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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 844859

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Currents -subsurface Eulerian
Instrument Type
SonTek ADVOcean/Hydra acoustic Doppler velocimeter  ADVs and turbulence probes
Instrument Mounting fixed benthic node
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator Dr Alex Souza
Originating Organization Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (now National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool)
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) POL Dee Experiment

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier POLRIG994/advG258
BODC Series Reference 844859

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2007-03-13 06:00
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2007-04-19 07:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.0 seconds

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 53.36745 N ( 53° 22.0' N )
Longitude 3.32335 W ( 3° 19.4' W )
Positional Uncertainty 0.01 to 0.05 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 16.1 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 16.1 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 0.3 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 0.3 m
Sea Floor Depth 16.4 m
Sea Floor Depth Source -
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Fixed common depth - All sensors are grouped effectively at the same depth which is effectively fixed for the duration of the series
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Sea floor reference - Depth measured as a height above sea floor but converted into a depth relative to the sea surface according to the same datum as used for sea floor depth (applicable to instrument depths not bathymetric depths)
Sea Floor Depth Datum Instantaneous - Depth measured below water line or instantaneous water body surface


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
AADYAA011DaysDate (time from 00:00 01/01/1760 to 00:00 UT on day)
AAFDZZ011DaysTime (time between 00:00 UT and timestamp)
ACYCAA011DimensionlessSequence number
ASAMSDK11DecibelsSignal return amplitude standard deviation from the water body by SonTek current meter beam 1
ASAMSDK21DecibelsSignal return amplitude standard deviation from the water body by SonTek current meter beam 2
ASAMSDK31DecibelsSignal return amplitude standard deviation from the water body by SonTek current meter beam 3
ASAMSTK11DecibelsSignal return amplitude from the water body by SonTek current meter beam 1
ASAMSTK21DecibelsSignal return amplitude from the water body by SonTek current meter beam 2
ASAMSTK31DecibelsSignal return amplitude from the water body by SonTek current meter beam 3
HEADCMMG1DegreesOrientation (horizontal) of measurement platform relative to magnetic north {heading} by compass
HEADSD011DegreesOrientation (horizontal) standard deviation of measurement platform {heading} by compass
LCEWSTEK1Centimetres per secondEastward velocity of water current (Eulerian measurement) relative to magnetic north in the water body by SonTek current meter
LCNSSTEK1Centimetres per secondNorthward velocity of water current (Eulerian measurement) relative to magnetic north in the water body by SonTek current meter
LRZASTEK1Centimetres per secondUpward velocity of water current in the water body by SonTek current meter
PREXSTEK1DecibarsPressure mean (measured variable) exerted by the water body by semi-fixed moored SonTek current meter
PTCHEI011DegreesOrientation (pitch) of measurement platform by inclinometer
PTCHSD011DegreesOrientation (pitch) standard deviation of measurement platform by inclinometer
ROLLEI011DegreesOrientation (roll) of measurement platform by inclinometer
ROLLSD011DegreesOrientation (roll) standard deviation of measurement platform by inclinometer
SDEWSTEK1Centimetres per secondEastward velocity standard deviation of water current in the water body by SonTek current meter
SDNSSTEK1Centimetres per secondNorthward velocity standard deviation of water current in the water body by SonTek current meter
SDPRSTEK1DecibarsPressure standard deviation (measured variable) exerted by the water body by semi-fixed moored SonTek current meter
SDZASTEK1Centimetres per secondUpward velocity standard deviation of water current in the water body by SonTek current meter
TEMPSDEK1Degrees CelsiusTemperature standard deviation of the water body by SonTek current meter
TEMPSTEK1Degrees CelsiusTemperature mean of the water body by SonTek current meter

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data quality report: POLRIG994 ADV data

Data recorded by all three ADVs at the start of the deployment, from 06:00 UTC to 14:00 UTC 13 March 2007, were flagged. These first records were all taken after the instruments were activated but before the mooring deployment commenced.

