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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 1650547

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Currents -subsurface Eulerian
Instrument Type
Teledyne RDI Workhorse Monitor 300 kHz direct-reading ADCP  current profilers
Instrument Mounting lowered unmanned submersible
Originating Country United States
Originator Dr Andreas Thurnherr
Originating Organization Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) DIMES

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier LADCP_038
BODC Series Reference 1650547

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2010-12-28 17:21
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) -
Nominal Cycle Interval 7.9 metres

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 59.02620 S ( 59° 1.6' S )
Longitude 68.10002 W ( 68° 6.0' W )
Positional Uncertainty 0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 7.8 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 3505.1 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 119.9 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 3617.2 m
Sea Floor Depth 3625.0 m
Sea Floor Depth Source SCILOG
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Variable common depth - All sensors are grouped effectively at the same depth, but this depth varies significantly during the series
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Approximate - Depth is only approximate
Sea Floor Depth Datum Approximate - Depth is only approximate


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
ACYCAA011DimensionlessSequence number
ADEPZZ011MetresDepth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body
ERRVLDCP1Centimetres per secondError velocity of water current in the water body by lowered acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP)
LCEWLW011Centimetres per secondEastward velocity of water current (Eulerian measurement) in the water body by lowered acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP)
LCNSLW011Centimetres per secondNorthward velocity of water current (Eulerian measurement) in the water body by lowered acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP)

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

Instrument Description

The LADCP data were collected using the instrumentation detailed below:

Sensor Model Serial Number Calibration (UT) Comments
LADCP Teledyne RDI high-power Workhorse 300kHz 12736 - LDEO unit, downward looking
LADCP Teledyne RDI standard Workhorse 300kHz 150 - LDEO unit, upward looking for stations 1-3
LADCP Teledyne RDI standard Workhorse 300kHz 4275 - NOC unit, upward looking for stations 4-53
LADCP Teledyne RDI standard titanium Workhorse 300kHz 13400 - NOC unit, upward looking for station 54
LADCP Teledyne RDI standard Workhorse 300kHz 4275 - NOC unit, upward looking for station 55

Two Teledyne RDI Workhorse 300kHz ADCPs were mounted on the Sea-Bird 9 11 plus CTD frame at a time, one pointing downward (downlooker) and one upward (uplooker).

The first three stations were carried out with the standard instrument configurations supplied with the LDEO data acquisitions software 25 x 8 m bins, beam coordinates, zero blanking distance, narrow bandwidth, 2.5 m s-1 ambiguity velocity, 1.5/2.0 s staggered ping rate.

There were large velocity warnings during processing therefore the ambiguity velocity was increased on station 4 to 3 m s-1, on station 11 to 3.5 m s-1 and on station 20 to 4.0 m s-1.

In an attempt to increase sampling the pinging interval was decreased to 1.0/1.3 s on station 20. Inspection of the raw ensemble times indicated that the instruments were not capable of such a high pinging rate and the rate was therefore decreased to 1.2/1.4 s on station 23 and, finally, to 1.3/1.5 s on station 33.

Due to a problem with the star cable, station 41 was carried out with asynchronous pinging, with a staggered rate of 1.3/1.5 s in the master and 1.0 s in the slave.

There are no uplooker data for station 39 because of cable problems, and no valid uplooker data for station 54 due to hardware problems.

Teledyne RDI's Workhorse Monitor ADCP

The Workhorse Monitor acoustic doppler current profler (Teledyne RD Instruments) is a long-range and long-term self contained ADCP. It has a patented four beam signal (300, 600 or 1200 kHz) and a standard depth rating of 200m or 600m. It operates effectively between temperatures of -5°C and 45°C and has a velocity accuracy of ±1% ±5mm/s.

BODC Processing

LDEO processed data were provided by the originator in Matlab and ASCII formats. The LDEO processed data in ASCII format were converted into BODC internal format after discussion with the originator. All data provided were from the downward looking RDI 300 kHz Workhorse ADCP which was in operation at the time. The following table shows how the variables within the ASCII files were mapped to appropriate BODC parameter codes:

Originator's Parameter Name Units Description BODC Parameter Code Units Comments
z m Depth of LADCP bin ADEPZZ01 m -
u m s-1 Eastward velocity LCEWLW01 cm s-1 Units converted from m s-1 to cm s-1 by multiplying by 100.
v m s-1 Northward velocity LCNSLW01 cm s-1 Units converted from m s-1 to cm s-1 by multiplying by 100.
ev m s-1 Uncertainty estimates of LADCP velocity profile ERRVLDCP cm s-1 Units converted from m s-1 to cm s-1 by multiplying by 100.

All reformatted data were visualised using the in-house Edserplo software. Suspect and missing data were marked by adding an appropriate quality control flag.

Note that the more complex LDEO processed data are available on request in Matlab format as well as the unprocessed raw LADCP files.

Originator's Data Processing

Sampling Strategy

A total of 55 LADCP profiles were collected at all CTD stations in order to derive full-depth profiles of ocean velocity, as well as profiles of finestructure vertical shear.

