
FRV Clupea 1502C_1

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FRV Clupea (74CU)
Cruise identifier1502C_1
Cruise period2002-09-23 — 2002-09-25
Port of departureFraserburgh, United Kingdom
Port of returnMontrose, United Kingdom
ObjectivesTo recover long-term hydrographic monitoring moorings off Stonehaven, on the Wee Bankie and off the Marr Bank.
Chief scientistMichael R Robertson (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportFRV Clupea 1502C_1 cruise report 1502c.pdf (1.98 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificWee Bankie; Marr Bank, Stonehaven
Track chartsFRV Clupea 1502C_1 cruise track — 1502ctrack.pdf (0.56 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
CTD stationsQuantity: number of profiles = 3
Description: CTD stations
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Physical oceanography 
Subsurface temperature measurements56° 59' 58" N  1° 45' 30" W — Stonehaven mooring. Temperature loggers at 15, 20, 30, 35 and 50 metres, recovered 23/09/02
Subsurface temperature measurements56° 15' 7" N  2° 0' 38" W — Wee Bankie mooring. Temperature loggers at 15, 20, 30 and 40 metres, recovered 24/09/02
Subsurface temperature measurements56° 15' 0" N  1° 30' 1" W — Marr Bank mooring. Temperature loggers at 15, 20, 30, 35 and 50 metres, recovered 24/09/02
Current meters56° 15' 0" N  1° 30' 1" W — Marr Bank mooring. Current meters at 19 and 40 metres depth, recovered 24/09/02
Current meters56° 15' 7" N  2° 0' 38" W — Wee Bankie mooring. Current meter at 21 metres depth, recovered 24/09/02
Current meters56° 59' 58" N  1° 45' 30" W — Stonehaven mooring. Current meters at 29 and 70 metres depth, recovered 23/09/02
Biology and fisheries 
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)56° 59' 58" N  1° 45' 30" W — Stonehaven mooring. Fluorometer at 30 metres, recovered 24/09/02
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)56° 15' 0" N  1° 30' 1" W — Marr Bank mooring. Fluorometer at 20 metres, recovered 24/09/02
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)56° 15' 7" N  2° 0' 38" W — Wee Bankie mooring. Fluorometer at 22 metres, recovered 24/09/02
Data held at BODC Get data
3  CTD/STD cast
Vertical spatial coordinates
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Density of the water column
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Raw fluorometer output
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Vertical spatial coordinates
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Density of the water column
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Raw fluorometer output
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
6152382002-09-24 09:00 56° 15' 22" N  1° 29' 53" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 615238
6152512002-09-24 11:30 56° 15' 16" N  2° 0' 31" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 615251
6152262002-09-23 14:36 56° 58' 43" N  1° 46' 56" W  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 615226