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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Challenger (74CH) cruise CH121B


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS Challenger (74CH) cruise CH121B
Short name CH121B
Objectives and Narrative CH121 was the second of six cruises under the LOIS Shelf Edge Study (SES) aimed at defining the nature of the processes occurring at the shelf edge, their seasonal variability and their impact on the fluxes of nutrients and carbon across the shelf and into the seabed sediments through the shelf.
The cruise was divided into three legs with the first and third being principally directed to the deployment and recovery of an extensive mooring array and the acquisition of sediment cores from selected sites in the SES area. The second leg had a series of objectives concerned with measuring the water column structure and velocity field in the shelf edge regime. To complement the time series data from the moored array of current meters and thermistor chains, the cruise plan called for measurements by shipboard adcp and CTD together to help identify the motions associated with internal tides and waves. These motions, which are generated at the shelf edge, may contribute to turbulent mixing and dissipation and the distribution of the latter was to be investigated with the aid of the FLY free-fall turbulence probe which was to be investigated. More wide-ranging spatial measurements were required to demonstrate the continuity of the slope current and to investigate its cross slope structure.
While this cruise was principally concerned with the physics of the shelf edge system, the programme was also designed to obtain an extensive set of measurements of chlorophyll a, primary production and nutrient concentrations in parallel with physical observations. A further goal was to acquire surficial sediment material from a number of sites down the slope.
Ship RRS Challenger
Departure Port Mallaig, United Kingdom
Departure Date 1995-08-18
Arrival Port Mallaig, United Kingdom
Arrival Date 1995-09-01
Principal Scientist(s) Toby J Sherwin (University of Wales, Bangor School of Ocean Sciences)
Responsible Organisation Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, University of Wales, Bangor School of Ocean Sciences
Associated Project(s) LOIS - SES
IHB Sea Areas Visited North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Marsden Squares Visited 181;4
Work Area Description NE Atlantic, Malin Shelf Break (60nm west of Hebrides)
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
Bathythermograph Quantity: number of profiles = 103
CTD stations Quantity: number of profiles = 171
Description: CTD + O2 sensor, light meters, fluorometer, transmissometer  
Current meters Quantity: number of recoveries = 1
Description: recovered  
Current profiler (eg ADCP) Quantity: activity duration in days = 14
Description: shipborne ADCP  
Optics (eg underwater light levels) Quantity: number of profiles = 171
Description: CTD + O2 sensor, light meters, fluorometer, transmissometer  
Other physical oceanographic measurements Quantity: number of profiles = 40
Description: Fast light yo-yo dissipation probe profiles, instrument towed behind ship  
Surface measurements underway (T,S) Quantity: activity duration in days = 14
Description: surface underway measurements  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: activity duration in days = 14
Description: surface underway measurements  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: number of profiles = 171
Description: CTD + O2 sensor, light meters, fluorometer, transmissometer  
Water bottle stations Quantity: number of profiles = 110
Chemical oceanography  
Ammonia Quantity: number of profiles = 110
Nitrate Quantity: number of profiles = 110
Nitrite Quantity: number of profiles = 110
Oxygen Quantity: number of profiles = 110
Oxygen Quantity: number of profiles = 171
Description: CTD + O2 sensor, light meters, fluorometer, transmissometer  
Phosphate Quantity: number of profiles = 110
Silicate Quantity: number of profiles = 110
Suspended matter Quantity: number of profiles = 110
Description: suspended particulate matter  
Biology and fisheries  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of profiles = 110
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: activity duration in days = 14
Description: surface underway measurements  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of samples = 67
Description: pumped surface water samples filtered for chlorophyll analysis  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of profiles = 171
Description: CTD + O2 sensor, light meters, fluorometer, transmissometer  
Primary productivity Quantity: number of experiments = 3
Description: primary productivity experiments  
Incident radiation Quantity: activity duration in days = 14
Description: surface underway measurements  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

Latitude Longitude Data type Description
56° 28' N 8° 58' W Current meters CMs,transmiss., thermistor chain rec. 1313h 31 Aug 1995

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
94 Bottle station Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
7 Bottle station Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
90 Bottle station Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
19 Bottle station Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
1 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
6 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
53 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
111 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
1 Pumped water sample Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
849968 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 18:05Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
849981 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 18:11Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