Data processing

Preliminary shipboard processing of the LADCP data was carried out with the LDEO IX.6 LADCP processing software using one second averaged uncalibrated CTD data in order to correct the LADCP data for depth and sound speed. The CTD data were minimally processed using 'AlignCTD' which applies temporal shifts to align the sensor readings and 'CellTM' which corrects for the thermal mass. Velocity referencing was accomplished with post-processed (i.e. non-RDI) bottom-track data, 75kHz VMADCP data, and GPS information in the CTD time series files. The first bin of each instrument was discarded during processing. Note that the profiles 2, 23, 26, 35, 45, 47, 50, 52, 53 and 55 were not processed with bottom tracking and profile 7 did not have bottom tracking or VMADCP data.

Please refer to Thurnherr (2014) and cruise report for a more detailed processing methodology. However, please be aware that this processing guide is for software versions IX.7 to IX.10 only, and changes have been made between versions which have the potential for significantly changing the solutions.


Thurnherr, A. M., 2014. How To Process LADCP Data With the LDEO Software, Versions IX.7 - IX.10.

Project Information

Diapycnal and Isopycnal Mixing Experiment in the Southern Ocean (DIMES) project document

DIMES is a US/UK field program aimed at measuring diapycnal and isopycnal mixing in the Southern Ocean, along the tilting isopycnals of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

The Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) of the ocean is a critical regulator of the Earth's climate processes. Climate models are highly sensitive to the representation of mixing processes in the southern limb of the MOC, within the Southern Ocean, although the lack of extensive in situ observations of Southern Ocean mixing processes has made evaluation of mixing somewhat difficult. Theories and models of the Southern Ocean circulation have been built on the premise of adiabatic flow in the ocean interior, with diabatic processes confined to the upper-ocean mixed layer. Interior diapycnal mixing has often been assumed to be small, but a few recent studies have suggested that diapycnal mixing might be large in some locations, particularly over rough bathymetry. Depending on its extent, this interior diapycnal mixing could significantly affect the overall energetics and property balances for the Southern Ocean and in turn for the global ocean. The goals of DIMES are to obtain measurements that will help us quantify both along-isopycnal eddy-driven mixing and cross-isopycnal interior mixing.

DIMES includes tracer release, isopycnal following RAFOS floats, microstructure measurements, shearmeter floats, EM-APEX floats, a mooring array in Drake Passage, hydrographic observations, inverse modeling, and analysis of altimetry and numerical model output.

DIMES is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (U.S.), Natural Environment Research Council (U.K) and British Antarctic Survey (U.K.)

For more information please see the official project website at DIMES

Data Activity or Cruise Information


Cruise Name JC054 (UKD-2)
Departure Date 2010-12-04
Arrival Date 2011-01-08
Principal Scientist(s)Michael P Meredith (British Antarctic Survey)
Ship RRS James Cook

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NameDrake Passage - WOCE SR1
CategoryOffshore route/traverse

World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Southern Repeat Section 1 - South America to West Antarctic Peninsula

WOCE established a repeat hydrographic section across Drake Passage and designated it SR1 (also known as A21). The section is located between the Southern tip of South America and the West Antarctic Peninsula within a bounding box of 55° 19.40' S, 68° 15.80' W (North-Western corner) and 64° 8.52' S, 63° 4.80' W (South-Eastern corner).

A table of cruises which occupied SR1 is presented below with links to the relevant cruise reports (where available).

Cruise Country Start Date End Date
R/V Meteor 11/5 Germany 23-01-1990 08-03-1990
Polarstern ANT 10-5 Germany 08-08-1992 26-09-1992
R/V Vidal Gormaz 20VDSR0193_1 Chile 02-11-1993 25-12-1993
R/V Vidal Gormaz 20VDSR0194_1 Chile 08-11-1994 08-12-1994
R/V Vidal Gormaz 20VDSR0195_1 Chile 04-12-1995 15-12-1995
R/V Vidal Gormaz 20VDSR0196_1 Chile 28-11-1996 13-12-1996
R/V Vidal Gormaz 20VDSR0198_1 Chile 26-11-1998 15-12-1998
RRS James Clark Ross JR40 United Kingdom 15-03-1999 22-04-1999
RRS James Cook JC031 United Kingdom 03-02-2009 03-03-2009
RRS James Cook JC054 United Kingdom 28-11-2010 08-01-2011
RRS James Cook JC069 United Kingdom 31-01-2012 22-03-2012

