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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Challenger (74CH) cruise CH72A


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS Challenger (74CH) cruise CH72A
Short name CH72A
Objectives and Narrative 1. To make underway measurements of air-sea fluxes, surface-sampled variables (temperature, salinity, transmittance, fluoresence, irradiances) and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiles, around the set "survey" track covering the southern North Sea.
2. To make CTD stations (recording temperature, conductivity for salinity, transmittance, fluoresence, dissolved oxygen, up- and down-welling, irradiance as functions of depth) at 120 sites along the track, also taking water samples for calibration measurements and nutrients.
3. To deploy a current meter mooring at site G and an ADCP and thermistor chain mooring at H.
4. To take multiple cores from sites 1 to 6 and carry out benthic flux and DMS analyses thereon.
5. To deploy current-meter/transmissometer/fluorometer moorings at positions A, B, C and D north of the Rhine outflow, and met. buoy, waverider and "eta" (near-surface current) moorings at position E between A-D.
6. To recover and deploy ADCP and P/T/C/transmissometer moorings in the Dover Strait.
Ship RRS Challenger
Departure Port Great Yarmouth, United Kingdom
Departure Date 1990-09-20
Arrival Port Great Yarmouth, United Kingdom
Arrival Date 1990-10-02
Principal Scientist(s) John Huthnance (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Responsible Organisation Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory
Associated Project(s) NERC North Sea Project/MAST #53 FLUXMANCHE, Dover Strait fluxes
IHB Sea Areas Visited English Channel, North Sea
Marsden Squares Visited 181;1/181;3/216;1/216;2/216;3/216;4
Work Area Description North Sea and Dover Straits
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of stations = 93
Current profiler (eg ADCP) Quantity: track kilometres = 1750
Description: shipborne ADCP, profiles every 10 minutes (280 hours)  
Optics (eg underwater light levels) Quantity: number of stations = 93
Description: up and downwelling irradiance (on CTD)  
Surface measurements underway (T,S) Quantity: track kilometres = 1750
Surface measurements underway (T,S) Quantity: activity duration in hours = 100
Description: hours - atmospheric aerosols (27 samples) for air-sea fluxes of organics  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: track kilometres = 1750
Description: surface underway  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: number of stations = 93
Description: attached to CTD  
Water bottle stations Quantity: number of stations = 93
Chemical oceanography  
Ammonia Quantity: number of stations = 93
Nitrate Quantity: number of stations = 93
Nitrite Quantity: number of stations = 93
Other chemical oceanographic measurements Quantity: activity duration in hours = 100
Description: hours - as above  
Oxygen Quantity: number of stations = 93
Description: bottle samples  
Oxygen Quantity: number of stations = 93
Description: attached to CTD  
Phosphate Quantity: number of stations = 93
Silicate Quantity: number of stations = 93
Suspended matter Quantity: number of stations = 93
Description: suspended sediment (not necessarily contaminant), bottle samples  
Biology and fisheries  
Phytoplankton Quantity: number of stations = 93
Description: bottle samples  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of stations = 93
Description: fluorescence (on CTD)  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of stations = 93
Description: bottle samples for chlorophyll  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: track kilometres = 1750
Description: surface underway fluorescence  
Atmospheric chemistry Quantity: activity duration in hours = 100
Incident radiation Quantity: track kilometres = 1750
