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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 1861824

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Water sample data
Instrument Type
Niskin bottle  discrete water samplers
Instrument Mounting lowered unmanned submersible
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator Unknown
Originating Organization British Oceanographic Data Centre Bidston (now British Oceanographic Data Centre, Liverpool)
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) North Sea Project 1987-1992

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier CH52_CTD_PIGX_16:1898
BODC Series Reference 1861824

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 1989-05-13 15:17
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) -
Nominal Cycle Interval -

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 52.63518 N ( 52° 38.1' N )
Longitude 3.69156 E ( 3° 41.5' E )
Positional Uncertainty 0.05 to 0.1 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 4.8 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 25.0 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 4.2 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 24.4 m
Sea Floor Depth 29.2 m
Sea Floor Depth Source PEVENT
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Unspecified -
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Unspecified -
Sea Floor Depth Datum Unspecified -


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
ADEPZZ011MetresDepth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body
BOTTFLAG1Not applicableSampling process quality flag (BODC C22)
CPHLPR011Milligrams per cubic metreConcentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer
SAMPRFNM1DimensionlessSample reference number

Definition of BOTTFLAG

0The sampling event occurred without any incident being reported to BODC.
1The filter in an in-situ sampling pump physically ruptured during sample resulting in an unquantifiable loss of sampled material.
2Analytical evidence (e.g. surface water salinity measured on a sample collected at depth) indicates that the water sample has been contaminated by water from depths other than the depths of sampling.
3The feedback indicator on the deck unit reported that the bottle closure command had failed. General Oceanics deck units used on NERC vessels in the 80s and 90s were renowned for reporting misfires when the bottle had been closed. This flag is also suitable for when a trigger command is mistakenly sent to a bottle that has previously been fired.
4During the sampling deployment the bottle was fired in an order other than incrementing rosette position. Indicative of the potential for errors in the assignment of bottle firing depth, especially with General Oceanics rosettes.
5Water was reported to be escaping from the bottle as the rosette was being recovered.
6The bottle seals were observed to be incorrectly seated and the bottle was only part full of water on recovery.
7Either the bottle was found to contain no sample on recovery or there was no bottle fitted to the rosette position fired (but SBE35 record may exist).
8There is reason to doubt the accuracy of the sampling depth associated with the sample.
9The bottle air vent had not been closed prior to deployment giving rise to a risk of sample contamination through leakage.

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

Niskin Bottle

The Niskin bottle is a device used by oceanographers to collect subsurface seawater samples. It is a plastic bottle with caps and rubber seals at each end and is deployed with the caps held open, allowing free-flushing of the bottle as it moves through the water column.

Standard Niskin

The standard version of the bottle includes a plastic-coated metal spring or elastic cord running through the interior of the bottle that joins the two caps, and the caps are held open against the spring by plastic lanyards. When the bottle reaches the desired depth the lanyards are released by a pressure-actuated switch, command signal or messenger weight and the caps are forced shut and sealed, trapping the seawater sample.

Lever Action Niskin

The Lever Action Niskin Bottle differs from the standard version, in that the caps are held open during deployment by externally mounted stainless steel springs rather than an internal spring or cord. Lever Action Niskins are recommended for applications where a completely clear sample chamber is critical or for use in deep cold water.

Clean Sampling

A modified version of the standard Niskin bottle has been developed for clean sampling. This is teflon-coated and uses a latex cord to close the caps rather than a metal spring. The clean version of the Levered Action Niskin bottle is also teflon-coated and uses epoxy covered springs in place of the stainless steel springs. These bottles are specifically designed to minimise metal contamination when sampling trace metals.


Bottles may be deployed singly clamped to a wire or in groups of up to 48 on a rosette. Standard bottles and Lever Action bottles have a capacity between 1.7 and 30 L. Reversing thermometers may be attached to a spring-loaded disk that rotates through 180° on bottle closure.

CTD Calibration Sample Data Set as part of the North Sea Project

Document History

Converted from CDROM documentation.

Sampling strategy and methodology

During the North Sea Project a significant data set of samples used to calibrate the CTD sensors accrued. This document describes the methods used to obtain these data.


A salinity sample, usually from the bottle fired nearest to the sea floor, was drawn from each cast after several washings with the sample sea water into a screw topped glass bottle with an airtight plastic seal. Samples were transferred in batches to the ship's constant temperature laboratory where they were left for at least 24 hours to attain thermal equilibrium.

Salinities were measured on a Guildline Autosal salinometer using standard sea water as a reference standard. Occasionally, if supplies of standard sea water ran low, batches of sea water calibrated against standard sea water were used as a secondary standard.

Quality control comprised the rejection of salinity values shown to be erroneous during the CTD calibration exercise.


On each CTD cast one of the sample bottles (usually the first to be fired at the bottom of the cast) was fitted with a frame containing two SIS RTM-4002 digital thermometers which reversed, triggering the thermometers, when the bottle was fired.

The readings were corrected using manufacturers calibration sheets. If the calibrated values differed by more than 0.009C, the data were checked and erroneous values rejected. Checks were also made to eliminate erroneous data resulting from failure to reset the thermometers between casts. The two values (if both deemed good) were averaged. Any further values shown to be erroneous during the CTD calibration exercise were deleted from the data set.

Dissolved Oxygen

Three replicate samples were drawn from the water bottles into 60 ml borosilicate glass stoppered bottles and 0.5ml of each Winkler reagent added using BCD multi-addition pipettes. The reagents were prepared according to the recommendations of Carrit and Carpenter (1966). After mixing, the oxygen bottles were stored under fresh water until analysed.

Analysis was undertaken on board using the manual photometric endpoint detector method described by Bryan et al (1976).

Chlorophyll and Phaeopigment

Extracted chlorophyll and phaeopigments for all cruises where chlorophylls were done with the exception of CH72A and CH72C were determined in the same laboratory, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, using the following protocol.

Up to 2 litres of water for each sample were filtered through glass fibre filters (GFF) and frozen quickly on board ship. The samples were returned frozen to the laboratory where they were extracted with 90% acetone and assayed in a scanning spectrophotometer. The concentrations of chlorophyll and phaeopigments were calculated using the SCOR-UNESCO algorithms (Strickland and Parsons, 1968).

The chlorophyll and phaeopigment determinations on the two legs of Challenger 72 (A and C) in 1990 were undertaken by a different group using a totally different protocol as follows.

Up to 0.5 litres of sea water were filtered through Whatman GFF filters taking care to avoid unnecessary exposure to light. Filters were then extracted, on board ship, in the dark in 90% Analar grade acetone, 10% distilled water, neutralised with sodium bicarbonate.

