Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 609976
Metadata Summary
Problem Reports
Data Access Policy
Narrative Documents
Project Information
Data Activity or Cruise Information
Fixed Station Information
BODC Quality Flags
SeaDataNet Quality Flags
Metadata Summary
Data Description |
Data Identifiers |
Time Co-ordinates(UT) |
Spatial Co-ordinates | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameters |
Problem Reports
No Problem Report Found in the Database
Data Access Policy
Open Data
These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.
If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:
"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."
Narrative Documents
TRB-1 and TRB-2 Self-recording Transmissometers
The TRB-1 self-recording transmissometer was designed by the School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor and was sometimes known as the 'Mark III Transmissometer'. The instrument was developed commercially by W.S. Ocean Systems Limited and marketed with the designation TRB-2.
The instrument used a 660nm (red) source modulated at 400 Hz. The optical assembly incorporated a folded beam design to reduce instrument size to a minimum. The light beam was collimated using an achromatic lens, passed through a fixed length of the water column and reflected back to a photodiode receiver via a prism reflector. The optical path length could be fixed at either 5 cm, 10 cm or 25 cm.
Data were logged at the top of each minute as the average of 200 samples taken at 400 Hz. Timing was based on an accurate real-time clock emulated by the processor BIOS extension. Data were acquired by a multi-channel 12- bit data acquisition system resident on the motherboard resulting in a count between 0 and 4095.
Data were stored internally on a 2 MByte SRAM card giving storage for 120 days of data. After deployment, the data were downloaded in a simple ASCII format onto a PC.
TRB-2 instruments could be fitted with additional conductivity and temperature sensors.
Project Information
North Sea Project
The North Sea Project (NSP) was the first Marine Sciences Community Research project of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). It evolved from a NERC review of shelf sea research, which identified the need for a concerted multidisciplinary study of circulation, transport and production.
The ultimate aim of the NERC North Sea Project was the development of a suite of prognostic water quality models to aid management of the North Sea. To progress towards water quality models, three intermediate objectives were pursued in parallel:
- Production of a 3-D transport model for any conservative passive constituent, incorporating improved representations of the necessary physics - hydrodynamics and dispersion;
- Identifying and quantifying non-conservative processes - sources and sinks determining the cycling and fate of individual constituents;
- Defining a complete seasonal cycle as a database for all the observational studies needed to formulate, drive and test models.
Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory hosted the project, which involved over 200 scientists and support staff from NERC and other Government funded laboratories, as well as seven universities and polytechnics.
The project ran from 1987 to 1992, with marine field data collection between April 1988 and October 1989. One shakedown (CH28) and fifteen survey cruises (Table 1), each lasting 12 days and following the same track, were repeated monthly. The track selected covered the summer-stratified waters of the north and the homogeneous waters in the Southern Bight in about equal lengths together with their separating frontal band from Flamborough head to Dogger Bank, the Friesian Islands and the German Bight. Mooring stations were maintained at six sites for the duration of the project.
Table 1: Details of NSP Survey Cruises on RRS Challenger | |
Cruise No. | Date |
CH28 | 29/04/88 - 15/05/88 |
CH33 | 04/08/88 - 16/08/88 |
CH35 | 03/09/88 - 15/09/88 |
CH37 | 02/10/88 - 14/10/88 |
CH39 | 01/11/88 - 13/11/88 |
CH41 | 01/12/88 - 13/12/88 |
CH43 | 30/12/88 - 12/01/89 |
CH45 | 28/01/89 - 10/02/89 |
CH47 | 27/02/89 - 12/03/89 |
CH49 | 29/03/89 - 10/04/89 |
CH51 | 27/04/89 - 09/05/89 |
CH53 | 26/05/89 - 07/06/89 |
CH55 | 24/06/89 - 07/07/89 |
CH57 | 24/07/89 - 06/08/89 |
CH59 | 23/08/89 - 04/09/89 |
CH61 | 21/09/89 - 03/10/89 |
Alternating with the survey cruises were process study cruises (Table 2), which investigated some particular aspect of the science of the North Sea. These included fronts (nearshore, circulation and mixing), sandwaves and sandbanks, plumes (Humber, Wash, Thames and Rhine), resuspension, air-sea exchange, primary productivity and blooms/chemistry.
Table 2: Details of NSP Process cruises on RRS Challenger | ||
Cruise No. | Date | Process |
CH34 | 18/08/88 - 01/09/88 | Fronts - nearshore |
CH36 | 16/09/88 - 30/09/88 | Fronts - mixing |
CH56 | 08/07/89 - 22/07/89 | Fronts - circulation |
CH58 | 07/08/89 - 21/08/89 | Fronts - mixing |
CH38 | 24/10/88 - 31/10/88 | Sandwaves |
CH40 | 15/11/88 - 29/11/88 | Sandbanks |
CH42 | 15/12/88 - 29/12/88 | Plumes/Sandbanks |
CH46 | 12/02/89 - 26/02/89 | Plumes/Sandwaves |
CH44 | 13/01/89 - 27/01/89 | Resuspension |
CH52 | 11/05/89 - 24/05/89 | Resuspension |
CH60 | 06/09/89 - 19/09/89 | Resuspension |
CH48 | 13/03/89 - 27/03/89 | Air/sea exchanges |
CH62 | 05/10/89 - 19/10/89 | Air/sea exchanges |
CH50 | 12/04/89 - 25/04/89 | Blooms/chemistry |
CH54 | 09/06/89 - 22/06/89 | Production |
In addition to the main data collection period, a series of cruises took place between October 1989 and October 1990 that followed up work done on previous cruises (Table 3). Process studies relating to blooms, plumes (Humber, Wash and Rhine), sandwaves and the flux of contaminants through the Dover Strait were carried out as well as two `survey' cruises.
