BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS James Clark Ross (74JC) cruise JR20140126 (JR294, JR295)
This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents
- Cruise Inventory Information
- A summary of BODC data holdings for the cruise from the
- References - including cruise tracks and cruise reports
Cruise Inventory Information
Long name | RRS James Clark Ross (74JC) cruise JR20140126 (JR294, JR295) |
Short name | JR20140126 (JR294, JR295) |
Objectives and Narrative | The cruise is part of the interdisciplinary iSTAR project that aims to study the interaction between ocean heat fluxes and the melting of Pine Island Glacier (PIG), the fastest melting glacier in Antarctica. The cruise included a hydrographic survey of the Amundsen Sea continental shelf, in particular the troughs leading to PIG. This included CTD, LADCP, SADCP, underway and MVP measurements, and Microstructure profilers were used to quantify vertical mixing. Autosub surveys were made under PIG, and an unsuccessful attempt to survey under neighbouring Thwaites Glacier was made. Two Seagliders were deployed, although both experienced technical difficulties such that the deployment periods were limited to around 24 hours each. Oceanographic moorings deployed two years previously were recovered, and new moorings deployed. Noble gases were sampled to allow analysis of meltwater fractions. In addition, 14 seals (Weddell and Elephant) were tagged with temperature/conductivity sensors. Meteorological measurements including 38 radiosonde soundings were also made. |
Ship | RRS James Clark Ross |
Departure Port | Punta Arenas, Chile |
Departure Date | 2014-01-26 |
Arrival Port | Stanley, Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |
Arrival Date | 2014-03-08 |
Principal Scientist(s) | Karen J Heywood (University of East Anglia School of Environmental Sciences) |
Responsible Organisation | British Antarctic Survey |
Associated Project(s) | Ice Sheet Stability Programme (iSTAR) |
IHB Sea Areas Visited | Southern Ocean |
Marsden Squares Visited | 487/488/522/523/524/525/526/527/562/563 |
Work Area Description | Amundsen Sea (especially in the troughs leading to Pine Island Glacier, between the ice front and the continental shelf break), Bellingshausen Sea. |
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time | |
Work Area Bounding Polygon | |
Southern Limit | unknown |
Northern Limit | unknown |
Western Limit | unknown |
Eastern Limit | unknown |
Cruise Inventory Datasets
Physical oceanography | |
CTD stations |
number of profiles =
Description: Moving vessel profiler. One section of around 8 hours completed near Pine Island Glacier, measuring temperature and salinity. |
CTD stations |
number of stations =
Description: CTD stations. Instruments used: two Seabird CTDs and a dissolved oxygen sensor, beam transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor, altimeter, lowered adcp for currents and 24x10 litre bottle rosette. Analysis of water samples for salinity, dissolved oxygen, delta O18 isotope and trace gases for meltwater identification (He3, He4 and H3). |
CTD stations |
number of deployments =
Description: Seaglider deployments from two separate Seagliders. Instruments on both were: a pressure sensor, a Seabird conductivity-temperature probe, a dissolved-oxygen sensor, a Wetlabs Ecopuck to measure chlorophyll fluorescence, backscatter and CDOM, and a photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) sensor. A total of 58 dives were completed, maximum depths 900m for sg510 and 450m for sg579. |
CTD stations |
number of deployments =
Description: Autosub3 deployments. On board were a Seabird CTD, a simrad multi-beam echosounder, two RDI ADCPs, an Edgetech sub-bottom profiler and a Rockland MicroRider microstructure sensor module. |
Current profiler (eg ADCP) |
activity duration in days =
Description: Shipborne ADCP data, measuring currents to an approximate depth of 800m (run in narrowband mode). |
Current profiler (eg ADCP) |
number of stations =
Description: CTD stations. Instruments used: two Seabird CTDs and a dissolved oxygen sensor, beam transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor, altimeter, lowered adcp for currents and 24x10 litre bottle rosette. Analysis of water samples for salinity, dissolved oxygen, delta O18 isotope and trace gases for meltwater identification (He3, He4 and H3). |
Current profiler (eg ADCP) |
number of deployments =
Description: Autosub3 deployments. On board were a Seabird CTD, a simrad multi-beam echosounder, two RDI ADCPs, an Edgetech sub-bottom profiler and a Rockland MicroRider microstructure sensor module. |
Optics (eg underwater light levels) |
number of deployments =
Description: Seaglider deployments from two separate Seagliders. Instruments on both were: a pressure sensor, a Seabird conductivity-temperature probe, a dissolved-oxygen sensor, a Wetlabs Ecopuck to measure chlorophyll fluorescence, backscatter and CDOM, and a photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) sensor. A total of 58 dives were completed, maximum depths 900m for sg510 and 450m for sg579. |
Optics (eg underwater light levels) |
number of stations =
Description: CTD stations. Instruments used: two Seabird CTDs and a dissolved oxygen sensor, beam transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor, altimeter, lowered adcp for currents and 24x10 litre bottle rosette. Analysis of water samples for salinity, dissolved oxygen, delta O18 isotope and trace gases for meltwater identification (He3, He4 and H3). |
Other physical oceanographic measurements |
number of profiles =
Description: Microstructure profiles using a VMP-2000, to measure small scale temperature and velocity fluctuations, from which turbulent kinetic energy and temperature variance are estimated. 54 profiles completed in conjunction with CTD stations, 85 completed for five separate tow-yo sections. |
Other physical oceanographic measurements |
number of deployments =
Description: Autosub3 deployments. On board were a Seabird CTD, a simrad multi-beam echosounder, two RDI ADCPs, an Edgetech sub-bottom profiler and a Rockland MicroRider microstructure sensor module. |
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements |
number of profiles =
Description: Moving vessel profiler. One section of around 8 hours completed near Pine Island Glacier, measuring temperature and salinity. |
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements |
activity duration in days =
Description: Underway measurements. Air temperature, humidity, photosynthetically active radiation, total incoming radiation, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed, wind velocity components, water temperature, conductivity, salinity, chlorophyll-a concentration (uncalibrated). |
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements |
number of deployments =
Description: Seaglider deployments from two separate Seagliders. Instruments on both were: a pressure sensor, a Seabird conductivity-temperature probe, a dissolved-oxygen sensor, a Wetlabs Ecopuck to measure chlorophyll fluorescence, backscatter and CDOM, and a photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) sensor. A total of 58 dives were completed, maximum depths 900m for sg510 and 450m for sg579. |
Surface measurements underway (T,S) |
activity duration in days =
Description: Underway measurements. Air temperature, humidity, photosynthetically active radiation, total incoming radiation, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed, wind velocity components, water temperature, conductivity, salinity, chlorophyll-a concentration (uncalibrated). |
Transparency (eg transmissometer) |
number of stations =
Description: CTD stations. Instruments used: two Seabird CTDs and a dissolved oxygen sensor, beam transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor, altimeter, lowered adcp for currents and 24x10 litre bottle rosette. Analysis of water samples for salinity, dissolved oxygen, delta O18 isotope and trace gases for meltwater identification (He3, He4 and H3). |
Water bottle stations |
number of stations =
Description: CTD stations. Instruments used: two Seabird CTDs and a dissolved oxygen sensor, beam transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor, altimeter, lowered adcp for currents and 24x10 litre bottle rosette. Analysis of water samples for salinity, dissolved oxygen, delta O18 isotope and trace gases for meltwater identification (He3, He4 and H3). |
Chemical oceanography | |
Isotopes |
number of stations =
Description: CTD stations. Instruments used: two Seabird CTDs and a dissolved oxygen sensor, beam transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor, altimeter, lowered adcp for currents and 24x10 litre bottle rosette. Analysis of water samples for salinity, dissolved oxygen, delta O18 isotope and trace gases for meltwater identification (He3, He4 and H3). |
Other dissolved gases |
number of stations =
Description: CTD stations. Instruments used: two Seabird CTDs and a dissolved oxygen sensor, beam transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor, altimeter, lowered adcp for currents and 24x10 litre bottle rosette. Analysis of water samples for salinity, dissolved oxygen, delta O18 isotope and trace gases for meltwater identification (He3, He4 and H3). |
Oxygen |
number of deployments =
Description: Seaglider deployments from two separate Seagliders. Instruments on both were: a pressure sensor, a Seabird conductivity-temperature probe, a dissolved-oxygen sensor, a Wetlabs Ecopuck to measure chlorophyll fluorescence, backscatter and CDOM, and a photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) sensor. A total of 58 dives were completed, maximum depths 900m for sg510 and 450m for sg579. |
