
RRS James Clark Ross JR17006

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RRS James Clark Ross (74JC)
Cruise identifierJR17006
Cruise period2018-06-11 — 2018-07-06
Port of departureLongyearbyen, Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Port of returnTromsø, Norway
ObjectivesCruise JR17006 was joint effort by the NERC-funded "Arctic PRIZE (Productivity in the Seasonal Ice Zone) and CHASE (Chronobiology of changing Arctic Sea Ecosystems) and the UiT-based research programs "Arctic SIZE". Arctic PRIZE is focused on the evolution of the Barents Sea shelf system from winter through spring to summer and this cruise was the third of three such cruises in 2018 (January, April and June). CHASE is a new NERC project focused on investigating the relationship between life history, physiology and biological rhythms in Arctic copepods and krill. Arctic SIZE is a new research initiative within UiT to investigate the ecology of the seasonal ice zone and JR17006 provided an opportunity for spring sampling.

Both Arctic PRIZE and CHASE projects were focussed on occupying stations along the 30E line of longitude to complete a suite of sampling that spanned the oceanography, water column optics and chemistry, phytoplankton communities and their physiological state, zooplankton response to light cycles and benthic communities. These summer data, at a time after the peak of primary productivity, will complement the set a winter data collected in the same locations in January 2018 and spring data collected in April 2018. The ultimate aim of Arctic PRIZE is to understand the balance between ice cover, nutrient concentration and phytoplankton dynamics to understand how the productivity of seasonally covered shelves will alter in a future arctic state. A key objective for PRIZE was the deployment and utilisation of robotic platforms (AUV and gliders) to extend spatial and temporal data collection. Further data were collected at stations along the northern Svalbard shelf and extending out into the deep Arctic basin and the sea ice zone. Two moorings were recovered (having been deployed in Sept 2017) and re-deployed at locations on the northern shelf.

60 stations were occupied ranging from a single CTD profile to full station with all project parameters measured. In addition there was recovery of 1 glider and 2 moorings and additional Norwegian-led sampling for the Arctic SIZE project. In total there were 285 gear deployments. Stations visited included those occupied during the 2017 JCR Changing Arctic Ocean cruise JR16006.
Chief scientistFinlo R Cottier (Scottish Association for Marine Science)
ProjectChanging Arctic Ocean: Arctic PRIZE / CHASE
Coordinating bodyNatural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Cruise reportRRS James Clark Ross JR17006 cruise report jr17006.pdf (11.48 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralBarents Sea
Physical oceanography 
Surface measurements underway (T,S)Quantity: activity duration in days = 24
Description: Continuous measurements of navigation, meteorology and surface hydrography parameters
CTD stationsQuantity: number of stations = 64
Description: CTD profiles measuring: pressure, temperature, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, PAR, fluorometry, beam attenuation
Optics (eg underwater light levels)Quantity: number of stations = 17
Description: CTD bottle sampling for optical properties and suspended particles
Current profiler (eg ADCP)Quantity: number of stations = 64
Description: LADCP profiles (two instruments set to measure downwards)
Current profiler (eg ADCP)Quantity: activity duration in days = 24
Description: Continuous SADCP measurements
Other physical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of profiles = 39
Description: Microstructure Profiles
Other physical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: activity duration in days = 67
Description: Glider recovery (Zephyr), profiles for temperature, conductivity, fluorometry, dissolved oxygen
Chemical oceanography 
PhosphateQuantity: number of stations = 50
Description: Water samples from CTD stations for dNO3, d18O and nutrient analysis (Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Silicate)
NitrateQuantity: number of stations = 50
Description: Water samples from CTD stations for dNO3, d18O and nutrient analysis (Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Silicate)
NitriteQuantity: number of stations = 50
Description: Water samples from CTD stations for dNO3, d18O and nutrient analysis (Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Silicate)
AmmoniaQuantity: number of stations = 50
Description: Water samples from CTD stations for dNO3, d18O and nutrient analysis (Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Silicate)
SilicateQuantity: number of stations = 50
Description: Water samples from CTD stations for dNO3, d18O and nutrient analysis (Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Silicate)
