Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 2107996
Metadata Summary
Problem Reports
Data Access Policy
Narrative Documents
Project Information
Data Activity or Cruise Information
Fixed Station Information
BODC Quality Flags
SeaDataNet Quality Flags
Metadata Summary
Data Description |
Data Identifiers |
Time Co-ordinates(UT) |
Spatial Co-ordinates | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameters |
Definition of BOTTFLAG | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BOTTFLAG | Definition |
0 | The sampling event occurred without any incident being reported to BODC. |
1 | The filter in an in-situ sampling pump physically ruptured during sample resulting in an unquantifiable loss of sampled material. |
2 | Analytical evidence (e.g. surface water salinity measured on a sample collected at depth) indicates that the water sample has been contaminated by water from depths other than the depths of sampling. |
3 | The feedback indicator on the deck unit reported that the bottle closure command had failed. General Oceanics deck units used on NERC vessels in the 80s and 90s were renowned for reporting misfires when the bottle had been closed. This flag is also suitable for when a trigger command is mistakenly sent to a bottle that has previously been fired. |
4 | During the sampling deployment the bottle was fired in an order other than incrementing rosette position. Indicative of the potential for errors in the assignment of bottle firing depth, especially with General Oceanics rosettes. |
5 | Water was reported to be escaping from the bottle as the rosette was being recovered. |
6 | The bottle seals were observed to be incorrectly seated and the bottle was only part full of water on recovery. |
7 | Either the bottle was found to contain no sample on recovery or there was no bottle fitted to the rosette position fired (but SBE35 record may exist). |
8 | There is reason to doubt the accuracy of the sampling depth associated with the sample. |
9 | The bottle air vent had not been closed prior to deployment giving rise to a risk of sample contamination through leakage. |
Definition of Rank |
Problem Reports
No Problem Report Found in the Database
Data Access Policy
Open Data
These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.
If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:
"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."
Narrative Documents
Digitron TM-22 Digital Thermometer
The Digitron TM-22 is a water-resistant, hand-held digital thermometer. It complements Digitron's PM series of pressure instruments. Its typical battery life is 500 hours from two AA or equivalent cells. Temperature measurements are available in Celsius or Fahrenheit with a temperature range of -200 degC to +1350 degC/ -328 degF to +2462 degF.
For more information please see the document
Metrohm 794 Basic Titrino Titrator
The Metrohm 794 Basic Titrino is an all-purpose titrator used for dynamic and monotonic determination of solution concentrations. Titration modes of the instrument are constant or depending on the titration curve variable dosing of the titration reagent and Endpoint-Titration. The operation modes include; Dynamic Equivalence-point Titration (DET), Monotonic Equivalence-point Titration (MET), Set Endpoint Titration (SET), pH Calibration (CAL), Measuring (MEAS) and Titration Procedure (TIP) which links various commands and methods to a titration procedure. All operating modes of the Titrino can be combined to perform extensive analytical sequences.
Ready-to-start methods for the most common applications are stored in the internal method memory for example; the determination of the hardness of drinking water, diazotation of sulfonamides and primary amines, and determination of the peroxid number of edible oil sand fats. The operator is free to modify and overwrite the methods or to create and store new titration sequences.
The instrument consists of an exchange unit with a small display, which can be connected to either a magnetic stirrer (728), propeller rod stirrer (802) or Ti stand (703 or 727). Data exchange with a PC is possible with the Metrodata VESUV Software and with Metrodata TiNet Software complete keypad remote control, data acquisition and evaluation via PC is enabled.
Further details can be found in the manufacturer's user manual.
Niskin Bottle
The Niskin bottle is a device used by oceanographers to collect subsurface seawater samples. It is a plastic bottle with caps and rubber seals at each end and is deployed with the caps held open, allowing free-flushing of the bottle as it moves through the water column.
Standard Niskin
The standard version of the bottle includes a plastic-coated metal spring or elastic cord running through the interior of the bottle that joins the two caps, and the caps are held open against the spring by plastic lanyards. When the bottle reaches the desired depth the lanyards are released by a pressure-actuated switch, command signal or messenger weight and the caps are forced shut and sealed, trapping the seawater sample.
Lever Action Niskin
The Lever Action Niskin Bottle differs from the standard version, in that the caps are held open during deployment by externally mounted stainless steel springs rather than an internal spring or cord. Lever Action Niskins are recommended for applications where a completely clear sample chamber is critical or for use in deep cold water.
Clean Sampling
A modified version of the standard Niskin bottle has been developed for clean sampling. This is teflon-coated and uses a latex cord to close the caps rather than a metal spring. The clean version of the Levered Action Niskin bottle is also teflon-coated and uses epoxy covered springs in place of the stainless steel springs. These bottles are specifically designed to minimise metal contamination when sampling trace metals.
Bottles may be deployed singly clamped to a wire or in groups of up to 48 on a rosette. Standard bottles and Lever Action bottles have a capacity between 1.7 and 30 L. Reversing thermometers may be attached to a spring-loaded disk that rotates through 180° on bottle closure.
RAPID cruise JC103 Discrete CTD salinity, oxygen and underway salinity samples
Originator's protocol for data acquisition and analysis
Sample collection and analysis
A total of 25 CTD casts were made during cruise JC103 and bottle samples were collected from 15 casts. The CTD and the 10 litre sampling bottles were washed with fresh water approximately every other cast. Water samples were taken from the bottles after three full rinses and were stored in a controlled temperature labroratory for 24 hours prior to analysis.
Samples were also taken from the non-toxic underway seawater supply located at approximately 5.5 metres deep with a flow through of approximately 24 litres per minute. Bottle samples were taken two to three times per day and the bottles were rinsed three times with freshwater then flushed three times with salt water before the sample was collected. Each full crate was deposited in the controlled temperature lab (18°C) and left for 24 hours before analysis.
