Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 2054029
Metadata Summary
Problem Reports
Data Access Policy
Narrative Documents
Project Information
Data Activity or Cruise Information
Fixed Station Information
BODC Quality Flags
SeaDataNet Quality Flags
Metadata Summary
Data Description |
Data Identifiers |
Time Co-ordinates(UT) |
Spatial Co-ordinates | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameters |
Problem Reports
No Problem Report Found in the Database
Data Access Policy
Open Data
These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.
If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:
"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."
Narrative Documents
Teledyne RDI's Workhorse Long Ranger ADCP
The Workhorse Long-Ranger acoustic doppler current profiler (Teledyne RD Instruments) is a long-range and long-term self contained ADCP. It has a patented broadband signal (75 kHz) and a standard depth rating of 1500m. It operates effectively between temperatures of -5°C and 45°C and has a velocity accuracy of ±1% ±5mm/s.
The instrument comprises:
- An aluminium transducer head with four beams at 20o from the vertical in a convex configuration, temperature sensor, electronic assemblies, fluxgate compass, pitch and roll sensors
- 4 x 28 D-cell alkaline battery packs
- 40 MB PC card internal memory (upgradeable to 440 MB)
- 1500m depth rated 6061 aluminium pressure case. End cap with wet material connector and dummy plug
Processing by BODC of Moored ADCP data for the MeRMEED project
The data arrived at BODC in ASCII format containing data collected from two 75kHz ADCPs deployed on the RAPID mooring during cruise DY039. One ADCP was upward facing, the other downward facing. The data were reformatted to BODC's internal NetCDF format. The following table shows the mapping of the variables received to appropriate BODC parameter codes:
Originator's Variable | Originator's Units | BODC Parameter Code | BODC Units | Comment |
YY | Year | AADYAA01 | days | Combined with MM and DD to form a date during transfer |
MM | Month | AADYAA01 | days | Combined with YY and DD to form a date during transfer |
DD | Day | AADYAA01 | days | Combined with YY and MM to form a date during transfer |
HH | Hour | AAFDZZ01 | days | Conversion of /24 automatically applied during transfer |
Z | m | DBINAA01 | m | - |
T | °C | TEMPPR01 | °C | - |
U | cm/s | LCEWAP01 | cm/s | - |
V | cm/s | LCNSAP01 | cm/s | - |
W | cm/s | LRZAAP01 | cm/s | - |
HDG | deg | HEADCM01 | deg | - |
PIT | deg | PTCHFG01 | deg | - |
ROL | deg | ROLLFG01 | deg | - |
EV | cm/s | LERRAP01 | cm/s | - |
BEAM1PGP | % | PCGDAP00 | % | - |
BEAM2PGP | % | PCGDAP02 | % | - |
BEAM3PGP | % | PCGDAP03 | % | - |
BEAM4PGP | % | PCGDAP04 | % | - |
CS | cm/s | - | - | Channel not transferred |
CD | deg | - | - | Channel not transferred |
BEAM1SS | counts | - | - | Channel not transferred |
BEAM2SS | counts | - | - | Channel not transferred |
BEAM3SS | counts | - | - | Channel not transferred |
BEAM4SS | counts | - | - | Channel not transferred |
BEAM1COR | counts | - | - | Channel not transferred |
BEAM2COR | counts | - | - | Channel not transferred |
BEAM3COR | counts | - | - | Channel not transferred |
BEAM4COR | counts | - | - | Channel not transferred |
Channels that were not transferred are available in the originator's format upon request.
The reformatted data were visualised using the in-house EDSERPLO software. Suspect data were marked by adding an appropriate quality control flag, and missing data were set to an appropriate value and flagged.
Processing by Originator of Moored ADCP data for the MeRMEED project
Data were collected using two Teledyne RDI Workhorse Long Ranger 75 kHz ADCPs deployed on the Western Boundary 1 RAPID mooring. The mooring was deployed during cruise DY039 on the 30th of November 2015 and recovered during cruise JC145 on the 28th of March 2017.
The two ADCPs were offset in timing by 3 minutes so as to avoid interference.
ADCP setup
Variable | Teledyne RDI OS 75 kHz upward facing ADCP | Teledyne RDI OS 75 kHz downward facing ADCP |
Number of Bins | 40 | 40 |
Bin size | 16 m | 16 m |
Blanking distance | 7.04 m | 7.04 m |
Following the cruise the raw data were downloaded from the instruments and converted to ASCII format. Launch and recovery periods have been removed.
Rayner, D. et al, 2016. RRS Discovery Cruise DY039, 17 Oct - 01 Dec 2015, Southampton, UK to Nassau, Bahamas. RAPID moorings cruise report. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 183pp., National Oceanography Centre Cruise Report, No. 37
Smeed, D. et al, 2018. RRS James Cook Cruise JC145, 28 February 2018 - 4 April 2018. RAPID Cruise Report for Cruise JC145. Southampton, UK: National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 179pp., National Oceanography Centre Cruise Report, No. 52
Project Information
Mechanisms Responsible for Mesoscale Eddy Energy Dissipation (MeRMEED)
MeRMEED investigates the processes responsible for the widespread dissipation of oceanic mesoscale eddies at western boundaries. The project combines focussed measurements of small-scale turbulence in four short research cruises, multi-year mooring and satellite observations, and multi-month glider surveys of mesoscale eddies impinging on the continental slope east of the Bahamas.
Over the last decades, oceanographers have been searching for the missing mixing in the ocean to complete the ocean energy budget. Answering questions of where energy is added to the oceans, and where it is removed, helps us to understand the drivers of ocean circulation. With the advent of high-resolution satellite measurements of surface currents in the 1990s, scientists could see that the oceans were filled with swirling vortices of water called mesoscale eddies. While eddies are present in all ocean basins, with currents inside the eddies sometimes exceeding 1 m/s, they disappear from satellite measurements preferentially at western boundaries. There are several possibilities for why eddies disappear at western boundaries: they may radiate energy away, contribute energy to large scale ocean circulation, or lose energy locally through turbulence and dissipation. Of these candidate terms, previous work has suggested that local dissipation is strong enough to explain a substantial part of the eddy disappearance.
The aim of MeRMEED is to determine how and why eddies are losing energy at the western boundaries. These results and the measurements will then be made available to scientists involved in numerical simulations of the ocean. As a longer-term goal, the results of this research may help guide how eddies are represented in ocean models, which is one of the critical areas needing improvement in climate simulations. However, due to the fledgling nature of the science in this field, that eventual goal is still several steps away. Fundamental physics dictate that most eddies move slowly westward, and these eddies are visible in satellite measurements of sea surface height a few months before they arrive at the boundary. In the project MerMEED, the eddies will be watched in near real-time satellite data, and when an appropriate eddy approaches the east coast of North America, a small team of researchers will deploy, with advanced instruments, to meet the eddy upon arrival. There, the eddy will be surveyed using high-resolution profilers deployed from small boats and autonomous underwater vehicles called Seagliders. After the ship-based survey is completed, the gliders will continue to observe the eddies for several months, as the eddies are slowly disappearing. These gliders transmit their measurements via satellite communications back to the base station in England. The plan includes the use of the existing observations from the joint UK/US-funded RAPID programme, measuring ocean circulation at 26N. Additional high-resolution velocity and temperature meters will be installed on one of these moorings, to make continuous observations of the eddies over 18 months. The survey, glider, and moored measurements will allow for the assessment of how important local dissipation is to the disappearance of eddies. The findings will be used to shed light on the processes responsible for eddy disappearance from the oceans, and how those processes change in time
There are three main observational data streams for MerMEED.
- Additional instruments (thermistors and two 75 kHz ADCPs) were added to one of the RAPID project moorings in 1400 m of water east of the Bahamas, to make high time resolution (10 s sampling on the thermistors) and high vertical resolution (every 50 m for thermistors, 16 m bins for the ADCPs) measurements at the edge of the continental slope where the eddies encounter topography. These were deployed in autumn 2015 and recovered in winter 2018.
- Very small scale measurements of ocean velocities and temperature are made in the top 1000m of the water, near steep topography, by a tethered microstructure profiler and shipboard 75 kHz ADCP. These specialised instruments made direct estimates of dissipation in the eddies from on board the RV Walton Smith in December 2016, October - November 2017, and March 2018.
- Autonomous underwater vehicles (Seagliders) were deployed to make multi-month observations of temperature and salinity in the top 1000 m. These observations will give a detailed look at the changes in the subsurface structure of the eddy as it encounters topography. They can additionally be used to estimate turbulent dissipation through methods that are still under development.
Together, these observations span the space- and timescales of mesoscale eddies down to 10-cm scale turbulent vortices in the water, to enable us to better understand the processes by which eddies lose their energy when they encounter topography.
- Dr Eleanor Frajka-Williams (Principal Investigator) University of Southampton, School of Ocean and Earth Science
- Professor Alberto Naveira Garabato (Co-Investigator) University of Southampton, School of Ocean and Earth Science
This project was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, under grant NE/N001745/1 from the 1st of September 2015 to the 14th of August 2018.
Data Activity or Cruise Information
Data Activity
Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) | 2015-11-30 |
End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) | 2017-03-28 |
Organization Undertaking Activity | National Oceanography Centre, Southampton |
Country of Organization | United Kingdom |
Originator's Data Activity Identifier | WB1#12 |
Platform Category | subsurface mooring |
RAPID Moored Instrument Rig WB1#12
This rig was deployed as part of the Western Bounday (WB) array of the RAPIDMOC project.
Deployment cruise | RRS Discovery cruise DY039 |
Recovery cruise | RRS James Cook cruise JC145 |
The rig was anchored by a 2200 kg anchor and kept erect by two 45" syntactic floats at approximately 684 m and 250 m depth supplemented by groups of smaller floats distributed along the mooring.