849993 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 18:18Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850005 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 18:24Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850017 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 18:44Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850029 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 19:02Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850030 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 19:30Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850042 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 19:48Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850054 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 20:17Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850066 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 20:36Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850078 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 21:29Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850091 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 21:48Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850109 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 22:20Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850110 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 22:48Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850122 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 23:04Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850134 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 23:48Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850146 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 00:02Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850158 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 00:30Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850171 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 00:45Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850183 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 01:15Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850195 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 01:53Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850202 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 02:20Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850214 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 02:33Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850226 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 03:02Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850238 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-18 22:50Z 56° 27' N, 7° 30' W Click for more
850251 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 01:38Z 56° 27' N, 8° 0' W Click for more
850263 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 04:22Z 56° 27' N, 8° 30' W Click for more
850275 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 05:46Z 56° 27' N, 8° 45' W Click for more
850287 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 09:34Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850299 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 10:32Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850306 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 10:54Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850318 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 11:08Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850331 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 11:36Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850343 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 12:27Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850355 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 12:59Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850367 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 13:15Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850379 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 14:13Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850380 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 14:30Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850392 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 15:00Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850411 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 15:15Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850423 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 16:11Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850435 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 16:24Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850447 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 17:02Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850459 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 17:15Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850460 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 17:57Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850472 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-31 04:32Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850484 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-31 07:22Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850496 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-31 09:42Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850503 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 10:50Z 56° 27' N, 9° 31' W Click for more
850515 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 12:33Z 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W Click for more
850527 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 14:06Z 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W Click for more
850539 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 16:03Z 56° 15' N, 9° 27' W Click for more
850540 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 19:41Z 56° 4' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
850552 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 20:58Z 55° 58' N, 8° 59' W Click for more
850564 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 23:57Z 55° 50' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
850576 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-27 01:49Z 55° 46' N, 9° 15' W Click for more
850588 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-27 06:08Z 55° 40' N, 9° 40' W Click for more
850607 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-27 08:16Z 55° 33' N, 9° 42' W Click for more
850619 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-28 06:16Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
850620 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-28 13:02Z 56° 25' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
850632 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-28 15:15Z 56° 27' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
850644 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-29 04:19Z 56° 26' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
850656 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-29 19:24Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
850668 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-29 22:23Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