The salinity samples were analysed using a Guildline Autosal 8400B which was installed in the temperature controlled lab and the bath temperature was set to 21°C. The salinometer was standardised using OSIL P156 standard seawater at the beginning of the cruise and then at the beginning and end of each crate of samples.
Oxygen samples were taken from the Niskin bottles using silicon tubing to transfer the water from the Niskin bottles to wide-neck borosilicate glass sampling bottles. 1ml of manganous chloride and 1ml of alkaline iodide solution were injected into the sample bottles. The stopper was then inserted and the sample was shaken for 30 seconds, this was repeated after 30 minutes. The temperature was recorded at the time of oxygen fixation and the samples were then anaylsed 12-24 hours later using a Metrohm Titrino titrator with amperometric end point detection.
Data processing
The salinometer data were formatted into spreadsheets and a salinometer drift was applied.
The oxygen data were stored in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data quality flags were applied and the data file was converted to netCDF format along with the salinometer data for MATLAB processing.
Smeed, D.A. et al. (2015) RRS James Cook Cruise JC103, 23 Apr - 03 Jun 2014. RAPID moorings cruise report. Southampton, GB, National Oceanography Centre, 211pp. (National Oceanography Centre Cruise Report, 30).
BODC data processing procedures
The data were submitted to BODC in netCDF format which was converted to ASCII before BODC parameter codes were assigned. The data were then reformatted and loaded to BODC's Oracle database. The originator's variables and the parameters they were mapped to are shown below:
Originator's variable | Units | BODC parameter code | Units | Comments |
botpsal (CTD) | - | PSALBSTX | Dimensionless | No unit conversion required |
salinity_adj (underway) | - | PSALBSTX | Dimensionless | No unit conversion required |
botoxy_per_l (oxygen) | µmol/l | DOXYWITX | µmol/l | No unit conversion required |
botoxy | µmol/kg | DOKGWITX | µmol/kg | No unit conversion required |
botoxytemp | °C | OXYTMP01 | °C | No unit conversion required |
Data quality report
None (BODC assessment)
Problem report
None (BODC assessment)
Project Information
RAPID- Will the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation Halt? (RAPID-WATCH)
RAPID-WATCH (2007-2014) is a continuation programme of the Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC) Rapid Climate Change (RAPID) programme. It aims to deliver a robust and scientifically credible assessment of the risk to the climate of UK and Europe arising from a rapid change in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC). The programme will also assess the need for a long-term observing system that could detect major MOC changes, narrow uncertainty in projections of future change, and possibly be the start of an 'early warning' prediction system.
The effort to design a system to continuously monitor the strength and structure of the North Atlantic MOC is being matched by comparative funding from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) for the existing collaborations started during RAPID for the observational arrays.
Scientific Objectives
- To deliver a decade-long time series (2004-2014) of calibrated and quality-controlled measurements of the Atlantic MOC from the RAPID-WATCH arrays.
- To exploit the data from the RAPID-WATCH arrays and elsewhere to determine and interpret recent changes in the Atlantic MOC, assess the risk of rapid climate change, and investigate the potential for predictions of the MOC and its impacts on climate.
This work will be carried out in collaboration with the Hadley Centre in the UK and through international partnerships.
Mooring Arrays
The RAPID-WATCH arrays are the existing 26°N MOC observing system array (RAPIDMOC) and the WAVE array that monitors the Deep Western Boundary Current. The data from these arrays will work towards meeting the first scientific objective.
The RAPIDMOC array consists of moorings focused in three geographical regions (sub-arrays) along 26.5° N: Eastern Boundary, Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Western Boundary. The Western Boundary sub-array has moorings managed by both the UK and US scientists. The other sub-arrays are solely led by the UK scientists. The lead PI is Dr Stuart Cunningham of the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK.
The WAVE array consists of one line of moorings off Halifax, Nova Scotia. The line will be serviced in partnership with the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO), Halifax, Canada. The lead PI is Dr Chris Hughes of the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Liverpool, UK.
All arrays will be serviced (recovered and redeployed) either on an annual or biennial basis using Research Vessels from the UK, US and Canada.
Modelling Projects
The second scientific objective will be addressed through numerical modelling studies designed to answer four questions:
- How can we exploit data from the RAPID-WATCH arrays to obtain estimates of the MOC and related variables?
- What do the observations from the RAPID-WATCH arrays and other sources tell us about the nature and causes of recent changes in the Atlantic Ocean?
- What are the implications of RAPID-WATCH array data and other recent observations for estimates of the risk due to rapid change in the MOC?
- Could we use RAPID-WATCH and other observations to help predict future changes in the MOC and climate?
