
RRS James Clark Ross JR18006

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RRS James Clark Ross (74JC)
Cruise identifierJR18006
Cruise period2019-06-30 — 2019-08-01
Port of departureHarwich, United Kingdom
Port of returnAberdeen, United Kingdom
ObjectivesRates of warming in the high northern latitudes are amongst the highest globally. One of the most obvious manifestations is the dramatic reduction in summer sea ice extent and thickness over the past few decades. JR18006 is the third in a series of three cruises to the Barents Sea exploring the biogeochemistry of the continental shelf seabed research within the Changing Arctic Ocean research programme, funded by NERC. The primary objective of the cruise was to collect a suite of pelagic and benthic samples across the 30˚ longitude water mass and sea-ice gradient occupied by the first and second cruises, JR16006, in 2017 and JR17007 in 2018. The report includes a description of the sampling and data collection across 5 benthic focus sites, a series of water mass stations, continuous atmospheric methane sampling whilst underway, experimental observations and sampling of sea ice at and beyond the ice edge achieved during July, 2019. These were investigated as part of ongoing effort aimed at understanding the effect of changing sea ice cover on organic matter quality, benthic biodiversity and function, biological transformations of carbon and nutrient pools, and resulting ecosystem functioning at the Arctic Ocean seafloor. The sites spanned 72 to 81 N but the furthest north site (termed B17) could not be visited due to strong sea ice conditions. The samples will be worked up over the coming years by a series of UK universities and institutes.
Chief scientistDavid Barnes (British Antarctic Survey)
ProjectChanging Arctic Ocean (CAO)
Cruise reportRRS James Clark Ross JR18006 cruise report jr18006.pdf (10.26 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralBarents Sea
Arctic Ocean
Track chartsRRS James Clark Ross JR18006 cruise track — jr18006trk.pdf (0.26 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
Surface measurements underway (T,S)Quantity: number of samples = 42
Description: Underway salinity calibration water samples
Surface measurements underway (T,S)Quantity: activity duration in days = 30
Description: Continuous underway data from ships surface hydrography instrumentation (temperature, salinity, chlorophyll-a fluorescence, transmission)
BathythermographQuantity: number of surveys = 1
Description: Seabed mapping and bathymetry to characterise sites
Water bottle stationsQuantity: number of samples = 20
Description: CTD salinity sensor calibration water samples
CTD stationsQuantity: number of profiles = 1
Description: CTD profile at one of the Arctic PRIZE mooring sites to be used for mooring calibration
CTD stationsQuantity: number of profiles = 13
Description: CTD profiles (temperature, salinity, PAR, Oxygen, Chlorophyll-a, transmission)
Optics (eg underwater light levels)Quantity: number of cores = 20
Description: Cores taken at 4 stations for: optical backscatter, suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentations, total organic carbon in SPM, pigments at the surface of the sediment, sediment density and porosity at 4 depths in the core, sedimentary levels of total organic carbon at 4 depths in the core, bioirrigation rates, rate of advectively driven flux.
Current profiler (eg ADCP)Quantity: number of track lines = 1
Description: Shipboard ADCP from the first (B13) to the last (B3) station
Chemical oceanography 
OxygenQuantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: Silicon isotope composition and oxygen isotope composition from CTD samples
OxygenQuantity: number of cores = 64
Description: Silicon isotope composition and oxygen isotope composition from pore waters
OxygenQuantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: CTD samples were taken from three depths for dissovled oxygen concentrations, muliptle depths across the profile for nutrient analysis and from the chlorophyll maximum for chrolophyll a concentrations. Dissolved oxygen titrations were completed onboard.
Other dissolved gasesQuantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: Samples from CTD casts for: DMS concentrations; dissolved and particulate DMSO and DMSP; dissolved and particulate methylamines; particulate nitrogen osmolytes; methylamine addition incubation experiments.
PhosphateQuantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: Nitrogen isotope composition and nutrient concetrations from CTD samples
PhosphateQuantity: number of cores = 2
Description: Two incubation experiments, the first looking at nutrient fluxes and the second how resuspension affects these fluxes.
PhosphateQuantity: number of cores = 64
Description: Nitrogen isotope composition and nutrient concetrations from pore waters
NitrateQuantity: number of cores = 2
Description: Two incubation experiments, the first looking at nutrient fluxes and the second how resuspension affects these fluxes.
NitrateQuantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: Nitrogen isotope composition and nutrient concetrations from CTD samples
NitrateQuantity: number of cores = 64
Description: Nitrogen isotope composition and nutrient concetrations from pore waters
NitriteQuantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: Nitrogen isotope composition and nutrient concetrations from CTD samples
NitriteQuantity: number of cores = 64
Description: Nitrogen isotope composition and nutrient concetrations from pore waters
NitriteQuantity: number of cores = 2
Description: Two incubation experiments, the first looking at nutrient fluxes and the second how resuspension affects these fluxes.
Total - NQuantity: number of cores = 15
Description: Nitrogen cycling incubation experiements utilising sediment from USNL box cores.