Instruments deployed on the rig
Approximate Depth | Instrument |
45m | McLane RAS3-500-48 sampler (#13278-04) |
45m | Contros Hydro-C CO2 sensor (#1114-003) |
45m | SeaFET pH sensor (#003) |
45m | Sea-Bird SBE37 SMP-ODO MicroCAT (#12903) |
45m | Sea-Bird SBE37 IMP MicroCAT (#3239) |
45m | RBR SOLO T (#100277) |
100m | Nortek Aquadopp current meter (#9427) |
104m | Sea-Bird SBE37 IMP MicroCAT (#5985) |
150m | RBR SOLO T (#100279) |
200m | RBR SOLO T (#100261) |
250m | RBR SOLO T (#100257) |
300m | RBR SOLO T (#100262) |
350m | RBR SOLO T (#100260) |
400m | Nortek Aquadopp current meter (#6723) |
402m | Sea-Bird SBE37 IMP MicroCAT (#4072) |
402m | Sea-Bird SBE37 SMP-ODO MicroCAT (#12911) |
450m | RBR SOLO T (#100274) |
500m | RBR SOLO T (#100265) |
550m | RBR SOLO T (#100266) |
600m | RBR SOLO T (#100275) |
650m | RBR SOLO T (#100259) |
684m | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Long-Ranger 75kHz upward-looking ADCP (#5575) |
690m | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Long-Ranger 75kHz downward-looking ADCP (#15579) |
700m | RBR SOLO T (#100269) |
750m | RBR SOLO T (#100271) |
800m | Nortek Aquadopp current meter (#5879) |
803m | Sea-Bird SBE37 SMP MicroCAT (#6123) |
803m | Sea-Bird SBE37 SMP-ODO MicroCAT (#13000) |
803m | RBR SOLO T (#100273) |
850m | RBR SOLO T (#100276) |
900m | RBR SOLO T (#100258) |
950m | RBR SOLO T (#100267) |
1000m | RBR SOLO T (#100272) |
1050m | RBR SOLO T (#100264) |
1100m | RBR SOLO T (#100255) |
1150m | RBR SOLO T (#100268) |
1200m | Nortek Aquadopp current meter (#5884) |
1206m | Sea-Bird SBE37 SMP MicroCAT (#6120) |
1250m | RBR SOLO T (#100270) |
1300m | RBR SOLO T (#100256) |
1350m | RBR SOLO T (#100278) |
Related Data Activity activities are detailed in Appendix 1
Cruise Name | DY039 |
Departure Date | 2015-10-17 |
Arrival Date | 2015-12-01 |
Principal Scientist(s) | Darren Rayner (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton) |
Ship | RRS Discovery |
Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here
Fixed Station Information
Fixed Station Information
Station Name | Western Boundary Array |
Category | Offshore area |
Latitude | 26° 37.50' N |
Longitude | 73° 37.50' W |
Water depth below MSL |
RAPIDMOC/MOCHA Western Boundary (WB) Array
The Western Boundary Array defines a box in which moorings were deployed at the western side of the North Atlantic as part of the RAPIDMOC project and the collaborative project Meridional Overturning Circulation and Heatflux Array (MOCHA). The box region has latitudinal limits of 26° N to 27.5° N and longitudinal limits of 69.5° W to 77.5° W. Moorings have occupied this region since 2004 and are typically deployed for 6 to 18 months.
Moored data summary
Year | Cruise ID | Number of moorings | Data types (number of instruments) |
2004 | D278 | 9 (6 RAPIDMOC, 3 MOCHA) | ADCP (2), BPR (8), CM (29), MCTD (52), MMP (1) |
2005 | KN182_2 | 11 (6 RAPIDMOC, 5 MOCHA) | ADCP (2), BPR (6), CM (27), MCTD (56) |
2006 | RB06-02, SJ14-06 | 11 (6 RAPIDMOC, 5 MOCHA) | ADCP (1), BPR (3), CM (22), IES (7), MCTD (60) |
2007 | RB07-01 | 7 (7 RAPIDMOC) | ADCP (1), BPR (4), CM (16), MCTD (47) |
2008 | SJ08-03 | 11 (8 RAPIDMOC, 3 MOCHA) | ADCP (2), BPR (3), CM (40), MCTD (80) |
2009 | RB0901, D344, D345 | 16 (11 RAPIDMOC, 5 MOCHA) | ADCP (2), BPR (5), CM (39), MCTD (91), DVS (1) |
2010 | OC459-1, RB1009 | 9 (8 RAPIDMOC, 1 MOCHA) | ADCP (1), BPR (7), CM (23), MCTD (54) |
2011 | KN200-4 | 12 (7 RAPIDMOC, 5 MOCHA) | ADCP (2), BPR (7), CM (43), MCTD (86), DVS (1) |
2012 | RB1201, EN517, D382 | 23 (19 RAPIDMOC, 4 MOCHA) | ADCP (3), BPR (18), CM (74), MCTD (130) |
2014 | JC103, AE14-04 | 13 (9 RAPIDMOC, 4 MOCHA) | ADCP (4), BPR (9), CM (46), MCTD (73) |
2015 | EN570, DY039 | 13 (9 RAPIDMOC, 4 MOCHA) | ADCP (6), BPR (9), CM (46), CO2 (1), MCTD (86), MCTDO (12), PH (1), RAS (2) |
2017 | JC145, EN598 | 13 (9 RAPIDMOC, 4 MOCHA) | ADCP (6), BPR (7), CM (46), CO2 (1), MCTD (86), MCTDO (12), PH (1), RAS (2) |
2018 | JC174, AE1833 | 12 (8 RAPIDMOC, 4 MOCHA) | ADCP (4), BPR (9), CM (42), MCTD (58), MCTDO (12), RAS (1) |
2020/2021 | DY129, EN663 | 12 (8 RAPIDMOC, 4 MOCHA) | ADCP (4), BPR (7), CM (47), MCTD (72), MCTDO (15) |
Cruise data summary
During the cruises to service the moored array, a variety of data types are collected. The table below is a summary of these data. The number of CTD profiles performed on these cruises within the box region defined above is also included. Trans-Atlantic hydrographic CTD sections have also been performed since 2004 and are included in the table.
Cruise ID | Cruise description | Data types | Number of CTD profiles performed within the box region |
D277 | Initial array deployment | DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 1 |
D278 | Initial array deployment | DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 16 |
D279 | Hydrographic section | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 31 |
KN182_2 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 64 |
RB0601 | Array service | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 39 |
SJ14-06 | Array service | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 33 |
RB07-01 | Array service | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 36 |
SJ08-03 | Array service | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 33 |
RB0901 | Array service | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 35 |
D344 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 3 |
D345 | Array service | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 24 |
OC459-1 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 9 |
OC459-2 | Western Boundary Hydrographic section | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 27 |
D346 | Hydrographic section | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 31 |
RB1009 | WB4 service | CTD, MET, SURF, NAV | 2 |
KN200-4 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SURF | 34 |
RB1201 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SURF | 10 |
EN517 | Array service | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SURF | 31 |
D382 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 8 |
JC103 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 7 |
EN570 | Array service | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SURF | 7 |
DY039 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 11 |
DY040 | Hydrographic section | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 30 |
JC145 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 9 |
EN598 | Array service | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SURF | tbc |
JC174 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 11 |
AE1833 | Array service | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SURF | tbc |
JC191 | Hydrographic section | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 33 |
DY129 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 11 |
EN663 | Array service | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SURF | tbc |
EN697 | Array service | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SURF | tbc |
Data type ID and description
Data type ID | Description |
ADCP | Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler |
BATH | Bathymetry |
BPR | Bottom Pressure Recorder |
CM | Current Meter |
CO2 | CO2 sensor |
CTD | Conductivity-Temperature-Depth profiler |
DIS | Discrete water bottle samples |
DVS | Doppler Volume sampler |
IES | Inverted Echo Sounder |
LADCP | Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler |
MET | Meteorology |
MCTD | Moored Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor |
MCTDO | Moored Conductivity-Temperature-Depth Oxygen sensor |
MMP | McLane Moored Profiler - profiling CTD and current meter |
NAV | Navigation |
PH | Ph sensor |
RAS | Remote Access Sampler |
SADCP | Shipborne Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler |
SURF | Sea surface data |
Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 2
BODC Quality Control Flags
The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:
Flag | Description |
Blank | Unqualified |
< | Below detection limit |
> | In excess of quoted value |
A | Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.) |
B | Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast |
C | Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.) |
D | Thermometric depth |
E | End of CTD Down/Up Cast |
G | Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty |
H | Extrapolated value |
I | Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.) |
K | Improbable value - unknown quality control source |
L | Improbable value - originator's quality control |
M | Improbable value - BODC quality control |
N | Null value |
O | Improbable value - user quality control |
P | Trace/calm |
Q | Indeterminate |
R | Replacement value |
S | Estimated value |
T | Interpolated value |
U | Uncalibrated |
W | Control value |
X | Excessive difference |
SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags
The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:
Flag | Description |
0 | no quality control |
1 | good value |
2 | probably good value |
3 | probably bad value |
4 | bad value |
5 | changed value |
6 | value below detection |
7 | value in excess |
8 | interpolated value |
9 | missing value |
A | value phenomenon uncertain |
B | nominal value |
Q | value below limit of quantification |
Appendix 1: WB1#12
Related series for this Data Activity are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.
If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.
Series Identifier | Data Category | Start date/time | Start position | Cruise |
2054030 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 19:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847333 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 19:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847357 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 19:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847369 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 19:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847370 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 19:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847345 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 19:00:02 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013024 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 20:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013036 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 20:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013048 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 20:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013294 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 20:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
Appendix 2: Western Boundary Array
Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.
If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.