Description: underway measurements  
Geology and geophysics  
Core - soft bottom Quantity: number of stations = 5
Description: sites (6 cores/site) for sediment-water gas fluxes especially DMS  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

Latitude Longitude Data type Description
52° 9' N 4° 6' E Current meters Site A, deployed 23 Sep 1990
52° 15' N 4° 4' E Current meters Site B, deployed 23 Sep 1990, 3 Aanderaa current meters
52° 16' N 4° 13' E Current meters Site C, deployed 22 Sep 1990, 3 Aanderaa current meters
52° 9' N 4° 6' E Current profiler (eg ADCP) Site A, deployed 23 Sep 1990
52° 15' N 4° 4' E Current profiler (eg ADCP) Site B, deployed 23 Sep 1990
52° 16' N 4° 13' E Current profiler (eg ADCP) Site C, deployed 22 Sep 1990
52° 9' N 4° 6' E Other physical oceanographic measurements Site A, deployed 23 Sep 1990, T/S recorder attached to surface toroid
52° 15' N 4° 4' E Other physical oceanographic measurements Site B, deployed 23 Sep 1990, T/S recorder attached to surface toroid
52° 9' N 4° 6' E Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)
52° 9' N 4° 6' E Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site A, deployed 23 Sep 1990
52° 15' N 4° 4' E Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site B, deployed 23 Sep 1990
52° 16' N 4° 13' E Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site C, deployed 22 Sep 1990
52° 9' N 4° 6' E Transparency (eg transmissometer) Site A, deployed 23 Sep 1990
52° 15' N 4° 4' E Transparency (eg transmissometer) Site B, deployed 23 Sep 1990
52° 16' N 4° 13' E Transparency (eg transmissometer) Site C, deployed 22 Sep 1990

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
87 Bottle station Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
1 Bottle station Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
56 Bottle station Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
5 CTD/STD cast Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column
Density of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
87 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column
Density of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
1 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column
Density of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
804439 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-20 13:14Z 52° 43' N, 1° 55' E Click for more
804440 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-20 15:47Z 52° 41' N, 2° 24' E Click for more
804452 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-20 17:59Z 52° 40' N, 2° 50' E Click for more
804464 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-20 20:09Z 52° 37' N, 3° 15' E Click for more
804476 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-22 06:16Z 52° 37' N, 3° 46' E Click for more
804488 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-22 08:54Z 52° 36' N, 4° 0' E Click for more
804507 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-22 10:35Z 52° 36' N, 4° 19' E Click for more
804519 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-22 11:38Z 52° 34' N, 4° 9' E Click for more
804520 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-22 14:05Z 52° 15' N, 4° 13' E Click for more
804532 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-22 17:27Z 52° 10' N, 4° 15' E Click for more
804544 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-22 20:17Z 52° 21' N, 4° 0' E Click for more
804556 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-22 22:05Z 52° 27' N, 3° 42' E Click for more
804568 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-23 04:50Z 52° 12' N, 4° 10' E Click for more
804581 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-23 08:23Z 52° 9' N, 4° 6' E Click for more
804593 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-23 11:38Z 52° 15' N, 4° 3' E Click for more
804600 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-23 17:23Z 52° 21' N, 3° 16' E Click for more
804612 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-23 19:35Z 52° 15' N, 2° 49' E Click for more
804624 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-23 21:45Z 52° 9' N, 2° 19' E Click for more
804636 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-23 23:56Z 52° 4' N, 1° 49' E Click for more
804648 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-24 01:53Z 51° 46' N, 1° 46' E Click for more
804661 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-24 04:08Z 51° 30' N, 1° 45' E Click for more
804673 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-24 07:07Z 51° 10' N, 1° 34' E Click for more
804685 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-24 16:18Z 50° 55' N, 1° 15' E Click for more
804697 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-24 21:50Z 51° 2' N, 1° 48' E Click for more
804704 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-25 02:57Z 51° 28' N, 2° 40' E Click for more
804716 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-25 05:10Z 51° 45' N, 3° 0' E Click for more
804728 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-25 14:29Z 52° 13' N, 3° 51' E Click for more
804741 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-25 18:29Z 52° 37' N, 3° 46' E Click for more
804753 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-25 20:17Z 52° 47' N, 3° 37' E Click for more
804765 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-25 22:11Z 53° 0' N, 3° 25' E Click for more
804777 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-26 00:12Z 53° 12' N, 3° 15' E Click for more
804789 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-26 03:55Z 53° 30' N, 3° 0' E Click for more
804790 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-26 07:31Z 53° 24' N, 3° 27' E Click for more
804808 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-27 14:23Z 53° 18' N, 4° 0' E Click for more
804821 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-27 14:54Z 53° 17' N, 4° 0' E Click for more
804833 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-27 16:40Z 53° 13' N, 4° 19' E Click for more
804845 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-27 18:06Z 53° 9' N, 4° 37' E Click for more
804857 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-27 22:11Z 53° 37' N, 4° 36' E Click for more
804869 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-27 23:31Z 53° 39' N, 4° 50' E Click for more
804870 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-28 01:30Z 53° 55' N, 4° 50' E Click for more
804882 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-28 03:53Z 54° 15' N, 4° 49' E Click for more
804894 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-28 05:44Z 54° 19' N, 5° 15' E Click for more
804901 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-28 08:12Z 54° 3' N, 5° 40' E Click for more
804913 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-28 09:22Z 53° 56' N, 5° 49' E Click for more
804925 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-28 10:31Z 53° 49' N, 6° 0' E Click for more
804937 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-28 12:28Z 53° 39' N, 6° 10' E Click for more
804949 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-28 14:01Z 53° 43' N, 6° 30' E Click for more
804950 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-28 15:52Z 53° 55' N, 6° 25' E Click for more
804962 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-28 19:12Z 54° 19' N, 6° 24' E Click for more
804974 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-28 21:13Z 54° 35' N, 6° 24' E Click for more
804986 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-29 00:28Z 55° 1' N, 6° 27' E Click for more
804998 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-29 03:54Z 55° 30' N, 6° 30' E Click for more