RadioactivityQuantity: number of stations = 15
Description: CTD bottle sampling for Primary Productivity, C14, Chlorophyll a, DOC, Phytoplankton, and Phosphate analysis
IsotopesQuantity: number of stations = 50
Description: Water samples from CTD stations for dNO3, d18O and nutrient analysis (Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Silicate)
IsotopesQuantity: number of stations = 23
Description: CTD bottle sampling for isotopes, urea and nutrients
Other chemical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of stations = 23
Description: CTD bottle sampling for isotopes, urea and nutrients
Suspended matterQuantity: number of stations = 17
Description: CTD bottle sampling for optical properties and suspended particles
Other contaminant measurementsQuantity: number of stations = 17
Description: Water samples filtered for microplastics
Biology and fisheries 
Primary productivityQuantity: number of stations = 15
Description: CTD bottle sampling for Primary Productivity, C14, Chlorophyll a, DOC, Phytoplankton, and Phosphate analysis
Primary productivityQuantity: number of stations = 27
Description: CTD bottle sampling for Primary productivity, phytoplankton pigments and phytoplankton analysis
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: number of stations = 27
Description: CTD bottle sampling for Primary productivity, phytoplankton pigments and phytoplankton analysis
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: number of stations = 15
Description: CTD bottle sampling for Primary Productivity, C14, Chlorophyll a, DOC, Phytoplankton, and Phosphate analysis
Particulate organic matter (inc POC, PON)Quantity: number of stations = 15
Description: CTD bottle sampling for Primary Productivity, C14, Chlorophyll a, DOC, Phytoplankton, and Phosphate analysis
Dissolved organic matter (inc DOC)Quantity: number of stations = 15
Description: CTD bottle sampling for Primary Productivity, C14, Chlorophyll a, DOC, Phytoplankton, and Phosphate analysis
Biochemical measurements (eg lipids, amino acids)Quantity: number of stations = 23
Description: CTD bottle sampling for isotopes, urea and nutrients
PhytoplanktonQuantity: number of stations = 15
Description: CTD bottle sampling for Primary Productivity, C14, Chlorophyll a, DOC, Phytoplankton, and Phosphate analysis
PhytoplanktonQuantity: number of stations = 27
Description: CTD bottle sampling for Primary productivity, phytoplankton pigments and phytoplankton analysis
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of hauls = 66
Description: MIK and WP2 net deployments for zooplankton sampling
Eggs and larvaeQuantity: number of cores = 10
Description: Sampling from box core deployments for zoobenthos and larvae sampling
Eggs and larvaeQuantity: number of hauls = 40
Description: WP2 net hauls for larvae sampling
Pelagic bacteria/micro-organismsQuantity: number of stations = 15
Description: CTD botte sampling for pelagic micro-organisms
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of cores = 10
Description: Sampling from box core deployments for zoobenthos and larvae sampling
Other biological/fisheries measurementQuantity: number of hauls = 7
Description: Agassiz trawls for biological measurements
Other biological/fisheries measurementQuantity: number of hauls = 66
Description: MIK and WP2 net deployments for zooplankton sampling
Routine standard measurementsQuantity: activity duration in days = 24
Description: Continuous measurements of navigation, meteorology and surface hydrography parameters
Geology and geophysics 
GrabQuantity: number of samples = 1
Description: Sample collected from Day grab deployment for biological measurements
Core - soft bottomQuantity: number of cores = 33
Description: Samples collected from box corer deployments for biological measurements
Bottom photographyQuantity: number of images = 20
Description: Go Pro trawls for bottom photography
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Physical oceanography 
Subsurface temperature measurements81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — West mooring recovery with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50214- 21m), SUNA (#1030- 21m), Star Odi (# 4196- 27m), Star Odi (#4197- 31m) , Star Odi (#4198- 41m) , Star Odi (#4199- 51m) , Star Odi (#4200- 61m), AZFP (#55152- 72m), SBE37 (#79384- 75m) , Star Odi (#4201- 83m), RDI ADCP (#2666- 93m), Star Odi (#4215- 96m), Sediment trap (#11262-2- 106m), SBE37 (#93885- 112m), Star Odi (#4216- 137m), SBE37 (#9386- 162m), Star Odi (#4218- 187m), Star Odi (#4220- 212m), SBE37 (#9387- 222m)
Subsurface temperature measurements81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — West mooring deployment with 19 instruments: SBE37 (#9382- 21m), SUNA (#1029- 21m), Star Odi (# 4196- 27m), Star Odi (#4197- 31m) , Star Odi (#4198- 41m) , SBE37 (#9385- 51m), Star Odi (#4199- 51m) , Star Odi (#4200- 61m), AZFP (#- 72m), SBE37 (#7294- 75m) , Star Odi (#4201- 88m), RDI ADCP (#10628- 93m), Star Odi (#4216- 96m), Sediment trap (#12432-02- 106m), SBE37 (#7295- 112m), Star Odi (#4218- 137m), Star Odi (#4220- 162m), Star Odi (#4302- 187m), SBE37 (#9396- 222m)