850681 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-30 05:20Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
850693 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-30 09:48Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
850700 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-30 12:04Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
850712 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-30 14:13Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
850724 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-30 19:51Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850736 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-30 22:08Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850748 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 05:25Z 57° 52' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
850761 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 07:13Z 57° 49' N, 9° 36' W Click for more
850773 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 09:14Z 57° 45' N, 9° 48' W Click for more
850785 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 13:31Z 57° 33' N, 9° 33' W Click for more
850797 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 15:08Z 57° 26' N, 9° 25' W Click for more
850804 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 17:43Z 57° 13' N, 9° 22' W Click for more
850816 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 19:14Z 57° 6' N, 9° 28' W Click for more
850828 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 21:16Z 56° 58' N, 9° 34' W Click for more
850841 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-24 04:00Z 56° 43' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
850853 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-24 06:35Z 56° 42' N, 9° 19' W Click for more
850865 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-24 07:36Z 56° 40' N, 9° 11' W Click for more
850877 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-24 10:48Z 56° 38' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
850889 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-24 12:13Z 56° 37' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
850890 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-24 14:41Z 56° 37' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
850908 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-24 15:53Z 56° 36' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
850921 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-24 16:47Z 56° 36' N, 8° 55' W Click for more
850933 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-25 18:00Z 56° 27' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
850945 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-25 18:55Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
850957 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-25 23:39Z 56° 27' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
850969 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 01:10Z 56° 27' N, 9° 7' W Click for more
850970 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 04:06Z 56° 27' N, 9° 12' W Click for more
850982 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 05:40Z 56° 27' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
850994 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 09:21Z 56° 27' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
851008 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 03:17Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851021 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 03:31Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851033 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 03:56Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851045 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 04:26Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851057 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 04:33Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851069 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 05:57Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851070 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 06:18Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851082 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 07:04Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851094 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 07:18Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851101 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 15:27Z 56° 28' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
851113 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 17:29Z 56° 28' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
851125 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 18:20Z 56° 28' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
851137 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 19:16Z 56° 28' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
851149 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 22:02Z 56° 28' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
851150 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 23:06Z 56° 28' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
851162 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-21 02:01Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
851174 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-21 03:33Z 56° 28' N, 9° 12' W Click for more
851186 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-21 14:59Z 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
851198 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-21 20:43Z 56° 24' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
851205 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-22 12:08Z 56° 26' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
851217 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-22 14:52Z 56° 30' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
851229 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 01:48Z 58° 0' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
851230 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 03:26Z 57° 56' N, 9° 12' W Click for more
851242 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-31 02:02Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851254 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 18:00Z 56° 10' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
851266 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 22:15Z 55° 53' N, 8° 50' W Click for more
