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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 1622571

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category CTD or STD cast
Instrument Type
Sea-Bird SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor  dissolved gas sensors
Sea-Bird SBE 911plus CTD  CTD; water temperature sensor; salinity sensor
Sea-Bird SBE 3plus (SBE 3P) temperature sensor  water temperature sensor
Sea-Bird SBE 4C conductivity sensor  salinity sensor
Paroscientific 415K Pressure Transducer  water temperature sensor; water pressure sensors
Instrument Mounting lowered unmanned submersible
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator Dr David Smeed
Originating Organization National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) RAPIDMOC

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier CTD_JC103_016_2DB
BODC Series Reference 1622571

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2014-05-31 14:16
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) -
Nominal Cycle Interval 2.0 decibars

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 27.87480 N ( 27° 52.5' N )
Longitude 13.59150 W ( 13° 35.5' W )
Positional Uncertainty 0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 4.97 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 1156.01 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 58.99 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 1210.03 m
Sea Floor Depth 1215.0 m
Sea Floor Depth Source DATAHEAD
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Variable common depth - All sensors are grouped effectively at the same depth, but this depth varies significantly during the series
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Approximate - Depth is only approximate
Sea Floor Depth Datum Instantaneous - Depth measured below water line or instantaneous water body surface


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
ACYCAA011DimensionlessSequence number
CNDCST011Siemens per metreElectrical conductivity of the water body by CTD
DEPHPRST1MetresDepth (spatial coordinate) of sampling event start relative to water surface in the water body by profiling pressure sensor and conversion to depth using unspecified algorithm
DOXYSCKG1Micromoles per kilogramConcentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit mass of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by Sea-Bird SBE 43 sensor and calibration against sample data
DOXYZZ011Micromoles per litreConcentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ sensor
OXYSZZ011PercentSaturation of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase]
POTMCV011Degrees CelsiusPotential temperature of the water body by computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm
PRESPR011DecibarsPressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level
PSALST011DimensionlessPractical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm
SIGTPR011Kilograms per cubic metreSigma-theta of the water body by CTD and computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm
TEMPST011Degrees CelsiusTemperature of the water body by CTD or STD
TOKGPR011Litres per kilogramConversion factor (volume to mass) for the water body by CTD and computation of density (in-situ potential temperature surface pressure) reciprocal from pressure, temperature and salinity

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

Sea-Bird Dissolved Oxygen Sensor SBE 43 and SBE 43F

The SBE 43 is a dissolved oxygen sensor designed for marine applications. It incorporates a high-performance Clark polarographic membrane with a pump that continuously plumbs water through it, preventing algal growth and the development of anoxic conditions when the sensor is taking measurements.

Two configurations are available: SBE 43 produces a voltage output and can be incorporated with any Sea-Bird CTD that accepts input from a 0-5 volt auxiliary sensor, while the SBE 43F produces a frequency output and can be integrated with an SBE 52-MP (Moored Profiler CTD) or used for OEM applications. The specifications below are common to both.


Housing Plastic or titanium

0.5 mil- fast response, typical for profile applications

1 mil- slower response, typical for moored applications

Depth rating

600 m (plastic) or 7000 m (titanium)

10500 m titanium housing available on request

Measurement range 120% of surface saturation
Initial accuracy 2% of saturation
Typical stability 0.5% per 1000 h

Further details can be found in the manufacturer's specification sheet.

RAPID Cruise JC103 CTD Instrument Description

CTD Unit and Auxillary Sensors

A Sea-Bird 11plus CTD system was used on cruise JC103. This was mounted on a 24-way stainless steel rosette frame, equipped with 12 10-litre Niskin bottles. The CTD was fitted with the following scientific sensors:

Sensor Serial Number Last calibration date Comments
Sea-Bird underwater unit SBE9Plus 09P-24680-0637 - -
24-way Carousel SBE32 32-31240-0423 - -
Primary pump SBE 5T 4510 - -
Secondary pump SBE 5T 4539 - -
Primary Temperature SBE-3P 4381 15th May 2013 -
Secondary Temperature SBE-3P 4593 15th May 2013 -
Primary Conductivity SBE-4C 3873 15th February 2013 -
Secondary Conductivity SBE-4C 3529 15th February 2013 -
Benthos PSA-916T Sonar Altimeter 41302 13th March 2013 -
Primary Sea-Bird SBE 43 dissolved oxygen sensor 0363 19th March 2013 Cast 0, 1 and 2
Primary Sea-Bird SBE 43 dissolved oxygen sensor 0862 30th May 2012 Cast 3 onwards
Secondary Sea-Bird SBE 43 dissolved oxygen sensor 0709 15th September 2012 -
Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensors 79501 5th October 2011 -

Sea-Bird Electronics SBE 911 and SBE 917 series CTD profilers

The SBE 911 and SBE 917 series of conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) units are used to collect hydrographic profiles, including temperature, conductivity and pressure as standard. Each profiler consists of an underwater unit and deck unit or SEARAM. Auxiliary sensors, such as fluorometers, dissolved oxygen sensors and transmissometers, and carousel water samplers are commonly added to the underwater unit.

Underwater unit

The CTD underwater unit (SBE 9 or SBE 9 plus) comprises a protective cage (usually with a carousel water sampler), including a main pressure housing containing power supplies, acquisition electronics, telemetry circuitry, and a suite of modular sensors. The original SBE 9 incorporated Sea-Bird's standard modular SBE 3 temperature sensor and SBE 4 conductivity sensor, and a Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensor. The conductivity cell was connected to a pump-fed plastic tubing circuit that could include auxiliary sensors. Each SBE 9 unit was custom built to individual specification. The SBE 9 was replaced in 1997 by an off-the-shelf version, termed the SBE 9 plus, that incorporated the SBE 3 plus (or SBE 3P) temperature sensor, SBE 4C conductivity sensor and a Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensor. Sensors could be connected to a pump-fed plastic tubing circuit or stand-alone.

Temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors

The conductivity, temperature, and pressure sensors supplied with Sea-Bird CTD systems have outputs in the form of variable frequencies, which are measured using high-speed parallel counters. The resulting count totals are converted to numeric representations of the original frequencies, which bear a direct relationship to temperature, conductivity or pressure. Sampling frequencies for these sensors are typically set at 24 Hz.

The temperature sensing element is a glass-coated thermistor bead, pressure-protected inside a stainless steel tube, while the conductivity sensing element is a cylindrical, flow-through, borosilicate glass cell with three internal platinum electrodes. Thermistor resistance or conductivity cell resistance, respectively, is the controlling element in an optimized Wien Bridge oscillator circuit, which produces a frequency output that can be converted to a temperature or conductivity reading. These sensors are available with depth ratings of 6800 m (aluminium housing) or 10500 m (titanium housing). The Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensor comprises a quartz crystal resonator that responds to pressure-induced stress, and temperature is measured for thermal compensation of the calculated pressure.

Additional sensors

Optional sensors for dissolved oxygen, pH, light transmission, fluorescence and others do not require the very high levels of resolution needed in the primary CTD channels, nor do these sensors generally offer variable frequency outputs. Accordingly, signals from the auxiliary sensors are acquired using a conventional voltage-input multiplexed A/D converter (optional). Some Sea-Bird CTDs use a strain gauge pressure sensor (Senso-Metrics) in which case their pressure output data is in the same form as that from the auxiliary sensors as described above.

Deck unit or SEARAM

Each underwater unit is connected to a power supply and data logging system: the SBE 11 (or SBE 11 plus) deck unit allows real-time interfacing between the deck and the underwater unit via a conductive wire, while the submersible SBE 17 (or SBE 17 plus) SEARAM plugs directly into the underwater unit and data are downloaded on recovery of the CTD. The combination of SBE 9 and SBE 17 or SBE 11 are termed SBE 917 or SBE 911, respectively, while the combinations of SBE 9 plus and SBE 17 plus or SBE 11 plus are termed SBE 917 plus or SBE 911 plus.


Specifications for the SBE 9 plus underwater unit are listed below:

Parameter Range Initial accuracy Resolution at 24 Hz Response time
Temperature -5 to 35°C 0.001°C 0.0002°C 0.065 sec
Conductivity 0 to 7 S m-1 0.0003 S m-1 0.00004 S m-1 0.065 sec (pumped)
Pressure 0 to full scale (1400, 2000, 4200, 6800 or 10500 m) 0.015% of full scale 0.001% of full scale 0.015 sec

Further details can be found in the manufacturer's specification sheet.