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 1

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: Drake Passage - WOCE SR1

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
1022030Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 01:02:2064.14044 S, 68.66633 WRRS James Cook JC031
1022017Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 01:03:1264.14045 S, 68.66691 WRRS James Cook JC031
912096Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 01:09:0056.33 S, 67.99 WRRS James Cook JC031
912987Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 01:09:0056.33 S, 67.99 WRRS James Cook JC031
935789CTD or STD cast2009-02-06 01:09:1556.33 S, 67.99 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875752Water sample data2009-02-06 01:24:0056.33 S, 67.99004 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105800Water sample data2009-02-06 01:24:0056.33 S, 67.99004 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113615Water sample data2009-02-06 01:24:0056.33 S, 67.99004 WRRS James Cook JC031
935790CTD or STD cast2009-02-06 05:20:1056.7999 S, 68.19 WRRS James Cook JC031
912103Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 05:21:0056.8 S, 68.19 WRRS James Cook JC031
912999Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 05:21:0056.8 S, 68.19 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105812Water sample data2009-02-06 05:42:3056.79993 S, 68.18997 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113627Water sample data2009-02-06 05:42:3056.79993 S, 68.18997 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875764Water sample data2009-02-06 05:43:0056.79993 S, 68.18997 WRRS James Cook JC031
935808CTD or STD cast2009-02-06 07:16:4556.8501 S, 68.21 WRRS James Cook JC031
912115Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 07:18:0056.85 S, 68.21 WRRS James Cook JC031
913002Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 07:18:0056.85 S, 68.21 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875776Water sample data2009-02-06 07:43:0056.85004 S, 68.21002 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105824Water sample data2009-02-06 07:43:0056.85004 S, 68.21002 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113639Water sample data2009-02-06 07:43:0056.85004 S, 68.21002 WRRS James Cook JC031
935821CTD or STD cast2009-02-06 09:39:3556.88 S, 68.23 WRRS James Cook JC031
912127Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 09:41:0056.88 S, 68.23 WRRS James Cook JC031
913014Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 09:41:0056.88 S, 68.23 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105836Water sample data2009-02-06 10:33:3056.87999 S, 68.23 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113640Water sample data2009-02-06 10:33:3056.87999 S, 68.23 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875788Water sample data2009-02-06 10:34:0056.87999 S, 68.23 WRRS James Cook JC031
912139Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 12:59:0056.89 S, 68.24 WRRS James Cook JC031
913026Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 12:59:0056.89 S, 68.24 WRRS James Cook JC031
935833CTD or STD cast2009-02-06 13:00:0856.89 S, 68.2401 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105848Water sample data2009-02-06 14:13:3056.89002 S, 68.24007 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113652Water sample data2009-02-06 14:13:3056.89002 S, 68.24007 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875807Water sample data2009-02-06 14:14:0056.89002 S, 68.24007 WRRS James Cook JC031
912140Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 23:38:0056.91167 S, 68.24183 WRRS James Cook JC031
913038Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-06 23:38:0056.91167 S, 68.24183 WRRS James Cook JC031
935845CTD or STD cast2009-02-06 23:38:2356.9117 S, 68.2419 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105861Water sample data2009-02-07 01:00:3056.91145 S, 68.2416 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113664Water sample data2009-02-07 01:00:3056.91145 S, 68.2416 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875819Water sample data2009-02-07 01:01:0056.91145 S, 68.2416 WRRS James Cook JC031
935857CTD or STD cast2009-02-07 04:44:2656.92 S, 68.2399 WRRS James Cook JC031
912152Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-07 04:45:0056.92 S, 68.24 WRRS James Cook JC031
913051Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-07 04:45:0056.92 S, 68.24 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105873Water sample data2009-02-07 06:09:3056.92001 S, 68.23995 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113676Water sample data2009-02-07 06:09:3056.92001 S, 68.23995 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875820Water sample data2009-02-07 06:10:0056.92001 S, 68.23995 WRRS James Cook JC031
912164Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-07 09:11:0056.98 S, 68.25 WRRS James Cook JC031
913063Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-07 09:11:0056.98 S, 68.25 WRRS James Cook JC031
935869CTD or STD cast2009-02-07 09:11:3356.98 S, 68.2499 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105885Water sample data2009-02-07 10:50:3056.98001 S, 68.24995 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113688Water sample data2009-02-07 10:50:3056.98001 S, 68.24995 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875832Water sample data2009-02-07 10:51:0056.98001 S, 68.24995 WRRS James Cook JC031
912176Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-07 14:17:0057.13 S, 68.25 WRRS James Cook JC031
913075Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-07 14:17:0057.13 S, 68.25 WRRS James Cook JC031
935870CTD or STD cast2009-02-07 14:18:0357.1301 S, 68.2501 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875844Water sample data2009-02-07 16:17:0057.13004 S, 68.25 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105897Water sample data2009-02-07 16:17:0057.13004 S, 68.25 WRRS James Cook JC031
912188Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-07 19:57:0057.33067 S, 68.23667 WRRS James Cook JC031
913087Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-07 19:57:0057.33067 S, 68.23667 WRRS James Cook JC031
935882CTD or STD cast2009-02-07 19:58:1257.3307 S, 68.237 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875856Water sample data2009-02-07 21:53:0057.33084 S, 68.23566 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105904Water sample data2009-02-07 21:53:0057.33084 S, 68.23566 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113707Water sample data2009-02-07 21:53:0057.33084 S, 68.23566 WRRS James Cook JC031
