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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 553313

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Offshore sea floor pressure series
Instrument Type
Sea-Bird SBE 26 SEAGAUGE Wave and Tide Recorder  wave recorders; sea level recorders; water temperature sensor
Instrument Mounting fixed benthic node
Originating Country Netherlands
Originator -
Originating Organization Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) Provess

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier TIDE/PVS99
BODC Series Reference 553313

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 1999-04-01 16:07
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 1999-04-08 14:52
Nominal Cycle Interval 900.0 seconds

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 52.30220 N ( 52° 18.1' N )
Longitude 4.30030 E ( 4° 18.0' E )
Positional Uncertainty 0.1 to 0.5 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 18.85 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 18.85 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 0.14 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 0.14 m
Sea Floor Depth 19.0 m
Sea Floor Depth Source -
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Sensor fixed with measurements made at multiple depths within a fixed range (e.g. ADCP) - The sensor is at a fixed depth, but measurements are made remotely from the sensor over a range of depths (e.g. ADCP measurements)
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Sea floor reference - Depth measured as a height above sea floor but converted into a depth relative to the sea surface according to the same datum as used for sea floor depth (applicable to instrument depths not bathymetric depths)
Sea Floor Depth Datum Instantaneous - Depth measured below water line or instantaneous water body surface


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
AADYAA011DaysDate (time from 00:00 01/01/1760 to 00:00 UT on day)
AAFDZZ011DaysTime (time between 00:00 UT and timestamp)
PPSBSF011MetresDepth below surface of the water body by fixed in-situ pressure sensor and correction to zero at sea level and conversion to depth using unspecified algorithm
TEMPPR011Degrees CelsiusTemperature of the water body

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Public domain data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

The recommended acknowledgment is

"This study uses data from the data source/organisation/programme, provided by the British Oceanographic Data Centre and funded by the funding body."

Narrative Documents

Sea-Bird SBE-26 SEAGAUGE Wave and Tide Recorder

The SEAGAUGE SBE 26 is a wave & tide recorder manufactured by Sea-Bird Electronics ( which integrates water level measurements and characterizes waves with interleaved bursts of sampling at up to 4 Hz. The SBE 26 combines a Digiquartz pressure sensor, accurate clock, precision thermometer and optional conductivity sensor.

The SEAGAUGE SBE 26 continuously integrates pressure samples to obtain water level measurements unaffected by wave action, and also independently burst-samples pressure at rates up to 4 Hz for wave amplitude calculation. Water level integration and wave burst sampling intervals are programmable. The large memory permits frequent water level recording and detailed wave characterization.



Measurement range 0 to 21 m
Accuracy 0.01% FS (3 mm)
Repeatability 0.005% (1.5 mm)
Hysteresis 0.005% (1.5 mm)
Tide resolution 0.2 mm with 1 mn integration
0.01 mm with 15 mn integration
Wave resolution 0.4 mm with 0.26 sec integration
0.1 mm with 1 sec integration
Calibration 0 psia to full scale pressure (45 psia)

Temperature [°C]

Measurement range -5 to +35
Accuracy 0.02
Resolution 0.01
Calibration -1 to +31

Sea-Bird software processing

Default data processing is carried out using the manufacturer's software package ('SEASOFT for Waves') which performs auto-spectrum and time-series analyses and provides facilities for deployment planning, instrument set- up, data retrieval and plotting.

NIOZ (Netherlands) Tide Gauge Data Processing

The quality of the data was checked and atmospheric pressure was removed from the bottom pressure record so that the reading reflects the water level above the gauge. Note that the instrument was mounted 0.15 m above sea floor.

SBE-26 Wave/Tide Recorder Data Notes

The Sea-Bird SBE-26 wave tide recorder was set up to sample average pressure data every 15 minutes for tidal height data and to burst-sample pressure data at a frequency of 1Hz for 20 minutes every hour for wave data.

This data series does not include temperature data from the SBE-26 thermistor.

