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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 1138696

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Surface temp/sal
Instrument Type
Aanderaa 4175 oxygen optode  dissolved gas sensors
Seapoint Turbidity Meter  optical backscatter sensors
Chelsea Technologies Group MINITracka II fluorometer  fluorometers
LAIPAC GD30L MMC Global Positioning System logger  NAVSTAR Global Positioning System receivers
Teledyne RDI Citadel TS-N thermosalinograph  thermosalinographs; water temperature sensor; salinity sensor
Instrument Mounting vessel of opportunity on fixed route
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator Mr John Howarth
Originating Organization Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (now National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool)
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) Oceans 2025
Oceans 2025 Theme 10
Oceans 2025 Theme 10 SO11

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier LV_DUB_BIR_22052008_22052008
BODC Series Reference 1138696

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2008-05-22 08:57
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2008-05-22 15:19
Nominal Cycle Interval 10.0 seconds

Spatial Co-ordinates

Southernmost Latitude 53.33000 N ( 53° 19.8' N )
Northernmost Latitude 53.60300 N ( 53° 36.2' N )
Westernmost Longitude 6.16900 W ( 6° 10.1' W )
Easternmost Longitude 3.06300 W ( 3° 3.8' W )
Positional Uncertainty 0.05 to 0.1 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 3.0 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 3.0 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height -
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height -
Sea Floor Depth -
Sea Floor Depth Source -
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Fixed common depth - All sensors are grouped effectively at the same depth which is effectively fixed for the duration of the series
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Approximate - Depth is only approximate
Sea Floor Depth Datum -


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
AADYAA011DaysDate (time from 00:00 01/01/1760 to 00:00 UT on day)
AAFDZZ011DaysTime (time between 00:00 UT and timestamp)
ACYCAA011DimensionlessSequence number
ALATGP011DegreesLatitude north relative to WGS84 by unspecified GPS system
ALONGP011DegreesLongitude east relative to WGS84 by unspecified GPS system
CPHLPR011Milligrams per cubic metreConcentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer
DOXYOP011Micromoles per litreConcentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ oxygen optode
OXYSZZ011PercentSaturation of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase]
PSALSU011DimensionlessPractical salinity of the water body by thermosalinograph and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm and no calibration against independent measurements
TEMPSG011Degrees CelsiusTemperature of the water body by thermosalinograph and verification against independent measurements
TURBTNTX1Nephelometric Turbidity UnitsTurbidity of water in the water body by through-flow nephelometer

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Quality report: turbidity flags on Liverpool Viking ferry data

In nearly all series, values were flagged when the ferry approached Liverpool as the turbidity level exceeded the measurement range of the sensor. Flags were frequently applied to turbidity values measured on approach to Dublin Port for the same reason.

Liverpool - Dublin ferry data quality report: out of range chlorophyll values

In these series flags have been applied to the chlorophyll channel because values exceeded the measurement range of the sensor.

Liverpool - Dublin ferry data quality report: turbidity spike repetition

In many of the series recorded by the FerryBox system on the Liverpool - Dublin ferry, there is spiking in the turbidity sensor which occurs every 360 cycles (i.e. at the same cycle every hour). The precise time which the spiking occurs is consistent through each deployment period - the period each sensor set was present on the ferry until it was rotated by the originator. Thus, if the spike occurs at hh:30:15 in one series, it will occur at the closest cycle to this time in all other series of that particular deployment period. The size of these spikes also shows considerable variation. While many such spikes exceed the measurement range of the sensor, others are only a couple of FTU greater than their surrounding cycles.

Not all series are affected by this issue, and in series that are often only some of the cycles in this pattern produce a spike. If a series lasting from 09:00 to 15:00 has spikes at hh:51:08, then it may be that there are only spikes at 09:51:08, 12:51:08 and 14:51:08, with the other cycles showing normal values. The cycles affected by this issue have been flagged by BODC, however the cause of the problem is not known.

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

Chelsea Instruments MINItracka Fluorometer

The MINItracka Fluorometer is an in-situ optical sensor that uses a single high intensity LED light source and, according to the manufacturer, is designed to enhance rejection of ambient daylight. The fluorometer provides a linear response between chlorophyll concentration and fluorometer voltage.

Sensor specifications, current at August 2006, are given in the table below. More information can be found at the manufacturer's specification sheet.

Sensor Specifications

  Chlorophyll-a Chlorophyll-a Rhodamine Amido Rhodamine Fluorescein
Excitation wavelengths 430/30 nm 470/30 nm 470/30 nm 425/30 nm 480/80 nm
Emission wavelength 685/30 nm 685/30 nm 590/45 nm 550/30 nm 530/30 nm
Concentration range 0.03-100 µg l-1 0.03-100 µg l-1 0.03-100 µg l-1 0.04-200 µg l-1 0.03-100 µg l-1
Resolution 0.01 µg l-1 0.01 µg l-1 0.01 µg l-1 0.025 µg l-1 0.01 µg l-1
Calibration standard Chlorophyll-a in acetone Chlorophyll-a in acetone      
  Nephelometer Phycoerythrin Phycocyanin
Excitation wavelengths 470/30 nm 530/30 nm 590/35nm
Emission wavelength 470/30 nm 580/30 nm 645/35 nm
Concentration range 0.04-100 FTU 0.03-100 µg l-1 0.03-100 µg l-1
Resolution 0.01 FTU 0.01 µg l-1 0.01 µg l-1
Mechanical   Electrical  
Body Size 149 mm long x 70 mm dia Input Voltage 7 to 40 VDC
Weight in Air 0.7 Kg Output Voltage 0 to 4 VDC (linear)
Weight in Water 0.15 Kg Power requirements 0.7 W typical
Depth Rating 600 m Signal : Noise 10,000 : 1 @ full scale

Aanderaa Oxygen Optodes models 3835, 4130, 4175, 3830, 3930 and 3975

The Aanderaa Oxygen Optode is based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescence quenchers. The fluorescent indicator is a special platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water.

A black optical isolation coating protects the complex from sunlight and fluorescent particles in the water. This sensing foil is attached to a window providing optical access for the measuring system from inside a watertight titanium housing.

The foil is excited by modulated blue light, and the phase of a returned red light is measured. By linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. According to the manufacturer, the lifetime-based luminescence quenching principle offers the following advantages over electro-chemical sensors:

  • Not stirring sensitive (it consumes no oxygen)
  • Less affected by fouling
  • Measures absolute oxygen concentrations without repeated calibrations
  • Better long-term stability
  • Less affected by pressure
  • Pressure behaviour is predictable
  • Faster response time

The 3835, 4130 and 4175 models are designed to operate down to 300 m, while there are two versions of the 3830, 3930 and 3975 models, designed to operate down to 2000 m and 6000 m, respectively. The sensors fit directly on to the top end-plate of Recording Current Meter RCM 9, and other Aanderaa instruments. Sensor specifications may be viewed via the following links: Aanderaa Oxygen Optodes 3835/4130/4175 and Aanderaa Oxygen Optodes 3830/3930/3975.

Seapoint Turbidity Meter

The Seapoint Turbidity Meter detects light scattered by particles suspended in water, generating an output voltage proportional to turbidity or suspended solids. Range is selected by two digital lines which can be hard wired or microprocessor controlled, thereby choosing the appropriate range and resolution for measurement of extremely clean to very turbid waters. The offset voltage is within 1 mV of zero and requires no adjustment across gains. The optical design confines the sensing volume to within 5 cm of the sensor allowing near-bottom measurements and minimizing errant reflections in restricted spaces.

Sensor specifications, current at August 2006, are given in the table below.

Sensor Specifications

Power requirements 7 - 20 VDC, 3.5 mA avg., 6 mA pk.
Output 0 - 5.0 VDC
Output Time Constant 0.1 sec.
RMS Noise> < 1 mV
Power-up transient period < 1 sec.
Light Source Wavelength 880 nm
Sensing Distance (from windows) < 5 cm (approx.)
Linearity < 2% deviation 0 - 750 FTU

  Gain Sensitivity (mV FTU-1) Range (FTU)
Sensitivity/Range 100x

** output is non-linear above 750 FTU.

Further details can be found in the manufacturer's specification sheet.

Citadel TS-N Thermosalinograph

The Teledyne RD Instruments Citadel TS-N Thermosalinograph is a compact low-maintenance system in a through-flow housing, designed for mounting on ships or gliders down to 500m. Conductivity is measured by Teledyne RDI's Nonexternal-Field Inductive Conductivity (NXIC) sensor, with temperature measurements performed by an aged thermistor. Prior to 2009 this instrument was manufactured by Falmouth Scientific (FSI).

The full specification for this instrument is available here.

Temperature Conductivity Salinity
Range 0 to 70 mS m-1 -5 to 35°C 2 to 42 PSU
Accuracy ±0.01 mS m-1 ±0.005°C ±0.015 PSU
Stability (sensor
drift per month)
±0.01 mS cm-1 ±0.0005°C ±0.02 PSU
Resolution 0.0001 mS m-1 0.0001°C 0.0002 PSU

Laipac GD30-L GPS logger

The Laipac GD30-L is a high performance Global Positioning System (GPS) recorder and vehicle tracking system which can be used for passive tracking applications. The recording interval is programmable and can be set anywhere in between three seconds and 30 minutes. The data recorded by this GPS includes date, time, longitude, latitude, speed, trajectory, and number of tracking satellites.

Instrument description document for Liverpool - Dublin ferry data

The originator used a FerryBox system attached to the DFDS Seaways Liverpool to Dublin ferry to collect the data. Two complete sets of instruments were used, each of which comprised of an FSI NXIC CTD, Chelsea Minitracka II fluorometer and a Seapoint Turbidity Meter. From 28 April 2008 an Aanderaa Oxygen Optode was attached to the FerryBox system. The originator rotated each set of instruments approximately every two weeks, so that while one set was mounted on the ship the other was being serviced on land.

Sensor Unit Model Comments
Global Positioning System (GPS) GPS logger LAIPAC GD30L Mounted on the bridge.
Temperature and Salinity sensor FSI NXIC CTD -
Chlorophyll fluorometer Chelsea Minitracka II -
Turbidity Seapoint Turbidity Meter Zebratech wiper attached to turbidity sensor from 2008-04-15.

Attached to underway from 28-04-2008

Sensor Unit Model Comments
Dissolved Oxygen sensor Aanderaa Optode - 4175 Supplied dissolved oxygen concentration. Also supplied oxygen saturation from 2008-06-02

Originator's processing document for Liverpool - Dublin ferry data

Sampling strategy

A total of 1492 time series were collected by a FerryBox system mounted on the DFDS Seaways Liverpool to Dublin Ferry route from 18 November 2007 to 23 January 2011. The system consisted of a GPS logger LAIPAC GD30L, Falmouth Scientific conductivity, temperature, depth probe (FSI NXIC CTD), Chelsea Minitracka II fluorometer and a Seapoint turbidity meter. From 28 April 2008 an Aanderaa Oxygen Optode was attached to the FerryBox system, which was fed by water entering the ship at a depth of three metres below the sea surface.

Data checks by data originator

In-situ cross-checking

For temperature and salinity, in-situ quality checks were performed by comparing the FSI CTD data with temperature and salinity from the Cefas SmartBuoy, which was located in the Irish Sea close to the Liverpool Seaways' route between Liverpool and Dublin. This comparison found a high degree of similarity between the FSI CTD data and that from the SmartBuoy, thus the data originator decided that it was not necessary to apply any calibrations to these data.

Measurement error checking

All the sensors used had manufacturers calibrations applied prior to their first deployment. No calibrations based on independent water samples were applied to the data, but laboratory checks were performed to verify the correct operation of the FSI CTD, Seapoint Turbidity Meter and Chelsea Minitracka. The methods for these tests have been detailed below.


  • The operation of the FSI CTD was checked on several occasions. Each check was carried out against a water sample collected during a specific Coastal Observatory cruise, using the following method:

    • Each time a water sample was collected, it was analysed after the cruise by Bangor University using a Portasal precision salinometer. Each sample was then used to fill a bucket, providing a reference container of a known salinity.
    • The tip of a pt100 Platinum resistance (PRT) 'smart' temperature probe was placed in the bucket to provide an independent check of temperature.
    • The reading generated by the PRT probe was recorded using a Tinsley-ASL F200 precision digital thermometer.
    • The FSI CTD was placed in the bucket so that the conductivity cell was fully immersed.
    • Over several minutes a series of temperature, conductivity and salinity readings were taken to confirm that the measurements had stabilised.
    • Once the CTD had acclimatised to the bucket, three consecutive readings of temperature, conductivity and salinity were taken. The mean of these measurements was used to compare the FSI CTD readings with the reference values.
    • The FSI CTD was cleaned, placed back in the water bucket and the measurement process was repeated.

  • Seapoint turbidity meter

  • The manufacturer's tolerance for turbidity readings is ± 2% for the 0 to 25 FTU, 25 to 100 FTU and 100 to 500 FTU ranges. This experimental procedure was designed to verify the turbidity sensor is maintaining this accuracy. The complete method was as follows:

    • The face of the turbidity meter was covered with opaque tape and a turbidity reading was recorded.
    • A turbidity reading in air was recorded.
    • A turbidity reading was recorded in a bucket containing 10 litres of filtered water. The reading was taken when the face of the turbidity meter was at least 10 cm away from the bucket walls and the water air interface.
    • Another bucket was filled with 10 litres of filtered water.
    • A bottle of 3980 FTU stock solution was shaken so as to evenly distribute the suspension
    • 15 ml of stock suspension was measured, added to the 10 litre bucket of water, and stirred to evenly dilute the stock solution. This should have produced a bucket of water with a turbidity of 5.97 FTU.
    • A turbidity reading was recorded in a bucket containing the 5.97 FTU water solution. The reading was taken when the face of the turbidity meter was at least 10 cm away from the bucket walls and the water air interface.
    • The last four steps were repeated for dilutions of 30 ml and 50 ml stock solutions, to test turbidity values of 11.94 FTU and 19.97 FTU respectively

  • Chelsea Minitracka II

  • Readings were taken with the sensor in air, immersed in filtered water and using a 4x10-10 Molar Rhodamine reference block to test for any measurement offsets that may occur if the sensor reading has changed significantly since it was calibrated.

Salinity drift correction

Over the period that the Liverpool to Dublin ferry was measuring data, the originator became aware that the salinity measurements were liable to drift between servicings. This was identified as being due to the gradual accumulation of sediment on the conductivity sensor of the FSI unit.

When this drift was identified, the originator compensated for it by adding a standard offset to the salinity channel in every series in a deployment period (a timescale of approximately two weeks between servicing visits). The offset was calculated by comparing the maximum salinities of each deployment period and examining by how much the maximum salinity dropped off in the later series. This was done as the originator hypothesised that the maximum salinity should not experience much variation over a two week period.

During the measurement period covered by this series, an offset of 0.019 has been added to the salinity channel.

Time correction

Time has been corrected by the data originator to compensate for a 5 minute lag in hydraulics, from when the water entered the hull until it reached the underway monitoring system. The correction of this ensured time in the data files corresponded to the correct GPS position at the time of the measurement.

Processing of Liverpool - Dublin ferry data by BODC.

The data arrived at BODC as 50 ASCII format .txt files representing underway data taken on Irish Sea crossings by the DFDS Liverpool Seaways ferry from 28 April 2008 to 02 June 2008. Following standard BODC procedure, the 50 files were reformatted into BODC standard internal format using an internal transfer function. The following table shows how the originator's variables were mapped to the appropriate BODC parameter codes:

Originator's variable Units Description BODC parameter code Units Comments
Latitude degrees Latitude North (WGS84) by unspecified GPS system ALATGP01 degrees GPS coordinates are provided in decimal degrees
Longitude degrees (+ve East) Longitude east (WGS84) by unspecified GPS system ALONGP01 degrees GPS coordinates are provided in decimal degrees
Temperature °C Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph and verification against independent measurements TEMPSG01 °C -
Salinty g kg-1 Practical salinity of the water body by thermosalinograph and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm and NO calibration against independent measurements PSALSU01 PSU g kg-1 is approximately equal to PSU
Dissolved oxygen concentration µmol l-1 Concentration of oxygen {O2} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved phase] by in-situ oxygen optode DOXYOP01 µmol l-1 -
Turbidity FTU Turbidity of the water body by through-flow nephelometer TURBTNTX Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) FTU = NTU
Chlorophyll a fluorescence µg l-1 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a} per unit volume of the water body [particulate phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer CPHLPR01 mg m-3 µg l-1 = mg m-3
- - Saturation of oxygen {O2} in the water body [dissolved phase] by in-situ oxygen optode and computation from concentration OXYSOP01 % Derived by BODC from DOXYOP01, TEMPSG01 and PSALSU01 following Benson and Krause (1984)

The reformatted data were visualised using the in-house EDSERPLO software. Suspect data were marked by adding an appropriate quality control flag, missing data by both setting the data to an appropriate value and setting the quality control flag.


Benson B.B., and Krause D. jnr., 1984. The concentration and isotopic fractionation of oxygen dissolved in fresh water and seawater in equilibrium with the atmosphere. Limnol. Oceanogr. 29, pp.620-632.

General Data Screening carried out by BODC

BODC screen both the series header qualifying information and the parameter values in the data cycles themselves.

Header information is inspected for:

  • Irregularities such as unfeasible values
  • Inconsistencies between related information, for example:
    • Times for instrument deployment and for start/end of data series
    • Length of record and the number of data cycles/cycle interval
    • Parameters expected and the parameters actually present in the data cycles
  • Originator's comments on meter/mooring performance and data quality

Documents are written by BODC highlighting irregularities which cannot be resolved.

Data cycles are inspected using time or depth series plots of all parameters. Currents are additionally inspected using vector scatter plots and time series plots of North and East velocity components. These presentations undergo intrinsic and extrinsic screening to detect infeasible values within the data cycles themselves and inconsistencies as seen when comparing characteristics of adjacent data sets displaced with respect to depth, position or time. Values suspected of being of non-oceanographic origin may be tagged with the BODC flag denoting suspect value; the data values will not be altered.

The following types of irregularity, each relying on visual detection in the plot, are amongst those which may be flagged as suspect:

  • Spurious data at the start or end of the record.
  • Obvious spikes occurring in periods free from meteorological disturbance.
  • A sequence of constant values in consecutive data cycles.

If a large percentage of the data is affected by irregularities then a Problem Report will be written rather than flagging the individual suspect values. Problem Reports are also used to highlight irregularities seen in the graphical data presentations.

Inconsistencies between the characteristics of the data set and those of its neighbours are sought and, where necessary, documented. This covers inconsistencies such as the following:

  • Maximum and minimum values of parameters (spikes excluded).
  • The occurrence of meteorological events.

This intrinsic and extrinsic screening of the parameter values seeks to confirm the qualifying information and the source laboratory's comments on the series. In screening and collating information, every care is taken to ensure that errors of BODC making are not introduced.

Liverpool - Dublin ferry instrumentation servicing group two

From 2007-11-18 to 2008-04-27 From 2008-04-28 to 2010-06-07 From 2010-06-07 to 2011-01-23
Sensor Unit Serial Number Serial Number Serial Number
FSI NXIC CTD 2099 2099 2277
Chelsea Minitracka II 4745 4745 4745
Seapoint 10223 10223 10223
Aanderaa Optode - 670 670

Project Information

Oceans 2025 - The NERC Marine Centres' Strategic Research Programme 2007-2012

Who funds the programme?