Series Identifier | Data Category | Start date/time | Start position | Cruise |
1066045 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-12 14:26:00 | 26.51783 N, 72.633 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
734747 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2004-03-20 21:00:00 | 26.5391 N, 76.881 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061815 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-22 09:37:00 | 26.507 N, 71.97117 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061827 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-22 20:02:00 | 26.50067 N, 73.3505 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702099 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702106 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702118 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702131 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702143 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702155 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702167 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702179 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702180 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702192 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702211 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702223 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702235 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702247 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 03:00:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061839 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-23 06:09:00 | 26.49633 N, 74.6975 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703841 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-23 22:30:00 | 26.49067 N, 76.04333 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686946 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49067 N, 76.04333 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686958 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49067 N, 76.04333 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061840 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-24 02:49:00 | 26.5 N, 76.06217 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
732833 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2004-03-24 23:50:00 | 26.49067 N, 76.04333 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686701 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-25 00:00:00 | 26.4992 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686713 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-25 00:00:00 | 26.4992 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686725 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-25 00:00:00 | 26.4992 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686737 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-25 00:00:00 | 26.4992 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686749 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-25 00:00:00 | 26.4992 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686750 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-25 00:00:00 | 26.4992 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686762 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-25 00:00:00 | 26.4992 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
709756 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2004-03-25 03:30:00 | 26.49 N, 71.97 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703908 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 17:00:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.59917 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703921 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 17:00:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.59917 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703933 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 17:00:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.59917 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703945 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 17:00:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.59917 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703957 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 17:00:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.59917 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
732857 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2004-03-25 17:00:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.59917 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703853 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 18:15:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.69833 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703865 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 18:15:01 | 26.50033 N, 76.69833 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703877 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 18:15:01 | 26.50033 N, 76.69833 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703889 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 18:15:01 | 26.50033 N, 76.69833 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703890 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 18:15:01 | 26.50033 N, 76.69833 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061852 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-25 19:20:00 | 26.51867 N, 76.65517 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
701951 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
701963 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
701975 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
701987 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
701999 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702002 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702014 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702026 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702038 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702051 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702063 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702075 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
702087 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-25 19:30:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
732845 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2004-03-26 00:20:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.69833 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703681 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703693 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703724 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703761 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703797 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703804 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703700 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:01 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703712 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:01 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703736 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:01 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703748 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:01 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703773 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:01 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703785 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:01 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703816 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:01 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
703828 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-26 19:00:01 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
709744 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2004-03-26 19:31:00 | 26.49917 N, 76.4945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686670 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-27 00:00:00 | 26.50867 N, 76.841 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686866 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-27 00:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686878 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-27 00:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686891 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-27 00:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686909 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-27 00:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686910 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-27 00:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686922 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-27 00:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686934 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-27 00:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
687022 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-27 00:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061864 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-27 04:16:00 | 26.5305 N, 76.8945 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061876 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-27 05:44:00 | 26.5175 N, 76.81533 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061888 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-27 09:20:00 | 26.5085 N, 76.7845 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686682 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-27 12:00:00 | 26.50867 N, 76.841 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686694 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-27 12:00:00 | 26.50867 N, 76.841 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
696560 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-27 12:00:00 | 26.50867 N, 76.841 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061907 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-27 14:09:00 | 26.5125 N, 76.756 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061919 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-28 03:02:00 | 26.50183 N, 76.6655 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061920 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-28 07:42:00 | 26.50733 N, 76.63583 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061932 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-28 12:11:00 | 26.50417 N, 76.53317 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
732808 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2004-03-28 18:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 76.81383 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061944 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-28 19:34:00 | 26.5055 N, 76.42983 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686774 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 76.81383 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686786 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 76.81383 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686798 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 76.81383 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686805 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 76.81383 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686817 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 76.81383 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686829 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 76.81383 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686830 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 76.81383 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686842 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 76.81383 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
686854 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 76.81383 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061956 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-29 02:10:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.30583 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
732821 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2004-03-29 07:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061968 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-29 07:51:00 | 26.50267 N, 76.209 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
696572 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-29 12:00:00 | 26.5391 N, 76.881 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
1061981 | CTD or STD cast | 2004-03-29 13:23:00 | 26.49583 N, 76.08817 W | RRS Discovery D278 |
739137 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-10 12:00:00 | 26.525 N, 76.86883 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774528 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-10 20:45:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774541 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-10 20:45:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774553 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-10 20:45:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774565 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-10 20:45:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774577 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-10 20:45:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774589 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-10 20:45:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774590 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-10 20:45:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774608 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-10 20:45:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738828 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.50917 N, 76.842 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738841 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.50917 N, 76.842 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738853 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.50917 N, 76.842 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738865 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738877 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738889 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738890 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738908 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738921 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738933 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738945 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738957 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.49733 N, 76.815 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739149 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-11 00:00:00 | 26.50833 N, 76.84167 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
812882 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
812894 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
812901 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
812913 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
812925 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
812937 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
812949 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
812950 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
812962 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
812974 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
812986 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
812998 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813001 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813013 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-13 17:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739008 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-14 00:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739021 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-14 00:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739033 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-14 00:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739045 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-14 00:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739057 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-14 00:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739069 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-14 00:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 76.49967 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774645 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-14 00:30:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774669 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-14 00:30:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774682 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-14 00:30:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774713 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-14 00:30:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
1137318 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2005-05-14 01:30:00 | 26.49088 N, 76.4983 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774621 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-14 04:30:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774633 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-14 04:30:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774657 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-14 04:30:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774670 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-14 04:30:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774694 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-14 04:30:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774701 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-14 04:30:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774725 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-14 04:30:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738969 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-14 12:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738970 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-14 12:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738982 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-14 12:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
738994 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-14 12:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.74383 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
946204 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2005-05-14 14:16:00 | 26.507 N, 76.74333 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
946216 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2005-05-14 14:30:00 | 26.507 N, 76.74333 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
1137331 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2005-05-17 21:00:00 | 26.49918 N, 71.97117 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813049 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 21:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813025 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813037 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813050 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813062 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813074 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813086 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813098 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813117 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813129 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813130 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813142 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813154 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813166 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813178 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:30:00 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
813105 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-17 22:59:59 | 26.50167 N, 71.97133 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
946253 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2005-05-22 09:30:00 | 26.50017 N, 76.04767 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
946265 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2005-05-22 09:31:00 | 26.50017 N, 76.04767 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774737 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-25 22:15:00 | 26.5 N, 76.05 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
774749 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-05-25 22:15:00 | 26.5 N, 76.05 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739070 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-26 00:00:00 | 26.5 N, 76.05 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739082 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-26 00:00:00 | 26.5 N, 76.05 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739094 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-26 00:00:00 | 26.5 N, 76.05 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739101 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-26 00:00:00 | 26.5 N, 76.05 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739113 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-26 00:00:00 | 26.5 N, 76.05 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
739125 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-05-26 00:00:00 | 26.5 N, 76.05 W | RV Knorr KN182_2 |
895602 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-03-20 00:00:00 | 26.52333 N, 76.86833 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
946290 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2006-03-23 16:05:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.04917 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
775095 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:00 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774946 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:01 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774958 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:01 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774971 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:01 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774983 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:01 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774995 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:01 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
775009 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:01 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
775010 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:01 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
775022 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:01 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
775034 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:01 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
775046 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:01 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
775058 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:01 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
775083 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:01 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
775071 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-23 20:30:02 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
895349 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
895350 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
895362 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
895374 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
895429 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
895430 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
895442 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
895454 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
895466 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
895478 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.50833 N, 76.74167 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774798 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774805 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774817 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774829 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774830 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774842 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774854 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774866 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774878 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774891 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774909 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774910 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774922 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
774934 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-03-24 00:00:00 | 26.49683 N, 76.81683 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
946289 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2006-03-24 02:03:00 | 26.507 N, 76.74433 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
946277 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2006-03-24 02:16:00 | 26.507 N, 76.74433 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0602 |
831394 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:00:00 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831345 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:00 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831369 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:00 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831413 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:00 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831450 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:00 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831290 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:01 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831308 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:01 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831321 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:01 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831333 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:01 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831357 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:01 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831370 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:01 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831382 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:01 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831401 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:01 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831425 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:01 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831437 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:01 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831449 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-05 02:30:01 | 26.5 N, 71.97167 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831124 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831136 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831148 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831161 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831173 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831185 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831197 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831204 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831216 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831228 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831241 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831253 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831265 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831277 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
831289 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-07 22:30:00 | 26.49467 N, 76.499 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
835217 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-08 00:00:00 | 26.49468 N, 76.49897 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
835229 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-08 00:00:00 | 26.49468 N, 76.49897 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
835230 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-08 00:00:00 | 26.49468 N, 76.49897 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
835242 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-08 00:00:00 | 26.49468 N, 76.49897 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
835266 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-08 00:00:00 | 26.49468 N, 76.49897 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
835278 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-08 00:00:00 | 26.49468 N, 76.49897 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
835198 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-11 00:00:00 | 26.50805 N, 76.842 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
835205 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-11 00:00:00 | 26.50805 N, 76.842 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
838412 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-11 00:00:00 | 26.50805 N, 76.842 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
895491 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-11 00:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
895509 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-11 00:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
895510 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-11 00:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
895522 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-11 00:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
895534 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-11 00:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775704 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775716 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775728 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775753 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775777 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775789 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775808 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775821 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775833 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775845 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775869 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775870 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:00 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775741 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:02 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775765 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:02 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775790 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:02 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775857 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-10-11 05:00:02 | 26.51198 N, 76.73598 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
835254 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-10-11 12:00:00 | 26.49468 N, 76.49897 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-14-06 |
775231 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775243 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775255 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775267 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775279 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775280 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775292 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775311 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775323 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775335 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775347 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775359 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775360 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775372 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775384 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-28 22:30:02 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
895386 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
895398 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
895405 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
895417 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.499 N, 76.8208 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
895614 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-03-29 00:00:00 | 26.52333 N, 76.86833 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775396 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775403 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775415 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775427 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775439 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775440 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775464 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775476 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775488 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775507 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775519 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775520 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775532 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775544 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775556 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:01 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775452 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-29 20:30:02 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
895546 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-03-30 00:00:00 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
895558 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-03-30 00:00:00 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
895571 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-03-30 00:00:00 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
895583 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-03-30 00:00:00 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
895595 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-03-30 00:00:00 | 26.5103 N, 76.7434 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
946241 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2007-03-30 21:03:00 | 26.50633 N, 76.74467 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
946228 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2007-03-30 21:07:00 | 26.50633 N, 76.74467 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775568 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-31 03:00:00 | 26.5378 N, 76.1482 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775581 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-31 03:00:00 | 26.5378 N, 76.1482 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775593 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-31 03:00:00 | 26.5378 N, 76.1482 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775600 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-31 03:00:00 | 26.5378 N, 76.1482 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775612 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-31 03:00:00 | 26.5378 N, 76.1482 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775624 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-31 03:00:00 | 26.5378 N, 76.1482 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775636 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-31 03:00:00 | 26.5378 N, 76.1482 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775648 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-31 03:00:00 | 26.5378 N, 76.1482 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775673 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-31 03:00:00 | 26.5378 N, 76.1482 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775685 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-31 03:00:00 | 26.5378 N, 76.1482 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775697 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-31 03:00:00 | 26.5378 N, 76.1482 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
775661 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-03-31 03:00:02 | 26.5378 N, 76.1482 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
973804 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-04-05 19:00:01 | 26.50033 N, 70.52017 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
946081 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2007-04-06 18:10:00 | 26.50033 N, 70.52017 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
946100 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2007-07-28 18:31:00 | 26.51733 N, 76.14767 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0701 |
973171 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 22:30:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973183 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 22:30:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973195 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 22:30:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973202 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 22:30:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973214 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 22:30:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973226 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 22:30:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973238 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 22:30:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973251 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 22:30:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973263 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 22:30:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973275 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 22:30:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973287 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 22:30:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973299 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 22:30:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973122 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 23:00:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973134 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 23:00:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973146 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 23:00:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973158 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-14 23:00:00 | 26.5055 N, 71.9705 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
972954 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
972966 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
972978 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
972991 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973005 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973017 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973029 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973030 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973054 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973066 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973078 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973091 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973109 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
973110 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-18 21:30:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
1016073 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-19 00:00:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
1016085 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-19 00:00:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
1016097 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-19 00:00:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
1016104 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-19 00:00:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
1016116 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-19 00:00:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
1016128 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-19 00:00:00 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
1015623 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-23 14:00:00 | 26.50567 N, 76.8415 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1016048 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-23 14:00:00 | 26.50567 N, 76.8415 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1016061 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-23 14:00:00 | 26.50567 N, 76.8415 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015635 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-24 00:30:00 | 26.5253 N, 76.8687 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1137343 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2008-04-24 22:15:00 | 26.50683 N, 76.74433 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973306 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973318 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973331 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973343 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973355 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973367 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973379 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973380 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973392 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973411 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973423 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973435 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973447 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973459 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-25 23:00:00 | 26.52533 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015727 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-25 23:59:00 | 26.5 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015739 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-25 23:59:00 | 26.5 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015740 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 00:00:00 | 26.5 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015752 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 00:00:00 | 26.5 N, 76.821 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973042 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 12:30:15 | 26.49217 N, 76.50067 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
1015807 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 17:54:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015788 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 17:59:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015819 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 17:59:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015820 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 17:59:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015832 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 17:59:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015844 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 17:59:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015856 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 17:59:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973460 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973472 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973484 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973496 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973503 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973515 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973527 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973539 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973540 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973576 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973588 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973607 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973619 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973620 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:00 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973552 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:02 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973564 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-26 18:00:02 | 26.51033 N, 76.73933 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015997 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 23:54:00 | 26.472 N, 76.64733 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015948 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 23:59:00 | 26.472 N, 76.64733 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015961 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 23:59:00 | 26.472 N, 76.64733 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015973 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 23:59:00 | 26.472 N, 76.64733 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015985 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-26 23:59:00 | 26.472 N, 76.64733 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973877 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-27 00:00:00 | 26.472 N, 76.64733 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973889 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-27 00:00:00 | 26.472 N, 76.64733 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973890 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-27 00:00:00 | 26.472 N, 76.64733 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1196700 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2008-04-27 01:45:00 | 26.49883 N, 76.494 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
1196693 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2008-04-27 02:00:00 | 26.49883 N, 76.494 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 1 |
1015715 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-28 16:00:00 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973761 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:00 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973632 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973644 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973656 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973668 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973681 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973693 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973700 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973712 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973724 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973736 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973748 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973773 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973785 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
973797 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-04-28 16:00:01 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015659 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-28 16:29:00 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015660 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-28 16:29:00 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015672 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-28 16:29:00 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015684 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-28 16:29:00 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015696 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-28 16:29:00 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015703 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-04-28 16:29:00 | 26.41517 N, 75.69817 W | RV Seward Johnson SJ-08-03 Leg 2 |
1015647 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-18 15:00:00 | 26.5257 N, 76.868 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
973816 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-25 15:00:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52183 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
973828 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-25 15:00:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52183 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
973841 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-25 15:00:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52183 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
973853 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-25 15:00:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52183 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
973865 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-25 15:00:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52183 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
946093 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-04-26 15:00:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52183 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092156 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092168 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092181 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092193 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092200 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092212 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092224 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092236 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092248 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092261 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092273 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092285 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092297 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092304 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092316 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-26 21:30:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1097542 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-26 22:00:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1097554 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-26 22:00:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1097566 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-26 22:00:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1097578 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-26 22:00:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1097591 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-26 22:00:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1097609 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-26 22:00:00 | 26.353 N, 75.722 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1137392 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-04-27 23:00:00 | 26.3543 N, 75.7158 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1016000 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-28 18:30:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.633 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1016012 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-28 18:30:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.633 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1016024 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-28 18:30:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.633 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1016036 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-28 18:30:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.633 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092328 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-28 18:30:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.633 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092341 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-28 18:30:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.633 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092353 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-28 18:30:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.633 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091976 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091988 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092003 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092015 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092027 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092039 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092040 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092052 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092064 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092076 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092088 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092107 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092119 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092120 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092132 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1092144 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-29 22:30:00 | 26.51333 N, 76.74033 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1015868 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-29 22:44:10 | 26.5135 N, 76.7405 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1015881 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-29 22:44:10 | 26.5135 N, 76.7405 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1015893 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-29 22:45:00 | 26.5135 N, 76.7405 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1015900 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-29 22:45:00 | 26.5135 N, 76.7405 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1015912 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-29 22:45:00 | 26.5135 N, 76.7405 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1015936 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-29 22:45:00 | 26.5135 N, 76.7405 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1015924 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-29 22:59:05 | 26.5135 N, 76.7405 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1015764 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1015776 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091823 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091835 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091847 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091859 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091860 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091872 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091884 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091896 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091903 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091915 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091927 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091939 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091940 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091952 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1091964 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-04-30 19:30:00 | 26.50217 N, 76.81733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1137367 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-05-01 14:00:00 | 26.5063 N, 76.74382 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1137355 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-05-01 15:30:00 | 26.5063 N, 76.74382 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB0901 |
1012754 | CTD or STD cast | 2009-11-15 09:29:40 | 26.1319 N, 70.6012 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093123 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-15 19:00:01 | 26.49467 N, 70.52167 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093135 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-15 19:00:01 | 26.49467 N, 70.52167 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093147 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-15 19:00:01 | 26.49467 N, 70.52167 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093159 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-15 19:00:01 | 26.49467 N, 70.52167 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093160 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-15 19:00:01 | 26.49467 N, 70.52167 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1012766 | CTD or STD cast | 2009-11-15 22:04:32 | 26.5017 N, 70.9967 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1012778 | CTD or STD cast | 2009-11-15 23:14:54 | 26.5008 N, 71.0061 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1137435 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-11-16 00:00:00 | 26.49467 N, 70.52167 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1137447 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-11-16 00:01:00 | 26.49467 N, 70.52167 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1083583 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083663 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083675 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:00:00 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083614 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:00 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083626 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:00 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083687 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:00 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083706 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:00 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083718 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:00 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083743 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:00 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083595 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:01 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083602 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:01 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083638 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:01 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083651 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:01 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083699 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:01 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083731 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:01 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083755 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-29 20:30:01 | 26.50267 N, 71.97833 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1097277 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-12-02 20:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1097289 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-12-02 20:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1097290 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-12-02 20:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1097308 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-12-02 20:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1097321 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-12-02 20:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1097333 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-12-02 20:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1097345 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-12-02 20:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1097357 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-12-02 20:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1097369 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-12-02 20:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1097370 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-12-02 20:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083478 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083491 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083509 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083558 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:00:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083466 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:29:59 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083417 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:30:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083429 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:30:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083430 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:30:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083442 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:30:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083454 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:30:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083510 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:30:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083522 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:30:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083534 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:30:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083546 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:30:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083571 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-12-02 21:30:00 | 26.4895 N, 76.50033 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1196828 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-12-14 07:01:00 | 26.49033 N, 76.494 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1196841 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-12-29 06:01:00 | 26.50083 N, 71.98667 W | RRS Discovery D345 |
1083097 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-28 17:30:01 | 26.49417 N, 70.52333 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1083104 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-28 17:30:01 | 26.49417 N, 70.52333 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1083116 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-28 17:30:01 | 26.49417 N, 70.52333 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1083128 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-28 17:30:01 | 26.49417 N, 70.52333 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1083141 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-28 17:30:01 | 26.49417 N, 70.52333 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097474 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-03-28 19:00:00 | 26.49417 N, 70.52333 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1137459 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2010-03-28 19:30:00 | 26.49417 N, 70.52333 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1137460 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2010-03-28 19:30:00 | 26.49417 N, 70.52333 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1137411 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2010-03-31 04:00:00 | 26.363 N, 75.707 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1137423 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2010-03-31 04:20:00 | 26.363 N, 75.707 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097185 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097197 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097204 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097216 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097228 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097241 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097253 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097265 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082893 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082900 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082912 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082924 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082936 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082948 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082961 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082973 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082985 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082997 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1083012 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1083024 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1083036 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1083048 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:00 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1083000 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-03-31 21:30:02 | 26.5185 N, 76.74683 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097486 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-04-01 17:00:00 | 26.481 N, 76.579 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097498 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-04-01 17:00:00 | 26.481 N, 76.579 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097505 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-04-01 17:00:00 | 26.481 N, 76.579 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097517 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-04-01 17:00:00 | 26.481 N, 76.579 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097529 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-04-01 17:00:00 | 26.481 N, 76.579 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1083061 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-01 17:00:00 | 26.481 N, 76.579 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1083073 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-01 17:00:00 | 26.481 N, 76.579 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1083085 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-01 17:00:00 | 26.481 N, 76.579 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1137380 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2010-04-02 03:31:00 | 26.50867 N, 76.745 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1137379 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2010-04-02 03:40:00 | 26.50867 N, 76.745 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097530 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-04-03 00:00:00 | 26.525 N, 76.808 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1137472 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2010-04-03 01:00:00 | 26.525 N, 76.876 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1137484 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2010-04-03 01:00:00 | 26.525 N, 76.876 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097136 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-04-03 17:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81867 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097148 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-04-03 17:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81867 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097161 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-04-03 17:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81867 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1097173 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-04-03 17:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81867 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082740 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082752 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082764 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082776 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082788 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082807 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082819 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082820 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082832 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082844 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082856 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082868 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082881 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:01 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082739 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-04-03 17:30:02 | 26.49983 N, 76.81767 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1082635 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:00 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082579 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082580 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082592 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082611 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082623 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082647 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082659 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082660 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082672 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082684 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082696 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082703 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082715 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1082727 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-11-30 23:30:01 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1097382 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-01 00:00:00 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1097394 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-01 00:00:00 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1097401 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-01 00:00:00 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1097413 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-01 00:00:00 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1097425 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-01 00:00:00 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1097437 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-01 00:00:00 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1097449 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-01 00:00:00 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1097450 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-01 00:00:00 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1097462 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-01 00:00:00 | 26.36153 N, 75.73583 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1009 |
1136180 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-21 03:00:00 | 26.493 N, 70.5255 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1136192 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-21 03:00:00 | 26.493 N, 70.5255 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1136211 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-21 03:00:00 | 26.493 N, 70.5255 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1136223 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-21 03:00:00 | 26.493 N, 70.5255 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1136235 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-21 03:00:00 | 26.493 N, 70.5255 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149657 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-21 03:29:00 | 26.493 N, 70.5255 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1196773 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-04-21 03:30:00 | 26.493 N, 70.5255 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1196785 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-04-21 03:30:00 | 26.493 N, 70.5255 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135047 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:00 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135059 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:00 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134984 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134996 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135011 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135023 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135035 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135060 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135072 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135084 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135096 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135103 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135115 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135127 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135139 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135140 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-22 21:30:01 | 26.4913 N, 71.9845 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1196748 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-04-23 23:00:00 | 26.48183 N, 75.80967 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1196736 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-04-23 23:31:00 | 26.48183 N, 75.80967 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1368774 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-04-24 02:30:00 | 26.501 N, 71.98633 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149497 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-25 02:00:00 | 26.48872 N, 75.80697 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149504 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-25 02:00:00 | 26.48872 N, 75.80697 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149516 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-25 02:00:00 | 26.48872 N, 75.80697 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149528 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-25 02:00:00 | 26.48872 N, 75.80697 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149541 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-25 02:00:00 | 26.48872 N, 75.80697 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149553 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-25 02:00:00 | 26.48872 N, 75.80697 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149565 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-25 02:00:00 | 26.48872 N, 75.80697 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149577 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-25 02:00:00 | 26.48872 N, 75.80697 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149589 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-25 02:00:00 | 26.48872 N, 75.80697 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135858 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:00 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1136002 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:00 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135871 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:01 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135883 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:01 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135895 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:01 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135902 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:01 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135914 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:01 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135926 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:01 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135938 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:01 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135951 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:01 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135975 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:01 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135987 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:01 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135999 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:01 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135846 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:02 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135963 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-25 02:00:02 | 26.4887 N, 75.807 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149436 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-26 20:00:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149448 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-26 20:00:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149461 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-26 20:00:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149473 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-26 20:00:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149485 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-26 20:00:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134806 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134818 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134831 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134843 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134855 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134867 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134879 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134880 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134892 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134911 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134923 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134935 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134947 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134960 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134972 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1134959 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-26 20:30:02 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149412 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-26 21:00:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149424 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-26 21:00:00 | 26.49 N, 76.4978 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149590 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-27 15:30:00 | 26.47683 N, 76.622 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149608 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-27 15:30:00 | 26.47683 N, 76.622 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149621 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-27 15:30:00 | 26.47683 N, 76.622 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149633 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-27 15:30:00 | 26.47683 N, 76.622 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149645 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-27 15:30:00 | 26.47683 N, 76.622 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1136296 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-27 20:30:00 | 26.4768 N, 76.622 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1136303 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-27 20:30:00 | 26.4768 N, 76.622 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1136315 