Table 3: Details of NSP `Follow up' cruises on RRS Challenger | ||
Cruise No. | Date | Process |
CH62A | 23/10/89 - 03/11/89 | Blooms |
CH64 | 03/04/90 - 03/05/90 | Blooms |
CH65 | 06/05/90 - 17/05/90 | Humber plume |
CH66A | 20/05/90 - 31/05/90 | Survey |
CH66B | 03/06/90 - 18/06/90 | Contaminants through Dover Strait |
CH69 | 26/07/90 - 07/08/90 | Resuspension/Plumes |
CH72A | 20/09/90 - 02/10/90 | Survey |
CH72B | 04/10/90 - 06/10/90 | Sandwaves/STABLE |
CH72C | 06/10/90 - 19/10/90 | Rhine plume |
The data collected during the observational phase of the North Sea Project comprised one of the most detailed sets of observations ever undertaken in any shallow shelf sea at that time.
North Sea Project Resuspension Process Study
The ratio of particulate to dissolved material which is so important to water quality is affected by resuspension which, in turn, depends on the character of the sea bed, biological influences, tidal currents, wind, wave and seasonal stratification. The objectives of the three resuspension cruises were to make time series observations of physical, sedimentological and biological properties of the sediment, suspended particle material and water at two sites in the North Sea, using a variety of moored instruments, CTD/water bottle casts, pumped sampling and sediment grabs and box cores.
The two sites were:
- Northern Site
- 54° 35'N, 004° 50'E
- 45m depth
- muddy sand
- seasonally stratified water column
- Southern Site
- 52° 40'N, 003° 40'E
- 27m depth
- sand
- permanently well-mixed water column
Data Activity or Cruise Information
Data Activity
Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) | 1989-09-07 |
End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) | 1989-09-17 |
Organization Undertaking Activity | Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (now National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool) |
Country of Organization | United Kingdom |
Originator's Data Activity Identifier | POLRIG#60414 |
Platform Category | subsurface mooring |
North Sea Project POLRIG#60414
The Sediment Transport and Boundary Layer Equipment (STABLE) rig was deployed as part of the NERC North Sea Project Process Study Resuspension Experiment at the Northern Site.
Rig position | 54° 35.40'N, 004° 50.73'E |
Water depth | 45.0 m |
Rig description
STABLE is a benthic lander consisting of a large aluminium frame standing on tripod legs, designed and built at the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory. It is fitted with syntactic foam buoyancy, two Benthos transponding releases, mechanical releases and disposable ballast. When the Benthos releases receive a coded acoustic command from the mother ship, the ballast is released and the instrument pops up to the surface.
The following sensors were included on the STABLE rig: four open (toroidal) electo-magnetic current meters (EMCMs) were mounted in pairs at 30 cm and 70 cm above the anticipated sea-bed level; two optical back-scatter (OBS) sensors were mounted at the same height; a Digiquartz pressure sensor; a camera; a thermistor; a transmissometer; an Aanderaa current meter; a compass to orientate the rig and pitch and roll sensors (enabling corrections to horizontal and vertical EMCM data for rig movement if necessary).
Instrument | Sensor Height | Parameters Measured | Comments |
Two EMCM | 0.3 m | Three-dimensional turbulent current | No data available |
Two EMCM | 0.7 m | Three-dimensional turbulent current | No data available |
Two OBS | - | Suspended Sediment Concentration | No data available |
PR | - | Pressure | No data available |
TH | - | Sea Temperature | No data available |
CM | - | Current flow and direction | No data available |
TR | 1.2 m | Attenuance and Total Suspended Matter | Good data |
- EMCM = Electro-magnetic Current Meter
- OBS = Optical Back-Scatter sensor
- PR = Digiquartz Pressure sensor
- TH = Thermistor
- CM = Aanderaa Current Meter
- TR = Transmissometer
Fixed Station Information
Fixed Station Information
Station Name | NSP Resusp. N |
Category | Offshore location |
Latitude | 54° 34.80' N |
Longitude | 4° 49.80' E |
Water depth below MSL | 45.0 m |
Fixed Station: North Sea Project Resuspension Experiment Northern Site
This site was one of two contrasting North Sea sites occupied during the North Sea Project Resuspension Experiment.
The Northern site was located in 45m of water and was characterised by a muddy sand bed and a seasonally stratified water column.
The rigs deployed here lie within a box bounded by co-ordinates 54.576N 4.801E at the southwest corner and 54.600N 4.865E at the northeast corner. Magnetic variation at this site was 2.9° west.
