  37° 47' 58" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927671
19274012016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00:02 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927401
19274372016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927437
19275052016-07-31 15:00  — 2018-06-16 09:00 59° 51' 34" N  40° 41' 25" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927505
19275302016-08-16 10:00  — 2018-06-16 12:00 59° 48' 52" N  40° 16' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927530
19275662016-08-16 10:00  — 2018-06-16 12:00 59° 48' 52" N  40° 16' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927566
19275782016-08-16 10:00  — 2018-06-16 12:00 59° 48' 52" N  40° 16' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927578
19276102016-08-05 15:00  — 2018-06-18 13:00 59° 38' 45" N  38° 33' 59" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927610
19276222016-08-05 15:00  — 2018-06-18 13:00 59° 38' 45" N  38° 33' 59" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927622
19273942016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00:03 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927394
19276582016-08-05 15:00  — 2018-06-18 09:00 59° 34' 43" N  37° 47' 58" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927658
19274982016-07-31 15:00  — 2018-06-16 09:00 59° 51' 34" N  40° 41' 25" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927498
19275172016-07-31 15:00  — 2018-06-16 09:00 59° 51' 34" N  40° 41' 25" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927517
19275292016-07-31 15:00  — 2018-06-16 09:00 59° 51' 34" N  40° 41' 25" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927529
19275542016-08-16 10:00  — 2018-06-16 12:00 59° 48' 52" N  40° 16' 37" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927554
19274132016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927413
19274252016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927425
19274492016-07-31 19:00  — 2018-06-16 06:00 59° 54' 10" N  41° 6' 42" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927449
19276092016-08-05 15:00  — 2018-06-18 13:00 59° 38' 45" N  38° 33' 59" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927609
19276952016-08-05 15:00  — 2018-06-18 09:00 59° 34' 43" N  37° 47' 58" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1927695
1  Multiple instrument types
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Date and time
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Metadata parameters
Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Raw fluorometer output
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Date and time
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Metadata parameters
Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Raw fluorometer output
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
18170362016-07-27 08:30  — 2016-08-15 00:00 49° 50' 1" N  42° 52' 22" W — 64° 11' 24" N  7° 13' 0" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1817036
1  Single-beam echosounder
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Date and time
Platform or instrument orientation
Horizontal platform movement
Bathymetry and Elevation
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Date and time
Platform or instrument orientation
Horizontal platform movement
Bathymetry and Elevation

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
18170122016-07-27 08:30  — 2016-08-15 00:00 49° 50' 1" N  42° 52' 22" W — 64° 11' 24" N  7° 13' 0" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1817012
Discrete samples 
38  CTD frame plus rosette samplerSalinity of the water column
72  Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply