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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 1903712

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Bathymetry
Instrument Type
Kongsberg Simrad EA600 echosounder  single-beam echosounders
Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 200 Global Positioning System receiver and gyrocompass  platform attitude sensors; Differential Global Positioning System receivers
Furuno GP32 Global Positioning System receiver  NAVSTAR Global Positioning System receivers
Kongsberg EM 122 multibeam echosounder  multi-beam echosounders
Sperry Marine MK37 series gyrocompasses  platform attitude sensors
Instrument Mounting research vessel
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator Unknown
Originating Organization British Oceanographic Data Centre, Liverpool
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) -

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier JR20081224-PRODQXF_NAV
BODC Series Reference 1903712

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2008-12-24 12:12
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2009-01-06 18:06
Nominal Cycle Interval 60.0 seconds

Spatial Co-ordinates

Start Latitude 67.83517 S ( 67° 50.1' S )
End Latitude 51.66000 S ( 51° 39.6' S )
Start Longitude 69.56433 W ( 69° 33.9' W )
End Longitude 36.44067 W ( 36° 26.4' W )
Positional Uncertainty 0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth -
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth -
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height -
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height -
Sea Floor Depth -
Sea Floor Depth Source -
Sensor or Sampling Distribution -
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum -
Sea Floor Depth Datum -


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
AADYAA011DaysDate (time from 00:00 01/01/1760 to 00:00 UT on day)
AAFDZZ011DaysTime (time between 00:00 UT and timestamp)
ALATGP011DegreesLatitude north relative to WGS84 by unspecified GPS system
ALONGP011DegreesLongitude east relative to WGS84 by unspecified GPS system
APEWGP011Centimetres per secondEastward velocity of measurement platform relative to ground surface by unspecified GPS system
APNSGP011Centimetres per secondNorthward velocity of measurement platform relative to ground surface by unspecified GPS system
DSRNCV011KilometresDistance travelled
HEADCM011DegreesOrientation (horizontal) of measurement device relative to True North {heading}
MBANZZ011MetresSea-floor depth (below instantaneous sea level) {bathymetric depth} in the water body by echo sounder

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

BAS Long Term and Monitoring Survey RRS James Clark Ross Cruise JR20081224 (JR188) Underway Navigation Data Quality Report


N flags were applied to absent values. M flags applied throughout the cruise period when dropouts or reflection from the surface was identified in the data.

Ship's heading

M flags were applied to HEADCM01 to cycles were data was found to be inconsistent, e.g. sudden changes in ship's direction which is not realistic, given the time scale considered.

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

Kongsberg EA600 Single Beam Echosounder

The EA600 is a single beam echosounder with full ocean depth capability designed for bathymetric surveys. It measures water depth by monitoring the travel time of an acoustic signal that is transmitted from the ship, reflected off the seabed and received back at the ship.

The main components of the system are hull-mounted transducers linked to general purpose transceivers (GPTs). Up to four GPTs, each controlling one or more transducers, may be operated simultaneously. The GPT generates a signal, which is transmitted into the water column as an acoustic pulse by the transducer array, and the returning echo is recorded by the GPT. GPTs are in turn linked to a combined display and processor, where adjustments (such as sound-speed corrections) may be applied to the data. Available frequencies span from 12 to 710 kHz, and each GPT may operate at a separate frequency. A variety of transducers is available for water depths up to 11,000 m.

The EA600 stores all data internally but has a USB port which allows the possibility of connecting a CD-ROM/DVD drive to read and write the data. All echo data can be stored as files: bitmap, sample, depth or sidescan data.

In deeper waters, the EA600 supports a multipulse function, allowing for a higher pinger rate. While on passive mode, the pinger is normally attached to a device, with the purpose of tracking and displaying its current depth.

The EA600 replaced the EA500 in 2000.


Maximum Ping rate 20 Hz
Resolution 1 cm

1 cm at 710 and 200 kHz
2 cm at 120 kHZ
5 cm at 38 kHz
10 cm at 18 kHz
20 cm at 12kHz

Operating frequencies 1 or 2 kHz
Single Beam frequencies

12, 18, 33, 38, 50, 70,
120, 200, 210 or 710 kHz

Dynamic range 160 dB

Further details can be found in the manufacturer's specification sheet.

Kongsberg EM122 12kHz Multibeam Echosounder

The EM122 is designed to perform seabed mapping to full ocean depth with a high resolution, coverage and accuracy. Beam focusing is applied both during reception and transmission. The system has up to 288 beams/432 soundings per swath with pointing angles, which are automatically adjusted according to achievable coverage or operator defined limits.

This model uses both Continuous Wave and Frequency Modulated sweep pulses with pulse compression on reception, in order to increase the maximum useful swath width. The transmit fan is split in several individual sectors, with independent active steering, in order to compensate for the vessel movements.