Northern site deployment history is summarised below:
Rig ID | Meter type | Meter height | Start date | Data return (days) | Comment |
00319 | CM TR CM TR TR | 30.0m 30.0m 10.0m 10.0m
| 16/01/89 16/01/89 16/01/89 16/01/89 16/01/89 | 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 0.0 | N/A N/A N/A N/A No data |
00320 | CM CM CM | 37.0m 31.0m
| 17/01/89 17/01/89 17/01/89 | 4.7 4.7 0.0 | N/A N/A No data |
00321 | CM CM | 35.0m
| 17/01/89 17/01/89 | 4.9 0.0 | N/A No data |
00322 | TG | 0.5m | 16/01/89 | 6.8 | |
00323 | TR | 1.2m | 17/01/89 | 5.0 | |
00324 | MET | 45.0m | 16/01/89 | 7.0 | |
00325 | WV | 45.0m | 16/01/89 | 6.0 | |
00326 | ADCP | 0.8m | 18/01/89 | 5.0 | |
00352 | CM TR CM TR CM TR | 21.5m
11.0m 9.0m 6.0m 4.0m | 14/05/89 14/05/89 14/05/89 14/05/89 14/05/89 14/05/89 | 5.8 0.0 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 | N/A No data N/A N/A N/A N/A |
00410 | CM TR CM TR CM TR | 30.0m 29.0m 10.0m 9.0m 5.0m
| 07/09/89 07/09/89 07/09/89 07/09/89 07/09/89 07/09/89 | 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 0.0 | N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No data |
00411 | CM CM | 36.0m 30.0m | 08/09/89 08/09/89 | 8.2 8.2 | |
00412 | CM CM |
35.0m | 08/09/89 08/09/89 | 0.0 5.8 | No data N/A |
00413 | TG | 08/09/89 | 0.0 | No data | |
00414 | TR | 1.2m | 07/09/89 | 10.0 | |
00415 | MET | 45.0m | 07/09/89 | 8.0 | |
00416 | WV | 45.0m | 08/09/89 | 13.0 | |
00417 | ADCP | 0.8m | 08/09/89 | 8.1 |
ADCP = Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
TR = Transmissometer
CM = Current Meter
MET = Met. Buoy
WV = Wave Rider
TG = Tide Gauge
Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 1
BODC Quality Control Flags
The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:
Flag | Description |
Blank | Unqualified |
< | Below detection limit |
> | In excess of quoted value |
A | Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.) |
B | Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast |
C | Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.) |
D | Thermometric depth |
E | End of CTD Down/Up Cast |
G | Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty |
H | Extrapolated value |
I | Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.) |
K | Improbable value - unknown quality control source |
L | Improbable value - originator's quality control |
M | Improbable value - BODC quality control |
N | Null value |
O | Improbable value - user quality control |
P | Trace/calm |
Q | Indeterminate |
R | Replacement value |
S | Estimated value |
T | Interpolated value |
U | Uncalibrated |
W | Control value |
X | Excessive difference |
SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags
The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:
Flag | Description |
0 | no quality control |
1 | good value |
2 | probably good value |
3 | probably bad value |
4 | bad value |
5 | changed value |
6 | value below detection |
7 | value in excess |
8 | interpolated value |
9 | missing value |
A | value phenomenon uncertain |
B | nominal value |
Q | value below limit of quantification |
Appendix 1: NSP Resusp. N
Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.
If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.
Series Identifier | Data Category | Start date/time | Start position | Cruise |
592477 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 1989-01-16 14:07:30 | 54.5767 N, 4.8583 E | Not applicable |
609939 | Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc. | 1989-01-16 16:50:00 | 54.5917 N, 4.8633 E | Not applicable |
609940 | Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc. | 1989-01-16 16:50:00 | 54.5917 N, 4.8633 E | Not applicable |
580360 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-01-16 17:00:00 | 54.5917 N, 4.8633 E | Not applicable |
580359 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-01-16 17:00:06 | 54.5917 N, 4.8633 E | Not applicable |
609927 | Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc. | 1989-01-17 09:30:00 | 54.5917 N, 4.8633 E | Not applicable |
593143 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-01-17 12:20:00 | 54.5817 N, 4.855 E | Not applicable |
593131 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-01-17 15:40:00 | 54.59 N, 4.8017 E | Not applicable |
593155 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-01-17 15:40:00 | 54.59 N, 4.8017 E | Not applicable |
814919 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-17 20:22:00 | 54.58333 N, 4.83067 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
814920 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-17 22:09:00 | 54.5845 N, 4.81617 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
814932 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-18 00:07:00 | 54.57867 N, 4.826 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
814944 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-18 02:02:00 | 54.58017 N, 4.824 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
814956 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-18 04:07:00 | 54.57883 N, 4.8275 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
814968 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-18 06:06:00 | 54.57683 N, 4.83583 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
814981 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-18 08:02:00 | 54.58017 N, 4.83017 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
814993 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-18 10:02:00 | 54.57917 N, 4.829 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
604277 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-01-18 11:39:29 | 54.5983 N, 4.805 E | Not applicable |
815112 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-21 20:04:00 | 54.5875 N, 4.84183 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
815124 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-21 22:05:00 | 54.58783 N, 4.81567 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
815136 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-22 00:03:00 | 54.583 N, 4.82783 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
815148 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-22 02:05:00 | 54.58333 N, 4.84117 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
815161 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-22 04:07:00 | 54.58383 N, 4.82517 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
815173 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-22 06:08:00 | 54.58433 N, 4.83417 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
815185 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-22 08:03:00 | 54.58717 N, 4.8395 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
815197 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-01-22 10:16:00 | 54.58667 N, 4.83133 E | RRS Challenger CH44 |
609952 | Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc. | 1989-05-14 10:10:00 | 54.5698 N, 4.8397 E | Not applicable |
609964 | Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc. | 1989-05-14 10:20:00 | 54.5698 N, 4.8397 E | Not applicable |
592103 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-05-14 10:24:00 | 54.5818 N, 4.8397 E | Not applicable |
592115 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-05-14 10:25:00 | 54.5818 N, 4.8397 E | Not applicable |
592127 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-05-14 10:25:00 | 54.5818 N, 4.8397 E | Not applicable |