Oxygen |
number of stations =
Description: CTD stations. Instruments used: two Seabird CTDs and a dissolved oxygen sensor, beam transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor, altimeter, lowered adcp for currents and 24x10 litre bottle rosette. Analysis of water samples for salinity, dissolved oxygen, delta O18 isotope and trace gases for meltwater identification (He3, He4 and H3). |
Biology and fisheries | |
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) |
number of deployments =
Description: Seaglider deployments from two separate Seagliders. Instruments on both were: a pressure sensor, a Seabird conductivity-temperature probe, a dissolved-oxygen sensor, a Wetlabs Ecopuck to measure chlorophyll fluorescence, backscatter and CDOM, and a photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) sensor. A total of 58 dives were completed, maximum depths 900m for sg510 and 450m for sg579. |
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) |
number of stations =
Description: CTD stations. Instruments used: two Seabird CTDs and a dissolved oxygen sensor, beam transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor, altimeter, lowered adcp for currents and 24x10 litre bottle rosette. Analysis of water samples for salinity, dissolved oxygen, delta O18 isotope and trace gases for meltwater identification (He3, He4 and H3). |
Taggings |
number of deployments =
Description: 14 Seals tagged, of which seven were Elephant seals and seven were Weddell seals. The tags will measure pressure, temperature and salinity, as well as location, and are hoped to continue to operate until the end of 2014. |
Meteorology | |
Occasional standard measurements |
number of deployments =
Description: Radiosonde launches measuring temperature, humidity and windspeed to a maximum altitude of around 20 km. |
Routine standard measurements |
activity duration in days =
Description: Underway measurements. Air temperature, humidity, photosynthetically active radiation, total incoming radiation, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed, wind velocity components, water temperature, conductivity, salinity, chlorophyll-a concentration (uncalibrated). |
Upper air observations |
number of deployments =
Description: Radiosonde launches measuring temperature, humidity and windspeed to a maximum altitude of around 20 km. |
Geology and geophysics | |
Multi-beam echosounding |
number of deployments =
Description: Autosub3 deployments. On board were a Seabird CTD, a simrad multi-beam echosounder, two RDI ADCPs, an Edgetech sub-bottom profiler and a Rockland MicroRider microstructure sensor module. |
Other geological/geophysical measurements |
number of deployments =
Description: Autosub3 deployments. On board were a Seabird CTD, a simrad multi-beam echosounder, two RDI ADCPs, an Edgetech sub-bottom profiler and a Rockland MicroRider microstructure sensor module. |
Single-beam echosounding |
activity duration in days =
Description: Swath bathymetry using a Kongsberg Simrad EM122. |
Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations
Latitude | Longitude | Data type | Description |
75° 3' S | 101° 58' W | CTD stations | Mooring BSR5. Deployed 22/01/2009, recovered 15/02/2014 Three seabird temperature recorders (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one Alec AEM-USB (P,T,U,V,W), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W) |
74° 52' S | 102° 4' W | CTD stations | Mooring PIG_N. Deployed 18/02/2014 Seven aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W), one upwards-looking 300 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
75° 3' S | 102° 9' W | CTD stations | Mooring PIG_S. Deployed 16/02/2014. Five aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W), one upward-looking 300 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
71° 33' S | 113° 3' W | CTD stations | Mooring iSTAR1, Deployed 06/03/2012, recovered 02/03/2014 Seven aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), two aquadopps (P,T,U,V,W), one upward-looking 75kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W). |
71° 33' S | 114° 18' W | CTD stations | Mooring iSTAR4. Deployed 05/03/2012, recovered 28/02/2014 Three aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), two aquadopps (P,T,U,V,W). |
71° 25' S | 114° 19' W | CTD stations | Mooring iSTAR5. Deployed 05/03/2012, recovered 28/02/2014 Six aqualoggers (P,T), three microcats (P,T,S), three aquadopps (P,T,U,V,W) |
73° 48' S | 106° 32' W | CTD stations | Mooring iSTAR6. Deployed 27/02/2012, recovered 06/02/2014 Three aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W) |
74° 21' S | 104° 58' W | CTD stations | Mooring iSTAR7. Deployed 23/02/2012, recovered 06/02/2014 Six aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one upward-looking 600 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W), one downward-looking 75 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
74° 51' S | 102° 6' W | CTD stations | Mooring iSTAR8. Deployed 23/02/2012, recovered 12/02/2014 Five aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W), one upward-looking 300 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
75° 3' S | 102° 9' W | CTD stations | Mooring iSTAR9. Deployed 24/02/2012, recovered 12/02/2014 Three aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one bottom pressure recorder (P,T), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W), one upwards-looking 300 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
73° 48' S | 106° 32' W | CTD stations | Mooring mid-shelf. Deployed 22/02/2014 Three aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W) |
71° 19' S | 102° 33' W | CTD stations | Mooring trough_E. Deployed 04/03/2014. Four aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), two aquadopps (P,T,U,V,W) |
71° 33' S | 113° 3' W | CTD stations | Mooring trough_W. Deployed 02/03/2014. Four aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), two aquadopps (P,T,U,V,W) |
75° 3' S | 101° 58' W | Current meters | Mooring BSR5. Deployed 22/01/2009, recovered 15/02/2014 Three seabird temperature recorders (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one Alec AEM-USB (P,T,U,V,W), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W) |
74° 52' S | 102° 4' W | Current meters | Mooring PIG_N. Deployed 18/02/2014 Seven aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W), one upwards-looking 300 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
75° 3' S | 102° 9' W | Current meters | Mooring PIG_S. Deployed 16/02/2014. Five aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W), one upward-looking 300 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
71° 33' S | 113° 3' W | Current meters | Mooring iSTAR1, Deployed 06/03/2012, recovered 02/03/2014 Seven aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), two aquadopps (P,T,U,V,W), one upward-looking 75kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W). |
71° 33' S | 114° 18' W | Current meters | Mooring iSTAR4. Deployed 05/03/2012, recovered 28/02/2014 Three aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), two aquadopps (P,T,U,V,W). |
71° 25' S | 114° 19' W | Current meters | Mooring iSTAR5. Deployed 05/03/2012, recovered 28/02/2014 Six aqualoggers (P,T), three microcats (P,T,S), three aquadopps (P,T,U,V,W) |
73° 48' S | 106° 32' W | Current meters | Mooring iSTAR6. Deployed 27/02/2012, recovered 06/02/2014 Three aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W) |
74° 21' S | 104° 58' W | Current meters | Mooring iSTAR7. Deployed 23/02/2012, recovered 06/02/2014 Six aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one upward-looking 600 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W), one downward-looking 75 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
74° 51' S | 102° 6' W | Current meters | Mooring iSTAR8. Deployed 23/02/2012, recovered 12/02/2014 Five aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W), one upward-looking 300 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
75° 3' S | 102° 9' W | Current meters | Mooring iSTAR9. Deployed 24/02/2012, recovered 12/02/2014 Three aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one bottom pressure recorder (P,T), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W), one upwards-looking 300 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
73° 48' S | 106° 32' W | Current meters | Mooring mid-shelf. Deployed 22/02/2014 Three aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W) |
71° 19' S | 102° 33' W | Current meters | Mooring trough_E. Deployed 04/03/2014. Four aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), two aquadopps (P,T,U,V,W) |
71° 33' S | 113° 3' W | Current meters | Mooring trough_W. Deployed 02/03/2014. Four aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), two aquadopps (P,T,U,V,W) |
75° 3' S | 102° 9' W | Current profiler (eg ADCP) | Mooring PIG_S. Deployed 16/02/2014. Five aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W), one upward-looking 300 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
71° 33' S | 113° 3' W | Current profiler (eg ADCP) | Mooring iSTAR1, Deployed 06/03/2012, recovered 02/03/2014 Seven aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), two aquadopps (P,T,U,V,W), one upward-looking 75kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W). |
74° 21' S | 104° 58' W | Current profiler (eg ADCP) | Mooring iSTAR7. Deployed 23/02/2012, recovered 06/02/2014 Six aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one upward-looking 600 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W), one downward-looking 75 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
74° 51' S | 102° 6' W | Current profiler (eg ADCP) | Mooring iSTAR8. Deployed 23/02/2012, recovered 12/02/2014 Five aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W), one upward-looking 300 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
75° 3' S | 102° 9' W | Current profiler (eg ADCP) | Mooring iSTAR9. Deployed 24/02/2012, recovered 12/02/2014 Three aqualoggers (P,T), two microcats (P,T,S), one bottom pressure recorder (P,T), one aquadopp (P,T,U,V,W), one upwards-looking 300 kHz ADCP (P,T,U,V,W) |
Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise
National Oceanographic Database
# Series | Instrument Description | Parameters |
6 | Acoustic current meter |
Date and time Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Metadata parameters Moored instrument depth Platform or instrument orientation Reference numbers Temperature of the water column Vertical spatial coordinates Vertical velocity of the water column (currents) |
6 | Acoustic current meter |
Date and time Engineering parameters Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Moored instrument depth Platform or instrument orientation Raw current meter output parameters Reference numbers Temperature of the water column Vertical velocity of the water column (currents) |
102 | Acoustic doppler current profiler |
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Reference numbers Vertical spatial coordinates |
4 | Acoustic doppler current profiler |
Bathymetry and Elevation Date and time Horizontal spatial co-ordinates Reference numbers |
2 | Acoustic doppler current profiler |
Date and time Horizontal spatial co-ordinates Reference numbers Snow and ice mass, thickness and extent |
4 | CTD in towed or autonomous underwater vehicle |
Date and time Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column Horizontal spatial co-ordinates Reference numbers Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Transmittance and attenuance of the water column Vertical spatial coordinates |
105 | CTD/STD cast |
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column Electrical conductivity of the water column Metadata parameters Reference numbers Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Transmittance and attenuance of the water column Vertical spatial coordinates |
1 | Meteorological data logger |
Air pressure Air temperature Atmospheric humidity Date and time Horizontal spatial co-ordinates Solar Radiation Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere Wind strength and direction |
8 | Moored CTD |
Date and time Electrical conductivity of the water column Reference numbers Salinity of the water column Sea level Temperature of the water column |
1 | Multi-beam echosounder |
Bathymetry and Elevation Date and time Horizontal platform movement Horizontal spatial co-ordinates Platform or instrument orientation |
1 | Multiple instrument types |
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies Date and time Electrical conductivity of the water column Horizontal spatial co-ordinates Metadata parameters Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column |
36 | Radiosonde |
Air pressure Air temperature Atmospheric humidity Date and time Horizontal spatial co-ordinates Reference numbers Vertical spatial coordinates Wind strength and direction |
2 | Radiosonde |
Air pressure Air temperature Atmospheric humidity Date and time Reference numbers Vertical spatial coordinates |
134 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe |
Reference numbers Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Turbulence in the water column Vertical spatial coordinates |
16 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor |
Date and time Reference numbers Temperature of the water column |
4 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor |
Date and time Moored instrument depth Reference numbers Temperature of the water column |
Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)
Full List
BODC Reference | Instrument Description | Date/Time | Location | |
1734757 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-01-30 11:56Z | 61° 35' S, 88° 50' W | Click for more |
1734769 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-01 11:12Z | 67° 40' S, 100° 54' W | Click for more |
1734770 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-02 15:35Z | 70° 24' S, 101° 40' W | Click for more |
1734782 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-02 22:13Z | 70° 34' S, 101° 57' W | Click for more |
1734794 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-03 04:42Z | 70° 44' S, 102° 7' W | Click for more |
1734801 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-03 10:17Z | 70° 55' S, 102° 7' W | Click for more |
1734813 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-03 14:43Z | 71° 4' S, 102° 13' W | Click for more |
1734825 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-03 18:28Z | 71° 11' S, 102° 22' W | Click for more |
1734837 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-03 21:47Z | 71° 20' S, 102° 34' W | Click for more |
1734849 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-04 01:01Z | 71° 31' S, 102° 48' W | Click for more |
1734850 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-04 04:30Z | 71° 43' S, 103° 1' W | Click for more |
1734862 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-04 08:18Z | 71° 55' S, 103° 34' W | Click for more |
1734874 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-04 12:08Z | 72° 7' S, 104° 5' W | Click for more |
1734886 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-04 15:25Z | 72° 20' S, 104° 32' W | Click for more |
1734898 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-04 19:04Z | 72° 39' S, 104° 58' W | Click for more |
1734905 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-04 22:22Z | 72° 48' S, 104° 10' W | Click for more |
1734917 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-05 01:46Z | 73° 4' S, 103° 46' W | Click for more |
1734929 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-05 06:02Z | 73° 31' S, 103° 58' W | Click for more |
1734930 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-05 14:05Z | 73° 34' S, 103° 49' W | Click for more |
1734942 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-05 15:50Z | 73° 39' S, 104° 19' W | Click for more |
1734954 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-05 18:22Z | 73° 45' S, 105° 0' W | Click for more |
1734966 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-05 21:24Z | 73° 48' S, 105° 45' W | Click for more |
1734978 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-06 02:26Z | 73° 52' S, 107° 36' W | Click for more |
1734991 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-06 04:35Z | 73° 50' S, 108° 0' W | Click for more |
1735005 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-06 09:23Z | 73° 48' S, 106° 32' W | Click for more |
1735017 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-06 14:03Z | 74° 0' S, 106° 9' W | Click for more |
1735029 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-06 18:39Z | 74° 22' S, 104° 58' W | Click for more |
1735030 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-06 22:48Z | 74° 17' S, 105° 23' W | Click for more |
1735042 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-07 05:18Z | 74° 0' S, 106° 7' W | Click for more |
1735054 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-07 07:11Z | 74° 0' S, 105° 45' W | Click for more |
1735066 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-09 16:18Z | 74° 31' S, 104° 31' W | Click for more |
1735078 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-09 20:12Z | 74° 43' S, 104° 1' W | Click for more |
1735091 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-09 23:55Z | 74° 47' S, 103° 35' W | Click for more |
1735109 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-10 02:40Z | 74° 51' S, 103° 9' W | Click for more |
1735110 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-10 08:24Z | 75° 0' S, 102° 16' W | Click for more |
1735122 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-11 03:27Z | 75° 5' S, 101° 48' W | Click for more |
1735134 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-11 05:09Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 42' W | Click for more |
1735146 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-11 07:34Z | 75° 3' S, 101° 39' W | Click for more |
1735158 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-11 14:04Z | 75° 0' S, 101° 33' W | Click for more |
1735171 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-11 16:10Z | 74° 57' S, 101° 26' W | Click for more |
1735183 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-11 18:09Z | 74° 54' S, 101° 19' W | Click for more |
1735195 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-11 19:48Z | 74° 51' S, 101° 11' W | Click for more |
1735202 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-11 21:26Z | 74° 49' S, 101° 5' W | Click for more |
1735214 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-11 23:04Z | 74° 46' S, 101° 0' W | Click for more |
1735226 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-14 21:39Z | 75° 1' S, 101° 46' W | Click for more |
1735238 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-15 21:05Z | 75° 5' S, 101° 48' W | Click for more |
1735251 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-16 07:21Z | 74° 59' S, 101° 36' W | Click for more |