In multiplying mode, two swaths per ping cycle are generated, with up to 864 soundings. The beam spacing is equidistant or equiangular and the transmit fan is duplicated and transmitted with a small difference in along track tilt, which takes into account depth coverage and vessel speed, to give a constant sounding separation along track. In high density mode, more than one sounding per beam can be produced, such that horizontal resolution is increased and is almost constant over the whole swath.

The EM122 transducers are modular linear arrays in a Mills cross configuration with separate units for transmit and receive. If used to deliver sub-bottom profiling capabilities with a very narrow beamwidth, this system is known as SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler.

The specification sheet can be accessed here Kongsberg EM122.


Operational frequency 12 Hz
Depth range 20 to 11000 m
Swath width 6 x depth, to approximately 30 km
Pulse forms Continuous Wave and Frequency Modulated chirp
Swath profiles per ping 1 or 2
Sounding pattern equidistant on bottom/equiangular
Depth resolution of soundings 1 cm
Sidelobe suppression -25 dB
Suppression of sounding artefacts 9 frequency coded transmit sectors
Beam focusing On transmit (per sector) and on reception (dynamic)
Swath width control manual or automatic, all soundings intact even with reduced swath width
Motion compensation
Yaw ± 10°
Pitch ± 10°
Roll ± 15°

EM122 versions

System version 0.5x1 1x1 1x2 2x2 2x4 4x4
Transmit array (°) 150x0.5 150x1 150x1 150x2 150x2 150x4
Receive array (°) 1x30 1x30 2x30 2x30 4x30 4x30
No of beams/swath 288 288 288 288 144 144
Max no of soundings/swath 432 432 432 432 216 216
Max no of swaths/ping 2 2 2 1 1 1
Max no of soundings/ping 864 864 864 432 216 216

Furuno GPS/WAAS Navigator GP32

The GP32 is an advanced GPS navigator with a Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) receiver which can receive up to 12 discrete GPS channels, all-in-view, and also has DGPS capabilities.

The WAAS applies correction data by means of geostationary satellites. The reference stations on earth monitor the GPS constellation and route GPS error data to the WAAS satellite via the master earth station.

This equipment is comprised of a compact unit designed for coastal activities with several display modes, e.g. Plotter, Nav Data, Steering, Highway, Speedometer and two other costumisable modes. The data can be viewed in WGS-84 or other geodetic systems.


Receiver type

GPS: 12 discrete channels, C/A code, all-in-view

WAAS: standard fitted display unit

Receive frequency L1 (1575.42 MHz)
Time to first fix 12 s (typical)
Tracking velocity 999 knots
Reference stations Automatic or manual selection
Frequency range 283.5 to 325 kHz in 0.5 kHz steps
GPS 10 m (95%)
DGPS 5 m (95%)
WAAS 3 m (95%)

The equipment's specification sheet can be accessed Furuno GP32

Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 200 GPS and Gyrocompass

The Seapath 200 is a highly accurate, real-time heading, attitude and position information system that integrates the best signal characteristics of Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) and Global Positioning System (GPS), using a differential GPS method to acquire this data.

The high-rate motion data is obtained from the Seatex MRU5 inertial sensor and two fixed baseline GPS carrier-phase receivers. The raw data is integrated in a Kalman filter in the Seapath Processing Unit. The IMU contains an accurate linear accelerometer and Bosch Coriolis force angular rate gyros (CFG).

This system is equipped to utilise up to six different DGPS reference stations, it checks for consistency within measurements from the different sensors to ensure reliability and rejects noisy data or reports its inaccuracy. The data is available through various output protocols, RS-232, RS-422 and Ethernet.

This instrument is no longer in production; the main characteristics are presented below, and the specification sheet can be accessed here Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 200 .


Scale factor error in pitch, roll and heading 0.2% RMS
Heave motion periods 1 to 25 s

0.05° RMS (4 m baseline)

0.075° RMS (2.5 m baseline)

Roll and Pitch 0.03° EMS (± 5° amplitude)
Heave 5 cm or 5%, whichever is highest

0.7 RMS or 1.5 m (95% CEP) with DGPS

0.15 m EMS or 0.4 m (95% CEP) with Searef 100 corrections

Velocity 0.03 m s-1 RMS or 0.07 m s-1 (95% CEP) with DGPS

Sperry Marine MK-37 Gyrocompass

A family of instruments that contain a controlled gyroscope which seeks and aligns itself with the meridian and points to true north. They use the properties of the gyroscope in combination with the rotation of the earth and the effect of gravity. The effects of varying speed and latitude are compensated for by the use of manually operated controls. Models MOD I, MOD O, MOD D, MOD D/E are all with an analog output Step or/and Syncro. MOD VT is the latest model with NMEA Data output as well.

Further specifications for MOD VT can be found in the manufacturer's specification document.

Further information for MOD D/E can be found in the user manual.

BAS Long Term and Monitoring Survey RRS James Clark Ross Cruise JR20081224 (JR188) Underway Navigation Instrument Document

Navigation data were obtained through different instruments, but as the Seatex provides the position information for the multibeam system, it is considered as a primary source of data so, unlike the other positioning streams, this stream was processed. Unprocessed data from the different navigation streams is available upon request.