Fluorescence was measured at sea using a Turner Designs bench fluorometer, calibrated using spectrophotometrically determined standards, before and after acidification with 8% HCl. Chlorophyll and phaeopigment concentrations were calculated using the equation in Tett (1987). The resulting measurement of 'chlorophyll' is the sum of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyllide-a.

Total and Organic Sediment

Two litres of water were drawn from each CTD bottle into a large measuring cylinder. Each sample was filtered using a vacuum filtration system onto a pre-weighed filter. On the early cruises (CH28, CH33, CH35, CH37 and CH39) Nucleopore filters were used. On later cruises these were replaced by GFF filters. Each sample was carefully washed with distilled water to remove salt, removed from the filtration system and air dried.

In some cases where samples had a large sediment load it proved impossible to filter two litres. In these cases, as much of the sample as possible was filtered and the volume filtered determined by noting the volume of water remaining in the measuring cylinder.

After the cruise, each sample was dried and reweighed to constant weight to give the total suspended matter concentration. The samples were then ashed and the organic sediment content obtained from the loss of weight on ignition. The polycarbonate Nucleopore filters used at the beginning of the project decomposed on ignition. Consequently, there are no organic sediment data for project cruises before Challenger 41.


Bryan, J.R., Riley, J.P. and Williams, P.J.LeB. (1976). A Winkler procedure for making precise measurements of oxygen concentration for productivity and related studies. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 21, 191-197.

Carrit, D.E. and Carpenter, J.H. (1966). Comparison and evaluation of currently employed modifications of the Winkler method for determining dissolved oxygen in sea water. J. Mar. Res. 24, 286-318.

Strickland, J.D.H. and Parsons, T.R. (1968). A practical handbook of sea water analysis. Bull.Fish.Res.Bd.Can.:167.

Tett, P.B. (1987). Plankton: in Baker, J.M. and Wolff, W.J. (eds.) Biological surveys of estuaries and coasts. CUP, Cambridge, U.K. 280-341.

Project Information

North Sea Project

The North Sea Project (NSP) was the first Marine Sciences Community Research project of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). It evolved from a NERC review of shelf sea research, which identified the need for a concerted multidisciplinary study of circulation, transport and production.

The ultimate aim of the NERC North Sea Project was the development of a suite of prognostic water quality models to aid management of the North Sea. To progress towards water quality models, three intermediate objectives were pursued in parallel:

  • Production of a 3-D transport model for any conservative passive constituent, incorporating improved representations of the necessary physics - hydrodynamics and dispersion;
  • Identifying and quantifying non-conservative processes - sources and sinks determining the cycling and fate of individual constituents;
  • Defining a complete seasonal cycle as a database for all the observational studies needed to formulate, drive and test models.

Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory hosted the project, which involved over 200 scientists and support staff from NERC and other Government funded laboratories, as well as seven universities and polytechnics.

The project ran from 1987 to 1992, with marine field data collection between April 1988 and October 1989. One shakedown (CH28) and fifteen survey cruises (Table 1), each lasting 12 days and following the same track, were repeated monthly. The track selected covered the summer-stratified waters of the north and the homogeneous waters in the Southern Bight in about equal lengths together with their separating frontal band from Flamborough head to Dogger Bank, the Friesian Islands and the German Bight. Mooring stations were maintained at six sites for the duration of the project.

Table 1: Details of NSP Survey Cruises on RRS Challenger
Cruise No. Date
CH28 29/04/88 - 15/05/88
CH33 04/08/88 - 16/08/88
CH35 03/09/88 - 15/09/88
CH37 02/10/88 - 14/10/88
CH39 01/11/88 - 13/11/88
CH41 01/12/88 - 13/12/88
CH43 30/12/88 - 12/01/89
CH45 28/01/89 - 10/02/89
CH47 27/02/89 - 12/03/89
CH49 29/03/89 - 10/04/89
CH51 27/04/89 - 09/05/89
CH53 26/05/89 - 07/06/89
CH55 24/06/89 - 07/07/89
CH57 24/07/89 - 06/08/89
CH59 23/08/89 - 04/09/89
CH61 21/09/89 - 03/10/89

Alternating with the survey cruises were process study cruises (Table 2), which investigated some particular aspect of the science of the North Sea. These included fronts (nearshore, circulation and mixing), sandwaves and sandbanks, plumes (Humber, Wash, Thames and Rhine), resuspension, air-sea exchange, primary productivity and blooms/chemistry.

Table 2: Details of NSP Process cruises on RRS Challenger
Cruise No. Date Process
CH34 18/08/88 - 01/09/88 Fronts - nearshore
CH36 16/09/88 - 30/09/88 Fronts - mixing
CH56 08/07/89 - 22/07/89 Fronts - circulation
CH58 07/08/89 - 21/08/89 Fronts - mixing
CH38 24/10/88 - 31/10/88 Sandwaves
CH40 15/11/88 - 29/11/88 Sandbanks
CH42 15/12/88 - 29/12/88 Plumes/Sandbanks
CH46 12/02/89 - 26/02/89 Plumes/Sandwaves
CH44 13/01/89 - 27/01/89 Resuspension
CH52 11/05/89 - 24/05/89 Resuspension
CH60 06/09/89 - 19/09/89 Resuspension
CH48 13/03/89 - 27/03/89 Air/sea exchanges
CH62 05/10/89 - 19/10/89 Air/sea exchanges
CH50 12/04/89 - 25/04/89 Blooms/chemistry
CH54 09/06/89 - 22/06/89 Production

In addition to the main data collection period, a series of cruises took place between October 1989 and October 1990 that followed up work done on previous cruises (Table 3). Process studies relating to blooms, plumes (Humber, Wash and Rhine), sandwaves and the flux of contaminants through the Dover Strait were carried out as well as two `survey' cruises.

Table 3: Details of NSP `Follow up' cruises on RRS Challenger
Cruise No. Date Process
CH62A 23/10/89 - 03/11/89 Blooms
CH64 03/04/90 - 03/05/90 Blooms
CH65 06/05/90 - 17/05/90 Humber plume
CH66A 20/05/90 - 31/05/90 Survey
CH66B 03/06/90 - 18/06/90 Contaminants through Dover Strait
CH69 26/07/90 - 07/08/90 Resuspension/Plumes
CH72A 20/09/90 - 02/10/90 Survey
CH72B 04/10/90 - 06/10/90 Sandwaves/STABLE
CH72C 06/10/90 - 19/10/90 Rhine plume

The data collected during the observational phase of the North Sea Project comprised one of the most detailed sets of observations ever undertaken in any shallow shelf sea at that time.