1735263 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-16 09:43Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1735275 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-17 04:40Z | 75° 6' S, 103° 53' W | Click for more |
1735287 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-17 08:04Z | 75° 3' S, 104° 25' W | Click for more |
1735299 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-17 12:14Z | 75° 0' S, 104° 43' W | Click for more |
1735306 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-17 14:14Z | 74° 57' S, 105° 2' W | Click for more |
1735318 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-17 16:42Z | 74° 53' S, 105° 20' W | Click for more |
1735331 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-17 19:59Z | 74° 48' S, 105° 24' W | Click for more |
1735343 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-17 23:46Z | 74° 40' S, 105° 13' W | Click for more |
1735355 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-18 11:52Z | 74° 51' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1735367 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-18 15:54Z | 74° 55' S, 102° 43' W | Click for more |
1735379 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-19 17:28Z | 74° 49' S, 106° 31' W | Click for more |
1735380 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-19 19:54Z | 74° 49' S, 106° 46' W | Click for more |
1735392 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-19 22:36Z | 74° 46' S, 106° 51' W | Click for more |
1735411 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-20 02:04Z | 74° 42' S, 106° 53' W | Click for more |
1735423 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-20 05:02Z | 74° 37' S, 107° 14' W | Click for more |
1735435 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-20 08:24Z | 74° 28' S, 107° 6' W | Click for more |
1735447 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-20 11:33Z | 74° 21' S, 107° 19' W | Click for more |
1735459 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-20 14:27Z | 74° 16' S, 107° 4' W | Click for more |
1735460 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-21 13:22Z | 74° 31' S, 105° 32' W | Click for more |
1735472 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-21 16:24Z | 74° 30' S, 106° 12' W | Click for more |
1735484 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-22 11:59Z | 74° 34' S, 106° 31' W | Click for more |
1735496 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-22 19:30Z | 73° 48' S, 106° 31' W | Click for more |
1735503 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-27 01:43Z | 71° 31' S, 112° 45' W | Click for more |
1735515 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-27 03:42Z | 71° 33' S, 112° 56' W | Click for more |
1735527 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-27 06:01Z | 71° 34' S, 113° 7' W | Click for more |
1735539 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-27 08:11Z | 71° 36' S, 113° 18' W | Click for more |
1735540 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-27 10:25Z | 71° 38' S, 113° 33' W | Click for more |
1735552 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-27 13:07Z | 71° 40' S, 113° 47' W | Click for more |
1735564 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-27 14:58Z | 71° 42' S, 114° 2' W | Click for more |
1735576 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-27 22:49Z | 71° 43' S, 114° 16' W | Click for more |
1735588 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-28 00:47Z | 71° 38' S, 114° 17' W | Click for more |
1735607 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-28 02:08Z | 71° 32' S, 114° 18' W | Click for more |
1735619 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-28 03:16Z | 71° 28' S, 114° 16' W | Click for more |
1735620 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-28 04:54Z | 71° 25' S, 114° 18' W | Click for more |
1735632 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-28 07:08Z | 71° 21' S, 114° 19' W | Click for more |
1735644 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-02-28 22:29Z | 71° 7' S, 114° 22' W | Click for more |
1735656 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-01 03:56Z | 70° 46' S, 114° 22' W | Click for more |
1735668 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-01 09:03Z | 71° 4' S, 113° 58' W | Click for more |
1735681 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-01 20:01Z | 71° 31' S, 113° 16' W | Click for more |
1735693 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-01 23:51Z | 71° 27' S, 113° 21' W | Click for more |
1735700 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-02 01:29Z | 71° 24' S, 113° 31' W | Click for more |
1735712 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-02 03:01Z | 71° 21' S, 113° 36' W | Click for more |
1735724 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-02 05:21Z | 71° 15' S, 113° 44' W | Click for more |
1735736 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-02 08:26Z | 71° 18' S, 113° 7' W | Click for more |
1735748 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-02 10:23Z | 71° 21' S, 113° 0' W | Click for more |
1735761 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-02 17:04Z | 71° 33' S, 113° 1' W | Click for more |
1735773 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-03 03:40Z | 71° 22' S, 112° 55' W | Click for more |
1735785 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-03 04:57Z | 71° 24' S, 112° 51' W | Click for more |
1735797 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-03 20:02Z | 71° 19' S, 107° 30' W | Click for more |
1735804 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-03 22:26Z | 71° 19' S, 106° 57' W | Click for more |
1735816 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-04 00:32Z | 71° 19' S, 106° 24' W | Click for more |
1735828 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-04 02:58Z | 71° 19' S, 105° 51' W | Click for more |
1735841 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-04 06:04Z | 71° 19' S, 105° 19' W | Click for more |
1735853 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-04 13:02Z | 71° 18' S, 104° 16' W | Click for more |
1735865 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-04 19:54Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 33' W | Click for more |
1735877 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-04 22:09Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 53' W | Click for more |
1735889 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-05 01:55Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 1' W | Click for more |
1735890 | CTD/STD cast | 2014-03-05 06:02Z | 71° 19' S, 101° 36' W | Click for more |
1748624 | Acoustic current meter | 2014-02-18 14:30Z to 2014-12-31 23:38Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1748636 | Acoustic current meter | 2015-01-01 00:08Z to 2015-12-31 23:47Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1748648 | Acoustic current meter | 2016-01-01 00:17Z to 2016-02-02 22:18Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1748661 | Acoustic current meter | 2014-02-16 14:00Z to 2014-12-31 23:39Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1748673 | Acoustic current meter | 2015-01-01 00:09Z to 2015-12-31 23:50Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1748685 | Acoustic current meter | 2016-01-01 00:20Z to 2016-02-02 11:21Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1748697 | Acoustic current meter | 2014-03-02 16:50Z to 2016-02-07 16:09Z | 71° 33' S, 113° 3' W | Click for more |
1748704 | Acoustic current meter | 2014-03-04 19:50Z to 2016-02-04 07:47Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 33' W | Click for more |
1748716 | Acoustic current meter | 2014-03-02 16:50Z to 2016-02-07 16:08Z | 71° 33' S, 113° 3' W | Click for more |
1748728 | Acoustic current meter | 2014-02-18 14:20Z to 2016-02-02 22:38Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1748741 | Acoustic current meter | 2014-03-04 19:50Z to 2016-02-04 07:48Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 33' W | Click for more |
1748753 | Acoustic current meter | 2014-02-16 13:40Z to 2016-02-02 11:48Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1748765 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-02-16 13:40Z to 2016-02-02 11:52Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1748777 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-02-16 13:40Z to 2016-02-02 11:49Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1748789 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-02-16 13:40Z to 2016-02-02 11:48Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1748790 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-02-16 13:40Z to 2016-02-02 11:50Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1748808 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-02-18 14:20Z to 2016-02-02 22:38Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1748821 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-02-18 14:20Z to 2016-02-02 22:40Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1748833 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-02-18 14:20Z to 2016-02-02 22:40Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1748845 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-02-18 14:20Z to 2016-02-02 22:38Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1748857 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-02-18 14:20Z to 2016-02-02 22:37Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1748869 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-02-18 14:20Z to 2015-03-16 13:40Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1748870 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-03-02 16:50Z to 2016-02-07 16:11Z | 71° 33' S, 113° 3' W | Click for more |