The following table presents the instruments that collected data during the cruise:

Instrument Type Manufacturer Main role
Seapath 200 GPS Seatex This stream is the primary source of positioning for the multibeam
Mk37 model D Compass Sperry Marine Ship's heading
Ea600 Echosounder Kongsberg Bathymetry

BAS Long Term and Monitoring Survey RRS James Clark Ross Cruise JR20081224 (JR188) Underway Navigation Processing Procedures Document

Originator's Data Processing

The ship sailed on the 24th December 2008 from Rothera and docked at Signy on the 28th December 2008, this appears to be a transit period but has been included in the data as the ship was recording during this time. On the 29th December 2008, the ship left Signy and began data collection. The cruise ended when the ship docked at South Georgia on the 6th January 2009.

Data were not processed during the cruise, the procedures implemented throughout the cruise consisted of data retrieval from the previous 24h and logging those into sub directories on the ship's intranet system.

Navigation instruments were located on the ship's monkey island, above the bridge.

Data processing was carried out at BAS on selected data streams. The ship has four positioning systems, but as the Seatex GPS provides the input latitude and longitude for the multibeam positioning, it is considered as a primary source of data, so processing was carried out on this stream but not on the others.

The post-cruise processing procedures carried out by the originator include:

  • check for duplicate dates and times
  • standardising time
  • check for gaps in data
  • check data against defined thresholds
  • interpolation and flagging
  • unit conversion

Navigation data was sent in four files with and include: ship's heading, speed, course, position, course and travelled distance and heave. Pitch and roll were retrieved from raw files.

Files delivered to BODC

Filename Content description Format Interval Start date/time (UTC) End date/time (UTC)
jr188_seatex_exactsec Originator processed position txt 1s 11/12/2008 18:12:00 06/01/2009 18:25:13
jr188_gyro_exactsec ship's orientation txt 1s 11/12/2008 18:12:00 06/01/2009 18:25:13
ea600 echsounder bathymetry txt 1s 11/12/2008 18:12:00 06/01/2009 18:24:32
em120* Multibeam bathymetry txt 11s 13/12/2008 14:19:36 06/01/2009 17:45:27

* note that although the file name is em120, the instrument is actually an em122

BODC Data Processing

Parameter codes defined in BODC's parameter dictionary were assigned to originator's variables. No unit conversion was applied as the originator's units are equivalent to the units defined on the BODC vocabulary. Data were loaded into BODC's database using established data banking procedures.


Originator's variable Originator's units BODC Code BODC Units Unit conversion Comments
ProcLat decimal degrees ALATGP01 decimal degrees - -
ProcLon decimal degrees ALONGP01 decimal degrees - -


Originator's variable Originator's units BODC Code BODC Units Unit conversion Comments
heading degrees true HEADCM01 degrees true - -


Originator's variable Originator's units BODC Code BODC Units Unit conversion Comments
ea600-depth m MBANZZ01 m    

All the reformatted data were visualised using the in-house EDSERPLO software. Suspect data were marked by adding an appropriate quality control flag, missing data by both setting the data to an appropriate value and setting the quality control flag.


A check was run on the position data and no gaps or speed fails were identified.

Ship's velocities

Ship's eastward and northward velocities were calculated from the main latitude and longitude channels. Data exhibit good quality, with no gaps or spikes identified.

Distance Run

Distance run was calculated from the main latitude and longitude channels, starting from the beginning of the cruise.


Bathymetry data from the echosounder and multibeam were loaded and screened. The multibeam has much less data than the echosounder (MBANZZ01) and both channels have several flags added due to dropouts. Therefore the multibeam has been dropped from the final file.

Project Information

No Project Information held for the Series

Data Activity or Cruise Information


Cruise Name JR20081224 (JR188)
Departure Date 2008-12-24
Arrival Date 2009-01-06
Principal Scientist(s)Claire Waluda (British Antarctic Survey)
Ship RRS James Clark Ross

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NameWestern Core Box
CategoryOffshore area
Latitude53° 34.46' S
Longitude38° 20.05' W
Water depth below MSL

Western Core Box

The British Antarctic Survey undertakes cruises to determine krill biomass as part of the ongoing assessment of the status of the marine ecosystem in the region of South Georgia. This unique time series, known as the Western Core Box, which has taken place since 1996 is funded by Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) British Antarctic Survey Long Term Monitoring programme.

The survey area is located in an on and off shelf survery area (figure.1), which comprises of an acoustic grid survey of 8 transects each of 80 km in length. Standard data collection includes underway biological echosounder acoustic transaects, CTD profiles, stratified and targetted RMT8 hauls of macrozooplankton and micronekton and a set of moorings which provide temporal coverage and a year round set of observations.