Paroscientific Absolute Pressure Transducers Series 3000 and 4000

Paroscientific Series 3000 and 4000 pressure transducers use a Digiquartz pressure sensor to provide high accuracy and precision data. The sensor comprises a quartz crystal resonator that responds to pressure-induced stress, and temperature is measured for thermal compensation of the calculated pressure.

The 3000 series of transducers includes one model, the 31K-101, whereas the 4000 series includes several models, listed in the table below. All transducers exhibit repeatability of better than ±0.01% full pressure scale, hysteresis of better than ±0.02% full scale and acceleration sensitivity of ±0.008% full scale /g (three axis average). Pressure resolution is better than 0.0001% and accuracy is typically 0.01% over a broad range of temperatures.

Differences between the models lie in their pressure and operating temperature ranges, as detailed below:

Model Max. pressure (psia) Max. pressure (MPa) Temperature range (°C)
31K-101 1000 6.9 -54 to 107
42K-101 2000 13.8 0 to 125
43K-101 3000 20.7 0 to 125
46K-101 6000 41.4 0 to 125
410K-101 10000 68.9 0 to 125
415K-101 15000 103 0 to 50
420K-101 20000 138 0 to 50
430K-101 30000 207 0 to 50
440K-101 40000 276 0 to 50

Further details can be found in the manufacturer's specification sheet.

RAPID Cruise JC103 BODC CTD data processing

The CTD data were supplied to BODC as twenty five MStar files and converted to the BODC internal format (netCDF).

During transfer the originator's variables were mapped to unique BODC parameter codes. The following table shows the parameter mapping.

Originator's variable Originator's Units BODC Parameter Code BODC Units Comments
scan - - - Not transferred - will be superseded in BODC processing
time - - - Not transferred
press decibars PRESPR01 decibars -
temp degC 90 TEMPST01 degC Primary sensor data
temp1 degC 90 - - Same as temp, not retained
temp2 degC 90 - - Secondary channel, not retained
cond mS/cm CNDCST01 S/m Primary sensor data. Converted (/10)
cond1 mS/cm - - Same as cond, not retained
cond2 mS/cm - - Secondary channel, not retained
oxygen µmol/kg DOXYSCKG µmol/kg Primary sensor data for casts 003-024. Secondary sensor data for casts 000-002.
oxygen1 µmol/kg - - Same as oxygen for casts 003-024. Not retained
oxygen2 µmol/kg - - Same as oxygen for casts 000-002. Not retained
psal pss-78 PSALST01 pss-78 Calculated from calibrated conductivity measurements from the primary sensor, by the originator
psal1 pss-78 - - Same as psal, not retained
psal2 pss-78 - - Secondary channel, not retained
depth m DEPHPRST m -
potemp degC 90 - - Not transferred - can be calculated from pressure, salinity and temperature
potemp1 degC 90 - - Not transferred - can be calculated from pressure, salinity and temperature
potemp2 degC 90 - - -
- - DOXYZZ01 µmol/l Derived by BODC using DOXYSCKG and TOKGPR01
- - OXYSZZ01 % Derived by BODC using DOXYZZ01, TEMPST01 and PSALST01
- - POTMCV01 °C Derived by BODC using TEMPST01, PSALST01 and PRESPR01.
- - SIGTPR01 kg m-3 Derived by BODC using POTMCV01, PSALST01 and PRESPR01
- - TOKGPR01 l/kg Derived by BODC using SIGTPR01

Following transfer the data were screened using BODC in-house visualisation software. Suspect data values were assigned the appropriate BODC data quality flag. Missing data values, where present, were changed to the missing data value and assigned a BODC data quality flag

RAPID Cruise JC103 Originator's CTD data processing

Sampling strategy

A total of 25 CTD casts were performed during the cruise along approximately 26.5°N, which includes the Eastern boundary, Mid Atlantic Ridge and Western boundary sections of the RAPIDMOC array. The CTD casts provided start-point calibrations for instruments to be deployed and end-point calibrations for recovered instruments.

Data processing

Raw CTD data were transferred from the Sea-Bird deck unit to a LINUX machine via Sea-Bird software. The binary files are converted using Sea-Bird processing software (SBE Data Processing). The ASCII files were converted to MSTAR format and MEXEC programs run to process the data which included reducing the frequency of the data from 24Hz to 1Hz, calibrating the data, and averaging the downcast to a 2db pressure grid. A calibration was produced for the CTD primary conductivity sensor by merging the salinity sample data with the CTD data. Details of the MEXEC programs used and further details of the processing performed can be found in Smeed (2015).

Field calibrations

Re-calibrations of the CTD data were performed on cruise DY146 and the following is not contained in the cruise report.


Independent conductivity samples, obtained from the bottles on the CTD frame and measured with the salinometer, were used to calibrate the CTD data. The calibration of the conductivity is applied to both the upward and downward profiles of the CTD by defining a factor, which represents the difference of conductivity between the bottles and the CTD. This factor is called the slope correction. It is defined by


The calibrated data can be produced by multiplying K with the raw data: Ccorrected=CCTD*K.

For the primary sensor K = 0. For the secondary sensor K = 1.00003.

To ensure the accuracy of the measured bottle conductivities, the drifts of the standard salinometer samples were corrected to their theoretical values before calibration.


A hysteresis correction was not applied in the SBE processing to allow for experimentation with changing of parameters to optimise agreement between up and down cast data.

The equation for applying a correction for hysteresis - a time-dependent pressure-induced effect - is of the form

Oxynewconc(i) = { (Oxygenconc(i) + (Oxynewconc(i-1) * C * D)) - (Oxygenconc(i-1) * C) } /D

where D = 1 + H1 * (exponential(P(i)/H2)-1
C= exponential(-1 * (Time(i) - Time(i-1))/H3)
i = indexing variable
P(i) = pressure (decibars) at index point i
Time(i) = time (seconds) from start of index point i
Oxygenconc(i) = dissolved oxygen concentration at index point i
H1 = amplitude of hysteresis correction function
H2 = function constant or curvature function for hysteresis
H3 = time constant for hysteresis (seconds)

Default values were used as follows:

H1 H2 H3
-0.033 1450 5000

In addition to the hysteresis correction, an adjustment to oxygen was applied of the form

oxygen = 1.055 x oxygen - 4; temp >= 5.

1.055 x oxygen - 1.55 x temp + 3.75; temp < 5.

This adjustment reduced the disagreement between CTD oxygen and bottle oxygen to below ± 2 µmol kg-1


Smeed, D. A (2015) RRS James Cook Cruise JC103, 23 April - 3 June 2014. RAPID moorings cruise report. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 211pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report, No 30)

Project Information

Monitoring the Meridional Overturning Circulation at 26.5N (RAPIDMOC)

Scientific Rationale

There is a northward transport of heat throughout the Atlantic, reaching a maximum of 1.3PW (25% of the global heat flux) around 24.5°N. The heat transport is a balance of the northward flux of a warm Gulf Stream, and a southward flux of cooler thermocline and cold North Atlantic Deep Water that is known as the meridional overturning circulation (MOC). As a consequence of the MOC northwest Europe enjoys a mild climate for its latitude: however abrupt rearrangement of the Atlantic Circulation has been shown in climate models and in palaeoclimate records to be responsible for a cooling of European climate of between 5-10°C. A principal objective of the RAPID programme is the development of a pre-operational prototype system that will continuously observe the strength and structure of the MOC. An initiative has been formed to fulfill this objective and consists of three interlinked projects:

  • A mooring array spanning the Atlantic at 26.5°N to measure the southward branch of the MOC (Hirschi et al., 2003 and Baehr et al., 2004).
  • Additional moorings deployed in the western boundary along 26.5°N (by Prof. Bill Johns, University of Miami - project MOCHA) to resolve transport in the Deep Western Boundary Current (Bryden et al., 2005). These moorings allow surface-to-bottom density profiles along the western boundary, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and eastern boundary to be observed. As a result, the transatlantic pressure gradient can be continuously measured.
  • Monitoring of the northward branch of the MOC using submarine telephone cables in the Florida Straits (Baringer et al., 2001) led by Dr Molly Baringer (NOAA/AOML/PHOD) - Western Boundary Time Series (WBTS) project.