Subsurface temperature measurements81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — East mooring recovery with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50215- 21m), SUNA (#1029- 21m), SBE37 (#9381- 22m), Star Odi (# 4203- 27m), Star Odi (#4205- 31m) , Star Odi (#4206- 41m) , Star Odi (#4207- 51m) , Star Odi (#4208- 61m), AZFP (#55135- 72m), SBE37 (#9382- 75m) , Star Odi (#4209- 83m), RDI ADCP (#10628- 93m), Star Odi (#4210- 96m), Sediment trap (#11804-5- 106m), SBE37 (#9388- 110m), Star Odi (#4211- 125m), Star Odi (#4213- 140m), Star Odi (#4302- 155m), SBE37 (#9389- 170m)
Subsurface temperature measurements81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — East mooring deployed with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50214- 21m), SUNA (#1030- 21m), SBE37 (#7289- 22m), Star Odi (# 4254- 27m), Star Odi (#4255- 31m) , Star Odi (#4256- 41m) , Star Odi (#4258- 51m) , Star Odi (#4259- 61m), AZFP (#55152- 72m), SBE37 (#7290- 75m) , Star Odi (#4284- 83m), RDI ADCP (#20262- 93m), Star Odi (#4285- 96m), Sediment trap (#12283-01- 106m), SBE37 (#7291- 110m), Star Odi (#4286- 125m), Star Odi (#4287- 140m), Star Odi (#4288- 155m), SBE37 (#7292- 170m)
Current profiler (eg ADCP)81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — East mooring deployed with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50214- 21m), SUNA (#1030- 21m), SBE37 (#7289- 22m), Star Odi (# 4254- 27m), Star Odi (#4255- 31m) , Star Odi (#4256- 41m) , Star Odi (#4258- 51m) , Star Odi (#4259- 61m), AZFP (#55152- 72m), SBE37 (#7290- 75m) , Star Odi (#4284- 83m), RDI ADCP (#20262- 93m), Star Odi (#4285- 96m), Sediment trap (#12283-01- 106m), SBE37 (#7291- 110m), Star Odi (#4286- 125m), Star Odi (#4287- 140m), Star Odi (#4288- 155m), SBE37 (#7292- 170m)
Current profiler (eg ADCP)81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — West mooring recovery with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50214- 21m), SUNA (#1030- 21m), Star Odi (# 4196- 27m), Star Odi (#4197- 31m) , Star Odi (#4198- 41m) , Star Odi (#4199- 51m) , Star Odi (#4200- 61m), AZFP (#55152- 72m), SBE37 (#79384- 75m) , Star Odi (#4201- 83m), RDI ADCP (#2666- 93m), Star Odi (#4215- 96m), Sediment trap (#11262-2- 106m), SBE37 (#93885- 112m), Star Odi (#4216- 137m), SBE37 (#9386- 162m), Star Odi (#4218- 187m), Star Odi (#4220- 212m), SBE37 (#9387- 222m)
Current profiler (eg ADCP)81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — East mooring recovery with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50215- 21m), SUNA (#1029- 21m), SBE37 (#9381- 22m), Star Odi (# 4203- 27m), Star Odi (#4205- 31m) , Star Odi (#4206- 41m) , Star Odi (#4207- 51m) , Star Odi (#4208- 61m), AZFP (#55135- 72m), SBE37 (#9382- 75m) , Star Odi (#4209- 83m), RDI ADCP (#10628- 93m), Star Odi (#4210- 96m), Sediment trap (#11804-5- 106m), SBE37 (#9388- 110m), Star Odi (#4211- 125m), Star Odi (#4213- 140m), Star Odi (#4302- 155m), SBE37 (#9389- 170m)
Current profiler (eg ADCP)81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — West mooring deployment with 19 instruments: SBE37 (#9382- 21m), SUNA (#1029- 21m), Star Odi (# 4196- 27m), Star Odi (#4197- 31m) , Star Odi (#4198- 41m) , SBE37 (#9385- 51m), Star Odi (#4199- 51m) , Star Odi (#4200- 61m), AZFP (#- 72m), SBE37 (#7294- 75m) , Star Odi (#4201- 88m), RDI ADCP (#10628- 93m), Star Odi (#4216- 96m), Sediment trap (#12432-02- 106m), SBE37 (#7295- 112m), Star Odi (#4218- 137m), Star Odi (#4220- 162m), Star Odi (#4302- 187m), SBE37 (#9396- 222m)
Other physical oceanographic measurements81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — East mooring recovery with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50215- 21m), SUNA (#1029- 21m), SBE37 (#9381- 22m), Star Odi (# 4203- 27m), Star Odi (#4205- 31m) , Star Odi (#4206- 41m) , Star Odi (#4207- 51m) , Star Odi (#4208- 61m), AZFP (#55135- 72m), SBE37 (#9382- 75m) , Star Odi (#4209- 83m), RDI ADCP (#10628- 93m), Star Odi (#4210- 96m), Sediment trap (#11804-5- 106m), SBE37 (#9388- 110m), Star Odi (#4211- 125m), Star Odi (#4213- 140m), Star Odi (#4302- 155m), SBE37 (#9389- 170m)
Other physical oceanographic measurements81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — East mooring deployed with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50214- 21m), SUNA (#1030- 21m), SBE37 (#7289- 22m), Star Odi (# 4254- 27m), Star Odi (#4255- 31m) , Star Odi (#4256- 41m) , Star Odi (#4258- 51m) , Star Odi (#4259- 61m), AZFP (#55152- 72m), SBE37 (#7290- 75m) , Star Odi (#4284- 83m), RDI ADCP (#20262- 93m), Star Odi (#4285- 96m), Sediment trap (#12283-01- 106m), SBE37 (#7291- 110m), Star Odi (#4286- 125m), Star Odi (#4287- 140m), Star Odi (#4288- 155m), SBE37 (#7292- 170m)