851278 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-27 03:54Z 55° 45' N, 9° 27' W Click for more
851291 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-27 11:00Z 55° 25' N, 9° 43' W Click for more
851309 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 00:59Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851310 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 02:08Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851322 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 02:46Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851334 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 03:02Z 56° 27' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
851346 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 08:56Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851358 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 10:01Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851371 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 11:21Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851383 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 12:43Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851395 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 13:30Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851402 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 14:44Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851414 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 15:33Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851426 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 16:40Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851438 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 17:27Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851451 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 18:33Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851463 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 19:15Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851475 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 19:59Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851487 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 21:12Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851499 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 22:05Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851506 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 23:16Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851518 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 00:15Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851531 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-29 12:16Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
851543 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-30 07:46Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
851555 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-30 17:22Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851567 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 16:28Z 57° 19' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
851579 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-24 05:01Z 56° 42' N, 9° 19' W Click for more
851580 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-24 09:03Z 56° 39' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
851592 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-25 17:09Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851611 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-25 22:27Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
851623 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-26 02:29Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
851635 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 05:00Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851647 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 06:30Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851659 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 07:40Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851660 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 16:29Z 56° 28' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
851672 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 21:06Z 56° 28' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
851684 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-21 00:25Z 56° 28' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
851696 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-21 05:00Z 56° 28' N, 9° 17' W Click for more
851703 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-22 05:04Z 56° 25' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
851715 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-22 16:28Z 56° 38' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
851727 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 11:43Z 57° 39' N, 9° 40' W Click for more
851739 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-30 00:24Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
851740 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-18 21:35Z 56° 27' N, 7° 20' W Click for more
851752 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 00:14Z 56° 27' N, 7° 45' W Click for more
851764 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-19 09:46Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
851776 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-29 02:09Z 56° 26' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
851788 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-30 02:54Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
851807 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-24 02:05Z 56° 43' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
851819 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-20 14:02Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
851820 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-28 23:16Z 56° 25' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
851832 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-23 23:21Z 56° 51' N, 9° 40' W Click for more
851844 CTD/STD cast 1995-08-24 13:30Z 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
1287273 Bottle station 1995-08-20 14:18Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1287285 Bottle station 1995-08-20 15:39Z 56° 28' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1287297 Bottle station 1995-08-20 16:39Z 56° 28' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
1287304 Bottle station 1995-08-20 17:39Z 56° 28' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
