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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 1288319

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Water sample data
Instrument Type
Niskin bottle  discrete water samplers
Instrument Mounting lowered unmanned submersible
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator Dr Roger Proctor
Originating Organization Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (now National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool)
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) LOIS Shelf Edge Study (LOIS - SES)

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier CH121B_CTD_NUTS_115:CP145
BODC Series Reference 1288319

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 1995-08-24 02:40
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) -
Nominal Cycle Interval -

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 56.73468 N ( 56° 44.1' N )
Longitude 9.40140 W ( 9° 24.1' W )
Positional Uncertainty 0.05 to 0.1 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 3.8 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 1500.7 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 7.8 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 1504.7 m
Sea Floor Depth 1508.5 m
Sea Floor Depth Source -
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Unspecified -
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Unspecified -
Sea Floor Depth Datum Unspecified -


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
ADEPZZ011MetresDepth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body
BOTTFLAG1Not applicableSampling process quality flag (BODC C22)
NTRZAAD11Micromoles per litreConcentration of nitrate+nitrite {NO3+NO2} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate
PHOSAAD11Micromoles per litreConcentration of phosphate {PO43- CAS 14265-44-2} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate
SAMPRFNM1DimensionlessSample reference number

Definition of BOTTFLAG

0The sampling event occurred without any incident being reported to BODC.
1The filter in an in-situ sampling pump physically ruptured during sample resulting in an unquantifiable loss of sampled material.
2Analytical evidence (e.g. surface water salinity measured on a sample collected at depth) indicates that the water sample has been contaminated by water from depths other than the depths of sampling.
3The feedback indicator on the deck unit reported that the bottle closure command had failed. General Oceanics deck units used on NERC vessels in the 80s and 90s were renowned for reporting misfires when the bottle had been closed. This flag is also suitable for when a trigger command is mistakenly sent to a bottle that has previously been fired.
4During the sampling deployment the bottle was fired in an order other than incrementing rosette position. Indicative of the potential for errors in the assignment of bottle firing depth, especially with General Oceanics rosettes.
5Water was reported to be escaping from the bottle as the rosette was being recovered.
6The bottle seals were observed to be incorrectly seated and the bottle was only part full of water on recovery.
7Either the bottle was found to contain no sample on recovery or there was no bottle fitted to the rosette position fired (but SBE35 record may exist).
8There is reason to doubt the accuracy of the sampling depth associated with the sample.
9The bottle air vent had not been closed prior to deployment giving rise to a risk of sample contamination through leakage.

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

Niskin Bottle

The Niskin bottle is a device used by oceanographers to collect subsurface seawater samples. It is a plastic bottle with caps and rubber seals at each end and is deployed with the caps held open, allowing free-flushing of the bottle as it moves through the water column.

Standard Niskin

The standard version of the bottle includes a plastic-coated metal spring or elastic cord running through the interior of the bottle that joins the two caps, and the caps are held open against the spring by plastic lanyards. When the bottle reaches the desired depth the lanyards are released by a pressure-actuated switch, command signal or messenger weight and the caps are forced shut and sealed, trapping the seawater sample.

Lever Action Niskin

The Lever Action Niskin Bottle differs from the standard version, in that the caps are held open during deployment by externally mounted stainless steel springs rather than an internal spring or cord. Lever Action Niskins are recommended for applications where a completely clear sample chamber is critical or for use in deep cold water.

Clean Sampling

A modified version of the standard Niskin bottle has been developed for clean sampling. This is teflon-coated and uses a latex cord to close the caps rather than a metal spring. The clean version of the Levered Action Niskin bottle is also teflon-coated and uses epoxy covered springs in place of the stainless steel springs. These bottles are specifically designed to minimise metal contamination when sampling trace metals.


Bottles may be deployed singly clamped to a wire or in groups of up to 48 on a rosette. Standard bottles and Lever Action bottles have a capacity between 1.7 and 30 L. Reversing thermometers may be attached to a spring-loaded disk that rotates through 180° on bottle closure.

Nutrients for cruises Charles Darwin and RRS Challenger

Document History

Converted from CDROM documentation.

Content of data series

AMONAATX Ammonium (unfiltered)
Colorometric autoanalysis (unfiltered)
NTRZAAD1 Dissolved nitrate + nitrite
Colorometric autoanalysis (GF/F filtered)
NTRZAATX Nitrate + nitrite (unfiltered)
Colorometric autoanalysis (unfiltered)
PHOSAAD1 Dissolved phosphate
Colorometric autoanalysis (GF/F filtered)
PHOSAATX Phosphate (unfiltered)
Colorometric autoanalysis (unfiltered)
SLCAAATX Silicate (unfiltered)
Colorometric autoanalysis (unfiltered)

Data Originator

Dr Roger Proctor, CCMS Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, UK.

Sampling strategy and methodology

Charles Darwin cruises CD92B, CD93A and CD93B and RRS Challenger cruises CH120 and CH121B.

Samples were collected using either Niskin bottles deployed on a CTD rosette (CD93A, CD93B and CH121B) or NIO bottles deployed on a hydrographic wire in conjunction with a CTD cast (CD92B and CH120). The samples were immediately frozen at -18°C. The samples were transferred to the laboratory (CCMS Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory) in dry ice and stored frozen until analysed.