1748882 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-03-02 16:50Z to 2016-02-07 16:12Z | 71° 33' S, 113° 3' W | Click for more |
1748894 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-03-02 16:49Z to 2016-02-07 16:11Z | 71° 33' S, 113° 3' W | Click for more |
1748901 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-03-04 19:50Z to 2016-02-04 07:51Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 33' W | Click for more |
1748913 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-03-04 19:50Z to 2015-03-24 19:55Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 33' W | Click for more |
1748925 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-03-04 19:50Z to 2016-02-04 07:48Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 33' W | Click for more |
1748937 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-02-16 13:40Z to 2016-02-02 11:49Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1748949 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-02-18 14:20Z to 2016-02-02 22:38Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1748950 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-03-02 16:50Z to 2016-02-07 16:06Z | 71° 33' S, 113° 3' W | Click for more |
1748962 | Water temperature and/or salinity monitor | 2014-03-04 19:50Z to 2016-02-04 07:51Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 33' W | Click for more |
1756704 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-01-30 12:11Z | 61° 35' S, 88° 50' W | Click for more |
1756716 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-01 11:33Z | 67° 40' S, 100° 54' W | Click for more |
1756728 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-02 23:07Z | 70° 34' S, 101° 57' W | Click for more |
1756741 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-03 05:28Z | 70° 44' S, 102° 7' W | Click for more |
1756753 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-03 10:54Z | 70° 55' S, 102° 7' W | Click for more |
1756765 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-03 15:11Z | 71° 4' S, 102° 13' W | Click for more |
1756777 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-03 18:49Z | 71° 11' S, 102° 21' W | Click for more |
1756789 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-03 22:03Z | 71° 20' S, 102° 34' W | Click for more |
1756790 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-04 01:17Z | 71° 31' S, 102° 48' W | Click for more |
1756808 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-04 04:48Z | 71° 43' S, 103° 1' W | Click for more |
1756821 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-04 08:36Z | 71° 55' S, 103° 34' W | Click for more |
1756833 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-04 12:22Z | 72° 7' S, 104° 5' W | Click for more |
1756845 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-04 15:36Z | 72° 20' S, 104° 32' W | Click for more |
1756857 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-04 19:17Z | 72° 39' S, 104° 58' W | Click for more |
1756869 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-04 22:33Z | 72° 48' S, 104° 10' W | Click for more |
1756870 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-05 01:59Z | 73° 4' S, 103° 46' W | Click for more |
1756882 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-05 06:17Z | 73° 31' S, 103° 58' W | Click for more |
1756894 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-05 14:14Z | 73° 34' S, 103° 49' W | Click for more |
1756901 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-05 15:59Z | 73° 39' S, 104° 19' W | Click for more |
1756913 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-05 18:35Z | 73° 45' S, 105° 0' W | Click for more |
1756925 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-05 21:40Z | 73° 48' S, 105° 45' W | Click for more |
1756937 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-06 02:45Z | 73° 52' S, 107° 36' W | Click for more |
1756949 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-06 05:20Z | 73° 50' S, 108° 0' W | Click for more |
1756950 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-06 09:47Z | 73° 48' S, 106° 31' W | Click for more |
1756962 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-06 14:26Z | 74° 0' S, 106° 9' W | Click for more |
1756974 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-06 19:05Z | 74° 22' S, 104° 58' W | Click for more |
1756986 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-07 05:42Z | 74° 0' S, 106° 7' W | Click for more |
1756998 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-07 07:32Z | 74° 0' S, 105° 45' W | Click for more |
1757001 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-09 16:37Z | 74° 31' S, 104° 31' W | Click for more |
1757013 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-09 20:35Z | 74° 43' S, 104° 1' W | Click for more |
1757025 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-10 00:22Z | 74° 47' S, 103° 35' W | Click for more |
1757037 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-10 03:20Z | 74° 51' S, 103° 9' W | Click for more |
1757049 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-10 08:57Z | 75° 0' S, 102° 16' W | Click for more |
1757050 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-11 03:46Z | 75° 5' S, 101° 48' W | Click for more |
1757062 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-11 05:31Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 42' W | Click for more |
1757074 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-11 08:04Z | 75° 3' S, 101° 39' W | Click for more |
1757086 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-11 14:24Z | 75° 0' S, 101° 33' W | Click for more |
1757098 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-11 16:30Z | 74° 57' S, 101° 26' W | Click for more |
1757105 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-11 18:27Z | 74° 54' S, 101° 19' W | Click for more |
1757117 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-11 20:02Z | 74° 51' S, 101° 11' W | Click for more |
1757129 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-11 21:39Z | 74° 49' S, 101° 5' W | Click for more |
1757130 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-11 23:21Z | 74° 46' S, 101° 1' W | Click for more |
1757142 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-14 21:57Z | 75° 1' S, 101° 46' W | Click for more |
1757154 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-15 21:19Z | 75° 5' S, 101° 48' W | Click for more |
1757166 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-16 07:44Z | 74° 59' S, 101° 36' W | Click for more |
1757178 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-16 10:00Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1757191 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-17 04:54Z | 75° 6' S, 103° 52' W | Click for more |
1757209 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-17 08:21Z | 75° 3' S, 104° 25' W | Click for more |
1757210 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-17 12:35Z | 75° 0' S, 104° 43' W | Click for more |
1757222 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-17 14:30Z | 74° 57' S, 105° 2' W | Click for more |
1757234 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-17 17:04Z | 74° 53' S, 105° 20' W | Click for more |
1757246 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-17 20:19Z | 74° 48' S, 105° 24' W | Click for more |
1757258 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-18 00:12Z | 74° 40' S, 105° 13' W | Click for more |
1757271 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-18 12:09Z | 74° 51' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1757283 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-18 16:06Z | 74° 55' S, 102° 43' W | Click for more |
1757295 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-19 20:12Z | 74° 49' S, 106° 46' W | Click for more |
1757302 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-19 23:02Z | 74° 46' S, 106° 51' W | Click for more |
1757314 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-20 02:24Z | 74° 42' S, 106° 53' W | Click for more |
1757326 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-20 05:18Z | 74° 37' S, 107° 14' W | Click for more |
1757338 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-20 08:45Z | 74° 28' S, 107° 6' W | Click for more |
1757351 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-20 11:54Z | 74° 21' S, 107° 19' W | Click for more |
1757363 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-20 14:49Z | 74° 16' S, 107° 4' W | Click for more |
1757375 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-21 13:41Z | 74° 31' S, 105° 32' W | Click for more |
1757387 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-21 16:45Z | 74° 30' S, 106° 12' W | Click for more |
1757399 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-22 12:20Z | 74° 34' S, 106° 31' W | Click for more |
1757406 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-22 19:47Z | 73° 48' S, 106° 31' W | Click for more |
1757418 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-27 01:58Z | 71° 31' S, 112° 44' W | Click for more |
1757431 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-27 03:56Z | 71° 33' S, 112° 56' W | Click for more |
1757443 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-27 06:16Z | 71° 34' S, 113° 7' W | Click for more |
1757455 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-27 08:28Z | 71° 36' S, 113° 18' W | Click for more |