805001 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-29 06:14Z 55° 29' N, 6° 6' E Click for more
805013 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-29 07:13Z 55° 30' N, 6° 0' E Click for more
805025 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-29 09:55Z 55° 30' N, 5° 30' E Click for more
805037 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-29 12:29Z 55° 30' N, 4° 59' E Click for more
805049 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-29 14:42Z 55° 30' N, 4° 31' E Click for more
805050 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-29 17:51Z 55° 30' N, 3° 45' E Click for more
805062 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-29 20:06Z 55° 30' N, 3° 10' E Click for more
805074 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-29 22:33Z 55° 30' N, 2° 34' E Click for more
805086 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 00:43Z 55° 30' N, 2° 2' E Click for more
805098 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 03:16Z 55° 30' N, 1° 25' E Click for more
805105 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 05:25Z 55° 30' N, 0° 54' E Click for more
805117 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 07:42Z 55° 30' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
805129 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 09:33Z 55° 30' N, 0° 4' W Click for more
805130 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 11:26Z 55° 30' N, 0° 32' W Click for more
805142 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 12:58Z 55° 30' N, 0° 52' W Click for more
805154 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 14:32Z 55° 30' N, 1° 12' W Click for more
805166 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 16:13Z 55° 19' N, 1° 30' W Click for more
805178 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 17:35Z 55° 10' N, 1° 27' W Click for more
805191 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 19:01Z 55° 0' N, 1° 18' W Click for more
805209 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 20:32Z 55° 0' N, 0° 57' W Click for more
805210 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 22:08Z 55° 0' N, 0° 36' W Click for more
805222 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-30 23:19Z 54° 51' N, 0° 33' W Click for more
805234 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 01:02Z 54° 43' N, 0° 51' W Click for more
805246 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 02:13Z 54° 39' N, 1° 3' W Click for more
805258 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 03:02Z 54° 39' N, 0° 53' W Click for more
805271 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 04:19Z 54° 34' N, 0° 37' W Click for more
805283 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 05:41Z 54° 31' N, 0° 21' W Click for more
805295 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 07:28Z 54° 26' N, 0° 0' W Click for more
805302 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 09:23Z 54° 19' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
805314 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 10:42Z 54° 10' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
805326 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 12:21Z 53° 55' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
805338 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 13:53Z 53° 39' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
805351 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 14:55Z 53° 30' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
805363 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 16:03Z 53° 19' N, 0° 30' E Click for more
805375 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 17:15Z 53° 10' N, 0° 31' E Click for more
805387 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 18:03Z 53° 4' N, 0° 30' E Click for more
805399 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 19:51Z 53° 13' N, 0° 47' E Click for more