1287316 Bottle station 1995-08-20 18:29Z 56° 28' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1287328 Bottle station 1995-08-20 19:30Z 56° 28' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1287341 Bottle station 1995-08-20 21:23Z 56° 28' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1287353 Bottle station 1995-08-20 22:24Z 56° 28' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1287365 Bottle station 1995-08-20 23:30Z 56° 28' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1287377 Bottle station 1995-08-21 00:48Z 56° 28' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
1287389 Bottle station 1995-08-21 02:32Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1287390 Bottle station 1995-08-21 15:12Z 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
1287408 Bottle station 1995-08-22 05:15Z 56° 25' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1287421 Bottle station 1995-08-22 15:07Z 56° 30' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1287433 Bottle station 1995-08-22 16:51Z 56° 38' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1287445 Bottle station 1995-08-23 01:58Z 58° 0' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1287457 Bottle station 1995-08-23 03:37Z 57° 56' N, 9° 12' W Click for more
1287469 Bottle station 1995-08-23 05:34Z 57° 52' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
1287470 Bottle station 1995-08-23 07:33Z 57° 49' N, 9° 36' W Click for more
1287482 Bottle station 1995-08-23 12:02Z 57° 39' N, 9° 40' W Click for more
1287494 Bottle station 1995-08-23 13:46Z 57° 33' N, 9° 33' W Click for more
1287501 Bottle station 1995-08-23 15:17Z 57° 26' N, 9° 25' W Click for more
1287513 Bottle station 1995-08-23 16:35Z 57° 19' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
1287525 Bottle station 1995-08-23 17:58Z 57° 13' N, 9° 22' W Click for more
1287537 Bottle station 1995-08-23 19:45Z 57° 6' N, 9° 28' W Click for more
1287549 Bottle station 1995-08-23 21:48Z 56° 58' N, 9° 34' W Click for more
1287550 Bottle station 1995-08-24 00:02Z 56° 51' N, 9° 40' W Click for more
1287562 Bottle station 1995-08-24 02:40Z 56° 43' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
1287574 Bottle station 1995-08-24 05:32Z 56° 42' N, 9° 19' W Click for more
1287586 Bottle station 1995-08-24 06:36Z 56° 42' N, 9° 19' W Click for more
1287598 Bottle station 1995-08-24 08:00Z 56° 40' N, 9° 11' W Click for more
1287605 Bottle station 1995-08-24 09:30Z 56° 39' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1287617 Bottle station 1995-08-24 11:07Z 56° 38' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1287629 Bottle station 1995-08-24 12:27Z 56° 37' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1287630 Bottle station 1995-08-24 13:42Z 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
1287642 Bottle station 1995-08-24 14:49Z 56° 37' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1287654 Bottle station 1995-08-24 15:59Z 56° 36' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1287666 Bottle station 1995-08-24 16:52Z 56° 36' N, 8° 55' W Click for more
1287678 Bottle station 1995-08-25 17:13Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1287691 Bottle station 1995-08-25 18:05Z 56° 27' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
1287709 Bottle station 1995-08-25 19:01Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1287710 Bottle station 1995-08-25 22:36Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1287722 Bottle station 1995-08-25 23:54Z 56° 27' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1287734 Bottle station 1995-08-26 01:34Z 56° 27' N, 9° 7' W Click for more
1287746 Bottle station 1995-08-26 02:48Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1287758 Bottle station 1995-08-26 04:23Z 56° 27' N, 9° 12' W Click for more
1287771 Bottle station 1995-08-26 06:00Z 56° 27' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
1287783 Bottle station 1995-08-26 09:46Z 56° 27' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
1287795 Bottle station 1995-08-26 11:22Z 56° 27' N, 9° 31' W Click for more
1287802 Bottle station 1995-08-26 13:09Z 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W Click for more
1287814 Bottle station 1995-08-26 14:14Z 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W Click for more
1287826 Bottle station 1995-08-26 16:28Z 56° 15' N, 9° 27' W Click for more
1287838 Bottle station 1995-08-26 18:17Z 56° 10' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
1287851 Bottle station 1995-08-26 19:48Z 56° 4' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1287863 Bottle station 1995-08-26 21:05Z 55° 58' N, 8° 59' W Click for more
1287875 Bottle station 1995-08-26 22:22Z 55° 53' N, 8° 50' W Click for more
1287887 Bottle station 1995-08-27 00:04Z 55° 50' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1287899 Bottle station 1995-08-27 01:58Z 55° 46' N, 9° 15' W Click for more
1287906 Bottle station 1995-08-27 04:13Z 55° 45' N, 9° 27' W Click for more
1287918 Bottle station 1995-08-27 06:37Z 55° 40' N, 9° 40' W Click for more
1287931 Bottle station 1995-08-27 08:44Z 55° 33' N, 9° 42' W Click for more
1287943 Bottle station 1995-08-27 11:11Z 55° 25' N, 9° 43' W Click for more
1287955 Bottle station 1995-08-28 06:51Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1287967 Bottle station 1995-08-28 13:08Z 56° 25' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
1287979 Bottle station 1995-08-28 15:28Z 56° 27' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
1287980 Bottle station 1995-08-28 23:31Z 56° 25' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1287992 Bottle station 1995-08-29 02:22Z 56° 26' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
1288006 Bottle station 1995-08-29 04:28Z 56° 26' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1288018 Bottle station 1995-08-29 12:29Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1288031 Bottle station 1995-08-29 19:32Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1288043 Bottle station 1995-08-29 22:30Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1288055 Bottle station 1995-08-30 00:24Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1288067 Bottle station 1995-08-30 03:06Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1288079 Bottle station 1995-08-30 05:32Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1288080 Bottle station 1995-08-30 07:56Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1288092 Bottle station 1995-08-30 10:01Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1288111 Bottle station 1995-08-30 12:13Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1288123 Bottle station 1995-08-30 14:20Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1288135 Bottle station 1995-08-30 17:28Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1288147 Bottle station 1995-08-30 19:57Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1288159 Bottle station 1995-08-30 22:13Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1288160 Bottle station 1995-08-31 02:09Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1288172 Bottle station 1995-08-31 04:38Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1288184 Bottle station 1995-08-31 07:27Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1288196 Bottle station 1995-08-18 21:48Z 56° 27' N, 7° 20' W Click for more