The UK-led monitoring array system was recovered and redeployed annually until 2008 under RAPID funding. From 2008 until 2015 the array continued to be serviced annually under RAPID-WATCH funding. From 2015 until 2021 the array was serviced under RAPID-AMOC funding. Since 2022 the servicing of the array has continued to be funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The US-led projects are funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) (MOCHA project) and NOAA Office of Climate Observations (WBTS project).

The array will be focussed on three regions, the Eastern Boundary (EB), the Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and the Western Boundary (WB). The geographical extent of these regions are as follows:

  • Eastern Boundary (EB) array defined as a box with the south-east corner at 23.5°N, 25.5°W and the north-west corner at 29.0°N, 12.0°W
  • Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR) array defined as a box with the south-east corner at 23.0°N, 52.1°W and the north-west corner at 26.5°N, 40.0°W
  • Western Boundary (WB) array defined as a box with the south-east corner at 26.0°N, 77.5°W and the north-west corner at 27.5°N, 69.5°W


Baehr, J., Hirschi, J., Beismann, J.O. and Marotzke, J. (2004) Monitoring the meridional overturning circulation in the North Atlantic: A model-based array design study. Journal of Marine Research, Volume 62, No 3, pp 283-312.

Baringer, M.O'N. and Larsen, J.C. (2001) Sixteen years of Florida Current transport at 27N Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 28, No 16, pp3179-3182

Bryden, H.L., Johns, W.E. and Saunders, P.M. (2005) Deep Western Boundary Current East of Abaco: Mean structure and transport. Journal of Marine Research, Volume 63, No 1, pp 35-57.

Hirschi, J., Baehr, J., Marotzke J., Stark J., Cunningham S.A. and Beismann J.O. (2003) A monitoring design for the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 30, No 7, article number 1413 (DOI 10.1029/2002GL016776)

RAPID- Will the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation Halt? (RAPID-WATCH)

RAPID-WATCH (2007-2014) is a continuation programme of the Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC) Rapid Climate Change (RAPID) programme. It aims to deliver a robust and scientifically credible assessment of the risk to the climate of UK and Europe arising from a rapid change in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC). The programme will also assess the need for a long-term observing system that could detect major MOC changes, narrow uncertainty in projections of future change, and possibly be the start of an 'early warning' prediction system.

The effort to design a system to continuously monitor the strength and structure of the North Atlantic MOC is being matched by comparative funding from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) for the existing collaborations started during RAPID for the observational arrays.

Scientific Objectives

  • To deliver a decade-long time series (2004-2014) of calibrated and quality-controlled measurements of the Atlantic MOC from the RAPID-WATCH arrays.
  • To exploit the data from the RAPID-WATCH arrays and elsewhere to determine and interpret recent changes in the Atlantic MOC, assess the risk of rapid climate change, and investigate the potential for predictions of the MOC and its impacts on climate.

This work will be carried out in collaboration with the Hadley Centre in the UK and through international partnerships.

Mooring Arrays

The RAPID-WATCH arrays are the existing 26°N MOC observing system array (RAPIDMOC) and the WAVE array that monitors the Deep Western Boundary Current. The data from these arrays will work towards meeting the first scientific objective.

The RAPIDMOC array consists of moorings focused in three geographical regions (sub-arrays) along 26.5° N: Eastern Boundary, Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Western Boundary. The Western Boundary sub-array has moorings managed by both the UK and US scientists. The other sub-arrays are solely led by the UK scientists. The lead PI is Dr Stuart Cunningham of the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK.

The WAVE array consists of one line of moorings off Halifax, Nova Scotia. The line will be serviced in partnership with the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO), Halifax, Canada. The lead PI is Dr Chris Hughes of the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Liverpool, UK.

All arrays will be serviced (recovered and redeployed) either on an annual or biennial basis using Research Vessels from the UK, US and Canada.

Modelling Projects

The second scientific objective will be addressed through numerical modelling studies designed to answer four questions:

  • How can we exploit data from the RAPID-WATCH arrays to obtain estimates of the MOC and related variables?
  • What do the observations from the RAPID-WATCH arrays and other sources tell us about the nature and causes of recent changes in the Atlantic Ocean?
  • What are the implications of RAPID-WATCH array data and other recent observations for estimates of the risk due to rapid change in the MOC?
  • Could we use RAPID-WATCH and other observations to help predict future changes in the MOC and climate?

Data Activity or Cruise Information


Cruise Name JC103
Departure Date 2014-04-23
Arrival Date 2014-06-03
Principal Scientist(s)David Smeed (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)
Ship RRS James Cook

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NameEastern Boundary Array
CategoryOffshore area
Latitude25° 51.60' N
Longitude18° 43.98' W
Water depth below MSL

RAPIDMOC Eastern Boundary (EB) Array

The Eastern Boundary Array defines a box in which moorings are deployed at the eastern side of the North Atlantic as part of the RAPIDMOC project. The box region has latitudinal limits of 23.5° N to 29° N and longitudinal limits of 12° W to 25.5° W. Moorings have occupied this region since 2004 and are typically deployed for 6 to 18 months.

Moored data summary

A description of the data types can be found at the bottom of this document.

Year Cruise ID Number of moorings Data types (number of instruments)
2004 D277, PO319 11 BPR (7), CM (10), MCTD (32)
2005 CD170,CD177 15 ADCP (1), BPR (4), CM (4), MCTD (71), IES (2), MMP (1)
2006 D304, PO343, PO345 24 BPR (6), CM (4), MCTD (78), MMP (1)
2007 D324 13 BPR (3), MCTD (53), IES (2)
2008 D334 14 BPR (3), CM (2), MCTD (44), IES (1)
2009 D344 14 BPR (4), CM (2), MCTD (44)
2011 D359, JC064 22 BPR (12), CM (18), MCTD (80), IES (1)
2012 D382 9 BPR (6), CM (10), MCTD (50)
2014 JC103 9 BPR (6), CM (10), MCTD (50)
2015 DY039 9 BPR (6), CM (9), MCTD (50), MCTDO (5), pCO2 (1), RAS (1), SeapHOx (1)
2017 JC145 9 BPR (6), CM (10), MCTD (50), MCTDO (6), pCO2 (1), RAS (1), SeapHOx (1)
2018 JC174 9 BPR (6), CM (10), MCTD (50), MCTDO (13), pCO2 (1), RAS (1), SeapHOx (1)
2020 JC192 9 BPR (6), CM (4), MCTD (50), MCTDO (10)
2022 DY146 4 BPR (2), CM (4), MCTD (18), MCTDO (11), pCO2 (2), pH (4), TA (3), Nitrate (3), Phosphate (1)

Cruise data summary

During the cruises to service the moored array, a variety of data types are collected. The table below is a summary of these data. The number of CTD profiles performed on these cruises within the box region defined above is also included. Trans-Atlantic hydrographic CTD sections have also been performed since 2004 and are included in the table.

Cruise ID Cruise description Data types Number of CTD profiles performed within the box region
D277 Initial array deployment MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF -
D279 Hydrographic section CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 21
CD170 Array service BATH, CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 4
CD177 Array service BATH, CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 6
D304 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 8
PO343 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 5
PO345 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 4
D324 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 5
D334 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 15
D344 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 5
D346 Hydrographic section CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 22
D359 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 4
JC064 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 5
D382 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 5
JC103 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 11
DY039 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 6
DY040 Hydrographic section CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 23
JC145 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 10
JC174 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 8
JC191 Hydrographic section CTD, DIS, LADCP, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 19
JC192 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 17
DY146 Array service CTD, DIS, MET, NAV, SADCP, SURF 25

Data type ID and description

Data type ID Description
ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
BATH Bathymetry
BPR Bottom Pressure Recorder
CM Current Meter
CTD Conductivity-Temperature-Depth profiler
DIS Discrete water bottle samples
IES Inverted Echo Sounder
LADCP Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
MET Meteorology
MCTD Moored Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor
MCTDO Moored Conductivity-Temperature-Depth-Oxygen sensor
MMP McLane Moored Profiler - profiling CTD and current meter
NAV Navigation
Nitrate Nitrate
pCO2 Moored pCO2 sensor
pH Moored pH
Phosphate Phoshate
RAS Remote Access Sampler
SADCP Shipborne Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
SeapHOx Moored pH-Conductivity-Temperature-Depth-Oxygen sensor
SURF Sea surface data
TA Total Alkalinity