935894CTD or STD cast2009-02-08 01:44:0057.58 S, 68.25 WRRS James Cook JC031
935901CTD or STD cast2009-02-09 02:20:3057.8305 S, 68.2388 WRRS James Cook JC031
912207Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-09 09:14:0057.83233 S, 68.23217 WRRS James Cook JC031
913099Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-09 09:14:0057.83233 S, 68.23217 WRRS James Cook JC031
935913CTD or STD cast2009-02-09 09:14:0757.8323 S, 68.2322 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875868Water sample data2009-02-09 11:43:0057.83393 S, 68.22308 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105916Water sample data2009-02-09 11:43:0057.83393 S, 68.22308 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113719Water sample data2009-02-09 11:43:0057.83393 S, 68.22308 WRRS James Cook JC031
935925CTD or STD cast2009-02-09 17:37:1158.0924 S, 68.2187 WRRS James Cook JC031
912219Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-09 17:40:0058.0925 S, 68.21867 WRRS James Cook JC031
913106Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-09 17:40:0058.0925 S, 68.21867 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113720Water sample data2009-02-09 19:41:3058.09357 S, 68.21223 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875881Water sample data2009-02-09 19:42:0058.09357 S, 68.21223 WRRS James Cook JC031
912220Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-10 00:23:0058.33867 S, 68.21483 WRRS James Cook JC031
913118Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-10 00:23:0058.33867 S, 68.21483 WRRS James Cook JC031
935937CTD or STD cast2009-02-10 00:24:5158.3387 S, 68.2149 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105928Water sample data2009-02-10 02:23:3058.34045 S, 68.20933 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113732Water sample data2009-02-10 02:23:3058.34045 S, 68.20933 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875893Water sample data2009-02-10 02:24:0058.34045 S, 68.20933 WRRS James Cook JC031
935949CTD or STD cast2009-02-10 20:05:2858.58 S, 68.2507 WRRS James Cook JC031
912232Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-10 20:07:0058.58 S, 68.25083 WRRS James Cook JC031
913131Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-10 20:07:0058.58 S, 68.25083 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875900Water sample data2009-02-10 22:23:0058.5803 S, 68.24759 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105941Water sample data2009-02-10 22:23:0058.5803 S, 68.24759 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113744Water sample data2009-02-10 22:23:0058.5803 S, 68.24759 WRRS James Cook JC031
912244Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-11 03:12:0058.84133 S, 68.2625 WRRS James Cook JC031
913143Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-11 03:12:0058.84133 S, 68.2625 WRRS James Cook JC031
935950CTD or STD cast2009-02-11 03:12:2658.8413 S, 68.2625 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875912Water sample data2009-02-11 04:57:0058.84148 S, 68.26053 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105953Water sample data2009-02-11 04:57:0058.84148 S, 68.26053 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113756Water sample data2009-02-11 04:57:0058.84148 S, 68.26053 WRRS James Cook JC031
912256Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-11 09:24:0059.09083 S, 68.24533 WRRS James Cook JC031
913155Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-11 09:24:0059.09083 S, 68.24533 WRRS James Cook JC031
935962CTD or STD cast2009-02-11 09:24:4159.0908 S, 68.2453 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875924Water sample data2009-02-11 11:21:0059.09099 S, 68.24358 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105965Water sample data2009-02-11 11:21:0059.09099 S, 68.24358 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113768Water sample data2009-02-11 11:21:0059.09099 S, 68.24358 WRRS James Cook JC031
912268Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-11 15:47:0059.3305 S, 68.24917 WRRS James Cook JC031
913167Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-11 15:47:0059.3305 S, 68.24917 WRRS James Cook JC031
935974CTD or STD cast2009-02-11 15:47:2859.3306 S, 68.2492 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105977Water sample data2009-02-11 17:40:3059.33073 S, 68.24914 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113781Water sample data2009-02-11 17:40:3059.33073 S, 68.24914 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875936Water sample data2009-02-11 17:41:0059.33073 S, 68.24914 WRRS James Cook JC031
935986CTD or STD cast2009-02-11 21:48:0859.5898 S, 68.2374 WRRS James Cook JC031
912281Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-11 21:49:0059.58983 S, 68.2375 WRRS James Cook JC031
913179Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-11 21:49:0059.58983 S, 68.2375 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105989Water sample data2009-02-11 23:34:3059.59001 S, 68.23507 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875948Water sample data2009-02-11 23:35:0059.59001 S, 68.23507 WRRS James Cook JC031
912293Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-12 03:25:0059.81983 S, 68.23967 WRRS James Cook JC031
913180Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-12 03:25:0059.81983 S, 68.23967 WRRS James Cook JC031
935998CTD or STD cast2009-02-12 03:25:2959.8198 S, 68.2397 WRRS James Cook JC031
2105990Water sample data2009-02-12 04:57:3059.81996 S, 68.23994 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113793Water sample data2009-02-12 04:57:3059.81996 S, 68.23994 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875961Water sample data2009-02-12 04:58:0059.81996 S, 68.23994 WRRS James Cook JC031
912300Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-12 08:35:0060.07033 S, 68.18933 WRRS James Cook JC031
913192Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-12 08:35:0060.07033 S, 68.18933 WRRS James Cook JC031
936001CTD or STD cast2009-02-12 08:35:3660.0704 S, 68.1894 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106004Water sample data2009-02-12 10:08:3060.07066 S, 68.19079 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875973Water sample data2009-02-12 10:09:0060.07066 S, 68.19079 WRRS James Cook JC031
912312Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-12 13:47:0060.32 S, 68.12 WRRS James Cook JC031
913211Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-12 13:47:0060.32 S, 68.12 WRRS James Cook JC031