The specific aims of the WCB are:

  • To quantify the interannual variability and long-term change in the mesoscale distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill.
  • To quantify the the interannual variability and long-term change in the mesoscale distribution and abundance of other plankton/micronekton.
  • To examine interannual varaibility in the context of environmental variability (climate variability).
  • To examine prey availiability in the context of predator and fishery demand.
BODC image

Figure 1. Western Core Box Survey Area (BAS, 2017).

A list of Western Core Box cruises are shown below.

Cruise Start Date End Date
RRS James Clark Ross JR17 12-12-1996 05-01-1997
RRS James Clark Ross JR28 14-01-1998 07-02-1998
RRS James Clark Ross JR38 16-12-1998 12-01-1999
RRS James Clark Ross JR54 28-10-2000 12-11-2000
RRS James Clark Ross JR57 17-12-2000 12-01-2001
RRS James Clark Ross JR60 16-03-2001 26-03-2001
RRS James Clark Ross JR66 27-10-2001 15-11-2001
RRS James Clark Ross JR70 31-12-2001 08-02-2002
RRS James Clark Ross JR72 06-05-2002 19-05-2002
RRS James Clark Ross JR79 14-10-2002 19-10-2002
RRS James Clark Ross JR82 05-01-2003 24-02-2003
RRS James Clark Ross JR87 21-04-2003 09-05-2003
RRS James Clark Ross JR92 12-11-2003 17-11-2003
RRS James Clark Ross JR96 30-12-2003 20-01-2004
RRS James Clark Ross JR100 09-03-2004 05-04-2004
RRS James Clark Ross JR107 15-11-2004 29-11-2004
RRS James Clark Ross JR116 22-12-2004 18-01-2005
RRS James Clark Ross JR121 15-03-2005 16-04-2005
RRS James Clark Ross JR129 09-11-2005 22-11-2005
RRS James Clark Ross JR140 28-12-2005 03-01-2006
RRS James Clark Ross JR146 26-02-2006 17-04-2006
RRS James Clark Ross JR159 03-10-2006 20-10-2006
RRS James Clark RossJR162 23-12-2006 28-12-2006
RRS James Clark Ross JR167 18-04-2007 14-05-2007
RRS James Clark Ross JR184 29-10-2007 21-11-2007
RRS James Clark Ross JR186 15-04-2008 06-05-2008
RRS James Clark Ross JR188 24-12-2008 06-01-2009
RRS James Clark Ross JR228 12-12-2009 30-12-2009
RRS James Clark Ross JR245 21-12-2010 19-01-2011
RRS James Clark Ross JR260B 28-12-2011 16-01-2012
RRS James Clark Ross JR280 14-11-2012 11-12-2012
RRS James Clark Ross JR291 12-11-2013 19-12-2013
RRS James Clark Ross JR304 15-11-2014 17-12-2014
RRS James Clark Ross JR15002 12-11-2015 14-12-2015
RRS James Clark Ross JR16003 08-12-2016 11-01-2017
RRS James Clark Ross JR17002 23-12-2017 22-01-2018
RRS Discovery DY098 02-01-2019 13-02-2019


British Antarctic Survey (2017). POETS-WCB. Available at: [Accessed 2017].