805406 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 21:39Z 53° 1' N, 1° 3' E Click for more
805418 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-01 23:26Z 53° 0' N, 1° 25' E Click for more
805431 CTD/STD cast 1990-10-02 02:33Z 52° 43' N, 1° 55' E Click for more
805443 CTD/STD cast 1990-09-26 09:51Z 53° 18' N, 4° 0' E Click for more
1278362 Bottle station 1990-09-20 13:20Z 52° 43' N, 1° 55' E Click for more
1278374 Bottle station 1990-09-20 15:52Z 52° 41' N, 2° 24' E Click for more
1278386 Bottle station 1990-09-20 18:05Z 52° 40' N, 2° 50' E Click for more
1278398 Bottle station 1990-09-20 20:13Z 52° 37' N, 3° 15' E Click for more
1278405 Bottle station 1990-09-22 06:21Z 52° 37' N, 3° 46' E Click for more
1278417 Bottle station 1990-09-22 08:59Z 52° 36' N, 4° 0' E Click for more
1278429 Bottle station 1990-09-22 10:38Z 52° 36' N, 4° 19' E Click for more
1278430 Bottle station 1990-09-22 11:42Z 52° 34' N, 4° 9' E Click for more
1278442 Bottle station 1990-09-22 14:19Z 52° 15' N, 4° 13' E Click for more
1278454 Bottle station 1990-09-22 17:30Z 52° 10' N, 4° 15' E Click for more
1278466 Bottle station 1990-09-22 20:20Z 52° 21' N, 4° 0' E Click for more
1278478 Bottle station 1990-09-22 22:07Z 52° 27' N, 3° 42' E Click for more
1278491 Bottle station 1990-09-23 08:26Z 52° 9' N, 4° 6' E Click for more
1278509 Bottle station 1990-09-23 11:45Z 52° 15' N, 4° 3' E Click for more
1278510 Bottle station 1990-09-23 17:26Z 52° 21' N, 3° 16' E Click for more
1278522 Bottle station 1990-09-23 19:38Z 52° 15' N, 2° 49' E Click for more
1278534 Bottle station 1990-09-23 21:50Z 52° 9' N, 2° 19' E Click for more
1278546 Bottle station 1990-09-24 00:00Z 52° 4' N, 1° 49' E Click for more
1278558 Bottle station 1990-09-24 01:57Z 51° 46' N, 1° 46' E Click for more
1278571 Bottle station 1990-09-24 04:11Z 51° 30' N, 1° 45' E Click for more
1278583 Bottle station 1990-09-24 07:11Z 51° 10' N, 1° 34' E Click for more
1278595 Bottle station 1990-09-24 21:54Z 51° 2' N, 1° 48' E Click for more
1278602 Bottle station 1990-09-25 03:00Z 51° 28' N, 2° 40' E Click for more
1278614 Bottle station 1990-09-25 05:14Z 51° 45' N, 3° 0' E Click for more
1278626 Bottle station 1990-09-25 14:31Z 52° 13' N, 3° 51' E Click for more
1278638 Bottle station 1990-09-25 18:32Z 52° 37' N, 3° 46' E Click for more
1278651 Bottle station 1990-09-25 20:20Z 52° 47' N, 3° 37' E Click for more
1278663 Bottle station 1990-09-25 22:16Z 53° 0' N, 3° 25' E Click for more
1278675 Bottle station 1990-09-26 00:15Z 53° 12' N, 3° 15' E Click for more
1278687 Bottle station 1990-09-26 03:59Z 53° 30' N, 3° 0' E Click for more
1278699 Bottle station 1990-09-26 07:34Z 53° 24' N, 3° 27' E Click for more
1278706 Bottle station 1990-09-27 14:57Z 53° 17' N, 4° 0' E Click for more
1278718 Bottle station 1990-09-27 16:43Z 53° 13' N, 4° 19' E Click for more
1278731 Bottle station 1990-09-27 18:08Z 53° 9' N, 4° 37' E Click for more
1278743 Bottle station 1990-09-27 23:35Z 53° 39' N, 4° 50' E Click for more
1278755 Bottle station 1990-09-28 01:33Z 53° 55' N, 4° 50' E Click for more
1278767 Bottle station 1990-09-28 03:57Z 54° 15' N, 4° 49' E Click for more
1278779 Bottle station 1990-09-28 05:48Z 54° 19' N, 5° 15' E Click for more
1278780 Bottle station 1990-09-28 08:15Z 54° 3' N, 5° 40' E Click for more
1278792 Bottle station 1990-09-28 09:26Z 53° 56' N, 5° 49' E Click for more
1278811 Bottle station 1990-09-28 10:34Z 53° 49' N, 6° 0' E Click for more
1278823 Bottle station 1990-09-28 12:31Z 53° 39' N, 6° 10' E Click for more
1278835 Bottle station 1990-09-28 14:03Z 53° 43' N, 6° 30' E Click for more
1278847 Bottle station 1990-09-28 15:55Z 53° 55' N, 6° 25' E Click for more
1278859 Bottle station 1990-09-28 19:17Z 54° 19' N, 6° 24' E Click for more
1278860 Bottle station 1990-09-28 21:19Z 54° 35' N, 6° 24' E Click for more