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 1

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: Eastern Boundary Array

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
699594Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 08:30:0027.85667 N, 13.52067 WRRS Discovery D277
699601Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 08:30:0027.85667 N, 13.52067 WRRS Discovery D277
699613Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 08:30:0027.85667 N, 13.52067 WRRS Discovery D277
699625Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 08:30:0127.85667 N, 13.52067 WRRS Discovery D277
699637Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 08:30:0127.85667 N, 13.52067 WRRS Discovery D277
699545Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 11:00:0027.83217 N, 13.78867 WRRS Discovery D277
699557Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 11:00:0027.83217 N, 13.78867 WRRS Discovery D277
699569Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 11:00:0027.83217 N, 13.78867 WRRS Discovery D277
699570Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 11:00:0027.83217 N, 13.78867 WRRS Discovery D277
699582Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 11:00:0027.83217 N, 13.78867 WRRS Discovery D277
699489Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 14:00:0027.62233 N, 14.20533 WRRS Discovery D277
699490Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 14:00:0027.62233 N, 14.20533 WRRS Discovery D277
699508Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 14:00:0027.62233 N, 14.20533 WRRS Discovery D277
699521Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 14:00:0027.62233 N, 14.20533 WRRS Discovery D277
699533Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 14:00:0027.62233 N, 14.20533 WRRS Discovery D277
704402Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 17:00:0227.488 N, 14.68467 WRRS Discovery D277
1977317Currents -subsurface Eulerian2004-02-27 17:01:0027.488 N, 14.68467 WRRS Discovery D277
1977329Currents -subsurface Eulerian2004-02-27 17:01:0027.488 N, 14.68467 WRRS Discovery D277
696627Offshore sea floor pressure series2004-02-27 18:51:0027.62233 N, 14.20533 WRRS Discovery D277
696615Offshore sea floor pressure series2004-02-27 21:51:0027.488 N, 14.68467 WRRS Discovery D277
699453Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 22:00:0027.276 N, 15.41667 WRRS Discovery D277
699465Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 22:00:0027.276 N, 15.41667 WRRS Discovery D277
704414Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-27 22:00:0027.276 N, 15.41667 WRRS Discovery D277
696640Offshore sea floor pressure series2004-02-27 22:50:0027.85667 N, 13.52067 WRRS Discovery D277
696603Offshore sea floor pressure series2004-02-28 09:51:0027.276 N, 15.41667 WRRS Discovery D277
696639Offshore sea floor pressure series2004-02-28 11:10:0027.83217 N, 13.78867 WRRS Discovery D277
704346Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-28 15:15:0026.99617 N, 16.23067 WRRS Discovery D277
704371Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-28 15:15:0026.99617 N, 16.23067 WRRS Discovery D277
704395Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-28 15:15:0126.99617 N, 16.23067 WRRS Discovery D277
1977803Currents -subsurface Eulerian2004-02-28 15:20:0026.99617 N, 16.23067 WRRS Discovery D277
1977815Currents -subsurface Eulerian2004-02-28 15:20:0026.99617 N, 16.23067 WRRS Discovery D277
1977827Currents -subsurface Eulerian2004-02-28 15:20:0026.99617 N, 16.23067 WRRS Discovery D277
704334Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-28 15:20:0026.99617 N, 16.23067 WRRS Discovery D277
704358Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-28 15:20:0026.99617 N, 16.23067 WRRS Discovery D277
704383Hydrography time series at depth2004-02-28 15:20:0026.99617 N, 16.23067 WRRS Discovery D277
1976719Currents -subsurface Eulerian2004-02-28 21:30:0026.84 N, 16.225 WRRS Discovery D277
699336Hydrography time series at depth2004-03-01 11:15:0024.52383 N, 23.44883 WRRS Discovery D277
699348Hydrography time series at depth2004-03-01 11:15:0024.52383 N, 23.44883 WRRS Discovery D277
699361Hydrography time series at depth2004-03-01 11:15:0024.52383 N, 23.44883 WRRS Discovery D277
699373Hydrography time series at depth2004-03-01 11:15:0024.52383 N, 23.44883 WRRS Discovery D277
699385Hydrography time series at depth2004-03-01 11:15:0024.52383 N, 23.44883 WRRS Discovery D277
699397Hydrography time series at depth2004-03-01 11:15:0024.52383 N, 23.44883 WRRS Discovery D277
696584Offshore sea floor pressure series2004-03-01 13:41:0024.52383 N, 23.44883 WRRS Discovery D277
696596Offshore sea floor pressure series2004-03-03 05:41:0026.99617 N, 16.23067 WRRS Discovery D277
699477Hydrography time series at depth2004-03-11 14:45:1927.488 N, 14.68467 WRRS Discovery D277
699404Hydrography time series at depth2004-12-11 18:15:0026.84 N, 16.225 WPoseidon PO319
699416Hydrography time series at depth2004-12-11 18:15:0126.84 N, 16.225 WPoseidon PO319
699428Hydrography time series at depth2004-12-11 18:15:0126.84 N, 16.225 WPoseidon PO319
699441Hydrography time series at depth2004-12-11 18:15:0126.84 N, 16.225 WPoseidon PO319
1976732Currents -subsurface Eulerian2004-12-11 18:29:0026.84 N, 16.225 WPoseidon PO319
1976744Currents -subsurface Eulerian2004-12-11 18:29:0026.84 N, 16.225 WPoseidon PO319
1976720Currents -subsurface Eulerian2004-12-11 18:30:0026.84 N, 16.225 WPoseidon PO319
1977305Currents -subsurface Eulerian2005-01-09 15:00:0026.84 N, 16.225 WPoseidon PO319
698290Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-03 18:45:0027.9085 N, 13.366 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698308Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-03 18:45:0027.9085 N, 13.366 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698321Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-03 18:45:0027.9085 N, 13.366 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698333Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-03 18:45:0027.9085 N, 13.366 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698241Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-04 06:15:0127.81767 N, 13.73917 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698265Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-04 06:15:0127.81767 N, 13.73917 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698277Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-04 06:15:0127.81767 N, 13.73917 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698289Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-04 06:15:0127.81767 N, 13.73917 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698253Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-04 06:15:0227.81767 N, 13.73917 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698204Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-04 11:00:0027.60983 N, 14.21433 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698216Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-04 11:00:0027.60983 N, 14.21433 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698228Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-04 11:00:0027.60983 N, 14.21433 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698185Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-04 21:30:0027.2715 N, 15.421 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698197Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-04 21:30:0227.2715 N, 15.421 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
1066383CTD or STD cast2005-04-05 03:22:0026.91583 N, 16.15017 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
1066395CTD or STD cast2005-04-05 19:10:0027.001 N, 16.225 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
946124Offshore sea floor pressure series2005-04-07 05:50:0027.27583 N, 15.41717 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698173Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-07 07:15:0026.99367 N, 16.22883 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698345Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-08 12:45:0024.9565 N, 21.27667 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698357Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-08 12:45:0024.9565 N, 21.27667 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698369Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-08 12:45:0024.9565 N, 21.27667 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
1066402CTD or STD cast2005-04-09 00:39:0024.52733 N, 23.4105 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697852Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697864Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697876Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697888Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697907Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697919Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697920Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697932Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697944Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697956Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697968Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697981Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
697993Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698007Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698019Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698020Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698032Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698044Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698056Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698068Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698081Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698093Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698112Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0023.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698100Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 09:00:0223.81 N, 24.0955 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
1976756Currents -subsurface Eulerian2005-04-10 17:00:0023.92983 N, 24.04317 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
1976768Currents -subsurface Eulerian2005-04-10 17:00:0023.92983 N, 24.04317 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698124Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 17:00:0023.92983 N, 24.04317 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698136Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 17:00:0023.92983 N, 24.04317 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698148Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 17:00:0023.92983 N, 24.04317 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
698161Hydrography time series at depth2005-04-10 17:00:0023.92983 N, 24.04317 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
945944Offshore sea floor pressure series2005-04-10 18:20:0023.8105 N, 24.1055 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
945956Offshore sea floor pressure series2005-04-10 18:20:0023.8105 N, 24.1055 WRRS Charles Darwin CD170
1068630CTD or STD cast2005-11-18 08:46:0028.91333 N, 15.9295 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
1068642CTD or STD cast2005-11-24 18:08:0023.79083 N, 24.09517 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
1068654CTD or STD cast2005-11-24 23:38:0023.789 N, 24.09583 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698498Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698505Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698517Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698529Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698530Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698542Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698554Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698566Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698578Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698591Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698609Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698610Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698622Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698634Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698646Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698658Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698683Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698695Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698702Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698714Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0023.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698671Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-25 14:45:0223.82533 N, 24.1 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