816742 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-14 13:06:00 | 54.5835 N, 4.8515 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258649 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 13:11:00 | 54.5835 N, 4.85142 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861836 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 13:11:00 | 54.5835 N, 4.85142 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084222 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 13:11:08 | 54.5835 N, 4.85142 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084965 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 13:11:08 | 54.5835 N, 4.85142 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085237 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 13:11:08 | 54.5835 N, 4.85142 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816754 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-14 14:25:00 | 54.584 N, 4.84817 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084234 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 14:29:33 | 54.58398 N, 4.84817 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084977 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 14:29:33 | 54.58398 N, 4.84817 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085249 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 14:29:33 | 54.58398 N, 4.84817 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258650 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 14:30:00 | 54.58398 N, 4.84817 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861848 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 14:30:00 | 54.58398 N, 4.84817 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816766 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-14 15:19:00 | 54.58233 N, 4.84783 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258662 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 15:24:00 | 54.58231 N, 4.84778 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861861 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 15:24:00 | 54.58231 N, 4.84778 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084246 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 15:24:12 | 54.58231 N, 4.84778 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084989 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 15:24:12 | 54.58231 N, 4.84778 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085250 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 15:24:12 | 54.58231 N, 4.84778 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816778 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-14 16:26:00 | 54.582 N, 4.87633 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084258 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 16:34:43 | 54.58206 N, 4.87626 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084990 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 16:34:43 | 54.58206 N, 4.87626 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085262 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 16:34:43 | 54.58206 N, 4.87626 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258674 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 16:35:00 | 54.58206 N, 4.87626 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861873 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 16:35:00 | 54.58206 N, 4.87626 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816791 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-14 19:04:00 | 54.57717 N, 4.8445 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084283 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 19:09:38 | 54.57724 N, 4.84447 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085016 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 19:09:38 | 54.57724 N, 4.84447 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085286 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 19:09:38 | 54.57724 N, 4.84447 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258698 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 19:10:00 | 54.57724 N, 4.84447 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861885 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 19:10:00 | 54.57724 N, 4.84447 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816809 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-14 20:02:00 | 54.57383 N, 4.833 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084295 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 20:07:33 | 54.57378 N, 4.83298 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085028 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 20:07:33 | 54.57378 N, 4.83298 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085298 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 20:07:33 | 54.57378 N, 4.83298 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258705 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 20:08:00 | 54.57378 N, 4.83298 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861897 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 20:08:00 | 54.57378 N, 4.83298 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816810 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-14 21:18:00 | 54.58467 N, 4.82417 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084302 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 21:22:34 | 54.58463 N, 4.82423 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085041 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 21:22:34 | 54.58463 N, 4.82423 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085305 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 21:22:34 | 54.58463 N, 4.82423 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258717 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 21:23:00 | 54.58463 N, 4.82423 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861904 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 21:23:00 | 54.58463 N, 4.82423 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816822 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-14 22:07:00 | 54.58367 N, 4.82933 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084314 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 22:11:44 | 54.58374 N, 4.82939 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085053 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 22:11:44 | 54.58374 N, 4.82939 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085317 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 22:11:44 | 54.58374 N, 4.82939 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258729 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 22:12:00 | 54.58374 N, 4.82939 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861916 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 22:12:00 | 54.58374 N, 4.82939 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816834 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-14 23:10:00 | 54.58867 N, 4.82883 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258730 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 23:15:00 | 54.58867 N, 4.82884 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861928 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 23:15:00 | 54.58867 N, 4.82884 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084326 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 23:15:20 | 54.58867 N, 4.82884 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085065 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 23:15:20 | 54.58867 N, 4.82884 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085329 | Water sample data | 1989-05-14 23:15:20 | 54.58867 N, 4.82884 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816846 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-15 00:03:00 | 54.586 N, 4.834 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258742 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 00:08:00 | 54.58603 N, 4.83405 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861941 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 00:08:00 | 54.58603 N, 4.83405 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084338 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 00:08:05 | 54.58603 N, 4.83405 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085077 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 00:08:05 | 54.58603 N, 4.83405 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085330 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 00:08:05 | 54.58603 N, 4.83405 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816858 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-15 02:02:00 | 54.58683 N, 4.85267 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258754 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 02:07:00 | 54.58682 N, 4.85261 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861953 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 02:07:00 | 54.58682 N, 4.85261 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085089 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 02:07:08 | 54.58682 N, 4.85261 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2085342 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 02:07:08 | 54.58682 N, 4.85261 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816871 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-15 03:12:00 | 54.58333 N, 4.85717 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258766 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 03:18:00 | 54.58339 N, 4.85717 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861965 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 03:18:00 | 54.58339 N, 4.85717 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816883 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-15 04:02:00 | 54.58267 N, 4.8505 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258778 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 04:08:00 | 54.58266 N, 4.85057 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861977 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 04:08:00 | 54.58266 N, 4.85057 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816895 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-15 05:01:00 | 54.58483 N, 4.8675 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1258791 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 05:07:00 | 54.58475 N, 4.86752 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861989 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 05:07:00 | 54.58475 N, 4.86752 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