1278872 Bottle station 1990-09-29 00:32Z 55° 1' N, 6° 27' E Click for more
1278884 Bottle station 1990-09-29 03:57Z 55° 30' N, 6° 30' E Click for more
1278896 Bottle station 1990-09-29 07:18Z 55° 30' N, 6° 0' E Click for more
1278903 Bottle station 1990-09-29 10:00Z 55° 30' N, 5° 30' E Click for more
1278915 Bottle station 1990-09-29 12:32Z 55° 30' N, 4° 59' E Click for more
1278927 Bottle station 1990-09-29 14:45Z 55° 30' N, 4° 31' E Click for more
1278939 Bottle station 1990-09-29 17:54Z 55° 30' N, 3° 45' E Click for more
1278940 Bottle station 1990-09-29 20:12Z 55° 30' N, 3° 10' E Click for more
1278952 Bottle station 1990-09-29 22:38Z 55° 30' N, 2° 34' E Click for more
1278964 Bottle station 1990-09-30 00:49Z 55° 30' N, 2° 2' E Click for more
1278976 Bottle station 1990-09-30 03:22Z 55° 30' N, 1° 25' E Click for more
1278988 Bottle station 1990-09-30 05:32Z 55° 30' N, 0° 54' E Click for more
1279003 Bottle station 1990-09-30 07:47Z 55° 30' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
1279015 Bottle station 1990-09-30 09:38Z 55° 30' N, 0° 4' W Click for more
1279027 Bottle station 1990-09-30 11:32Z 55° 30' N, 0° 32' W Click for more
1279039 Bottle station 1990-09-30 13:06Z 55° 30' N, 0° 52' W Click for more
1279040 Bottle station 1990-09-30 14:38Z 55° 30' N, 1° 12' W Click for more
1279052 Bottle station 1990-09-30 16:18Z 55° 19' N, 1° 30' W Click for more
1279064 Bottle station 1990-09-30 17:38Z 55° 10' N, 1° 27' W Click for more
1279076 Bottle station 1990-09-30 19:04Z 55° 0' N, 1° 18' W Click for more
1279088 Bottle station 1990-09-30 20:40Z 55° 0' N, 0° 57' W Click for more
1279107 Bottle station 1990-09-30 22:15Z 55° 0' N, 0° 36' W Click for more
1279119 Bottle station 1990-09-30 23:26Z 54° 51' N, 0° 33' W Click for more
1279120 Bottle station 1990-10-01 01:07Z 54° 43' N, 0° 51' W Click for more
1279132 Bottle station 1990-10-01 02:16Z 54° 39' N, 1° 3' W Click for more
1279144 Bottle station 1990-10-01 03:06Z 54° 39' N, 0° 53' W Click for more
1279156 Bottle station 1990-10-01 04:23Z 54° 34' N, 0° 37' W Click for more
1279168 Bottle station 1990-10-01 05:46Z 54° 31' N, 0° 21' W Click for more
1279181 Bottle station 1990-10-01 07:33Z 54° 26' N, 0° 0' W Click for more
1279193 Bottle station 1990-10-01 09:27Z 54° 19' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
1279200 Bottle station 1990-10-01 10:46Z 54° 10' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
1279212 Bottle station 1990-10-01 12:25Z 53° 55' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
1279224 Bottle station 1990-10-01 13:56Z 53° 39' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
1279236 Bottle station 1990-10-01 14:58Z 53° 30' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
1279248 Bottle station 1990-10-01 16:05Z 53° 19' N, 0° 30' E Click for more
1279261 Bottle station 1990-10-01 17:18Z 53° 10' N, 0° 31' E Click for more
1279273 Bottle station 1990-10-01 18:06Z 53° 4' N, 0° 30' E Click for more
1279285 Bottle station 1990-10-01 19:53Z 53° 13' N, 0° 47' E Click for more
1279297 Bottle station 1990-10-01 21:40Z 53° 1' N, 1° 3' E Click for more
1279304 Bottle station 1990-10-01 23:28Z 53° 0' N, 1° 25' E Click for more
1279316 Bottle station 1990-10-02 02:37Z 52° 43' N, 1° 55' E Click for more
1688072 Bottle station 1990-09-22 06:21Z 52° 37' N, 3° 46' E Click for more
1688084 Bottle station 1990-09-22 08:59Z 52° 36' N, 4° 0' E Click for more
1688096 Bottle station 1990-09-22 10:38Z 52° 36' N, 4° 19' E Click for more
1688103 Bottle station 1990-09-22 11:42Z 52° 34' N, 4° 9' E Click for more
1688115 Bottle station 1990-09-22 14:19Z 52° 15' N, 4° 13' E Click for more
1688127 Bottle station 1990-09-22 17:30Z 52° 10' N, 4° 15' E Click for more
1688139 Bottle station 1990-09-22 20:20Z 52° 21' N, 4° 0' E Click for more
1688140 Bottle station 1990-09-22 22:07Z 52° 27' N, 3° 42' E Click for more
1688152 Bottle station 1990-09-23 05:03Z 52° 12' N, 4° 10' E Click for more