Some 2-3 months after the cruise, the samples were thawed, filtered through a GF/F filter and analysed on a Lachat autoanalyser using standard colorometric chemistry.

Comments on data quality

An intercalibration of the two nutrient data sets was carried out. Simple regression, excluding data values deemed suspect, yielded the following equations:

POL NO3+NO2 = 0.93 DML NO3+NO2 - 0.14 (R2 = 0.80)
POL PO4 = 0.84 DML PO4 + 0.07 (R2 = 0.78)

The POL nutrient values are systematically significantly lower than the DML data. When individual data values are inspected it can be seen that in some samples the POL values are down to a half of the DML values. This nutrient loss may be attributed to biological activity during sample storage.

The POL data were primarily collected to allow estimation of dissolved organic nitrogen and phosphorus from contemporary total nitrogen and phosphorus determinations. It is therefore recommended that the DML data be used for all considerations of ambient nutrient concentrations and that the POL data be considered as metadata for the TDN and TDP data.

Project Information

LOIS Shelf Edge Study (LOIS - SES)


SES was a component of the NERC Land Ocean Interaction Study (LOIS) Community Research Programme that made intensive measurements from the shelf break in the region known as the Hebridean Slope from March 1995 to September 1996.

Scientific Rationale

SES was devoted to the study of interactions between the shelf seas and the open ocean. The specific objectives of the project were:

  • To identify the time and space scales of ocean-shelf momentum transmission and to quantify the contributions to ocean-shelf water exchange by physical processes.

  • To estimate fluxes of water, heat and certain dissolved and suspended constituents across a section of the shelf edge with special emphasis on net carbon export from, and nutrient import to, the shelf.

  • To incorporate process understanding into models and test these models by comparison with observations and provide a basis for estimation of fluxes integrated over time and the length of the shelf.


The SES fieldwork was focussed on a box enclosing two sections across the shelf break at 56.4-56.5 °N and 56.6-56.7 °N. Moored instrument arrays were maintained throughout the experiment at stations with water depths ranging from 140 m to 1500 m, although there were heavy losses due to the intensive fishing activity in the area. The moorings included meteorological buoys, current meters, transmissometers, fluorometers, nutrient analysers (but these never returned any usable data), thermistor chains, colour sensors and sediment traps.

The moorings were serviced by research cruises at approximately three-monthly intervals. In addition to the mooring work this cruises undertook intensive CTD, water bottle and benthic surveys with cruise durations of up to 6 weeks (3 legs of approximately 2 weeks each).

Moored instrument activities associated with SES comprised current measurements in the North Channel in 1993 and the Tiree Passage from 1995-1996. These provided boundary conditions for SES modelling activities.

Additional data were provided through cruises undertaken by the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) in a co-operative programme known as SESAME.

Data Activity or Cruise Information

Data Activity

Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 1995-08-24
End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 1995-08-24
Organization Undertaking ActivityUniversity of Wales, Bangor School of Ocean Sciences (now Bangor University School of Ocean Sciences)
Country of OrganizationUnited Kingdom
Originator's Data Activity IdentifierCH121B_CTD_CP145
Platform Categorylowered unmanned submersible

BODC Sample Metadata Report for CH121B_CTD_CP145

Sample reference number Nominal collection volume(l) Bottle rosette position Bottle firing sequence number Minimum pressure sampled (dbar) Maximum pressure sampled (dbar) Depth of sampling point (m) Bottle type Sample quality flag Bottle reference Comments
76995   10.00     1519.00 1521.10 1500.70 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
76996   10.00     1408.90 1411.70 1392.70 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
76997   10.00     1205.90 1208.00 1192.50 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
76998   10.00     1002.60 1004.40  992.00 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
76999   10.00      802.10  805.10  794.80 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
77000   10.00      499.90  502.00  495.80 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
77001   10.00      201.30  203.20  200.40 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
77002   10.00      101.30  102.40  101.00 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
77003   10.00       60.30   62.50   60.90 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
77004   10.00       30.80   31.90   31.10 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
77005   10.00       13.80   16.00   14.80 Niskin bottle No problem reported    
77006   10.00        2.80    4.80    3.80 Niskin bottle No problem reported    

Please note:the supplied parameters may not have been sampled from all the bottle firings described in the table above. Cross-match the Sample Reference Number above against the SAMPRFNM value in the data file to identify the relevant metadata.

Related Data Activity activities are detailed in Appendix 1


Cruise Name CH121B
Departure Date 1995-08-18
Arrival Date 1995-09-01
Principal Scientist(s)Toby J Sherwin (University of Wales, Bangor School of Ocean Sciences)
Ship RRS Challenger

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NameLOIS (SES) Repeat Section N
CategoryOffshore route/traverse

LOIS (SES) Repeat Section N

Section N was one of four repeat sections sampled during the Land-Ocean Interaction Study (LOIS) Shelf Edge Study (SES) project between March 1995 and September 1996.

The CTD measurements collected at repeat section N, on the Hebridean Slope, lie within a box bounded by co-ordinates 56° 35.4' N, 11° 0.0' W at the southwest corner and 57° 0.0' N, 8° 54.6' W at the northeast corner.