Other physical oceanographic measurements81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — West mooring recovery with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50214- 21m), SUNA (#1030- 21m), Star Odi (# 4196- 27m), Star Odi (#4197- 31m) , Star Odi (#4198- 41m) , Star Odi (#4199- 51m) , Star Odi (#4200- 61m), AZFP (#55152- 72m), SBE37 (#79384- 75m) , Star Odi (#4201- 83m), RDI ADCP (#2666- 93m), Star Odi (#4215- 96m), Sediment trap (#11262-2- 106m), SBE37 (#93885- 112m), Star Odi (#4216- 137m), SBE37 (#9386- 162m), Star Odi (#4218- 187m), Star Odi (#4220- 212m), SBE37 (#9387- 222m)
Other physical oceanographic measurements81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — West mooring deployment with 19 instruments: SBE37 (#9382- 21m), SUNA (#1029- 21m), Star Odi (# 4196- 27m), Star Odi (#4197- 31m) , Star Odi (#4198- 41m) , SBE37 (#9385- 51m), Star Odi (#4199- 51m) , Star Odi (#4200- 61m), AZFP (#- 72m), SBE37 (#7294- 75m) , Star Odi (#4201- 88m), RDI ADCP (#10628- 93m), Star Odi (#4216- 96m), Sediment trap (#12432-02- 106m), SBE37 (#7295- 112m), Star Odi (#4218- 137m), Star Odi (#4220- 162m), Star Odi (#4302- 187m), SBE37 (#9396- 222m)
Chemical oceanography 
Nitrate81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — East mooring recovery with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50215- 21m), SUNA (#1029- 21m), SBE37 (#9381- 22m), Star Odi (# 4203- 27m), Star Odi (#4205- 31m) , Star Odi (#4206- 41m) , Star Odi (#4207- 51m) , Star Odi (#4208- 61m), AZFP (#55135- 72m), SBE37 (#9382- 75m) , Star Odi (#4209- 83m), RDI ADCP (#10628- 93m), Star Odi (#4210- 96m), Sediment trap (#11804-5- 106m), SBE37 (#9388- 110m), Star Odi (#4211- 125m), Star Odi (#4213- 140m), Star Odi (#4302- 155m), SBE37 (#9389- 170m)
Nitrate81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — West mooring deployment with 19 instruments: SBE37 (#9382- 21m), SUNA (#1029- 21m), Star Odi (# 4196- 27m), Star Odi (#4197- 31m) , Star Odi (#4198- 41m) , SBE37 (#9385- 51m), Star Odi (#4199- 51m) , Star Odi (#4200- 61m), AZFP (#- 72m), SBE37 (#7294- 75m) , Star Odi (#4201- 88m), RDI ADCP (#10628- 93m), Star Odi (#4216- 96m), Sediment trap (#12432-02- 106m), SBE37 (#7295- 112m), Star Odi (#4218- 137m), Star Odi (#4220- 162m), Star Odi (#4302- 187m), SBE37 (#9396- 222m)
Nitrate81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — East mooring deployed with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50214- 21m), SUNA (#1030- 21m), SBE37 (#7289- 22m), Star Odi (# 4254- 27m), Star Odi (#4255- 31m) , Star Odi (#4256- 41m) , Star Odi (#4258- 51m) , Star Odi (#4259- 61m), AZFP (#55152- 72m), SBE37 (#7290- 75m) , Star Odi (#4284- 83m), RDI ADCP (#20262- 93m), Star Odi (#4285- 96m), Sediment trap (#12283-01- 106m), SBE37 (#7291- 110m), Star Odi (#4286- 125m), Star Odi (#4287- 140m), Star Odi (#4288- 155m), SBE37 (#7292- 170m)
Nitrate81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — West mooring recovery with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50214- 21m), SUNA (#1030- 21m), Star Odi (# 4196- 27m), Star Odi (#4197- 31m) , Star Odi (#4198- 41m) , Star Odi (#4199- 51m) , Star Odi (#4200- 61m), AZFP (#55152- 72m), SBE37 (#79384- 75m) , Star Odi (#4201- 83m), RDI ADCP (#2666- 93m), Star Odi (#4215- 96m), Sediment trap (#11262-2- 106m), SBE37 (#93885- 112m), Star Odi (#4216- 137m), SBE37 (#9386- 162m), Star Odi (#4218- 187m), Star Odi (#4220- 212m), SBE37 (#9387- 222m)
Biology and fisheries 
Sediment traps81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — East mooring deployed with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50214- 21m), SUNA (#1030- 21m), SBE37 (#7289- 22m), Star Odi (# 4254- 27m), Star Odi (#4255- 31m) , Star Odi (#4256- 41m) , Star Odi (#4258- 51m) , Star Odi (#4259- 61m), AZFP (#55152- 72m), SBE37 (#7290- 75m) , Star Odi (#4284- 83m), RDI ADCP (#20262- 93m), Star Odi (#4285- 96m), Sediment trap (#12283-01- 106m), SBE37 (#7291- 110m), Star Odi (#4286- 125m), Star Odi (#4287- 140m), Star Odi (#4288- 155m), SBE37 (#7292- 170m)
Sediment traps81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — East mooring recovery with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50215- 21m), SUNA (#1029- 21m), SBE37 (#9381- 22m), Star Odi (# 4203- 27m), Star Odi (#4205- 31m) , Star Odi (#4206- 41m) , Star Odi (#4207- 51m) , Star Odi (#4208- 61m), AZFP (#55135- 72m), SBE37 (#9382- 75m) , Star Odi (#4209- 83m), RDI ADCP (#10628- 93m), Star Odi (#4210- 96m), Sediment trap (#11804-5- 106m), SBE37 (#9388- 110m), Star Odi (#4211- 125m), Star Odi (#4213- 140m), Star Odi (#4302- 155m), SBE37 (#9389- 170m)
Sediment traps81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — West mooring deployment with 19 instruments: SBE37 (#9382- 21m), SUNA (#1029- 21m), Star Odi (# 4196- 27m), Star Odi (#4197- 31m) , Star Odi (#4198- 41m) , SBE37 (#9385- 51m), Star Odi (#4199- 51m) , Star Odi (#4200- 61m), AZFP (#- 72m), SBE37 (#7294- 75m) , Star Odi (#4201- 88m), RDI ADCP (#10628- 93m), Star Odi (#4216- 96m), Sediment trap (#12432-02- 106m), SBE37 (#7295- 112m), Star Odi (#4218- 137m), Star Odi (#4220- 162m), Star Odi (#4302- 187m), SBE37 (#9396- 222m)