816902 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-15 18:04:00 | 54.575 N, 4.85217 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1861990 | Water sample data | 1989-05-15 18:10:00 | 54.57495 N, 4.85211 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817327 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-19 18:14:00 | 54.60367 N, 4.84117 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084688 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 18:19:45 | 54.60364 N, 4.84119 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259223 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 18:20:00 | 54.60364 N, 4.84119 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862409 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 18:20:00 | 54.60364 N, 4.84119 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817339 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-19 19:01:00 | 54.60867 N, 4.85017 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259235 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 19:05:00 | 54.60873 N, 4.85017 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862410 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 19:05:00 | 54.60873 N, 4.85017 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084707 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 19:05:04 | 54.60873 N, 4.85017 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817340 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-19 21:05:00 | 54.58317 N, 4.831 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084720 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 21:08:52 | 54.58319 N, 4.83101 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259259 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 21:09:00 | 54.58319 N, 4.83101 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862422 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 21:09:00 | 54.58319 N, 4.83101 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817352 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-19 22:04:00 | 54.57167 N, 4.81733 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259260 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 22:08:00 | 54.57167 N, 4.81739 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862434 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 22:08:00 | 54.57167 N, 4.81739 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084732 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 22:08:24 | 54.57167 N, 4.81739 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817364 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-19 23:03:00 | 54.58167 N, 4.817 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259272 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 23:07:00 | 54.58173 N, 4.81694 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862446 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 23:07:00 | 54.58173 N, 4.81694 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084744 | Water sample data | 1989-05-19 23:07:01 | 54.58173 N, 4.81694 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817376 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-20 00:01:00 | 54.57683 N, 4.7875 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084756 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 00:05:45 | 54.57684 N, 4.7875 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259284 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 00:06:00 | 54.57684 N, 4.7875 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862458 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 00:06:00 | 54.57684 N, 4.7875 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817388 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-20 01:04:00 | 54.585 N, 4.8195 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259296 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 01:08:00 | 54.58498 N, 4.81951 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862471 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 01:08:00 | 54.58498 N, 4.81951 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084768 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 01:08:23 | 54.58498 N, 4.81951 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817407 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-20 02:18:00 | 54.589 N, 4.82683 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259303 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 02:21:00 | 54.58907 N, 4.82682 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862483 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 02:21:00 | 54.58907 N, 4.82682 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084781 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 02:21:29 | 54.58907 N, 4.82682 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817419 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-20 03:04:00 | 54.58217 N, 4.811 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084793 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 03:08:36 | 54.58212 N, 4.81097 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259315 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 03:09:00 | 54.58212 N, 4.81097 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862495 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 03:09:00 | 54.58212 N, 4.81097 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817420 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-20 04:09:00 | 54.57583 N, 4.81083 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084800 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 04:14:30 | 54.57582 N, 4.81084 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259327 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 04:15:00 | 54.57582 N, 4.81084 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862502 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 04:15:00 | 54.57582 N, 4.81084 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817432 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-20 05:11:00 | 54.58133 N, 4.85733 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259339 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 05:15:00 | 54.58134 N, 4.85734 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862514 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 05:15:00 | 54.58134 N, 4.85734 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084812 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 05:15:29 | 54.58134 N, 4.85734 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817444 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-20 08:51:00 | 54.58367 N, 4.83367 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862526 | Water sample data | 1989-05-20 09:12:00 | 54.58368 N, 4.83365 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817757 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-22 23:32:00 | 54.58233 N, 4.83483 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259536 | Water sample data | 1989-05-22 23:38:00 | 54.58232 N, 4.83483 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862827 | Water sample data | 1989-05-22 23:38:00 | 54.58232 N, 4.83483 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084824 | Water sample data | 1989-05-22 23:38:28 | 54.58232 N, 4.83483 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817769 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 00:33:00 | 54.58517 N, 4.8345 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259548 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 00:37:00 | 54.58511 N, 4.83444 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862839 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 00:37:00 | 54.58511 N, 4.83444 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084836 