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-27 20:30:00 | 26.4768 N, 76.622 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149320 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-28 19:29:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149332 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-28 19:29:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149344 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-28 19:29:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149356 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-28 19:29:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135686 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:00 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135662 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135674 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135705 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135717 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135729 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135730 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135742 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135754 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135766 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135778 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135791 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135809 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135810 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135822 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135834 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:01 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135698 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-28 20:00:02 | 26.5153 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149368 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-28 20:30:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149381 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-28 20:30:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149393 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-28 20:30:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149400 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-28 20:30:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.74283 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1196712 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-04-28 21:30:00 | 26.503 N, 76.74167 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1196724 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-04-28 21:30:00 | 26.503 N, 76.74167 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149276 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-29 19:30:00 | 26.50317 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149288 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-29 19:30:00 | 26.50317 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149307 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-29 19:30:00 | 26.50317 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149319 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-29 19:30:00 | 26.50317 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135152 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135164 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135176 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135188 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135207 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135219 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135220 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135232 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135244 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135256 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135268 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135281 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135293 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1135300 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-04-29 20:00:01 | 26.5032 N, 76.81517 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149227 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-30 15:00:00 | 26.50649 N, 76.84108 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149240 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-30 15:00:00 | 26.50649 N, 76.84108 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149252 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-30 15:00:00 | 26.50649 N, 76.84108 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149264 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-30 15:00:00 | 26.50649 N, 76.84108 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1149239 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-04-30 17:30:00 | 26.525 N, 76.868 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1196761 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-04-30 18:30:00 | 26.52617 N, 76.87583 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1196816 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-04-30 18:30:00 | 26.52617 N, 76.87583 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1368786 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-06-09 09:30:00 | 26.48483 N, 76.49533 W | RV Knorr KN200-4 |
1172629 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-19 00:30:00 | 26.495 N, 70.522 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1268318 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-02-19 00:30:00 | 26.495 N, 70.52233 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136247 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-19 00:30:01 | 26.495 N, 70.522 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136259 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-19 00:30:01 | 26.495 N, 70.522 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136260 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-19 00:30:01 | 26.495 N, 70.522 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136272 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-19 00:30:01 | 26.495 N, 70.522 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136284 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-19 00:30:01 | 26.495 N, 70.522 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1268331 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-02-19 02:01:00 | 26.495 N, 70.52233 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172482 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.47845 N, 75.69972 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172494 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.47845 N, 75.69972 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172501 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.47845 N, 75.69972 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172513 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.47845 N, 75.69972 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172525 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.47845 N, 75.69972 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172537 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.47845 N, 75.69972 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172549 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.47845 N, 75.69972 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172550 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.47845 N, 75.69972 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172562 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.47845 N, 75.69972 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136014 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136026 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136038 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136051 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136063 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136075 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136087 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136099 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136106 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136118 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136131 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136143 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136155 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136167 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136179 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-24 19:30:00 | 26.4782 N, 75.68613 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1268275 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-02-25 05:30:00 | 26.4822 N, 75.704 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1268287 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-02-25 11:31:00 | 26.4822 N, 75.704 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172574 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-26 23:00:00 | 26.48176 N, 76.62401 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172586 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-26 23:00:00 | 26.48176 N, 76.62401 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172598 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-26 23:00:00 | 26.48176 N, 76.62401 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172605 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-26 23:00:00 | 26.48176 N, 76.62401 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172617 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-26 23:00:00 | 26.48176 N, 76.62401 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136327 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-26 23:00:01 | 26.4815 N, 76.62267 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136339 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-26 23:00:01 | 26.4815 N, 76.62267 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1136340 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-26 23:00:01 | 26.4815 N, 76.62267 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172390 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172408 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172421 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172433 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172445 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172457 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172469 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172470 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135489 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135490 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135508 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135521 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135533 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135545 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135557 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135569 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135570 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135582 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135594 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135601 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135649 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135650 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:00 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135613 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:02 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135625 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:02 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135637 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-28 20:30:02 | 26.512 N, 76.733 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172630 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-28 23:30:00 | 26.525 N, 76.868 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1268251 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-02-29 09:00:00 | 26.50983 N, 76.74633 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1268263 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-02-29 09:01:00 | 26.50983 N, 76.74633 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172353 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81369 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172365 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81369 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172377 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81369 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1172389 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81369 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135312 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135324 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135336 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135348 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135361 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135385 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135397 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135404 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135416 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135428 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135441 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135453 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135465 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135477 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:00 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1135373 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-02-29 19:30:02 | 26.4995 N, 76.81517 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1268343 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-03-02 03:00:00 | 26.52233 N, 76.87598 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1268355 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-03-02 04:30:00 | 26.52233 N, 76.87598 W | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RB1201 |
1374233 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-10-07 02:00:00 | 26.49168 N, 76.4958 W | RV Endeavor EN517 |
1374190 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-10-08 16:00:00 | 26.50827 N, 76.84162 W | RV Endeavor EN517 |
1374208 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-10-08 16:00:00 | 26.50827 N, 76.84162 W | RV Endeavor EN517 |
1374221 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-10-08 16:00:00 | 26.50827 N, 76.84162 W | RV Endeavor EN517 |
1176526 | CTD or STD cast | 2012-11-14 17:40:59 | 26.4991 N, 70.5601 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363235 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-14 18:00:00 | 26.49417 N, 70.52267 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227466 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-14 18:00:00 | 26.49417 N, 70.52267 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227478 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-14 18:00:00 | 26.49417 N, 70.52267 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227491 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-14 18:00:00 | 26.49417 N, 70.52267 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227509 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-14 18:00:00 | 26.49417 N, 70.52267 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227510 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-14 18:00:00 | 26.49417 N, 70.52267 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1268299 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-11-14 18:32:00 | 26.49417 N, 70.52267 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1268306 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-11-15 18:01:00 | 26.49417 N, 70.52267 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227097 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-17 20:00:01 | 26.51 N, 76.81817 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227104 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-17 20:00:01 | 26.51 N, 76.81817 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227116 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-17 20:00:01 | 26.51 N, 76.81817 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227128 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-17 20:00:02 | 26.51 N, 76.81817 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1362963 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-17 21:00:00 | 26.49833 N, 76.82167 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1362975 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-17 21:00:00 | 26.49833 N, 76.82167 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1362987 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-17 21:00:00 | 26.49833 N, 76.82167 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1362999 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-17 21:00:00 | 26.49833 N, 76.82167 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1176538 | CTD or STD cast | 2012-11-18 03:03:21 | 26.4773 N, 75.8507 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1176551 | CTD or STD cast | 2012-11-18 19:11:07 | 26.4772 N, 75.752 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1176563 | CTD or STD cast | 2012-11-19 00:12:33 | 26.4737 N, 75.7636 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227313 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227325 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227337 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227349 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227350 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227362 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227374 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227386 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227398 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227405 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227417 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227429 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227430 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227442 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227454 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-19 18:00:00 | 26.479 N, 75.70417 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363087 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-19 19:00:00 | 26.48722 N, 75.70694 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363099 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-19 19:00:00 | 26.48722 N, 75.70694 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363106 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-19 19:00:00 | 26.48722 N, 75.70694 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363118 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-19 19:00:00 | 26.48722 N, 75.70694 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363131 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-19 19:00:00 | 26.48722 N, 75.70694 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363143 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-19 19:00:00 | 26.48722 N, 75.70694 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363155 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-19 19:00:00 | 26.48722 N, 75.70694 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363167 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-19 19:00:00 | 26.48722 N, 75.70694 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1176575 | CTD or STD cast | 2012-11-20 02:55:21 | 26.5168 N, 76.7002 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227141 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227153 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227165 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227177 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227189 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227190 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227208 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227221 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227233 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227245 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227257 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227269 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227270 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227282 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227294 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227301 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-20 21:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363002 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-20 22:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363014 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-20 22:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363026 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-20 22:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363038 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-20 22:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363051 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-20 22:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363063 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-20 22:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363075 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-20 22:00:00 | 26.51633 N, 76.73867 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1176587 | CTD or STD cast | 2012-11-21 02:49:06 | 26.4912 N, 76.6665 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1176599 | CTD or STD cast | 2012-11-21 23:06:28 | 26.4864 N, 76.6731 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363179 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-22 17:00:00 | 26.48567 N, 76.62933 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363180 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-22 17:00:00 | 26.48567 N, 76.62933 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363192 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-22 17:00:00 | 26.48567 N, 76.62933 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363211 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-22 17:00:00 | 26.48567 N, 76.62933 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1363223 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-22 17:00:00 | 26.48567 N, 76.62933 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227522 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-22 17:00:01 | 26.48567 N, 76.62933 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227534 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-22 17:00:01 | 26.48567 N, 76.62933 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227546 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-22 17:00:01 | 26.48567 N, 76.62933 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1176606 | CTD or STD cast | 2012-11-23 12:27:50 | 27.108 N, 76.6165 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1814886 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-03-27 18:03:00 | 27.395 N, 70.55 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1814898 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-03-28 02:41:00 | 27.422 N, 70.591 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1814905 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-03-29 21:11:00 | 26.366 N, 75.706 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1814917 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-03-30 20:54:00 | 26.511 N, 76.66 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1814929 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-03-31 02:23:00 | 26.566 N, 76.696 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1814930 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-04-02 02:28:00 | 26.523 N, 76.641 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1814942 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-04-03 02:18:00 | 26.502 N, 76.708 W | RV Oceanus OC459-1 |
1374257 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-10-07 02:00:00 | 26.49168 N, 76.4958 W | RV Endeavor EN517 |
1374269 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-10-07 02:00:00 | 26.49168 N, 76.4958 W | RV Endeavor EN517 |
1374270 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-10-07 02:00:00 | 26.49168 N, 76.4958 W | RV Endeavor EN517 |
1374282 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-10-07 02:00:00 | 26.49168 N, 76.4958 W | RV Endeavor EN517 |
1381740 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-10-07 02:00:00 | 26.49168 N, 76.4958 W | RV Endeavor EN517 |
1381739 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-10-08 16:00:00 | 26.50827 N, 76.84162 W | RV Endeavor EN517 |