Data Activity or Cruise Information

Data Activity

Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 1989-05-13
End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 1989-05-13
Organization Undertaking ActivityDunstaffnage Marine Laboratory (now Scottish Association for Marine Science)
Country of OrganizationUnited Kingdom
Originator's Data Activity IdentifierCH52_CTD_1898
Platform Categorylowered unmanned submersible

BODC Sample Metadata Report for CH52_CTD_1898

Sample reference number Nominal collection volume(l) Bottle rosette position Bottle firing sequence number Minimum pressure sampled (dbar) Maximum pressure sampled (dbar) Depth of sampling point (m) Bottle type Sample quality flag Bottle reference Comments
289875   10.00       27.90   28.80   25.00 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
289889   10.00       18.40   20.00   15.90 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
289890   10.00        7.80    8.30    4.80 Niskin bottle No problem reported    

Please note:the supplied parameters may not have been sampled from all the bottle firings described in the table above. Cross-match the Sample Reference Number above against the SAMPRFNM value in the data file to identify the relevant metadata.

Related Data Activity activities are detailed in Appendix 1


Cruise Name CH52
Departure Date 1989-05-11
Arrival Date 1989-05-24
Principal Scientist(s)Colin R Griffiths (Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory)
Ship RRS Challenger

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NameNSP Resusp. S
CategoryOffshore location
Latitude52° 40.20' N
Longitude3° 40.20' E
Water depth below MSL27.0 m

North Sea Project Resuspension Experiment Southern Site

This site was one of two contrasting North Sea sites occupied during the North Sea Project Resuspension Experiment.

The southern site was located in 27m of water and was characterised by a sandy bed and a permanently well-mixed water column.

The rigs deployed here lie within a box bounded by co-ordinates 52.652N 3.653E at the southwest corner and 52.670N 3.680E the northeast corner. Magnetic variation at this site was 3.0 degrees west.

Southern site deployment history is summarised below:

Rig ID Meter type Meter height Start date Data return (days) Comment






















































No data


No data




No data









No data

No data

00354 TG   13/05/89 0.0 No data













00356 MET 30.0m 12/05/89 9.4  
00357 WV 30.0m 12/05/89 9.5  
00419 ADCP 0.8m 10/09/89 4.8  


























ADCP = Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
CM = Current Meter
PR = Pressure Recorder
TR = Transmissometer
TG = Tide Gauge
WV = Wave Rider
MET = Met. Buoy

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 2

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: CH52_CTD_1898

Related series for this Data Activity are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
2084210Water sample data1989-05-13 15:16:5752.63518 N, 3.69156 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258637Water sample data1989-05-13 15:17:0052.63518 N, 3.69156 ERRS Challenger CH52
1658826Water sample data1989-05-13 15:17:0052.63518 N, 3.69156 ERRS Challenger CH52