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 00:37:26 | 54.58511 N, 4.83444 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817770 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 01:32:00 | 54.58033 N, 4.84167 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259561 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 01:37:00 | 54.58041 N, 4.84159 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862840 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 01:37:00 | 54.58041 N, 4.84159 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084848 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 01:37:17 | 54.58041 N, 4.84159 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817782 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 02:33:00 | 54.5835 N, 4.82717 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084861 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 02:37:57 | 54.58344 N, 4.82713 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259573 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 02:38:00 | 54.58344 N, 4.82713 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862852 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 02:38:00 | 54.58344 N, 4.82713 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817794 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 03:32:00 | 54.58233 N, 4.81683 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259585 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 03:36:00 | 54.58241 N, 4.81685 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862864 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 03:36:00 | 54.58241 N, 4.81685 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084873 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 03:36:29 | 54.58241 N, 4.81685 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817801 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 04:32:00 | 54.58367 N, 4.841 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259597 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 04:37:00 | 54.58374 N, 4.84095 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862876 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 04:37:00 | 54.58374 N, 4.84095 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084885 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 04:37:25 | 54.58374 N, 4.84095 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817813 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 05:31:00 | 54.5815 N, 4.837 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084897 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 05:35:56 | 54.58148 N, 4.83695 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259604 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 05:36:00 | 54.58148 N, 4.83695 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862888 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 05:36:00 | 54.58148 N, 4.83695 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817825 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 06:31:00 | 54.581 N, 4.84233 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259616 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 06:35:00 | 54.58095 N, 4.84228 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862907 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 06:35:00 | 54.58095 N, 4.84228 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084904 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 06:35:27 | 54.58095 N, 4.84228 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817837 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 07:34:00 | 54.58517 N, 4.83883 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259628 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 07:39:00 | 54.58521 N, 4.8389 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862919 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 07:39:00 | 54.58521 N, 4.8389 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084916 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 07:39:05 | 54.58521 N, 4.8389 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817849 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 08:37:00 | 54.58533 N, 4.8345 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259641 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 08:42:00 | 54.58528 N, 4.83449 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862920 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 08:42:00 | 54.58528 N, 4.83449 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084928 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 08:42:10 | 54.58528 N, 4.83449 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817850 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 09:37:00 | 54.58433 N, 4.83167 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259653 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 09:41:00 | 54.58437 N, 4.83167 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862932 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 09:41:00 | 54.58437 N, 4.83167 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084941 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 09:41:29 | 54.58437 N, 4.83167 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817862 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 10:36:00 | 54.5845 N, 4.83817 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
2084953 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 10:41:40 | 54.58447 N, 4.83809 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259665 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 10:42:00 | 54.58447 N, 4.83809 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862944 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 10:42:00 | 54.58447 N, 4.83809 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817874 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 11:35:00 | 54.57883 N, 4.8325 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259677 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 11:39:00 | 54.57875 N, 4.8325 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862956 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 11:39:00 | 54.57875 N, 4.8325 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817886 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 12:35:00 | 54.5835 N, 4.83533 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259689 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 12:39:00 | 54.5835 N, 4.83532 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862968 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 12:39:00 | 54.5835 N, 4.83532 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
817898 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-05-23 13:31:00 | 54.58483 N, 4.83567 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1259690 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 13:36:00 | 54.58476 N, 4.8357 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
1862981 | Water sample data | 1989-05-23 13:36:00 | 54.58476 N, 4.8357 E | RRS Challenger CH52 |
819807 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-07 08:55:00 | 54.58267 N, 4.85583 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
819819 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-07 15:37:00 | 54.5905 N, 4.81983 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
609988 | Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc. | 1989-09-07 16:30:00 | 54.5903 N, 4.8205 E | Not applicable |
610001 | Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc. | 1989-09-07 16:35:00 | 54.5903 N, 4.8205 E | Not applicable |
592139 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-09-07 16:39:00 | 54.5903 N, 4.8205 E | Not applicable |
592140 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-09-07 16:39:00 | 54.5903 N, 4.8205 E | Not applicable |
592152 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-09-07 16:40:00 | 54.5903 N, 4.8205 E | Not applicable |
819820 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-07 19:34:00 | 54.58267 N, 4.834 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
819832 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-07 20:53:00 | 54.58333 N, 4.83667 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
819844 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-07 21:55:00 | 54.5805 N, 4.83817 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086277 | Water sample data | 1989-09-07 21:59:45 | 54.58051 N, 4.83812 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