Data Activity or Cruise Information
Data Activity
Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) | 2014-05-14 |
End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) | 2014-05-14 |
Organization Undertaking Activity | National Oceanography Centre, Southampton |
Country of Organization | United Kingdom |
Originator's Data Activity Identifier | JC103_CTD_C011 |
Platform Category | lowered unmanned submersible |
BODC Sample Metadata Report for JC103_CTD_C011
Sample reference number | Nominal collection volume(l) | Bottle rosette position | Bottle firing sequence number | Minimum pressure sampled (dbar) | Maximum pressure sampled (dbar) | Depth of sampling point (m) | Bottle type | Sample quality flag | Bottle reference | Comments |
1054112 | 10.00 | 2 | 2 | 3543.60 | 3544.60 | 3500.00 | Niskin bottle | No problem reported | ||
1054115 | 10.00 | 4 | 4 | 3034.30 | 3035.30 | 3000.00 | Niskin bottle | No problem reported | ||
1054118 | 10.00 | 6 | 6 | 2575.90 | 2576.90 | 2550.00 | Niskin bottle | No problem reported | ||
1054121 | 10.00 | 8 | 8 | 2220.10 | 2221.10 | 2200.00 | Niskin bottle | No problem reported | ||
1054124 | 10.00 | 10 | 10 | 2017.30 | 2018.30 | 2000.00 | Niskin bottle | No problem reported | ||
1054127 | 10.00 | 12 | 12 | 1712.70 | 1713.70 | 1700.00 | Niskin bottle | No problem reported | ||
1054130 | 10.00 | 14 | 14 | 1510.50 | 1511.50 | 1500.00 | Niskin bottle | No problem reported | ||
1054133 | 10.00 | 16 | 16 | 703.20 | 704.20 | 700.00 | Niskin bottle | No problem reported | ||
1054136 | 10.00 | 18 | 18 | 502.70 | 503.70 | 500.00 | Niskin bottle | No problem reported | ||
1054139 | 10.00 | 20 | 20 | 402.10 | 403.10 | 400.00 | Niskin bottle | No problem reported | ||
1054142 | 10.00 | 22 | 22 | 100.40 | 101.40 | 100.00 | Niskin bottle | No problem reported | ||
1054145 | 10.00 | 24 | 24 | 10.40 | 11.40 | 10.00 | Niskin bottle | No problem reported |
Please note:the supplied parameters may not have been sampled from all the bottle firings described in the table above. Cross-match the Sample Reference Number above against the SAMPRFNM value in the data file to identify the relevant metadata.
Cruise Name | JC103 |
Departure Date | 2014-04-23 |
Arrival Date | 2014-06-03 |
Principal Scientist(s) | David Smeed (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton) |
Ship | RRS James Cook |
Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here
Fixed Station Information
Fixed Station Information
Station Name | Mid-Atlantic Ridge Array |
Category | Offshore area |
Latitude | 24° 45.00' N |
Longitude | 45° 30.00' W |
Water depth below MSL |
RAPIDMOC Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) Array
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge Array defines a box in which moorings were deployed either side of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the North Atlantic as part of the RAPIDMOC project. The box region has latitudinal limits of 23° N to 26.5° N and longitudinal limits of 40° W to 52.1° W. Moorings occupied this region between 2004 and 2020, and were typically deployed for 12 to 18 months.
Moored data summary
A description of the data types can be found at the bottom of this document
Year | Cruise ID | Number of moorings | Data types (number of instruments) |
2004 | D277 | 4 | BPR (4), CM (5), MCTD (20), MMP (1) |
2005 | CD170 | 6 | BPR (4), CM (6), MCTD (24) |
2006 | D304 | 5 | BPR (3), CM (3), MCTD (32) |
2007 | D324 | 6 | BPR (4), CM (3), MCTD (33) |
2008 | D334 | 6 | BPR (4), CM (3), MCTD (39) |
2009 | D344 | 6 | BPR (6), CM (3), MCTD (40) |
2010 | D359 | 6 | BPR (6), CM (5), MCTD (40) |
2011 | JC064 | 6 | BPR (6), CM (5), MCTD (40) |
2012 | D382 | 6 | BPR (6), CM (5), MCTD (34) |
2014 | JC103 | 6 | BPR (6), CM (1), MCTD (34) |
2015 | DY039 | 5 | BPR (4), CM (5), MCTD (41), MCTDO (6) |
2017 | JC145 | 5 | BPR (4), CM (5), MCTD (41), MCTDO (6), pCO2 (1), RAS (1), SeapHOx (1) |
2018 | JC174 | 6 | BPR (4), CM (5), IES (1), MCTD (41), MCTDO (9), pCO2 (1), RAS (1), SeapHOx (1) |
Cruise data summary
During the cruises to service the moored array, a variety of data types are collected. The table below is a summary of these data. The number of CTD profiles performed on these cruises within the box region defined above is also included. Trans-Atlantic hydrographic CTD sections have also been performed since 2004 and are included in the table.
Cruise ID | Cruise description | Data types | Number of CTD profiles performed within the box region |
D277 | Initial array deployment | DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | - |
D279 | Hydrographic section | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 19 |
CD170 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 5 |
D304 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 1 |
D324 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 3 |
D334 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 5 |
D344 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 5 |
D346 | Hydrographic section | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 21 |
D359 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 5 |
JC064 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 6 |
D382 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 3 |
JC103 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 4 |
DY039 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 3 |
DY040 | Hydrographic section | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 18 |
JC145 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 4 |
JC174 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 5 |
JC191 | Hydrographic section | CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 22 |
DY129 | Array service | CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF | 7 |
Data type ID and description
Data type ID | Description |
ADCP | Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler |
BATH | Bathymetry |
BPR | Bottom Pressure Recorder |
CM | Current Meter |
CTD | Conductivity-Temperature-Depth profiler |
DIS | Discrete water bottle samples |
IES | Inverted Echo Sounder |
LADCP | Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler |
MET | Meteorology |
MCTD | Moored Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor |
MCTDO | Moored Conductivity-Temperature-Depth-Oxygen sensor |
MMP | McLane Moored Profiler - profiling CTD and current meter |
NAV | Navigation |
pCO2 | Moored pCO2 sensor |
RAS | Remote Access Sampler |
SADCP | Shipborne Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler |
SeapHOx | Moored pH-Conductivity-Temperature-Depth-Oxygen sensor |
SURF | Sea surface data |
Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 1
BODC Quality Control Flags
The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:
Flag | Description |
Blank | Unqualified |
< | Below detection limit |
> | In excess of quoted value |
A | Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.) |
B | Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast |
C | Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.) |
D | Thermometric depth |
E | End of CTD Down/Up Cast |
G | Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty |
H | Extrapolated value |
I | Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.) |
K | Improbable value - unknown quality control source |
L | Improbable value - originator's quality control |
M | Improbable value - BODC quality control |
N | Null value |
O | Improbable value - user quality control |
P | Trace/calm |
Q | Indeterminate |
R | Replacement value |
S | Estimated value |
T | Interpolated value |
U | Uncalibrated |
W | Control value |
X | Excessive difference |
SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags
The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:
Flag | Description |
0 | no quality control |
1 | good value |
2 | probably good value |
3 | probably bad value |
4 | bad value |
5 | changed value |
6 | value below detection |
7 | value in excess |
8 | interpolated value |
9 | missing value |
A | value phenomenon uncertain |
B | nominal value |
Q | value below limit of quantification |
Appendix 1: Mid-Atlantic Ridge Array
Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.