Appendix 2: NSP Resusp. S

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
580372Currents -subsurface Eulerian1989-01-19 07:50:0052.6527 N, 3.6727 ENot applicable
580384Currents -subsurface Eulerian1989-01-19 07:50:0052.6527 N, 3.6727 ENot applicable
580396Currents -subsurface Eulerian1989-01-19 07:50:0052.6527 N, 3.6727 ENot applicable
610013Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc.1989-01-19 07:50:0052.6527 N, 3.6727 ENot applicable
610025Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc.1989-01-19 07:50:0052.6527 N, 3.6727 ENot applicable
610037Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc.1989-01-19 07:50:0052.6527 N, 3.6727 ENot applicable
815007CTD or STD cast1989-01-19 21:07:0052.65517 N, 3.66567 ERRS Challenger CH44
815019CTD or STD cast1989-01-19 23:17:0052.65983 N, 3.66583 ERRS Challenger CH44
815020CTD or STD cast1989-01-20 01:03:0052.66333 N, 3.67383 ERRS Challenger CH44
815032CTD or STD cast1989-01-20 04:04:0052.66467 N, 3.67783 ERRS Challenger CH44
815044CTD or STD cast1989-01-20 05:16:0052.658 N, 3.67017 ERRS Challenger CH44
815056CTD or STD cast1989-01-20 07:00:0052.64983 N, 3.663 ERRS Challenger CH44
815068CTD or STD cast1989-01-20 09:07:0052.66 N, 3.66317 ERRS Challenger CH44
815081CTD or STD cast1989-01-20 11:21:0052.6515 N, 3.65967 ERRS Challenger CH44
815093CTD or STD cast1989-01-20 13:04:0052.65717 N, 3.67 ERRS Challenger CH44
815100CTD or STD cast1989-01-20 14:21:0052.66517 N, 3.67933 ERRS Challenger CH44
815204CTD or STD cast1989-01-25 20:39:0052.65717 N, 3.673 ERRS Challenger CH44
815216CTD or STD cast1989-01-25 21:53:0052.6565 N, 3.6615 ERRS Challenger CH44
815228CTD or STD cast1989-01-25 23:10:0052.65767 N, 3.66367 ERRS Challenger CH44
815241CTD or STD cast1989-01-26 00:04:0052.65833 N, 3.66883 ERRS Challenger CH44
815253CTD or STD cast1989-01-26 01:16:0052.657 N, 3.66683 ERRS Challenger CH44
815265CTD or STD cast1989-01-26 01:59:0052.65817 N, 3.6665 ERRS Challenger CH44
815277CTD or STD cast1989-01-26 03:09:0052.65933 N, 3.66783 ERRS Challenger CH44
815289CTD or STD cast1989-01-26 04:15:0052.65983 N, 3.67017 ERRS Challenger CH44
815290CTD or STD cast1989-01-26 05:26:0052.66133 N, 3.66583 ERRS Challenger CH44
815308CTD or STD cast1989-01-26 06:09:0052.657 N, 3.67117 ERRS Challenger CH44
815321CTD or STD cast1989-01-26 07:15:0052.65817 N, 3.66533 ERRS Challenger CH44
815333CTD or STD cast1989-01-26 08:18:0052.6585 N, 3.68033 ERRS Challenger CH44
815345CTD or STD cast1989-01-26 10:11:0052.65367 N, 3.66583 ERRS Challenger CH44
815357CTD or STD cast1989-01-26 19:05:0052.65983 N, 3.66867 ERRS Challenger CH44
816650CTD or STD cast1989-05-12 11:50:0052.65317 N, 3.67033 ERRS Challenger CH52
1861732Water sample data1989-05-12 11:59:0052.65309 N, 3.67038 ERRS Challenger CH52
610049Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc.1989-05-12 13:45:0052.6527 N, 3.6727 ENot applicable
611502Currents -subsurface Eulerian1989-05-12 15:50:5752.6553 N, 3.6688 ENot applicable
592176Currents -subsurface Eulerian1989-05-12 17:15:0052.6527 N, 3.6727 ENot applicable
592188Currents -subsurface Eulerian1989-05-12 17:15:0052.6527 N, 3.6727 ENot applicable
593211Currents -subsurface Eulerian1989-05-12 17:15:0052.6527 N, 3.6727 ENot applicable
593223Currents -subsurface Eulerian1989-05-12 17:15:0052.6527 N, 3.6727 ENot applicable
816662CTD or STD cast1989-05-12 20:29:0052.6595 N, 3.66783 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084062Water sample data1989-05-12 20:31:3952.65952 N, 3.66776 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258489Water sample data1989-05-12 20:32:0052.65952 N, 3.66776 ERRS Challenger CH52
1861744Water sample data1989-05-12 20:32:0052.65952 N, 3.66776 ERRS Challenger CH52
816674CTD or STD cast1989-05-12 21:17:0052.6685 N, 3.694 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258490Water sample data1989-05-12 21:19:0052.66858 N, 3.69392 ERRS Challenger CH52
1861756Water sample data1989-05-12 21:19:0052.66858 N, 3.69392 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084074Water sample data1989-05-12 21:19:1552.66858 N, 3.69392 ERRS Challenger CH52
816686CTD or STD cast1989-05-13 02:19:0052.644 N, 3.68417 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258545Water sample data1989-05-13 02:22:0052.64397 N, 3.68423 ERRS Challenger CH52
1861768Water sample data1989-05-13 02:22:0052.64397 N, 3.68423 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084117Water sample data1989-05-13 02:22:1552.64397 N, 3.68423 ERRS Challenger CH52
816698CTD or STD cast1989-05-13 03:17:0052.6275 N, 3.69567 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258557Water sample data1989-05-13 03:20:0052.62744 N, 3.69568 ERRS Challenger CH52
1861781Water sample data1989-05-13 03:20:0052.62744 N, 3.69568 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084129Water sample data1989-05-13 03:20:0052.62744 N, 3.69568 ERRS Challenger CH52
816705CTD or STD cast1989-05-13 09:34:0052.65633 N, 3.6555 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258582Water sample data1989-05-13 09:37:0052.65637 N, 3.65555 ERRS Challenger CH52
1861793Water sample data1989-05-13 09:37:0052.65637 N, 3.65555 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084154Water sample data1989-05-13 09:37:2952.65637 N, 3.65555 ERRS Challenger CH52
816717CTD or STD cast1989-05-13 12:06:0052.66567 N, 3.68633 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258601Water sample data1989-05-13 12:09:0052.6657 N, 3.68634 ERRS Challenger CH52
1861800Water sample data1989-05-13 12:09:0052.6657 N, 3.68634 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084178Water sample data1989-05-13 12:09:1652.6657 N, 3.68634 ERRS Challenger CH52
816729CTD or STD cast1989-05-13 13:03:0052.66117 N, 3.70067 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258613Water sample data1989-05-13 13:05:0052.66115 N, 3.7007 ERRS Challenger CH52
1861812Water sample data1989-05-13 13:05:0052.66115 N, 3.7007 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084191Water sample data1989-05-13 13:05:2652.66115 N, 3.7007 ERRS Challenger CH52
816730CTD or STD cast1989-05-13 15:14:0052.63517 N, 3.6915 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084210Water sample data1989-05-13 15:16:5752.63518 N, 3.69156 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258637Water sample data1989-05-13 15:17:0052.63518 N, 3.69156 ERRS Challenger CH52
816914CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 07:49:0052.65367 N, 3.6635 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862004Water sample data1989-05-16 07:52:0052.6537 N, 3.66351 ERRS Challenger CH52
816926CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 09:02:0052.65267 N, 3.6655 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084351Water sample data1989-05-16 09:07:3452.65271 N, 3.66548 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085090Water sample data1989-05-16 09:07:3452.65271 N, 3.66548 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085354Water sample data1989-05-16 09:07:3452.65271 N, 3.66548 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258809Water sample data1989-05-16 09:08:0052.65271 N, 3.66548 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862016Water sample data1989-05-16 09:08:0052.65271 N, 3.66548 ERRS Challenger CH52
816938CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 10:02:0052.65267 N, 3.67867 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084363Water sample data1989-05-16 10:05:3452.65273 N, 3.67861 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085108Water sample data1989-05-16 10:05:3452.65273 N, 3.67861 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085366Water sample data1989-05-16 10:05:3452.65273 N, 3.67861 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258810Water sample data1989-05-16 10:06:0052.65273 N, 3.67861 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862028Water sample data1989-05-16 10:06:0052.65273 N, 3.67861 ERRS Challenger CH52
816951CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 11:03:0052.6625 N, 3.68117 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862041Water sample data1989-05-16 11:07:0052.66248 N, 3.68124 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085121Water sample data1989-05-16 11:07:2652.66248 N, 3.68124 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085378Water sample data1989-05-16 11:07:2652.66248 N, 3.68124 ERRS Challenger CH52