1068666CTD or STD cast2005-11-25 20:08:0023.93233 N, 24.047 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
770785Bathymetry2005-11-26 00:00:0023.75855 N, 24.16953 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
1068678CTD or STD cast2005-11-26 00:11:0023.934 N, 24.0415 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
1068691CTD or STD cast2005-11-26 04:07:0023.9335 N, 24.03617 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
1976781Currents -subsurface Eulerian2005-11-26 15:00:0023.8915 N, 24.0565 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
1976793Currents -subsurface Eulerian2005-11-26 15:00:0023.8915 N, 24.0565 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698726Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-26 15:00:0023.8915 N, 24.0565 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698738Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-26 15:00:0023.8915 N, 24.0565 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698751Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-26 15:00:0023.8915 N, 24.0565 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
698763Hydrography time series at depth2005-11-26 15:00:0223.8915 N, 24.0565 WRRS Charles Darwin CD177
756823CTD or STD cast2006-05-12 09:56:2428.46 N, 15.79833 WRRS Discovery D304
756835CTD or STD cast2006-05-12 13:46:4728.4345 N, 15.38917 WRRS Discovery D304
756847CTD or STD cast2006-05-12 19:12:3628.426 N, 15.178 WRRS Discovery D304
770343Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-13 17:00:0027.81383 N, 13.74133 WRRS Discovery D304
770355Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-13 17:00:0027.81383 N, 13.74133 WRRS Discovery D304
770367Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-13 17:00:0027.81383 N, 13.74133 WRRS Discovery D304
770379Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-13 17:00:0027.81383 N, 13.74133 WRRS Discovery D304
770380Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-13 17:00:0027.81383 N, 13.74133 WRRS Discovery D304
745862Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-13 19:00:0127.84917 N, 13.53683 WRRS Discovery D304
745874Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-13 19:00:0127.84917 N, 13.53683 WRRS Discovery D304
745886Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-13 19:00:0127.84917 N, 13.53683 WRRS Discovery D304
745898Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-13 19:00:0127.84917 N, 13.53683 WRRS Discovery D304
745905Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-13 19:00:0127.84917 N, 13.53683 WRRS Discovery D304
745917Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-13 19:00:0127.84917 N, 13.53683 WRRS Discovery D304
770318Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-14 13:20:0127.60333 N, 14.21383 WRRS Discovery D304
770331Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-14 13:20:0127.60333 N, 14.21383 WRRS Discovery D304
770306Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-14 13:20:0227.60333 N, 14.21383 WRRS Discovery D304
770287Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-14 21:00:0027.28367 N, 15.4235 WRRS Discovery D304
770299Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-14 21:00:0027.28367 N, 15.4235 WRRS Discovery D304
756859CTD or STD cast2006-05-14 22:13:2327.21883 N, 15.6165 WRRS Discovery D304
770275Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-15 08:20:0026.9935 N, 16.22867 WRRS Discovery D304
1977121Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-05-16 15:30:0024.95483 N, 21.26 WRRS Discovery D304
1977378Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-05-16 15:30:0024.95483 N, 21.26 WRRS Discovery D304
1977864Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-05-16 15:30:0024.95483 N, 21.26 WRRS Discovery D304
745991Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-16 15:30:0224.95483 N, 21.26 WRRS Discovery D304
745966Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-16 15:40:0024.95483 N, 21.26 WRRS Discovery D304
1977298Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-05-16 15:45:0024.95483 N, 21.26 WRRS Discovery D304
756860CTD or STD cast2006-05-16 17:43:1424.6775 N, 21.96683 WRRS Discovery D304
946185Offshore sea floor pressure series2006-05-16 21:01:0027.28367 N, 15.42217 WRRS Discovery D304
756872CTD or STD cast2006-05-17 18:23:2523.8 N, 24.10633 WRRS Discovery D304
756884CTD or STD cast2006-05-17 23:49:2823.8 N, 24.112 WRRS Discovery D304
745536Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745548Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745561Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745573Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745585Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745597Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745604Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745616Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745628Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745641Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745653Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745665Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745677Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745689Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745690Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745708Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745721Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745733Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745745Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745757Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745769Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745770Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745782Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:30:0023.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745524Hydrography time series at depth2006-05-19 01:50:0123.81533 N, 24.13267 WRRS Discovery D304
745794Hydrography time series at depth2006-06-01 13:30:0023.8975 N, 24.04633 WRRS Discovery D304
745801Hydrography time series at depth2006-06-01 13:30:0023.8975 N, 24.04633 WRRS Discovery D304
745813Hydrography time series at depth2006-06-01 13:30:0023.8975 N, 24.04633 WRRS Discovery D304
745825Hydrography time series at depth2006-06-01 13:30:0023.8975 N, 24.04633 WRRS Discovery D304
745837Hydrography time series at depth2006-06-01 13:30:0023.8975 N, 24.04633 WRRS Discovery D304
745849Hydrography time series at depth2006-06-01 13:30:0023.8975 N, 24.04633 WRRS Discovery D304
745850Hydrography time series at depth2006-06-01 13:30:0023.8975 N, 24.04633 WRRS Discovery D304
745978Hydrography time series at depth2006-06-01 13:30:0023.8975 N, 24.04633 WRRS Discovery D304
756915CTD or STD cast2006-06-01 14:13:2523.80817 N, 24.09317 WRRS Discovery D304
946148Offshore sea floor pressure series2006-06-04 15:14:0023.89967 N, 24.052 WRRS Discovery D304
745929Hydrography time series at depth2006-06-04 17:30:0127.909 N, 13.362 WRRS Discovery D304
745930Hydrography time series at depth2006-06-04 17:30:0127.909 N, 13.362 WRRS Discovery D304
745942Hydrography time series at depth2006-06-04 17:30:0127.909 N, 13.362 WRRS Discovery D304
745954Hydrography time series at depth2006-06-04 17:40:0027.909 N, 13.362 WRRS Discovery D304
768627CTD or STD cast2006-10-04 17:31:1728.41 N, 15.2 WPoseidon PO343
770761Hydrography time series at depth2006-10-06 00:30:0027.90833 N, 13.36617 WPoseidon PO343
770748Hydrography time series at depth2006-10-06 00:30:0227.894 N, 13.408 WPoseidon PO343
770681Hydrography time series at depth2006-10-07 09:00:0027.8505 N, 13.5395 WPoseidon PO343
770693Hydrography time series at depth2006-10-07 09:00:0027.8505 N, 13.5395 WPoseidon PO343
770700Hydrography time series at depth2006-10-07 09:00:0027.8505 N, 13.5395 WPoseidon PO343
768639CTD or STD cast2006-10-08 08:38:4826.49667 N, 17.40667 WPoseidon PO343
770712Hydrography time series at depth2006-10-09 16:00:0124.9485 N, 21.25983 WPoseidon PO343
770724Hydrography time series at depth2006-10-09 16:00:0124.9485 N, 21.25983 WPoseidon PO343
770736Hydrography time series at depth2006-10-09 16:00:0124.9485 N, 21.25983 WPoseidon PO343
768640CTD or STD cast2006-10-10 17:41:2623.81333 N, 24.11 WPoseidon PO343
768652CTD or STD cast2006-10-11 18:04:0723.81667 N, 24.14167 WPoseidon PO343
946112Offshore sea floor pressure series2006-10-13 03:18:0023.8915 N, 24.08567 WPoseidon PO343
768664CTD or STD cast2006-10-15 08:05:2526.495 N, 17.41333 WPoseidon PO343
946136Offshore sea floor pressure series2006-10-16 13:10:0027.27983 N, 15.42017 WPoseidon PO343
768676CTD or STD cast2006-11-30 08:05:2024.60833 N, 22.37833 WPoseidon PO345
768688CTD or STD cast2006-11-30 12:40:0724.55033 N, 22.52267 WPoseidon PO345
770797Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770804Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770816Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770828Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770841Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770853Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770865Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770877Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770889Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770890Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770908Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770921Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770933Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770945Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770957Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770969Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770970Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770982Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
770994Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
771008Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
771021Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
771033Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
771045Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
771057Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-01 13:30:0023.80967 N, 24.1485 WPoseidon PO345
768707CTD or STD cast2006-12-01 13:58:4723.79667 N, 24.25167 WPoseidon PO345
771069Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-02 11:00:0023.86733 N, 24.17183 WPoseidon PO345
771070Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-02 11:00:0023.86733 N, 24.17183 WPoseidon PO345
771082Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-02 11:00:0023.86733 N, 24.17183 WPoseidon PO345
771094Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-02 11:00:0023.86733 N, 24.17183 WPoseidon PO345
771101Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-02 11:00:0023.86733 N, 24.17183 WPoseidon PO345
771113Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-02 11:00:0023.86733 N, 24.17183 WPoseidon PO345
768719CTD or STD cast2006-12-03 10:08:1724.709 N, 22.23 WPoseidon PO345
768756CTD or STD cast2007-10-15 21:39:3125.39117 N, 20.55983 WRRS Discovery D324
863716Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-16 12:30:0024.95233 N, 21.26533 WRRS Discovery D324
863728Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-16 12:30:0024.95233 N, 21.26533 WRRS Discovery D324
863741Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-16 12:30:0024.95233 N, 21.26533 WRRS Discovery D324