The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funds the Oceans 2025 programme, which was originally planned in the context of NERC's 2002-2007 strategy and later realigned to NERC's subsequent strategy (Next Generation Science for Planet Earth; NERC 2007).

Who is involved in the programme?

The Oceans 2025 programme was designed by and is to be implemented through seven leading UK marine centres. The marine centres work together in coordination and are also supported by cooperation and input from government bodies, universities and other partners. The seven marine centres are:

  • National Oceanography Centre, Southampton (NOCS)
  • Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)
  • Marine Biological Association (MBA)
  • Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Marine Science (SAHFOS)
  • Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL)
  • Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS)
  • Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU)

Oceans2025 provides funding to three national marine facilities, which provide services to the wider UK marine community, in addition to the Oceans 2025 community. These facilities are:

  • British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), hosted at POL
  • Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL), hosted at POL
  • Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP), hosted at SAMS

The NERC-run Strategic Ocean Funding Initiative (SOFI) provides additional support to the programme by funding additional research projects and studentships that closely complement the Oceans 2025 programme, primarily through universities.

What is the programme about?

Oceans 2025 sets out to address some key challenges that face the UK as a result of a changing marine environment. The research funded through the programme sets out to increase understanding of the size, nature and impacts of these changes, with the aim to:

  • improve knowledge of how the seas behave, not just now but in the future;
  • help assess what that might mean for the Earth system and for society;
  • assist in developing sustainable solutions for the management of marine resources for future generations;
  • enhance the research capabilities and facilities available for UK marine science.

In order to address these aims there are nine science themes supported by the Oceans 2025 programme:

  • Climate, circulation and sea level (Theme 1)
  • Marine biogeochemical cycles (Theme 2)
  • Shelf and coastal processes (Theme 3)
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (Theme 4)
  • Continental margins and deep ocean (Theme 5)
  • Sustainable marine resources (Theme 6)
  • Technology development (Theme 8)
  • Next generation ocean prediction (Theme 9)
  • Integration of sustained observations in the marine environment (Theme 10)

In the original programme proposal there was a theme on health and human impacts (Theme 7). The elements of this Theme have subsequently been included in Themes 3 and 9.

When is the programme active?

The programme started in April 2007 with funding for 5 years.

Brief summary of the programme fieldwork/data

Programme fieldwork and data collection are to be achieved through:

  • physical, biological and chemical parameters sampling throughout the North and South Atlantic during collaborative research cruises aboard NERC's research vessels RRS Discovery, RRS James Cook and RRS James Clark Ross;
  • the Continuous Plankton Recorder being deployed by SAHFOS in the North Atlantic and North Pacific on 'ships of opportunity';
  • physical parameters measured and relayed in near real-time by fixed moorings and ARGO floats;
  • coastal and shelf sea observatory data (Liverpool Bay Coastal Observatory (LBCO) and Western Channel Observatory (WCO)) using the RV Prince Madog and RV Quest.

The data is to be fed into models for validation and future projections. Greater detail can be found in the Theme documents.

Oceans 2025 Theme 10

Oceans 2025 is a strategic marine science programme, bringing marine researchers together to increase people's knowledge of the marine environment so that they are better able to protect it for future generations.

Theme 10: Integration of Sustained Observations in the Marine Environment spans all marine domains from the sea-shore to the global ocean, providing data and knowledge on a wide range of ecosystem properties and processes (from ocean circulation to biodiversity) that are critical to understanding Earth system behaviour and identifying change. They have been developed not merely to provide long-term data sets, but to capture extreme or episodic events, and play a key role in the initialisation and validation of models. Many of these SOs will be integrated into the newly developing UK Marine Monitoring Strategy - evolving from the Defra reports Safeguarding our Seas (2002) and Charting Progress (2005), thus contributing to the underpinning knowledge for national marine stewardship. They will also contribute to the UK GOOS Strategic Plan (IACMST, 2006) and the Global Marine Assessment.


Oceans 2025 Theme 10, Sustained Observation Activity 11: Liverpool Bay and Irish Sea Coastal Observatory

Sustained, systematic observations of the ocean and continental shelf seas at appropriate time and space scales allied to numerical models are key to understanding and prediction. In shelf seas these observations address issues as fundamental as 'what is the capacity of shelf seas to absorb change?' encompassing the impacts of climate change, biological productivity and diversity, sustainable management, pollution and public health, safety at sea and extreme events. Advancing understanding of coastal processes to use and manage these resources better is challenging; important controlling processes occur over a broad range of spatial and temporal scales which cannot be simultaneously studied solely with satellite or ship-based platforms.

Considerable effort has been spent by the Proudman Oceangraphic Laboratory (POL) in the years 2001 - 2006 in setting up an integrated observational and now-cast modelling system in Liverpool Bay (see Figure), with the recent POL review stating the observatory was seen as a leader in its field and a unique 'selling' point of the laboratory. Cost benefit analysis (IACMST, 2004) shows that benefits really start to accrue after 10 years. In 2007 - 2012 exploitation of (i) the time series being acquired, (ii) the model-data synthesis and (iii) the increasingly available quantities of real-time data (e.g. river flows) can be carried out through Sustained Observation Activity (SO) 11, to provide an integrated assessment and short term forecasts of the coastal ocean state.

BODC image

Overall Aims and Purpose of SO 11

  • To continue and enlarge the scope of the existing coastal observatory in Liverpool Bay to routinely monitor the northern Irish Sea
  • To develop the synthesis of measurements and models in the coastal ocean to optimize measurement arrays and forecast products. Driving forward shelf seas' operational oceanography with the direct objective of improving the national forecasting capability, expressed through links to the National Centre for Ocean Forecasting (NCOF)
  • To exploit the long time-series of observations and model outputs to: a) identify the roles of climate and anthropogenic inputs on the coastal ocean's physical and biological functioning (including impacts of nutrient discharges, offshore renewable energy installations and fishing activity) taking into consideration the importance of events versus mean storms / waves, river discharge / variable salinity stratification / horizontal gradients; b) predict the impacts of climate change scenarios; and c) provide new insights to Irish Sea dynamics for variables either with seasonal cycles and interannual variability, or which show weak or no seasonal cycles
  • To provide and maintain a 'laboratory' within which a variety of observational and model experiments can be undertaken (Oceans 2025 Themes 3, 6, 8, 9), including capture of extreme events
  • Demonstrate the value of an integrated approach in assessment and forecasting
  • Demonstrate the coastal observatory as a tool for marine management strategies through collaboration with the Environment Agency (EA), Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Joint Nature Conservation Commmittee (JNCC), English Nature (EN), Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD), and Local Authorities, providing management information pertinent to policy (e.g. Water Framework Directive)

Measurement and Modelling Activities

  • East Mooring Site: Bottom frame with full suite of physical measurements (high frequency Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), conductivity, temperature, turbidity and fluorescence), a Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) directional wavebuoy, and a CEFAS Smartbuoy collecting surface properties including salinity, temperature, turbidity, nutrients, irradiance and chlorophyll. All transmit data in real-time via Orbcomm. The Smartbuoy also collects daily water samples.
  • West Mooring Site: Bottom frame with full suite of physical measurements (high frequency ADCP, conductivity, temperature, turbidity and fluorescence), CEFAS Smartbuoy.
  • Spatial Survey: Four - six week intervals (determined by biofouling of optical sensors). Spatial surveys comprise of vertical profiles of CTD, suspended particulate material (SPM), some bed sediment sampling and surface and bed nutrients, phytoplankton, zooplankton.
  • Ferry: The Birkenhead - Belfast ferry samples near surface (5 m depth) temperature, salinity, turbidity, chlorophyll, with data transmitted by Orbcomm. The route is scientifically varied passing through six completely different hydrodynamic regions, which significantly impact on their ecological function.
  • Tide gauges: Real-time data are obtained from tide gauges operated by Mersey Docks and Harbour Company (MDHC) and the UK tide gauge network.
  • Satellite imagery: Weekly composite satellite data, Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sea surface temperature (SST) and ocean colour (chlorophyll and suspended sediment), are provided by the Remote Sensing Data Analysis Service (RSDAS) based at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML).
  • HF radar: A phased array HF radar system (a 12-16MHz WERA HF radar) measuring surface currents and waves with maximum range 75km at a resolution of 4km for sea surface currents and for 2-D wave spectra.
  • Meteorology station: With web camera, located on Hilbre Island at the mouth of the Dee Estuary
  • Operational models: The Coastal Observatory uses Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Coastal Ocean Modelling System (POLCOMS), which is part of Oceans 2025 Theme 9.

More detailed information on this Work Package is available at pages 32 - 35 of the official Oceans 2025 Theme 10 document: Oceans 2025 Theme 10



IACMST., 2004. The Economics of Sustained Marine Measurements. IACMST Information Document, N0.11, Southampton: IACMST, 96 pp

Data Activity or Cruise Information


Cruise Name LV_DUB_BIRK_22May2008
Departure Date 2008-05-22
Arrival Date 2008-05-22
Principal Scientist(s)M John Howarth (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Ship Liverpool Seaways

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NameLiverpool Viking ferry route from Dublin to Birkenhead
CategoryOffshore area
Latitude53° 36.00' N
Longitude4° 44.22' W
Water depth below MSL

Liverpool Viking ferry route from Dublin to Birkenhead

The Liverpool Bay Coastal Observatory project included sustained underway measurements collected by a FerryBox system attached to the DFDS Seaways Liverpool Viking commercial ferry. The area surveyed for this project has been illustrated in the map below.

BODC image

The box in the above map was created from the maximum and minimum latitude and longitude of all data points recorded between 18 November 2007 and 23 January 2011.

Sampling history

The ferry collected measurements twice daily from 18 November 2007 to 23 January 2011, once in each direction between Dublin Port and Birkenhead. Sensors measuring temperature, salinity, turbidity and chlorophyll were present as part of the Ferrybox system for the entire data collection period. In addition to these sensors, a dissolved oxygen sensor was added from 28 April 2008. A summary of the instruments used in the FerryBox system has been provided below.

Variable Sensor Deployment period
Temperature and salinity FSI NXIC CTD 2007-11-18 to 2011-01-23
Chlorophyll Chelsea Minitracka II fluorometer 2007-11-18 to 2011-01-23
Turbidity Seapoint turbidity meter 2007-11-18 to 2011-01-23
Dissolved oxygen Aanderaa oxygen optode 2008-04-28 to 2011-01-23

Two sensor packages were used, each comprising of a complete set of the instruments listed in the table above. The Data Originator rotated each package approximately every two weeks so that each set of instruments could be cleaned and calibration verification checks performed.

Data quality comments

Any problems that have been found with these data have been written up as data quality reports and linked to the relevant series. A summary of the main problems found has been provided below:

  • The maximum salinity observed during each crossing was found to be drifting between servicings, due to a built up of sediment on the conductivity sensor. The Data Originator compensated for this by adding an offset to the salinity values in all deployment periods where a drift was observed.
  • There are small offsets between the dissolved oxygen data recorded by each sensor which start to become noticeable between deployment periods 78 and 79, which begins on 03 September 2009.
  • The minimum chlorophyll recorded by the fluorometer starts to increase with each consecutive sailing during the second half of many deployment periods. When these data are compared to the first few series of the following deployment period, the chlorophyll values from these series appear significantly elevated. BODC recommend these data be used with caution as the reason for this increasing minimum is not known.
  • In quite a few series there are periods which see a simultaneous change in the values of two or more parameters. These changes usually comprise a brief period where there is a steep change in the value of multiple parameters, followed by a longer period where these values recover back to values which fit the trend observed before the initial change. Almost all of these events include an increase in turbidity nd a decrease in salinity, however often the temperature, dissolved oxygen and/or chlorophyll channels are also affected.
  • In some series there are gaps in the data. These gaps take two forms, either there is a short period of data at the beginning of the profile followed by a gap lasting from a few minutes to several hours, or there is a step change in temperature and often other parameters, followed by a gap in the data exactly 29 cycles later. It appears that in most series with the first issue, the cycles before the gap were recorded before the crossing began. Where this is the case these cycles have been flagged. The cause of the second issue is unknown.
  • In a few series anomalously high dissolved oxygen concentrations were observed during the first half of the crossing.
  • There is an issue with the turbidity data recorded after 18 May 2009 whereby there was a spike at the same cycle every hour (occasionally in later series, every 45 minutes).

Some of the issues that only affect individual series or deployment periods are provided in the table below.

Series affected Channel Problem Start date End date
All series between time periods specified Chlorophyll The sensor was not functioning properly during the period specified, giving either negligible or negative values. 2008-01-16 2008-01-21
All series between time periods specified Dissolved oxygen All of the dissolved oxygen which were recorded in the deployment period which ran from 2008-04-28 to 2008-05-12 were anomalously high. The general profile has been maintained, however the values are offset when compared to the values of all subsequent deployment periods. 2008-04-28 2008-05-12
All series between the time periods specified Turbidity The sensor was not functioning properly during the time period specified. From 2008-06-09 there is a lot of the noise in the turbidity channel which subsides after 2008-06-16, however the data from the crossings performed after this date are just above 0 NTU for the majority of the series until 2008-06-23. 2008-06-09 2008-06-23
LV_BIR_DUB_05072008_05072008 Chlorophyll There is a lot of spiking in the chlorophyll channel in the first quarter of this series 2008-07-05 2008-07-05
LV_DUB_BIR_15072008_15072008 Turbidity There is a lot of spiking in the turbidity channel in the central Irish sea in this series 2008-07-15 2008-07-15
LV_DUB_BIR_15082008_15082008 Chlorophyll 50 minutes in to this profile the chlorophyll data becomes compromised, with values significantly greater than those recorded at the start of this series and in other series recorded around the time these data were collected. 2008-08-15 2008-08-15
All series between the time periods specified Chlorophyll There is a significant amount of spiking throughout the entire profile in the series recorded between the time periods specified. 2008-09-04 2008-09-08
LV_DUB_BIR_25042009_25042009 All parameters The first 120 cycles of this series, recorded while the ferry was passing through Dublin Bay, yielded bad data. 2009-05-25 2009-05-25
LV_DUB_BIR_24112009_25112009 Chlorophyll There is a period of unusual chlorophyll values in this series between 23:27 UTC and 23:52 UTC in this series. 2009-11-24 2009-11-25
LV_BIR_DUB_05042010_06042010 Dissolved oxygen and oxygen saturation There is a period of unusual oxygen values in the middle of this series between 23:50 UTC and 02:35 UTC in this series. 2010-04-05 2010-04-06

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 1

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: Liverpool Viking ferry route from Dublin to Birkenhead