Sediment traps81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — West mooring recovery with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50214- 21m), SUNA (#1030- 21m), Star Odi (# 4196- 27m), Star Odi (#4197- 31m) , Star Odi (#4198- 41m) , Star Odi (#4199- 51m) , Star Odi (#4200- 61m), AZFP (#55152- 72m), SBE37 (#79384- 75m) , Star Odi (#4201- 83m), RDI ADCP (#2666- 93m), Star Odi (#4215- 96m), Sediment trap (#11262-2- 106m), SBE37 (#93885- 112m), Star Odi (#4216- 137m), SBE37 (#9386- 162m), Star Odi (#4218- 187m), Star Odi (#4220- 212m), SBE37 (#9387- 222m)
Zooplankton81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — West mooring deployment with 19 instruments: SBE37 (#9382- 21m), SUNA (#1029- 21m), Star Odi (# 4196- 27m), Star Odi (#4197- 31m) , Star Odi (#4198- 41m) , SBE37 (#9385- 51m), Star Odi (#4199- 51m) , Star Odi (#4200- 61m), AZFP (#- 72m), SBE37 (#7294- 75m) , Star Odi (#4201- 88m), RDI ADCP (#10628- 93m), Star Odi (#4216- 96m), Sediment trap (#12432-02- 106m), SBE37 (#7295- 112m), Star Odi (#4218- 137m), Star Odi (#4220- 162m), Star Odi (#4302- 187m), SBE37 (#9396- 222m)
Zooplankton81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — West mooring recovery with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50214- 21m), SUNA (#1030- 21m), Star Odi (# 4196- 27m), Star Odi (#4197- 31m) , Star Odi (#4198- 41m) , Star Odi (#4199- 51m) , Star Odi (#4200- 61m), AZFP (#55152- 72m), SBE37 (#79384- 75m) , Star Odi (#4201- 83m), RDI ADCP (#2666- 93m), Star Odi (#4215- 96m), Sediment trap (#11262-2- 106m), SBE37 (#93885- 112m), Star Odi (#4216- 137m), SBE37 (#9386- 162m), Star Odi (#4218- 187m), Star Odi (#4220- 212m), SBE37 (#9387- 222m)
Zooplankton81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — East mooring deployed with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50214- 21m), SUNA (#1030- 21m), SBE37 (#7289- 22m), Star Odi (# 4254- 27m), Star Odi (#4255- 31m) , Star Odi (#4256- 41m) , Star Odi (#4258- 51m) , Star Odi (#4259- 61m), AZFP (#55152- 72m), SBE37 (#7290- 75m) , Star Odi (#4284- 83m), RDI ADCP (#20262- 93m), Star Odi (#4285- 96m), Sediment trap (#12283-01- 106m), SBE37 (#7291- 110m), Star Odi (#4286- 125m), Star Odi (#4287- 140m), Star Odi (#4288- 155m), SBE37 (#7292- 170m)
Zooplankton81° 19' 30" N  31° 15' 36" E — East mooring recovery with 19 instruments: SBE16 (#50215- 21m), SUNA (#1029- 21m), SBE37 (#9381- 22m), Star Odi (# 4203- 27m), Star Odi (#4205- 31m) , Star Odi (#4206- 41m) , Star Odi (#4207- 51m) , Star Odi (#4208- 61m), AZFP (#55135- 72m), SBE37 (#9382- 75m) , Star Odi (#4209- 83m), RDI ADCP (#10628- 93m), Star Odi (#4210- 96m), Sediment trap (#11804-5- 106m), SBE37 (#9388- 110m), Star Odi (#4211- 125m), Star Odi (#4213- 140m), Star Odi (#4302- 155m), SBE37 (#9389- 170m)
Geology and geophysics 
Bottom photography77° 33' 24" N  30° 1' 41" E — Photolander deployed at B34
Bottom photography78° 10' 12" N  30° 0' 6" E — Photolander deployed for system testing at HH51
Bottom photography74° 30' 17" N  30° 1' 23" E — Photolander deployed at B13
Bottom photography80° 17' 35" N  22° 19' 23" E — Photolander recovery with an SBE56 (#2984- 145m)
Bottom photography78° 10' 41" N  29° 59' 53" E — Photolander deployed at HH51
Data held at BODC Get data
65  Bottle station
Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column
Reference numbers
Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Quality control flags
Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column
Reference numbers
Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Quality control flags

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
19657952018-06-14 08:47 81° 2' 1" N  18° 24' 48" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965795
19659312018-07-02 08:58 75° 29' 59" N  29° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965931
19804172018-06-13 08:53 80° 3' 51" N  10° 47' 33" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980417
19804292018-06-14 02:52 81° 2' 1" N  18° 23' 7" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980429
19804542018-06-17 10:57 81° 18' 9" N  31° 20' 35" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980454
20427962018-06-27 11:01 77° 32' 55" N  29° 59' 54" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042796
19658262018-06-18 10:10 82° 35' 28" N  30° 9' 9" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965826
19658382018-06-20 12:11 81° 27' 30" N  31° 4' 37" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965838
19658872018-06-27 11:01 77° 32' 55" N  29° 59' 54" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965887
19659182018-06-30 10:55 74° 30' 10" N  30° 0' 13" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965918
19804912018-06-20 12:11 81° 27' 30" N  31° 4' 37" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980491
19805222018-06-23 12:39 81° 18' 10" N  31° 18' 55" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980522
