
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets held by Università degli Studi di Napoli 'Parthenope', Istituto di Meteorologia e Oceanografia

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Host Data set name Show
itCTD profiles and current meters data in the southern part of Tyrrhenian Sea (1994, 1995)Click to show data set information
itCTD profiles and current meters data in the Straits of Magellan (1995) Click to show data set information
itCTD profiles in Ross Sea and Southern Ocean (Pacific sector), 1990-91 Click to show data set information
itCTD, current meter and biochemical data in Ionian Sea and Straits of Sicily and Sardinia (1985-92) during POEM project Click to show data set information
itCTD, current meter and wave data in E Tyrrhenian Sea (primarily Gulfs of Gaeta and Naples) Click to show data set information
itLagrangian Measurements in the Sicily Straits (1994-1999) Click to show data set information
itLagrangian Measurements in the Southern Sector of the Pacific Ocean (1994-2000) Click to show data set information

| New query | Found  7 | Show  (1-7) |