Anomalously high standard deviation values were visible in the heading, pitch, roll, temperature and pressure channels in all three ADV datasets at 01:00 UTC 21 March 2007. This suggests that the mini-STABLE frame may have suffered a temporary knockdown at this time. No other data appear to be affected.

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

SonTek ADVOcean/Hydra acoustic doppler velocimeter

The ADVOcean-Hydra is an autonomous integrated ocean sensor system for the measurement of current and waves, CTD and turbidity. Include powerful data acquisition system, a high-resolution velocity sensor, a strain gage pressure sensor and can be integrated with external sensors. With the optional RPT pressure sensor, this powerful system is able to sample both pressure and velocity at up to 25 Hz, making it the definitive solution for studying nearshore processes.

  Frequency Velocity Temperature Compass Tilt Power Depth
Range 5/10 MHz 5 - 500 cm/s -5°C - 45°C - - 12 - 24 VDC 250 m (Further enquiries needed

for deeper ratings)

Resolution - 0.1 cm/s 0.01°C 0.1° 0.1°C - -
Accuracy - ±1% of measured velocity

±0.5 cm/s at up to 25 Hz

±0.1°C ±2° ±1° - -

For more information please click here for SonTek's Brochure or see a description on ADVs here.

Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADVs)

The ADV is a single-point, high resolution current meter, capable of recording three-dimensional velocity vectors. The ADV measures the velocity of the water by analysing the Doppler effect (frequency shift) of sound emitted by the sensor. The ADV uses a separate receiver and transmitter, both of which are constructed to generate very narrow beam patterns - the transmitter generates sound with most of the energy focussed in a narrow cone and the receiver is sensitive to sound reflected from a narrow angular range. The transducers are mounted so that their beams intersect at a volume of water located at some distance away from the sensor. Where the beams intersect is the volume of water in which the measurements are made - known as the sampling volume.

The transmitter generates a short pulse of sound at a known frequency, which travels through the water along the axis of the transmitter. As the sound beam passes through the sampling volume the its energy is scattered in all directions by suspended particulate matter (e.g. sediment, micro-organisms, bubbles). An ADV typically requires a concentration of >~10 mg/l scattering material for its operation. A small portion of the sound energy is scattered back along the receiver's axis and is sampled by the ADV, then processed to measure the change in frequency. The Doppler shift measured by one receiver is proportional to the velocity of the scattering particles along the axis of the transmitter and the receiver.

The typical noise level of the ADV is ~1% of the maximum recorded value during a deployment. For example, if the maximum recorded velocity during a deployment was 1 m/s, the noise level would be around 0.01 m/s.

Originator's Data Processing: ADV data from POLRIG994

Sampling Strategy

Three Sontek Ocean/Hydra Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADVs) were attached to Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL) mini-STABLE benthic frame POLRIG994 for deployment on PD04_07. Prior to deployment all three ADVs were bench tested at POL to check their operation. The ADVs all triggered on receipt of a sync pulse from the mini-STABLE SyncGen3 central timing clock. New battery packs were fitted prior to deployment and all o-rings plus sealing faces cleaned, checked for damage and then re-greased using Dow Corning silicon grease. SyncGen3 was also upgraded to use an aluminium casing and end-cap, replacing the plastic versions used during LEACOAST2.

During the bench test, no problems were encountered although the compasses on instruments G250+B252 and G258+B233 needed re-orienting for sideways mounting. Compass checks were carried out prior to deployment and the necessary offsets corrected. The ADVs were set up using the factory calibrations supplied to POL technical staff. The instruments were set for 16 Hz recording at 20 minute bursts each hour on the hour using an external pulse from the SyncGen3 central timing clock. All three systems were set to record using ENU coordinates not the normal XYZ, at the Principal Scientific Officer (PSO)'s request.

Data Processing

After the instruments were recovered on cruise PD06_07, the data were downloaded from the loggers by POL staff and processed using Sontek ViewHydraPro software to generate MATLAB .MAT format files for analysis.