General Data Screening carried out by BODC

BODC screen both the series header qualifying information and the parameter values in the data cycles themselves.

Header information is inspected for:

  • Irregularities such as unfeasible values
  • Inconsistencies between related information, for example:
    • Times for instrument deployment and for start/end of data series
    • Length of record and the number of data cycles/cycle interval
    • Parameters expected and the parameters actually present in the data cycles
  • Originator's comments on meter/mooring performance and data quality

Documents are written by BODC highlighting irregularities which cannot be resolved.

Data cycles are inspected using time or depth series plots of all parameters. Currents are additionally inspected using vector scatter plots and time series plots of North and East velocity components. These presentations undergo intrinsic and extrinsic screening to detect infeasible values within the data cycles themselves and inconsistencies as seen when comparing characteristics of adjacent data sets displaced with respect to depth, position or time. Values suspected of being of non-oceanographic origin may be tagged with the BODC flag denoting suspect value; the data values will not be altered.

The following types of irregularity, each relying on visual detection in the plot, are amongst those which may be flagged as suspect:

  • Spurious data at the start or end of the record.
  • Obvious spikes occurring in periods free from meteorological disturbance.
  • A sequence of constant values in consecutive data cycles.

If a large percentage of the data is affected by irregularities then a Problem Report will be written rather than flagging the individual suspect values. Problem Reports are also used to highlight irregularities seen in the graphical data presentations.

Inconsistencies between the characteristics of the data set and those of its neighbours are sought and, where necessary, documented. This covers inconsistencies such as the following:

  • Maximum and minimum values of parameters (spikes excluded).
  • The occurrence of meteorological events.

This intrinsic and extrinsic screening of the parameter values seeks to confirm the qualifying information and the source laboratory's comments on the series. In screening and collating information, every care is taken to ensure that errors of BODC making are not introduced.

Project Information

PROcesses of Vertical Exchange in Shelf Seas (PROVESS)


PROVESS was an interdisciplinary study of the vertical fluxes of properties through the water column and the surface and bottom boundary layers. The project was funded by the European Community MAST-III programme (MAS3-CT97- 0159) and ran from March 1998 to May 2001.

Scientific Rationale

PROVESS was based on the integration of experimental, theoretical and modelling studies with the aim of improving understanding and quantification of vertical exchange processes in the water column, in particular in the surface and benthic boundary layers and across the> pycnocline. PROVESS also explored mechanisms of physical-biological coupling in which vertical exchanges and turbulence significantly affect the environmental conditions experienced by the biota with particular reference to aggregation, flocculation, sedimentation and trophic interactions.


The experimental phase of the project was carried out at two contrasting sites in the North Sea: the northern North Sea site (NNS) and the southern North Sea site (SNS).

The two sites had the following characteristics:

Position 52° 15.0' N, 4° 17.0' E 59° 20.0' E, 1° 00.0' E
Time of year April-May September-November
Water depth (m) 16 100
M2 max amplitude (m s-1) 0.75 0.15
Max current (m s-1) 1.0 0.6
Delta T (deg C) mixed 7-1
Thermocline depth (m) mixed 35-100
Delta S 1 small
Halocline depth (m) 5-10 cf. thermocline depth
Max wind speed (m s-1) 20 25
Max wave height (m) 5 10
Max wave period (s) 8 10
Internal motion No Yes
Sediment muddy-sand muddy-sand
Biology eutrophic oligotrophic

At both locations measurements were concentrated at a central position with additional measurements being made to estimate horizontal gradients. Moored instruments (including current meters, temperature and pressure sensors, fluorometers, transmissometers, nutrient analysers and meteorological sensors) were deployed between 7 September and 5 November 1998 at the NNS and between 29 March and 25 May 1999 at the SNS. Each experiment was supported by intensive measurement series made from oceanographic ships and involving turbulence dissipation profiler CTD, particle size profilers, optical profilers, benthic sampling and water bottle sampling.