20427232018-06-17 10:57 81° 18' 9" N  31° 20' 35" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042723
20817092018-06-12 10:31 78° 0' 46" N  9° 28' 26" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081709
19658752018-06-25 11:07 78° 10' 2" N  30° 0' 10" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965875
19658992018-06-28 07:13 76° 59' 58" N  30° 0' 2" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965899
19659062018-06-29 08:29 76° 30' 0" N  29° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965906
19804302018-06-15 18:25 81° 55' 27" N  18° 21' 5" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980430
19805102018-06-22 06:51 81° 15' 48" N  18° 27' 9" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980510
19805582018-06-27 11:01 77° 32' 55" N  29° 59' 54" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980558
20818512018-07-02 08:57:30 75° 29' 59" N  29° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081851
19658512018-06-22 06:51 81° 15' 48" N  18° 27' 9" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965851
19659432018-07-03 14:48 75° 59' 52" N  16° 51' 41" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965943
19804052018-06-12 10:31 78° 0' 46" N  9° 28' 26" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980405
19805092018-06-21 13:28 80° 17' 34" N  22° 19' 12" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980509
19805342018-06-24 11:30 80° 6' 3" N  29° 59' 46" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980534
19805832018-06-29 08:29 76° 30' 0" N  29° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980583
20428032018-06-28 07:12:30 76° 59' 58" N  30° 0' 2" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042803
20817462018-06-18 10:09:30 82° 35' 28" N  30° 9' 9" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081746
20818022018-06-27 11:01 77° 32' 55" N  29° 59' 54" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081802
20428402018-07-03 14:47:30 75° 59' 52" N  16° 51' 41" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042840
20818142018-06-28 07:12:30 76° 59' 58" N  30° 0' 2" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081814
19805462018-06-25 09:23 78° 15' 0" N  30° 0' 4" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980546
19805952018-06-30 10:55 74° 30' 10" N  30° 0' 13" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980595
20817342018-06-17 10:57 81° 18' 9" N  31° 20' 35" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081734
20817582018-06-20 12:10:30 81° 27' 30" N  31° 4' 37" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081758
20818262018-06-29 08:29 76° 30' 0" N  29° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081826
20426802018-06-12 10:31 78° 0' 46" N  9° 28' 26" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042680
19658142018-06-17 10:57 81° 18' 9" N  31° 20' 35" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965814
19805712018-06-28 07:13 76° 59' 58" N  30° 0' 2" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980571
19806022018-07-02 08:58 75° 29' 59" N  29° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980602
20427352018-06-18 10:09:30 82° 35' 28" N  30° 9' 9" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042735
20427602018-06-22 06:51 81° 15' 48" N  18° 27' 9" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042760
20428152018-06-29 08:29 76° 30' 0" N  29° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042815
20428272018-06-30 10:55 74° 30' 10" N  30° 0' 13" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042827
20817102018-06-14 08:47 81° 2' 1" N  18° 24' 48" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081710
20818382018-06-30 10:55 74° 30' 10" N  30° 0' 13" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081838
20818632018-07-03 14:47:30 75° 59' 52" N  16° 51' 41" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081863
19657832018-06-12 10:31 78° 0' 46" N  9° 28' 26" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965783
19804782018-06-19 16:04 82° 27' 56" N  31° 33' 34" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980478
20427112018-06-15 12:09:30 81° 54' 54" N  18° 29' 32" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042711
20427472018-06-19 16:03:30 82° 27' 56" N  31° 33' 34" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042747
20427722018-06-24 11:30 80° 6' 3" N  29° 59' 46" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042772
20428392018-07-02 08:57:30 75° 29' 59" N  29° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042839
20817952018-06-25 11:06:30 78° 10' 2" N  30° 0' 10" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081795
19658022018-06-15 12:10 81° 54' 54" N  18° 29' 32" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965802
19658632018-06-24 11:30 80° 6' 3" N  29° 59' 46" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1965863
19804422018-06-16 17:17 81° 16' 40" N  29° 8' 47" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980442