Processing Undertaken by BODC: ADV data on POLRIG994

BODC Processing

The data were supplied to BODC by the Data Originator as Matlab format .MAT files. These were reformatted to the BODC internal QXF format using BODC transfer function 390. The following table shows how the variables within the .MAT files were mapped to appropriate BODC parameter codes:

Matlab Variable Units BODC Parameter Code Units Description Comment
Amp1 dB ASAMSTK1 dB Signal return amplitude from the water body by SonTek current meter beam 1 -
Amp2 dB ASAMSTK2 dB Signal return amplitude from the water body by SonTek current meter beam 2 -
Amp3 dB ASAMSTK3 dB Signal return amplitude from the water body by SonTek current meter beam 3 -
Amp_StD_1 dB ASAMSDK1 dB Signal return amplitude standard deviation from the water body by SonTek current meter beam 1 -
Amp_StD_2 dB ASAMSDK2 dB Signal return amplitude standard deviation from the water body by SonTek current meter beam 2 -
Amp_StD_3 dB ASAMSDK3 dB Signal return amplitude standard deviation from the water body by SonTek current meter beam 3 -
Heading degrees HEADCMMG degrees Orientation (horizontal relative to magnetic north) of measurement platform {heading} by compass Cross-checked by Data Originator against independent compass readings before deployment
Heading_StD degrees HEADSD01 degrees Orientation standard deviation (horizontal) of measurement platform {heading standard deviation} by compass -
Pitch degrees PTCHEI01 degrees Orientation (pitch) of measurement platform by inclinometer -
Pitch_StD degrees PTCHSD01 degrees Orientation standard deviation (pitch) of measurement platform by inclinometer -
Press dbar PREXSTEK dbar Pressure mean (measured variable) exerted by the water body by semi-fixed moored SonTek current meter -
Press_StD dbar SDPRSTEK dbar Pressure standard deviation (measured variable) exerted by the water body by semi-fixed moored SonTek current meter -
Roll degrees ROLLEI01 degrees Orientation (roll angle) of measurement platform by inclinometer -
Roll_StD degrees ROLLSD01 degrees Orientation standard deviation (roll angle) of measurement platform by inclinometer -
Temp degrees C TEMPSTEK degrees C Temperature mean of the water body by SonTek current meter -
Temp_StD degrees C TEMPSDEK degrees C Temperature standard deviation of the water body by SonTek current meter -
Vel1 cm s-1 LCEWSTEK cm s-1 Eastward current velocity (Eulerian relative to magnetic north) in the water body by SonTek current meter -
Vel2 cm s-1 LCNSSTEK cm s-1 Northward current velocity (Eulerian relative to magnetic north) in the water body by SonTek current meter -
Vel3 cm s-1 LRZASTEK cm s-1 Upward current velocity in the water body by SonTek current meter -
vel_StD_1 cm s-1 SDEWSTEK cm s-1 Eastward current velocity standard deviation in the water body by SonTek current meter -
vel_StD_2 cm s-1 SDNSSTEK cm s-1 Northward current velocity standard deviation in the water body by SonTek current meter -
vel_StD_3 cm s-1 SDZASTEK cm s-1 Upward current velocity standard deviation in the water body by SonTek current meter -

The data were screened by BODC using their in-house EDSERPLO visualisation software and any anomalous data were flagged.

General Data Screening carried out by BODC

BODC screen both the series header qualifying information and the parameter values in the data cycles themselves.

Header information is inspected for:

  • Irregularities such as unfeasible values
  • Inconsistencies between related information, for example:
    • Times for instrument deployment and for start/end of data series
    • Length of record and the number of data cycles/cycle interval
    • Parameters expected and the parameters actually present in the data cycles
  • Originator's comments on meter/mooring performance and data quality

Documents are written by BODC highlighting irregularities which cannot be resolved.

Data cycles are inspected using time or depth series plots of all parameters. Currents are additionally inspected using vector scatter plots and time series plots of North and East velocity components. These presentations undergo intrinsic and extrinsic screening to detect infeasible values within the data cycles themselves and inconsistencies as seen when comparing characteristics of adjacent data sets displaced with respect to depth, position or time. Values suspected of being of non-oceanographic origin may be tagged with the BODC flag denoting suspect value; the data values will not be altered.