864129Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-16 12:30:0024.95233 N, 21.26533 WRRS Discovery D324
768768CTD or STD cast2007-10-16 17:19:1824.5 N, 22.40733 WRRS Discovery D324
768781CTD or STD cast2007-10-17 21:39:5523.93733 N, 23.99017 WRRS Discovery D324
863439Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0023.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863488Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0023.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863520Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0023.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
864117Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0023.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863372Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0123.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863384Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0123.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863396Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0123.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863403Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0123.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863427Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0123.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863440Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0123.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863452Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0123.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863464Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0123.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863476Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0123.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863507Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0123.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863519Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0123.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863415Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 10:00:0223.9355 N, 24.05567 WRRS Discovery D324
863206Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863218Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863231Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863243Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863255Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863267Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863279Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863292Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863311Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863323Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863335Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863347Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863359Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863360Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0023.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
863280Hydrography time series at depth2007-10-18 21:00:0223.84383 N, 24.08567 WRRS Discovery D324
946161Offshore sea floor pressure series2007-11-04 10:00:0023.89983 N, 24.07167 WRRS Discovery D324
946173Offshore sea floor pressure series2007-11-04 10:00:0023.89983 N, 24.07167 WRRS Discovery D324
768836CTD or STD cast2007-11-04 14:12:3726.09533 N, 18.51717 WRRS Discovery D324
946197Offshore sea floor pressure series2007-11-05 22:00:0027.28633 N, 15.42917 WRRS Discovery D324
863532Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-05 23:00:0027.28217 N, 15.4275 WRRS Discovery D324
863544Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-05 23:00:0027.28217 N, 15.4275 WRRS Discovery D324
863556Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-06 06:30:0027.61183 N, 14.2125 WRRS Discovery D324
863568Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-06 06:30:0027.61183 N, 14.2125 WRRS Discovery D324
863581Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-06 06:30:0027.61183 N, 14.2125 WRRS Discovery D324
863593Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-08 11:00:0027.8141 N, 13.74083 WRRS Discovery D324
863600Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-08 11:00:0027.8141 N, 13.74083 WRRS Discovery D324
863612Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-08 11:00:0027.8141 N, 13.74083 WRRS Discovery D324
863624Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-08 11:00:0027.8141 N, 13.74083 WRRS Discovery D324
863636Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-08 11:00:0027.8141 N, 13.74083 WRRS Discovery D324
768848CTD or STD cast2007-11-08 15:47:3828.5725 N, 15.3525 WRRS Discovery D324
863753Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-09 17:00:0027.89467 N, 13.4055 WRRS Discovery D324
863765Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-09 17:00:0027.9195 N, 13.332 WRRS Discovery D324
863648Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-10 18:00:0027.85023 N, 13.53967 WRRS Discovery D324
863661Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-10 18:00:0027.85023 N, 13.53967 WRRS Discovery D324
863673Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-10 18:00:0027.85023 N, 13.53967 WRRS Discovery D324
863685Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-10 18:00:0027.85023 N, 13.53967 WRRS Discovery D324
863697Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-10 18:00:0027.85023 N, 13.53967 WRRS Discovery D324
863704Hydrography time series at depth2007-11-10 18:00:0027.85023 N, 13.53967 WRRS Discovery D324
840999CTD or STD cast2008-10-28 18:17:3424.95067 N, 21.30917 WRRS Discovery D334
841002CTD or STD cast2008-10-29 00:04:1824.97867 N, 21.32417 WRRS Discovery D334
972585Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-29 12:00:0024.952 N, 21.26817 WRRS Discovery D334
972597Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-29 12:00:0024.952 N, 21.26817 WRRS Discovery D334
972604Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-29 12:00:0024.952 N, 21.26817 WRRS Discovery D334
841014CTD or STD cast2008-10-29 15:36:1924.58017 N, 22.26967 WRRS Discovery D334
972180Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972192Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972211Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972223Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972235Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972247Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972259Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972260Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972272Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972284Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972296Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972303Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972315Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972327Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972339Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972340Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
972352Hydrography time series at depth2008-10-30 19:00:0123.75733 N, 24.12817 WRRS Discovery D334
841026CTD or STD cast2008-10-31 00:32:1623.84267 N, 24.15683 WRRS Discovery D334
1137122Offshore sea floor pressure series2008-10-31 20:00:0023.81283 N, 24.10683 WRRS Discovery D334
841106CTD or STD cast2008-11-16 09:07:2024.57983 N, 22.25317 WRRS Discovery D334
972364Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-18 12:30:0027.28183 N, 15.4285 WRRS Discovery D334
972376Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-18 12:30:0027.28183 N, 15.4285 WRRS Discovery D334
841118CTD or STD cast2008-11-18 13:22:2927.29683 N, 15.42883 WRRS Discovery D334
1137146Offshore sea floor pressure series2008-11-18 20:00:0027.28583 N, 15.42817 WRRS Discovery D334
972388Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 10:30:0027.61217 N, 14.21167 WRRS Discovery D334
972407Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 10:30:0027.61217 N, 14.21167 WRRS Discovery D334
972419Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 10:30:0027.61217 N, 14.21167 WRRS Discovery D334
972420Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 16:00:0127.81317 N, 13.74133 WRRS Discovery D334
972432Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 16:00:0127.81317 N, 13.74133 WRRS Discovery D334
972444Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 16:00:0127.81317 N, 13.74133 WRRS Discovery D334
972456Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 16:00:0127.81317 N, 13.74133 WRRS Discovery D334
972468Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 16:00:0127.81317 N, 13.74133 WRRS Discovery D334
972481Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 19:30:0027.85 N, 13.53983 WRRS Discovery D334
972493Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 19:30:0027.85 N, 13.53983 WRRS Discovery D334
972500Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 19:30:0027.85 N, 13.53983 WRRS Discovery D334
972512Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 19:30:0027.85 N, 13.53983 WRRS Discovery D334
972524Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 19:30:0027.85 N, 13.53983 WRRS Discovery D334
972536Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-19 19:30:0027.85 N, 13.53983 WRRS Discovery D334
841131CTD or STD cast2008-11-20 16:50:4927.86433 N, 13.521 WRRS Discovery D334
972616Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-20 19:00:0127.89433 N, 13.40567 WRRS Discovery D334
972641Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-20 20:00:0027.92017 N, 13.3315 WRRS Discovery D334
841143CTD or STD cast2008-11-20 20:11:1027.92083 N, 13.33567 WRRS Discovery D334
972628Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-20 20:30:0227.9075 N, 13.36817 WRRS Discovery D334
841155CTD or STD cast2008-11-20 20:57:1027.913 N, 13.36583 WRRS Discovery D334
841167CTD or STD cast2008-11-20 21:34:0827.91683 N, 13.37533 WRRS Discovery D334
841179CTD or STD cast2008-11-20 22:48:1027.87983 N, 13.419 WRRS Discovery D334
841180CTD or STD cast2008-11-21 00:24:2327.83917 N, 13.55333 WRRS Discovery D334
841192CTD or STD cast2008-11-21 03:32:0827.81533 N, 13.82517 WRRS Discovery D334
1977330Currents -subsurface Eulerian2008-11-21 11:30:0027.83933 N, 13.54683 WRRS Discovery D334
1977342Currents -subsurface Eulerian2008-11-21 11:30:0027.83933 N, 13.54683 WRRS Discovery D334
972548Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-21 11:30:0127.83933 N, 13.54683 WRRS Discovery D334
972561Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-21 11:30:0127.83933 N, 13.54683 WRRS Discovery D334
972573Hydrography time series at depth2008-11-21 11:30:0227.83933 N, 13.54683 WRRS Discovery D334
841211CTD or STD cast2008-11-21 14:49:2027.62117 N, 14.23333 WRRS Discovery D334
841223CTD or STD cast2008-11-21 19:39:0127.43683 N, 14.85633 WRRS Discovery D334
841235CTD or STD cast2008-11-22 01:05:5027.22917 N, 15.59833 WRRS Discovery D334
841247CTD or STD cast2008-11-22 06:15:2827.037 N, 16.11433 WRRS Discovery D334
841259CTD or STD cast2008-11-22 12:40:5026.803 N, 16.77583 WRRS Discovery D334
841260CTD or STD cast2008-11-22 19:49:4026.61283 N, 17.47717 WRRS Discovery D334
841272CTD or STD cast2008-11-23 02:09:4526.38817 N, 18.16467 WRRS Discovery D334
841284CTD or STD cast2008-11-23 08:07:4326.1715 N, 18.83333 WRRS Discovery D334
1012508CTD or STD cast2009-10-21 12:17:0028.4536 N, 15.6662 WRRS Discovery D344
1012521CTD or STD cast2009-10-22 04:26:4228.5195 N, 14.983 WRRS Discovery D344
1012533CTD or STD cast2009-10-23 21:22:0428.0799 N, 15.1763 WRRS Discovery D344
1093172Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-24 17:00:0027.91117 N, 13.36083 WRRS Discovery D344
1977354Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-10-24 22:00:0027.85017 N, 13.53967 WRRS Discovery D344
1977366Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-10-24 22:00:0027.85017 N, 13.53967 WRRS Discovery D344
1092629Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-24 22:00:0127.84167 N, 13.54583 WRRS Discovery D344
1092630Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-24 22:00:0127.84167 N, 13.54583 WRRS Discovery D344
1092642Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-24 22:00:0127.84167 N, 13.54583 WRRS Discovery D344