If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.
Series Identifier | Data Category | Start date/time | Start position | Cruise |
682331 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-05 05:00:00 | 24.49983 N, 41.21533 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682343 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-05 05:00:00 | 24.49983 N, 41.21533 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682355 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-05 05:00:00 | 24.49983 N, 41.21533 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682367 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-05 05:00:00 | 24.49983 N, 41.21533 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682379 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-05 05:00:00 | 24.49983 N, 41.21533 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
1977680 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-05 05:01:00 | 24.49983 N, 41.21533 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682411 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2004-03-05 07:31:00 | 24.49983 N, 41.21533 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
1977225 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-05 09:00:00 | 24.50183 N, 41.30117 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
1977772 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-05 09:01:00 | 24.50183 N, 41.30117 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682423 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2004-03-06 22:51:00 | 24.50183 N, 41.30117 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682158 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 07:30:00 | 24.49133 N, 50.26033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682171 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 07:30:00 | 24.49133 N, 50.26033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682183 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 07:30:00 | 24.49133 N, 50.26033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682195 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 07:30:00 | 24.49133 N, 50.26033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682202 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 07:30:00 | 24.49133 N, 50.26033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682214 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 07:30:00 | 24.49133 N, 50.26033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682226 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 07:30:00 | 24.49133 N, 50.26033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682238 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 07:30:00 | 24.49133 N, 50.26033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682251 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 07:30:00 | 24.49133 N, 50.26033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
1977458 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-07 11:30:59 | 24.49133 N, 50.26033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682263 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 12:00:00 | 24.476 N, 50.57033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682275 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 12:00:00 | 24.476 N, 50.57033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682287 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 12:00:00 | 24.476 N, 50.57033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682299 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 12:00:00 | 24.476 N, 50.57033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682306 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-07 12:00:00 | 24.476 N, 50.57033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
1977587 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2004-03-07 12:01:00 | 24.476 N, 50.57033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682380 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2004-03-07 12:51:00 | 24.49133 N, 50.26033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682392 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2004-03-07 14:31:00 | 24.476 N, 50.57033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
682318 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2004-03-27 23:15:36 | 24.476 N, 50.57033 W | RRS Discovery D277 |
1066414 | CTD or STD cast | 2005-04-14 18:19:00 | 24.5145 N, 41.22567 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
1066426 | CTD or STD cast | 2005-04-15 00:14:00 | 24.51883 N, 41.21067 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
1977692 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-04-15 20:30:00 | 23.9325 N, 41.104 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700161 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-15 20:30:01 | 23.9325 N, 41.104 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700173 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-15 20:30:01 | 23.9325 N, 41.104 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700185 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-15 20:30:01 | 23.9325 N, 41.104 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700197 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-15 20:30:01 | 23.9325 N, 41.104 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700204 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-15 20:30:01 | 23.9325 N, 41.104 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
1977237 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-04-16 16:00:00 | 23.86867 N, 41.09 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700216 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-16 16:00:00 | 23.86867 N, 41.09 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700241 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-16 16:00:00 | 23.86867 N, 41.09 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700253 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-16 16:00:00 | 23.86867 N, 41.09 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700228 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-16 16:00:01 | 23.86867 N, 41.09 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
1066438 | CTD or STD cast | 2005-04-16 17:24:00 | 23.93167 N, 41.09333 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
946020 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2005-04-19 15:30:00 | 23.86833 N, 41.09283 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
946032 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2005-04-19 15:30:00 | 23.86833 N, 41.09283 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
1066451 | CTD or STD cast | 2005-04-20 19:15:00 | 24.46617 N, 50.1845 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
1066463 | CTD or STD cast | 2005-04-21 17:03:00 | 24.16483 N, 49.73317 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700148 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-22 12:15:00 | 24.17033 N, 49.74983 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700124 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-22 12:15:01 | 24.17033 N, 49.74983 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700136 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-22 12:15:01 | 24.17033 N, 49.74983 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
701545 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-22 12:20:00 | 24.17033 N, 49.74983 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
1977599 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-04-22 12:30:00 | 24.17033 N, 49.74983 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700007 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-23 19:15:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700019 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-23 19:15:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700020 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-23 19:15:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700032 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-23 19:15:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700044 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-23 19:15:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700056 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-23 19:15:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700068 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-23 19:15:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700081 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-23 19:15:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700093 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-23 19:15:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700100 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-23 19:15:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
700112 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2005-04-23 19:15:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
1977471 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-04-23 19:30:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
1977483 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2005-04-23 19:30:00 | 25.62583 N, 50.41867 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
945981 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2005-04-24 14:41:00 | 25.62883 N, 50.916 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
945993 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2005-04-24 14:41:00 | 25.62883 N, 50.916 W | RRS Charles Darwin CD170 |
756903 | CTD or STD cast | 2006-05-24 19:56:23 | 25.30333 N, 50.267 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
1977495 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-05-25 19:00:00 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771125 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:01 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771137 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:01 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771149 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:01 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771150 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:01 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771162 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:01 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771186 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:01 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771198 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:01 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771205 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:01 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771217 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:01 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771229 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:01 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771254 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:01 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771174 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:02 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771230 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:02 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771242 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-25 19:00:02 | 24.19483 N, 49.72817 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