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
1128038Surface temp/sal2007-11-18 22:38:2453.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Nov2007
1128167Surface temp/sal2007-11-19 22:04:0253.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Nov2007
1128284Surface temp/sal2007-11-20 10:03:4753.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Nov2007
1128407Surface temp/sal2007-11-20 22:00:3153.33 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Nov2007
1128444Surface temp/sal2007-11-21 10:01:3453.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Nov2007
1128456Surface temp/sal2007-11-21 22:06:5853.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Nov2007
1128468Surface temp/sal2007-11-22 09:59:2353.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Nov2007
1128481Surface temp/sal2007-11-22 22:10:0753.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Nov2007
1128493Surface temp/sal2007-11-23 10:05:3153.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Nov2007
1130553Surface temp/sal2007-11-23 22:03:2553.329 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Nov2007
1127938Surface temp/sal2007-11-24 10:44:4053.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Nov2007
1127951Surface temp/sal2007-11-24 21:56:3553.33 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Nov2007
1127963Surface temp/sal2007-11-25 22:42:0253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Nov2007
1127975Surface temp/sal2007-11-26 22:17:3153.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Nov2007
1127987Surface temp/sal2007-11-27 10:19:1553.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Nov2007
1127999Surface temp/sal2007-11-27 22:18:2953.331 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Nov2007
1128002Surface temp/sal2007-11-28 10:17:4353.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Nov2007
1128014Surface temp/sal2007-11-28 22:17:3753.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Nov2007
1128026Surface temp/sal2007-11-29 10:32:4253.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Nov2007
1128051Surface temp/sal2007-11-29 22:08:1553.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Nov2007
1128063Surface temp/sal2007-11-30 10:46:3053.336 N, 6.113 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Nov2007
1128075Surface temp/sal2007-11-30 22:25:5553.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Nov2007
1128087Surface temp/sal2007-12-01 10:58:2953.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Dec2007
1128099Surface temp/sal2007-12-01 22:42:4353.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Dec2007
1128106Surface temp/sal2007-12-02 22:46:0153.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Dec2007
1128118Surface temp/sal2007-12-03 22:14:2953.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Dec2007
1128131Surface temp/sal2007-12-04 10:31:0353.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Dec2007
1128143Surface temp/sal2007-12-04 22:37:2853.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Dec2007
1128155Surface temp/sal2007-12-05 10:27:4253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Dec2007
1128179Surface temp/sal2007-12-05 22:36:1753.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Dec2007
1128180Surface temp/sal2007-12-06 10:36:1153.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Dec2007
1128192Surface temp/sal2007-12-06 22:25:5453.328 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Dec2007
1128211Surface temp/sal2007-12-07 10:02:2853.337 N, 6.114 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Dec2007
1128223Surface temp/sal2007-12-07 22:13:5353.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Dec2007
1128235Surface temp/sal2007-12-08 11:20:3753.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Dec2007
1128247Surface temp/sal2007-12-08 22:24:0153.328 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Dec2007
1128259Surface temp/sal2007-12-09 22:16:1053.337 N, 6.115 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Dec2007
1128260Surface temp/sal2007-12-10 22:09:2853.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Dec2007
1128272Surface temp/sal2007-12-11 10:30:1353.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Dec2007
1128296Surface temp/sal2007-12-11 22:11:1653.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Dec2007
1128303Surface temp/sal2007-12-12 10:35:1153.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Dec2007
1128315Surface temp/sal2007-12-12 22:11:0453.329 N, 6.163 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Dec2007
1128327Surface temp/sal2007-12-13 10:58:4953.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Dec2007
1128339Surface temp/sal2007-12-13 22:36:4353.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Dec2007
1128340Surface temp/sal2007-12-14 10:23:0653.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Dec2007
1128352Surface temp/sal2007-12-14 22:26:2153.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Dec2007
1128364Surface temp/sal2007-12-15 10:54:5653.337 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Dec2007
1128376Surface temp/sal2007-12-15 22:29:1153.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Dec2007
1128388Surface temp/sal2007-12-16 10:15:5553.337 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Dec2007
1128419Surface temp/sal2007-12-16 22:10:5953.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Dec2007
1128420Surface temp/sal2007-12-17 22:32:0753.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Dec2007
1128432Surface temp/sal2007-12-18 10:31:3153.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Dec2007
1128616Surface temp/sal2007-12-18 22:32:1153.337 N, 6.115 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Dec2007
1128745Surface temp/sal2007-12-19 10:06:4653.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Dec2007
1128782Surface temp/sal2007-12-19 22:28:2053.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Dec2007
1128794Surface temp/sal2007-12-20 10:50:0453.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Dec2007
1128801Surface temp/sal2007-12-20 22:15:4753.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Dec2007
1128813Surface temp/sal2007-12-21 10:01:5253.328 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Dec2007
1128825Surface temp/sal2007-12-21 22:08:4653.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Dec2007
1128837Surface temp/sal2007-12-22 10:11:0053.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Dec2007
1128849Surface temp/sal2007-12-22 22:21:3453.337 N, 6.113 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Dec2007
1128500Surface temp/sal2007-12-23 21:48:2153.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Dec2007
1128512Surface temp/sal2007-12-27 22:12:0553.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Dec2007
1128524Surface temp/sal2007-12-28 10:29:1953.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Dec2007
1128536Surface temp/sal2007-12-28 22:01:1353.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Dec2007
1128548Surface temp/sal2007-12-29 09:56:0753.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Dec2007
1128561Surface temp/sal2007-12-29 21:57:1153.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Dec2007
1128573Surface temp/sal2007-12-30 21:49:3853.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Dec2007
1128585Surface temp/sal2008-01-07 22:04:3453.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Jan2008
1128597Surface temp/sal2008-01-08 10:00:2853.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Jan2008
1128604Surface temp/sal2008-01-08 22:29:0253.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Jan2008
1128628Surface temp/sal2008-01-09 10:07:1753.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Jan2008
1128641Surface temp/sal2008-01-09 22:48:4153.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Jan2008
1128653Surface temp/sal2008-01-10 10:13:0553.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Jan2008
1128665Surface temp/sal2008-01-10 23:01:2953.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Jan2008
1128677Surface temp/sal2008-01-11 10:04:1353.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Jan2008
1128689Surface temp/sal2008-01-11 22:32:0753.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Jan2008
1128690Surface temp/sal2008-01-12 10:00:3153.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Jan2008
1128708Surface temp/sal2008-01-12 22:35:1453.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Jan2008
1128721Surface temp/sal2008-01-13 21:56:0453.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Jan2008
1128733Surface temp/sal2008-01-14 22:44:3153.336 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Jan2008
1128757Surface temp/sal2008-01-15 10:10:2653.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Jan2008
1128769Surface temp/sal2008-01-15 22:26:5053.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Jan2008
1128770Surface temp/sal2008-01-16 10:16:5353.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Jan2008
1128850Surface temp/sal2008-01-16 22:40:0053.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Jan2008
1128862Surface temp/sal2008-01-17 10:02:0053.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Jan2008
1128874Surface temp/sal2008-01-17 22:41:1053.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Jan2008
1128886Surface temp/sal2008-01-18 09:57:1053.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Jan2008
1128898Surface temp/sal2008-01-18 23:02:4053.337 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Jan2008
1128905Surface temp/sal2008-01-19 10:02:0053.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Jan2008
1128917Surface temp/sal2008-01-19 22:43:4053.336 N, 6.117 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Jan2008
1128929Surface temp/sal2008-01-20 21:51:0053.328 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Jan2008
1129042Surface temp/sal2008-01-28 22:17:5553.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Jan2008
1129171Surface temp/sal2008-01-29 10:19:4953.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Jan2008
1129263Surface temp/sal2008-01-29 22:28:4253.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Jan2008
1129275Surface temp/sal2008-01-30 10:06:2653.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Jan2008
1129287Surface temp/sal2008-01-30 22:29:5053.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Jan2008
1129299Surface temp/sal2008-01-31 11:00:3453.328 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_31Jan2008
1129306Surface temp/sal2008-01-31 22:32:5753.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_31Jan2008
1129318Surface temp/sal2008-02-01 10:50:5153.329 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Feb2008
1129331Surface temp/sal2008-02-01 22:29:2553.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Feb2008
1128930Surface temp/sal2008-02-02 10:00:1853.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Feb2008
1128942Surface temp/sal2008-02-02 21:59:1353.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Feb2008
1128954Surface temp/sal2008-02-03 22:09:4053.329 N, 6.173 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Feb2008
1128966Surface temp/sal2008-02-04 22:32:4853.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Feb2008
1128978Surface temp/sal2008-02-05 10:04:5253.329 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Feb2008
1128991Surface temp/sal2008-02-05 22:45:0653.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Feb2008
1129005Surface temp/sal2008-02-06 10:00:1953.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Feb2008
1129017Surface temp/sal2008-02-06 22:59:5553.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Feb2008
1129029Surface temp/sal2008-02-07 09:57:4853.33 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Feb2008
1129030Surface temp/sal2008-02-07 22:24:1253.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Feb2008
1129054Surface temp/sal2008-02-08 09:57:4653.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Feb2008
1129066Surface temp/sal2008-02-08 22:33:4953.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Feb2008
1129078Surface temp/sal2008-02-09 10:02:4453.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Feb2008
1129091Surface temp/sal2008-02-09 22:09:4753.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Feb2008
1129109Surface temp/sal2008-02-11 01:02:4553.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Feb2008
1129110Surface temp/sal2008-02-11 22:46:4253.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Feb2008
1129122Surface temp/sal2008-02-12 10:16:2653.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Feb2008
1129134Surface temp/sal2008-02-12 22:28:5053.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Feb2008
1129146Surface temp/sal2008-02-13 09:51:5453.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Feb2008
1129158Surface temp/sal2008-02-13 22:22:2753.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Feb2008
1129183Surface temp/sal2008-02-14 10:01:3253.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Feb2008
1129195Surface temp/sal2008-02-14 23:10:3653.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Feb2008
1129202Surface temp/sal2008-02-15 09:58:4953.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Feb2008
1129214Surface temp/sal2008-02-15 22:35:5353.337 N, 6.12 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Feb2008
1129226Surface temp/sal2008-02-16 09:57:0753.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Feb2008
1129238Surface temp/sal2008-02-16 22:16:0153.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Feb2008
1129251Surface temp/sal2008-02-17 21:55:0853.328 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Feb2008
1129459Surface temp/sal2008-02-18 13:38:3053.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Feb2008
1129515Surface temp/sal2008-02-19 10:20:0453.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Feb2008
1129527Surface temp/sal2008-02-19 16:39:0453.2 N, 6.121 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Feb2008
1129539Surface temp/sal2008-02-20 10:16:3653.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Feb2008
1129540Surface temp/sal2008-02-20 16:42:2353.2 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Feb2008
1129552Surface temp/sal2008-02-21 09:59:2853.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Feb2008
1129564Surface temp/sal2008-02-21 22:49:5253.337 N, 6.119 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Feb2008
1129576Surface temp/sal2008-02-22 10:23:4053.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Feb2008
1129588Surface temp/sal2008-02-22 22:24:5853.2 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Feb2008
1129343Surface temp/sal2008-02-23 09:58:0253.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Feb2008
1129355Surface temp/sal2008-02-23 22:09:3353.337 N, 6.117 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Feb2008
1129367Surface temp/sal2008-02-24 21:44:1253.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Feb2008
1129379Surface temp/sal2008-02-25 22:38:2153.336 N, 6.115 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Feb2008
1129380Surface temp/sal2008-02-26 09:55:5253.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Feb2008
1129392Surface temp/sal2008-02-26 22:15:1053.337 N, 6.117 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Feb2008
1129411Surface temp/sal2008-02-27 10:00:2053.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Feb2008
1129423Surface temp/sal2008-02-27 16:19:0353.2 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Feb2008
1129435Surface temp/sal2008-02-28 09:51:5053.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Feb2008
1129447Surface temp/sal2008-02-28 16:24:1453.2 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Feb2008
1129460Surface temp/sal2008-02-29 09:59:3753.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Feb2008
1129472Surface temp/sal2008-02-29 22:24:2353.2 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Feb2008
1129484Surface temp/sal2008-03-01 10:13:5253.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Mar2008
1129496Surface temp/sal2008-03-01 22:22:5753.336 N, 6.112 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Mar2008
1129503Surface temp/sal2008-03-02 21:51:0753.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Mar2008
1129712Surface temp/sal2008-03-03 22:20:1253.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Mar2008
1129761Surface temp/sal2008-03-04 09:59:1653.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Mar2008
1129773Surface temp/sal2008-03-04 22:24:5253.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Mar2008
1129785Surface temp/sal2008-03-05 10:00:1653.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Mar2008
1129797Surface temp/sal2008-03-05 22:43:3053.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Mar2008
1129804Surface temp/sal2008-03-06 09:52:5353.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Mar2008
1129816Surface temp/sal2008-03-06 22:43:0953.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Mar2008
1129828Surface temp/sal2008-03-07 10:06:4353.33 N, 6.16 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Mar2008
1129841Surface temp/sal2008-03-07 22:24:0753.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Mar2008
1129607Surface temp/sal2008-03-08 09:44:0153.336 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Mar2008
1129619Surface temp/sal2008-03-08 22:18:2653.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Mar2008
1129620Surface temp/sal2008-03-09 21:36:4553.299 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Mar2008
1129632Surface temp/sal2008-03-10 22:38:5453.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Mar2008
1129644Surface temp/sal2008-03-11 10:07:3853.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Mar2008
1129656Surface temp/sal2008-03-11 22:34:0353.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Mar2008
1129668Surface temp/sal2008-03-12 12:48:1753.329 N, 6.173 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Mar2008
1129681Surface temp/sal2008-03-13 00:58:2253.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Mar2008
1129693Surface temp/sal2008-03-13 11:18:0653.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Mar2008
1129700Surface temp/sal2008-03-13 22:40:5053.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Mar2008 2
1129724Surface temp/sal2008-03-14 10:05:5453.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Mar2008
1129736Surface temp/sal2008-03-14 22:38:4953.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Mar2008
1129748Surface temp/sal2008-03-15 10:00:4253.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Mar2008
1129921Surface temp/sal2008-03-17 22:27:2053.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Mar2008
1129933Surface temp/sal2008-03-18 10:10:5453.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Mar2008
1129945Surface temp/sal2008-03-18 22:29:1953.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Mar2008
1129957Surface temp/sal2008-03-19 10:07:2253.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Mar2008
1129969Surface temp/sal2008-03-19 22:26:1653.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Mar2008
1129970Surface temp/sal2008-03-20 10:05:5053.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Mar2008
1129982Surface temp/sal2008-03-20 22:50:5553.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Mar2008
1129994Surface temp/sal2008-03-21 10:01:2853.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Mar2008
1130006Surface temp/sal2008-03-21 22:14:3153.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Mar2008
1129853Surface temp/sal2008-03-22 09:51:0553.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Mar2008
1129865Surface temp/sal2008-03-22 22:01:1953.336 N, 6.121 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Mar2008
1129877Surface temp/sal2008-03-23 21:46:5653.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Mar2008
1129889Surface temp/sal2008-03-24 21:57:2453.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Mar2008
1129890Surface temp/sal2008-03-25 09:58:5853.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Mar2008
1129908Surface temp/sal2008-03-25 22:01:2253.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Mar2008
1130135Surface temp/sal2008-03-31 21:39:0453.338 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_31Mar2008
1130196Surface temp/sal2008-04-01 11:22:0953.33 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Apr2008
1130203Surface temp/sal2008-04-01 23:05:2353.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Apr2008
1130215Surface temp/sal2008-04-02 09:09:5853.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Apr2008
1130227Surface temp/sal2008-04-02 21:17:4253.338 N, 6.115 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Apr2008
1130239Surface temp/sal2008-04-03 08:59:2553.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Apr2008
1130240Surface temp/sal2008-04-03 21:45:2953.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Apr2008
1130252Surface temp/sal2008-04-04 08:52:5453.328 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Apr2008
1130264Surface temp/sal2008-04-04 21:39:0953.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Apr2008
1130018Surface temp/sal2008-04-05 09:15:3353.33 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Apr2008
1130031Surface temp/sal2008-04-05 21:21:1753.336 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Apr2008
1130043Surface temp/sal2008-04-06 21:13:0553.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Apr2008
1130055Surface temp/sal2008-04-07 21:18:1553.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Apr2008
1130067Surface temp/sal2008-04-08 08:56:4953.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Apr2008
1130079Surface temp/sal2008-04-08 21:44:5453.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Apr2008
1130080Surface temp/sal2008-04-09 08:52:5853.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Apr2008
1130092Surface temp/sal2008-04-09 21:27:0353.336 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Apr2008
1130111Surface temp/sal2008-04-10 08:52:4653.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Apr2008
1130123Surface temp/sal2008-04-10 21:34:4153.336 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Apr2008
1130147Surface temp/sal2008-04-11 08:53:0653.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Apr2008
1130159Surface temp/sal2008-04-11 21:09:4053.336 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Apr2008
1130160Surface temp/sal2008-04-12 08:59:5453.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Apr2008
1130172Surface temp/sal2008-04-12 21:03:0853.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Apr2008
1130184Surface temp/sal2008-04-13 20:47:4653.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Apr2008
1130393Surface temp/sal2008-04-14 21:02:2353.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Apr2008
1130461Surface temp/sal2008-04-15 08:47:2653.33 N, 6.173 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Apr2008
1130473Surface temp/sal2008-04-15 21:23:3053.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Apr2008
1130485Surface temp/sal2008-04-16 08:53:1353.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Apr2008
1130497Surface temp/sal2008-04-16 21:27:2753.337 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Apr2008
1130504Surface temp/sal2008-04-17 08:55:1153.328 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Apr2008
1130516Surface temp/sal2008-04-17 21:14:3453.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Apr2008
1130528Surface temp/sal2008-04-18 08:55:1753.327 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Apr2008
1130541Surface temp/sal2008-04-18 21:24:0253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Apr2008
1130276Surface temp/sal2008-04-19 08:53:1653.328 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Apr2008
1130288Surface temp/sal2008-04-19 21:05:4953.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Apr2008
1130307Surface temp/sal2008-04-20 20:54:0753.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Apr2008
1130319Surface temp/sal2008-04-21 21:40:5453.337 N, 6.112 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Apr2008
1130320Surface temp/sal2008-04-22 08:59:1853.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Apr2008
1130332Surface temp/sal2008-04-22 21:33:1153.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Apr2008
1130344Surface temp/sal2008-04-23 09:28:0553.331 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Apr2008
1130356Surface temp/sal2008-04-23 21:39:0853.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Apr2008
1130368Surface temp/sal2008-04-24 09:00:1253.331 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Apr2008
1130381Surface temp/sal2008-04-24 21:22:5553.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Apr2008
1130400Surface temp/sal2008-04-25 08:54:1953.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Apr2008
1130412Surface temp/sal2008-04-25 21:11:5353.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Apr2008
1130424Surface temp/sal2008-04-26 08:55:1653.329 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Apr2008
1130436Surface temp/sal2008-04-26 20:58:1053.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Apr2008
1130448Surface temp/sal2008-04-27 20:57:4753.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Apr2008
1138186Surface temp/sal2008-04-28 21:11:2353.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Apr2008
1138309Surface temp/sal2008-04-29 08:59:0653.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Apr2008
1138371Surface temp/sal2008-04-29 21:34:0153.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Apr2008
1138383Surface temp/sal2008-04-30 09:06:4353.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Apr2008
1138395Surface temp/sal2008-04-30 21:55:0753.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Apr2008
1138402Surface temp/sal2008-05-01 08:57:2153.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1May2008
1138414Surface temp/sal2008-05-01 21:27:2553.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1May2008
1138426Surface temp/sal2008-05-02 09:05:1853.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2May2008
1138438Surface temp/sal2008-05-02 21:31:4353.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2May2008
1138198Surface temp/sal2008-05-03 09:13:1753.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3May2008
1138205Surface temp/sal2008-05-03 21:25:0053.338 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3May2008