816963CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 12:03:0052.66283 N, 3.67533 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258822Water sample data1989-05-16 12:08:0052.66289 N, 3.67535 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862053Water sample data1989-05-16 12:08:0052.66289 N, 3.67535 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084375Water sample data1989-05-16 12:08:2152.66289 N, 3.67535 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085133Water sample data1989-05-16 12:08:2152.66289 N, 3.67535 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085391Water sample data1989-05-16 12:08:2152.66289 N, 3.67535 ERRS Challenger CH52
816975CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 13:07:0052.67333 N, 3.68867 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258834Water sample data1989-05-16 13:11:0052.67334 N, 3.68868 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862065Water sample data1989-05-16 13:11:0052.67334 N, 3.68868 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084387Water sample data1989-05-16 13:11:0052.67334 N, 3.68868 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085145Water sample data1989-05-16 13:11:0052.67334 N, 3.68868 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085409Water sample data1989-05-16 13:11:0052.67334 N, 3.68868 ERRS Challenger CH52
816987CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 14:10:0052.6665 N, 3.67983 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084399Water sample data1989-05-16 14:15:3252.66656 N, 3.67988 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085157Water sample data1989-05-16 14:15:3252.66656 N, 3.67988 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085410Water sample data1989-05-16 14:15:3252.66656 N, 3.67988 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258846Water sample data1989-05-16 14:16:0052.66656 N, 3.67988 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862077Water sample data1989-05-16 14:16:0052.66656 N, 3.67988 ERRS Challenger CH52
816999CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 16:03:0052.65033 N, 3.68733 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084406Water sample data1989-05-16 16:07:3252.65034 N, 3.68727 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085169Water sample data1989-05-16 16:07:3252.65034 N, 3.68727 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085422Water sample data1989-05-16 16:07:3252.65034 N, 3.68727 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258858Water sample data1989-05-16 16:08:0052.65034 N, 3.68727 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862089Water sample data1989-05-16 16:08:0052.65034 N, 3.68727 ERRS Challenger CH52
817002CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 17:07:0052.6455 N, 3.67417 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258871Water sample data1989-05-16 17:11:0052.64557 N, 3.67418 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862090Water sample data1989-05-16 17:11:0052.64557 N, 3.67418 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084418Water sample data1989-05-16 17:11:3052.64557 N, 3.67418 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085170Water sample data1989-05-16 17:11:3052.64557 N, 3.67418 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085434Water sample data1989-05-16 17:11:3052.64557 N, 3.67418 ERRS Challenger CH52
817014CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 18:03:0052.62917 N, 3.672 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084431Water sample data1989-05-16 18:07:4552.6292 N, 3.67193 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085182Water sample data1989-05-16 18:07:4552.6292 N, 3.67193 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085446Water sample data1989-05-16 18:07:4552.6292 N, 3.67193 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258883Water sample data1989-05-16 18:08:0052.6292 N, 3.67193 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862108Water sample data1989-05-16 18:08:0052.6292 N, 3.67193 ERRS Challenger CH52
817026CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 19:03:0052.62667 N, 3.66533 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084443Water sample data1989-05-16 19:06:5452.62666 N, 3.66527 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085194Water sample data1989-05-16 19:06:5452.62666 N, 3.66527 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085458Water sample data1989-05-16 19:06:5452.62666 N, 3.66527 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258895Water sample data1989-05-16 19:07:0052.62666 N, 3.66527 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862121Water sample data1989-05-16 19:07:0052.62666 N, 3.66527 ERRS Challenger CH52
817038CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 20:04:0052.642 N, 3.6525 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258902Water sample data1989-05-16 20:09:0052.64195 N, 3.65255 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862133Water sample data1989-05-16 20:09:0052.64195 N, 3.65255 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084455Water sample data1989-05-16 20:09:0352.64195 N, 3.65255 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085201Water sample data1989-05-16 20:09:0352.64195 N, 3.65255 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085471Water sample data1989-05-16 20:09:0352.64195 N, 3.65255 ERRS Challenger CH52
817051CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 21:04:0052.63217 N, 3.6395 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084467Water sample data1989-05-16 21:08:3852.63217 N, 3.63955 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085213Water sample data1989-05-16 21:08:3852.63217 N, 3.63955 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085483Water sample data1989-05-16 21:08:3852.63217 N, 3.63955 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258914Water sample data1989-05-16 21:09:0052.63217 N, 3.63955 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862145Water sample data1989-05-16 21:09:0052.63217 N, 3.63955 ERRS Challenger CH52
817063CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 22:07:0052.6315 N, 3.62717 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258926Water sample data1989-05-16 22:11:0052.63153 N, 3.62721 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862157Water sample data1989-05-16 22:11:0052.63153 N, 3.62721 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084479Water sample data1989-05-16 22:11:1052.63153 N, 3.62721 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085225Water sample data1989-05-16 22:11:1052.63153 N, 3.62721 ERRS Challenger CH52
2085495Water sample data1989-05-16 22:11:1052.63153 N, 3.62721 ERRS Challenger CH52
817075CTD or STD cast1989-05-16 23:09:0052.648 N, 3.64683 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258938Water sample data1989-05-16 23:17:0052.64807 N, 3.64682 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862169Water sample data1989-05-16 23:17:0052.64807 N, 3.64682 ERRS Challenger CH52
817087CTD or STD cast1989-05-17 00:03:0052.66067 N, 3.66017 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258951Water sample data1989-05-17 00:07:0052.6606 N, 3.66018 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862170Water sample data1989-05-17 00:07:0052.6606 N, 3.66018 ERRS Challenger CH52
817099CTD or STD cast1989-05-17 01:04:0052.66683 N, 3.66033 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258963Water sample data1989-05-17 01:09:0052.66689 N, 3.66031 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862182Water sample data1989-05-17 01:09:0052.66689 N, 3.66031 ERRS Challenger CH52
817106CTD or STD cast1989-05-17 02:02:0052.65767 N, 3.655 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258975Water sample data1989-05-17 02:07:0052.65762 N, 3.65492 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862194Water sample data1989-05-17 02:07:0052.65762 N, 3.65492 ERRS Challenger CH52
817118CTD or STD cast1989-05-17 03:01:0052.66633 N, 3.65833 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258987Water sample data1989-05-17 03:07:0052.6664 N, 3.6583 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862201Water sample data1989-05-17 03:07:0052.6664 N, 3.6583 ERRS Challenger CH52