1806929 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-11-19 01:37:00 | 26.473 N, 75.705 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1806917 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-11-19 07:44:00 | 26.473 N, 75.705 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1806898 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-11-21 09:48:00 | 26.50717 N, 76.7405 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1806905 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-11-21 15:57:00 | 26.50717 N, 76.7405 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1806954 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-11-22 21:58:00 | 26.52467 N, 76.876 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1806966 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-11-22 22:00:00 | 26.52467 N, 76.876 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1381727 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-22 22:22:04 | 26.52483 N, 76.868 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1813649 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-25 02:00:00 | 26.51398 N, 76.10392 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813650 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-25 02:00:00 | 26.51398 N, 76.10392 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813662 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-25 02:00:00 | 26.51398 N, 76.10392 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813674 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-25 02:00:00 | 26.51398 N, 76.10392 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813686 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-25 02:00:00 | 26.51398 N, 76.10392 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813698 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-25 02:00:00 | 26.51398 N, 76.10392 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813705 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-25 02:00:00 | 26.51398 N, 76.10392 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813717 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-25 02:00:00 | 26.51398 N, 76.10392 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1816703 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-25 02:00:00 | 26.51398 N, 76.10392 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813569 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-28 20:00:00 | 26.49883 N, 76.49645 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813570 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-28 20:00:00 | 26.49883 N, 76.49645 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813582 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-28 20:00:00 | 26.49883 N, 76.49645 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813594 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-28 20:00:00 | 26.49883 N, 76.49645 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813601 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-28 20:00:00 | 26.49883 N, 76.49645 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813613 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-28 20:00:00 | 26.49883 N, 76.49645 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813625 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-28 20:00:00 | 26.49883 N, 76.49645 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813637 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-28 20:00:00 | 26.49883 N, 76.49645 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1816696 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-28 20:00:00 | 26.49883 N, 76.49645 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813533 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-29 14:00:00 | 26.50892 N, 76.84188 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813545 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-29 14:00:00 | 26.50892 N, 76.84188 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1813557 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-29 14:00:00 | 26.50892 N, 76.84188 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1816684 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-03-29 14:00:00 | 26.50892 N, 76.84188 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1404 |
1622429 | CTD or STD cast | 2014-04-30 02:48:50 | 27.1046 N, 76.6125 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
2107911 | Water sample data | 2014-04-30 04:41:08 | 27.1039 N, 76.61282 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1622430 | CTD or STD cast | 2014-04-30 23:28:05 | 26.5365 N, 75.7039 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
2107923 | Water sample data | 2014-05-01 02:46:33 | 26.53382 N, 75.70381 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845210 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845222 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845234 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845246 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845258 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845271 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845283 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845295 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845302 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845314 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845338 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845351 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845375 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845326 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:02 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845363 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-01 19:00:02 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813858 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-01 20:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813871 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-01 20:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813883 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-01 20:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813895 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-01 20:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813902 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-01 20:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813914 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-01 20:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813926 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-01 20:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813938 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-01 20:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813951 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-01 20:00:00 | 26.47883 N, 75.704 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1622442 | CTD or STD cast | 2014-05-01 23:02:21 | 26.5365 N, 75.7039 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
2107935 | Water sample data | 2014-05-02 01:02:51 | 26.53402 N, 75.70341 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1903890 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2014-05-02 23:01:00 | 26.48433 N, 75.70833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1903889 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2014-05-02 23:02:00 | 26.48433 N, 75.70833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1622454 | CTD or STD cast | 2014-05-02 23:34:52 | 26.5463 N, 76.7407 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
2107947 | Water sample data | 2014-05-03 01:25:31 | 26.54246 N, 76.74155 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845049 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845050 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845062 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845074 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845086 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845098 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845105 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845117 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845129 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845130 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845142 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845154 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845166 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845178 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845191 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845209 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-03 17:00:01 | 26.51617 N, 76.73833 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813766 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-03 18:00:00 | 26.513 N, 76.73883 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813778 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-03 18:00:00 | 26.513 N, 76.73883 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813791 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-03 18:00:00 | 26.513 N, 76.73883 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813809 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-03 18:00:00 | 26.513 N, 76.73883 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813810 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-03 18:00:00 | 26.513 N, 76.73883 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813822 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-03 18:00:00 | 26.513 N, 76.73883 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813834 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-03 18:00:00 | 26.513 N, 76.73883 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813846 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-03 18:00:00 | 26.513 N, 76.73883 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1903865 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2014-05-03 23:32:00 | 26.51233 N, 76.7465 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1622466 | CTD or STD cast | 2014-05-04 00:56:15 | 26.5467 N, 76.7037 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1814837 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-04 01:00:00 | 26.52483 N, 76.868 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
2107959 | Water sample data | 2014-05-04 02:45:17 | 26.5458 N, 76.70483 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1903877 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2014-05-04 06:31:00 | 26.51233 N, 76.7465 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845001 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-04 18:00:00 | 26.5075 N, 76.81533 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845013 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-04 18:00:00 | 26.5075 N, 76.81533 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845025 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-04 18:00:00 | 26.5075 N, 76.81533 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845037 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-04 18:00:00 | 26.5075 N, 76.81533 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813729 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-04 19:00:00 | 26.508 N, 76.81633 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813730 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-04 19:00:00 | 26.508 N, 76.81633 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813742 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-04 19:00:00 | 26.508 N, 76.81633 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813754 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-04 19:00:00 | 26.508 N, 76.81633 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845443 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-05 15:00:00 | 26.48283 N, 76.63133 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845455 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-05 15:00:00 | 26.48283 N, 76.63133 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845467 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-05 15:46:44 | 26.48283 N, 76.63133 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845479 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-05 16:00:00 | 26.48283 N, 76.63133 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845480 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-05 16:00:00 | 26.48283 N, 76.63133 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813963 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-05 17:00:00 | 26.44139 N, 76.64689 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813975 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-05 17:00:00 | 26.44139 N, 76.64689 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813987 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-05 17:00:00 | 26.44139 N, 76.64689 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1813999 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-05 17:00:00 | 26.44139 N, 76.64689 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1814002 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-05 17:00:00 | 26.44139 N, 76.64689 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1622478 | CTD or STD cast | 2014-05-05 19:21:51 | 26.4923 N, 76.6762 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
2107960 | Water sample data | 2014-05-05 21:14:22 | 26.49226 N, 76.67627 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1622491 | CTD or STD cast | 2014-05-08 09:25:50 | 26.5119 N, 70.5423 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
2107972 | Water sample data | 2014-05-08 11:40:10 | 26.51185 N, 70.54233 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845387 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-08 20:00:01 | 26.49483 N, 70.52367 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845399 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-08 20:00:01 | 26.49483 N, 70.52367 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845406 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-08 20:00:01 | 26.49483 N, 70.52367 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845418 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-08 20:00:01 | 26.49483 N, 70.52367 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845431 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-08 20:00:01 | 26.49483 N, 70.52367 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1806942 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2014-05-09 09:50:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52367 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1806930 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2014-05-09 23:06:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52367 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1967396 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-14 17:00:00 | 26.51258 N, 76.10575 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972626 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-14 17:00:00 | 26.51258 N, 76.10575 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972638 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-14 17:00:00 | 26.51258 N, 76.10575 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972651 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-14 17:00:00 | 26.51258 N, 76.10575 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972663 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-14 17:00:00 | 26.51258 N, 76.10575 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972675 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-14 17:00:00 | 26.51258 N, 76.10575 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972687 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-14 17:00:00 | 26.51258 N, 76.10575 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972699 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-14 17:00:00 | 26.51258 N, 76.10575 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972706 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-14 17:00:00 | 26.51258 N, 76.10575 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1967384 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 01:00:00 | 26.4935 N, 76.4956 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972534 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 01:00:00 | 26.4935 N, 76.4956 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972546 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 01:00:00 | 26.4935 N, 76.4956 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972558 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 01:00:00 | 26.4935 N, 76.4956 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972571 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 01:00:00 | 26.4935 N, 76.4956 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972583 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 01:00:00 | 26.4935 N, 76.4956 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972595 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 01:00:00 | 26.4935 N, 76.4956 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972602 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 01:00:00 | 26.4935 N, 76.4956 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972614 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 01:00:00 | 26.4935 N, 76.4956 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1967372 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 20:00:00 | 26.5087 N, 76.8412 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972509 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 20:00:00 | 26.5087 N, 76.8412 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972510 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 20:00:00 | 26.5087 N, 76.8412 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
1972522 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-10-16 20:00:00 | 26.5087 N, 76.8412 W | RV Endeavor EN570 |
2058621 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-18 14:11:20 | 26.4914 N, 70.5359 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2022906 | Water sample data | 2015-11-18 16:41:30 | 26.49137 N, 70.53598 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2058633 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-18 20:51:57 | 26.4914 N, 70.5359 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2058645 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-19 21:46:32 | 26.5098 N, 70.5087 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847726 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-19 22:00:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847738 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-19 22:00:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847763 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-19 22:00:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847751 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-19 22:00:02 | 26.49483 N, 70.52417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1971832 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2015-11-19 22:05:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1971844 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2015-11-19 22:08:00 | 26.49483 N, 70.52417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847714 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-19 23:00:01 | 26.49483 N, 70.52417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2058657 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-22 05:07:48 | 26.4871 N, 75.7259 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2022918 | Water sample data | 2015-11-22 07:06:30 | 26.48713 N, 75.72712 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847578 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:00 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847542 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847554 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847566 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847591 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847609 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847610 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847622 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847634 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847646 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847658 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847671 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847683 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847695 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847702 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-22 23:00:01 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013153 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-23 00:00:00 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013165 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-23 00:00:00 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013177 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-23 00:00:00 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013189 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-23 00:00:00 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013190 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-23 00:00:00 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013208 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-23 00:00:00 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013221 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-23 00:00:00 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013233 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-23 00:00:00 | 26.4765 N, 75.70267 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2058669 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-23 01:02:36 | 26.4751 N, 75.7188 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2022931 | Water sample data | 2015-11-23 03:02:00 | 26.4752 N, 75.71888 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2058670 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-23 23:43:37 | 26.4842 N, 76.6315 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2022943 | Water sample data | 2015-11-24 03:12:30 | 26.48418 N, 76.63153 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847775 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-24 16:00:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.62617 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847787 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-24 16:00:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.62617 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847799 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-24 16:00:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.62617 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847806 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-24 16:00:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.62617 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847818 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-24 16:00:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.62617 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013245 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-24 17:00:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.62617 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013257 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-24 17:00:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.62617 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013269 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-24 17:00:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.62617 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013270 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-24 17:00:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.62617 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013282 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-24 17:00:00 | 26.48467 N, 76.62617 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2058682 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-25 01:03:01 | 26.4585 N, 76.649 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2022955 | Water sample data | 2015-11-25 03:00:00 | 26.5486 N, 76.64897 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1971776 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2015-11-28 09:47:00 | 26.47333 N, 75.70633 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2058694 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-29 12:49:59 | 26.4949 N, 76.8209 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2022967 | Water sample data | 2015-11-29 14:16:30 | 26.49183 N, 76.82202 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2058701 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-30 00:55:36 | 26.5166 N, 76.7361 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847382 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847394 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847401 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847413 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847425 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847437 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847449 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847462 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847474 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847498 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847505 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847517 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847529 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847530 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847450 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:02 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847486 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 16:00:02 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013061 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 17:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013073 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 17:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013085 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 17:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013097 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 17:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013104 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 17:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013116 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 17:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013128 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 17:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013141 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 17:00:00 | 26.51533 N, 76.7385 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2058713 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-30 18:32:15 | 26.4989 N, 76.8054 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2054030 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 19:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847333 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 19:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847357 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 19:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847369 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 19:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847370 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 19:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847345 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-30 19:00:02 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2022979 | Water sample data | 2015-11-30 19:06:00 | 26.49843 N, 76.80558 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013024 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 20:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013036 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 20:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013048 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 20:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2013294 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-30 20:00:00 | 26.49867 N, 76.81417 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2058725 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-30 21:22:05 | 26.5115 N, 76.7107 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1971764 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2015-12-01 01:03:00 | 26.47333 N, 75.70633 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2157631 