1288203 Bottle station 1995-08-18 23:00Z 56° 27' N, 7° 30' W Click for more
1288215 Bottle station 1995-08-19 00:26Z 56° 27' N, 7° 45' W Click for more
1288227 Bottle station 1995-08-19 01:46Z 56° 27' N, 8° 0' W Click for more
1288239 Bottle station 1995-08-19 03:08Z 56° 27' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1288240 Bottle station 1995-08-19 04:32Z 56° 27' N, 8° 30' W Click for more
1288252 Bottle station 1995-08-19 05:54Z 56° 27' N, 8° 45' W Click for more
1288264 Bottle station 1995-08-19 09:06Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1288276 Bottle station 1995-08-19 11:46Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1288288 Bottle station 1995-08-19 13:40Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1288307 Bottle station 1995-08-20 14:18Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1288319 Bottle station 1995-08-24 02:40Z 56° 43' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
1288320 Bottle station 1995-08-25 18:05Z 56° 27' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
1288332 Bottle station 1995-08-25 22:36Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1288344 Bottle station 1995-08-25 23:54Z 56° 27' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1288356 Bottle station 1995-08-26 02:48Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1288368 Bottle station 1995-08-26 06:00Z 56° 27' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
1684347 Bottle station 1995-08-20 04:39Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1684359 Bottle station 1995-08-20 05:03Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1684360 Bottle station 1995-08-22 15:07Z 56° 30' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1684372 Bottle station 1995-08-22 16:51Z 56° 38' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1684384 Bottle station 1995-08-23 13:46Z 57° 33' N, 9° 33' W Click for more
1684396 Bottle station 1995-08-24 08:00Z 56° 40' N, 9° 11' W Click for more
1684403 Bottle station 1995-08-25 17:13Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1684415 Bottle station 1995-08-26 09:46Z 56° 27' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
1684427 Bottle station 1995-08-26 11:22Z 56° 27' N, 9° 31' W Click for more
1684439 Bottle station 1995-08-26 14:14Z 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W Click for more
1684440 Bottle station 1995-08-27 08:44Z 55° 33' N, 9° 42' W Click for more
1684452 Bottle station 1995-08-28 06:51Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1684464 Bottle station 1995-08-28 13:08Z 56° 25' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
1684476 Bottle station 1995-08-28 15:28Z 56° 27' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
1684488 Bottle station 1995-08-29 04:28Z 56° 26' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1684507 Bottle station 1995-08-29 12:29Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1684519 Bottle station 1995-08-30 10:01Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1684520 Bottle station 1995-08-31 07:27Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1684532 Bottle station 1995-08-19 13:40Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1690549 Pumped water sample 1995-08-18 22:36Z to 1995-08-31 07:54Z 55° 40' N to 57° 59' N; 9° 40' W to 7° 29' W Click for more
1703722 Bottle station 1995-08-20 06:35Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1703734 Bottle station 1995-08-20 14:18Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1703746 Bottle station 1995-08-20 17:39Z 56° 28' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
1703758 Bottle station 1995-08-20 18:29Z 56° 28' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1703771 Bottle station 1995-08-20 19:30Z 56° 28' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1703783 Bottle station 1995-08-20 21:23Z 56° 28' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1703795 Bottle station 1995-08-20 23:30Z 56° 28' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1703802 Bottle station 1995-08-21 00:48Z 56° 28' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
1703814 Bottle station 1995-08-21 02:32Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1703826 Bottle station 1995-08-21 03:56Z 56° 28' N, 9° 12' W Click for more
1703838 Bottle station 1995-08-21 05:28Z 56° 27' N, 9° 17' W Click for more
1703851 Bottle station 1995-08-21 15:12Z 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W Click for more
1703863 Bottle station 1995-08-21 20:52Z 56° 24' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
1703875 Bottle station 1995-08-22 05:15Z 56° 25' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1703887 Bottle station 1995-08-22 16:51Z 56° 38' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1703899 Bottle station 1995-08-23 01:58Z 58° 0' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1703906 Bottle station 1995-08-23 03:37Z 57° 56' N, 9° 12' W Click for more
1703918 Bottle station 1995-08-23 05:34Z 57° 52' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
1703931 Bottle station 1995-08-23 07:33Z 57° 49' N, 9° 36' W Click for more
1703943 Bottle station 1995-08-23 15:17Z 57° 26' N, 9° 25' W Click for more
1703955 Bottle station 1995-08-23 16:35Z 57° 19' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
1703967 Bottle station 1995-08-23 17:58Z 57° 13' N, 9° 22' W Click for more
1703979 Bottle station 1995-08-23 19:45Z 57° 6' N, 9° 28' W Click for more
1703980 Bottle station 1995-08-23 21:48Z 56° 58' N, 9° 34' W Click for more
1703992 Bottle station 1995-08-24 00:02Z 56° 51' N, 9° 40' W Click for more
1704006 Bottle station 1995-08-24 02:40Z 56° 43' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
1704018 Bottle station 1995-08-24 05:32Z 56° 42' N, 9° 19' W Click for more
1704031 Bottle station 1995-08-24 06:36Z 56° 42' N, 9° 19' W Click for more
1704043 Bottle station 1995-08-24 08:00Z 56° 40' N, 9° 11' W Click for more