Cruises occupying section N

Cruise Start Date End Date
Charles Darwin 91B 22/03/1995 02/04/1995
Charles Darwin 92B 13/04/1995 02/05/1995
Charles Darwin 93A 07/05/1995 16/05/1995
Charles Darwin 93B 16/05/1995 30/05/1995
Challenger 120 18/07/1995 06/08/1995
Challenger 121A 10/08/1995 18/08/1995
Tydeman SESAME-1 10/08/1995 11/09/1995
Challenger 121B 18/08/1995 01/09/1995
Challenger 121C 01/09/1995 10/09/1995
Challenger 123B 01/12/1995 15/12/1995
Challenger 124 08/01/1996 27/01/1996
Challenger 125A 31/01/1996 12/02/1996
Challenger 125B 13/02/1996 03/03/1996
Challenger 126A 11/04/1996 26/04/1996
Challenger 126B 27/04/1996 12/05/1996
Challenger 128A 10/07/1996 26/07/1996
Challenger 128B 26/07/1996 08/08/1996

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 2

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: CH121B_CTD_CP145

Related series for this Data Activity are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
1287562Water sample data1995-08-24 02:40:0056.73468 N, 9.4014 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1704006Water sample data1995-08-24 02:40:0056.73468 N, 9.4014 WRRS Challenger CH121B