946056 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2006-05-25 23:45:00 | 24.21033 N, 49.72733 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
1977606 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-05-26 10:30:00 | 24.17967 N, 49.69383 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771266 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-26 10:30:00 | 24.17967 N, 49.69383 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771278 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-26 10:30:00 | 24.17967 N, 49.69383 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771291 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-26 10:30:00 | 24.17967 N, 49.69383 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771309 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-26 10:30:00 | 24.17967 N, 49.69383 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771310 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-26 10:30:00 | 24.17967 N, 49.69383 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771322 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-26 10:30:00 | 24.17967 N, 49.69383 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771334 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-26 10:30:00 | 24.17967 N, 49.69383 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771346 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-26 10:30:00 | 24.17967 N, 49.69383 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771358 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-26 10:30:00 | 24.17967 N, 49.69383 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771371 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-26 10:30:00 | 24.17967 N, 49.69383 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
1977711 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2006-05-28 15:30:00 | 23.86 N, 41.09983 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771383 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-28 15:30:00 | 23.86 N, 41.09983 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771395 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-28 15:30:00 | 23.86 N, 41.09983 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771402 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-28 15:30:00 | 23.86 N, 41.09983 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771414 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-28 15:30:00 | 23.86 N, 41.09983 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
771426 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2006-05-28 15:30:00 | 23.86 N, 41.09983 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
946068 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2006-11-18 06:45:00 | 23.8595 N, 41.09483 W | RRS Discovery D304 |
768793 | CTD or STD cast | 2007-10-22 21:59:15 | 23.92017 N, 41.03817 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
768800 | CTD or STD cast | 2007-10-23 03:59:25 | 23.86483 N, 41.09933 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
1977723 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-10-23 12:00:00 | 23.87117 N, 41.07983 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
864050 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-23 12:00:00 | 23.87117 N, 41.07983 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
864062 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-23 12:00:00 | 23.87117 N, 41.07983 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
864074 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-23 12:00:00 | 23.87117 N, 41.07983 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
864086 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-23 12:00:00 | 23.87117 N, 41.07983 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
864098 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-23 12:00:00 | 23.87117 N, 41.07983 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
864105 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-23 12:00:00 | 23.87117 N, 41.07983 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
946044 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2007-10-25 07:45:00 | 23.96583 N, 41.09233 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
768812 | CTD or STD cast | 2007-10-25 18:36:04 | 24.195 N, 49.70983 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
946007 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2007-10-27 22:15:00 | 24.19417 N, 49.71067 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
946019 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2007-10-27 22:15:00 | 24.19417 N, 49.71067 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
1977618 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-10-28 02:30:00 | 24.18233 N, 49.75017 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863950 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 02:30:01 | 24.18233 N, 49.75017 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863962 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 02:30:01 | 24.18233 N, 49.75017 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863974 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 02:30:01 | 24.18233 N, 49.75017 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863986 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 02:30:01 | 24.18233 N, 49.75017 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863998 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 02:30:01 | 24.18233 N, 49.75017 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
864013 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 02:30:01 | 24.18233 N, 49.75017 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
864025 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 02:30:01 | 24.18233 N, 49.75017 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
864037 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 02:30:01 | 24.18233 N, 49.75017 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
864049 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 02:30:01 | 24.18233 N, 49.75017 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
864001 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 02:30:02 | 24.18233 N, 49.75017 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
1977502 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863789 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863790 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863808 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863821 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863845 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863869 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863870 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863882 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863894 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863901 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863913 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863925 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863937 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863949 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:00 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863833 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:02 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863857 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 04:30:02 | 24.17907 N, 49.72457 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
863777 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2007-10-28 22:00:01 | 25.10583 N, 52.01 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
945968 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2007-10-28 22:30:00 | 25.10583 N, 52.01 W | RRS Discovery D324 |
841051 | CTD or STD cast | 2008-11-04 21:12:19 | 23.87567 N, 41.13567 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
1977735 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-11-04 22:30:00 | 23.87067 N, 41.0885 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972898 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-04 22:30:00 | 23.87067 N, 41.0885 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972905 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-04 22:30:00 | 23.87067 N, 41.0885 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972917 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-04 22:30:00 | 23.87067 N, 41.0885 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972929 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-04 22:30:00 | 23.87067 N, 41.0885 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972930 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-04 22:30:00 | 23.87067 N, 41.0885 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972942 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-04 22:30:00 | 23.87067 N, 41.0885 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
841063 | CTD or STD cast | 2008-11-05 01:46:53 | 23.88983 N, 41.12517 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
1137263 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2008-11-06 18:00:00 | 23.8595 N, 41.1 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
841075 | CTD or STD cast | 2008-11-07 19:50:06 | 24.23133 N, 49.70967 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
841087 | CTD or STD cast | 2008-11-08 00:48:02 | 24.25183 N, 49.7 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
1977514 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972708 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972721 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972733 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972745 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972757 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972769 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972770 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972782 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972801 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972813 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972825 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972837 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972849 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972850 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972862 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972874 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972886 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-08 20:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
841099 | CTD or STD cast | 2008-11-09 11:51:51 | 25.10433 N, 52.01383 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972653 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-09 19:00:01 | 25.10583 N, 52.01033 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972665 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-09 19:00:01 | 25.10583 N, 52.01033 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972677 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-09 19:00:01 | 25.10583 N, 52.01033 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972689 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-09 19:00:01 | 25.10583 N, 52.01033 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972690 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-09 19:00:01 | 25.10583 N, 52.01033 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
972794 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2008-11-10 11:00:00 | 24.17867 N, 49.7245 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