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 1

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: Western Core Box

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
1810596Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-26 17:59:0053.26755 S, 38.73908 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810603Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-26 18:50:0053.43165 S, 38.69489 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810615Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-26 19:49:0053.6105 S, 38.63841 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810627Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-26 20:47:0053.78518 S, 38.58341 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810639Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-26 21:45:0053.96205 S, 38.52672 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810640Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-27 06:59:0053.92628 S, 38.22029 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810652Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-27 08:04:0053.75017 S, 38.27791 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810664Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-27 09:09:0053.57384 S, 38.3352 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810676Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-27 10:14:0053.39731 S, 38.39225 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810688Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-27 11:19:0053.22129 S, 38.44952 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810707Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-27 17:24:0053.86931 S, 37.72777 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810719Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-27 18:29:0053.69298 S, 37.78631 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810720Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-27 19:34:0053.51554 S, 37.84674 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810732Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-27 20:39:0053.3406 S, 37.90568 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810744Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-27 21:44:0053.1641 S, 37.96437 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810756Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-28 07:00:0053.14806 S, 37.83258 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810768Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-28 08:05:0053.32454 S, 37.77299 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810781Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-28 09:11:0053.50129 S, 37.7135 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810793Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-28 10:16:0053.67724 S, 37.65376 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1810800Bathythermograph -expendable2006-12-28 11:21:0053.85321 S, 37.59438 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061223 (JR162)
1901717Bathymetry2007-04-18 15:08:0057.27383 S, 57.856 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20070418 (JR167, JR168)
1901729Meteorology -unspecified2007-04-18 15:08:0057.27383 S, 57.856 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20070418 (JR167, JR168)
1901730Surface temp/sal2007-04-18 15:08:0057.27383 S, 57.856 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20070418 (JR167, JR168)
1902179Bathymetry2007-10-29 21:55:0060.78467 S, 57.82933 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
1902180Meteorology -unspecified2007-10-29 21:55:0060.78467 S, 57.82933 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
1902192Surface temp/sal2007-10-29 21:55:0060.78467 S, 57.82933 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
750968Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-07 08:11:0053.347 S, 39.6025 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
750993Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-07 09:16:0053.52467 S, 39.54933 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751007Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-07 10:20:0053.7015 S, 39.4975 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751019Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-07 11:25:0053.87817 S, 39.44517 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751020Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-07 12:30:0054.0555 S, 39.39167 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
1745294CTD or STD cast2007-11-08 00:16:0053.49295 S, 39.25085 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
1745301CTD or STD cast2007-11-08 03:11:0053.84593 S, 39.14405 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751032Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-08 07:59:0053.9935 S, 38.81917 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751044Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-08 09:04:0053.81633 S, 38.8745 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751056Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-08 10:09:0053.63983 S, 38.92917 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751068Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-08 11:14:0053.46317 S, 38.98383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751081Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-08 12:19:0053.2865 S, 39.03833 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
1745313CTD or STD cast2007-11-09 00:15:0053.78506 S, 38.58392 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
1745325CTD or STD cast2007-11-09 03:38:0053.43218 S, 38.69502 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751093Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-09 08:00:0053.22083 S, 38.449 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751100Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-09 09:05:0053.39817 S, 38.39267 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751112Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-09 10:10:0053.57383 S, 38.3345 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751124Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-09 11:16:0053.75083 S, 38.27733 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751136Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-09 12:21:0053.927 S, 38.22 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
1745337CTD or STD cast2007-11-10 01:20:0053.36091 S, 38.08297 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
1745349CTD or STD cast2007-11-10 04:32:0053.71391 S, 37.96586 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751148Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-10 08:01:0053.86883 S, 37.72783 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751161Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-10 09:05:0053.69183 S, 37.78833 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751173Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-10 10:10:0053.51633 S, 37.8465 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751185Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-10 11:17:0053.33583 S, 37.904 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751197Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-10 12:20:0053.164 S, 37.96433 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751204Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-10 12:23:0053.1565 S, 37.96683 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751216Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-10 13:06:0053.14933 S, 37.83283 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751228Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-10 14:12:0053.32467 S, 37.77317 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751241Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-10 15:15:0053.498 S, 37.71433 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751253Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-10 16:20:0053.67667 S, 37.65383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
751265Bathythermograph -expendable2007-11-10 17:23:0053.85317 S, 37.59383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
1745350CTD or STD cast2007-11-10 23:30:0053.79976 S, 37.94153 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071029 (JR184)
1903620Bathymetry2008-04-15 13:15:0054.1615 S, 57.8295 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20080415 (JR186, JR214, JR222, JR223)
1903632Meteorology -unspecified2008-04-15 13:15:0054.1615 S, 57.8295 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20080415 (JR186, JR214, JR222, JR223)
1903644Surface temp/sal2008-04-15 13:15:0054.1615 S, 57.8295 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20080415 (JR186, JR214, JR222, JR223)
1903724Meteorology -unspecified2008-12-24 12:12:0067.83517 S, 69.56433 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20081224 (JR188)
1903736Surface temp/sal2008-12-24 12:12:0067.83517 S, 69.56433 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20081224 (JR188)
1916937Bathymetry2009-12-11 21:15:0067.59017 S, 68.13183 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20091211 (JR228)
1916949Meteorology -unspecified2009-12-11 21:15:0067.59017 S, 68.13183 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20091211 (JR228)
1916950Surface temp/sal2009-12-11 21:15:0067.59017 S, 68.13183 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20091211 (JR228)