1138217Surface temp/sal2008-05-04 20:55:1753.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4May2008
1138229Surface temp/sal2008-05-05 21:09:2453.338 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5May2008
1138230Surface temp/sal2008-05-06 09:06:1853.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6May2008
1138242Surface temp/sal2008-05-06 21:55:5253.338 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6May2008
1138254Surface temp/sal2008-05-07 08:59:0653.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7May2008
1138266Surface temp/sal2008-05-07 21:39:4053.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7May2008
1138278Surface temp/sal2008-05-08 08:52:4453.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8May2008
1138291Surface temp/sal2008-05-08 21:19:2653.335 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8May2008
1138310Surface temp/sal2008-05-09 08:58:2153.328 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9May2008
1138322Surface temp/sal2008-05-09 21:08:4453.335 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9May2008
1138334Surface temp/sal2008-05-10 08:53:3853.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10May2008
1138346Surface temp/sal2008-05-10 21:08:2153.335 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10May2008
1138358Surface temp/sal2008-05-11 20:57:1853.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11May2008
1138451Surface temp/sal2008-05-12 21:00:0953.337 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12May2008
1138463Surface temp/sal2008-05-13 09:14:4053.329 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13May2008
1138475Surface temp/sal2008-05-19 21:20:3453.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19May2008
1138592Surface temp/sal2008-05-20 09:13:0853.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20May2008
1138660Surface temp/sal2008-05-20 21:38:2153.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20May2008
1138672Surface temp/sal2008-05-21 08:57:0553.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21May2008
1138684Surface temp/sal2008-05-21 21:29:0853.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21May2008
1138703Surface temp/sal2008-05-22 21:17:3553.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22May2008
1138715Surface temp/sal2008-05-23 08:56:0853.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23May2008
1138727Surface temp/sal2008-05-23 21:40:0253.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23May2008
1138487Surface temp/sal2008-05-24 08:47:1553.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24May2008
1138499Surface temp/sal2008-05-24 21:31:5953.336 N, 6.119 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24May2008
1138506Surface temp/sal2008-05-25 20:48:4553.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25May2008
1138518Surface temp/sal2008-05-26 20:59:3353.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26May2008
1138531Surface temp/sal2008-05-27 09:03:4653.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27May2008
1138543Surface temp/sal2008-05-27 21:20:4053.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27May2008
1138555Surface temp/sal2008-05-28 08:55:4353.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28May2008
1138567Surface temp/sal2008-05-28 21:25:2853.337 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28May2008
1138579Surface temp/sal2008-05-29 08:52:3153.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29May2008
1138580Surface temp/sal2008-05-29 21:13:4353.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29May2008
1138611Surface temp/sal2008-05-30 08:58:1753.328 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30May2008
1138623Surface temp/sal2008-05-30 21:35:1153.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30May2008
1138635Surface temp/sal2008-05-31 09:03:3453.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_31May2008
1138647Surface temp/sal2008-05-31 21:02:3753.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_31May2008
1138659Surface temp/sal2008-06-01 20:56:2553.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Jun2008
1138739Surface temp/sal2008-06-02 21:21:3053.338 N, 6.116 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Jun2008
1138856Surface temp/sal2008-06-03 08:57:2153.331 N, 6.193 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Jun2008
1138985Surface temp/sal2008-06-03 21:19:3253.338 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Jun2008
1139073Surface temp/sal2008-06-04 08:51:4253.33 N, 6.193 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Jun2008
1139085Surface temp/sal2008-06-04 21:25:4453.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Jun2008
1139097Surface temp/sal2008-06-05 09:00:2453.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Jun2008
1139104Surface temp/sal2008-06-05 21:13:1553.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Jun2008
1139116Surface temp/sal2008-06-06 09:05:4653.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Jun2008
1139128Surface temp/sal2008-06-06 21:20:5753.336 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Jun2008
1138740Surface temp/sal2008-06-07 08:59:3853.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Jun2008
1138752Surface temp/sal2008-06-07 21:31:4953.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Jun2008
1138764Surface temp/sal2008-06-08 20:58:3053.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Jun2008
1138776Surface temp/sal2008-06-09 20:49:2253.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Jun2008
1138788Surface temp/sal2008-06-10 08:53:3253.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Jun2008
1138807Surface temp/sal2008-06-10 21:01:3353.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Jun2008
1138819Surface temp/sal2008-06-11 09:05:1453.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Jun2008
1138820Surface temp/sal2008-06-11 21:24:5553.336 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Jun2008
1138832Surface temp/sal2008-06-12 09:06:0553.329 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Jun2008
1138844Surface temp/sal2008-06-12 21:16:4753.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Jun2008
1138868Surface temp/sal2008-06-13 08:52:5853.331 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Jun2008
1138881Surface temp/sal2008-06-13 20:56:1853.337 N, 6.112 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Jun2008
1138893Surface temp/sal2008-06-14 08:57:3953.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Jun2008
1138900Surface temp/sal2008-06-14 21:03:4053.337 N, 6.12 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Jun2008
1138912Surface temp/sal2008-06-15 20:46:1253.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Jun2008
1138924Surface temp/sal2008-06-16 21:49:4353.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Jun2008
1138936Surface temp/sal2008-06-17 08:54:5453.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Jun2008
1138948Surface temp/sal2008-06-17 21:24:5653.337 N, 6.113 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Jun2008
1138961Surface temp/sal2008-06-18 09:01:1653.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Jun2008
1138973Surface temp/sal2008-06-18 21:37:4653.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Jun2008
1138997Surface temp/sal2008-06-19 09:25:2853.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Jun2008
1139000Surface temp/sal2008-06-19 21:23:1953.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Jun2008
1139012Surface temp/sal2008-06-20 09:03:4953.331 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Jun2008
1139024Surface temp/sal2008-06-20 21:28:0053.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Jun2008
1139036Surface temp/sal2008-06-21 09:09:0253.33 N, 6.188 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Jun2008
1139048Surface temp/sal2008-06-21 21:15:2253.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Jun2008
1139061Surface temp/sal2008-06-22 21:03:1453.326 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Jun2008
1139141Surface temp/sal2008-06-23 21:29:5053.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Jun2008
1139269Surface temp/sal2008-06-24 09:05:1053.329 N, 6.192 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Jun2008
1139301Surface temp/sal2008-06-24 21:12:4053.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Jun2008
1139313Surface temp/sal2008-06-25 09:02:1053.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Jun2008
1139325Surface temp/sal2008-06-25 21:12:0153.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Jun2008
1139337Surface temp/sal2008-06-26 09:03:1153.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Jun2008
1139349Surface temp/sal2008-06-26 21:15:2153.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Jun2008
1139350Surface temp/sal2008-06-27 09:10:4153.329 N, 6.187 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Jun2008
1139362Surface temp/sal2008-06-27 21:39:1153.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Jun2008
1139153Surface temp/sal2008-06-28 08:52:3253.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Jun2008
1139165Surface temp/sal2008-06-28 20:50:2253.337 N, 6.115 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Jun2008
1139177Surface temp/sal2008-06-29 20:51:4253.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Jun2008
1139189Surface temp/sal2008-06-30 21:21:4253.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Jun2008
1139190Surface temp/sal2008-07-01 08:52:1353.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Jul2008
1139208Surface temp/sal2008-07-01 21:22:3253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Jul2008
1139221Surface temp/sal2008-07-02 08:44:1353.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Jul2008
1139233Surface temp/sal2008-07-02 21:22:0353.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Jul2008
1139245Surface temp/sal2008-07-03 21:03:3353.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Jul2008
1139257Surface temp/sal2008-07-04 08:58:2353.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Jul2008
1139270Surface temp/sal2008-07-04 21:06:4353.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Jul2008
1139282Surface temp/sal2008-07-05 09:08:2453.327 N, 6.112 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Jul2008
1139294Surface temp/sal2008-07-06 20:52:2653.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Jul2008
1139374Surface temp/sal2008-07-07 21:22:0153.336 N, 6.117 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Jul2008
1139491Surface temp/sal2008-07-08 09:14:0253.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Jul2008
1139614Surface temp/sal2008-07-08 21:25:0253.337 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Jul2008
1139743Surface temp/sal2008-07-09 08:47:3253.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Jul2008
1139860Surface temp/sal2008-07-09 21:28:2353.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Jul2008
1139976Surface temp/sal2008-07-10 09:02:2353.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Jul2008
1140098Surface temp/sal2008-07-10 21:53:0453.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Jul2008
1140129Surface temp/sal2008-07-11 09:02:3553.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Jul2008
1140130Surface temp/sal2008-07-11 21:28:1453.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Jul2008
1139386Surface temp/sal2008-07-12 08:51:4553.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Jul2008
1139398Surface temp/sal2008-07-12 21:28:1653.337 N, 6.112 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Jul2008
1139405Surface temp/sal2008-07-13 20:56:4653.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Jul2008
1139417Surface temp/sal2008-07-14 21:05:5853.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Jul2008
1139429Surface temp/sal2008-07-15 08:54:5853.328 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Jul2008
1139430Surface temp/sal2008-07-15 21:18:3953.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Jul2008
1139442Surface temp/sal2008-07-16 08:56:2953.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Jul2008
1139454Surface temp/sal2008-07-16 21:26:0053.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Jul2008
1139466Surface temp/sal2008-07-17 08:56:4053.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Jul2008
1139478Surface temp/sal2008-07-17 21:18:5053.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Jul2008
1139509Surface temp/sal2008-07-18 09:01:2053.331 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Jul2008
1139510Surface temp/sal2008-07-18 21:18:5253.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Jul2008
1139522Surface temp/sal2008-07-19 09:05:2253.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Jul2008
1139534Surface temp/sal2008-07-19 21:10:2253.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Jul2008
1139546Surface temp/sal2008-07-20 20:51:0353.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Jul2008
1139558Surface temp/sal2008-07-21 21:21:5353.336 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Jul2008
1139571Surface temp/sal2008-07-22 08:48:0553.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Jul2008
1139583Surface temp/sal2008-07-22 21:27:0553.336 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Jul2008
1139595Surface temp/sal2008-07-23 09:06:1553.33 N, 6.163 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Jul2008
1139602Surface temp/sal2008-07-23 21:42:4653.335 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Jul2008
1139626Surface temp/sal2008-07-24 09:09:2753.331 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Jul2008
1139638Surface temp/sal2008-07-24 21:18:2753.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Jul2008
1139651Surface temp/sal2008-07-25 09:09:4753.33 N, 6.163 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Jul2008
1139663Surface temp/sal2008-07-25 21:15:0853.337 N, 6.1 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Jul2008
1139675Surface temp/sal2008-07-26 08:49:2853.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Jul2008
1139687Surface temp/sal2008-07-26 20:53:0953.337 N, 6.1 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Jul2008
1139699Surface temp/sal2008-07-27 20:52:1953.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Jul2008
1139706Surface temp/sal2008-07-28 21:09:4153.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Jul2008
1139718Surface temp/sal2008-07-29 09:10:5153.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Jul2008
1139731Surface temp/sal2008-07-29 21:03:5253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Jul2008
1139755Surface temp/sal2008-07-30 08:59:2353.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Jul2008
1139767Surface temp/sal2008-07-30 21:25:0253.337 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Jul2008
1139779Surface temp/sal2008-07-31 09:08:3253.331 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_31Jul2008
1139780Surface temp/sal2008-07-31 21:05:2353.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_31Jul2008
1139792Surface temp/sal2008-08-01 08:56:2353.337 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Aug2008
1139811Surface temp/sal2008-08-01 21:28:2353.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Aug2008
1139823Surface temp/sal2008-08-02 09:20:0453.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Aug2008
1139835Surface temp/sal2008-08-02 20:59:3553.338 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Aug2008
1139847Surface temp/sal2008-08-03 20:45:3653.331 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Aug2008
1139859Surface temp/sal2008-08-04 21:36:4853.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Aug2008
1139872Surface temp/sal2008-08-05 08:58:2853.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Aug2008
1139884Surface temp/sal2008-08-05 21:02:0953.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Aug2008
1139896Surface temp/sal2008-08-06 09:02:4853.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Aug2008
1139903Surface temp/sal2008-08-06 21:14:3953.41 N, 5.682 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Aug2008
1139915Surface temp/sal2008-08-07 08:46:5953.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Aug2008
1139927Surface temp/sal2008-08-07 21:09:3053.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Aug2008
1139939Surface temp/sal2008-08-08 08:50:3953.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Aug2008
1139940Surface temp/sal2008-08-08 21:05:1053.337 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Aug2008
1139952Surface temp/sal2008-08-09 09:00:1053.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Aug2008
1139964Surface temp/sal2008-08-09 20:55:1153.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Aug2008
1139988Surface temp/sal2008-08-10 20:53:1353.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Aug2008
1140001Surface temp/sal2008-08-11 06:11:2353.329 N, 6.147 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Aug2008
1140013Surface temp/sal2008-08-12 21:16:5553.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Aug2008
1140025Surface temp/sal2008-08-13 08:39:0553.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Aug2008
1140037Surface temp/sal2008-08-13 21:26:3653.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Aug2008
1140049Surface temp/sal2008-08-14 08:44:1653.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Aug2008
1140050Surface temp/sal2008-08-14 21:13:4653.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Aug2008
1140062Surface temp/sal2008-08-15 09:35:0653.325 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Aug2008
1140074Surface temp/sal2008-08-15 21:13:5653.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Aug2008
1140086Surface temp/sal2008-08-16 09:12:1853.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Aug2008
1140105Surface temp/sal2008-08-16 21:10:2853.336 N, 6.112 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Aug2008
1140117Surface temp/sal2008-08-17 20:53:2953.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Aug2008
1140142Surface temp/sal2008-08-18 21:14:5953.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Aug2008
1140271Surface temp/sal2008-08-19 09:02:1053.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Aug2008
1140399Surface temp/sal2008-08-19 21:19:3053.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Aug2008
1140480Surface temp/sal2008-08-20 09:27:1053.292 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Aug2008
1140492Surface temp/sal2008-08-20 21:38:1053.336 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Aug2008
1140511Surface temp/sal2008-08-21 09:05:4953.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Aug2008
1140523Surface temp/sal2008-08-21 21:08:3153.336 N, 6.1 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Aug2008
1140535Surface temp/sal2008-08-22 09:09:4053.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Aug2008
1140547Surface temp/sal2008-08-22 21:06:1053.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Aug2008
1140154Surface temp/sal2008-08-23 09:27:3053.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Aug2008
1140166Surface temp/sal2008-08-23 21:02:3053.336 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Aug2008
1140178Surface temp/sal2008-08-24 21:11:5253.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Aug2008
1140191Surface temp/sal2008-08-25 20:55:4253.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Aug2008
1140209Surface temp/sal2008-08-26 09:27:0253.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Aug2008
1140210Surface temp/sal2008-08-26 21:38:4253.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Aug2008
1140222Surface temp/sal2008-08-27 08:55:4353.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Aug2008
1140234Surface temp/sal2008-08-27 21:33:2353.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Aug2008
1140246Surface temp/sal2008-08-28 08:59:1253.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Aug2008
1140258Surface temp/sal2008-08-28 21:31:1353.338 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Aug2008
1140283Surface temp/sal2008-08-29 08:55:4253.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Aug2008
1140295Surface temp/sal2008-08-29 21:16:3253.338 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Aug2008
1140302Surface temp/sal2008-08-30 09:05:3353.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Aug2008
1140314Surface temp/sal2008-08-30 21:07:0353.338 N, 6.114 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Aug2008
1140326Surface temp/sal2008-08-31 20:55:1353.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_31Aug2008
1140338Surface temp/sal2008-09-01 21:14:2553.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Sep2008
1140351Surface temp/sal2008-09-02 08:53:1553.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Sep2008
1140363Surface temp/sal2008-09-02 22:14:3553.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Sep2008
1140375Surface temp/sal2008-09-03 09:23:2553.331 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Sep2008
1140387Surface temp/sal2008-09-03 21:22:0553.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Sep2008
1140406Surface temp/sal2008-09-04 09:03:1453.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Sep2008
1140418Surface temp/sal2008-09-04 21:21:1553.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Sep2008
1140431Surface temp/sal2008-09-05 09:00:5453.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Sep2008
1140443Surface temp/sal2008-09-05 21:31:5553.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Sep2008
1140455Surface temp/sal2008-09-06 09:16:3553.33 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Sep2008
1140467Surface temp/sal2008-09-06 21:04:4553.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Sep2008
1140479Surface temp/sal2008-09-07 20:43:0753.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Sep2008
1140559Surface temp/sal2008-09-08 21:01:1053.338 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Sep2008
1140664Surface temp/sal2008-09-09 09:53:1053.33 N, 6.173 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Sep2008
1140732Surface temp/sal2008-09-09 21:23:2153.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Sep2008
1140744Surface temp/sal2008-09-10 09:11:1153.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Sep2008
1140756Surface temp/sal2008-09-10 21:20:1153.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Sep2008
1140768Surface temp/sal2008-09-11 08:54:1153.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Sep2008
1140781Surface temp/sal2008-09-11 21:40:5353.338 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Sep2008
1140793Surface temp/sal2008-09-12 09:11:3253.328 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Sep2008
1140800Surface temp/sal2008-09-12 21:18:4353.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Sep2008
1140560Surface temp/sal2008-09-13 09:05:0353.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Sep2008
1140572Surface temp/sal2008-09-13 21:16:4353.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Sep2008
1140584Surface temp/sal2008-09-14 21:15:4553.334 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Sep2008
1140596Surface temp/sal2008-09-15 21:15:2753.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Sep2008
1140603Surface temp/sal2008-09-16 08:58:4753.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Sep2008
1140615Surface temp/sal2008-09-16 21:54:1753.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Sep2008
1140627Surface temp/sal2008-09-17 09:10:5853.331 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Sep2008
1140639Surface temp/sal2008-09-17 21:43:1853.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Sep2008
1140640Surface temp/sal2008-09-18 11:38:0853.329 N, 6.19 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Sep2008
1140652Surface temp/sal2008-09-18 23:11:2953.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Sep2008
1140676Surface temp/sal2008-09-19 09:07:5953.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Sep2008
1140688Surface temp/sal2008-09-19 21:26:0953.337 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Sep2008
1140707Surface temp/sal2008-09-20 09:12:2953.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Sep2008
1140719Surface temp/sal2008-09-20 21:10:2053.337 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Sep2008
1140720Surface temp/sal2008-09-21 20:56:2153.33 N, 6.163 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Sep2008
1140812Surface temp/sal2008-10-20 21:24:3053.336 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Oct2008
1140861Surface temp/sal2008-10-21 09:32:5953.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Oct2008
1140873Surface temp/sal2008-10-21 21:48:5053.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Oct2008
1140885Surface temp/sal2008-10-22 09:38:4953.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Oct2008
1140897Surface temp/sal2008-10-22 21:32:5053.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Oct2008
1140904Surface temp/sal2008-10-23 10:15:1953.289 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Oct2008
1140916Surface temp/sal2008-10-23 21:50:0153.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Oct2008
1140928Surface temp/sal2008-10-24 09:03:0953.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Oct2008
1140941Surface temp/sal2008-10-24 21:18:3053.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Oct2008
1140824Surface temp/sal2008-10-25 09:05:4053.206 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Oct2008
1140836Surface temp/sal2008-10-25 21:07:5053.337 N, 6.112 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Oct2008
1140848Surface temp/sal2008-10-26 22:03:0253.328 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Oct2008
1161392Surface temp/sal2009-03-10 22:25:3653.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Mar2009
1161423Surface temp/sal2009-03-11 09:51:3753.33 N, 6.163 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Mar2009
1161435Surface temp/sal2009-03-11 22:09:1753.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Mar2009
1161447Surface temp/sal2009-03-12 09:51:3753.328 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Mar2009
1161459Surface temp/sal2009-03-12 22:30:3853.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Mar2009
1161460Surface temp/sal2009-03-13 10:05:3853.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Mar2009
1161472Surface temp/sal2009-03-13 22:17:4853.336 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Mar2009
1161484Surface temp/sal2009-03-14 09:55:0853.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Mar2009