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-03-28 09:59:40 | 26.5116 N, 76.7927 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2157643 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-03-28 22:29:40 | 26.5115 N, 76.7922 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2157655 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-03-29 20:06:24 | 26.5088 N, 76.6363 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013349 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-30 18:00:00 | 26.5133 N, 76.7385 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013350 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-30 18:00:00 | 26.5133 N, 76.7385 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013362 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-30 18:00:00 | 26.5133 N, 76.7385 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013374 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-30 18:00:00 | 26.5133 N, 76.7385 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013386 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-30 18:00:00 | 26.5133 N, 76.7385 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013398 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-30 18:00:00 | 26.5133 N, 76.7385 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013405 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-30 18:00:00 | 26.5133 N, 76.7385 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013417 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-30 18:00:00 | 26.5133 N, 76.7385 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013301 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-30 22:00:00 | 26.4978 N, 76.8155 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013313 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-30 22:00:00 | 26.4978 N, 76.8155 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013325 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-30 22:00:00 | 26.4978 N, 76.8155 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013337 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-30 22:00:00 | 26.4978 N, 76.8155 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2157667 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-03-30 22:28:15 | 26.4812 N, 76.8155 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2157679 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-03-31 19:08:19 | 26.4826 N, 76.6263 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013522 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-01 18:00:00 | 26.4823 N, 76.6247 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013534 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-01 18:00:00 | 26.4823 N, 76.6247 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013546 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-01 18:00:00 | 26.4823 N, 76.6247 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013558 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-01 18:00:00 | 26.4823 N, 76.6247 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013571 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-01 18:00:00 | 26.4823 N, 76.6247 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2157680 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-04-01 18:02:07 | 26.5049 N, 76.6098 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2157692 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-04-02 02:30:31 | 26.4765 N, 75.7196 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2157711 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-04-03 19:25:28 | 26.4719 N, 75.7382 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013429 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-03 20:00:00 | 26.451 N, 75.7242 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013430 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-03 20:00:00 | 26.451 N, 75.7242 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013442 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-03 20:00:00 | 26.451 N, 75.7242 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013454 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-03 20:00:00 | 26.451 N, 75.7242 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013466 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-03 20:00:00 | 26.451 N, 75.7242 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013478 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-03 20:00:00 | 26.451 N, 75.7242 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013491 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-03 20:00:00 | 26.451 N, 75.7242 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013509 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-03 20:00:00 | 26.451 N, 75.7242 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013510 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-03 20:00:00 | 26.451 N, 75.7242 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
1971807 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2017-04-04 02:00:00 | 26.47983 N, 75.70133 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
1971788 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2017-04-04 02:01:00 | 26.47983 N, 75.70133 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2157723 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-04-05 23:44:06 | 26.5096 N, 70.4969 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2013583 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-04-06 16:30:00 | 26.495 N, 70.52333 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
1971819 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2017-04-06 17:18:00 | 26.495 N, 70.52333 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
1971820 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2017-04-07 05:43:00 | 26.495 N, 70.52333 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
1967427 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-18 18:00:00 | 26.5122 N, 76.1044 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972847 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-18 18:00:00 | 26.5122 N, 76.1044 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972859 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-18 18:00:00 | 26.5122 N, 76.1044 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972860 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-18 18:00:00 | 26.5122 N, 76.1044 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972872 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-18 18:00:00 | 26.5122 N, 76.1044 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972884 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-18 18:00:00 | 26.5122 N, 76.1044 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972896 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-18 18:00:00 | 26.5122 N, 76.1044 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972903 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-18 18:00:00 | 26.5122 N, 76.1044 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972915 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-18 18:00:00 | 26.5122 N, 76.1044 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972755 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-20 17:00:00 | 26.49488 N, 76.49425 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972767 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-20 17:00:00 | 26.49488 N, 76.49425 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972779 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-20 17:00:00 | 26.49488 N, 76.49425 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972780 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-20 17:00:00 | 26.49488 N, 76.49425 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972792 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-20 17:00:00 | 26.49488 N, 76.49425 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972811 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-20 17:00:00 | 26.49488 N, 76.49425 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972823 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-20 17:00:00 | 26.49488 N, 76.49425 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972835 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-20 17:00:00 | 26.49488 N, 76.49425 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1967415 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-20 18:00:00 | 26.49488 N, 76.49425 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1967403 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-21 17:00:00 | 26.51103 N, 76.84092 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972718 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-21 17:00:00 | 26.51103 N, 76.84092 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972731 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-21 17:00:00 | 26.51103 N, 76.84092 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
1972743 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-05-21 17:00:00 | 26.51103 N, 76.84092 W | RV Endeavor EN598 |
2157919 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-14 18:28:40 | 26.4944 N, 70.542 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028582 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-14 20:00:00 | 26.4955 N, 70.52333 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2157920 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-17 07:29:44 | 26.4405 N, 75.746 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028060 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-18 22:00:00 | 26.45167 N, 75.72683 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028336 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-18 22:00:00 | 26.45167 N, 75.72683 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028348 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-18 22:00:00 | 26.45167 N, 75.72683 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028361 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-18 22:00:00 | 26.45167 N, 75.72683 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028373 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-18 22:00:00 | 26.45167 N, 75.72683 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028385 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-18 22:00:00 | 26.45167 N, 75.72683 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028397 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-18 22:00:00 | 26.45167 N, 75.72683 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028404 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-18 22:00:00 | 26.45167 N, 75.72683 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028416 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-18 22:00:00 | 26.45167 N, 75.72683 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028428 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-18 22:00:00 | 26.45167 N, 75.72683 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2157932 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-18 23:24:36 | 26.475 N, 75.7333 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2157944 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-19 23:24:47 | 26.5 N, 76.6166 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2157956 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-20 04:42:37 | 26.5083 N, 76.8166 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2157968 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-20 22:17:28 | 26.5 N, 76.6167 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028533 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-21 00:00:00 | 26.47983 N, 76.62733 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028545 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-21 00:00:00 | 26.47983 N, 76.62733 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028557 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-21 00:00:00 | 26.47983 N, 76.62733 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028569 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-21 00:00:00 | 26.47983 N, 76.62733 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028570 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-21 00:00:00 | 26.47983 N, 76.62733 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2157981 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-21 04:19:46 | 26.5133 N, 76.8083 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2157993 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-22 00:07:26 | 26.5149 N, 76.7403 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2158007 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-22 23:09:01 | 26.525 N, 76.6166 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028152 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-23 21:00:00 | 26.51683 N, 76.741 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028164 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-23 21:00:00 | 26.51683 N, 76.741 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028176 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-23 21:00:00 | 26.51683 N, 76.741 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028188 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-23 21:00:00 | 26.51683 N, 76.741 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028207 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-23 21:00:00 | 26.51683 N, 76.741 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028219 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-23 21:00:00 | 26.51683 N, 76.741 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028220 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-23 21:00:00 | 26.51683 N, 76.741 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028232 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-23 21:00:00 | 26.51683 N, 76.741 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028115 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-24 20:00:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.81467 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028127 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-24 20:00:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.81467 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028139 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-24 20:00:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.81467 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028140 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-24 20:00:00 | 26.50033 N, 76.81467 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2158019 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-24 20:54:19 | 26.5018 N, 76.8084 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2158020 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-25 00:14:10 | 26.5018 N, 76.8084 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2028072 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-27 17:00:00 | 26.5117 N, 76.1074 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028441 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-27 17:00:00 | 26.5117 N, 76.1074 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028453 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-27 17:00:00 | 26.5117 N, 76.1074 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028465 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-27 17:00:00 | 26.5117 N, 76.1074 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028477 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-27 17:00:00 | 26.5117 N, 76.1074 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028489 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-27 17:00:00 | 26.5117 N, 76.1074 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028490 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-27 17:00:00 | 26.5117 N, 76.1074 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028508 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-27 17:00:00 | 26.5117 N, 76.1074 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028521 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-27 17:00:00 | 26.5117 N, 76.1074 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028059 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-29 19:00:00 | 26.4953 N, 76.5011 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028244 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-29 19:00:00 | 26.4953 N, 76.5011 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028256 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-29 19:00:00 | 26.4953 N, 76.5011 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028268 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-29 19:00:00 | 26.4953 N, 76.5011 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028281 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-29 19:00:00 | 26.4953 N, 76.5011 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028293 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-29 19:00:00 | 26.4953 N, 76.5011 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028300 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-29 19:00:00 | 26.4953 N, 76.5011 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028312 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-29 19:00:00 | 26.4953 N, 76.5011 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028324 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-29 19:00:00 | 26.4953 N, 76.5011 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028047 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-30 20:00:00 | 26.509 N, 76.842 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028084 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-30 20:00:00 | 26.509 N, 76.842 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028096 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-30 20:00:00 | 26.509 N, 76.842 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2028103 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2018-11-30 20:00:00 | 26.509 N, 76.842 W | RV Atlantic Explorer AE1833 |
2157317 | CTD or STD cast | 2020-12-27 22:12:07 | 26.4932 N, 70.5158 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157329 | CTD or STD cast | 2021-01-01 02:07:53 | 26.4463 N, 75.7538 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157330 | CTD or STD cast | 2021-01-01 18:45:10 | 26.4724 N, 75.728 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157342 | CTD or STD cast | 2021-01-02 20:48:45 | 26.449 N, 75.7045 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203394 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-02 22:00:00 | 26.45067 N, 75.72567 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203401 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-02 22:00:00 | 26.45067 N, 75.72567 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203413 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-02 22:00:00 | 26.45067 N, 75.72567 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203425 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-02 22:00:00 | 26.45067 N, 75.72567 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203437 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-02 22:00:00 | 26.45067 N, 75.72567 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203449 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-02 22:00:00 | 26.45067 N, 75.72567 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203450 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-02 22:00:00 | 26.45067 N, 75.72567 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203462 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-02 22:00:00 | 26.45067 N, 75.72567 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203530 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-02 22:00:00 | 26.45067 N, 75.72567 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157354 | CTD or STD cast | 2021-01-03 06:44:30 | 26.486 N, 76.6398 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157366 | CTD or STD cast | 2021-01-03 22:30:59 | 26.4622 N, 76.628 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203474 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-03 23:00:00 | 26.47983 N, 76.62683 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203486 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-03 23:00:00 | 26.47983 N, 76.62683 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203498 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-03 23:00:00 | 26.47983 N, 76.62683 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203505 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-03 23:00:00 | 26.47983 N, 76.62683 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203517 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-03 23:00:00 | 26.47983 N, 76.62683 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203529 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-03 23:00:00 | 26.47983 N, 76.62683 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157378 | CTD or STD cast | 2021-01-04 22:24:55 | 26.5034 N, 76.7247 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203308 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-05 20:00:00 | 26.51667 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203321 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-05 20:00:00 | 26.51667 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203333 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-05 20:00:00 | 26.51667 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203345 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-05 20:00:00 | 26.51667 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203357 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-05 20:00:00 | 26.51667 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203369 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-05 20:00:00 | 26.51667 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203370 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-05 20:00:00 | 26.51667 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203382 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-05 20:00:00 | 26.51667 N, 76.741 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157391 | CTD or STD cast | 2021-01-05 23:35:25 | 26.5076 N, 76.7232 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203542 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-06 21:00:00 | 26.53 N, 76.8675 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157409 | CTD or STD cast | 2021-01-07 00:00:34 | 26.4823 N, 76.6119 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203253 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-07 17:00:00 | 26.4975 N, 76.8155 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203265 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-07 17:00:00 | 26.4975 N, 76.8155 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203277 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-07 17:00:00 | 26.4975 N, 76.8155 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203289 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-07 17:00:00 | 26.4975 N, 76.8155 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203290 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-01-07 17:00:00 | 26.4975 N, 76.8155 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157410 | CTD or STD cast | 2021-01-07 21:04:09 | 26.5002 N, 76.7997 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157422 | CTD or STD cast | 2021-01-08 05:03:51 | 26.4498 N, 75.6799 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2203124 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-09 20:00:00 | 26.51483 N, 76.10983 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203136 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-09 20:00:00 | 26.51483 N, 76.10983 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203148 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-09 20:00:00 | 26.51483 N, 76.10983 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203161 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-09 20:00:00 | 26.51483 N, 76.10983 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203173 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-09 20:00:00 | 26.51483 N, 76.10983 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203185 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-09 20:00:00 | 26.51483 N, 76.10983 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203197 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-09 20:00:00 | 26.51483 N, 76.10983 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203204 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-09 20:00:00 | 26.51483 N, 76.10983 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203241 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-09 20:00:00 | 26.51483 N, 76.10983 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203007 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-10 23:00:00 | 26.50917 N, 76.84183 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203019 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-10 23:00:00 | 26.50917 N, 76.84183 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203020 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-10 23:00:00 | 26.50917 N, 76.84183 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203216 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-10 23:00:00 | 26.50917 N, 76.84183 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203032 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-13 22:00:00 | 26.49967 N, 76.50133 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203044 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-13 22:00:00 | 26.49967 N, 76.50133 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203056 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-13 22:00:00 | 26.49967 N, 76.50133 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203068 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-13 22:00:00 | 26.49967 N, 76.50133 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203081 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-13 22:00:00 | 26.49967 N, 76.50133 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203093 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-13 22:00:00 | 26.49967 N, 76.50133 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203100 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-13 22:00:00 | 26.49967 N, 76.50133 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203112 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-13 22:00:00 | 26.49967 N, 76.50133 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |
2203228 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2021-03-13 22:00:00 | 26.49967 N, 76.50133 W | RV Endeavor EN663 |