1757467 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-27 10:41Z | 71° 38' S, 113° 33' W | Click for more |
1757479 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-27 13:21Z | 71° 40' S, 113° 47' W | Click for more |
1757480 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-27 16:12Z | 71° 42' S, 114° 2' W | Click for more |
1757492 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-27 23:02Z | 71° 43' S, 114° 16' W | Click for more |
1757511 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-28 00:59Z | 71° 38' S, 114° 17' W | Click for more |
1757523 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-28 02:21Z | 71° 32' S, 114° 18' W | Click for more |
1757535 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-28 03:41Z | 71° 28' S, 114° 16' W | Click for more |
1757547 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-28 05:24Z | 71° 25' S, 114° 18' W | Click for more |
1757559 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-28 07:45Z | 71° 21' S, 114° 19' W | Click for more |
1757560 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-28 23:17Z | 71° 7' S, 114° 22' W | Click for more |
1757572 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-01 04:50Z | 70° 46' S, 114° 22' W | Click for more |
1757584 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-01 09:49Z | 71° 4' S, 113° 58' W | Click for more |
1757596 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-01 20:12Z | 71° 31' S, 113° 16' W | Click for more |
1757603 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-02 00:06Z | 71° 27' S, 113° 21' W | Click for more |
1757615 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-02 01:49Z | 71° 24' S, 113° 31' W | Click for more |
1757627 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-02 03:30Z | 71° 21' S, 113° 36' W | Click for more |
1757639 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-02 05:59Z | 71° 15' S, 113° 44' W | Click for more |
1757640 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-02 08:56Z | 71° 18' S, 113° 7' W | Click for more |
1757652 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-02 10:46Z | 71° 21' S, 112° 59' W | Click for more |
1757664 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-02 17:16Z | 71° 33' S, 113° 1' W | Click for more |
1757676 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-03 03:55Z | 71° 22' S, 112° 55' W | Click for more |
1757688 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-03 05:16Z | 71° 24' S, 112° 51' W | Click for more |
1757707 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-03 20:13Z | 71° 19' S, 107° 30' W | Click for more |
1757719 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-03 22:38Z | 71° 19' S, 106° 57' W | Click for more |
1757720 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-04 00:46Z | 71° 19' S, 106° 24' W | Click for more |
1757732 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-04 03:09Z | 71° 19' S, 105° 51' W | Click for more |
1757744 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-04 06:20Z | 71° 19' S, 105° 19' W | Click for more |
1757756 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-04 13:16Z | 71° 18' S, 104° 16' W | Click for more |
1757768 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-04 20:08Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 33' W | Click for more |
1757781 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-04 22:19Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 53' W | Click for more |
1757793 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-05 02:12Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 1' W | Click for more |
1757800 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-03-05 06:16Z | 71° 19' S, 101° 36' W | Click for more |
1757812 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-02 18:24Z | 70° 23' S, 101° 38' W | Click for more |
1757824 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-03 00:50Z | 70° 34' S, 101° 55' W | Click for more |
1757836 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-03 06:39Z | 70° 44' S, 102° 7' W | Click for more |
1757848 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-03 11:57Z | 70° 55' S, 102° 7' W | Click for more |
1757861 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-03 15:59Z | 71° 4' S, 102° 13' W | Click for more |
1757873 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-03 19:36Z | 71° 11' S, 102° 21' W | Click for more |
1757885 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-03 22:43Z | 71° 20' S, 102° 34' W | Click for more |
1757897 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-04 01:51Z | 71° 31' S, 102° 48' W | Click for more |
1757904 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-04 05:33Z | 71° 43' S, 103° 3' W | Click for more |
1757916 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-04 09:09Z | 71° 55' S, 103° 34' W | Click for more |
1757928 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-04 12:44Z | 72° 7' S, 104° 5' W | Click for more |
1757941 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-04 16:03Z | 72° 20' S, 104° 32' W | Click for more |
1757953 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-04 19:43Z | 72° 39' S, 104° 58' W | Click for more |
1757965 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-04 23:02Z | 72° 48' S, 104° 10' W | Click for more |
1757977 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 02:27Z | 73° 4' S, 103° 46' W | Click for more |
1757989 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 06:48Z | 73° 31' S, 103° 58' W | Click for more |
1757990 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 07:16Z | 73° 31' S, 103° 58' W | Click for more |
1758004 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 07:43Z | 73° 31' S, 103° 57' W | Click for more |
1758016 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 08:08Z | 73° 31' S, 103° 57' W | Click for more |
1758028 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 09:08Z | 73° 31' S, 103° 57' W | Click for more |
1758041 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 09:33Z | 73° 31' S, 103° 56' W | Click for more |
1758053 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 10:00Z | 73° 32' S, 103° 55' W | Click for more |
1758065 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 12:44Z | 73° 34' S, 103° 49' W | Click for more |
1758077 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 12:59Z | 73° 34' S, 103° 49' W | Click for more |
1758089 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 13:10Z | 73° 34' S, 103° 49' W | Click for more |
1758090 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 13:21Z | 73° 34' S, 103° 49' W | Click for more |
1758108 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 13:34Z | 73° 34' S, 103° 49' W | Click for more |
1758121 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 16:27Z | 73° 39' S, 104° 19' W | Click for more |
1758133 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 19:12Z | 73° 45' S, 105° 0' W | Click for more |
1758145 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-05 22:18Z | 73° 48' S, 105° 45' W | Click for more |
1758157 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-06 10:30Z | 73° 48' S, 106° 31' W | Click for more |
1758169 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-06 23:57Z | 74° 17' S, 105° 23' W | Click for more |
1758170 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-07 04:01Z | 74° 0' S, 106° 8' W | Click for more |
1758182 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-09 13:38Z | 74° 21' S, 104° 58' W | Click for more |
1758194 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-09 17:22Z | 74° 31' S, 104° 31' W | Click for more |
1758201 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-09 21:16Z | 74° 43' S, 104° 1' W | Click for more |
1758213 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-10 10:06Z | 75° 0' S, 102° 16' W | Click for more |
1758225 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 00:33Z | 74° 48' S, 101° 4' W | Click for more |
1758237 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 01:01Z | 74° 48' S, 101° 4' W | Click for more |
1758249 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 01:32Z | 74° 48' S, 101° 6' W | Click for more |
1758250 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 02:05Z | 74° 48' S, 101° 7' W | Click for more |
1758262 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 02:44Z | 74° 48' S, 101° 9' W | Click for more |
1758274 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 03:20Z | 74° 48' S, 101° 10' W | Click for more |
1758286 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 03:58Z | 74° 48' S, 101° 12' W | Click for more |
1758298 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 04:33Z | 74° 48' S, 101° 13' W | Click for more |
1758305 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 05:11Z | 74° 48' S, 101° 16' W | Click for more |
1758317 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 05:47Z | 74° 49' S, 101° 16' W | Click for more |
1758329 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 06:18Z | 74° 49' S, 101° 16' W | Click for more |
1758330 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 06:52Z | 74° 49' S, 101° 16' W | Click for more |
1758342 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 07:30Z | 74° 50' S, 101° 16' W | Click for more |
1758354 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 08:13Z | 74° 51' S, 101° 16' W | Click for more |
1758366 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 08:56Z | 74° 51' S, 101° 16' W | Click for more |