1688164 Bottle station 1990-09-23 08:26Z 52° 9' N, 4° 6' E Click for more
1688176 Bottle station 1990-09-23 17:26Z 52° 21' N, 3° 16' E Click for more
1688188 Bottle station 1990-09-23 19:38Z 52° 15' N, 2° 49' E Click for more
1688207 Bottle station 1990-09-23 21:50Z 52° 9' N, 2° 19' E Click for more
1688219 Bottle station 1990-09-24 00:00Z 52° 4' N, 1° 49' E Click for more
1688220 Bottle station 1990-09-24 01:57Z 51° 46' N, 1° 46' E Click for more
1688232 Bottle station 1990-09-24 04:11Z 51° 30' N, 1° 45' E Click for more
1688244 Bottle station 1990-09-24 07:11Z 51° 10' N, 1° 34' E Click for more
1688256 Bottle station 1990-09-24 21:54Z 51° 2' N, 1° 48' E Click for more
1688268 Bottle station 1990-09-25 03:00Z 51° 28' N, 2° 40' E Click for more
1688281 Bottle station 1990-09-25 05:14Z 51° 45' N, 3° 0' E Click for more
1688293 Bottle station 1990-09-25 14:31Z 52° 13' N, 3° 51' E Click for more
1688300 Bottle station 1990-09-25 20:20Z 52° 47' N, 3° 37' E Click for more
1688312 Bottle station 1990-09-25 22:16Z 53° 0' N, 3° 25' E Click for more
1688324 Bottle station 1990-09-26 00:15Z 53° 12' N, 3° 15' E Click for more
1688336 Bottle station 1990-09-26 03:59Z 53° 30' N, 3° 0' E Click for more
1688348 Bottle station 1990-09-27 14:57Z 53° 17' N, 4° 0' E Click for more
1688361 Bottle station 1990-09-27 16:43Z 53° 13' N, 4° 19' E Click for more
1688373 Bottle station 1990-09-27 18:08Z 53° 9' N, 4° 37' E Click for more
1688385 Bottle station 1990-09-27 23:35Z 53° 39' N, 4° 50' E Click for more
1688397 Bottle station 1990-09-28 01:33Z 53° 55' N, 4° 50' E Click for more
1688404 Bottle station 1990-09-28 03:57Z 54° 15' N, 4° 49' E Click for more
1688416 Bottle station 1990-09-28 05:48Z 54° 19' N, 5° 15' E Click for more
1688428 Bottle station 1990-09-28 08:15Z 54° 3' N, 5° 40' E Click for more
1688441 Bottle station 1990-09-28 09:26Z 53° 56' N, 5° 49' E Click for more
1688453 Bottle station 1990-09-28 10:34Z 53° 49' N, 6° 0' E Click for more
1688465 Bottle station 1990-09-28 12:31Z 53° 39' N, 6° 10' E Click for more
1688477 Bottle station 1990-09-28 14:03Z 53° 43' N, 6° 30' E Click for more
1688489 Bottle station 1990-09-28 15:55Z 53° 55' N, 6° 25' E Click for more
1688490 Bottle station 1990-09-28 19:17Z 54° 19' N, 6° 24' E Click for more
1688508 Bottle station 1990-09-28 21:19Z 54° 35' N, 6° 24' E Click for more
1688521 Bottle station 1990-09-29 03:57Z 55° 30' N, 6° 30' E Click for more
1688533 Bottle station 1990-09-29 07:18Z 55° 30' N, 6° 0' E Click for more
1688545 Bottle station 1990-09-29 10:00Z 55° 30' N, 5° 30' E Click for more
1688557 Bottle station 1990-09-29 12:32Z 55° 30' N, 4° 59' E Click for more
1688569 Bottle station 1990-09-29 14:45Z 55° 30' N, 4° 31' E Click for more
1688570 Bottle station 1990-09-29 17:54Z 55° 30' N, 3° 45' E Click for more
1688582 Bottle station 1990-09-29 20:12Z 55° 30' N, 3° 10' E Click for more
1688594 Bottle station 1990-09-29 22:38Z 55° 30' N, 2° 34' E Click for more
1688601 Bottle station 1990-09-30 00:49Z 55° 30' N, 2° 2' E Click for more
1688613 Bottle station 1990-09-30 03:22Z 55° 30' N, 1° 25' E Click for more
1688625 Bottle station 1990-09-30 05:32Z 55° 30' N, 0° 54' E Click for more
1688637 Bottle station 1990-09-30 07:47Z 55° 30' N, 0° 24' E Click for more
1688649 Bottle station 1990-09-30 09:38Z 55° 30' N, 0° 4' W Click for more
1688650 Bottle station 1990-09-30 11:32Z 55° 30' N, 0° 32' W Click for more
1688662 Bottle station 1990-09-30 13:06Z 55° 30' N, 0° 52' W Click for more
1688674 Bottle station 1990-09-30 14:38Z 55° 30' N, 1° 12' W Click for more
1688686 Bottle station 1990-09-30 16:18Z 55° 19' N, 1° 30' W Click for more

Project Database

# Events Gear Type Parameters Held
93 CTD frame plus rosette sampler Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Density of the water column
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)


Track Charts

Track Chart


Cruise Report