Total - NQuantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: Samples from CTD casts for: DOC, DON and POC, PON analysis; urea concentrations; dissolved free amino acid; 15N uptake incubation experiments experiments; phytoplankton counts
SilicateQuantity: number of cores = 2
Description: Two incubation experiments, the first looking at nutrient fluxes and the second how resuspension affects these fluxes.
SilicateQuantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: Nitrogen isotope composition and nutrient concetrations from CTD samples
SilicateQuantity: number of cores = 64
Description: Nitrogen isotope composition and nutrient concetrations from pore waters
SilicateQuantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: Silicon isotope composition and oxygen isotope composition from CTD samples
SilicateQuantity: number of cores = 64
Description: Silicon isotope composition and oxygen isotope composition from pore waters
IsotopesQuantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: Nitrogen isotope composition and nutrient concetrations from CTD samples
IsotopesQuantity: number of cores = 64
Description: Silicon isotope composition and oxygen isotope composition from pore waters
IsotopesQuantity: number of cores = 64
Description: Nitrogen isotope composition and nutrient concetrations from pore waters
IsotopesQuantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: Silicon isotope composition and oxygen isotope composition from CTD samples
Other chemical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: Samples from CTD casts for: DMS concentrations; dissolved and particulate DMSO and DMSP; dissolved and particulate methylamines; particulate nitrogen osmolytes; methylamine addition incubation experiments.
Other chemical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: Samples from CTD casts for: DOC, DON and POC, PON analysis; urea concentrations; dissolved free amino acid; 15N uptake incubation experiments experiments; phytoplankton counts
Other chemical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of profiles = 2
Description: Filtered ice water samples for pigments, lipids, d18O and 15N
Other chemical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: CTD samples were taken from three depths for dissovled oxygen concentrations, muliptle depths across the profile for nutrient analysis and from the chlorophyll maximum for chrolophyll a concentrations. Dissolved oxygen titrations were completed onboard.
Other chemical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of cores = 2
Description: Two incubation experiments, the first looking at nutrient fluxes and the second how resuspension affects these fluxes.
Biology and fisheries 
Primary productivityQuantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: CTD samples for rates of primiary production, rates of bacterial production and bacterial emzymes. Flow cytometry. Phytoplankton taxonomy (CTD casts and net deployments) and DNA, RNA and single cell genomics samples.
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: CTD samples were taken from three depths for dissovled oxygen concentrations, muliptle depths across the profile for nutrient analysis and from the chlorophyll maximum for chrolophyll a concentrations. Dissolved oxygen titrations were completed onboard.
Particulate organic matter (inc POC, PON)Quantity: number of cores = 20
Description: Cores taken at 4 stations for: optical backscatter, suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentations, total organic carbon in SPM, pigments at the surface of the sediment, sediment density and porosity at 4 depths in the core, sedimentary levels of total organic carbon at 4 depths in the core, bioirrigation rates, rate of advectively driven flux.
Particulate organic matter (inc POC, PON)Quantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: Samples from CTD casts for: DOC, DON and POC, PON analysis; urea concentrations; dissolved free amino acid; 15N uptake incubation experiments experiments; phytoplankton counts
Dissolved organic matter (inc DOC)Quantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: Samples from CTD casts for: DOC, DON and POC, PON analysis; urea concentrations; dissolved free amino acid; 15N uptake incubation experiments experiments; phytoplankton counts
Biochemical measurements (eg lipids, amino acids)Quantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: CTD water samples for bacterial fungal ecology and molecular biology analyses
Biochemical measurements (eg lipids, amino acids)Quantity: number of profiles = 2
Description: Filtered ice water samples for pigments, lipids, d18O and 15N
PhytoplanktonQuantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: CTD samples for rates of primiary production, rates of bacterial production and bacterial emzymes. Flow cytometry. Phytoplankton taxonomy (CTD casts and net deployments) and DNA, RNA and single cell genomics samples.
Pelagic bacteria/micro-organismsQuantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: CTD water samples for bacterial fungal ecology and molecular biology analyses
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Sampling of the seabed for biodiversity. Epifauna Species ID, biomass and abundance.
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of image series = 19
Description: Continental shelf depths underwater camera to photo assemblage structure
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of hauls = 34
Description: 1.25m wide Agassiz trawl to collect specimens for carbon content and genetics
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of cores = 50
Description: Sampling of the seabed for biodiversity. Meiofauna, macrofauna and megafauna species ID, abundance and biomass, particle size analysis.
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of hauls = 10
Description: Five invertabrate target species and any oportiunistic invertarate species collected for a range of mesocosm onboard and when returned to University of Southampton.
Other biological/fisheries measurementQuantity: number of profiles = 6
Description: CTD samples for rates of primiary production, rates of bacterial production and bacterial emzymes. Flow cytometry. Phytoplankton taxonomy (CTD casts and net deployments) and DNA, RNA and single cell genomics samples.