1137238 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2008-11-12 13:00:00 | 24.20383 N, 49.72833 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
1137226 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2008-11-21 21:30:00 | 24.20383 N, 49.72833 W | RRS Discovery D334 |
1012594 | CTD or STD cast | 2009-11-03 16:21:56 | 23.8651 N, 41.0989 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1012601 | CTD or STD cast | 2009-11-03 21:11:40 | 23.9042 N, 41.0596 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1012613 | CTD or STD cast | 2009-11-04 02:25:38 | 23.9005 N, 41.0589 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1137275 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-11-05 02:00:00 | 23.86583 N, 41.09267 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1137287 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-11-05 02:00:00 | 23.86583 N, 41.09267 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1012625 | CTD or STD cast | 2009-11-06 22:07:51 | 24.2007 N, 49.7101 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1977526 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092802 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092814 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092826 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092838 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092863 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092875 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092887 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092899 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092906 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092918 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092931 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092943 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092955 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092967 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092979 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092980 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092992 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:00 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092851 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-07 17:00:02 | 24.172 N, 49.7195 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1977631 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2009-11-08 00:00:00 | 24.183 N, 49.743 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093006 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 00:00:00 | 24.183 N, 49.743 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093018 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 00:00:00 | 24.183 N, 49.743 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093031 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 00:00:00 | 24.183 N, 49.743 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093055 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 00:00:00 | 24.183 N, 49.743 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093079 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 00:00:00 | 24.183 N, 49.743 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093080 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 00:00:00 | 24.183 N, 49.743 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093092 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 00:00:00 | 24.183 N, 49.743 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093111 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 00:00:00 | 24.183 N, 49.743 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093043 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 00:00:02 | 24.183 N, 49.743 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1093067 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 00:00:02 | 24.183 N, 49.743 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1012637 | CTD or STD cast | 2009-11-08 11:55:18 | 25.1046 N, 52.0143 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092758 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 19:00:01 | 25.10583 N, 52.01033 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092771 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 19:00:01 | 25.10583 N, 52.01033 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092783 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 19:00:01 | 25.10583 N, 52.01033 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1092795 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2009-11-08 19:00:01 | 25.10583 N, 52.01033 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1137183 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-11-09 19:30:00 | 25.10583 N, 52.01033 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1137195 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-11-09 19:30:00 | 25.10583 N, 52.01033 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1137251 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2009-11-19 09:30:00 | 24.20033 N, 49.73767 W | RRS Discovery D344 |
1113783 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-12-24 18:06:50 | 22.6535 N, 49.9621 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1977538 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1977876 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096679 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096680 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096692 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096711 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096723 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096735 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096747 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096759 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096772 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096784 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096796 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096815 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096839 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096840 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096852 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:00 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096760 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:02 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096803 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:02 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096827 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 00:30:02 | 24.1636 N, 49.7194 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1113795 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-12-27 18:07:38 | 25.1108 N, 52.025 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1977391 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-27 19:00:00 | 25.1075 N, 52.01083 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096631 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 19:00:01 | 25.1075 N, 52.01083 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096643 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 19:00:01 | 25.1075 N, 52.01083 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096655 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 19:00:01 | 25.1075 N, 52.01083 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096667 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-27 19:00:01 | 25.1075 N, 52.01083 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1977643 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-28 18:30:00 | 24.197 N, 49.7526 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096864 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-28 18:30:00 | 24.197 N, 49.7526 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096888 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-28 18:30:00 | 24.197 N, 49.7526 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096907 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-28 18:30:00 | 24.197 N, 49.7526 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096919 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-28 18:30:00 | 24.197 N, 49.7526 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096920 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-28 18:30:00 | 24.197 N, 49.7526 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096932 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-28 18:30:00 | 24.197 N, 49.7526 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096944 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-28 18:30:00 | 24.197 N, 49.7526 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096956 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-28 18:30:00 | 24.197 N, 49.7526 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096968 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-28 18:30:00 | 24.197 N, 49.7526 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096981 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-28 18:30:00 | 24.197 N, 49.7526 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096876 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-28 18:30:02 | 24.197 N, 49.7526 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1113802 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-12-28 19:07:37 | 24.1587 N, 49.6968 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1137202 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2010-12-28 20:00:00 | 25.1075 N, 52.01083 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1137214 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2010-12-28 20:01:00 | 25.1075 N, 52.01083 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1113814 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-12-30 12:04:53 | 23.9353 N, 42.7867 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1113826 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-12-30 17:29:50 | 23.9229 N, 42.5368 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1137299 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2010-12-31 12:30:00 | 23.86267 N, 41.096 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1137306 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2010-12-31 14:31:00 | 23.86267 N, 41.096 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1113838 | CTD or STD cast | 2010-12-31 19:09:55 | 23.8241 N, 41.074 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1977747 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2010-12-31 19:30:00 | 23.85683 N, 41.0975 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1096993 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-31 19:30:00 | 23.85683 N, 41.0975 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1097007 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-31 19:30:00 | 23.85683 N, 41.0975 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1097019 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-31 19:30:00 | 23.85683 N, 41.0975 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1097020 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-31 19:30:00 | 23.85683 N, 41.0975 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1097032 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-31 19:30:00 | 23.85683 N, 41.0975 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1097044 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2010-12-31 19:30:00 | 23.85683 N, 41.0975 W | RRS Discovery D359 |