1092654Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-24 22:00:0127.84167 N, 13.54583 WRRS Discovery D344
1092666Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-24 22:00:0127.84167 N, 13.54583 WRRS Discovery D344
1092678Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-24 22:00:0127.84167 N, 13.54583 WRRS Discovery D344
1092691Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-24 22:00:0127.85017 N, 13.53967 WRRS Discovery D344
1092709Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-24 22:00:0127.85017 N, 13.53967 WRRS Discovery D344
1092710Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-24 22:00:0127.85017 N, 13.53967 WRRS Discovery D344
1092574Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-25 13:30:0027.80783 N, 13.74667 WRRS Discovery D344
1092586Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-25 13:30:0027.80783 N, 13.74667 WRRS Discovery D344
1092598Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-25 13:30:0027.80783 N, 13.74667 WRRS Discovery D344
1092605Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-25 13:30:0027.80783 N, 13.74667 WRRS Discovery D344
1092617Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-25 13:30:0027.80783 N, 13.74667 WRRS Discovery D344
1092365Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-25 18:00:0027.61183 N, 14.21217 WRRS Discovery D344
1092377Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-25 18:00:0027.61183 N, 14.21217 WRRS Discovery D344
1092389Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-25 18:00:0027.61183 N, 14.21217 WRRS Discovery D344
1137171Offshore sea floor pressure series2009-10-26 03:30:0027.86817 N, 13.5145 WRRS Discovery D344
1137158Offshore sea floor pressure series2009-10-27 11:41:0027.28617 N, 15.42933 WRRS Discovery D344
1012545CTD or STD cast2009-10-28 00:06:2124.9363 N, 21.3135 WRRS Discovery D344
1012557CTD or STD cast2009-10-28 05:34:3524.9712 N, 21.3063 WRRS Discovery D344
1092722Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-28 14:30:0124.94683 N, 21.263 WRRS Discovery D344
1092734Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-28 14:30:0124.94683 N, 21.263 WRRS Discovery D344
1092746Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-28 14:30:0124.94683 N, 21.263 WRRS Discovery D344
1981525Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-10-28 14:30:4524.94683 N, 21.263 WRRS Discovery D344
1012569CTD or STD cast2009-10-29 14:31:5323.7612 N, 24.0932 WRRS Discovery D344
1012570CTD or STD cast2009-10-30 01:16:4223.8222 N, 24.0855 WRRS Discovery D344
1092390Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092408Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092421Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092433Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092445Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092457Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092469Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092470Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092482Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092494Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092501Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092513Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092525Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092537Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092549Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092550Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1092562Hydrography time series at depth2009-10-30 15:30:0023.755 N, 24.15817 WRRS Discovery D344
1137134Offshore sea floor pressure series2009-10-31 01:00:0023.81283 N, 24.10683 WRRS Discovery D344
1196632Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-01-06 16:30:0023.80083 N, 24.1115 WRRS Discovery D359
1113863CTD or STD cast2011-01-06 21:08:0223.8223 N, 24.1022 WRRS Discovery D359
1977796Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096194Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096201Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096213Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096225Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096237Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096249Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096262Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096274Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096286Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096305Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096317Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096329Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096330Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096342Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096366Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096250Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0223.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096298Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0223.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1096354Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-07 15:00:0223.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1976603Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-01-07 15:27:3023.7569 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D359
1113875CTD or STD cast2011-01-08 15:19:3824.9512 N, 21.2936 WRRS Discovery D359
1096599Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-08 15:30:0024.93983 N, 21.26883 WRRS Discovery D359
1096606Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-08 15:30:0024.93983 N, 21.26883 WRRS Discovery D359
1096618Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-08 15:30:0024.93983 N, 21.26883 WRRS Discovery D359
1977133Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-01-08 15:59:0024.93983 N, 21.26883 WRRS Discovery D359
1096378Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-10 15:30:0027.2815 N, 15.41633 WRRS Discovery D359
1096391Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-10 15:30:0027.2815 N, 15.41633 WRRS Discovery D359
1976836Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-01-10 15:59:0027.2815 N, 15.41633 WRRS Discovery D359
1196656Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-01-11 06:00:0027.139 N, 15.4205 WRRS Discovery D359
1976904Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-01-11 11:00:0027.61467 N, 14.211 WRRS Discovery D359
1096409Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-11 11:00:0027.61467 N, 14.211 WRRS Discovery D359
1096410Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-11 11:00:0227.61467 N, 14.211 WRRS Discovery D359
1096422Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-11 11:00:0227.61467 N, 14.211 WRRS Discovery D359
1977004Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-01-11 16:26:5227.80783 N, 13.74667 WRRS Discovery D359
1096434Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-11 16:30:0027.80783 N, 13.74667 WRRS Discovery D359
1096446Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-11 16:30:0227.80783 N, 13.74667 WRRS Discovery D359
1096458Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-11 16:30:0227.80783 N, 13.74667 WRRS Discovery D359
1096471Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-11 16:30:0227.80783 N, 13.74667 WRRS Discovery D359
1096483Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-11 16:30:0227.80783 N, 13.74667 WRRS Discovery D359
1113887CTD or STD cast2011-01-11 17:59:4427.8665 N, 13.5558 WRRS Discovery D359
1196644Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-01-11 19:30:0027.139 N, 15.4205 WRRS Discovery D359
1096495Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-12 15:00:0027.84983 N, 13.541 WRRS Discovery D359
1096502Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-12 15:00:0027.84983 N, 13.541 WRRS Discovery D359
1096514Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-12 15:00:0027.84983 N, 13.541 WRRS Discovery D359
1096526Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-12 15:00:0027.84983 N, 13.541 WRRS Discovery D359
1096538Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-12 15:00:0027.84983 N, 13.541 WRRS Discovery D359
1096551Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-12 15:00:0027.84983 N, 13.541 WRRS Discovery D359
1196668Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-01-12 17:00:0027.87167 N, 13.5135 WRRS Discovery D359
1196681Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-01-12 17:00:0027.87167 N, 13.5135 WRRS Discovery D359
1977839Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-01-12 18:00:0027.84267 N, 13.54433 WRRS Discovery D359
1096563Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-12 18:00:0027.84267 N, 13.54433 WRRS Discovery D359
1096575Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-12 18:00:0027.84267 N, 13.54433 WRRS Discovery D359
1096587Hydrography time series at depth2011-01-12 18:00:0027.84267 N, 13.54433 WRRS Discovery D359
1977077Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-01-12 18:29:0027.84267 N, 13.54433 WRRS Discovery D359
1113899CTD or STD cast2011-01-14 05:04:2128.4545 N, 15.6671 WRRS Discovery D359
1134308Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-11 14:30:0027.85 N, 13.541 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134321Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-11 14:30:0027.85 N, 13.541 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134345Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-11 14:30:0027.85 N, 13.541 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134357Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-11 14:30:0027.85 N, 13.541 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134333Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-11 14:30:0227.85 N, 13.541 WRRS James Cook JC064
1977840Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-09-11 16:00:0027.84267 N, 13.54417 WRRS James Cook JC064
1977852Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-09-11 16:00:0027.84267 N, 13.54417 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134369Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-11 16:00:0027.84267 N, 13.54417 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134382Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-11 16:00:0027.84267 N, 13.54417 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134370Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-11 16:00:0227.84267 N, 13.54417 WRRS James Cook JC064
1977089Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-09-11 16:29:0027.84267 N, 13.54417 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134253Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-12 14:00:0127.805 N, 13.7468 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134265Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-12 14:00:0127.805 N, 13.7468 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134277Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-12 14:00:0127.805 N, 13.7468 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134289Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-12 14:00:0127.805 N, 13.7468 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134290Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-12 14:00:0127.805 N, 13.7468 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134216Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-12 19:00:0027.6147 N, 14.2108 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134228Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-12 19:00:0027.6147 N, 14.2108 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134241Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-12 19:00:0027.6147 N, 14.2108 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134197Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-13 10:00:0027.2788 N, 15.4108 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134204Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-13 10:00:0027.2788 N, 15.4108 WRRS James Cook JC064
1112792CTD or STD cast2011-09-14 21:08:5024.9218 N, 21.3184 WRRS James Cook JC064
1112811CTD or STD cast2011-09-15 01:49:4524.9219 N, 21.3184 WRRS James Cook JC064