The following types of irregularity, each relying on visual detection in the plot, are amongst those which may be flagged as suspect:

  • Spurious data at the start or end of the record.
  • Obvious spikes occurring in periods free from meteorological disturbance.
  • A sequence of constant values in consecutive data cycles.

If a large percentage of the data is affected by irregularities then a Problem Report will be written rather than flagging the individual suspect values. Problem Reports are also used to highlight irregularities seen in the graphical data presentations.

Inconsistencies between the characteristics of the data set and those of its neighbours are sought and, where necessary, documented. This covers inconsistencies such as the following:

  • Maximum and minimum values of parameters (spikes excluded).
  • The occurrence of meteorological events.

This intrinsic and extrinsic screening of the parameter values seeks to confirm the qualifying information and the source laboratory's comments on the series. In screening and collating information, every care is taken to ensure that errors of BODC making are not introduced.

Project Information

Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Dee Experiment


Sediment transport process models are a vital tool in allowing scientists to predict sediment transport and forecast seabed and coastal morphodynamic evolution. It is however, difficult to obtain accurate models due to the complex inter-dependence of sediment processes in the bottom boundary layer. This inter-dependence is governed by interactions between the sediment transport triad; the bed, the hydrodynamics and the mobile sediments.

Scientific Objectives

  • To use a varying suite of instruments to make co-located measurements of the sediment triad
  • To provide a framework to allow assessment and improvement of the latest sediment transport models
  • To address dynamics of suspended sediments in terms of supply of material to the coastal zone from estuaries
  • Development of a new description of suspended sediment and water opacity to improve simulation of coastal primary productivity


The study site chosen by POL for this research was the Dee Estuary, Liverpool Bay. POL performed fieldwork in the Hilbre Channel on the eastern side of the Estuary and the Welsh Channel on the western exit of the Estuary, with emphasis placed on two repeat stations, HC and WC. The fieldwork started in February 2005 and has been summarised below:

Cruise Dates Hilbre Channel Welsh Channel
PD03_05 2005-02-03 to 2005-02-04 25 hour CTD station
3 x mooring deployments
13 hour CTD station
1 mooring deployment
PD07_05 2005-03-03 to 2005-03-04 23 hour CTD station
Mooring recovery
19 hour CTD station
Mooring recovery
PD05_06 2006-02-08 to 2006-02-10 24 hour CTD station
2 x mooring deployment
22 hour CTD station
1 mooring deployment
PD09_06 2006-03-06 to 2006-03-09 23 hour CTD station
Mooring recovery
25 hour CTD station
Mooring recovery
PD04_07 2007-03-13 to 2007-03-16 25 hour CTD station
2 x mooring deployment
25 hour CTD station
1 mooring deployment


The Dee Experiment project was core funded by POL under Programme 2 (Shallow coastal seas) Theme 5 (Coastal and sediment processes) of POL's Science Programme 2001 - 2006. From March 2007 onwards, this core funding was replaced by funding from NERC's Oceans 2025 programme and the Dee Experiment research continued as part of Oceans 2025 Work Package 3.3.

Data Activity or Cruise Information

Data Activity

Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2007-03-13
End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2007-04-19
Organization Undertaking ActivityProudman Oceanographic Laboratory (now National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool)
Country of OrganizationUnited Kingdom
Originator's Data Activity Identifier263
Platform Categoryfixed benthic node

Dee Experiment mini-STABLE deployment POLRIG944

The mini-STABLE benthic frame was deployed in the Dee Estuary, Liverpool Bay as part of the UK Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL) Dee Experiment. The mooring was deployed at Site WC from 14:34 UTC 13 March 2007 to 08:29 UTC 19 April 2007.