1758378 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 09:37Z | 74° 52' S, 101° 16' W | Click for more |
1758391 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-12 10:19Z | 74° 52' S, 101° 16' W | Click for more |
1758409 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 00:22Z | 75° 5' S, 101° 48' W | Click for more |
1758410 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 01:04Z | 75° 5' S, 101° 48' W | Click for more |
1758422 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 01:36Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 47' W | Click for more |
1758434 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 02:11Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 46' W | Click for more |
1758446 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 02:56Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 45' W | Click for more |
1758458 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 03:46Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 43' W | Click for more |
1758471 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 04:33Z | 75° 3' S, 101° 42' W | Click for more |
1758483 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 05:21Z | 75° 3' S, 101° 41' W | Click for more |
1758495 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 06:12Z | 75° 3' S, 101° 40' W | Click for more |
1758502 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 07:00Z | 75° 2' S, 101° 39' W | Click for more |
1758514 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 07:54Z | 75° 1' S, 101° 38' W | Click for more |
1758526 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 08:42Z | 75° 1' S, 101° 37' W | Click for more |
1758538 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 09:39Z | 75° 0' S, 101° 36' W | Click for more |
1758551 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 10:26Z | 75° 0' S, 101° 35' W | Click for more |
1758563 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 11:22Z | 75° 0' S, 101° 34' W | Click for more |
1758575 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 12:16Z | 74° 59' S, 101° 33' W | Click for more |
1758587 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 13:16Z | 74° 59' S, 101° 32' W | Click for more |
1758599 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 14:05Z | 74° 58' S, 101° 31' W | Click for more |
1758606 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 14:51Z | 74° 58' S, 101° 30' W | Click for more |
1758618 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 15:34Z | 74° 58' S, 101° 29' W | Click for more |
1758631 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 16:21Z | 74° 58' S, 101° 28' W | Click for more |
1758643 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 17:08Z | 74° 57' S, 101° 27' W | Click for more |
1758655 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 17:58Z | 74° 57' S, 101° 27' W | Click for more |
1758667 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 18:46Z | 74° 57' S, 101° 26' W | Click for more |
1758679 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 19:31Z | 74° 56' S, 101° 25' W | Click for more |
1758680 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 20:11Z | 74° 56' S, 101° 24' W | Click for more |
1758692 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 20:52Z | 74° 55' S, 101° 24' W | Click for more |
1758711 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 21:37Z | 74° 55' S, 101° 23' W | Click for more |
1758723 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 22:18Z | 74° 55' S, 101° 22' W | Click for more |
1758735 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 22:59Z | 74° 55' S, 101° 22' W | Click for more |
1758747 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-13 23:41Z | 74° 54' S, 101° 22' W | Click for more |
1758759 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-14 00:25Z | 74° 54' S, 101° 21' W | Click for more |
1758760 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-14 01:06Z | 74° 54' S, 101° 20' W | Click for more |
1758772 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-14 01:45Z | 74° 54' S, 101° 19' W | Click for more |
1758784 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-14 02:23Z | 74° 53' S, 101° 19' W | Click for more |
1758796 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-14 03:04Z | 74° 53' S, 101° 18' W | Click for more |
1758803 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-14 03:48Z | 74° 52' S, 101° 17' W | Click for more |
1758815 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-14 04:33Z | 74° 52' S, 101° 16' W | Click for more |
1758827 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-14 05:14Z | 74° 52' S, 101° 16' W | Click for more |
1758839 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-14 05:51Z | 74° 52' S, 101° 15' W | Click for more |
1758840 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-14 06:30Z | 74° 51' S, 101° 15' W | Click for more |
1758852 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-14 07:09Z | 74° 51' S, 101° 15' W | Click for more |
1758864 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-14 07:49Z | 74° 51' S, 101° 14' W | Click for more |
1758876 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-15 07:33Z | 75° 3' S, 101° 56' W | Click for more |
1758888 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-15 08:06Z | 75° 3' S, 101° 56' W | Click for more |
1758907 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-15 08:40Z | 75° 3' S, 101° 55' W | Click for more |
1758919 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-15 09:20Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 54' W | Click for more |
1758920 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-15 09:58Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 52' W | Click for more |
1758932 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-15 10:36Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 51' W | Click for more |
1758944 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-15 11:19Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 50' W | Click for more |
1758956 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-15 11:58Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 49' W | Click for more |
1758968 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-15 12:37Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 49' W | Click for more |
1758981 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-15 13:10Z | 75° 4' S, 101° 48' W | Click for more |
1758993 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-17 06:16Z | 75° 6' S, 103° 52' W | Click for more |
1759007 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-17 09:02Z | 75° 3' S, 104° 25' W | Click for more |
1759019 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-17 11:17Z | 75° 0' S, 104° 43' W | Click for more |
1759020 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-17 15:02Z | 74° 57' S, 105° 2' W | Click for more |
1759032 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-17 18:02Z | 74° 53' S, 105° 20' W | Click for more |
1759044 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-17 20:59Z | 74° 48' S, 105° 24' W | Click for more |
1759056 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-18 00:55Z | 74° 40' S, 105° 13' W | Click for more |
1759068 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-18 16:38Z | 74° 55' S, 102° 43' W | Click for more |
1759081 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-18 18:16Z | 74° 51' S, 103° 9' W | Click for more |
1759093 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-19 18:13Z | 74° 49' S, 106° 31' W | Click for more |
1759100 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-19 20:51Z | 74° 49' S, 106° 46' W | Click for more |
1759112 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-19 23:52Z | 74° 46' S, 106° 51' W | Click for more |
1759124 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-20 03:08Z | 74° 42' S, 106° 53' W | Click for more |
1759136 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-20 05:49Z | 74° 37' S, 107° 14' W | Click for more |
1759148 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-20 09:26Z | 74° 28' S, 107° 6' W | Click for more |
1759161 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-20 12:30Z | 74° 21' S, 107° 19' W | Click for more |
1759173 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-20 15:24Z | 74° 16' S, 107° 4' W | Click for more |
1759185 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-21 14:18Z | 74° 31' S, 105° 32' W | Click for more |
1759197 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-21 17:38Z | 74° 30' S, 106° 12' W | Click for more |
1759204 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-22 13:00Z | 74° 34' S, 106° 31' W | Click for more |
1759216 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-27 02:34Z | 71° 31' S, 112° 44' W | Click for more |
1759228 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-27 04:38Z | 71° 33' S, 112° 56' W | Click for more |
1759241 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-27 06:54Z | 71° 34' S, 113° 7' W | Click for more |
1759253 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-27 09:02Z | 71° 36' S, 113° 18' W | Click for more |
1759265 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-27 11:15Z | 71° 37' S, 113° 33' W | Click for more |
1759277 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-27 13:53Z | 71° 40' S, 113° 47' W | Click for more |
1759289 | Turbulence energy dissipation probe | 2014-02-27 16:58Z | 71° 41' S, 114° 2' W | Click for more |