936013CTD or STD cast2009-02-12 13:47:5160.32 S, 68.1199 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106016Water sample data2009-02-12 15:35:3060.32007 S, 68.12007 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113800Water sample data2009-02-12 15:35:3060.32007 S, 68.12007 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875985Water sample data2009-02-12 15:36:0060.32007 S, 68.12007 WRRS James Cook JC031
912324Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-12 19:34:0060.58 S, 68.06017 WRRS James Cook JC031
913223Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-12 19:34:0060.58 S, 68.06017 WRRS James Cook JC031
936025CTD or STD cast2009-02-12 19:34:0860.5801 S, 68.0601 WRRS James Cook JC031
1875997Water sample data2009-02-12 21:24:0060.58 S, 68.05999 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106028Water sample data2009-02-12 21:24:0060.58 S, 68.05999 WRRS James Cook JC031
912336Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-13 01:25:0060.82883 S, 67.99017 WRRS James Cook JC031
913235Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-13 01:25:0060.82883 S, 67.99017 WRRS James Cook JC031
936037CTD or STD cast2009-02-13 01:25:5460.8289 S, 67.9902 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876000Water sample data2009-02-13 03:04:0060.82853 S, 67.98751 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106041Water sample data2009-02-13 03:04:0060.82853 S, 67.98751 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113812Water sample data2009-02-13 03:04:0060.82853 S, 67.98751 WRRS James Cook JC031
936049CTD or STD cast2009-02-13 07:05:4461.0197 S, 67.6648 WRRS James Cook JC031
912348Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-13 07:06:0061.01967 S, 67.66483 WRRS James Cook JC031
913247Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-13 07:06:0061.01967 S, 67.66483 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106053Water sample data2009-02-13 08:47:3061.01972 S, 67.66612 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113824Water sample data2009-02-13 08:47:3061.01972 S, 67.66612 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876012Water sample data2009-02-13 08:48:0061.01972 S, 67.66612 WRRS James Cook JC031
912361Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-13 13:28:0061.20983 S, 67.30717 WRRS James Cook JC031
913259Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-13 13:28:0061.20983 S, 67.30717 WRRS James Cook JC031
936050CTD or STD cast2009-02-13 13:28:2461.2098 S, 67.3072 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106065Water sample data2009-02-13 15:17:3061.20979 S, 67.3064 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113836Water sample data2009-02-13 15:17:3061.20979 S, 67.3064 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876024Water sample data2009-02-13 15:18:0061.20979 S, 67.3064 WRRS James Cook JC031
912373Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-13 19:59:0061.40967 S, 66.99483 WRRS James Cook JC031
913260Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-13 19:59:0061.40967 S, 66.99483 WRRS James Cook JC031
936062CTD or STD cast2009-02-13 19:59:2461.4096 S, 66.9949 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876036Water sample data2009-02-13 21:52:0061.4095 S, 66.99104 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106077Water sample data2009-02-13 21:52:0061.4095 S, 66.99104 WRRS James Cook JC031
912385Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-14 02:02:0061.6 S, 66.66983 WRRS James Cook JC031
913272Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-14 02:02:0061.6 S, 66.66983 WRRS James Cook JC031
936074CTD or STD cast2009-02-14 02:03:2761.6 S, 66.6698 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106089Water sample data2009-02-14 03:42:3061.6 S, 66.66992 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113848Water sample data2009-02-14 03:42:3061.6 S, 66.66992 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876048Water sample data2009-02-14 03:43:0061.6 S, 66.66992 WRRS James Cook JC031
912397Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-14 07:32:0061.8 S, 66.32017 WRRS James Cook JC031
913284Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-14 07:32:0061.8 S, 66.32017 WRRS James Cook JC031
936086CTD or STD cast2009-02-14 07:32:3661.8 S, 66.3202 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106090Water sample data2009-02-14 09:06:3061.79998 S, 66.3201 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876061Water sample data2009-02-14 09:07:0061.79998 S, 66.3201 WRRS James Cook JC031
912404Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-14 13:07:0062.0 S, 65.95017 WRRS James Cook JC031
913296Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-14 13:07:0062.0 S, 65.95017 WRRS James Cook JC031
936098CTD or STD cast2009-02-14 13:07:4462.0 S, 65.9502 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876073Water sample data2009-02-14 14:48:0062.00001 S, 65.9501 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106108Water sample data2009-02-14 14:48:0062.00001 S, 65.9501 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113861Water sample data2009-02-14 14:48:0062.00001 S, 65.9501 WRRS James Cook JC031
912416Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-14 18:40:0062.14 S, 65.58 WRRS James Cook JC031
913303Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-14 18:40:0062.14 S, 65.58 WRRS James Cook JC031
936105CTD or STD cast2009-02-14 18:40:1962.1401 S, 65.58 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876085Water sample data2009-02-14 20:23:0062.14004 S, 65.5801 WRRS James Cook JC031
936117CTD or STD cast2009-02-15 00:08:4762.2722 S, 65.192 WRRS James Cook JC031
912428Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-15 00:09:0062.27217 S, 65.192 WRRS James Cook JC031
913315Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-15 00:09:0062.27217 S, 65.192 WRRS James Cook JC031
912441Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-15 17:10:0062.27992 S, 65.21018 WRRS James Cook JC031
913327Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-15 17:10:0062.27992 S, 65.21018 WRRS James Cook JC031
936129CTD or STD cast2009-02-15 17:11:2762.2799 S, 65.2102 WRRS James Cook JC031
912453Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-16 02:44:0062.28 S, 65.21 WRRS James Cook JC031
913339Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-16 02:44:0062.28 S, 65.21 WRRS James Cook JC031