Deployment and recovery information

Deployment cruise RV Prince Madog 04_07
Recovery cruise RV Prince Madog 06_07
Rig latitude (+ve N) 53.36745
Rig longitude (+ve E) -3.32335
Water depth (m) 16.4

The mini-STABLE frame was of a tripod design (see image) with the following overall dimensions (all measurements +/- 0.005 m):

Height : 1.375 m
Separation of legs (top) : 1.51 m
Separation of legs (bottom) : 2.16 m
Front to back : 1.44 m
Height to centre of lowest cross-member : 1.065 m

(Image courtesy of Dr. Richard Cooke, POL (2007))BODC image

The instrumentation mounted on mini-STABLE during this deployment is detailed in the below table:

SonTek ADVOcean/Hydra Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) comprising logger G258 + probe B233
SonTek ADVOcean/Hydra ADV comprising logger G250 + probe B252
SonTek ADVOcean/Hydra ADV comprising logger G412 + probe B331
POL Acoustic backscatter sensor ABS3
SyncGen3 central timing clock
Marine Electronics Sand Ripple Profiling Sonar with external battery pack and adjusted acoustic frequency of 1.1 MHz
RD Instruments Workhorse Monitor 1.2 MHz Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) #6489 with external battery pack
Sequoia LISST-100ST configured as LISST-100
University of East Anglia (UEA) sediment trap

The ADVs were mounted at separate heights on a vertical pole with each transmitter axis pointing horizontally, i.e. perpendicular to the sea surface/sea bed. The heights above the bed are as follows:

Instrument Height above bed (m)
G258 + B233 0.3
G250 + B252 0.5
G412 + B331 0.7

Related Data Activity activities are detailed in Appendix 1


Cruise Name PD04/07
Departure Date 2007-03-13
Arrival Date 2007-03-16
Principal Scientist(s)Alejandro J Souza (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Ship RV Prince Madog

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NameDee Estuary Station WC
CategoryOffshore area
Latitude53° 22.12' N
Longitude3° 19.68' W
Water depth below MSL12.0 m

Dee Estuary Station WC

This station is located within the Welsh Channel of the Dee Estuary, Liverpool Bay. It is one of two stations repeatedly visited by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL) in the Dee. All activities at this site occurred within a box bounded by co-ordinates 53.371°N, 3.31791°W at the north-east corner and 53.36642°N, 3.33817°W at the south-west corner. Typical depth ranges encountered within the box are 7 m - 17 m.

BODC image

POL activites can be separated into two groups. These are (i) repeat CTD profiles over tidal cycles; (ii) mooring deployments.

The deployment history, to date, for this station is summarised below:

Cruise Start Date End Date Casts
PD07_04 2004-03-04 2004-03-05 23
PD11_04A 2005-03-29 2005-03-30 26
PD03_05 2005-02-03 2005-02-04 27
PD07_05 2005-03-03 2005-03-04 40
PD05_06 2006-02-10 2006-02-10 44
PD09_06 2006-03-08 2006-03-09 50
PD04_07 2007-03-13 2007-03-14 50
PD06_07 2007-04-18 2007-04-19 23
PD04_08 2008-02-12 2008-02-13 41
PD07_08 2008-03-13 2008-03-13 5
PD02_09A 2009-02-03 2009-02-04 45
PD06_09 2009-03-03 2009-03-04 39
PD16_09 2009-05-06 2009-05-07 29
PD22_09 2009-06-02 2009-06-03 37

The CTD instrument package for these cruises was a Sea-Bird 911plus, with beam transmissometer, fluorometer, LICOR PAR sensor, LISST-25, and oxygen sensor.

The mooring deployment history for this site is as follows:

Coverage Instruments
February to March 2005 1.2 MHz ADCP, LISST-100C
February to March 2006 1.2 MHz ADCP, LISST-100C
February to March 2007 1.2 MHz ADCP, 2D ripple profiler, ABS, ADV x 3, LISST-100C, settling tube
February to March 2008 600 kHz ADCP, 2D ripple profiler, ABS, ADV x 3, LISST-100C
February to June 2009 1.2 MHz ADCP, 2D ripple profiler, ABS, ADV x 3, LISST-100X, SBE-37 MicroCAT x 2, settling tube


ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
ABS: Acoustic Backscatter Sensor
ADV: Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter
LISST: Laser In-Situ Scattering Transmissometer
SBE-37 MicroCAT: Conductivity and Temperature Sensor