1704055 Bottle station 1995-08-24 09:30Z 56° 39' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1704067 Bottle station 1995-08-24 11:07Z 56° 38' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1704079 Bottle station 1995-08-24 14:49Z 56° 37' N, 9° 0' W Click for more
1704080 Bottle station 1995-08-24 15:59Z 56° 36' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704092 Bottle station 1995-08-24 16:52Z 56° 36' N, 8° 55' W Click for more
1704111 Bottle station 1995-08-25 17:13Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704123 Bottle station 1995-08-25 18:05Z 56° 27' N, 9° 1' W Click for more
1704135 Bottle station 1995-08-25 19:01Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1704147 Bottle station 1995-08-25 22:36Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1704159 Bottle station 1995-08-25 23:54Z 56° 27' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1704160 Bottle station 1995-08-26 01:34Z 56° 27' N, 9° 7' W Click for more
1704172 Bottle station 1995-08-26 02:48Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1704184 Bottle station 1995-08-26 04:23Z 56° 27' N, 9° 12' W Click for more
1704196 Bottle station 1995-08-26 06:00Z 56° 27' N, 9° 18' W Click for more
1704203 Bottle station 1995-08-26 09:46Z 56° 27' N, 9° 24' W Click for more
1704215 Bottle station 1995-08-26 11:22Z 56° 27' N, 9° 31' W Click for more
1704227 Bottle station 1995-08-26 13:09Z 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W Click for more
1704239 Bottle station 1995-08-26 14:14Z 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W Click for more
1704240 Bottle station 1995-08-26 19:48Z 56° 4' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1704252 Bottle station 1995-08-26 21:05Z 55° 58' N, 8° 59' W Click for more
1704264 Bottle station 1995-08-26 22:22Z 55° 53' N, 8° 50' W Click for more
1704276 Bottle station 1995-08-27 00:04Z 55° 50' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1704288 Bottle station 1995-08-27 01:58Z 55° 46' N, 9° 15' W Click for more
1704307 Bottle station 1995-08-27 04:13Z 55° 45' N, 9° 27' W Click for more
1704319 Bottle station 1995-08-27 06:37Z 55° 40' N, 9° 40' W Click for more
1704320 Bottle station 1995-08-27 11:11Z 55° 25' N, 9° 43' W Click for more
1704332 Bottle station 1995-08-28 06:51Z 56° 28' N, 9° 9' W Click for more
1704344 Bottle station 1995-08-28 13:08Z 56° 25' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
1704356 Bottle station 1995-08-28 15:28Z 56° 27' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
1704368 Bottle station 1995-08-28 23:31Z 56° 25' N, 9° 6' W Click for more
1704381 Bottle station 1995-08-29 02:22Z 56° 26' N, 9° 5' W Click for more
1704393 Bottle station 1995-08-29 04:28Z 56° 26' N, 9° 4' W Click for more
1704400 Bottle station 1995-08-29 12:29Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1704412 Bottle station 1995-08-29 19:32Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1704424 Bottle station 1995-08-29 22:30Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1704436 Bottle station 1995-08-30 00:24Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1704448 Bottle station 1995-08-30 03:06Z 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W Click for more
1704461 Bottle station 1995-08-30 05:32Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1704473 Bottle station 1995-08-30 07:56Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1704485 Bottle station 1995-08-30 12:13Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1704497 Bottle station 1995-08-30 14:20Z 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W Click for more
1704504 Bottle station 1995-08-30 17:28Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704516 Bottle station 1995-08-30 19:57Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704528 Bottle station 1995-08-30 22:13Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704541 Bottle station 1995-08-31 02:09Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704553 Bottle station 1995-08-31 04:38Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704565 Bottle station 1995-08-31 07:27Z 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704577 Bottle station 1995-08-18 21:48Z 56° 27' N, 7° 20' W Click for more
1704589 Bottle station 1995-08-18 23:00Z 56° 27' N, 7° 30' W Click for more
1704590 Bottle station 1995-08-19 00:26Z 56° 27' N, 7° 45' W Click for more
1704608 Bottle station 1995-08-19 01:46Z 56° 27' N, 8° 0' W Click for more
1704621 Bottle station 1995-08-19 03:08Z 56° 27' N, 8° 15' W Click for more
1704633 Bottle station 1995-08-19 04:32Z 56° 27' N, 8° 30' W Click for more
1704645 Bottle station 1995-08-19 05:54Z 56° 27' N, 8° 45' W Click for more
1704657 Bottle station 1995-08-19 09:06Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704669 Bottle station 1995-08-19 11:46Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704670 Bottle station 1995-08-19 13:40Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704682 Bottle station 1995-08-19 17:35Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704694 Bottle station 1995-08-19 20:43Z 56° 25' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704701 Bottle station 1995-08-19 23:25Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more
1704713 Bottle station 1995-08-20 01:23Z 56° 26' N, 8° 58' W Click for more

Project Database

# Events Gear Type Parameters Held
1 In situ productivity incubations
171 CTD frame plus rosette sampler Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column
Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column
Dissolved total or organic phosphorus concentration in the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Temperature of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Phytoplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies
Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column
Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Density of the water column
Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies
Phytoplankton generic abundance in water bodies
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Metadata parameters
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Primary production in the water column
Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column
103 Expendable Bathythermograph Temperature of the water column
355 Fast Light Yo-yo Dissipation Probe Turbulence in the water column
Temperature of the water column
8222 Shipborne Acoustic Doppler Current Profile
76 Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply Salinity of the water column

Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)


Track Charts

Track Chart


Cruise Report