1759308 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-11 17:00:02Z to 2014-02-11 18:35:24Z | From 74° 57' S, 101° 26' W to 74° 43' S, 102° 20' W | Click for more |
1759321 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-11 23:30:02Z to 2014-02-12 01:19:04Z | From 74° 46' S, 101° 1' W to 74° 33' S, 101° 32' W | Click for more |
1759333 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-12 13:00:02Z to 2014-02-12 14:33:08Z | From 75° 2' S, 101° 57' W to 75° 4' S, 102° 57' W | Click for more |
1759345 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-13 13:30:02Z to 2014-02-13 15:07:40Z | From 74° 59' S, 101° 33' W to 75° 2' S, 102° 31' W | Click for more |
1759357 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-13 16:20:02Z to 2014-02-13 17:50:46Z | From 74° 58' S, 101° 29' W to 74° 58' S, 102° 32' W | Click for more |
1759369 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-13 20:45:02Z to 2014-02-13 22:15:24Z | From 74° 56' S, 101° 24' W to 74° 49' S, 102° 27' W | Click for more |
1759370 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-15 11:20:02Z to 2014-02-15 13:01:04Z | From 75° 4' S, 101° 52' W to 75° 4' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1759382 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-16 22:30:02Z to 2014-02-17 00:27:42Z | From 75° 1' S, 101° 45' W to 74° 48' S, 100° 55' W | Click for more |
1759394 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-17 11:30:02Z to 2014-02-17 13:11:50Z | From 75° 0' S, 104° 41' W to 74° 37' S, 103° 46' W | Click for more |
1759401 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-18 08:00:02Z to 2014-02-18 09:47:32Z | From 75° 1' S, 101° 50' W to 74° 36' S, 100° 13' W | Click for more |
1759413 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-18 11:45:02Z to 2014-02-18 13:34:28Z | From 74° 54' S, 102° 1' W to 74° 28' S, 100° 16' W | Click for more |
1759425 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-18 14:45:02Z to 2014-02-18 16:41:30Z | From 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W to 74° 24' S, 99° 46' W | Click for more |
1759437 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-18 17:10:02Z to 2014-02-18 18:54:20Z | From 74° 55' S, 102° 43' W to 74° 43' S, 100° 42' W | Click for more |
1759449 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-18 21:30:02Z to 2014-02-18 23:38:32Z | From 75° 1' S, 101° 57' W to 74° 46' S, 100° 10' W | Click for more |
1759450 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-19 17:00:02Z to 2014-02-19 19:03:58Z | From 74° 45' S, 106° 43' W to 74° 44' S, 105° 40' W | Click for more |
1759462 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-01 11:30:02Z to 2014-02-01 12:41:00Z | From 67° 40' S, 100° 52' W to 67° 24' S, 99° 9' W | Click for more |
1759474 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-20 11:45:02Z to 2014-02-20 13:43:10Z | From 74° 22' S, 107° 16' W to 74° 25' S, 105° 48' W | Click for more |
1759486 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-21 11:45Z to 2014-02-21 13:28Z | 74° 21' S, 104° 25' W | Click for more |
1759498 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-21 16:45:02Z to 2014-02-21 18:30:50Z | From 74° 30' S, 106° 12' W to 74° 42' S, 104° 6' W | Click for more |
1759505 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-22 12:10:02Z to 2014-02-22 13:57:48Z | From 74° 32' S, 106° 19' W to 74° 40' S, 102° 31' W | Click for more |
1759517 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-23 11:30:02Z to 2014-02-23 13:11:16Z | From 73° 52' S, 103° 7' W to 74° 13' S, 100° 13' W | Click for more |
1759529 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-23 17:50:02Z to 2014-02-23 19:29:06Z | From 73° 52' S, 103° 4' W to 74° 23' S, 101° 22' W | Click for more |
1759530 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-23 21:15:02Z to 2014-02-23 22:50:08Z | From 73° 49' S, 103° 19' W to 74° 12' S, 102° 26' W | Click for more |
1759542 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-25 22:40:02Z to 2014-02-26 00:33:18Z | From 72° 55' S, 110° 17' W to 72° 33' S, 108° 14' W | Click for more |
1759554 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-26 13:30:02Z to 2014-02-26 15:25:10Z | From 72° 43' S, 110° 40' W to 72° 34' S, 108° 1' W | Click for more |
1759566 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-27 12:00:02Z to 2014-02-27 13:58:40Z | From 71° 38' S, 113° 33' W to 71° 37' S, 111° 39' W | Click for more |
1759578 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-28 11:40:02Z to 2014-02-28 13:14:32Z | From 71° 32' S, 114° 17' W to 71° 24' S, 111° 58' W | Click for more |
1759591 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-02 16:20Z to 2014-02-02 18:29Z | 70° 24' S, 101° 40' W | Click for more |
1759609 | Radiosonde | 2014-03-02 13:30:02Z to 2014-03-02 15:49:50Z | From 71° 31' S, 113° 2' W to 71° 6' S, 111° 1' W | Click for more |
1759610 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-03 11:15:02Z to 2014-02-03 13:35:00Z | From 70° 55' S, 102° 7' W to 70° 6' S, 98° 40' W | Click for more |
1759622 | Radiosonde | 2014-03-03 12:00:02Z to 2014-03-03 13:24:24Z | From 71° 25' S, 112° 0' W to 71° 7' S, 111° 23' W | Click for more |
1759634 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-04 11:30:02Z to 2014-02-04 12:19:12Z | From 71° 57' S, 103° 37' W to 71° 43' S, 101° 48' W | Click for more |
1759646 | Radiosonde | 2014-03-04 11:40:02Z to 2014-03-04 13:41:02Z | From 71° 15' S, 104° 51' W to 71° 4' S, 104° 27' W | Click for more |
1759658 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-05 12:20:02Z to 2014-02-05 14:40:12Z | From 73° 32' S, 103° 55' W to 72° 47' S, 100° 46' W | Click for more |
1759671 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-06 11:30:02Z to 2014-02-06 13:12:28Z | From 73° 48' S, 106° 32' W to 73° 23' S, 104° 39' W | Click for more |
1759683 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-07 12:00:02Z to 2014-02-07 13:58:40Z | From 71° 38' S, 113° 33' W to 71° 37' S, 111° 39' W | Click for more |
1759695 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-08 13:10:02Z to 2014-02-08 14:46:22Z | From 73° 51' S, 103° 4' W to 73° 43' S, 103° 6' W | Click for more |
1759702 | Radiosonde | 2014-02-09 12:20:02Z to 2014-02-09 13:41:40Z | From 73° 58' S, 105° 37' W to 73° 16' S, 106° 19' W | Click for more |
1759818 | Meteorological data logger | 2014-01-26 11:20:00Z to 2014-03-04 16:08:00Z | From 75° 6' S, 114° 24' W to 52° 36' S, 70° 43' W | Click for more |
1759831 | Multiple instrument types | 2014-01-26 11:20:00Z to 2014-03-04 16:08:00Z | From 75° 6' S, 114° 24' W to 52° 36' S, 70° 43' W | Click for more |
1759843 | Multi-beam echosounder | 2014-01-26 11:20:00Z to 2014-03-04 16:08:00Z | From 75° 6' S, 114° 24' W to 52° 36' S, 70° 43' W | Click for more |
1763424 | CTD in towed or autonomous underwater vehicle | 2014-02-10 14:24:00Z to 2014-02-10 21:07:00Z | From 74° 57' S, 101° 37' W to 74° 57' S, 101° 36' W | Click for more |
1763436 | CTD in towed or autonomous underwater vehicle | 2014-02-14 11:25:42Z to 2014-02-15 05:08:30Z | From 75° 3' S, 101° 59' W to 75° 1' S, 101° 45' W | Click for more |
1763448 | CTD in towed or autonomous underwater vehicle | 2014-02-16 17:57:00Z to 2014-02-18 06:23:00Z | From 75° 10' S, 101° 48' W to 75° 1' S, 100° 34' W | Click for more |
1763461 | CTD in towed or autonomous underwater vehicle | 2014-02-18 23:07:00Z to 2014-02-21 03:10:00Z | From 75° 21' S, 101° 49' W to 74° 56' S, 99° 40' W | Click for more |
1763528 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-17 05:27:52Z to 2014-02-18 05:56:08Z | From 75° 10' S, 101° 35' W to 75° 2' S, 100° 34' W | Click for more |
1763541 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-19 05:06:40Z to 2014-02-20 14:34:48Z | From 75° 21' S, 101° 37' W to 74° 59' S, 100° 34' W | Click for more |
1763608 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-10 14:43:22Z to 2014-02-10 17:57:16Z | From 74° 57' S, 101° 37' W to 74° 57' S, 101° 36' W | Click for more |
1763621 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-14 11:58:36Z to 2014-02-15 03:01:14Z | From 75° 3' S, 101° 58' W to 75° 1' S, 101° 45' W | Click for more |
1763633 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-16 18:13:10Z to 2014-02-18 03:01:54Z | From 75° 10' S, 101° 48' W to 75° 1' S, 100° 34' W | Click for more |
1763645 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2014-02-18 23:21:02Z to 2014-02-20 19:32:00Z | From 75° 21' S, 101° 49' W to 74° 57' S, 99° 40' W | Click for more |
1763878 | Moored CTD | 2014-02-16 13:40Z to 2016-02-02 11:49Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1763891 | Moored CTD | 2014-02-16 13:40Z to 2016-02-02 11:49Z | 75° 3' S, 102° 9' W | Click for more |
1763909 | Moored CTD | 2014-03-02 16:50Z to 2016-02-07 16:09Z | 71° 33' S, 113° 3' W | Click for more |
1763910 | Moored CTD | 2014-03-02 16:50Z to 2016-02-07 16:09Z | 71° 33' S, 113° 3' W | Click for more |
1763922 | Moored CTD | 2014-02-18 14:20Z to 2016-02-02 22:39Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1763934 | Moored CTD | 2014-02-18 14:20Z to 2016-02-02 22:39Z | 74° 52' S, 102° 4' W | Click for more |
1763946 | Moored CTD | 2014-03-04 19:50Z to 2016-02-04 07:49Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 33' W | Click for more |
1763958 | Moored CTD | 2014-03-04 19:50Z to 2016-02-04 07:49Z | 71° 19' S, 102° 33' W | Click for more |
Project Database
# Events | Gear Type | Parameters Held |
105 | CTD frame plus rosette sampler |
Salinity of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column Stable isotopes in water bodies |
Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)