Appendix 2: LOIS (SES) Repeat Section N

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
847949CTD or STD cast1995-03-25 11:30:0056.62217 N, 8.92983 WRRS Charles Darwin CD91B
1671054Water sample data1995-03-25 11:48:0056.62223 N, 8.92982 WRRS Charles Darwin CD91B
847950CTD or STD cast1995-03-26 09:26:0056.6285 N, 9.00283 WRRS Charles Darwin CD91B
1671078Water sample data1995-03-26 09:36:0056.62858 N, 9.0029 WRRS Charles Darwin CD91B
847913CTD or STD cast1995-03-26 18:40:0056.63717 N, 9.016 WRRS Charles Darwin CD91B
1671091Water sample data1995-03-26 18:55:0056.6372 N, 9.01607 WRRS Charles Darwin CD91B
847998CTD or STD cast1995-03-29 16:38:0056.747 N, 9.42817 WRRS Charles Darwin CD91B
434873CTD or STD cast1995-04-17 07:39:0056.7167 N, 9.4 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
434885CTD or STD cast1995-04-17 09:50:0056.68 N, 9.25 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
434897CTD or STD cast1995-04-17 17:34:0056.605 N, 8.935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
434904CTD or STD cast1995-04-17 18:24:0056.62 N, 9.0063 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
434916CTD or STD cast1995-04-17 19:04:0056.6242 N, 9.0225 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
434928CTD or STD cast1995-04-17 19:54:0056.635 N, 9.0667 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
434941CTD or STD cast1995-04-17 20:57:0056.6467 N, 9.1125 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
434953CTD or STD cast1995-04-18 12:21:0056.6633 N, 9.1667 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435053CTD or STD cast1995-04-21 06:50:0056.605 N, 8.935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435065CTD or STD cast1995-04-21 08:00:0056.62 N, 9.0063 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435077CTD or STD cast1995-04-21 09:45:0056.6242 N, 9.0225 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435089CTD or STD cast1995-04-21 10:34:0056.635 N, 9.0667 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435090CTD or STD cast1995-04-21 12:37:0056.6467 N, 9.1125 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435108CTD or STD cast1995-04-21 14:25:0056.6633 N, 9.1667 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435121CTD or STD cast1995-04-21 16:25:0056.68 N, 9.25 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435133CTD or STD cast1995-04-21 18:47:0056.7188 N, 9.4083 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435458CTD or STD cast1995-04-30 18:15:0056.7188 N, 9.4083 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435471CTD or STD cast1995-04-30 20:41:0056.68 N, 9.25 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435483CTD or STD cast1995-04-30 22:17:0056.6633 N, 9.1667 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435495CTD or STD cast1995-04-30 23:41:0056.6467 N, 9.1125 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435502CTD or STD cast1995-05-01 00:41:0056.635 N, 9.0667 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435514CTD or STD cast1995-05-01 01:43:0056.6242 N, 9.0225 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435526CTD or STD cast1995-05-01 02:27:0056.62 N, 9.0063 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
435538CTD or STD cast1995-05-01 03:11:0056.605 N, 8.935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD92B
852386CTD or STD cast1995-05-12 00:04:0056.71983 N, 9.39983 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852398CTD or STD cast1995-05-12 09:56:0056.73617 N, 9.50167 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852835CTD or STD cast1995-05-12 12:48:0056.73817 N, 9.49467 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852405CTD or STD cast1995-05-12 16:08:0056.60683 N, 8.92467 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852417CTD or STD cast1995-05-12 19:32:0056.6135 N, 8.9455 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852491CTD or STD cast1995-05-12 20:43:0056.622 N, 8.99467 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852430CTD or STD cast1995-05-12 21:36:0056.61783 N, 9.0095 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852509CTD or STD cast1995-05-12 22:33:0056.62633 N, 9.01767 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852510CTD or STD cast1995-05-12 23:35:0056.63833 N, 9.073 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852442CTD or STD cast1995-05-13 01:04:0056.65283 N, 9.10633 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852534CTD or STD cast1995-05-13 04:06:0056.67133 N, 9.20717 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852454CTD or STD cast1995-05-13 09:53:0056.73017 N, 9.42817 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852233CTD or STD cast1995-05-13 12:20:0056.71567 N, 9.40917 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852245CTD or STD cast1995-05-13 19:29:0056.62167 N, 8.99317 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852466CTD or STD cast1995-05-13 21:50:0056.63033 N, 9.00117 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852257CTD or STD cast1995-05-14 00:27:0056.7165 N, 9.36633 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852269CTD or STD cast1995-05-14 02:34:0056.69933 N, 9.323 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852270CTD or STD cast1995-05-14 04:31:0056.69017 N, 9.2485 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852478CTD or STD cast1995-05-14 06:37:0056.639 N, 9.06667 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852282CTD or STD cast1995-05-14 07:48:0056.62717 N, 9.01667 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852294CTD or STD cast1995-05-14 09:04:0056.62917 N, 9.0235 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
852699CTD or STD cast1995-05-14 13:52:0056.6285 N, 9.00933 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93A