1161496Surface temp/sal2009-03-14 22:21:5953.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Mar2009
1161411Surface temp/sal2009-03-15 21:45:0053.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Mar2009
1161503Surface temp/sal2009-03-16 22:14:1953.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Mar2009
1161620Surface temp/sal2009-03-17 09:56:4053.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Mar2009
1161693Surface temp/sal2009-03-17 22:24:2053.336 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Mar2009
1161700Surface temp/sal2009-03-18 10:05:5153.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Mar2009
1161712Surface temp/sal2009-03-18 22:11:4153.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Mar2009
1161724Surface temp/sal2009-03-19 10:08:0253.291 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Mar2009
1161736Surface temp/sal2009-03-19 22:05:2353.337 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Mar2009
1161748Surface temp/sal2009-03-20 09:57:3353.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Mar2009
1161761Surface temp/sal2009-03-20 22:06:5453.336 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Mar2009
1161515Surface temp/sal2009-03-21 09:51:0553.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Mar2009
1161527Surface temp/sal2009-03-21 21:53:2553.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Mar2009
1161539Surface temp/sal2009-03-22 22:02:4653.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Mar2009
1161540Surface temp/sal2009-03-23 22:26:4753.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Mar2009
1161552Surface temp/sal2009-03-24 10:07:5753.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Mar2009
1161564Surface temp/sal2009-03-24 22:23:0953.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Mar2009
1161576Surface temp/sal2009-03-25 09:49:0953.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Mar2009
1161588Surface temp/sal2009-03-25 22:37:4953.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Mar2009
1161607Surface temp/sal2009-03-26 09:49:4953.329 N, 6.174 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Mar2009
1161619Surface temp/sal2009-03-26 22:25:3053.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Mar2009
1161632Surface temp/sal2009-03-27 09:59:3153.329 N, 6.173 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Mar2009
1161644Surface temp/sal2009-03-27 22:49:4253.326 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Mar2009
1161656Surface temp/sal2009-03-28 10:03:1253.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Mar2009
1161668Surface temp/sal2009-03-28 22:13:3353.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Mar2009
1161681Surface temp/sal2009-03-29 21:08:5453.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Mar2009
1161773Surface temp/sal2009-03-30 21:16:5153.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Mar2009
1161890Surface temp/sal2009-03-31 09:10:1153.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_31Mar2009
1162021Surface temp/sal2009-03-31 21:31:5153.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_31Mar2009
1162137Surface temp/sal2009-04-01 09:02:2153.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Apr2009
1162242Surface temp/sal2009-04-01 21:16:1153.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Apr2009
1162371Surface temp/sal2009-04-02 09:02:5153.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Apr2009
1162499Surface temp/sal2009-04-02 21:18:3153.338 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Apr2009
1162623Surface temp/sal2009-04-03 08:57:4353.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Apr2009
1162684Surface temp/sal2009-04-03 21:12:1353.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Apr2009
1161785Surface temp/sal2009-04-04 08:49:2253.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Apr2009
1161797Surface temp/sal2009-04-04 20:55:0353.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Apr2009
1161804Surface temp/sal2009-04-05 21:03:4353.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Apr2009
1161816Surface temp/sal2009-04-06 21:15:3453.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Apr2009
1161828Surface temp/sal2009-04-07 08:50:4453.329 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Apr2009
1161841Surface temp/sal2009-04-07 21:23:2453.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Apr2009
1161853Surface temp/sal2009-04-08 09:03:0453.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Apr2009
1161865Surface temp/sal2009-04-08 21:58:5553.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Apr2009
1161877Surface temp/sal2009-04-09 08:58:4553.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Apr2009
1161889Surface temp/sal2009-04-09 21:40:0553.336 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Apr2009
1161908Surface temp/sal2009-04-10 08:49:3653.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Apr2009
1161921Surface temp/sal2009-04-10 21:18:2653.337 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Apr2009
1161933Surface temp/sal2009-04-11 08:47:2653.334 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Apr2009
1161945Surface temp/sal2009-04-11 20:57:0653.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Apr2009
1161957Surface temp/sal2009-04-12 20:41:4653.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Apr2009
1161969Surface temp/sal2009-04-13 21:17:3853.336 N, 6.115 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Apr2009
1161970Surface temp/sal2009-04-14 08:53:4853.33 N, 6.163 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Apr2009
1161982Surface temp/sal2009-04-14 21:22:0853.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Apr2009
1161994Surface temp/sal2009-04-15 08:55:3853.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Apr2009
1162008Surface temp/sal2009-04-15 21:03:5853.336 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Apr2009
1162033Surface temp/sal2009-04-16 08:53:3853.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Apr2009
1162045Surface temp/sal2009-04-16 21:17:1953.336 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Apr2009
1162057Surface temp/sal2009-04-17 08:55:3053.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Apr2009
1162069Surface temp/sal2009-04-17 21:31:5953.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Apr2009
1162070Surface temp/sal2009-04-18 08:56:0953.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Apr2009
1162082Surface temp/sal2009-04-18 21:12:3953.337 N, 6.1 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Apr2009
1162094Surface temp/sal2009-04-19 20:57:1053.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Apr2009
1162101Surface temp/sal2009-04-20 21:03:5053.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Apr2009
1162113Surface temp/sal2009-04-21 08:51:3053.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Apr2009
1162125Surface temp/sal2009-04-21 21:17:5153.337 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Apr2009
1162149Surface temp/sal2009-04-22 08:52:4253.327 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Apr2009
1162150Surface temp/sal2009-04-22 21:32:1253.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Apr2009
1162162Surface temp/sal2009-04-23 08:47:0253.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Apr2009
1162174Surface temp/sal2009-04-23 21:58:5253.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Apr2009
1162186Surface temp/sal2009-04-24 08:44:1253.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Apr2009
1162198Surface temp/sal2009-04-24 21:25:5253.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Apr2009
1162205Surface temp/sal2009-04-25 08:47:3353.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Apr2009
1162217Surface temp/sal2009-04-25 21:03:2253.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Apr2009
1162229Surface temp/sal2009-04-26 21:01:0453.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Apr2009
1162230Surface temp/sal2009-04-27 21:13:5453.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Apr2009
1162254Surface temp/sal2009-04-28 08:55:4453.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Apr2009
1162266Surface temp/sal2009-04-28 21:47:1453.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Apr2009
1162278Surface temp/sal2009-04-29 08:36:4553.331 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Apr2009
1162291Surface temp/sal2009-04-29 21:10:1453.337 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Apr2009
1162309Surface temp/sal2009-04-30 08:51:2453.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Apr2009
1162310Surface temp/sal2009-04-30 21:34:2553.338 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Apr2009
1162322Surface temp/sal2009-05-01 08:42:4653.331 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1May2009
1162334Surface temp/sal2009-05-01 21:47:0553.338 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1May2009
1162346Surface temp/sal2009-05-02 08:53:1653.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2May2009
1162358Surface temp/sal2009-05-02 20:53:5653.338 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2May2009
1162383Surface temp/sal2009-05-03 20:39:5653.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3May2009
1162395Surface temp/sal2009-05-04 20:56:0753.291 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4May2009
1162402Surface temp/sal2009-05-05 09:01:1753.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5May2009
1162414Surface temp/sal2009-05-05 21:00:5753.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5May2009
1162426Surface temp/sal2009-05-06 09:21:3753.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6May2009
1162438Surface temp/sal2009-05-06 21:55:2753.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6May2009
1162451Surface temp/sal2009-05-07 09:22:3753.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7May2009
1162463Surface temp/sal2009-05-07 21:21:1853.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7May2009
1162475Surface temp/sal2009-05-08 08:48:0853.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8May2009
1162487Surface temp/sal2009-05-08 21:22:1953.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8May2009
1162506Surface temp/sal2009-05-09 08:44:1953.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9May2009
1162518Surface temp/sal2009-05-09 20:59:4953.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9May2009
1162531Surface temp/sal2009-05-10 21:13:4953.331 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10May2009
1162543Surface temp/sal2009-05-11 21:31:3053.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11May2009
1162555Surface temp/sal2009-05-12 08:56:0953.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12May2009
1162567Surface temp/sal2009-05-12 21:16:0953.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12May2009
1162579Surface temp/sal2009-05-13 09:05:1053.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13May2009
1162580Surface temp/sal2009-05-13 21:23:2153.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13May2009
1162592Surface temp/sal2009-05-14 08:43:2153.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14May2009
1162611Surface temp/sal2009-05-14 21:23:4153.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14May2009
1162635Surface temp/sal2009-05-15 08:54:5253.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15May2009
1162647Surface temp/sal2009-05-15 21:05:0253.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15May2009
1162659Surface temp/sal2009-05-16 09:56:5153.317 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16May2009
1162660Surface temp/sal2009-05-16 21:29:5253.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16May2009
1162672Surface temp/sal2009-05-17 20:44:5253.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17May2009
1162696Surface temp/sal2009-05-18 21:08:3053.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18May2009
1162819Surface temp/sal2009-05-19 08:50:2153.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19May2009
1162936Surface temp/sal2009-05-19 21:13:5853.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19May2009
1163024Surface temp/sal2009-05-20 08:53:1453.328 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20May2009
1163036Surface temp/sal2009-05-20 21:34:5153.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20May2009
1163048Surface temp/sal2009-05-21 08:50:2153.329 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21May2009
1163061Surface temp/sal2009-05-21 21:27:0453.334 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21May2009
1163073Surface temp/sal2009-05-22 08:48:2953.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22May2009
1163085Surface temp/sal2009-05-22 21:25:3853.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22May2009
1162703Surface temp/sal2009-05-23 08:48:4653.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23May2009
1162715Surface temp/sal2009-05-23 21:31:3253.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23May2009
1162727Surface temp/sal2009-05-24 20:43:4453.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24May2009
1162739Surface temp/sal2009-05-25 20:55:4153.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25May2009
1162740Surface temp/sal2009-05-26 09:15:3353.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26May2009
1162752Surface temp/sal2009-05-26 21:22:1153.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26May2009
1162764Surface temp/sal2009-05-27 08:53:1453.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27May2009
1162776Surface temp/sal2009-05-27 21:36:2653.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27May2009
1162788Surface temp/sal2009-05-28 09:02:4453.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28May2009
1162807Surface temp/sal2009-05-28 21:44:3053.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28May2009
1162820Surface temp/sal2009-05-29 08:59:0053.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29May2009
1162832Surface temp/sal2009-05-29 21:11:5753.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29May2009
1162844Surface temp/sal2009-05-30 09:13:0653.33 N, 6.173 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30May2009
1162856Surface temp/sal2009-05-30 21:05:2853.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30May2009
1162868Surface temp/sal2009-05-31 22:06:5853.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_31May2009
1162881Surface temp/sal2009-06-01 21:17:4353.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Jun2009
1162893Surface temp/sal2009-06-02 09:13:0653.329 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Jun2009
1162900Surface temp/sal2009-06-02 21:14:4153.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Jun2009
1162912Surface temp/sal2009-06-03 08:56:2453.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Jun2009
1162924Surface temp/sal2009-06-03 21:23:5453.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Jun2009
1162948Surface temp/sal2009-06-04 08:59:3453.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Jun2009
1162961Surface temp/sal2009-06-04 21:40:5453.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Jun2009
1162973Surface temp/sal2009-06-05 08:56:4153.291 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Jun2009
1162985Surface temp/sal2009-06-05 21:11:4053.335 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Jun2009
1162997Surface temp/sal2009-06-06 08:52:1353.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Jun2009
1163000Surface temp/sal2009-06-06 21:05:0253.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Jun2009
1163012Surface temp/sal2009-06-07 20:52:4853.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Jun2009
1163097Surface temp/sal2009-06-08 21:08:0153.336 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Jun2009
1163104Surface temp/sal2009-06-09 08:52:2153.331 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Jun2009
1163116Surface temp/sal2009-06-09 21:15:3153.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Jun2009
1163128Surface temp/sal2009-06-10 08:45:4253.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Jun2009
1163141Surface temp/sal2009-06-10 21:42:2253.336 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Jun2009
1163153Surface temp/sal2009-06-11 08:52:4253.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Jun2009
1163165Surface temp/sal2009-06-14 20:51:0353.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Jun2009
1163177Surface temp/sal2009-06-15 21:22:0353.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Jun2009
1163294Surface temp/sal2009-06-16 08:56:3353.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Jun2009
1163405Surface temp/sal2009-06-16 21:21:5353.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Jun2009
1163417Surface temp/sal2009-06-17 08:58:4353.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Jun2009
1163429Surface temp/sal2009-06-17 21:26:2353.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Jun2009
1163430Surface temp/sal2009-06-18 08:54:4453.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Jun2009
1163442Surface temp/sal2009-06-18 21:09:4453.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Jun2009
1163454Surface temp/sal2009-06-19 08:50:4453.328 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Jun2009
1163466Surface temp/sal2009-06-19 21:16:0453.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Jun2009
1163189Surface temp/sal2009-06-20 08:46:5453.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Jun2009
1163190Surface temp/sal2009-06-20 20:53:4453.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Jun2009
1163208Surface temp/sal2009-06-21 20:47:3553.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Jun2009
1163221Surface temp/sal2009-06-22 20:59:5553.337 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Jun2009
1163233Surface temp/sal2009-06-23 09:02:1553.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Jun2009
1163245Surface temp/sal2009-06-23 21:07:2553.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Jun2009
1163257Surface temp/sal2009-06-24 08:47:4653.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Jun2009
1163269Surface temp/sal2009-06-24 21:25:4653.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Jun2009
1163270Surface temp/sal2009-06-25 08:50:3653.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Jun2009
1163282Surface temp/sal2009-06-25 21:13:5653.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Jun2009
1163301Surface temp/sal2009-06-26 08:51:5653.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Jun2009
1163313Surface temp/sal2009-06-26 21:06:1753.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Jun2009
1163325Surface temp/sal2009-06-27 08:47:2753.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Jun2009
1163337Surface temp/sal2009-06-27 20:54:0753.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Jun2009
1163349Surface temp/sal2009-06-28 20:39:1753.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Jun2009
1163350Surface temp/sal2009-06-29 21:08:2853.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Jun2009
1163362Surface temp/sal2009-06-30 08:49:2853.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Jun2009
1163374Surface temp/sal2009-06-30 21:03:0853.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Jun2009
1163386Surface temp/sal2009-07-01 08:52:2853.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Jul2009
1163398Surface temp/sal2009-07-01 21:24:5853.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Jul2009
1163478Surface temp/sal2009-07-20 21:06:3053.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Jul2009
1163602Surface temp/sal2009-07-21 08:45:5153.327 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Jul2009
1163675Surface temp/sal2009-07-21 21:12:4153.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Jul2009
1163687Surface temp/sal2009-07-22 08:45:1253.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Jul2009
1163699Surface temp/sal2009-07-22 21:15:0253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Jul2009
1163706Surface temp/sal2009-07-23 09:00:4353.331 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Jul2009
1163718Surface temp/sal2009-07-23 21:32:1353.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Jul2009
1163731Surface temp/sal2009-07-24 08:49:5453.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Jul2009
1163743Surface temp/sal2009-07-24 21:17:5453.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Jul2009
1163491Surface temp/sal2009-07-25 08:38:4553.331 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Jul2009
1163509Surface temp/sal2009-07-25 20:59:3553.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Jul2009
1163510Surface temp/sal2009-07-26 20:57:3653.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Jul2009
1163522Surface temp/sal2009-07-27 21:16:1753.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Jul2009
1163534Surface temp/sal2009-07-28 08:45:0753.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Jul2009
1163546Surface temp/sal2009-07-28 21:41:0853.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Jul2009
1163558Surface temp/sal2009-07-29 08:44:4953.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Jul2009
1163571Surface temp/sal2009-07-29 21:16:1953.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Jul2009
1163583Surface temp/sal2009-07-30 08:45:0053.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Jul2009
1163595Surface temp/sal2009-07-30 21:15:0053.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Jul2009
1163614Surface temp/sal2009-07-31 08:53:0153.33 N, 6.175 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_31Jul2009
1163626Surface temp/sal2009-07-31 21:25:0153.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_31Jul2009
1163638Surface temp/sal2009-08-01 08:46:0253.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Aug2009
1163651Surface temp/sal2009-08-01 21:08:3253.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Aug2009
1163663Surface temp/sal2009-08-02 20:54:2353.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Aug2009
1163755Surface temp/sal2009-08-03 21:16:5053.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Aug2009
1163872Surface temp/sal2009-08-04 08:47:3053.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Aug2009
1163988Surface temp/sal2009-08-04 21:32:0053.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Aug2009
1164015Surface temp/sal2009-08-05 08:51:1053.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Aug2009
1164027Surface temp/sal2009-08-05 21:20:2053.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Aug2009
1164039Surface temp/sal2009-08-06 08:41:2153.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Aug2009
1164040Surface temp/sal2009-08-06 21:08:4153.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Aug2009
1164052Surface temp/sal2009-08-07 08:48:2153.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Aug2009
1164064Surface temp/sal2009-08-07 21:13:4153.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Aug2009
1163767Surface temp/sal2009-08-08 08:47:1153.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Aug2009
1163779Surface temp/sal2009-08-08 21:01:5153.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Aug2009
1163780Surface temp/sal2009-08-09 09:27:1253.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Aug2009
1163792Surface temp/sal2009-08-09 21:13:5253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Aug2009
1163811Surface temp/sal2009-08-10 20:36:1253.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Aug2009
1163823Surface temp/sal2009-08-11 09:12:1253.335 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Aug2009
1163835Surface temp/sal2009-08-11 20:58:2253.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Aug2009
1163847Surface temp/sal2009-08-12 09:28:0353.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Aug2009
1163859Surface temp/sal2009-08-12 20:40:1353.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Aug2009
1163860Surface temp/sal2009-08-13 08:58:4353.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Aug2009
1163884Surface temp/sal2009-08-13 20:51:3353.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Aug2009
1163896Surface temp/sal2009-08-14 09:05:3353.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Aug2009
1163903Surface temp/sal2009-08-14 20:46:2453.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Aug2009
1163915Surface temp/sal2009-08-15 09:17:2453.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Aug2009
1163927Surface temp/sal2009-08-15 20:44:1453.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Aug2009
1163939Surface temp/sal2009-08-16 21:02:0453.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Aug2009
1163940Surface temp/sal2009-08-17 20:45:5553.328 N, 6.163 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Aug2009
1163952Surface temp/sal2009-08-18 09:21:0553.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Aug2009
1163964Surface temp/sal2009-08-18 20:45:5553.328 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Aug2009
1163976Surface temp/sal2009-08-19 09:12:2553.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Aug2009
1164003Surface temp/sal2009-08-19 20:53:0553.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Aug2009
1164076Surface temp/sal2009-08-20 09:08:4953.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Aug2009
1164200Surface temp/sal2009-08-20 20:42:1953.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Aug2009
1164273Surface temp/sal2009-08-21 09:18:5053.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Aug2009
1164285Surface temp/sal2009-08-21 20:45:5053.331 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Aug2009
1164297Surface temp/sal2009-08-22 09:12:5153.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Aug2009
1164304Surface temp/sal2009-08-22 20:47:2153.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Aug2009
1164316Surface temp/sal2009-08-23 21:14:1253.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Aug2009
1164328Surface temp/sal2009-08-24 20:51:5353.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Aug2009
1164341Surface temp/sal2009-08-25 09:03:1453.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Aug2009
1164088Surface temp/sal2009-08-25 20:52:3453.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Aug2009
1164107Surface temp/sal2009-08-26 09:33:1553.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Aug2009
1164119Surface temp/sal2009-08-26 21:17:5553.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Aug2009
1164120Surface temp/sal2009-08-27 09:26:1653.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Aug2009
1164132Surface temp/sal2009-08-27 20:45:2653.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Aug2009