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 2

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: 263

Related series for this Data Activity are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
844847Currents -subsurface Eulerian2007-03-13 06:00:0053.36745 N, 3.32335 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
844860Currents -subsurface Eulerian2007-03-13 06:00:0053.36745 N, 3.32335 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07

Appendix 2: Dee Estuary Station WC

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
844847Currents -subsurface Eulerian2007-03-13 06:00:0053.36745 N, 3.32335 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
844860Currents -subsurface Eulerian2007-03-13 06:00:0053.36745 N, 3.32335 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969694CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 15:10:0053.36817 N, 3.3275 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969701CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 15:33:0053.36817 N, 3.32767 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969713CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 15:59:0053.36817 N, 3.3275 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969725CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 16:30:0053.36833 N, 3.32767 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969737CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 17:01:0053.36817 N, 3.32767 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969749CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 17:30:0053.368 N, 3.32767 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969750CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 18:00:0053.368 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969762CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 18:32:0053.36833 N, 3.32867 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969774CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 19:01:0053.36817 N, 3.329 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969786CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 19:34:0053.36833 N, 3.329 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969798CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 20:04:0053.36817 N, 3.329 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969805CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 20:31:0053.36817 N, 3.32917 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969817CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 21:05:0053.36817 N, 3.32933 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969829CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 21:31:0053.36817 N, 3.3295 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969830CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 22:01:0053.36817 N, 3.3295 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969842CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 22:33:0053.36817 N, 3.3295 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969854CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 23:02:0053.36817 N, 3.32933 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969866CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 23:33:0053.36817 N, 3.32933 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969878CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 00:02:0053.36833 N, 3.329 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969891CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 00:32:0053.36833 N, 3.3285 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969909CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 01:02:0053.36833 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969910CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 01:33:0053.36833 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969922CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 02:03:0053.36833 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969934CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 02:33:0053.36833 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969946CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 03:02:0053.36833 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969958CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 03:29:0053.36817 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969971CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 04:01:0053.36817 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969983CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 04:30:0053.36833 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
969995CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 05:02:0053.36833 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970007CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 05:30:0053.36833 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970019CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 06:00:0053.36833 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970020CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 06:30:0053.36833 N, 3.32867 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970032CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 07:01:0053.36833 N, 3.329 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970044CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 07:30:0053.36817 N, 3.32917 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970056CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 08:01:0053.36817 N, 3.3295 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970068CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 08:31:0053.36817 N, 3.3295 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970081CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 09:03:0053.36817 N, 3.3295 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970093CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 09:32:0053.36817 N, 3.3295 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970100CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 10:01:0053.36817 N, 3.3295 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970112CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 10:32:0053.36817 N, 3.3295 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970124CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 11:03:0053.36833 N, 3.3295 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970136CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 11:31:0053.36817 N, 3.32933 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970148CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 12:03:0053.36817 N, 3.32933 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970161CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 12:34:0053.36833 N, 3.32917 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970173CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 13:04:0053.36833 N, 3.32917 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970185CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 13:32:0053.36817 N, 3.32867 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970197CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 14:02:0053.36817 N, 3.3285 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970204CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 14:33:0053.36817 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970216CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 15:00:0053.36817 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
970228CTD or STD cast2007-03-14 15:30:0053.36817 N, 3.32833 WRV Prince Madog PD04/07
938148CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 16:01:0053.36967 N, 3.33283 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938161CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 16:30:0053.3695 N, 3.33267 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938173CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 17:00:0053.36967 N, 3.33267 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938185CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 17:32:0053.36967 N, 3.33267 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938197CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 18:01:0053.36967 N, 3.3325 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938204CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 18:31:0053.3695 N, 3.33217 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938216CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 19:03:0053.3695 N, 3.33183 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938228CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 19:32:0053.36933 N, 3.33033 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938241CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 20:06:0053.3695 N, 3.33083 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938253CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 21:02:0053.3685 N, 3.32967 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938265CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 21:35:0053.3685 N, 3.32967 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938277CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 22:02:0053.3685 N, 3.32967 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938289CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 22:32:0053.36883 N, 3.32967 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938290CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 23:02:0053.369 N, 3.32983 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938308CTD or STD cast2007-04-18 23:32:0053.369 N, 3.33017 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938321CTD or STD cast2007-04-19 00:03:0053.36867 N, 3.331 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938333CTD or STD cast2007-04-19 00:32:0053.3685 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938345CTD or STD cast2007-04-19 04:30:0053.3685 N, 3.33283 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938357CTD or STD cast2007-04-19 04:59:0053.3685 N, 3.33283 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938369CTD or STD cast2007-04-19 05:30:0053.3685 N, 3.33283 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938370CTD or STD cast2007-04-19 06:01:0053.36867 N, 3.33283 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938382CTD or STD cast2007-04-19 06:33:0053.36883 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