Other biological/fisheries measurementQuantity: number of profiles = 7
Description: CTD water samples for bacterial fungal ecology and molecular biology analyses
Other meteorological measurementsQuantity: activity duration in days = 30
Description: Continuous underway data from ships navigation instrumentation
Other meteorological measurementsQuantity: activity duration in days = 30
Description: Continuous underway data from ships meteorology instrumentation (wind speed/direction, air pressure, humidity, air temperature, PAR, TIR sensors)
Geology and geophysics 
Core - soft bottomQuantity: number of cores = 20
Description: Sediment samples collected for a range of mesocosm experiments onboard and when returned to University of Southampton.
Bottom photographyQuantity: number of image series = 19
Description: Continental shelf depths underwater camera to photo assemblage structure
Other geological/geophysical measurementsQuantity: number of cores = 127
Description: Inorganic and organic geochemistry of pore waters and sedimentary fractions.
Other geological/geophysical measurementsQuantity: number of cores = 20
Description: Cores taken at 4 stations for: optical backscatter, suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentations, total organic carbon in SPM, pigments at the surface of the sediment, sediment density and porosity at 4 depths in the core, sedimentary levels of total organic carbon at 4 depths in the core, bioirrigation rates, rate of advectively driven flux.
Other geological/geophysical measurementsQuantity: number of cores = 2
Description: DNA and RNA concentrations from sediment cores
Data held at BODC Get data
19  Bottle station
Reference numbers
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Quality control flags
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Reference numbers
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Quality control flags
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
20018832019-07-07 16:39 74° 30' 1" N  30° 0' 2" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2001883
20019382019-07-26 02:46 72° 37' 52" N  19° 14' 57" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2001938
20530872019-07-26 05:10:12 72° 37' 52" N  19° 14' 56" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2053087
20018952019-07-10 21:52 78° 15' 17" N  29° 59' 42" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2001895
20146292019-07-10 17:19:01 78° 15' 14" N  29° 59' 58" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2014629
20530382019-07-13 01:38:05 76° 30' 23" N  30° 30' 5" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2053038
20530262019-07-10 17:19:01 78° 15' 14" N  29° 59' 58" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2053026
20530142019-07-07 16:39 74° 30' 1" N  30° 0' 2" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2053014
20530632019-07-16 06:45:09 80° 2' 10" N  29° 58' 16" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2053063
20146422019-07-16 04:14:25 80° 2' 34" N  30° 1' 9" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2014642
20146542019-07-21 22:01:48 81° 2' 30" N  18° 25' 57" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2014654
20019022019-07-12 23:36 76° 30' 23" N  30° 30' 5" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2001902
20019142019-07-16 04:14 80° 2' 34" N  30° 1' 9" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2001914
20019262019-07-21 22:02 81° 2' 30" N  18° 25' 57" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2001926
20146172019-07-07 16:39 74° 30' 1" N  30° 0' 2" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2014617
20146662019-07-26 02:45:55 72° 37' 52" N  19° 14' 57" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2014666
20530512019-07-15 07:43:38 79° 14' 51" N  31° 36' 20" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2053051
20146302019-07-12 23:36:25 76° 30' 23" N  30° 30' 5" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2014630
20530752019-07-22 00:12:52 81° 2' 22" N  18° 26' 43" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2053075
15  CTD/STD cast
Sound velocity and travel time in the water column
Reference numbers
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
Raw oxygen sensor output
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Sound velocity and travel time in the water column
Reference numbers
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
Raw oxygen sensor output
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
20226542019-07-10 21:31:46 78° 15' 17" N  29° 59' 42" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022654
20227712019-07-26 04:38:21 72° 37' 52" N  19° 14' 57" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022771
20226172019-07-06 23:36 72° 37' 45" N  29° 59' 58" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022617
20226422019-07-10 16:59:58 78° 15' 14" N  29° 59' 58" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022642
20227462019-07-21 23:47:53 81° 2' 22" N  18° 26' 48" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022746
20227582019-07-26 02:25:28 72° 37' 52" N  19° 14' 57" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022758
20226782019-07-12 23:18:27 76° 30' 23" N  30° 30' 5" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022678
20226912019-07-13 01:19:08 76° 30' 23" N  30° 30' 5" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022691
20227222019-07-16 06:20:31 80° 2' 11" N  29° 58' 11" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022722
20226662019-07-12 17:49:01 76° 29' 45" N  30° 30' 0" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022666
20227342019-07-21 21:40:46 81° 2' 29" N  18° 26' 2" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022734
20227092019-07-15 07:26 79° 14' 53" N  31° 36' 10" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022709
20227102019-07-16 03:51:34 80° 2' 32" N  30° 1' 4" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022710
20226292019-07-07 00:14 72° 37' 45" N  29° 59' 58" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022629
20226302019-07-07 16:18 74° 30' 1" N  30° 0' 2" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2022630
Discrete samples 
111  Box core
15  CTD frame plus rosette sampler
6  Gravity Corer
20  Multicorer
41  Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply
2  Surface water sample collected by a bucket on a rope
7  Unspecified zooplankton net or nets