1164144Surface temp/sal2009-08-28 09:16:0753.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Aug2009
1164156Surface temp/sal2009-08-28 20:53:4753.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Aug2009
1164168Surface temp/sal2009-08-29 09:22:1753.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Aug2009
1164181Surface temp/sal2009-08-29 20:47:0853.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Aug2009
1164193Surface temp/sal2009-08-30 21:36:0953.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Aug2009
1164212Surface temp/sal2009-08-31 21:33:2053.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_31Aug2009
1164224Surface temp/sal2009-09-01 09:16:5053.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Sep2009
1164236Surface temp/sal2009-09-01 20:51:5153.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Sep2009
1164248Surface temp/sal2009-09-02 09:29:3253.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Sep2009
1164261Surface temp/sal2009-09-02 20:46:0253.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Sep2009
1164353Surface temp/sal2009-09-03 09:32:3953.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Sep2009
1164470Surface temp/sal2009-09-03 20:59:3953.335 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Sep2009
1164586Surface temp/sal2009-09-04 09:21:4953.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Sep2009
1164629Surface temp/sal2009-09-04 20:46:0053.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Sep2009
1164630Surface temp/sal2009-09-05 09:18:3053.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Sep2009
1164642Surface temp/sal2009-09-05 20:55:2053.331 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Sep2009
1164654Surface temp/sal2009-09-06 21:16:0053.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Sep2009
1164666Surface temp/sal2009-09-07 20:55:4153.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Sep2009
1164678Surface temp/sal2009-09-08 09:14:1153.335 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Sep2009
1164365Surface temp/sal2009-09-08 20:57:4153.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Sep2009
1164377Surface temp/sal2009-09-09 09:17:4153.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Sep2009
1164389Surface temp/sal2009-09-11 20:50:4253.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Sep2009
1164390Surface temp/sal2009-09-12 09:06:0253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Sep2009
1164408Surface temp/sal2009-09-12 20:41:5253.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Sep2009
1164421Surface temp/sal2009-09-13 21:09:0253.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Sep2009
1164433Surface temp/sal2009-09-14 20:50:3353.328 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Sep2009
1164445Surface temp/sal2009-09-15 09:02:3353.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Sep2009
1164457Surface temp/sal2009-09-15 20:48:2453.328 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Sep2009
1164469Surface temp/sal2009-09-16 09:10:2453.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Sep2009
1164482Surface temp/sal2009-09-16 20:56:1453.328 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Sep2009
1164494Surface temp/sal2009-09-17 09:06:4453.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Sep2009
1164501Surface temp/sal2009-09-17 20:59:1453.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Sep2009
1164513Surface temp/sal2009-09-18 09:05:1453.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Sep2009
1164525Surface temp/sal2009-09-18 20:48:1453.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Sep2009
1164537Surface temp/sal2009-09-19 09:15:3553.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Sep2009
1164549Surface temp/sal2009-09-19 20:44:1553.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Sep2009
1164550Surface temp/sal2009-09-20 20:59:2553.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Sep2009
1164562Surface temp/sal2009-09-21 21:04:3553.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Sep2009
1164574Surface temp/sal2009-09-22 09:10:0653.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Sep2009
1164598Surface temp/sal2009-09-22 21:02:4653.331 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Sep2009
1164605Surface temp/sal2009-09-23 09:20:4653.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Sep2009
1164617Surface temp/sal2009-09-23 21:02:5653.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Sep2009
1164691Surface temp/sal2009-09-24 08:57:1053.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Sep2009
1164814Surface temp/sal2009-09-24 20:48:2153.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Sep2009
1164887Surface temp/sal2009-09-25 09:00:1153.337 N, 6.117 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Sep2009
1164899Surface temp/sal2009-09-25 21:05:1253.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Sep2009
1164906Surface temp/sal2009-09-26 09:10:2253.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Sep2009
1164918Surface temp/sal2009-09-26 20:51:4353.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Sep2009
1164931Surface temp/sal2009-09-27 20:51:4453.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Sep2009
1164943Surface temp/sal2009-09-28 20:57:5553.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Sep2009
1164955Surface temp/sal2009-09-29 09:15:4553.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Sep2009
1164709Surface temp/sal2009-09-29 20:46:5653.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Sep2009
1164710Surface temp/sal2009-09-30 09:09:1653.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Sep2009
1164722Surface temp/sal2009-09-30 20:51:0653.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Sep2009
1164734Surface temp/sal2009-10-01 09:18:2753.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Oct2009
1164746Surface temp/sal2009-10-01 20:53:2753.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Oct2009
1164758Surface temp/sal2009-10-02 09:44:3853.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Oct2009
1164771Surface temp/sal2009-10-02 20:45:1853.33 N, 6.163 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Oct2009
1164783Surface temp/sal2009-10-03 09:18:0953.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Oct2009
1164795Surface temp/sal2009-10-03 20:48:0953.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Oct2009
1164802Surface temp/sal2009-10-04 21:19:4053.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Oct2009
1164826Surface temp/sal2009-10-05 21:00:2153.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Oct2009
1164838Surface temp/sal2009-10-06 09:10:4253.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Oct2009
1164851Surface temp/sal2009-10-06 20:54:4253.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Oct2009
1164863Surface temp/sal2009-10-07 09:17:0353.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Oct2009
1164875Surface temp/sal2009-10-07 20:55:3353.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Oct2009
1164967Surface temp/sal2009-10-08 08:56:4053.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Oct2009
1165080Surface temp/sal2009-10-08 20:57:0053.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Oct2009
1165159Surface temp/sal2009-10-09 08:58:2053.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Oct2009
1165160Surface temp/sal2009-10-09 21:11:4053.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Oct2009
1165172Surface temp/sal2009-10-10 09:19:3153.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Oct2009
1165184Surface temp/sal2009-10-10 20:45:5153.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Oct2009
1165196Surface temp/sal2009-10-11 21:04:3153.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Oct2009
1165203Surface temp/sal2009-10-12 20:56:1153.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Oct2009
1165215Surface temp/sal2009-10-13 09:01:5253.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Oct2009
1164979Surface temp/sal2009-10-13 20:49:0253.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Oct2009
1164980Surface temp/sal2009-10-14 09:15:5253.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Oct2009
1164992Surface temp/sal2009-10-14 20:55:1253.328 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Oct2009
1165006Surface temp/sal2009-10-15 09:03:0253.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Oct2009
1165018Surface temp/sal2009-10-15 20:57:5253.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Oct2009
1165031Surface temp/sal2009-10-16 09:07:3353.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Oct2009
1165043Surface temp/sal2009-10-16 20:55:1353.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Oct2009
1165055Surface temp/sal2009-10-17 09:12:1353.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Oct2009
1165067Surface temp/sal2009-10-17 20:44:4353.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Oct2009
1165079Surface temp/sal2009-10-18 21:34:5453.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Oct2009
1165092Surface temp/sal2009-10-19 21:01:3453.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Oct2009
1165111Surface temp/sal2009-10-20 09:11:3453.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Oct2009
1165123Surface temp/sal2009-10-20 21:00:4453.332 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Oct2009
1165135Surface temp/sal2009-10-21 09:28:3553.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Oct2009
1165147Surface temp/sal2009-10-21 20:47:3553.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Oct2009
1165227Surface temp/sal2009-10-22 09:19:3053.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Oct2009
1165319Surface temp/sal2009-10-22 20:54:2153.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Oct2009
1165320Surface temp/sal2009-10-23 09:14:4153.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Oct2009
1165332Surface temp/sal2009-10-23 20:56:0253.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Oct2009
1165344Surface temp/sal2009-10-24 09:36:4253.337 N, 6.114 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Oct2009
1165356Surface temp/sal2009-10-24 21:45:5253.331 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Oct2009
1165368Surface temp/sal2009-10-25 21:57:2453.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Oct2009
1165381Surface temp/sal2009-10-26 21:46:4553.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Oct2009
1165393Surface temp/sal2009-10-27 10:07:5553.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Oct2009
1165239Surface temp/sal2009-10-27 21:56:0653.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Oct2009
1165240Surface temp/sal2009-10-28 10:00:4653.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Oct2009
1165252Surface temp/sal2009-10-28 21:59:0753.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Oct2009
1165264Surface temp/sal2009-10-29 10:06:0753.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Oct2009
1165276Surface temp/sal2009-10-29 22:00:3753.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Oct2009
1165288Surface temp/sal2009-10-30 09:58:0853.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Oct2009
1165307Surface temp/sal2009-10-30 21:56:5953.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Oct2009
1165400Surface temp/sal2009-11-12 10:15:3053.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Nov2009
1165528Surface temp/sal2009-11-12 21:48:4053.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Nov2009
1165590Surface temp/sal2009-11-13 09:59:0053.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Nov2009
1165608Surface temp/sal2009-11-13 22:04:5153.327 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Nov2009
1165621Surface temp/sal2009-11-14 10:04:2153.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Nov2009
1165633Surface temp/sal2009-11-14 21:59:0153.328 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Nov2009
1165645Surface temp/sal2009-11-15 22:05:4153.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Nov2009
1165657Surface temp/sal2009-11-16 21:59:4253.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Nov2009
1165669Surface temp/sal2009-11-17 10:11:2253.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Nov2009
1165412Surface temp/sal2009-11-17 21:57:3253.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Nov2009
1165424Surface temp/sal2009-11-18 10:16:2253.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Nov2009
1165436Surface temp/sal2009-11-18 21:58:2253.08 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Nov2009
1165448Surface temp/sal2009-11-19 10:09:3253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Nov2009
1165461Surface temp/sal2009-11-19 22:53:2353.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Nov2009
1165473Surface temp/sal2009-11-20 10:03:2353.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Nov2009
1165485Surface temp/sal2009-11-20 22:10:3353.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Nov2009
1165497Surface temp/sal2009-11-21 10:00:2453.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Nov2009
1165504Surface temp/sal2009-11-21 21:54:5453.129 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Nov2009
1165516Surface temp/sal2009-11-22 22:11:4453.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Nov2009
1165541Surface temp/sal2009-11-23 22:02:4453.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Nov2009
1165553Surface temp/sal2009-11-24 10:03:4553.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Nov2009
1165565Surface temp/sal2009-11-24 23:21:5553.143 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Nov2009
1165577Surface temp/sal2009-11-25 10:45:2553.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Nov2009
1165589Surface temp/sal2009-11-25 23:19:3553.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Nov2009
1165670Surface temp/sal2009-11-27 10:06:1053.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Nov2009
1165786Surface temp/sal2009-11-27 21:46:1053.329 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Nov2009
1165909Surface temp/sal2009-11-28 10:04:1053.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Nov2009
1165922Surface temp/sal2009-11-28 21:48:1153.328 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Nov2009
1165934Surface temp/sal2009-11-29 21:50:3153.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Nov2009
1165946Surface temp/sal2009-11-30 21:58:5253.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Nov2009
1165958Surface temp/sal2009-12-01 10:07:5253.274 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Dec2009
1165971Surface temp/sal2009-12-01 22:05:5253.152 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Dec2009
1165983Surface temp/sal2009-12-02 10:38:1253.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Dec2009
1165682Surface temp/sal2009-12-02 21:57:3253.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Dec2009
1165694Surface temp/sal2009-12-03 10:19:4353.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Dec2009
1165701Surface temp/sal2009-12-03 23:11:2353.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Dec2009
1165713Surface temp/sal2009-12-04 10:27:2353.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Dec2009
1165725Surface temp/sal2009-12-04 21:55:5353.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Dec2009
1165737Surface temp/sal2009-12-05 10:00:3453.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Dec2009
1165749Surface temp/sal2009-12-05 21:43:0453.162 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Dec2009
1165750Surface temp/sal2009-12-06 22:14:1453.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Dec2009
1165762Surface temp/sal2009-12-07 21:49:4553.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Dec2009
1165774Surface temp/sal2009-12-08 09:53:5553.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Dec2009
1165798Surface temp/sal2009-12-08 22:02:0553.336 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Dec2009
1165805Surface temp/sal2009-12-09 10:01:0553.338 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Dec2009
1165817Surface temp/sal2009-12-09 21:55:5553.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Dec2009
1165829Surface temp/sal2009-12-10 09:58:5653.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Dec2009
1165830Surface temp/sal2009-12-10 21:52:1653.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Dec2009
1165842Surface temp/sal2009-12-11 09:49:5653.338 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Dec2009
1165854Surface temp/sal2009-12-11 21:56:3653.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Dec2009
1165866Surface temp/sal2009-12-12 09:52:2753.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Dec2009
1165878Surface temp/sal2009-12-12 21:52:1753.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Dec2009
1165891Surface temp/sal2009-12-13 21:58:0753.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Dec2009
1165910Surface temp/sal2009-12-14 21:58:1853.328 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Dec2009
1165995Surface temp/sal2009-12-15 10:13:4653.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Dec2009
1166114Surface temp/sal2009-12-15 22:02:1753.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Dec2009
1166243Surface temp/sal2009-12-16 10:02:0753.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Dec2009
1166360Surface temp/sal2009-12-16 21:52:4853.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Dec2009
1166396Surface temp/sal2009-12-17 10:15:1853.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Dec2009
1166403Surface temp/sal2009-12-17 21:57:3953.328 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Dec2009
1166415Surface temp/sal2009-12-18 10:21:0053.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Dec2009
1166427Surface temp/sal2009-12-18 21:49:2053.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Dec2009
1166439Surface temp/sal2009-12-19 10:11:1053.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Dec2009
1166009Surface temp/sal2009-12-19 21:46:3153.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Dec2009
1166010Surface temp/sal2009-12-20 22:05:4253.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Dec2009
1166022Surface temp/sal2009-12-21 21:54:0353.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Dec2009
1166034Surface temp/sal2009-12-22 10:17:3453.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Dec2009
1166046Surface temp/sal2009-12-22 21:52:4453.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Dec2009
1166058Surface temp/sal2009-12-23 10:27:4553.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Dec2009
1166071Surface temp/sal2009-12-23 21:48:2653.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Dec2009
1166083Surface temp/sal2009-12-27 21:54:1053.338 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Dec2009
1166095Surface temp/sal2009-12-28 21:58:1153.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Dec2009
1166102Surface temp/sal2009-12-29 10:12:4153.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Dec2009
1166126Surface temp/sal2009-12-29 22:10:4253.33 N, 6.173 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Dec2009
1166138Surface temp/sal2010-01-02 21:57:1653.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Jan2010
1166151Surface temp/sal2010-01-03 22:10:0753.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Jan2010
1166163Surface temp/sal2010-01-04 21:55:4953.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Jan2010
1166175Surface temp/sal2010-01-05 10:16:1953.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Jan2010
1166187Surface temp/sal2010-01-05 21:57:0053.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Jan2010
1166199Surface temp/sal2010-01-06 10:15:5053.336 N, 6.1 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Jan2010
1166206Surface temp/sal2010-01-06 21:55:2153.331 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Jan2010
1166218Surface temp/sal2010-01-07 10:21:5253.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Jan2010
1166231Surface temp/sal2010-01-07 21:54:0253.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Jan2010
1166255Surface temp/sal2010-01-08 10:18:3353.337 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Jan2010
1166267Surface temp/sal2010-01-08 21:51:5453.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Jan2010
1166279Surface temp/sal2010-01-09 10:03:2453.337 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Jan2010
1166280Surface temp/sal2010-01-09 22:08:5553.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Jan2010
1166292Surface temp/sal2010-01-10 22:01:4653.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Jan2010
1166311Surface temp/sal2010-01-11 22:01:1753.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Jan2010
1166323Surface temp/sal2010-01-12 10:00:4853.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Jan2010
1166335Surface temp/sal2010-01-12 22:05:5953.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Jan2010
1166347Surface temp/sal2010-01-13 10:29:3953.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Jan2010
1166359Surface temp/sal2010-01-13 21:57:3053.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Jan2010
1166372Surface temp/sal2010-01-14 10:01:5153.337 N, 6.112 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Jan2010
1166384Surface temp/sal2010-01-14 21:53:0153.33 N, 6.173 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Jan2010
1186140Surface temp/sal2010-01-15 21:53:0053.017 N, 6.173 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Jan2010
1186207Surface temp/sal2010-01-16 11:35:4053.337 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Jan2010
1186219Surface temp/sal2010-01-16 23:10:0053.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Jan2010
1186220Surface temp/sal2010-01-17 22:11:1053.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Jan2010
1186232Surface temp/sal2010-01-18 21:52:4053.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Jan2010
1186244Surface temp/sal2010-01-19 10:02:1053.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Jan2010
1186256Surface temp/sal2010-01-19 22:08:5053.33 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Jan2010
1186268Surface temp/sal2010-01-20 21:58:0053.33 N, 6.163 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Jan2010
1186047Surface temp/sal2010-01-21 10:19:5053.336 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Jan2010
1186059Surface temp/sal2010-01-21 21:56:4053.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Jan2010
1186060Surface temp/sal2010-01-22 10:35:4053.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Jan2010
1186072Surface temp/sal2010-01-22 21:56:1053.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Jan2010
1186084Surface temp/sal2010-01-23 10:18:0053.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Jan2010
1186096Surface temp/sal2010-01-23 21:57:3053.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Jan2010
1186103Surface temp/sal2010-01-24 21:53:0053.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Jan2010
1186115Surface temp/sal2010-01-25 22:00:0053.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Jan2010
1186127Surface temp/sal2010-01-26 10:04:2053.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Jan2010
1186139Surface temp/sal2010-01-26 21:51:1053.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Jan2010
1186152Surface temp/sal2010-01-27 10:13:3053.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Jan2010
1186164Surface temp/sal2010-01-27 21:57:3053.328 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Jan2010
1186176Surface temp/sal2010-01-28 10:10:3053.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Jan2010
1186188Surface temp/sal2010-01-28 21:51:2053.328 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Jan2010
1186281Surface temp/sal2010-02-04 09:54:1053.337 N, 6.112 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Feb2010
1186385Surface temp/sal2010-02-04 21:53:1153.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Feb2010
1186397Surface temp/sal2010-02-05 10:06:3253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Feb2010
1186404Surface temp/sal2010-02-05 22:02:3253.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Feb2010
1186416Surface temp/sal2010-02-06 09:55:5353.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Feb2010
1186428Surface temp/sal2010-02-06 21:46:2353.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Feb2010
1186441Surface temp/sal2010-02-07 21:57:5553.336 N, 6.113 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Feb2010
1186453Surface temp/sal2010-02-12 10:11:0953.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Feb2010
1186465Surface temp/sal2010-02-12 21:52:5053.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Feb2010
1186293Surface temp/sal2010-02-13 10:26:5053.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Feb2010
1186300Surface temp/sal2010-02-13 21:42:3153.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Feb2010
1186312Surface temp/sal2010-02-14 22:14:0253.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Feb2010
1186324Surface temp/sal2010-02-15 21:57:0353.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Feb2010
1186336Surface temp/sal2010-02-16 10:09:4453.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Feb2010
1186348Surface temp/sal2010-02-16 21:52:3553.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Feb2010
1186361Surface temp/sal2010-02-17 10:15:4553.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Feb2010
1186373Surface temp/sal2010-02-17 21:54:0653.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Feb2010
1186477Surface temp/sal2010-02-18 10:13:3053.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Feb2010
1186489Surface temp/sal2010-02-18 21:45:0053.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Feb2010
1186490Surface temp/sal2010-02-19 10:15:3053.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Feb2010
1186508Surface temp/sal2010-02-19 21:49:0053.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Feb2010
1186521Surface temp/sal2010-02-20 10:19:0053.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Feb2010
1186533Surface temp/sal2010-03-04 10:09:0053.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Mar2010
1186545Surface temp/sal2010-03-09 22:00:1753.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Mar2010
1186557Surface temp/sal2010-03-10 10:06:5853.338 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Mar2010
1186569Surface temp/sal2010-03-10 22:09:2853.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Mar2010
1186570Surface temp/sal2010-03-11 10:14:4953.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Mar2010