Details of the cruises were as follows:

Site Ship
NNS Valdivia (GER) VA174 5 - 17 Sep 1998
  Dana (DK) D1198 14 - 26 Oct 1998
  Pelagia (NL) PE125 19 - 30 Oct 1998
  Challenger (UK) CH140 22 Oct - 9 Nov 1998
SNS Pelagia (NL) PE135 29 Mar - 9 Apr 1999
  Mitra (NL) MT0499 19 - 30 Apr 1999
  Belgica (BE) BG9912 17 - 21 May 1999

Data Activity or Cruise Information

Data Activity

Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 1999-03-29
End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 1999-04-08
Organization Undertaking ActivityRoyal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Country of OrganizationNetherlands
Originator's Data Activity IdentifierNIOZ#SNS99
Platform Categorysubsurface mooring


This mooring was known within PROVESS as the NIOZ Fast Thermistor String mooring. It was one of a cluster of moorings deployed at the main focus of the Southern North Sea Site during the spring of 1999.

Mooring type U-shaped mooring with bottom frame.
Instruments mounted on bottom frame
(0.15 m above sea bed)
1.2 MHz RDI ADCP (27 x 0.5 m bins starting 1.8 m above seabed)
Wave/tide recorder
Suspended instruments Thermistor string (19 sensors 2-11 m above seabed)

Related Data Activity activities are detailed in Appendix 1


Cruise Name PE136
Departure Date 1999-03-29
Arrival Date 1999-04-09
Principal Scientist(s)Hans van Haren (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research)
Ship RV Pelagia

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NamePROVESS Southern North Sea Site
CategoryOffshore area
Latitude52° 18.00' N
Longitude4° 18.00' E
Water depth below MSL16.0 m

PROVESS Southern North Sea Site

Eleven mooring packages were deployed at PROVESS Southern North Sea site by Pelagia cruise PE136 in March 1999. One of these (Rig U) was lost, the NIOZ mooring was recovered by PE136 in April 1999 and the remaining nine were recovered by either RV Belgica cruise BG9912 (8 moorings) or RV Zirfea (Rig V) in May 1999.

The layout of the mooring array was:

BODC image

The asterisk represents an array of five moorings as detailed in the inset map.

Mooring data

The data returned from each rig were as follows:

Rig identifier Data
A POLRIG#820 Near-bed currents
Temperature, salinity and attenuance
B POLRIG#821 ADCP currents
Water level
Thermistor plus conductivity chain
D POLRIG#822 Currents
H POLRIG#824 Currents
Nutrients (nitrate + nitrite, silicate)
G POLRIG#823 Surface attenuance, nutrients (nitrate + nitrite) and chlorophyll
NIOZ   ADCP currents
Thermistor chain
Wave statistics (considered suspect)
V POLRIG#827 Currents
Temperature (4 depths)
Y POLRIG#829 Water level
Near-bed temperature
T POLRIG#825 ADCP currents
Water level
Thermistor plus conductivity chain
U Unknown None
X POLRIG#828 Water level
Near-bed temperature

CTD data

A total of 356 CTD casts were also collected during the three cruises surveying this area. These include:

Cruise identifier Cruise dates No. of CTD casts
RV Pelagia (#136) 29 March - 09 April 1999 133
Mitra (#0499) 19 April - 30 April 1999 170
RV Belgica (#9912) 17 May - 21 May 1999 53

Additonal data

Supporting meteorological data (including sea surface temperature and wave statistics) from two platforms (52° 33' N, 4° 3.5' E and 52° 16.4' N, 4° 17.8' E) were supplied to the project and are held by BODC. These series run from the beginning of March 1999 until the end of May 1999.