936130CTD or STD cast2009-02-16 02:45:1062.2799 S, 65.2101 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876097Water sample data2009-02-16 04:30:0062.27995 S, 65.21007 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106121Water sample data2009-02-16 04:30:0062.27995 S, 65.21007 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113873Water sample data2009-02-16 04:30:0062.27995 S, 65.21007 WRRS James Cook JC031
912465Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-16 08:00:0062.38883 S, 64.82283 WRRS James Cook JC031
913340Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-16 08:00:0062.38883 S, 64.82283 WRRS James Cook JC031
936142CTD or STD cast2009-02-16 08:00:0462.3888 S, 64.8228 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113885Water sample data2009-02-16 09:37:3062.38834 S, 64.8206 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876104Water sample data2009-02-16 09:38:0062.38834 S, 64.8206 WRRS James Cook JC031
912477Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-16 12:58:0062.5 S, 64.46 WRRS James Cook JC031
913352Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-16 12:58:0062.5 S, 64.46 WRRS James Cook JC031
936154CTD or STD cast2009-02-16 12:58:5062.5 S, 64.46 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106133Water sample data2009-02-16 14:47:3062.49998 S, 64.46004 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113897Water sample data2009-02-16 14:47:3062.49998 S, 64.46004 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876116Water sample data2009-02-16 14:48:0062.49998 S, 64.46004 WRRS James Cook JC031
912489Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-16 18:27:0062.60833 S, 64.07983 WRRS James Cook JC031
913364Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-16 18:27:0062.60833 S, 64.07983 WRRS James Cook JC031
936166CTD or STD cast2009-02-16 18:27:1962.6098 S, 64.0798 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113904Water sample data2009-02-16 20:06:3062.60993 S, 64.07925 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876128Water sample data2009-02-16 20:07:0062.60993 S, 64.07925 WRRS James Cook JC031
912490Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-16 23:04:0062.69 S, 63.9 WRRS James Cook JC031
913376Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-16 23:04:0062.69 S, 63.9 WRRS James Cook JC031
936178CTD or STD cast2009-02-16 23:04:3762.69 S, 63.9 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876141Water sample data2009-02-17 00:58:0062.68996 S, 63.90005 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106145Water sample data2009-02-17 00:58:0062.68996 S, 63.90005 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113916Water sample data2009-02-17 00:58:0062.68996 S, 63.90005 WRRS James Cook JC031
936191CTD or STD cast2009-02-17 04:19:5762.7801 S, 63.7 WRRS James Cook JC031
912508Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-17 04:20:0062.78017 S, 63.7 WRRS James Cook JC031
913388Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-17 04:20:0062.78017 S, 63.7 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106157Water sample data2009-02-17 05:52:3062.78009 S, 63.69994 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113928Water sample data2009-02-17 05:52:3062.78009 S, 63.69994 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876153Water sample data2009-02-17 05:53:0062.78009 S, 63.69994 WRRS James Cook JC031
912521Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-17 20:11:0062.81 S, 63.62 WRRS James Cook JC031
913407Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-17 20:11:0062.81 S, 63.62 WRRS James Cook JC031
936209CTD or STD cast2009-02-17 20:11:0662.81 S, 63.62 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876165Water sample data2009-02-17 21:45:0062.81003 S, 63.62011 WRRS James Cook JC031
912533Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 00:10:0062.86 S, 63.52017 WRRS James Cook JC031
913419Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 00:10:0062.86 S, 63.52017 WRRS James Cook JC031
936210CTD or STD cast2009-02-18 00:10:4062.86 S, 63.5202 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876177Water sample data2009-02-18 01:08:0062.86004 S, 63.52015 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106169Water sample data2009-02-18 01:08:0062.86004 S, 63.52015 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113941Water sample data2009-02-18 01:08:0062.86004 S, 63.52015 WRRS James Cook JC031
912545Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 03:10:0062.94 S, 63.45017 WRRS James Cook JC031
913420Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 03:10:0062.94 S, 63.45017 WRRS James Cook JC031
936222CTD or STD cast2009-02-18 03:11:1862.9401 S, 63.4501 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876189Water sample data2009-02-18 03:53:0062.94002 S, 63.45004 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106170Water sample data2009-02-18 03:53:0062.94002 S, 63.45004 WRRS James Cook JC031
912557Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 05:30:0062.98 S, 63.39017 WRRS James Cook JC031
913432Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 05:30:0062.98 S, 63.39017 WRRS James Cook JC031
936234CTD or STD cast2009-02-18 05:30:2562.98 S, 63.3901 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106182Water sample data2009-02-18 05:57:3062.98003 S, 63.39009 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113953Water sample data2009-02-18 05:57:3062.98003 S, 63.39009 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876190Water sample data2009-02-18 05:58:0062.98003 S, 63.39009 WRRS James Cook JC031
912569Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 08:04:0063.15 S, 63.20017 WRRS James Cook JC031
913444Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 08:04:0063.15 S, 63.20017 WRRS James Cook JC031
936246CTD or STD cast2009-02-18 08:05:0663.15 S, 63.2001 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876208Water sample data2009-02-18 08:29:0063.15001 S, 63.20014 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113965Water sample data2009-02-18 08:29:0063.15001 S, 63.20014 WRRS James Cook JC031
912570Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 11:29:0063.48 S, 63.17 WRRS James Cook JC031
913456Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 11:29:0063.48 S, 63.17 WRRS James Cook JC031
936258CTD or STD cast2009-02-18 11:29:5063.48 S, 63.1699 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876221Water sample data2009-02-18 12:03:0063.48 S, 63.16999 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113977Water sample data2009-02-18 12:03:0063.48 S, 63.16999 WRRS James Cook JC031