1186582Surface temp/sal2010-03-11 21:58:0053.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Mar2010
1186594Surface temp/sal2010-03-12 10:08:0053.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Mar2010
1186601Surface temp/sal2010-03-12 21:52:2153.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Mar2010
1186613Surface temp/sal2010-03-13 10:09:2153.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Mar2010
1191688Surface temp/sal2010-01-15 10:20:0053.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Jan2010
1186649Surface temp/sal2010-03-04 21:54:4153.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Mar2010
1186754Surface temp/sal2010-03-05 10:08:1153.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Mar2010
1186846Surface temp/sal2010-03-05 22:02:1253.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Mar2010
1186858Surface temp/sal2010-03-06 09:58:5353.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Mar2010
1186871Surface temp/sal2010-03-06 21:51:3353.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Mar2010
1186883Surface temp/sal2010-03-07 22:00:2553.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Mar2010
1186895Surface temp/sal2010-03-08 22:04:3653.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Mar2010
1186902Surface temp/sal2010-03-09 09:54:5653.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Mar2010
1186637Surface temp/sal2010-03-14 22:03:2353.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Mar2010
1186650Surface temp/sal2010-03-15 21:55:2453.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Mar2010
1186662Surface temp/sal2010-03-16 10:08:5553.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Mar2010
1186674Surface temp/sal2010-03-16 21:59:4653.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Mar2010
1186686Surface temp/sal2010-03-17 10:09:1653.338 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Mar2010
1186698Surface temp/sal2010-03-17 22:04:0753.33 N, 6.163 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Mar2010
1186705Surface temp/sal2010-03-18 10:13:2753.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Mar2010
1186717Surface temp/sal2010-03-18 21:56:2853.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Mar2010
1186729Surface temp/sal2010-03-19 10:15:2853.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Mar2010
1186730Surface temp/sal2010-03-19 22:02:4953.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Mar2010
1186742Surface temp/sal2010-03-20 10:14:3053.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Mar2010
1186766Surface temp/sal2010-03-20 21:42:1053.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Mar2010
1186778Surface temp/sal2010-03-21 22:08:3153.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Mar2010
1186791Surface temp/sal2010-03-22 21:49:0353.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Mar2010
1186809Surface temp/sal2010-03-23 09:53:5353.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Mar2010
1186810Surface temp/sal2010-03-23 21:53:5353.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Mar2010
1186822Surface temp/sal2010-03-24 09:56:3453.337 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Mar2010
1186834Surface temp/sal2010-03-24 21:53:2553.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Mar2010
1186914Surface temp/sal2010-03-25 10:17:1053.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Mar2010
1187038Surface temp/sal2010-03-25 21:51:2053.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Mar2010
1187167Surface temp/sal2010-03-26 10:06:5153.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Mar2010
1187284Surface temp/sal2010-03-26 21:53:5153.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Mar2010
1187388Surface temp/sal2010-03-27 10:15:3153.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Mar2010
1187407Surface temp/sal2010-03-27 21:48:3153.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Mar2010
1187419Surface temp/sal2010-03-28 21:12:4253.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Mar2010
1187420Surface temp/sal2010-03-29 21:09:5253.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Mar2010
1187432Surface temp/sal2010-03-30 09:26:2253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Mar2010
1186926Surface temp/sal2010-03-30 20:50:2353.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Mar2010
1186938Surface temp/sal2010-03-31 09:25:5353.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_31Mar2010
1186951Surface temp/sal2010-03-31 21:00:1353.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_31Mar2010
1186963Surface temp/sal2010-04-01 09:27:2353.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Apr2010
1186975Surface temp/sal2010-04-01 20:46:1453.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Apr2010
1186987Surface temp/sal2010-04-02 09:15:2453.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Apr2010
1186999Surface temp/sal2010-04-02 20:53:1453.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Apr2010
1187002Surface temp/sal2010-04-03 20:47:2553.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Apr2010
1187014Surface temp/sal2010-04-04 20:47:5553.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Apr2010
1187026Surface temp/sal2010-04-05 20:48:5653.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Apr2010
1187051Surface temp/sal2010-04-06 08:47:0653.204 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Apr2010
1187063Surface temp/sal2010-04-06 20:58:2653.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Apr2010
1187075Surface temp/sal2010-04-07 08:53:3753.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Apr2010
1187087Surface temp/sal2010-04-07 21:29:3753.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Apr2010
1187099Surface temp/sal2010-04-08 08:52:1753.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Apr2010
1187106Surface temp/sal2010-04-08 21:13:5753.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Apr2010
1187118Surface temp/sal2010-04-09 08:48:2753.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Apr2010
1187131Surface temp/sal2010-04-09 21:02:1853.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Apr2010
1187143Surface temp/sal2010-04-10 09:05:5853.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Apr2010
1187155Surface temp/sal2010-04-10 20:55:5853.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Apr2010
1187179Surface temp/sal2010-04-11 20:58:4953.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Apr2010
1187180Surface temp/sal2010-04-12 20:59:4953.338 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Apr2010
1187192Surface temp/sal2010-04-13 08:45:2953.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Apr2010
1187211Surface temp/sal2010-04-13 21:06:4053.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Apr2010
1187223Surface temp/sal2010-04-14 08:51:0053.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Apr2010
1187235Surface temp/sal2010-04-14 21:27:5053.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Apr2010
1187247Surface temp/sal2010-04-15 09:24:0053.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Apr2010
1187259Surface temp/sal2010-04-15 21:45:5153.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Apr2010
1187260Surface temp/sal2010-04-16 10:07:4153.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Apr2010
1187272Surface temp/sal2010-04-16 21:45:3153.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Apr2010
1187296Surface temp/sal2010-04-17 09:24:1153.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Apr2010
1187303Surface temp/sal2010-04-17 21:14:1253.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Apr2010
1187315Surface temp/sal2010-04-18 21:17:1253.331 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Apr2010
1187327Surface temp/sal2010-04-19 21:13:1253.337 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Apr2010
1187339Surface temp/sal2010-04-20 09:01:3353.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Apr2010
1187340Surface temp/sal2010-04-20 21:11:2353.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Apr2010
1187352Surface temp/sal2010-04-21 09:03:1353.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Apr2010
1187364Surface temp/sal2010-04-21 21:08:5353.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Apr2010
1187376Surface temp/sal2010-04-22 08:52:4353.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Apr2010
1187444Surface temp/sal2010-04-26 20:52:0053.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Apr2010
1187573Surface temp/sal2010-04-27 08:36:4153.329 N, 6.193 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Apr2010
1187641Surface temp/sal2010-04-27 18:52:5153.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Apr2010
1187653Surface temp/sal2010-04-28 08:02:0253.33 N, 6.193 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Apr2010
1187665Surface temp/sal2010-04-29 03:46:3353.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Apr2010
1187677Surface temp/sal2010-04-29 14:06:4353.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Apr2010
1187689Surface temp/sal2010-04-29 23:32:4453.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Apr2010 2
1187690Surface temp/sal2010-04-30 09:26:0453.33 N, 6.161 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Apr2010
1187708Surface temp/sal2010-04-30 19:22:1553.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Apr2010
1187456Surface temp/sal2010-05-01 09:18:2553.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1May2010
1187468Surface temp/sal2010-05-01 20:50:3653.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1May2010
1187481Surface temp/sal2010-05-02 20:53:5753.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2May2010
1187493Surface temp/sal2010-05-03 21:08:1853.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3May2010
1187500Surface temp/sal2010-05-04 08:54:5853.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4May2010
1187512Surface temp/sal2010-05-04 21:02:4953.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4May2010
1187524Surface temp/sal2010-05-05 09:05:0953.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5May2010
1187536Surface temp/sal2010-05-05 18:49:4053.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5May2010
1187548Surface temp/sal2010-05-06 08:58:5153.328 N, 6.175 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6May2010
1187561Surface temp/sal2010-05-06 17:54:4153.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6May2010
1187585Surface temp/sal2010-05-07 08:18:3153.328 N, 6.193 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7May2010
1187597Surface temp/sal2010-05-07 18:33:5253.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7May2010
1187604Surface temp/sal2010-05-08 08:01:2353.328 N, 6.193 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8May2010
1187616Surface temp/sal2010-05-08 18:22:2353.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8May2010
1187628Surface temp/sal2010-05-09 20:59:3453.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9May2010
1187721Surface temp/sal2010-05-10 21:11:1153.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10May2010
1187837Surface temp/sal2010-05-11 08:59:2153.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11May2010
1187898Surface temp/sal2010-05-11 21:25:1253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11May2010
1187905Surface temp/sal2010-05-12 09:01:1253.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12May2010
1187917Surface temp/sal2010-05-12 21:49:5253.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12May2010
1187929Surface temp/sal2010-05-13 09:00:5253.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13May2010
1187930Surface temp/sal2010-05-13 21:27:1253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13May2010
1187942Surface temp/sal2010-05-14 08:52:3253.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14May2010
1187954Surface temp/sal2010-05-14 21:20:3353.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14May2010
1187733Surface temp/sal2010-05-15 08:57:4353.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15May2010
1187745Surface temp/sal2010-05-15 21:20:5353.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15May2010
1187757Surface temp/sal2010-05-16 21:35:1453.335 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16May2010
1187769Surface temp/sal2010-05-17 21:18:4453.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17May2010
1187770Surface temp/sal2010-05-18 09:02:3453.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18May2010
1187782Surface temp/sal2010-05-18 21:04:2453.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18May2010
1187794Surface temp/sal2010-05-19 09:02:0553.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19May2010
1187801Surface temp/sal2010-05-19 21:14:0553.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19May2010
1187813Surface temp/sal2010-05-20 08:51:1553.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20May2010
1187825Surface temp/sal2010-05-20 21:31:2553.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20May2010
1187849Surface temp/sal2010-05-21 09:08:1553.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21May2010
1187850Surface temp/sal2010-05-21 21:05:3653.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21May2010
1187862Surface temp/sal2010-05-22 09:07:4653.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22May2010
1187874Surface temp/sal2010-05-22 21:00:0653.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22May2010
1187886Surface temp/sal2010-05-23 21:15:3653.334 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23May2010
1187966Surface temp/sal2010-05-24 21:01:0053.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24May2010
1188091Surface temp/sal2010-05-25 08:45:1953.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25May2010
1188158Surface temp/sal2010-05-25 21:16:1653.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25May2010
1188171Surface temp/sal2010-05-26 08:59:0853.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26May2010
1188183Surface temp/sal2010-05-26 21:09:0453.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26May2010
1188195Surface temp/sal2010-05-27 08:59:0853.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27May2010
1188202Surface temp/sal2010-05-27 21:43:3853.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27May2010
1188214Surface temp/sal2010-05-28 08:51:3053.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28May2010
1188226Surface temp/sal2010-05-28 21:31:3253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28May2010
1187978Surface temp/sal2010-05-29 08:52:3953.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29May2010
1187991Surface temp/sal2010-05-29 21:09:1353.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29May2010
1188005Surface temp/sal2010-05-30 20:58:3453.331 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30May2010
1188017Surface temp/sal2010-05-31 21:09:4853.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_31May2010
1188029Surface temp/sal2010-06-01 08:55:3253.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Jun2010
1188030Surface temp/sal2010-06-01 21:02:5353.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Jun2010
1188042Surface temp/sal2010-06-02 08:48:2053.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Jun2010
1188054Surface temp/sal2010-06-02 21:40:0253.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Jun2010
1188066Surface temp/sal2010-06-03 08:48:4653.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Jun2010
1188078Surface temp/sal2010-06-03 21:34:3453.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Jun2010
1188109Surface temp/sal2010-06-04 08:59:0853.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Jun2010
1188110Surface temp/sal2010-06-04 20:59:4353.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Jun2010
1188122Surface temp/sal2010-06-05 08:54:3253.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Jun2010
1188134Surface temp/sal2010-06-05 20:58:1653.338 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Jun2010
1188146Surface temp/sal2010-06-06 20:47:1153.331 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Jun2010
1188238Surface temp/sal2010-06-07 20:57:5153.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Jun2010
1188367Surface temp/sal2010-06-08 08:51:4053.338 N, 6.186 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Jun2010
1188435Surface temp/sal2010-06-08 20:56:1053.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Jun2010
1188447Surface temp/sal2010-06-09 08:41:2053.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Jun2010
1188459Surface temp/sal2010-06-09 21:07:1953.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Jun2010
1188460Surface temp/sal2010-06-10 08:50:1953.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Jun2010
1188472Surface temp/sal2010-06-10 21:10:2953.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Jun2010
1188484Surface temp/sal2010-06-11 08:50:2953.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Jun2010
1188496Surface temp/sal2010-06-11 21:05:2853.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Jun2010
1188251Surface temp/sal2010-06-12 08:50:0853.335 N, 6.186 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Jun2010
1188263Surface temp/sal2010-06-12 21:02:3853.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Jun2010
1188275Surface temp/sal2010-06-13 21:04:1753.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Jun2010
1188287Surface temp/sal2010-06-14 21:01:1653.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Jun2010
1188299Surface temp/sal2010-06-15 08:56:0653.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Jun2010
1188306Surface temp/sal2010-06-15 21:03:2653.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Jun2010
1188318Surface temp/sal2010-06-16 09:01:0553.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Jun2010
1188331Surface temp/sal2010-06-16 21:16:5553.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Jun2010
1188343Surface temp/sal2010-06-17 08:52:5553.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Jun2010
1188355Surface temp/sal2010-06-17 21:06:0553.337 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Jun2010
1188379Surface temp/sal2010-06-18 08:48:1453.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Jun2010
1188380Surface temp/sal2010-06-18 21:14:3453.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Jun2010
1188392Surface temp/sal2010-06-19 08:50:1453.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Jun2010
1188411Surface temp/sal2010-06-19 20:46:2353.338 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Jun2010
1188423Surface temp/sal2010-06-20 20:46:2253.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Jun2010
1188503Surface temp/sal2010-06-21 21:22:1953.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Jun2010
1188515Surface temp/sal2010-06-22 08:49:4853.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Jun2010
1188527Surface temp/sal2010-06-22 20:54:1853.336 N, 6.112 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Jun2010
1188539Surface temp/sal2010-06-23 08:59:4753.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Jun2010
1188540Surface temp/sal2010-06-23 20:56:3353.336 N, 6.115 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Jun2010
1188668Surface temp/sal2010-06-24 08:58:5153.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Jun2010
1188693Surface temp/sal2010-06-24 21:07:2153.336 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Jun2010
1188700Surface temp/sal2010-06-25 08:55:2453.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Jun2010
1188712Surface temp/sal2010-06-25 21:15:5053.336 N, 6.113 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Jun2010
1188724Surface temp/sal2010-06-26 09:01:1853.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Jun2010
1188736Surface temp/sal2010-06-26 21:04:1953.336 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Jun2010
1188748Surface temp/sal2010-06-27 21:01:0053.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Jun2010
1188761Surface temp/sal2010-06-28 21:07:2953.336 N, 6.113 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Jun2010
1188552Surface temp/sal2010-06-29 08:57:0753.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Jun2010
1188564Surface temp/sal2010-06-29 21:16:1653.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Jun2010
1188576Surface temp/sal2010-06-30 09:01:5253.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Jun2010
1188588Surface temp/sal2010-06-30 21:24:0353.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Jun2010
1188607Surface temp/sal2010-07-01 08:56:2453.33 N, 6.163 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Jul2010
1188619Surface temp/sal2010-07-01 21:21:1953.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Jul2010
1188620Surface temp/sal2010-07-02 08:49:1253.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Jul2010
1188632Surface temp/sal2010-07-02 21:05:2853.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Jul2010
1188644Surface temp/sal2010-07-03 08:57:3353.331 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Jul2010
1188656Surface temp/sal2010-07-03 20:55:2453.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Jul2010
1188681Surface temp/sal2010-07-04 20:58:1653.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Jul2010
1188773Surface temp/sal2010-07-05 21:05:2053.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Jul2010
1188785Surface temp/sal2010-07-06 08:50:5053.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Jul2010
1188797Surface temp/sal2010-07-06 20:57:3953.337 N, 6.115 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Jul2010
1188804Surface temp/sal2010-07-07 08:56:4953.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Jul2010
1188816Surface temp/sal2010-07-07 21:03:2753.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Jul2010
1188828Surface temp/sal2010-07-08 08:47:1153.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Jul2010
1188841Surface temp/sal2010-07-08 21:11:4053.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Jul2010
1188853Surface temp/sal2010-07-09 08:58:5153.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Jul2010
1188865Surface temp/sal2010-07-09 21:06:1253.338 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Jul2010
1188877Surface temp/sal2010-07-10 08:55:3253.331 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Jul2010
1188889Surface temp/sal2010-07-10 21:08:3853.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Jul2010
1188890Surface temp/sal2010-07-11 20:54:5853.331 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Jul2010
1188908Surface temp/sal2010-07-12 21:14:4653.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Jul2010
1188957Surface temp/sal2010-07-13 08:56:4553.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Jul2010
1188969Surface temp/sal2010-07-13 21:09:0553.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Jul2010
1188970Surface temp/sal2010-07-14 08:52:0553.331 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Jul2010
1188982Surface temp/sal2010-07-14 21:39:5453.336 N, 6.112 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Jul2010
1188994Surface temp/sal2010-07-15 08:55:3453.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Jul2010
1189008Surface temp/sal2010-07-15 21:09:5453.336 N, 6.119 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Jul2010
1189021Surface temp/sal2010-07-16 09:01:4453.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Jul2010
1189033Surface temp/sal2010-07-16 21:08:4353.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Jul2010
1188921Surface temp/sal2010-07-17 08:52:2353.33 N, 6.162 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Jul2010
1188933Surface temp/sal2010-07-17 20:57:5253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Jul2010
1188945Surface temp/sal2010-07-18 20:55:5253.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Jul2010
1189045Surface temp/sal2010-07-19 20:59:2953.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Jul2010
1189150Surface temp/sal2010-07-20 08:52:5853.328 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Jul2010
1189217Surface temp/sal2010-07-20 21:25:1853.335 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Jul2010
1189229Surface temp/sal2010-07-21 08:54:1753.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Jul2010
1189230Surface temp/sal2010-07-21 21:04:0753.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Jul2010
1189242Surface temp/sal2010-07-22 08:49:5753.328 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Jul2010
1189254Surface temp/sal2010-07-22 21:11:5653.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Jul2010
1189266Surface temp/sal2010-07-23 08:50:4653.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Jul2010
1189278Surface temp/sal2010-07-23 21:18:3553.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Jul2010
1189057Surface temp/sal2010-07-24 08:51:2553.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Jul2010
1189069Surface temp/sal2010-07-24 21:08:3453.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Jul2010
1189070Surface temp/sal2010-07-25 21:06:0453.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Jul2010
1189082Surface temp/sal2010-07-26 21:17:1353.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Jul2010
1189094Surface temp/sal2010-07-27 08:50:2253.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Jul2010
1189101Surface temp/sal2010-07-27 21:15:3253.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Jul2010
1189113Surface temp/sal2010-07-28 08:53:5253.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Jul2010
1189125Surface temp/sal2010-07-28 21:07:5153.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Jul2010
1189137Surface temp/sal2010-07-29 08:59:2153.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Jul2010
1189149Surface temp/sal2010-07-29 21:13:3053.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Jul2010
1189162Surface temp/sal2010-07-30 08:52:3053.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Jul2010
1189174Surface temp/sal2010-07-30 21:03:0953.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Jul2010
1189186Surface temp/sal2010-07-31 08:51:1953.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_31Jul2010
1189198Surface temp/sal2010-07-31 21:05:4953.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_31Jul2010
1189205Surface temp/sal2010-08-01 20:56:5853.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Aug2010
1189291Surface temp/sal2010-08-02 21:02:3853.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Aug2010
1189414Surface temp/sal2010-08-03 08:49:1853.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Aug2010