1809847Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-01 09:01:0054.0548 S, 39.39196 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809859Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-01 09:07:0054.04492 S, 39.39504 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809860Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-01 10:12:0053.87804 S, 39.4447 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809872Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-01 11:20:0053.70062 S, 39.49751 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809884Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-01 12:29:0053.52363 S, 39.54983 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809896Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-01 13:39:0053.34669 S, 39.60253 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809903Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-02 09:00:0053.29259 S, 39.08488 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809915Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-02 10:11:0053.46444 S, 38.98372 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809927Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-02 11:20:0053.64114 S, 38.93054 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809939Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-02 12:32:0053.81777 S, 38.87395 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809940Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-02 13:41:0053.99434 S, 38.81838 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809952Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-03 09:00:0053.92638 S, 38.22057 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809964Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-03 10:08:0053.74943 S, 38.27669 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809976Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-03 11:16:0053.57345 S, 38.33499 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809988Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-03 12:26:0053.3964 S, 38.39168 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1810001Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-03 13:37:0053.2205 S, 38.44905 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1810013Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-04 09:30:0053.16471 S, 37.9641 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1810025Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-04 09:36:0053.17413 S, 37.96092 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1810037Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-04 10:47:0053.34496 S, 37.90398 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1810049Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-04 11:54:0053.51721 S, 37.8465 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1810050Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-04 13:02:0053.69399 S, 37.78668 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1810062Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-04 14:08:0053.86963 S, 37.72826 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1810074Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-04 14:50:0053.85247 S, 37.59373 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1810086Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-04 15:58:0053.67498 S, 37.65333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1810098Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-04 17:05:0053.50008 S, 37.71351 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1810105Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-04 18:14:0053.32369 S, 37.771 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1810117Bathythermograph -expendable2012-12-04 19:24:0053.14779 S, 37.83229 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20121114 (JR280)
1809048CTD or STD cast2013-12-02 22:28:0055.1915 S, 41.342 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1809061CTD or STD cast2013-12-03 05:59:0055.19133 S, 41.34217 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1809085CTD or STD cast2013-12-06 11:53:0053.80167 S, 37.93783 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1809097CTD or STD cast2013-12-07 13:41:0055.25867 S, 41.29483 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1809104CTD or STD cast2013-12-08 12:13:0052.76933 S, 40.15617 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1809116CTD or STD cast2013-12-08 22:44:0052.7655 S, 40.15717 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811852Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-09 08:00:0053.34407 S, 39.60293 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811864Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-09 09:09:0053.52403 S, 39.54956 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811876Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-09 10:17:0053.70197 S, 39.497 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811888Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-09 11:26:0053.88151 S, 39.44346 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811907Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-09 12:33:0054.05732 S, 39.39056 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1809128CTD or STD cast2013-12-09 20:12:0053.49283 S, 39.25117 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811919Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-10 08:00:0053.99465 S, 38.81645 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811920Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-10 09:08:0053.81798 S, 38.87458 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811932Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-10 10:15:0053.63943 S, 38.92943 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811944Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-10 11:23:0053.46275 S, 38.98431 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811956Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-10 12:30:0053.28605 S, 39.03853 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811968Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-11 08:31:0053.22033 S, 38.44843 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811981Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-11 09:40:0053.39745 S, 38.39264 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1811993Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-11 10:49:0053.57452 S, 38.33571 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1812007Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-11 11:56:0053.75067 S, 38.27773 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1812019Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-11 13:02:0053.92717 S, 38.22058 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1812020Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-12 08:06:0053.8703 S, 37.7294 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1812032Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-12 09:13:0053.69299 S, 37.7887 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1812044Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-12 10:20:0053.51638 S, 37.84741 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1812056Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-12 11:28:0053.33538 S, 37.90411 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1812068Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-12 12:36:0053.16327 S, 37.96402 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1812081Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-12 13:13:0053.14872 S, 37.83124 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1812093Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-12 14:23:0053.32409 S, 37.77311 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1812100Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-12 15:30:0053.50074 S, 37.71331 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1812112Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-12 16:38:0053.67734 S, 37.65349 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1812124Bathythermograph -expendable2013-12-12 17:46:0053.85353 S, 37.59327 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1809141CTD or STD cast2013-12-13 12:15:0052.76883 S, 40.155 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1809153CTD or STD cast2013-12-14 05:01:0052.76933 S, 40.154 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20131112 (JR291)
1808820CTD or STD cast2014-11-28 12:20:0055.25267 S, 41.30217 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808832CTD or STD cast2014-11-29 03:04:0055.24767 S, 41.26617 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808844CTD or STD cast2014-11-29 17:42:0055.2475 S, 41.265 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801600Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-08 09:06:0053.34748 S, 39.60238 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801612Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-08 10:15:0053.52485 S, 39.54988 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801624Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-08 11:24:0053.70151 S, 39.49723 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801636Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-08 12:36:0053.87842 S, 39.44495 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801648Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-08 13:44:0054.05557 S, 39.39155 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808881CTD or STD cast2014-12-09 00:17:0053.493 S, 39.254 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808893CTD or STD cast2014-12-09 07:48:0053.84767 S, 39.14333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801661Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-09 09:41:0053.99342 S, 38.81863 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801673Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-09 