1977759 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-09-21 15:30:00 | 23.807 N, 41.0983 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134738 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-21 15:30:01 | 23.807 N, 41.0983 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134751 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-21 15:30:01 | 23.807 N, 41.0983 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134763 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-21 15:30:01 | 23.807 N, 41.0983 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134775 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-21 15:30:01 | 23.807 N, 41.0983 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134787 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-21 15:30:01 | 23.807 N, 41.0983 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134799 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-21 15:30:01 | 23.807 N, 41.0983 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1112859 | CTD or STD cast | 2011-09-21 20:32:29 | 23.8416 N, 41.0666 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1112860 | CTD or STD cast | 2011-09-22 01:49:57 | 23.8417 N, 41.0666 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1264249 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-09-22 11:30:00 | 23.865 N, 41.094 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1264250 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-09-24 10:30:00 | 23.865 N, 41.094 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1112872 | CTD or STD cast | 2011-09-25 02:37:38 | 24.1793 N, 49.7183 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1977551 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-09-25 16:30:00 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1977888 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-09-25 16:30:00 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134530 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 16:30:00 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134542 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 16:30:00 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134554 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 16:30:00 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134566 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 16:30:00 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134578 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 16:30:00 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134591 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 16:30:00 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134609 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 16:30:00 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134425 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 17:00:01 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134437 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 17:00:01 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134449 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 17:00:01 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134450 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 17:00:01 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134462 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 17:00:01 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134474 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 17:00:01 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134486 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 17:00:01 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134498 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 17:00:01 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134505 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 17:00:01 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134517 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 17:00:01 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134529 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 17:00:01 | 24.2655 N, 49.75 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1977655 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2011-09-25 21:00:00 | 24.1775 N, 49.763 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134610 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 21:00:00 | 24.1775 N, 49.763 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134622 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 21:00:00 | 24.1775 N, 49.763 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134634 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 21:00:00 | 24.1775 N, 49.763 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134646 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 21:00:00 | 24.1775 N, 49.763 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134658 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 21:00:00 | 24.1775 N, 49.763 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134671 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 21:00:00 | 24.1775 N, 49.763 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134683 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 21:00:00 | 24.1775 N, 49.763 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134695 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 21:00:00 | 24.1775 N, 49.763 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134702 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 21:00:00 | 24.1775 N, 49.763 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134714 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 21:00:00 | 24.1775 N, 49.763 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1134726 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2011-09-25 21:00:00 | 24.1775 N, 49.763 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1264237 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-09-26 00:30:00 | 24.19283 N, 49.74517 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1264225 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2011-09-26 06:30:00 | 24.19283 N, 49.74517 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1112884 | CTD or STD cast | 2011-09-26 13:13:54 | 25.1139 N, 52.0168 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1112896 | CTD or STD cast | 2011-09-26 17:03:00 | 25.1063 N, 52.0116 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1112903 | CTD or STD cast | 2011-09-26 23:45:27 | 25.1131 N, 52.014 W | RRS James Cook JC064 |
1977760 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-05 17:00:00 | 23.87017 N, 41.09 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228248 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-05 17:00:00 | 23.87017 N, 41.09 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228224 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-05 17:00:01 | 23.87017 N, 41.09 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228236 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-05 17:00:01 | 23.87017 N, 41.09 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228261 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-05 17:00:01 | 23.87017 N, 41.09 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228285 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-05 17:00:01 | 23.87017 N, 41.09 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228273 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-05 17:00:02 | 23.87017 N, 41.09 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228297 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-05 17:00:02 | 23.87017 N, 41.09 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1176495 | CTD or STD cast | 2012-11-07 22:13:45 | 24.2004 N, 49.7685 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1176502 | CTD or STD cast | 2012-11-08 04:32:43 | 24.2035 N, 49.7657 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1977194 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1977563 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227976 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228015 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228027 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228039 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228040 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228052 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228064 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228076 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228088 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228107 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228119 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228120 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228132 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228144 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228156 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228168 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:00 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1227988 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:02 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228003 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 00:00:02 | 24.16517 N, 49.75033 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1977667 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2012-11-09 14:00:00 | 24.17767 N, 49.76283 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228181 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 14:00:01 | 24.17767 N, 49.76283 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228193 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 14:00:01 | 24.17767 N, 49.76283 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228200 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 14:00:01 | 24.17767 N, 49.76283 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1228212 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2012-11-09 14:00:01 | 24.17767 N, 49.76283 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1176514 | CTD or STD cast | 2012-11-10 01:27:21 | 25.1153 N, 51.9933 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1796847 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-11-10 05:16:00 | 24.1953 N, 49.714 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1796859 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-11-10 16:31:00 | 24.1953 N, 49.714 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1796860 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2012-11-13 06:34:00 | 23.8565 N, 41.0988 W | RRS Discovery D382 |
1622509 | CTD or STD cast | 2014-05-13 13:40:39 | 25.1423 N, 52.0114 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