1189487Surface temp/sal2010-08-03 21:02:0853.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Aug2010
1189499Surface temp/sal2010-08-04 11:49:3753.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Aug2010
1189506Surface temp/sal2010-08-04 22:01:3753.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Aug2010
1189518Surface temp/sal2010-08-05 09:05:2753.344 N, 6.187 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Aug2010
1189531Surface temp/sal2010-08-05 21:05:2753.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Aug2010
1189543Surface temp/sal2010-08-06 08:41:3753.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Aug2010
1189555Surface temp/sal2010-08-06 21:02:4653.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Aug2010
1189309Surface temp/sal2010-08-07 09:07:0653.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Aug2010
1189310Surface temp/sal2010-08-07 20:54:3553.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Aug2010
1189322Surface temp/sal2010-08-08 20:50:5553.331 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Aug2010
1189334Surface temp/sal2010-08-09 21:03:2453.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Aug2010
1189346Surface temp/sal2010-08-10 08:52:0453.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Aug2010
1189358Surface temp/sal2010-08-10 21:06:3453.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Aug2010
1189371Surface temp/sal2010-08-11 08:50:1353.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Aug2010
1189383Surface temp/sal2010-08-11 21:04:5353.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Aug2010
1189395Surface temp/sal2010-08-12 08:51:1353.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Aug2010
1189402Surface temp/sal2010-08-12 21:15:0253.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Aug2010
1189426Surface temp/sal2010-08-13 09:03:0253.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Aug2010
1189438Surface temp/sal2010-08-13 21:09:1253.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Aug2010
1189451Surface temp/sal2010-08-14 09:03:5253.329 N, 6.161 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Aug2010
1189463Surface temp/sal2010-08-14 21:06:3153.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Aug2010
1189475Surface temp/sal2010-08-15 20:47:4153.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Aug2010
1189567Surface temp/sal2010-08-16 21:02:5953.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Aug2010
1189684Surface temp/sal2010-08-17 08:54:2953.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Aug2010
1189807Surface temp/sal2010-08-17 21:16:2853.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Aug2010
1189868Surface temp/sal2010-08-18 08:54:4753.328 N, 6.184 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Aug2010
1189881Surface temp/sal2010-08-18 21:08:4753.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Aug2010
1189893Surface temp/sal2010-08-19 09:05:0753.328 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Aug2010
1189900Surface temp/sal2010-08-19 21:06:0653.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Aug2010
1189912Surface temp/sal2010-08-20 08:54:0653.328 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Aug2010
1189924Surface temp/sal2010-09-08 11:54:3053.338 N, 6.112 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Sep2010
1189579Surface temp/sal2010-09-09 01:20:4953.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Sep2010
1189580Surface temp/sal2010-09-09 14:17:3953.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Sep2010
1189592Surface temp/sal2010-09-10 00:28:0953.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Sep2010
1189611Surface temp/sal2010-09-10 10:46:4853.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Sep2010
1189623Surface temp/sal2010-09-10 21:33:2853.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Sep2010 2
1189635Surface temp/sal2010-09-11 09:14:1753.315 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Sep2010
1189647Surface temp/sal2010-09-11 22:40:2753.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Sep2010
1189659Surface temp/sal2010-09-12 21:17:0653.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Sep2010
1189660Surface temp/sal2010-09-13 20:45:4553.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Sep2010
1189672Surface temp/sal2010-09-14 09:03:4553.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Sep2010
1189696Surface temp/sal2010-09-14 20:56:1553.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Sep2010
1189703Surface temp/sal2010-09-15 09:36:2453.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Sep2010
1189715Surface temp/sal2010-09-15 21:16:3453.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Sep2010
1189727Surface temp/sal2010-09-16 08:55:3353.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Sep2010
1189739Surface temp/sal2010-09-16 20:57:5353.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Sep2010
1189740Surface temp/sal2010-09-17 08:52:2253.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Sep2010
1189752Surface temp/sal2010-09-17 20:53:4253.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Sep2010
1189764Surface temp/sal2010-09-18 09:03:5253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Sep2010
1189776Surface temp/sal2010-09-18 20:50:2153.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Sep2010
1189788Surface temp/sal2010-09-19 21:28:4053.337 N, 6.113 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Sep2010
1189819Surface temp/sal2010-09-20 20:57:2053.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Sep2010
1189820Surface temp/sal2010-09-21 09:26:3953.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Sep2010
1189832Surface temp/sal2010-09-21 20:52:5953.331 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Sep2010
1189844Surface temp/sal2010-09-22 09:11:0853.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Sep2010
1189856Surface temp/sal2010-09-22 21:32:0853.337 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Sep2010
1189936Surface temp/sal2010-09-23 09:38:4953.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Sep2010
1190058Surface temp/sal2010-09-23 20:50:4953.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Sep2010
1190151Surface temp/sal2010-09-24 09:10:3953.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Sep2010
1190163Surface temp/sal2010-09-24 20:54:5853.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Sep2010
1190175Surface temp/sal2010-09-25 09:03:4853.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Sep2010
1190187Surface temp/sal2010-09-25 20:48:3753.337 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Sep2010
1190199Surface temp/sal2010-09-26 21:13:5753.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Sep2010
1190206Surface temp/sal2010-09-27 20:51:4653.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Sep2010
1190218Surface temp/sal2010-09-28 08:55:0653.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Sep2010
1189948Surface temp/sal2010-09-28 21:00:3653.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Sep2010
1189961Surface temp/sal2010-09-29 09:08:4553.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Sep2010
1189973Surface temp/sal2010-09-29 20:58:0553.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Sep2010
1189985Surface temp/sal2010-09-30 09:12:2553.338 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Sep2010
1189997Surface temp/sal2010-09-30 20:59:1453.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Sep2010
1190009Surface temp/sal2010-10-01 09:07:1453.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_1Oct2010
1190010Surface temp/sal2010-10-01 20:56:3453.329 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Oct2010
1190022Surface temp/sal2010-10-02 08:55:5453.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Oct2010
1190034Surface temp/sal2010-10-02 20:46:0353.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Oct2010
1190046Surface temp/sal2010-10-03 20:57:4353.338 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Oct2010
1190071Surface temp/sal2010-10-04 21:03:2253.334 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Oct2010
1190083Surface temp/sal2010-10-05 09:01:5253.337 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Oct2010
1190095Surface temp/sal2010-10-05 20:52:2153.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Oct2010
1190102Surface temp/sal2010-10-06 09:38:1153.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Oct2010
1190114Surface temp/sal2010-10-06 20:57:4153.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Oct2010
1190126Surface temp/sal2010-10-07 09:08:2053.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Oct2010
1190138Surface temp/sal2010-10-07 20:47:0053.33 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Oct2010
1190231Surface temp/sal2010-10-08 09:13:5053.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Oct2010
1190359Surface temp/sal2010-10-08 20:48:2953.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Oct2010
1190415Surface temp/sal2010-10-09 09:11:5953.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Oct2010
1190427Surface temp/sal2010-10-09 20:48:0953.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Oct2010
1190439Surface temp/sal2010-10-10 21:12:3853.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Oct2010
1190440Surface temp/sal2010-10-11 20:51:2753.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Oct2010
1190452Surface temp/sal2010-10-12 10:18:2653.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Oct2010
1190464Surface temp/sal2010-10-12 21:31:4653.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Oct2010
1190476Surface temp/sal2010-10-13 09:03:3653.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Oct2010
1190243Surface temp/sal2010-10-13 20:51:1553.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Oct2010
1190255Surface temp/sal2010-10-14 09:08:1553.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Oct2010
1190267Surface temp/sal2010-10-14 20:50:4453.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Oct2010
1190279Surface temp/sal2010-10-15 08:59:4453.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Oct2010
1190280Surface temp/sal2010-10-15 20:50:5453.329 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Oct2010
1190292Surface temp/sal2010-10-16 08:58:2353.337 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Oct2010
1190311Surface temp/sal2010-10-16 20:52:2353.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Oct2010
1190323Surface temp/sal2010-10-17 20:53:1253.338 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Oct2010
1190335Surface temp/sal2010-10-18 20:51:0153.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Oct2010
1190347Surface temp/sal2010-10-19 09:01:1153.336 N, 6.11 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Oct2010
1190360Surface temp/sal2010-10-19 20:57:0053.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Oct2010
1190372Surface temp/sal2010-10-20 09:00:0053.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Oct2010
1190384Surface temp/sal2010-10-20 20:47:2953.329 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Oct2010
1190396Surface temp/sal2010-10-21 09:06:5953.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Oct2010
1190403Surface temp/sal2010-10-21 20:47:0953.328 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Oct2010
1190488Surface temp/sal2010-10-22 09:04:3053.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Oct2010
1190612Surface temp/sal2010-10-22 20:50:0053.327 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Oct2010
1190661Surface temp/sal2010-10-23 09:14:4053.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Oct2010
1190673Surface temp/sal2010-10-23 21:01:3953.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Oct2010
1190685Surface temp/sal2010-10-24 21:17:3953.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Oct2010
1190697Surface temp/sal2010-10-25 20:44:4853.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Oct2010
1190704Surface temp/sal2010-10-26 09:12:5853.336 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_26Oct2010
1190716Surface temp/sal2010-10-26 20:53:2753.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_26Oct2010
1190728Surface temp/sal2010-10-27 08:57:2753.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Oct2010
1190507Surface temp/sal2010-10-27 20:49:0753.33 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_27Oct2010
1190519Surface temp/sal2010-10-28 09:02:0653.321 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Oct2010
1190520Surface temp/sal2010-10-28 20:51:5653.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Oct2010
1190532Surface temp/sal2010-10-29 09:10:4653.335 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Oct2010
1190544Surface temp/sal2010-10-29 20:55:1653.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Oct2010
1190556Surface temp/sal2010-10-30 09:24:5553.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Oct2010
1190568Surface temp/sal2010-10-30 21:07:2553.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Oct2010
1190581Surface temp/sal2010-10-31 22:04:2453.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_31Oct2010
1190593Surface temp/sal2010-11-01 21:50:5453.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_1Nov2010
1190600Surface temp/sal2010-11-02 10:04:0353.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Nov2010
1190624Surface temp/sal2010-11-02 22:08:0353.33 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Nov2010
1190636Surface temp/sal2010-11-03 12:19:4353.336 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Nov2010
1190648Surface temp/sal2010-11-04 00:24:0253.33 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Nov2010
1190741Surface temp/sal2010-11-04 10:58:2153.337 N, 6.115 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Nov2010
1190869Surface temp/sal2010-11-04 21:57:0153.33 N, 6.169 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Nov2010 2
1190974Surface temp/sal2010-11-05 09:57:3053.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Nov2010
1191050Surface temp/sal2010-11-05 21:48:4053.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Nov2010
1191062Surface temp/sal2010-11-06 10:11:3953.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Nov2010
1191074Surface temp/sal2010-11-06 22:04:4953.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Nov2010
1191086Surface temp/sal2010-11-07 22:12:2853.335 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Nov2010
1191098Surface temp/sal2010-11-08 22:01:0753.331 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Nov2010
1191105Surface temp/sal2010-11-09 10:05:4753.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Nov2010
1190753Surface temp/sal2010-11-09 21:46:3753.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Nov2010
1190765Surface temp/sal2010-11-10 10:19:1653.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Nov2010
1190777Surface temp/sal2010-11-10 22:00:1653.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Nov2010
1190789Surface temp/sal2010-11-11 10:13:4553.337 N, 6.113 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Nov2010
1190790Surface temp/sal2010-11-12 00:54:0553.328 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Nov2010
1190808Surface temp/sal2010-11-12 12:22:1553.336 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Nov2010
1190821Surface temp/sal2010-11-13 00:03:5453.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Nov2010
1190833Surface temp/sal2010-11-13 09:58:1453.336 N, 6.102 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Nov2010
1190845Surface temp/sal2010-11-13 22:57:4453.337 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Nov2010 2
1190857Surface temp/sal2010-11-14 22:15:5353.336 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Nov2010
1190870Surface temp/sal2010-11-15 22:15:1253.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Nov2010
1190882Surface temp/sal2010-11-16 09:59:3253.337 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Nov2010
1190894Surface temp/sal2010-11-16 23:05:3153.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Nov2010
1190901Surface temp/sal2010-11-17 11:23:5153.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Nov2010
1190913Surface temp/sal2010-11-17 21:46:5053.294 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Nov2010
1190925Surface temp/sal2010-11-18 10:10:1053.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Nov2010
1190937Surface temp/sal2010-11-18 21:50:4053.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Nov2010
1190949Surface temp/sal2010-11-19 09:55:1953.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Nov2010
1190950Surface temp/sal2010-11-19 21:53:1953.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Nov2010
1190962Surface temp/sal2010-11-20 10:12:1953.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Nov2010
1190986Surface temp/sal2010-11-20 21:56:4853.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Nov2010
1190998Surface temp/sal2010-11-21 21:59:0753.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Nov2010
1191001Surface temp/sal2010-11-22 21:43:1753.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Nov2010
1191013Surface temp/sal2010-11-23 09:57:4653.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Nov2010
1191025Surface temp/sal2010-11-23 21:47:4653.33 N, 6.164 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Nov2010
1191037Surface temp/sal2010-11-24 10:05:0653.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_24Nov2010
1191049Surface temp/sal2010-11-24 21:48:4553.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_24Nov2010
1191117Surface temp/sal2010-11-25 09:57:5053.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_25Nov2010
1191129Surface temp/sal2010-11-25 21:43:5053.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_25Nov2010
1191130Surface temp/sal2010-12-02 10:13:4453.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Dec2010
1191258Surface temp/sal2010-12-02 21:47:5753.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Dec2010
1191326Surface temp/sal2010-12-03 09:47:2353.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_3Dec2010
1191338Surface temp/sal2010-12-03 21:49:0653.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Dec2010
1191351Surface temp/sal2010-12-04 09:58:2853.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Dec2010
1191363Surface temp/sal2010-12-04 21:48:2353.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Dec2010
1191375Surface temp/sal2010-12-05 22:04:2253.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Dec2010
1191387Surface temp/sal2010-12-06 22:04:2253.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Dec2010
1191399Surface temp/sal2010-12-07 10:12:0053.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Dec2010
1191142Surface temp/sal2010-12-07 22:00:2953.332 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Dec2010
1191154Surface temp/sal2010-12-08 10:14:1053.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Dec2010
1191166Surface temp/sal2010-12-08 21:55:2653.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Dec2010
1191178Surface temp/sal2010-12-09 10:06:5853.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Dec2010
1191191Surface temp/sal2010-12-09 22:00:2053.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_9Dec2010
1191209Surface temp/sal2010-12-10 09:58:3653.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_10Dec2010
1191210Surface temp/sal2010-12-10 22:02:0453.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Dec2010
1191222Surface temp/sal2010-12-11 09:56:4453.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Dec2010
1191234Surface temp/sal2010-12-11 22:31:2653.33 N, 6.172 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Dec2010
1191246Surface temp/sal2010-12-12 22:08:2453.338 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Dec2010
1191271Surface temp/sal2010-12-13 21:56:2753.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Dec2010
1191283Surface temp/sal2010-12-14 10:03:3053.338 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Dec2010
1191295Surface temp/sal2010-12-14 21:51:5053.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Dec2010
1191302Surface temp/sal2010-12-15 10:25:4953.336 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Dec2010
1191314Surface temp/sal2010-12-15 21:58:1953.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Dec2010
1191406Surface temp/sal2010-12-16 10:05:1153.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Dec2010
1191418Surface temp/sal2010-12-16 21:53:0153.327 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_16Dec2010
1191431Surface temp/sal2010-12-17 10:07:4053.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_17Dec2010
1191443Surface temp/sal2010-12-17 21:54:0053.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Dec2010
1191455Surface temp/sal2010-12-18 10:42:1053.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Dec2010
1191467Surface temp/sal2010-12-20 22:09:1653.329 N, 6.171 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Dec2010
1191479Surface temp/sal2010-12-21 10:30:0053.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Dec2010
1191480Surface temp/sal2010-12-21 22:09:5953.328 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Dec2010
1191492Surface temp/sal2010-12-22 10:34:1153.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Dec2010
1191511Surface temp/sal2010-12-22 22:00:3753.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Dec2010
1191523Surface temp/sal2010-12-23 10:31:1853.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_23Dec2010
1191535Surface temp/sal2010-12-23 21:53:5153.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_23Dec2010
1191547Surface temp/sal2010-12-27 22:04:4753.336 N, 6.087 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_27Dec2010
1191603Surface temp/sal2010-12-28 10:02:0753.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_28Dec2010
1191615Surface temp/sal2010-12-28 21:51:4653.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_28Dec2010
1191627Surface temp/sal2010-12-29 09:53:3653.328 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_29Dec2010
1191639Surface temp/sal2010-12-29 22:02:3653.337 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_29Dec2010
1191640Surface temp/sal2010-12-30 09:57:4653.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_30Dec2010
1191652Surface temp/sal2010-12-30 22:04:2553.336 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_30Dec2010
1191664Surface temp/sal2011-01-02 10:27:1453.328 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_2Jan2011
1191676Surface temp/sal2011-01-02 21:55:1353.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_2Jan2011
1191559Surface temp/sal2011-01-03 21:58:0353.328 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_3Jan2011
1191560Surface temp/sal2011-01-04 10:05:5253.338 N, 6.111 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_4Jan2011
1191572Surface temp/sal2011-01-04 21:41:2253.33 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_4Jan2011
1191584Surface temp/sal2011-01-05 09:56:4253.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_5Jan2011
1191596Surface temp/sal2011-01-05 21:47:1253.33 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_5Jan2011
1191707Surface temp/sal2011-01-06 10:12:0153.337 N, 6.106 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_6Jan2011
1191756Surface temp/sal2011-01-06 21:50:2153.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_6Jan2011
1191768Surface temp/sal2011-01-07 10:13:1153.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_7Jan2011
1191781Surface temp/sal2011-01-07 21:53:2153.329 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_7Jan2011
1191793Surface temp/sal2011-01-08 10:06:1053.338 N, 6.119 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_8Jan2011
1191800Surface temp/sal2011-01-08 22:14:2053.336 N, 6.162 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_8Jan2011
1191812Surface temp/sal2011-01-09 22:00:1053.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_9Jan2011
1191824Surface temp/sal2011-01-10 21:56:1953.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_10Jan2011
1191836Surface temp/sal2011-01-11 09:57:5953.337 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_11Jan2011
1191719Surface temp/sal2011-01-11 21:46:2953.328 N, 6.162 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_11Jan2011
1191720Surface temp/sal2011-01-12 10:13:1853.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_12Jan2011
1191732Surface temp/sal2011-01-12 21:57:0853.329 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_12Jan2011
1191744Surface temp/sal2011-01-13 10:09:4853.336 N, 6.101 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_13Jan2011
1191848Surface temp/sal2011-01-13 21:44:1253.329 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_13Jan2011
1191861Surface temp/sal2011-01-14 09:57:2753.337 N, 6.104 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_14Jan2011
1191873Surface temp/sal2011-01-14 21:36:5253.329 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_14Jan2011
1191885Surface temp/sal2011-01-15 09:48:5853.337 N, 6.115 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_15Jan2011
1191897Surface temp/sal2011-01-15 22:21:4853.237 N, 6.17 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_15Jan2011
1191904Surface temp/sal2011-01-16 21:59:5453.336 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_16Jan2011
1191916Surface temp/sal2011-01-17 21:53:0853.331 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_17Jan2011
1191928Surface temp/sal2011-01-18 09:53:2653.337 N, 6.103 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_18Jan2011
1191941Surface temp/sal2011-01-18 21:53:1653.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_18Jan2011
1191953Surface temp/sal2011-01-19 10:31:2553.337 N, 6.109 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_19Jan2011
1191965Surface temp/sal2011-01-19 21:58:1553.331 N, 6.165 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_19Jan2011
1191977Surface temp/sal2011-01-20 10:13:4053.337 N, 6.107 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_20Jan2011
1191989Surface temp/sal2011-01-20 21:50:1053.331 N, 6.166 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_20Jan2011
1191990Surface temp/sal2011-01-21 10:07:4053.336 N, 6.108 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_21Jan2011
1192004Surface temp/sal2011-01-21 21:58:1953.331 N, 6.168 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_21Jan2011
1192016Surface temp/sal2011-01-22 10:15:4953.335 N, 6.105 WLiverpool Seaways LV_BIRK_DUB_22Jan2011
1192028Surface temp/sal2011-01-22 21:41:3953.331 N, 6.167 WLiverpool Seaways LV_DUB_BIRK_22Jan2011