819856 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-07 23:07:00 | 54.58733 N, 4.846 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
819868 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-08 00:03:00 | 54.587 N, 4.86133 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
819881 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-08 01:29:00 | 54.57933 N, 4.83583 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086289 | Water sample data | 1989-09-08 01:33:17 | 54.57938 N, 4.83577 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
819893 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-08 02:27:00 | 54.57833 N, 4.851 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
819900 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-08 03:45:00 | 54.57817 N, 4.83567 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086290 | Water sample data | 1989-09-08 03:51:32 | 54.5782 N, 4.83566 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
819912 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-08 05:00:00 | 54.5775 N, 4.829 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085502 | Water sample data | 1989-09-08 05:04:49 | 54.57751 N, 4.82906 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086308 | Water sample data | 1989-09-08 05:04:49 | 54.57751 N, 4.82906 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1257714 | Water sample data | 1989-09-08 05:05:00 | 54.57751 N, 4.82906 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
819924 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-08 06:19:00 | 54.57917 N, 4.82917 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1257726 | Water sample data | 1989-09-08 06:24:00 | 54.57918 N, 4.82911 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085514 | Water sample data | 1989-09-08 06:24:25 | 54.57918 N, 4.82911 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086321 | Water sample data | 1989-09-08 06:24:25 | 54.57918 N, 4.82911 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
819936 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-08 07:33:00 | 54.58367 N, 4.83367 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1257738 | Water sample data | 1989-09-08 07:38:00 | 54.58365 N, 4.83372 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085526 | Water sample data | 1989-09-08 07:38:03 | 54.58365 N, 4.83372 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086333 | Water sample data | 1989-09-08 07:38:03 | 54.58365 N, 4.83372 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
604289 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-09-08 11:39:27 | 54.586 N, 4.8457 E | Not applicable |
593167 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-09-08 12:30:00 | 54.5818 N, 4.8372 E | Not applicable |
593180 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-09-08 12:30:00 | 54.5818 N, 4.8372 E | Not applicable |
593179 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 1989-09-08 13:40:00 | 54.5765 N, 4.847 E | Not applicable |
820114 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-12 19:07:00 | 54.58117 N, 4.834 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1257911 | Water sample data | 1989-09-12 19:11:00 | 54.58116 N, 4.83396 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085692 | Water sample data | 1989-09-12 19:11:14 | 54.58116 N, 4.83396 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820126 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-12 20:26:00 | 54.58183 N, 4.83633 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1257923 | Water sample data | 1989-09-12 20:31:00 | 54.58182 N, 4.83637 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085711 | Water sample data | 1989-09-12 20:31:01 | 54.58182 N, 4.83637 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820138 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-12 21:05:00 | 54.5805 N, 4.8365 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1257935 | Water sample data | 1989-09-12 21:09:00 | 54.58057 N, 4.83648 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085723 | Water sample data | 1989-09-12 21:09:06 | 54.58057 N, 4.83648 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820151 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-12 22:32:00 | 54.5825 N, 4.8345 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085735 | Water sample data | 1989-09-12 22:36:34 | 54.58249 N, 4.83451 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1257947 | Water sample data | 1989-09-12 22:37:00 | 54.58249 N, 4.83451 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820163 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-12 23:09:00 | 54.582 N, 4.82883 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1257959 | Water sample data | 1989-09-12 23:13:00 | 54.58205 N, 4.82889 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085747 | Water sample data | 1989-09-12 23:13:22 | 54.58205 N, 4.82889 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820175 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-13 00:56:00 | 54.583 N, 4.833 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1257960 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 00:59:00 | 54.58304 N, 4.83292 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085759 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 00:59:23 | 54.58304 N, 4.83292 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820187 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-13 01:35:00 | 54.5815 N, 4.83033 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085760 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 01:38:58 | 54.58142 N, 4.83031 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1257972 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 01:39:00 | 54.58142 N, 4.83031 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820199 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-13 03:16:00 | 54.58 N, 4.837 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085772 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 03:21:44 | 54.57993 N, 4.83696 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1257984 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 03:22:00 | 54.57993 N, 4.83696 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820206 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-13 04:14:00 | 54.5835 N, 4.83367 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085784 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 04:17:58 | 54.58356 N, 4.83369 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1257996 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 04:18:00 | 54.58356 N, 4.83369 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820218 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-13 05:46:00 | 54.582 N, 4.83383 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258011 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 05:50:00 | 54.58206 N, 4.83379 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085796 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 05:50:03 | 54.58206 N, 4.83379 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820231 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-13 17:35:00 | 54.583 N, 4.83833 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258035 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 17:38:00 | 54.58301 N, 4.83836 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085815 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 17:38:25 | 54.58301 N, 4.83836 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820243 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-13 19:27:00 | 54.5835 N, 4.83417 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258047 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 19:31:00 | 54.58353 N, 4.83415 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085827 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 19:31:26 | 54.58353 N, 4.83415 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820255 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-13 21:01:00 | 54.57833 N, 4.83283 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085839 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 21:04:48 | 54.57828 N, 4.83276 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258059 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 21:05:00 | 54.57828 N, 4.83276 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820267 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-13 22:01:00 | 54.5815 N, 4.8315 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085840 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 22:04:50 | 54.58145 N, 4.83145 