848989CTD or STD cast1995-05-18 23:56:0056.60333 N, 8.93983 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848990CTD or STD cast1995-05-19 01:07:0056.6175 N, 8.99217 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849434CTD or STD cast1995-05-19 02:03:0056.619 N, 9.01017 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849004CTD or STD cast1995-05-19 03:00:0056.62867 N, 9.02833 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849016CTD or STD cast1995-05-19 04:23:0056.63267 N, 9.07283 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849446CTD or STD cast1995-05-19 05:39:0056.6455 N, 9.11283 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849182CTD or STD cast1995-05-19 07:02:0056.65683 N, 9.15033 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849028CTD or STD cast1995-05-19 08:35:0056.6745 N, 9.19733 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849041CTD or STD cast1995-05-19 10:29:0056.6995 N, 9.32833 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849458CTD or STD cast1995-05-19 12:17:0056.7355 N, 9.40683 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848142CTD or STD cast1995-05-23 20:17:0056.99867 N, 11.00067 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848154CTD or STD cast1995-05-24 01:21:0056.99867 N, 9.9995 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848431CTD or STD cast1995-05-24 02:17:0057.0025 N, 9.99967 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849317CTD or STD cast1995-05-24 09:35:0057.008 N, 10.01833 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848443CTD or STD cast1995-05-24 13:08:0056.73917 N, 9.38967 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848455CTD or STD cast1995-05-24 15:15:0056.74067 N, 9.38917 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849108CTD or STD cast1995-05-25 19:22:0056.73567 N, 9.392 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848559CTD or STD cast1995-05-25 21:10:0056.73367 N, 9.39317 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848560CTD or STD cast1995-05-26 07:16:0056.73383 N, 9.389 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848572CTD or STD cast1995-05-26 09:15:0056.7325 N, 9.396 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849121CTD or STD cast1995-05-26 12:08:0056.733 N, 9.39217 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848584CTD or STD cast1995-05-26 13:30:0056.73467 N, 9.3855 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848234CTD or STD cast1995-05-27 03:14:0056.60433 N, 8.92867 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848246CTD or STD cast1995-05-27 03:55:0056.61733 N, 8.99083 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849145CTD or STD cast1995-05-27 05:02:0056.62867 N, 9.02267 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848258CTD or STD cast1995-05-27 06:10:0056.644 N, 9.10867 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
848271CTD or STD cast1995-05-27 07:38:0056.67133 N, 9.199 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849170CTD or STD cast1995-05-27 09:52:0056.698 N, 9.33233 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
849157CTD or STD cast1995-05-27 12:04:0056.736 N, 9.395 WRRS Charles Darwin CD93B
390131CTD or STD cast1995-07-25 19:54:0056.6055 N, 8.9387 WRRS Challenger CH120
390143CTD or STD cast1995-07-25 21:57:0056.6167 N, 9.0095 WRRS Challenger CH120
390155CTD or STD cast1995-07-25 23:25:0056.624 N, 9.025 WRRS Challenger CH120
390167CTD or STD cast1995-07-26 01:49:0056.6358 N, 9.0657 WRRS Challenger CH120
390179CTD or STD cast1995-07-26 03:12:0056.6433 N, 9.125 WRRS Challenger CH120
390180CTD or STD cast1995-07-26 06:02:0056.6638 N, 9.1662 WRRS Challenger CH120
390192CTD or STD cast1995-07-26 07:39:0056.681 N, 9.2487 WRRS Challenger CH120
390211CTD or STD cast1995-07-27 00:52:0056.7368 N, 9.449 WRRS Challenger CH120
1287261Water sample data1995-07-27 00:52:0056.7368 N, 9.449 WRRS Challenger CH120
849759CTD or STD cast1995-08-15 21:24:0056.60433 N, 8.93117 WRRS Challenger CH121A
849760CTD or STD cast1995-08-15 23:01:0056.6165 N, 8.99 WRRS Challenger CH121A
849551CTD or STD cast1995-08-15 23:58:0056.628 N, 9.02767 WRRS Challenger CH121A
849772CTD or STD cast1995-08-16 01:03:0056.64233 N, 9.0905 WRRS Challenger CH121A
849784CTD or STD cast1995-08-16 01:58:0056.64517 N, 9.11617 WRRS Challenger CH121A
849563CTD or STD cast1995-08-16 03:15:0056.63633 N, 9.171 WRRS Challenger CH121A
849803CTD or STD cast1995-08-16 12:03:0056.64 N, 8.99517 WRRS Challenger CH121A
849815CTD or STD cast1995-08-16 17:20:0056.61617 N, 9.02267 WRRS Challenger CH121A
851715CTD or STD cast1995-08-22 16:28:0056.6445 N, 9.1115 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1287433Water sample data1995-08-22 16:51:0056.64454 N, 9.11146 WRRS Challenger CH121B
851807CTD or STD cast1995-08-24 02:05:0056.73467 N, 9.40133 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1287562Water sample data1995-08-24 02:40:0056.73468 N, 9.4014 WRRS Challenger CH121B
850841CTD or STD cast1995-08-24 04:00:0056.7335 N, 9.39833 WRRS Challenger CH121B
851579CTD or STD cast1995-08-24 05:01:0056.70033 N, 9.321 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1287574Water sample data1995-08-24 05:32:0056.70039 N, 9.32098 WRRS Challenger CH121B
850853CTD or STD cast1995-08-24 06:35:0056.70033 N, 9.327 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1287586Water sample data1995-08-24 06:36:0056.70031 N, 9.32702 WRRS Challenger CH121B
850865CTD or STD cast1995-08-24 07:36:0056.66983 N, 9.19083 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1287598Water sample data1995-08-24 08:00:0056.66977 N, 9.1909 WRRS Challenger CH121B
851580CTD or STD cast1995-08-24 09:03:0056.65533 N, 9.1475 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1287605Water sample data1995-08-24 09:30:0056.65538 N, 9.14758 WRRS Challenger CH121B
850877CTD or STD cast1995-08-24 10:48:0056.64383 N, 9.11233 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1287617Water sample data1995-08-24 11:07:0056.64386 N, 9.11238 WRRS Challenger CH121B