19804662018-06-18 14:58 82° 35' 19" N  30° 38' 26" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1980466
20426922018-06-14 08:47 81° 2' 1" N  18° 24' 48" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042692
20427592018-06-20 12:10:30 81° 27' 30" N  31° 4' 37" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042759
20427842018-06-25 11:06:30 78° 10' 2" N  30° 0' 10" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2042784
20817222018-06-15 12:09:30 81° 54' 54" N  18° 29' 32" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081722
20817712018-06-22 06:51 81° 15' 48" N  18° 27' 9" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081771
20817832018-06-24 11:30 80° 6' 3" N  29° 59' 46" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 2081783
62  CTD/STD cast
Sound velocity and travel time in the water column
Reference numbers
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
Density of the water column
Raw oxygen sensor output
Raw fluorometer output
Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Sound velocity and travel time in the water column
Reference numbers
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
Density of the water column
Raw oxygen sensor output
Raw fluorometer output
Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
19050852018-06-13 06:04 80° 0' 30" N  11° 14' 25" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905085
19051282018-06-13 14:06 80° 17' 30" N  8° 54' 30" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905128
19055092018-06-25 10:49 78° 9' 59" N  30° 0' 0" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905509
19189072018-07-03 14:30 75° 59' 59" N  16° 49' 47" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918907
19050612018-06-12 10:08 78° 0' 46" N  9° 28' 25" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905061
19051412018-06-14 02:33 81° 2' 1" N  18° 23' 7" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905141
19051532018-06-14 08:30 81° 2' 2" N  18° 24' 48" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905153
19051772018-06-15 11:55 81° 54' 53" N  18° 29' 29" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905177
19054052018-06-23 12:23 81° 18' 10" N  31° 18' 55" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905405
19054292018-06-23 22:30 80° 47' 59" N  27° 47' 55" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905429
19055222018-06-27 23:10 77° 26' 59" N  30° 0' 0" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905522
19050482018-06-12 06:41 78° 0' 47" N  9° 28' 23" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905048
19051042018-06-13 08:29 80° 3' 51" N  10° 47' 33" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905104
19051162018-06-13 11:22 80° 5' 50" N  10° 30' 51" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905116
19052082018-06-16 13:49 81° 15' 2" N  28° 1' 36" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905208
19053132018-06-20 04:21 81° 30' 11" N  30° 57' 36" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905313
19053492018-06-22 03:12 81° 28' 32" N  18° 27' 16" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905349
19053982018-06-23 10:51 81° 23' 0" N  31° 17' 36" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905398
19187962018-06-28 09:47 76° 51' 58" N  29° 59' 57" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918796
19188762018-07-02 08:40 75° 30' 0" N  29° 59' 58" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918876
19189202018-07-04 04:04 74° 21' 59" N  18° 9' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918920
19050972018-06-13 07:20 80° 2' 52" N  10° 55' 37" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905097
19051652018-06-15 04:31 81° 2' 2" N  18° 24' 48" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905165
19187602018-06-28 01:00 77° 17' 59" N  30° 0' 0" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918760
19187722018-06-28 02:41 77° 8' 59" N  30° 0' 4" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918772
19051902018-06-16 00:12 81° 23' 51" N  18° 29' 9" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905190
19052942018-06-19 15:35 82° 27' 56" N  31° 33' 34" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905294
19053502018-06-22 06:26 81° 15' 47" N  18° 27' 3" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905350
19053622018-06-22 08:42 81° 8' 40" N  18° 24' 29" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905362
19055102018-06-27 10:46 77° 32' 58" N  30° 0' 2" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905510
19188272018-06-29 08:08 76° 30' 0" N  29° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918827
19188522018-06-30 07:15 74° 53' 3" N  30° 2' 21" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918852
19188642018-06-30 10:33 74° 30' 0" N  29° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918864
19050732018-06-12 14:16 78° 0' 45" N  9° 28' 20" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905073