10:50:0053.81707 S, 38.87384 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801685Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-09 12:05:0053.6395 S, 38.92949 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801697Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-09 14:26:0053.287 S, 39.03848 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808900CTD or STD cast2014-12-09 22:07:0053.78483 S, 38.58333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808912CTD or STD cast2014-12-10 05:55:0053.432 S, 38.695 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801704Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-10 09:00:0053.22108 S, 38.44891 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801716Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-10 09:05:0053.22893 S, 38.4463 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801728Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-10 10:10:0053.39773 S, 38.39191 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801741Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-10 11:20:0053.57429 S, 38.33422 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801753Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-10 12:29:0053.75061 S, 38.27767 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801765Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-10 13:33:0053.92701 S, 38.2203 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808924CTD or STD cast2014-12-10 22:38:0053.36133 S, 38.083 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808936CTD or STD cast2014-12-11 06:20:0053.714 S, 37.966 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801777Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-11 09:00:0053.8689 S, 37.72783 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801789Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-11 10:08:0053.69265 S, 37.78745 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801790Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-11 11:16:0053.51673 S, 37.84697 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801808Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-11 12:27:0053.33607 S, 37.9039 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801821Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-11 13:34:0053.16405 S, 37.96432 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801833Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-11 14:16:0053.14855 S, 37.8323 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801845Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-11 15:29:0053.32488 S, 37.77299 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801857Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-11 16:38:0053.50117 S, 37.71357 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801869Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-11 17:46:0053.67711 S, 37.65427 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1801870Bathythermograph -expendable2014-12-11 18:53:0053.85397 S, 37.5942 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808948CTD or STD cast2014-12-12 22:40:0052.8115 S, 39.97267 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808961CTD or STD cast2014-12-13 14:12:0052.76217 S, 40.30383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808973CTD or STD cast2014-12-13 22:22:0052.81183 S, 39.97267 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808985CTD or STD cast2014-12-14 07:44:0052.6 S, 39.2 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1808997CTD or STD cast2014-12-14 14:06:0052.60033 S, 39.19967 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141115 (JR304)
1805557CTD or STD cast2015-11-22 13:55:0055.23967 S, 41.2575 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1805570CTD or STD cast2015-11-28 12:17:0052.80517 S, 40.08617 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1805582CTD or STD cast2015-11-30 13:02:0055.24267 S, 41.25717 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1805594CTD or STD cast2015-12-01 11:16:0055.235 S, 41.2745 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796755Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-01 19:16:0055.24353 S, 41.25728 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796510Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-03 09:01:0054.03824 S, 39.39687 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796522Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-03 10:02:0053.87741 S, 39.44466 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796534Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-03 11:09:0053.70039 S, 39.49819 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796546Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-03 12:17:0053.52389 S, 39.55014 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796558Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-03 13:26:0053.34676 S, 39.60217 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1805601CTD or STD cast2015-12-03 20:27:0053.84617 S, 39.14367 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1805613CTD or STD cast2015-12-04 07:10:0053.493 S, 39.25083 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796571Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-04 10:38:0053.46462 S, 38.98353 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796583Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-04 11:47:0053.6405 S, 38.92909 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796767Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-04 12:57:0053.81786 S, 38.87367 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796779Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-04 14:05:0053.99436 S, 38.81858 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1805625CTD or STD cast2015-12-04 22:11:0053.4325 S, 38.695 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1805637CTD or STD cast2015-12-05 06:09:0053.785 S, 38.584 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796595Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-05 09:01:0053.92428 S, 38.21908 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796602Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-05 10:07:0053.7497 S, 38.27961 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796614Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-05 11:15:0053.57296 S, 38.33706 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796626Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-05 12:23:0053.39704 S, 38.3926 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1805649CTD or STD cast2015-12-05 20:40:0053.71383 S, 37.96633 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1805650CTD or STD cast2015-12-05 23:44:0053.361 S, 38.083 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796638Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-06 09:05:0053.86167 S, 37.7299 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796651Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-06 10:10:0053.69216 S, 37.78767 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796663Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-06 11:16:0053.51619 S, 37.84674 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796687Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-06 12:26:0053.3357 S, 37.90438 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796675Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-06 13:35:0053.16027 S, 37.96504 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796699Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-06 14:20:0053.14881 S, 37.83135 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796706Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-06 15:31:0053.32472 S, 37.77297 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796718Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-06 16:39:0053.50085 S, 37.71336 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796731Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-06 17:48:0053.67712 S, 37.6541 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1796743Bathythermograph -expendable2015-12-06 18:55:0053.8533 S, 37.59347 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1805662CTD or STD cast2015-12-08 12:46:0052.81167 S, 40.11167 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15002