912582Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 15:04:0063.81017 S, 63.12 WRRS James Cook JC031
913468Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 15:04:0063.81017 S, 63.12 WRRS James Cook JC031
936271CTD or STD cast2009-02-18 15:04:3763.8101 S, 63.12 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876233Water sample data2009-02-18 15:34:0063.81005 S, 63.11999 WRRS James Cook JC031
2106194Water sample data2009-02-18 15:34:0063.81005 S, 63.11999 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113989Water sample data2009-02-18 15:34:0063.81005 S, 63.11999 WRRS James Cook JC031
912594Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 18:38:0064.14 S, 63.08 WRRS James Cook JC031
913481Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-02-18 18:38:0064.14 S, 63.08 WRRS James Cook JC031
936283CTD or STD cast2009-02-18 18:38:5564.14 S, 63.0799 WRRS James Cook JC031
1876245Water sample data2009-02-18 19:10:0064.13998 S, 63.07984 WRRS James Cook JC031
2113990Water sample data2009-02-18 19:10:0064.13998 S, 63.07984 WRRS James Cook JC031
1088422CTD or STD cast2010-12-25 06:57:0062.8567 S, 63.52256 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650418Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-25 06:57:2462.85718 S, 63.52492 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1649927CTD or STD cast2010-12-25 11:48:0062.6035 S, 64.0843 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088434CTD or STD cast2010-12-25 12:04:0062.60287 S, 64.08545 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650431Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-25 12:08:0062.60286 S, 64.08544 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088446CTD or STD cast2010-12-25 19:38:0062.35086 S, 64.648 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650443Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-25 19:41:2362.35084 S, 64.64796 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1649939CTD or STD cast2010-12-26 02:23:0062.0974 S, 65.2032 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088471CTD or STD cast2010-12-26 02:42:0062.09567 S, 65.20982 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650455Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-26 02:46:1562.09817 S, 65.20414 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088483CTD or STD cast2010-12-26 08:58:0061.84499 S, 65.76395 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650467Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-26 09:03:5261.84496 S, 65.7639 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1649940CTD or STD cast2010-12-26 16:48:0061.4648 S, 66.6016 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088495CTD or STD cast2010-12-26 17:01:0061.46475 S, 66.59983 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650479Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-26 17:05:2261.46474 S, 66.59984 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088502CTD or STD cast2010-12-27 01:49:0061.08263 S, 67.43747 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650480Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-27 01:52:4661.08482 S, 67.44053 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088514CTD or STD cast2010-12-27 09:23:0060.65479 S, 68.00557 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650492Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-27 09:27:4060.65118 S, 68.00994 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1649952CTD or STD cast2010-12-27 19:48:0060.1099 S, 68.04 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650511Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-27 21:49:1360.1113 S, 68.05102 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088526CTD or STD cast2010-12-27 21:51:0060.11191 S, 68.05752 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088538CTD or STD cast2010-12-28 03:37:0059.74116 S, 68.06239 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650523Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-28 03:40:4459.74786 S, 68.05942 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1649964CTD or STD cast2010-12-28 10:00:0059.3882 S, 68.0799 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088551CTD or STD cast2010-12-28 10:19:0059.38238 S, 68.07612 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650535Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-28 10:22:0959.38896 S, 68.07878 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088563CTD or STD cast2010-12-28 17:21:0059.01535 S, 68.0658 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1649976CTD or STD cast2010-12-29 02:50:0058.6655 S, 68.1195 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088575CTD or STD cast2010-12-29 03:20:0058.65477 S, 68.10781 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650559Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-29 03:24:2558.66442 S, 68.11832 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088599CTD or STD cast2010-12-29 11:08:0058.29855 S, 68.13619 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650560Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-29 11:12:2258.3057 S, 68.13886 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1649988CTD or STD cast2010-12-29 21:46:0057.9441 S, 68.1593 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088606CTD or STD cast2010-12-29 21:53:0057.93721 S, 68.16622 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650572Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-29 22:02:5757.944 S, 68.15972 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088618CTD or STD cast2010-12-30 07:20:0057.58198 S, 68.18309 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650584Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-30 07:24:2357.58446 S, 68.1812 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650001CTD or STD cast2010-12-30 15:51:0057.2215 S, 68.2 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088631CTD or STD cast2010-12-30 16:07:0057.22496 S, 68.17921 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650596Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-30 16:09:1557.22144 S, 68.19829 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650013CTD or STD cast2010-12-30 23:43:0056.8761 S, 68.2183 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1088643CTD or STD cast2010-12-30 23:58:0056.87767 S, 68.21201 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1650603Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-12-31 00:01:4956.87642 S, 68.21808 WRRS James Cook JC054 (UKD-2)
