
RV Lough Foyle LF/37/98

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Lough Foyle (74LG)
Cruise identifierLF/37/98
Cruise period1998-09-08 — 1998-09-18
Port of departureBelfast, United Kingdom
Port of returnBelfast, United Kingdom
ObjectivesPelagic fish acoustic survey
1. To estimate the biomass and population structure of herring and sprat.
2. To quantify food selection and intake of sprat and juvenile herring.
Chief scientistMike Armstrong (Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland)
Cruise reportRV Lough Foyle LF/37/98 cruise report lf37_98.pdf (0.23 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralIrish Sea and St. George's Channel
SpecificIrish Sea and North Channel
Track chartsRV Lough Foyle LF/37/98 cruise track — lf37_98track.pdf (0.03 MB) 
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Biology and fisheries 
Demersal fish54° 8' 5" N  54° 8' 17" W — Tow 13. Time 02.28. Mean depth 32m. Catch 1119kg.
Demersal fish54° 55' 41" N  5° 13' 35" W — Tow 26. Time 13.55. Mean depth 46m. Catch 158kg.
Demersal fish54° 27' 0" N  5° 8' 11" W — To estimate biomass, population and food intake of herring and sprat. Tow 1. Time 13.07. Mean depth 110m. Catch 26kg.
Demersal fish54° 18' 17" N  5° 16' 11" W — Tow 2. Time 16.52. Mean depth 84m. Catch 259kg.
Demersal fish54° 2' 42" N  5° 50' 5" W — Tow 3. Time 07.05. Mean depth 32m. Catch 77kg.
Demersal fish53° 57' 41" N  5° 39' 5" W — Tow 4. Time 09.08. Mean depth 73m. Catch 349kg.
Demersal fish53° 47' 59" N  5° 11' 42" W — Tow 5. Time 13.38. Mean depth 69m. Catch 0kg.
Demersal fish53° 47' 59" N  5° 17' 29" W — Tow 6. Time 15.19. Mean depth 72m. Catch 16m.
Demersal fish53° 37' 48" N  5° 57' 47" W — Tow 7. Time 21.20. Mean depth 32m. Catch 62kg.
Demersal fish53° 51' 0" N  4° 19' 23" W — Tow 8. Time 06.15. Mean depth 59m. Catch 22kg.
Demersal fish54° 28' 53" N  4° 9' 59" W — Tow 9. Time 15.35. Mean depth 53m. Catch 34kg.
Demersal fish54° 10' 12" N  4° 23' 35" W — Tow 10. Time 23.16. Mean depth 28m. Catch 102kg.
Demersal fish54° 5' 17" N  4° 31' 41" W — Tow 11. Time 21.20. Mean depth 28m. Catch 234kg.
Demersal fish54° 7' 59" N  4° 25' 35" W — Tow 12. Time 23.35. Mean depth 30m. Catch 277kg.
Demersal fish54° 8' 17" N  4° 20' 17" W — Tow 14. Time 04.59. Mean depth 37m. Catch 72kg.
Demersal fish54° 0' 47" N  4° 57' 0" W — Tow 15. Time 17.05. Mean depth 52m. Catch 76kg.
Demersal fish54° 10' 29" N  4° 57' 5" W — Tow 16. Time 20.06. Mean depth 78m.. Catch 35kg.
Demersal fish54° 12' 0" N  4° 48' 11" W — Tow 17. Time 23.22. Mean depth 30m. Catch 928kg.
Demersal fish54° 21' 29" N  4° 53' 47" W — Tow 18. Time 08.08. Mean depth 75m. Catch 153kg.
Demersal fish54° 27' 29" N  4° 57' 23" W — Tow 19. Time 13.42. Mean depth 92m. Catch 664kg.
Demersal fish54° 39' 53" N  3° 57' 11" W — Tow 20. Time 20.25. Mean depth 35m. Catch 79kg.
Demersal fish54° 29' 29" N  3° 40' 17" W — Tow 21. Time 09.00. Mean depth 24m. Catch 127kg.
Demersal fish54° 21' 35" N  3° 51' 47" W — Tow 22. Time 11.05. Mean depth 41m. Catch 232kg.
Demersal fish53° 53' 29" N  3° 23' 24" W — Tow 23. Time 19.34. Mean depth 22m. Catch 100kg.
Demersal fish54° 35' 6" N  4° 51' 54" W — Tow 24. Time 09.40. Mean depth 63m. Catch 264kg.
Demersal fish54° 43' 17" N  4° 58' 48" W — Tow 25. Time 11.25. Mean depth 21m. Catch 25kg.
Demersal fish54° 58' 5" N  5° 34' 35" W — Tow 27. Time 16.05. Mean depth 144m. Catch 11kg.