938394CTD or STD cast2007-04-19 07:02:0053.36917 N, 3.33117 WRV Prince Madog PD06/07
928989CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 13:33:0053.3695 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
928990CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 14:01:0053.36967 N, 3.3325 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929004CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 14:31:0053.3695 N, 3.33267 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929016CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 15:00:0053.3695 N, 3.33283 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929028CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 15:30:0053.3695 N, 3.3335 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929041CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 18:31:0053.36917 N, 3.33383 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929053CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 19:01:0053.36917 N, 3.33383 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929065CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 19:33:0053.36933 N, 3.33383 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929077CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 20:01:0053.36933 N, 3.33383 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929089CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 20:31:0053.36933 N, 3.33383 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929090CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 21:00:0053.36933 N, 3.33367 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929108CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 21:34:0053.36933 N, 3.33367 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929121CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 22:00:0053.36917 N, 3.333 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929133CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 22:30:0053.3695 N, 3.33267 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929145CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 23:01:0053.369 N, 3.332 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929157CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 23:30:0053.369 N, 3.33183 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929169CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 00:02:0053.369 N, 3.33183 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929170CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 00:32:0053.369 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929182CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 01:03:0053.36917 N, 3.33183 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929194CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 01:31:0053.369 N, 3.33183 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929201CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 02:02:0053.36917 N, 3.332 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929213CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 02:32:0053.36917 N, 3.33267 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929225CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 03:01:0053.36917 N, 3.33283 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929237CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 03:31:0053.36933 N, 3.33317 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929249CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 04:00:0053.36933 N, 3.33367 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929250CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 06:35:0053.36917 N, 3.33383 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929262CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 07:00:0053.36917 N, 3.33383 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929274CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 07:31:0053.36933 N, 3.33383 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929286CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 08:01:0053.36933 N, 3.33383 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929298CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 08:30:0053.36933 N, 3.33367 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929305CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 09:00:0053.36933 N, 3.33367 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929317CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 09:33:0053.36933 N, 3.33367 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929329CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 10:02:0053.369 N, 3.3335 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929330CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 10:32:0053.36933 N, 3.333 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929342CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 11:03:0053.369 N, 3.33217 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929354CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 11:32:0053.36883 N, 3.33217 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929366CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 12:01:0053.36883 N, 3.332 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929378CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 12:31:0053.369 N, 3.332 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929391CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 13:00:0053.369 N, 3.33183 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929409CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 13:31:0053.369 N, 3.332 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
929410CTD or STD cast2008-02-13 13:59:0053.36717 N, 3.32067 WRV Prince Madog PD04/08
946923CTD or STD cast2008-03-13 11:01:0053.36917 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD07/08
946935CTD or STD cast2008-03-13 11:31:0053.369 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD07/08
946947CTD or STD cast2008-03-13 12:00:0053.36917 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD07/08
946959CTD or STD cast2008-03-13 12:30:0053.36917 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD07/08
946960CTD or STD cast2008-03-13 12:59:0053.36933 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD07/08
930540CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 16:13:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930552CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 16:36:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930564CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 17:01:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930576CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 17:31:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930588CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 18:01:0053.371 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930607CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 18:31:0053.37083 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930619CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 19:01:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930620CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 19:29:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930632CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 20:01:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930644CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 20:31:0053.37083 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930656CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 21:01:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930668CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 21:31:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930681CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 22:01:0053.371 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930693CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 22:31:0053.37083 