817131CTD or STD cast1989-05-17 04:02:0052.668 N, 3.65917 ERRS Challenger CH52
1258999Water sample data1989-05-17 04:07:0052.66792 N, 3.65912 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862213Water sample data1989-05-17 04:07:0052.66792 N, 3.65912 ERRS Challenger CH52
817143CTD or STD cast1989-05-17 04:50:0052.66283 N, 3.65567 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862225Water sample data1989-05-17 04:55:0052.66284 N, 3.65569 ERRS Challenger CH52
817155CTD or STD cast1989-05-17 18:30:0052.648 N, 3.679 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862237Water sample data1989-05-17 18:35:0052.64792 N, 3.67906 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862249Water sample data1989-05-18 04:59:0052.65331 N, 3.66516 ERRS Challenger CH52
817167CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 05:00:0052.65333 N, 3.66517 ERRS Challenger CH52
817179CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 06:05:0052.64467 N, 3.66317 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259002Water sample data1989-05-18 06:08:0052.64465 N, 3.66322 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862250Water sample data1989-05-18 06:08:0052.64465 N, 3.66322 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084480Water sample data1989-05-18 06:08:0152.64465 N, 3.66322 ERRS Challenger CH52
817180CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 07:03:0052.63933 N, 3.6605 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084492Water sample data1989-05-18 07:06:5152.63936 N, 3.66053 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259014Water sample data1989-05-18 07:07:0052.63936 N, 3.66053 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862262Water sample data1989-05-18 07:07:0052.63936 N, 3.66053 ERRS Challenger CH52
817192CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 08:07:0052.6345 N, 3.653 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259026Water sample data1989-05-18 08:11:0052.63446 N, 3.65299 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862274Water sample data1989-05-18 08:11:0052.63446 N, 3.65299 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084511Water sample data1989-05-18 08:11:0052.63446 N, 3.65299 ERRS Challenger CH52
817211CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 09:08:0052.64183 N, 3.65067 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084523Water sample data1989-05-18 09:11:4652.64182 N, 3.65067 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259038Water sample data1989-05-18 09:12:0052.64182 N, 3.65067 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862286Water sample data1989-05-18 09:12:0052.64182 N, 3.65067 ERRS Challenger CH52
817223CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 10:05:0052.63733 N, 3.64917 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084535Water sample data1989-05-18 10:09:5952.63733 N, 3.64909 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259051Water sample data1989-05-18 10:10:0052.63733 N, 3.64909 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862298Water sample data1989-05-18 10:10:0052.63733 N, 3.64909 ERRS Challenger CH52
817235CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 11:11:0052.63017 N, 3.63667 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259063Water sample data1989-05-18 11:16:0052.6302 N, 3.63667 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862305Water sample data1989-05-18 11:16:0052.6302 N, 3.63667 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084547Water sample data1989-05-18 11:16:0652.6302 N, 3.63667 ERRS Challenger CH52
817247CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 12:05:0052.65067 N, 3.658 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084559Water sample data1989-05-18 12:09:3952.65073 N, 3.658 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259075Water sample data1989-05-18 12:10:0052.65073 N, 3.658 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862317Water sample data1989-05-18 12:10:0052.65073 N, 3.658 ERRS Challenger CH52
817259CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 13:00:0052.6625 N, 3.66717 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084560Water sample data1989-05-18 13:04:5252.66245 N, 3.66715 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259087Water sample data1989-05-18 13:05:0052.66245 N, 3.66715 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862329Water sample data1989-05-18 13:05:0052.66245 N, 3.66715 ERRS Challenger CH52
817260CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 14:05:0052.65767 N, 3.6625 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084572Water sample data1989-05-18 14:10:4552.65771 N, 3.6625 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259099Water sample data1989-05-18 14:11:0052.65771 N, 3.6625 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862330Water sample data1989-05-18 14:11:0052.65771 N, 3.6625 ERRS Challenger CH52
817272CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 15:06:0052.658 N, 3.66 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084584Water sample data1989-05-18 15:09:5552.65794 N, 3.66 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259106Water sample data1989-05-18 15:10:0052.65794 N, 3.66 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862342Water sample data1989-05-18 15:10:0052.65794 N, 3.66 ERRS Challenger CH52
817284CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 16:01:0052.6605 N, 3.65667 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084596Water sample data1989-05-18 16:06:4852.66049 N, 3.65673 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259118Water sample data1989-05-18 16:07:0052.66049 N, 3.65673 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862354Water sample data1989-05-18 16:07:0052.66049 N, 3.65673 ERRS Challenger CH52
817296CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 17:03:0052.65983 N, 3.65433 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084603Water sample data1989-05-18 17:06:3052.65981 N, 3.65431 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259131Water sample data1989-05-18 17:07:0052.65981 N, 3.65431 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862366Water sample data1989-05-18 17:07:0052.65981 N, 3.65431 ERRS Challenger CH52
817303CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 18:04:0052.64367 N, 3.65917 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259143Water sample data1989-05-18 18:07:0052.64365 N, 3.65916 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862378Water sample data1989-05-18 18:07:0052.64365 N, 3.65916 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084615Water sample data1989-05-18 18:07:0552.64365 N, 3.65916 ERRS Challenger CH52
817315CTD or STD cast1989-05-18 19:03:0052.645 N, 3.66683 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259155Water sample data1989-05-18 19:07:0052.64507 N, 3.66689 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862391Water sample data1989-05-18 19:07:0052.64507 N, 3.66689 ERRS Challenger CH52
2084627Water sample data1989-05-18 19:07:1452.64507 N, 3.66689 ERRS Challenger CH52
817456CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 00:03:0052.65 N, 3.65333 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259340Water sample data1989-05-21 00:06:0052.65004 N, 3.65338 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862538Water sample data1989-05-21 00:06:0052.65004 N, 3.65338 ERRS Challenger CH52
817468CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 01:07:0052.65783 N, 3.65767 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259352Water sample data1989-05-21 01:12:0052.65778 N, 3.65767 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862551Water sample data1989-05-21 01:12:0052.65778 N, 3.65767 ERRS Challenger CH52
817481CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 02:03:0052.67083 N, 3.662 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259364Water sample data1989-05-21 02:08:0052.6709 N, 3.662 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862563Water sample data1989-05-21 02:08:0052.6709 N, 3.662 ERRS Challenger CH52
817493CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 03:03:0052.66183 N, 3.663 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259376Water sample data1989-05-21 03:08:0052.6619 N, 3.66296 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862575Water sample data1989-05-21 03:08:0052.6619 N, 3.66296 ERRS Challenger CH52