19052212018-06-16 15:19 81° 15' 43" N  28° 27' 49" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905221
19052452018-06-16 21:21 81° 17' 59" N  30° 0' 0" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905245
19052822018-06-18 13:44 82° 35' 18" N  30° 35' 2" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905282
19053012018-06-19 21:58 81° 35' 21" N  30° 45' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905301
19053742018-06-22 13:51 81° 2' 18" N  18° 24' 40" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905374
19053862018-06-23 08:58 81° 25' 54" N  31° 8' 44" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905386
19054422018-06-24 04:07 80° 52' 39" N  30° 11' 17" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905442
19188152018-06-28 13:07 76° 36' 59" N  30° 0' 0" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918815
19188392018-06-29 19:20 76° 10' 59" N  29° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918839
19188882018-07-02 22:22 75° 29' 59" N  25° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918888
19051892018-06-15 17:15 81° 55' 19" N  18° 21' 20" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905189
19052572018-06-17 04:55 81° 18' 20" N  31° 19' 53" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905257
19052692018-06-17 10:43 81° 18' 8" N  31° 20' 34" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905269
19054662018-06-24 11:13 80° 6' 0" N  29° 59' 55" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905466
19054782018-06-24 18:20 79° 19' 59" N  29° 59' 58" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905478
19188032018-06-28 11:23 76° 43' 57" N  29° 59' 57" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918803
19188402018-06-29 21:39 75° 57' 0" N  29° 59' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918840
19189192018-07-03 19:53 75° 10' 59" N  17° 31' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918919
19052332018-06-16 17:04 81° 16' 40" N  29° 8' 47" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905233
19052702018-06-18 09:53 82° 35' 26" N  30° 9' 6" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905270
19053252018-06-20 11:51 81° 27' 29" N  31° 4' 36" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905325
19053372018-06-21 13:06 80° 17' 34" N  22° 19' 12" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905337
19054172018-06-23 17:03 80° 59' 31" N  29° 18' 28" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905417
19054302018-06-24 01:43 80° 51' 0" N  29° 17' 59" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905430
19054542018-06-24 06:51 80° 40' 12" N  29° 17' 32" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905454
19054912018-06-25 09:08 78° 15' 0" N  29° 59' 58" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1905491
19187842018-06-28 06:52 77° 0' 0" N  29° 59' 58" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918784
19189322018-07-04 13:10 72° 37' 55" N  19° 14' 58" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1918932
1  Meteorological data logger
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Air pressure
Date and time
Wind strength and direction
Air temperature
Solar Radiation
Atmospheric humidity
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Air pressure
Date and time
Wind strength and direction
Air temperature
Solar Radiation
Atmospheric humidity

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
19649402018-06-11 10:25  — 2018-07-05 18:46 70° 12' 23" N  8° 54' 30" E — 82° 36' 33" N  32° 36' 27" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1964940
1  Multiple instrument types
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Date and time
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Metadata parameters
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Date and time
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Metadata parameters
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
19649522018-06-11 10:25  — 2018-07-05 18:46 70° 12' 23" N  8° 54' 30" E — 82° 36' 33" N  32° 36' 27" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1964952
1  Single-beam echosounder
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Date and time
Platform or instrument orientation
Horizontal platform movement
Bathymetry and Elevation
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Date and time
Platform or instrument orientation
Horizontal platform movement
Bathymetry and Elevation

BODC idDate/TimeLocationDoc.
19649392018-06-11 10:25  — 2018-07-05 18:46 70° 12' 23" N  8° 54' 30" E — 82° 36' 33" N  32° 36' 27" E  View metadata report for BODC series reference number 1964939
Discrete samples 
1  Autonomous Underwater Vehicle deployment
10  Bottom Lander
33  Box core
65  CTD frame plus rosette sampler
1  Day grab
7  Epibenthic Sledge
5  Instrument mooring
31  Microstructure and precision CTD profiler
20  Underwater camera system
14  Unspecified zooplankton net or nets
98  WP-2 zooplankton net