1813521Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-04-11 15:44:1856.49991 S, 77.99994 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716450CTD or STD cast2011-04-13 06:09:0059.0 S, 78.0 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716462CTD or STD cast2011-04-14 15:01:0060.235 S, 77.9997 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716474CTD or STD cast2011-04-16 03:37:0061.4118 S, 77.9995 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716486CTD or STD cast2011-04-17 01:07:0062.2222 S, 78.0 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716498CTD or STD cast2011-04-17 18:19:0063.11033 S, 77.99883 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716505CTD or STD cast2011-04-18 11:15:0063.99833 S, 77.9995 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716517CTD or STD cast2011-04-21 09:47:0058.9994 S, 55.8543 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716529CTD or STD cast2011-04-21 21:59:0058.366 S, 56.2488 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716401CTD or STD cast2011-04-22 17:26:0057.4158 S, 56.8407 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716413CTD or STD cast2011-04-23 19:06:0056.7833 S, 57.2295 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716425CTD or STD cast2011-04-24 03:06:0056.468 S, 57.42483 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716437CTD or STD cast2011-04-24 16:52:0055.834 S, 57.737 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1716449CTD or STD cast2011-04-25 06:02:0055.141 S, 57.999 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20110409 (JR276, UKD-2.5)
1223127Meteorology -unspecified2012-01-31 00:00:0061.84633 S, 70.90217 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1223115Surface temp/sal2012-01-31 00:00:0061.84633 S, 70.90217 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1812197Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-01-31 17:31:2035.04032 S, 55.95255 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1812204Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-01-31 17:31:3635.04054 S, 55.95143 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838317CTD or STD cast2012-02-03 14:42:0045.5833 S, 53.6 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838329CTD or STD cast2012-02-08 04:07:0053.9677 S, 53.5128 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838330CTD or STD cast2012-02-09 02:24:0053.3833 S, 50.0833 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838342CTD or STD cast2012-02-10 15:30:0053.341 S, 49.071 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838354CTD or STD cast2012-02-11 02:44:0053.3595 S, 49.2553 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838366CTD or STD cast2012-02-11 09:30:0053.3003 S, 48.929 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838378CTD or STD cast2012-02-14 09:18:0053.131 S, 48.4836 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838391CTD or STD cast2012-02-14 15:37:0053.2167 S, 48.7843 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838409CTD or STD cast2012-02-15 08:00:0052.9282 S, 47.7494 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838410CTD or STD cast2012-02-15 13:00:0053.0409 S, 48.041 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838422CTD or STD cast2012-02-15 18:51:0053.0007 S, 47.4368 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838434CTD or STD cast2012-02-16 05:15:0053.0938 S, 47.0809 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838446CTD or STD cast2012-02-16 22:50:0054.0 S, 49.1287 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838458CTD or STD cast2012-02-19 21:05:0053.9968 S, 50.347 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838471CTD or STD cast2012-02-20 12:33:0054.0022 S, 49.7392 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838483CTD or STD cast2012-02-26 12:51:0053.4406 S, 49.0944 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838495CTD or STD cast2012-02-26 23:33:0053.305 S, 48.9777 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838502CTD or STD cast2012-02-28 11:18:0052.7588 S, 48.824 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838514CTD or STD cast2012-02-28 21:28:0052.7877 S, 49.607 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838526CTD or STD cast2012-02-29 04:12:0053.0834 S, 49.7987 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838538CTD or STD cast2012-03-01 03:44:0053.1989 S, 45.5906 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838551CTD or STD cast2012-03-01 09:09:0053.2574 S, 44.9927 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838563CTD or STD cast2012-03-01 13:16:0053.2923 S, 44.7142 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838575CTD or STD cast2012-03-07 06:52:0055.08073 S, 57.94753 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838587CTD or STD cast2012-03-07 10:21:0055.14012 S, 57.9482 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838599CTD or STD cast2012-03-07 15:11:0055.20922 S, 57.95327 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838606CTD or STD cast2012-03-08 05:20:0055.83883 S, 57.95023 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838618CTD or STD cast2012-03-08 17:10:0056.15445 S, 57.5992 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838631CTD or STD cast2012-03-09 08:01:0056.786 S, 57.198 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838643CTD or STD cast2012-03-09 17:23:0057.0957 S, 57.01067 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838655CTD or STD cast2012-03-11 00:57:0057.74217 S, 56.65117 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1838667CTD or STD cast2012-03-11 08:27:0058.04988 S, 56.43812 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1726524Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-03-14 03:20:3761.84448 S, 65.76288 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1726536Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-03-14 11:56:3961.17012 S, 67.25708 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1726548Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-03-14 20:23:3060.33326 S, 67.99958 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1726561Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-03-15 06:19:1059.33408 S, 67.99925 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1726573Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-03-15 18:27:0858.329 S, 67.99166 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)
1726585Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-03-17 00:29:3258.32466 S, 67.99128 WRRS James Cook JC069 (UKD-3)