817500CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 04:03:0052.66667 N, 3.66233 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259388Water sample data1989-05-21 04:07:0052.66669 N, 3.66233 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862587Water sample data1989-05-21 04:07:0052.66669 N, 3.66233 ERRS Challenger CH52
817512CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 05:02:0052.679 N, 3.665 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259407Water sample data1989-05-21 05:06:0052.67906 N, 3.66499 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862599Water sample data1989-05-21 05:06:0052.67906 N, 3.66499 ERRS Challenger CH52
817524CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 07:16:0052.64867 N, 3.698 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259420Water sample data1989-05-21 07:19:0052.64868 N, 3.69792 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862606Water sample data1989-05-21 07:19:0052.64868 N, 3.69792 ERRS Challenger CH52
817536CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 08:05:0052.63633 N, 3.68933 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259432Water sample data1989-05-21 08:08:0052.6364 N, 3.68939 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862618Water sample data1989-05-21 08:08:0052.6364 N, 3.68939 ERRS Challenger CH52
817548CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 09:09:0052.6455 N, 3.6625 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259444Water sample data1989-05-21 09:13:0052.64549 N, 3.66249 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862631Water sample data1989-05-21 09:13:0052.64549 N, 3.66249 ERRS Challenger CH52
817561CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 10:06:0052.655 N, 3.649 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259456Water sample data1989-05-21 10:10:0052.65492 N, 3.64896 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862643Water sample data1989-05-21 10:10:0052.65492 N, 3.64896 ERRS Challenger CH52
817573CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 11:16:0052.65317 N, 3.6585 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259468Water sample data1989-05-21 11:19:0052.65317 N, 3.65858 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862655Water sample data1989-05-21 11:19:0052.65317 N, 3.65858 ERRS Challenger CH52
817585CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 12:04:0052.64233 N, 3.65433 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259481Water sample data1989-05-21 12:08:0052.64236 N, 3.65436 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862667Water sample data1989-05-21 12:08:0052.64236 N, 3.65436 ERRS Challenger CH52
817597CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 13:08:0052.65117 N, 3.65967 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259493Water sample data1989-05-21 13:12:0052.65109 N, 3.65962 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862679Water sample data1989-05-21 13:12:0052.65109 N, 3.65962 ERRS Challenger CH52
817604CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 14:01:0052.66 N, 3.66217 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259500Water sample data1989-05-21 14:05:0052.66006 N, 3.6622 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862680Water sample data1989-05-21 14:05:0052.66006 N, 3.6622 ERRS Challenger CH52
817616CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 15:27:0052.663 N, 3.68017 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259512Water sample data1989-05-21 15:31:0052.66292 N, 3.6801 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862692Water sample data1989-05-21 15:31:0052.66292 N, 3.6801 ERRS Challenger CH52
817628CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 16:49:0052.67233 N, 3.66967 ERRS Challenger CH52
1259524Water sample data1989-05-21 16:53:0052.67238 N, 3.66965 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862711Water sample data1989-05-21 16:53:0052.67238 N, 3.66965 ERRS Challenger CH52
817641CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 18:33:0052.65767 N, 3.6695 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862723Water sample data1989-05-21 18:36:0052.6577 N, 3.66957 ERRS Challenger CH52
817653CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 20:04:0052.661 N, 3.65767 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862735Water sample data1989-05-21 20:08:0052.66092 N, 3.65765 ERRS Challenger CH52
817665CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 21:02:0052.66 N, 3.659 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862747Water sample data1989-05-21 21:07:0052.66008 N, 3.65903 ERRS Challenger CH52
817677CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 22:03:0052.65483 N, 3.65717 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862759Water sample data1989-05-21 22:07:0052.6548 N, 3.65717 ERRS Challenger CH52
817689CTD or STD cast1989-05-21 23:08:0052.653 N, 3.65017 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862760Water sample data1989-05-21 23:12:0052.65298 N, 3.65021 ERRS Challenger CH52
817690CTD or STD cast1989-05-22 00:05:0052.65117 N, 3.6565 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862772Water sample data1989-05-22 00:09:0052.65115 N, 3.65642 ERRS Challenger CH52
817708CTD or STD cast1989-05-22 01:07:0052.65583 N, 3.6565 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862784Water sample data1989-05-22 01:11:0052.65591 N, 3.65642 ERRS Challenger CH52
817721CTD or STD cast1989-05-22 02:05:0052.66233 N, 3.6625 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862796Water sample data1989-05-22 02:08:0052.66229 N, 3.66242 ERRS Challenger CH52
817733CTD or STD cast1989-05-22 03:08:0052.66083 N, 3.6665 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862803Water sample data1989-05-22 03:12:0052.6608 N, 3.66651 ERRS Challenger CH52
817745CTD or STD cast1989-05-22 07:07:0052.65383 N, 3.675 ERRS Challenger CH52
1862815Water sample data1989-05-22 07:17:0052.65379 N, 3.67499 ERRS Challenger CH52
819948CTD or STD cast1989-09-09 07:46:0052.67967 N, 3.70083 ERRS Challenger CH60
592207Currents -subsurface Eulerian1989-09-10 08:50:0052.67 N, 3.68 ENot applicable
592219Currents -subsurface Eulerian1989-09-10 08:50:0052.67 N, 3.68 ENot applicable
592220Currents -subsurface Eulerian1989-09-10 08:50:0052.67 N, 3.68 ENot applicable
610050Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc.1989-09-10 10:05:0052.67 N, 3.68 ENot applicable
610074Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc.1989-09-10 10:05:0052.67 N, 3.68 ENot applicable
610062Transmittance/attenuance, turbidity, or SPM conc.1989-09-10 10:10:0052.67 N, 3.68 ENot applicable
604290Currents -subsurface Eulerian1989-09-10 15:29:2552.6695 N, 3.6532 ENot applicable
819961CTD or STD cast1989-09-10 18:14:0052.65817 N, 3.66767 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085538Water sample data1989-09-10 18:17:3152.65811 N, 3.66774 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257751Water sample data1989-09-10 18:18:0052.65811 N, 3.66774 ERRS Challenger CH60
819973CTD or STD cast1989-09-10 19:04:0052.65917 N, 3.66883 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085551Water sample data1989-09-10 19:08:3852.65912 N, 3.66879 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257763Water sample data1989-09-10 19:09:0052.65912 N, 3.66879 ERRS Challenger CH60
819985CTD or STD cast1989-09-10 20:05:0052.65783 N, 3.66833 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257775Water sample data1989-09-10 20:08:0052.65787 N, 3.66826 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085563Water sample data1989-09-10 20:08:2352.65787 N, 3.66826 ERRS Challenger CH60
819997CTD or STD cast1989-09-10 21:11:0052.65967 N, 3.66867 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085575Water sample data1989-09-10 21:13:3752.65961 N, 3.66871 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257787Water sample data1989-09-10 21:14:0052.65961 N, 3.66871 ERRS Challenger CH60
820009CTD or STD cast1989-09-10 22:12:0052.661 N, 3.6715 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257799Water sample data1989-09-10 22:16:0052.66092 N, 3.67157 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085587Water sample data1989-09-10 22:16:2252.66092 N, 3.67157 ERRS Challenger CH60