850889CTD or STD cast1995-08-24 12:13:0056.63233 N, 9.07133 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1287629Water sample data1995-08-24 12:27:0056.63238 N, 9.07129 WRRS Challenger CH121B
851844CTD or STD cast1995-08-24 13:30:0056.62567 N, 9.0265 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1287630Water sample data1995-08-24 13:42:0056.62568 N, 9.02657 WRRS Challenger CH121B
850890CTD or STD cast1995-08-24 14:41:0056.6185 N, 9.00833 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1287642Water sample data1995-08-24 14:49:0056.61857 N, 9.00831 WRRS Challenger CH121B
850908CTD or STD cast1995-08-24 15:53:0056.61417 N, 8.98433 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1287654Water sample data1995-08-24 15:59:0056.61423 N, 8.9843 WRRS Challenger CH121B
850921CTD or STD cast1995-08-24 16:47:0056.6045 N, 8.931 WRRS Challenger CH121B
1287666Water sample data1995-08-24 16:52:0056.60442 N, 8.93092 WRRS Challenger CH121B
851893CTD or STD cast1995-09-02 14:11:0056.62467 N, 9.02467 WRRS Challenger CH121C
851985CTD or STD cast1995-09-04 07:29:0056.72967 N, 9.43083 WRRS Challenger CH121C
852000CTD or STD cast1995-09-05 02:18:0056.64533 N, 9.11017 WRRS Challenger CH121C
852153CTD or STD cast1995-09-05 03:20:0056.6735 N, 9.19533 WRRS Challenger CH121C
852012CTD or STD cast1995-09-05 08:33:0056.713 N, 9.4275 WRRS Challenger CH121C
852036CTD or STD cast1995-09-06 23:37:0056.60517 N, 8.9305 WRRS Challenger CH121C
852048CTD or STD cast1995-09-07 00:16:0056.6205 N, 9.00917 WRRS Challenger CH121C
852061CTD or STD cast1995-09-07 02:17:0056.62717 N, 9.0255 WRRS Challenger CH121C
852177CTD or STD cast1995-09-07 02:53:0056.63517 N, 9.06667 WRRS Challenger CH121C
854958CTD or STD cast1995-12-07 21:33:0056.6095 N, 8.9215 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855741CTD or STD cast1995-12-07 22:21:0056.62883 N, 8.9755 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855753CTD or STD cast1995-12-07 23:04:0056.63417 N, 9.02267 WRRS Challenger CH123B
854971CTD or STD cast1995-12-08 00:14:0056.63733 N, 9.06717 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855335CTD or STD cast1995-12-08 01:18:0056.646 N, 9.10367 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855347CTD or STD cast1995-12-08 02:31:0056.66133 N, 9.145 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855857CTD or STD cast1995-12-08 04:30:0056.67517 N, 9.18383 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855359CTD or STD cast1995-12-08 06:23:0056.69283 N, 9.24733 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855360CTD or STD cast1995-12-08 08:24:0056.70167 N, 9.325 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855046CTD or STD cast1995-12-08 10:31:0056.7335 N, 9.3995 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855372CTD or STD cast1995-12-08 12:43:0056.7355 N, 9.40367 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855384CTD or STD cast1995-12-08 15:06:0056.733 N, 9.39917 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855058CTD or STD cast1995-12-08 15:26:0056.73767 N, 9.3985 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855396CTD or STD cast1995-12-08 19:19:0056.7395 N, 9.3905 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855869CTD or STD cast1995-12-09 04:21:0056.988 N, 10.9835 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855488CTD or STD cast1995-12-11 04:17:0056.74167 N, 9.3855 WRRS Challenger CH123B
855870CTD or STD cast1995-12-11 06:24:0056.73317 N, 9.3965 WRRS Challenger CH123B
856049CTD or STD cast1996-02-03 17:20:0056.60367 N, 8.9245 WRRS Challenger CH125A
856246CTD or STD cast1996-02-03 18:23:0056.60267 N, 8.937 WRRS Challenger CH125A
856050CTD or STD cast1996-02-03 19:13:0056.62583 N, 8.97917 WRRS Challenger CH125A
856363CTD or STD cast1996-02-03 19:50:0056.61083 N, 9.00817 WRRS Challenger CH125A
856062CTD or STD cast1996-02-03 21:33:0056.62883 N, 9.01 WRRS Challenger CH125A
856375CTD or STD cast1996-02-03 23:30:0056.64 N, 9.05867 WRRS Challenger CH125A
856258CTD or STD cast1996-02-04 00:34:0056.642 N, 9.0795 WRRS Challenger CH125A
856086CTD or STD cast1996-02-04 01:38:0056.64883 N, 9.1105 WRRS Challenger CH125A
856098CTD or STD cast1996-02-04 03:08:0056.66317 N, 9.147 WRRS Challenger CH125A
856271CTD or STD cast1996-02-04 04:48:0056.66733 N, 9.20067 WRRS Challenger CH125A
856283CTD or STD cast1996-02-06 21:27:0056.70783 N, 9.40567 WRRS Challenger CH125A
856129CTD or STD cast1996-02-06 23:31:0056.69533 N, 9.33217 WRRS Challenger CH125A
856387CTD or STD cast1996-02-07 01:03:0056.68417 N, 9.248 WRRS Challenger CH125A
857249CTD or STD cast1996-02-20 11:06:0056.7355 N, 9.4005 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290489Water sample data1996-02-20 11:36:0056.73547 N, 9.40052 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700299Water sample data1996-02-20 11:36:0056.73547 N, 9.40052 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868097Water sample data1996-02-20 11:36:0056.73547 N, 9.40052 WRRS Challenger CH125B
857317CTD or STD cast1996-02-20 13:17:0056.73717 N, 9.39483 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290490Water sample data1996-02-20 13:22:0056.73723 N, 9.39488 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700306Water sample data1996-02-20 13:22:0056.73723 N, 9.39488 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868104Water sample data1996-02-20 13:22:0056.73723 N, 9.39488 WRRS Challenger CH125B
857250CTD or STD cast1996-02-20 14:48:0056.71017 N, 9.36133 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290508Water sample data1996-02-20 15:23:0056.71024 N, 9.36131 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700318Water sample data1996-02-20 15:23:0056.71024 N, 9.36131 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868116Water sample data1996-02-20 15:23:0056.71024 N, 9.36131 WRRS Challenger CH125B