2107984 | Water sample data | 2014-05-13 15:58:41 | 25.14231 N, 52.01147 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1977409 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-13 20:00:00 | 25.137 N, 52.02633 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845640 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-13 21:00:00 | 25.137 N, 52.02633 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845652 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-13 21:00:00 | 25.137 N, 52.02633 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845664 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-13 21:00:00 | 25.137 N, 52.02633 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845676 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-13 21:00:00 | 25.137 N, 52.02633 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1622510 | CTD or STD cast | 2014-05-14 20:07:04 | 24.2164 N, 49.7334 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1977169 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-15 15:59:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1977422 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845688 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845707 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845719 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845720 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845732 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845744 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845756 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845768 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845781 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845793 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845800 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845812 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845824 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845836 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845848 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845861 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845873 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845885 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 16:00:00 | 24.16633 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1903816 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2014-05-15 19:25:00 | 24.19817 N, 49.734 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1903828 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2014-05-15 19:25:00 | 24.19817 N, 49.734 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1977575 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-15 20:00:00 | 24.18267 N, 49.76067 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845897 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 21:00:00 | 24.18267 N, 49.76067 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845904 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 21:00:00 | 24.18267 N, 49.76067 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845916 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 21:00:00 | 24.18267 N, 49.76067 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845928 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-15 21:00:00 | 24.18267 N, 49.76067 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1622522 | CTD or STD cast | 2014-05-17 21:26:39 | 23.899 N, 41.078 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845941 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-18 19:00:00 | 23.86867 N, 41.092 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845953 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-18 19:00:00 | 23.86867 N, 41.092 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845965 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-18 19:00:00 | 23.86867 N, 41.092 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845977 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-18 19:00:00 | 23.86867 N, 41.092 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845989 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-18 19:00:00 | 23.86867 N, 41.092 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1845990 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-18 19:00:00 | 23.86867 N, 41.092 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1846004 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2014-05-18 19:00:00 | 23.86867 N, 41.092 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1622534 | CTD or STD cast | 2014-05-18 19:01:30 | 23.8984 N, 41.0744 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1977679 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2014-05-19 01:00:00 | 23.86867 N, 41.092 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1903841 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2014-05-19 15:41:00 | 23.862 N, 41.099 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
1903853 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2014-05-19 15:41:00 | 23.862 N, 41.099 W | RRS James Cook JC103 |
2058577 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-07 20:53:49 | 23.9022 N, 41.068 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2022863 | Water sample data | 2015-11-07 23:13:00 | 23.90222 N, 41.06807 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1977201 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-08 16:59:00 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846815 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846827 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846839 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846840 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846852 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846864 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846876 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846888 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846907 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846919 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846920 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846932 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846944 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846956 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846981 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846993 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1847007 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:01 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846968 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-08 17:00:02 | 23.86967 N, 41.09017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1971740 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2015-11-09 16:59:00 | 23.8535 N, 41.09183 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1971752 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2015-11-09 23:06:00 | 23.8535 N, 41.09183 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2022875 | Water sample data | 2015-11-12 00:30:00 | 24.1846 N, 49.76888 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1977434 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-12 20:00:00 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846643 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846655 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846679 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846680 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846692 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846723 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846735 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846747 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846759 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846760 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846772 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846784 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846796 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846803 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:01 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846667 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:02 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846711 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-12 20:00:02 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1977170 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-12 20:59:00 | 23.16683 N, 49.74883 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2058589 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-13 00:23:28 | 24.1846 N, 49.7689 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2058590 | CTD or STD cast | 2015-11-13 01:28:59 | 24.1847 N, 49.7688 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2022887 | Water sample data | 2015-11-13 03:26:30 | 24.18468 N, 49.7689 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1971739 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2015-11-13 08:21:00 | 24.191 N, 49.74017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1977410 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2015-11-13 23:00:00 | 25.14083 N, 52.02217 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846599 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-13 23:00:01 | 25.14083 N, 52.02217 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846606 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-13 23:00:01 | 25.14083 N, 52.02217 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846618 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-13 23:00:01 | 25.14083 N, 52.02217 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1846631 | Hydrography time series at depth | 2015-11-13 23:00:01 | 25.14083 N, 52.02217 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
1971727 | Offshore sea floor pressure series | 2015-11-24 06:34:00 | 24.191 N, 49.74017 W | RRS Discovery DY039 |
2157538 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-03-14 19:29:57 | 23.8441 N, 41.0615 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
1977213 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-15 22:59:00 | 23.87133 N, 41.0895 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2157551 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-03-17 20:12:48 | 24.1973 N, 49.732 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2157563 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-03-18 18:35:54 | 24.1675 N, 49.7479 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2157575 | CTD or STD cast | 2017-03-19 17:43:59 | 24.1666 N, 49.741 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
1977182 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-19 18:59:00 | 24.16567 N, 49.74917 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
1977446 | Currents -subsurface Eulerian | 2017-03-20 01:30:00 | 24.16567 N, 49.74917 W | RRS James Cook JC145 |
2157827 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-03 21:09:47 | 23.7606 N, 41.0879 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2157839 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-06 21:13:56 | 24.1962 N, 49.7404 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2157840 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-07 19:01:40 | 24.1834 N, 49.7495 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2157852 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-08 19:18:21 | 24.1827 N, 49.7503 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2157864 | CTD or STD cast | 2018-11-08 21:02:06 | 24.1829 N, 49.7713 W | RRS James Cook JC174 (JC175) |
2157249 | CTD or STD cast | 2020-12-18 19:25:07 | 23.8563 N, 41.0981 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157250 | CTD or STD cast | 2020-12-18 22:13:37 | 23.8564 N, 41.0981 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157262 | CTD or STD cast | 2020-12-21 17:56:24 | 24.1827 N, 49.7307 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157274 | CTD or STD cast | 2020-12-22 00:06:33 | 24.1826 N, 49.7311 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157286 | CTD or STD cast | 2020-12-22 17:02:40 | 24.1666 N, 49.7431 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157298 | CTD or STD cast | 2020-12-23 14:38:03 | 25.1437 N, 52.029 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |
2157305 | CTD or STD cast | 2020-12-23 18:33:52 | 25.1439 N, 52.029 W | RRS Discovery DY129 |