820010CTD or STD cast1989-09-10 23:12:0052.661 N, 3.6685 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085599Water sample data1989-09-10 23:14:4852.66101 N, 3.66848 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257806Water sample data1989-09-10 23:15:0052.66101 N, 3.66848 ERRS Challenger CH60
820022CTD or STD cast1989-09-11 00:09:0052.6595 N, 3.669 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085606Water sample data1989-09-11 00:11:3552.65958 N, 3.66906 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257818Water sample data1989-09-11 00:12:0052.65958 N, 3.66906 ERRS Challenger CH60
820034CTD or STD cast1989-09-11 01:15:0052.65667 N, 3.6685 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257831Water sample data1989-09-11 01:17:0052.65663 N, 3.66845 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085618Water sample data1989-09-11 01:17:2052.65663 N, 3.66845 ERRS Challenger CH60
820046CTD or STD cast1989-09-11 02:12:0052.65833 N, 3.665 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085631Water sample data1989-09-11 02:14:5052.65839 N, 3.66508 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257843Water sample data1989-09-11 02:15:0052.65839 N, 3.66508 ERRS Challenger CH60
820058CTD or STD cast1989-09-11 03:15:0052.65667 N, 3.66567 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085643Water sample data1989-09-11 03:18:3352.65674 N, 3.66567 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257855Water sample data1989-09-11 03:19:0052.65674 N, 3.66567 ERRS Challenger CH60
820071CTD or STD cast1989-09-11 04:20:0052.65617 N, 3.66217 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085655Water sample data1989-09-11 04:24:4152.65614 N, 3.6622 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257867Water sample data1989-09-11 04:25:0052.65614 N, 3.6622 ERRS Challenger CH60
820083CTD or STD cast1989-09-11 05:16:0052.65833 N, 3.66417 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085667Water sample data1989-09-11 05:19:3452.65826 N, 3.66419 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257879Water sample data1989-09-11 05:20:0052.65826 N, 3.66419 ERRS Challenger CH60
820095CTD or STD cast1989-09-11 06:16:0052.65667 N, 3.661 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085679Water sample data1989-09-11 06:19:4652.65665 N, 3.66102 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257880Water sample data1989-09-11 06:20:0052.65665 N, 3.66102 ERRS Challenger CH60
820102CTD or STD cast1989-09-11 07:17:0052.657 N, 3.66383 ERRS Challenger CH60
1257892Water sample data1989-09-11 07:20:0052.65695 N, 3.6638 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085680Water sample data1989-09-11 07:20:2052.65695 N, 3.6638 ERRS Challenger CH60
820372CTD or STD cast1989-09-15 14:07:0052.68067 N, 3.66533 ERRS Challenger CH60
820384CTD or STD cast1989-09-15 17:37:0052.65433 N, 3.6815 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258152Water sample data1989-09-15 17:41:0052.65434 N, 3.68148 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085944Water sample data1989-09-15 17:41:2752.65434 N, 3.68148 ERRS Challenger CH60
820396CTD or STD cast1989-09-15 19:07:0052.656 N, 3.66867 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085956Water sample data1989-09-15 19:10:4352.65601 N, 3.6686 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258164Water sample data1989-09-15 19:11:0052.65601 N, 3.6686 ERRS Challenger CH60
820403CTD or STD cast1989-09-15 20:03:0052.65467 N, 3.664 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085968Water sample data1989-09-15 20:05:5452.65462 N, 3.664 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258176Water sample data1989-09-15 20:06:0052.65462 N, 3.664 ERRS Challenger CH60
820415CTD or STD cast1989-09-15 21:16:0052.65433 N, 3.6635 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258188Water sample data1989-09-15 21:19:0052.65428 N, 3.66355 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085981Water sample data1989-09-15 21:19:1852.65428 N, 3.66355 ERRS Challenger CH60
820427CTD or STD cast1989-09-15 22:00:0052.65367 N, 3.66117 ERRS Challenger CH60
2085993Water sample data1989-09-15 22:02:5652.65373 N, 3.6612 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258207Water sample data1989-09-15 22:03:0052.65373 N, 3.6612 ERRS Challenger CH60
820439CTD or STD cast1989-09-15 23:07:0052.656 N, 3.667 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258219Water sample data1989-09-15 23:10:0052.65596 N, 3.66694 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086007Water sample data1989-09-15 23:10:1052.65596 N, 3.66694 ERRS Challenger CH60
820600CTD or STD cast1989-09-18 03:30:0052.65983 N, 3.67083 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258348Water sample data1989-09-18 03:34:0052.65981 N, 3.67083 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086136Water sample data1989-09-18 03:34:1052.65981 N, 3.67083 ERRS Challenger CH60
820612CTD or STD cast1989-09-18 05:34:0052.65317 N, 3.665 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086148Water sample data1989-09-18 05:44:4752.65314 N, 3.66492 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258361Water sample data1989-09-18 05:45:0052.65314 N, 3.66492 ERRS Challenger CH60
820624CTD or STD cast1989-09-18 06:02:0052.66183 N, 3.67417 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086161Water sample data1989-09-18 06:05:5052.6618 N, 3.67423 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258373Water sample data1989-09-18 06:06:0052.6618 N, 3.67423 ERRS Challenger CH60
820636CTD or STD cast1989-09-18 07:16:0052.66867 N, 3.667 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086173Water sample data1989-09-18 07:19:5052.66869 N, 3.66697 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258385Water sample data1989-09-18 07:20:0052.66869 N, 3.66697 ERRS Challenger CH60
820648CTD or STD cast1989-09-18 08:13:0052.6585 N, 3.67117 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258397Water sample data1989-09-18 08:16:0052.65851 N, 3.67121 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086185Water sample data1989-09-18 08:16:0952.65851 N, 3.67121 ERRS Challenger CH60
820661CTD or STD cast1989-09-18 09:09:0052.65567 N, 3.6725 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258404Water sample data1989-09-18 09:12:0052.65569 N, 3.67254 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086197Water sample data1989-09-18 09:12:2452.65569 N, 3.67254 ERRS Challenger CH60
820673CTD or STD cast1989-09-18 10:06:0052.65383 N, 3.663 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086204Water sample data1989-09-18 10:06:5952.6539 N, 3.663 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258416Water sample data1989-09-18 10:07:0052.6539 N, 3.663 ERRS Challenger CH60
820685CTD or STD cast1989-09-18 11:11:0052.64583 N, 3.64533 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258428Water sample data1989-09-18 11:13:0052.64575 N, 3.64539 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086216Water sample data1989-09-18 11:13:1552.64575 N, 3.64539 ERRS Challenger CH60
820697CTD or STD cast1989-09-18 11:57:0052.65483 N, 3.664 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086228Water sample data1989-09-18 12:00:4252.65479 N, 3.66393 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258441Water sample data1989-09-18 12:01:0052.65479 N, 3.66393 ERRS Challenger CH60
820704CTD or STD cast1989-09-18 13:00:0052.65167 N, 3.65167 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258453Water sample data1989-09-18 13:03:0052.6517 N, 3.6517 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086241Water sample data1989-09-18 13:03:0152.6517 N, 3.6517 ERRS Challenger CH60
820716CTD or STD cast1989-09-18 13:58:0052.66133 N, 3.66683 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258465Water sample data1989-09-18 14:01:0052.66141 N, 3.66677 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086253Water sample data1989-09-18 14:01:0652.66141 N, 3.66677 ERRS Challenger CH60
820728CTD or STD cast1989-09-18 15:13:0052.66483 N, 3.67333 ERRS Challenger CH60
2086265Water sample data1989-09-18 15:15:5252.66479 N, 3.67333 ERRS Challenger CH60
1258477Water sample data1989-09-18 15:16:0052.66479 N, 3.67333 ERRS Challenger CH60