856861CTD or STD cast1996-02-20 16:33:0056.69817 N, 9.32167 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290521Water sample data1996-02-20 17:02:0056.69809 N, 9.32171 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700331Water sample data1996-02-20 17:02:0056.69809 N, 9.32171 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868128Water sample data1996-02-20 17:02:0056.69809 N, 9.32171 WRRS Challenger CH125B
857471CTD or STD cast1996-02-20 18:18:0056.69 N, 9.25383 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290533Water sample data1996-02-20 18:48:0056.68999 N, 9.25383 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700343Water sample data1996-02-20 18:48:0056.68999 N, 9.25383 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868141Water sample data1996-02-20 18:48:0056.68999 N, 9.25383 WRRS Challenger CH125B
856873CTD or STD cast1996-02-20 20:26:0056.67633 N, 9.2525 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290545Water sample data1996-02-20 20:51:0056.67638 N, 9.25252 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700355Water sample data1996-02-20 20:51:0056.67638 N, 9.25252 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868153Water sample data1996-02-20 20:51:0056.67638 N, 9.25252 WRRS Challenger CH125B
856885CTD or STD cast1996-02-20 22:03:0056.668 N, 9.1935 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290557Water sample data1996-02-20 22:24:0056.66796 N, 9.19345 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700367Water sample data1996-02-20 22:24:0056.66796 N, 9.19345 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868165Water sample data1996-02-20 22:24:0056.66796 N, 9.19345 WRRS Challenger CH125B
856897CTD or STD cast1996-02-20 23:18:0056.65483 N, 9.14867 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290569Water sample data1996-02-20 23:36:0056.65479 N, 9.14866 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700379Water sample data1996-02-20 23:36:0056.65479 N, 9.14866 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868177Water sample data1996-02-20 23:36:0056.65479 N, 9.14866 WRRS Challenger CH125B
857483CTD or STD cast1996-02-21 00:27:0056.641 N, 9.11483 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290570Water sample data1996-02-21 00:49:0056.64092 N, 9.1149 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700380Water sample data1996-02-21 00:49:0056.64092 N, 9.1149 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868189Water sample data1996-02-21 00:49:0056.64092 N, 9.1149 WRRS Challenger CH125B
856904CTD or STD cast1996-02-21 01:47:0056.63967 N, 9.08717 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290582Water sample data1996-02-21 02:05:0056.63969 N, 9.08712 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700392Water sample data1996-02-21 02:05:0056.63969 N, 9.08712 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868190Water sample data1996-02-21 02:05:0056.63969 N, 9.08712 WRRS Challenger CH125B
856916CTD or STD cast1996-02-21 03:08:0056.63183 N, 9.06633 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290594Water sample data1996-02-21 03:21:0056.63184 N, 9.06635 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700411Water sample data1996-02-21 03:21:0056.63184 N, 9.06635 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868208Water sample data1996-02-21 03:21:0056.63184 N, 9.06635 WRRS Challenger CH125B
857643CTD or STD cast1996-02-21 05:21:0056.625 N, 9.01483 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290613Water sample data1996-02-21 05:36:0056.62507 N, 9.01478 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700435Water sample data1996-02-21 05:36:0056.62507 N, 9.01478 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868233Water sample data1996-02-21 05:36:0056.62507 N, 9.01478 WRRS Challenger CH125B
857655CTD or STD cast1996-02-21 20:47:0056.61933 N, 9.00983 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1290625Water sample data1996-02-21 20:56:0056.6193 N, 9.00979 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1700447Water sample data1996-02-21 20:56:0056.6193 N, 9.00979 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1868245Water sample data1996-02-21 20:56:0056.6193 N, 9.00979 WRRS Challenger CH125B
857495CTD or STD cast1996-02-21 22:09:0056.60283 N, 8.93167 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1289544Water sample data1996-02-21 22:16:0056.60284 N, 8.93166 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1699217Water sample data1996-02-21 22:16:0056.60284 N, 8.93166 WRRS Challenger CH125B
1866853Water sample data1996-02-21 22:16:0056.60284 N, 8.93166 WRRS Challenger CH125B
858100CTD or STD cast1996-04-21 21:15:0056.71883 N, 9.40517 WRRS Challenger CH126A
1675645Water sample data1996-04-21 22:12:0056.7188 N, 9.40511 WRRS Challenger CH126A
858394CTD or STD cast1996-04-22 01:52:0056.688 N, 9.181 WRRS Challenger CH126A
1675669Water sample data1996-04-22 02:27:0056.68806 N, 9.18103 WRRS Challenger CH126A
858112CTD or STD cast1996-04-22 04:24:0056.6555 N, 9.10817 WRRS Challenger CH126A
1675670Water sample data1996-04-22 04:54:0056.65556 N, 9.1082 WRRS Challenger CH126A
858124CTD or STD cast1996-04-22 09:21:0056.71767 N, 9.41033 WRRS Challenger CH126A
1675682Water sample data1996-04-22 10:17:0056.71763 N, 9.41033 WRRS Challenger CH126A
858289CTD or STD cast1996-04-22 22:58:0056.61733 N, 8.9355 WRRS Challenger CH126A
1675694Water sample data1996-04-22 23:06:0056.6173 N, 8.93558 WRRS Challenger CH126A
858136CTD or STD cast1996-04-23 00:15:0056.61533 N, 9.00633 WRRS Challenger CH126A
1675701Water sample data1996-04-23 00:25:0056.6154 N, 9.00633 WRRS Challenger CH126A
858401CTD or STD cast1996-04-23 01:10:0056.61367 N, 9.02317 WRRS Challenger CH126A
1675713Water sample data1996-04-23 01:23:0056.61373 N, 9.02321 WRRS Challenger CH126A
858437CTD or STD cast1996-04-23 02:15:0056.61883 N, 9.08567 WRRS Challenger CH126A
1675725Water sample data1996-04-23 02:36:0056.61887 N, 9.08571 WRRS Challenger CH126A
858148CTD or STD cast1996-04-23 09:14:0056.597 N, 8.93867 WRRS Challenger CH126A