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 2

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: NIOZ#SNS99

Related series for this Data Activity are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
564243Waves (statistics)1999-03-29 14:08:0052.3022 N, 4.3003 ERV Pelagia PE136
553294Currents -subsurface Eulerian1999-04-01 16:09:2052.3022 N, 4.3003 ERV Pelagia PE136
553301Hydrography time series at depth1999-04-01 16:09:2052.3022 N, 4.3003 ERV Pelagia PE136

Appendix 2: PROVESS Southern North Sea Site

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
564206Meteorology -unspecified1999-03-01 00:00:0052.55 N, 4.0583 ENot applicable
564218Meteorology -unspecified1999-03-01 00:00:0052.2739 N, 4.2959 ENot applicable
564243Waves (statistics)1999-03-29 14:08:0052.3022 N, 4.3003 ERV Pelagia PE136
541766Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-29 14:55:0252.3063 N, 4.3002 ERV Pelagia PE136
541809Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc.1999-03-29 16:49:0052.298 N, 4.2997 ERV Pelagia PE136
541902Fluorescence or pigments1999-03-29 17:00:0052.298 N, 4.2997 ERV Pelagia PE136
529269Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-29 18:45:0052.3632 N, 3.867 ERV Pelagia PE136
529325Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-29 18:49:4052.3632 N, 3.867 ERV Pelagia PE136
541791Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc.1999-03-30 08:15:0052.3198 N, 4.1953 ERV Pelagia PE136
541742Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-30 08:15:0652.3198 N, 4.1953 ERV Pelagia PE136
541822Currents -subsurface Eulerian1999-03-30 08:17:3052.3198 N, 4.1953 ERV Pelagia PE136
529245Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-30 08:20:0052.3198 N, 4.1953 ERV Pelagia PE136
529350Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-30 08:25:5252.3198 N, 4.1953 ERV Pelagia PE136
541858Currents -subsurface Eulerian1999-03-30 09:04:5952.3198 N, 4.1953 ERV Pelagia PE136
541778Currents -subsurface Eulerian1999-03-30 10:05:0852.3002 N, 4.3002 ERV Pelagia PE136
541895Fluorescence or pigments1999-03-30 11:00:0052.3002 N, 4.3002 ERV Pelagia PE136
541938Water column chemistry1999-03-30 11:01:4052.3002 N, 4.3002 ERV Pelagia PE136
541871Currents -subsurface Eulerian1999-03-30 11:48:0652.3063 N, 4.3002 ERV Pelagia PE136
553141Water column chemistry1999-03-30 12:32:1552.3002 N, 4.3002 ERV Pelagia PE136
541730Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-30 13:15:0652.3032 N, 4.3055 ERV Pelagia PE136
541810Currents -subsurface Eulerian1999-03-30 13:45:0052.302 N, 4.2945 ERV Pelagia PE136
529257Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-30 14:00:0052.3023 N, 4.3067 ERV Pelagia PE136
529349Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-30 14:00:2652.3023 N, 4.3067 ERV Pelagia PE136
541834Currents -subsurface Eulerian1999-03-30 14:05:0052.3023 N, 4.3067 ERV Pelagia PE136
541846Currents -subsurface Eulerian1999-03-30 14:09:5852.3023 N, 4.3067 ERV Pelagia PE136
529282Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-30 16:50:0052.4385 N, 4.3503 ERV Pelagia PE136
529294Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-30 16:50:0052.4385 N, 4.3503 ERV Pelagia PE136
529301Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-30 16:50:0052.4385 N, 4.3503 ERV Pelagia PE136
529313Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-30 16:50:0052.4385 N, 4.3503 ERV Pelagia PE136
541754Currents -subsurface Eulerian1999-03-30 16:55:0752.4385 N, 4.3503 ERV Pelagia PE136
529270Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-30 18:15:0052.5682 N, 4.4002 ERV Pelagia PE136
529337Hydrography time series at depth1999-03-30 18:20:2652.5682 N, 4.4002 ERV Pelagia PE136
553294Currents -subsurface Eulerian1999-04-01 16:09:2052.3022 N, 4.3003 ERV Pelagia PE136
553301Hydrography time series at depth1999-04-01 16:09:2052.3022 N, 4.3003 ERV Pelagia PE136
541926Water column chemistry1999-04-02 21:01:4052.298 N, 4.2997 ERV Pelagia PE136