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258060 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 22:05:00 | 54.58145 N, 4.83145 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820279 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-13 23:14:00 | 54.58367 N, 4.8305 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258072 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 23:18:00 | 54.58368 N, 4.83058 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085852 | Water sample data | 1989-09-13 23:18:24 | 54.58368 N, 4.83058 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820280 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-14 00:00:00 | 54.583 N, 4.8345 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258084 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 00:03:00 | 54.58301 N, 4.83446 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085864 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 00:03:11 | 54.58301 N, 4.83446 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820292 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-14 01:05:00 | 54.5815 N, 4.82767 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258096 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 01:08:00 | 54.58157 N, 4.82766 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085876 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 01:08:21 | 54.58157 N, 4.82766 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820311 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-14 02:07:00 | 54.58233 N, 4.83617 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085888 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 02:10:33 | 54.58228 N, 4.83615 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258103 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 02:11:00 | 54.58228 N, 4.83615 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820323 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-14 03:28:00 | 54.58317 N, 4.8345 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085907 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 03:32:43 | 54.58321 N, 4.83455 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258115 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 03:33:00 | 54.58321 N, 4.83455 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820335 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-14 04:06:00 | 54.58383 N, 4.82833 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085919 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 04:09:44 | 54.58377 N, 4.82841 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258127 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 04:10:00 | 54.58377 N, 4.82841 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820347 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-14 05:12:00 | 54.58233 N, 4.828 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258139 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 05:16:00 | 54.58231 N, 4.82802 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085920 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 05:16:00 | 54.58231 N, 4.82802 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820359 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-14 06:01:00 | 54.58367 N, 4.8335 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258140 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 06:04:00 | 54.58368 N, 4.83358 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2085932 | Water sample data | 1989-09-14 06:04:29 | 54.58368 N, 4.83358 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820360 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-14 07:25:00 | 54.58317 N, 4.83433 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820440 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-16 18:38:00 | 54.58233 N, 4.838 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258220 | Water sample data | 1989-09-16 18:43:00 | 54.58228 N, 4.83807 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086019 | Water sample data | 1989-09-16 18:43:25 | 54.58228 N, 4.83807 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820452 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-16 19:43:00 | 54.58133 N, 4.84417 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258232 | Water sample data | 1989-09-16 19:46:00 | 54.58136 N, 4.84409 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086020 | Water sample data | 1989-09-16 19:46:09 | 54.58136 N, 4.84409 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820464 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-16 21:07:00 | 54.58583 N, 4.84933 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086032 | Water sample data | 1989-09-16 21:11:36 | 54.58582 N, 4.84933 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258244 | Water sample data | 1989-09-16 21:12:00 | 54.58582 N, 4.84933 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820476 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-16 22:04:00 | 54.5815 N, 4.82867 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258256 | Water sample data | 1989-09-16 22:08:00 | 54.58154 N, 4.82859 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086044 | Water sample data | 1989-09-16 22:08:20 | 54.58154 N, 4.82859 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820488 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-16 23:19:00 | 54.58017 N, 4.835 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258268 | Water sample data | 1989-09-16 23:23:00 | 54.58018 N, 4.83498 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086056 | Water sample data | 1989-09-16 23:23:15 | 54.58018 N, 4.83498 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820507 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-17 00:08:00 | 54.581 N, 4.83933 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086068 | Water sample data | 1989-09-17 00:11:59 | 54.58105 N, 4.83935 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258281 | Water sample data | 1989-09-17 00:12:00 | 54.58105 N, 4.83935 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820519 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-17 01:36:00 | 54.583 N, 4.836 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086081 | Water sample data | 1989-09-17 01:40:43 | 54.58304 N, 4.83593 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258293 | Water sample data | 1989-09-17 01:41:00 | 54.58304 N, 4.83593 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820520 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-17 02:15:00 | 54.58033 N, 4.827 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258300 | Water sample data | 1989-09-17 02:18:00 | 54.58029 N, 4.82695 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086093 | Water sample data | 1989-09-17 02:18:01 | 54.58029 N, 4.82695 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820532 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-17 03:44:00 | 54.58367 N, 4.83433 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086100 | Water sample data | 1989-09-17 03:48:42 | 54.58362 N, 4.83427 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258312 | Water sample data | 1989-09-17 03:49:00 | 54.58362 N, 4.83427 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820544 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-17 04:26:00 | 54.58217 N, 4.829 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258324 | Water sample data | 1989-09-17 04:31:00 | 54.58223 N, 4.82901 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086112 | Water sample data | 1989-09-17 04:31:13 | 54.58223 N, 4.82901 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820556 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-17 05:55:00 | 54.5815 N, 4.83383 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
2086124 | Water sample data | 1989-09-17 05:59:31 | 54.58154 N, 4.83388 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
1258336 | Water sample data | 1989-09-17 06:00:00 | 54.58154 N, 4.83388 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820568 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-17 06:21:00 | 54.58367 N, 4.839 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820581 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-17 09:56:00 | 54.59117 N, 4.83167 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
820593 | CTD or STD cast | 1989-09-17 12:45:00 | 54.59 N, 4.85017 E | RRS Challenger CH60 |
824023 | CTD or STD cast | 1990-07-30 12:38:00 | 54.59133 N, 4.82517 E | RRS Challenger CH69 |
2090694 | Water sample data | 1990-07-30 12:41:34 | 54.59135 N, 4.82513 E | RRS Challenger CH69 |