1807226CTD or STD cast2016-12-16 17:25:0052.817 S, 40.13233 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815656Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-17 22:05:0054.49194 S, 40.42036 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815668Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-17 22:12:0054.49624 S, 40.40105 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815681Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-20 09:01:0053.34805 S, 39.60211 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815693Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-20 10:09:0053.5243 S, 39.5499 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815700Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-20 11:20:0053.70241 S, 39.4977 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815712Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-20 12:30:0053.87976 S, 39.44407 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815724Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-20 13:38:0054.05605 S, 39.39155 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1807238CTD or STD cast2016-12-20 20:39:0053.4925 S, 39.25017 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1807251CTD or STD cast2016-12-21 06:38:0053.84633 S, 39.14333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815736Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-21 09:02:0053.99042 S, 38.82016 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815748Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-21 10:09:0053.81733 S, 38.874 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815761Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-21 11:17:0053.6433 S, 38.92849 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815773Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-21 12:29:0053.46432 S, 38.98387 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815785Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-21 13:37:0053.28728 S, 39.03803 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1807263CTD or STD cast2016-12-21 20:46:0053.7855 S, 38.58367 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1807275CTD or STD cast2016-12-22 00:08:0053.71533 S, 37.96417 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815797Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-22 09:00:0053.9262 S, 38.22025 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815804Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-22 10:36:0053.74922 S, 38.27788 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815816Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-22 12:29:0053.57275 S, 38.33558 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815828Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-22 14:18:0053.39638 S, 38.39273 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815841Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-22 15:50:0053.22075 S, 38.44896 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815853Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-23 08:01:0053.86921 S, 37.72778 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815865Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-23 09:28:0053.69297 S, 37.79543 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815877Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-23 10:48:0053.51697 S, 37.84651 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815889Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-23 12:04:0053.34043 S, 37.90485 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815890Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-23 13:18:0053.16355 S, 37.96415 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815908Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-23 14:09:0053.14873 S, 37.83187 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815921Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-23 15:16:0053.32659 S, 37.77261 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815933Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-23 16:25:0053.50182 S, 37.71328 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815945Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-23 17:34:0053.67635 S, 37.65502 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1815957Bathythermograph -expendable2016-12-23 18:41:0053.85138 S, 37.59473 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1807299CTD or STD cast2016-12-26 19:19:0053.36167 S, 38.082 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1807306CTD or STD cast2016-12-27 11:43:0052.80783 S, 40.11317 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1807318CTD or STD cast2016-12-28 23:57:0052.80867 S, 40.11367 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1807331CTD or STD cast2016-12-29 09:27:0052.80867 S, 40.1135 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1807343CTD or STD cast2016-12-30 18:35:0055.24433 S, 41.27417 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1807355CTD or STD cast2016-12-31 09:21:0055.2485 S, 41.262 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1807367CTD or STD cast2016-12-31 21:42:0055.26167 S, 41.199 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16003
1816162Bathymetry2017-12-23 18:26:0067.83533 S, 70.9025 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1816174Meteorology -unspecified2017-12-23 18:26:0067.83533 S, 70.9025 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1816186Surface temp/sal2017-12-23 18:26:0067.83533 S, 70.9025 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877261CTD or STD cast2018-01-03 17:45:0052.81267 S, 40.16433 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877273CTD or STD cast2018-01-03 22:30:0052.81267 S, 40.16433 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877285CTD or STD cast2018-01-04 16:42:0052.82883 S, 40.16333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877297CTD or STD cast2018-01-05 17:12:0053.4955 S, 39.25217 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877304CTD or STD cast2018-01-05 20:34:0053.847 S, 39.14533 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877316CTD or STD cast2018-01-06 13:17:0053.79867 S, 37.94483 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877328CTD or STD cast2018-01-06 17:38:0053.79833 S, 37.93317 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890091Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-08 09:33:0054.04963 S, 39.39358 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890109Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-08 10:38:0053.8798 S, 39.44397 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890110Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-08 11:46:0053.69947 S, 39.49802 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890122Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-08 12:53:0053.52383 S, 39.55011 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890134Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-08 14:01:0053.34663 S, 39.60252 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890146Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-09 09:08:0053.29194 S, 39.03848 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890158Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-09 10:15:0053.46379 S, 38.98303 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890171Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-09 11:23:0053.64036 S, 38.92912 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890183Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-09 12:30:0053.81775 S, 38.87396 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890195Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-09 13:36:0053.99437 S, 38.8189 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877353CTD or STD cast2018-01-09 20:43:0053.43183 S, 38.693 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877365CTD or STD cast2018-01-10 06:55:0053.78517 S, 38.584 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890202Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-10 09:00:0053.92686 S, 38.22131 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890214Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-10 10:07:0053.74894 S, 38.27855 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890226Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-10 11:13:0053.57391 S, 38.33499 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890238Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-10 12:20:0053.39726 S, 38.39211 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890251Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-10 13:29:0053.21763 S, 38.45056 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877377CTD or STD cast2018-01-10 20:30:0053.71317 S, 37.96583 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890263Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-11 09:00:0053.86847 S, 37.72568 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890275Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-11 10:07:0053.69211 S, 37.78733 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890287Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-11 11:13:0053.51678 S, 37.8465 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890299Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-11 12:21:0053.33599 S, 37.90426 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890306Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-11 13:27:0053.16416 S, 37.96432 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890318Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-11 14:09:0053.14867 S, 37.83241 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890331Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-11 15:16:0053.32515 S, 37.77299 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890343Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-11 16:23:0053.50133 S, 37.71338 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890355Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-11 17:31:0053.67756 S, 37.65375 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1890367Bathythermograph -expendable2018-01-11 18:38:0053.85375 S, 37.59373 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877389CTD or STD cast2018-01-11 22:09:0053.79833 S, 37.93333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877390CTD or STD cast2018-01-12 18:43:0053.79833 S, 37.93317 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877408CTD or STD cast2018-01-13 02:52:0053.361 S, 38.08283 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877421CTD or STD cast2018-01-13 14:37:0052.812 S, 40.16417 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877433CTD or STD cast2018-01-16 04:16:0055.24367 S, 41.21233 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
1877445CTD or STD cast2018-01-16 17:14:0055.2485 S, 41.22517 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17002
2047684CTD or STD cast2021-02-07 23:23:1253.7966 S, 37.9352 WRRS James Cook JC211
2047727CTD or STD cast2021-02-09 19:40:4053.7978 S, 37.9357 WRRS James Cook JC211