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930700CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 23:00:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930712CTD or STD cast2009-02-03 23:32:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930724CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 00:00:0053.37067 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930736CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 00:30:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930748CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 01:00:0053.371 N, 3.331 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930761CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 01:30:0053.37083 N, 3.331 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930773CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 02:01:0053.37083 N, 3.33083 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930785CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 02:31:0053.3705 N, 3.331 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930797CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 03:01:0053.3705 N, 3.33133 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930804CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 03:30:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930816CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 04:00:0053.371 N, 3.33133 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930828CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 04:31:0053.371 N, 3.33133 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930841CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 05:00:0053.371 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930853CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 05:31:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930865CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 06:00:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930877CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 06:30:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930889CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 07:01:0053.37083 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930890CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 07:30:0053.37083 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930908CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 08:00:0053.37067 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930921CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 08:32:0053.37083 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930933CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 09:01:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930945CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 09:30:0053.37083 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930957CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 10:01:0053.37083 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930969CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 10:30:0053.37083 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930970CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 11:01:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930982CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 11:32:0053.37083 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
930994CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 12:03:0053.371 N, 3.3315 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
931008CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 12:30:0053.37083 N, 3.33167 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
931021CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 13:01:0053.37067 N, 3.3305 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
931033CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 13:31:0053.37067 N, 3.33067 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
931045CTD or STD cast2009-02-04 14:01:0053.3705 N, 3.33067 WRV Prince Madog PD02/09A
931113CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 12:31:0053.36917 N, 3.33117 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931125CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 13:01:0053.36917 N, 3.331 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931137CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 13:32:0053.3695 N, 3.33083 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931149CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 14:02:0053.36983 N, 3.33133 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931150CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 14:30:0053.36983 N, 3.33183 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931162CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 15:01:0053.37 N, 3.33217 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931174CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 15:31:0053.37 N, 3.33233 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931186CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 16:00:0053.36983 N, 3.33267 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931198CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 16:31:0053.36983 N, 3.33283 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931205CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 17:07:0053.37017 N, 3.33367 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931217CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 17:32:0053.37017 N, 3.33367 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931229CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 18:04:0053.37033 N, 3.3335 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931230CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 18:34:0053.3705 N, 3.33333 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931242CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 19:03:0053.37067 N, 3.3325 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931254CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 19:34:0053.3705 N, 3.33183 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931266CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 20:03:0053.3705 N, 3.33133 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931278CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 20:34:0053.37 N, 3.33033 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931291CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 21:02:0053.37017 N, 3.3305 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931309CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 21:32:0053.37033 N, 3.33067 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931310CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 22:02:0053.37017 N, 3.3305 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931322CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 22:34:0053.36967 N, 3.33033 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931334CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 23:02:0053.37 N, 3.3305 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931346CTD or STD cast2009-03-03 23:32:0053.36983 N, 3.33033 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931358CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 00:00:0053.36983 N, 3.33033 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931371CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 00:31:0053.36967 N, 3.33033 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931383CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 00:59:0053.3695 N, 3.33033 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931395CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 01:31:0053.36967 N, 3.33033 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931402CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 02:01:0053.36967 N, 3.33033 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931414CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 02:31:0053.36983 N, 3.33033 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931426CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 03:01:0053.36983 N, 3.33033 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931438CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 03:30:0053.37 N, 3.3305 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931451CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 04:01:0053.36967 N, 3.33183 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931463CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 04:31:0053.36967 N, 3.332 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931475CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 05:00:0053.36983 N, 3.332 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931487CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 05:31:0053.36983 N, 3.33233 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931499CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 06:02:0053.36983 N, 3.3325 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931506CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 06:33:0053.36983 N, 3.33267 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09
931518CTD or STD cast2009-03-04 07:03:0053.36983 N, 3.33267 WRV Prince Madog PD06/09