1675737Water sample data1996-04-23 09:21:0056.59705 N, 8.93874 WRRS Challenger CH126A
858290CTD or STD cast1996-04-23 11:19:0056.59567 N, 8.91367 WRRS Challenger CH126A
1675749Water sample data1996-04-23 11:26:0056.59571 N, 8.9136 WRRS Challenger CH126A
858413CTD or STD cast1996-04-23 19:09:0056.63217 N, 9.028 WRRS Challenger CH126A
1675750Water sample data1996-04-23 19:24:0056.63211 N, 9.02807 WRRS Challenger CH126A
858806CTD or STD cast1996-05-02 07:30:0056.7375 N, 9.39083 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859674CTD or STD cast1996-05-02 10:02:0056.7335 N, 9.401 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859686CTD or STD cast1996-05-02 15:29:0056.74167 N, 9.38617 WRRS Challenger CH126B
858818CTD or STD cast1996-05-02 17:52:0056.73533 N, 9.39717 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859698CTD or STD cast1996-05-02 19:49:0056.7365 N, 9.3855 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859705CTD or STD cast1996-05-02 22:35:0056.74633 N, 9.38867 WRRS Challenger CH126B
858449CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 00:29:0056.73283 N, 9.39567 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859717CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 02:02:0056.73367 N, 9.39617 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859729CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 03:40:0056.7335 N, 9.39267 WRRS Challenger CH126B
858450CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 04:20:0056.73383 N, 9.398 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859730CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 06:05:0056.73683 N, 9.3945 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859742CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 08:31:0056.70283 N, 9.321 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859754CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 11:09:0056.67183 N, 9.19883 WRRS Challenger CH126B
858462CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 12:47:0056.6775 N, 9.19433 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859766CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 13:28:0056.6615 N, 9.14033 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859778CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 17:27:0056.653 N, 9.112 WRRS Challenger CH126B
858474CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 18:53:0056.63683 N, 9.06733 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859791CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 20:06:0056.63583 N, 9.02717 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859809CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 21:23:0056.61267 N, 8.99117 WRRS Challenger CH126B
858486CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 22:11:0056.608 N, 8.97767 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859810CTD or STD cast1996-05-03 23:28:0056.61433 N, 8.9365 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859336CTD or STD cast1996-05-08 21:48:0057.001 N, 10.0 WRRS Challenger CH126B
859348CTD or STD cast1996-05-09 04:26:0056.99783 N, 9.999 WRRS Challenger CH126B
858831CTD or STD cast1996-05-09 08:32:0056.99117 N, 10.0035 WRRS Challenger CH126B
858843CTD or STD cast1996-05-09 14:02:0056.636 N, 9.02717 WRRS Challenger CH126B
860571CTD or STD cast1996-07-11 16:04:0056.6315 N, 9.00917 WRRS Challenger CH128A
1292331Water sample data1996-07-11 16:21:0056.63151 N, 9.00916 WRRS Challenger CH128A
860896CTD or STD cast1996-07-20 23:16:0056.67783 N, 9.19067 WRRS Challenger CH128A
1292515Water sample data1996-07-20 23:49:0056.67783 N, 9.19072 WRRS Challenger CH128A
860903CTD or STD cast1996-07-21 02:14:0056.73483 N, 9.39583 WRRS Challenger CH128A
860294CTD or STD cast1996-07-21 03:15:0056.7345 N, 9.3905 WRRS Challenger CH128A
1292527Water sample data1996-07-21 04:06:0056.73447 N, 9.39044 WRRS Challenger CH128A
860915CTD or STD cast1996-07-21 06:52:0056.66283 N, 9.14217 WRRS Challenger CH128A
1292539Water sample data1996-07-21 07:19:0056.66285 N, 9.14221 WRRS Challenger CH128A
860491CTD or STD cast1996-07-21 09:03:0056.64817 N, 9.11133 WRRS Challenger CH128A
1292540Water sample data1996-07-21 09:21:0056.64815 N, 9.1113 WRRS Challenger CH128A
860927CTD or STD cast1996-07-21 10:41:0056.635 N, 9.07233 WRRS Challenger CH128A
1292564Water sample data1996-07-21 10:58:0056.63494 N, 9.07228 WRRS Challenger CH128A
860301CTD or STD cast1996-07-21 12:33:0056.61867 N, 9.0265 WRRS Challenger CH128A
1292576Water sample data1996-07-21 12:47:0056.61861 N, 9.02645 WRRS Challenger CH128A
860939CTD or STD cast1996-07-21 14:49:0056.61667 N, 9.013 WRRS Challenger CH128A
1292588Water sample data1996-07-21 15:01:0056.61663 N, 9.01293 WRRS Challenger CH128A
860509CTD or STD cast1996-07-21 16:28:0056.588 N, 8.95417 WRRS Challenger CH128A
1292607Water sample data1996-07-21 16:36:0056.58792 N, 8.95419 WRRS Challenger CH128A
861389CTD or STD cast1996-08-02 03:10:0056.71433 N, 9.43783 WRRS Challenger CH128B
861390CTD or STD cast1996-08-02 04:48:0056.711 N, 9.454 WRRS Challenger CH128B
861200CTD or STD cast1996-08-02 06:20:0056.71433 N, 9.47583 WRRS Challenger CH128B
861408CTD or STD cast1996-08-02 10:18:0056.7155 N, 9.40433 WRRS Challenger CH128B
861212CTD or STD cast1996-08-02 17:26:0056.67117 N, 9.2005 WRRS Challenger CH128B
861433CTD or STD cast1996-08-03 01:00:0056.64967 N, 9.1245 WRRS Challenger CH128B
861445CTD or STD cast1996-08-03 02:14:0056.63517 N, 9.07283 WRRS Challenger CH128B
861224CTD or STD cast1996-08-03 03:13:0056.62683 N, 9.01983 WRRS Challenger CH128B
861457CTD or STD cast1996-08-03 03:57:0056.6225 N, 9.00267 WRRS Challenger CH128B
861469CTD or STD cast1996-08-03 04:44:0056.61317 N, 8.93683 WRRS Challenger CH128B
861236CTD or STD cast1996-08-05 19:00:0056.99883 N, 9.99633 WRRS Challenger CH128B
861482CTD or STD cast1996-08-05 21:13:0056.99767 N, 9.99583 WRRS Challenger CH128B
861120CTD or STD cast1996-08-05 23:01:0056.99667 N, 10.00467 WRRS Challenger CH128B