
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets held by Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Stirling Office

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Host Data set name Show
gbBathing water bacteriological surveys around Grampian, east coast of Scotland (1987-)Click to show data set information
gbBathing water surveys along the east coast of Scotland (1988- 1992) Click to show data set information
gbBiological and trace metal survey of Inner Solway Firth Beaches (1987-) Click to show data set information
gbBiological survey of the beach and seabed around the Galloway Creamery Outfall, Loch Ryan, south west Scotland (1987-) Click to show data set information
gbBiological Surveys of the inner Eden estuary, near St. Andrews, east coast of Scotland (1982 and 1992) Click to show data set information
gbDundee foreshore inter-tidal surveys for fauna and sediment analysis, Tay estuary (1989 and 1991) Click to show data set information
gbEstuarial and coastal surveys of the South Esk, Tay and Eden for standard pollution parameters (1980-1992) Click to show data set information
gbFauna and sediment chemistry in the Tay estuary, east coast of Scotland (1991-1992) Click to show data set information
gbIntertidal survey for fauna around the Barnhill sewage outfall, Tay estuary, east coast of Scotland (1992) Click to show data set information
gbShellfish contamination surveys, along the east coast of Scotland (1988-1992) Click to show data set information

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