1977145Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-09-15 10:59:0024.933 N, 21.2732 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134394Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-15 11:00:0124.933 N, 21.2732 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134401Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-15 11:00:0124.933 N, 21.2732 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134413Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-15 11:00:0124.933 N, 21.2732 WRRS James Cook JC064
1112823CTD or STD cast2011-09-16 02:50:3223.7335 N, 24.1055 WRRS James Cook JC064
1112835CTD or STD cast2011-09-16 20:21:0023.7012 N, 24.2263 WRRS James Cook JC064
1112847CTD or STD cast2011-09-17 01:52:4823.7012 N, 24.2263 WRRS James Cook JC064
1977784Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1133968Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1133981Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1133993Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134007Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134019Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134020Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134032Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134044Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134056Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134068Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134081Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134093Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134100Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134112Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134124Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134136Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134148Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134161Hydrography time series at depth2011-09-17 14:30:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1976615Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-09-17 14:59:0023.7577 N, 24.15817 WRRS James Cook JC064
1268109Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-09-17 23:30:0023.79117 N, 24.1133 WRRS James Cook JC064
1268091Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-09-25 07:00:0023.79117 N, 24.1133 WRRS James Cook JC064
1268134Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-10-06 06:00:0027.86433 N, 13.5142 WRRS James Cook JC064
1268146Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-10-06 06:01:0027.86433 N, 13.5142 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134173Hydrography time series at depth2011-10-06 18:00:0027.1435 N, 15.3777 WRRS James Cook JC064
1134185Hydrography time series at depth2011-10-06 18:00:0027.1435 N, 15.3777 WRRS James Cook JC064
1976848Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-10-06 18:29:0027.1435 N, 15.3777 WRRS James Cook JC064
1268110Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-10-07 06:41:0027.13533 N, 15.3642 WRRS James Cook JC064
1268122Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-10-07 07:01:0027.13533 N, 15.3642 WRRS James Cook JC064
1196797Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-10-07 19:00:0027.139 N, 15.4205 WRRS James Cook JC064
1196804Offshore sea floor pressure series2011-10-07 19:00:0027.139 N, 15.4205 WRRS James Cook JC064
1176434CTD or STD cast2012-10-15 18:45:5827.1264 N, 15.4026 WRRS Discovery D382
1976861Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-10-16 11:00:0027.22233 N, 15.42267 WRRS Discovery D382
1226647Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-16 11:00:0127.22233 N, 15.42267 WRRS Discovery D382
1226635Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-16 11:00:0227.22233 N, 15.42267 WRRS Discovery D382
1226659Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-16 19:00:0027.61083 N, 14.21233 WRRS Discovery D382
1226660Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-16 19:00:0027.61083 N, 14.21233 WRRS Discovery D382
1226672Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-16 19:00:0027.61083 N, 14.21233 WRRS Discovery D382
1977053Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-10-17 16:58:5727.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1977016Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-10-17 16:59:0227.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1977028Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-10-17 16:59:5827.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1977041Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226684Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226696Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226703Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226715Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226727Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226739Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226740Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226752Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226764Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226776Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226788Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226807Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226819Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1226820Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-17 17:00:0127.81233 N, 13.74517 WRRS Discovery D382
1762144Offshore sea floor pressure series2012-10-18 05:01:0027.21217 N, 15.40283 WRRS Discovery D382
1762156Offshore sea floor pressure series2012-10-18 05:01:0027.21217 N, 15.40283 WRRS Discovery D382
1176446CTD or STD cast2012-10-22 09:03:5026.1954 N, 19.3236 WRRS Discovery D382
1977157Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-10-23 09:59:0024.93283 N, 21.27317 WRRS Discovery D382
1226948Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-23 10:00:0024.93283 N, 21.27317 WRRS Discovery D382
1226961Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-23 10:00:0024.93283 N, 21.27317 WRRS Discovery D382
1226973Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-23 10:00:0024.93283 N, 21.27317 WRRS Discovery D382
1176458CTD or STD cast2012-10-24 02:13:4423.8007 N, 24.1365 WRRS Discovery D382
1176471CTD or STD cast2012-10-24 18:06:0923.6891 N, 24.134 WRRS Discovery D382
1176483CTD or STD cast2012-10-24 23:26:0223.6928 N, 24.1375 WRRS Discovery D382
1976627Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-10-25 13:51:0023.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1976639Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-10-25 13:58:0823.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226499Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0023.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226580Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0023.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226611Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0023.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226426Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0123.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226451Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0123.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226463Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0123.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226475Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0123.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226506Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0123.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226518Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0123.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226543Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0123.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226579Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0123.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226623Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0123.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226438Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0223.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226487Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0223.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226531Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0223.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226555Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0223.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226567Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0223.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226592Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-25 14:00:0223.7545 N, 24.1565 WRRS Discovery D382
1226832Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-28 15:00:0027.851 N, 13.54033 WRRS Discovery D382
1226844Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-28 15:00:0027.851 N, 13.54033 WRRS Discovery D382
1226856Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-28 15:00:0027.851 N, 13.54033 WRRS Discovery D382
1226868Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-28 15:00:0027.851 N, 13.54033 WRRS Discovery D382
1226881Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-28 15:00:0027.851 N, 13.54033 WRRS Discovery D382
1226893Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-28 15:00:0027.851 N, 13.54033 WRRS Discovery D382
1226900Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-28 15:00:0027.851 N, 13.54033 WRRS Discovery D382
1226912Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-28 15:00:0027.851 N, 13.54033 WRRS Discovery D382
1226924Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-28 15:00:0027.851 N, 13.54033 WRRS Discovery D382
1226936Hydrography time series at depth2012-10-28 15:00:0027.851 N, 13.54033 WRRS Discovery D382
1762181Offshore sea floor pressure series2012-11-02 16:53:0027.872 N, 13.514 WRRS Discovery D382
1762168Offshore sea floor pressure series2012-11-02 16:54:0027.872 N, 13.514 WRRS Discovery D382
1976916Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-11-15 18:00:0027.61083 N, 14.21233 WRRS Discovery D382
1622546CTD or STD cast2014-05-24 17:50:3323.7991 N, 24.1163 WRRS James Cook JC103
1976652Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-05-24 17:59:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786367Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786379Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786380Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786392Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786411Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786423Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786435Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786447Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786459Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786460Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786472Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786484Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786496Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786503Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786527Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786539Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786540Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786515Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-24 18:00:0223.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1976640Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-05-25 05:59:0023.75833 N, 24.156 WRRS James Cook JC103
1977090Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-05-26 11:59:0024.93417 N, 21.26733 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786889Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-26 13:00:0024.93417 N, 21.26733 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786890Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-26 13:00:0024.93417 N, 21.26733 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786908Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-26 13:00:0024.93417 N, 21.26733 WRRS James Cook JC103
1622558CTD or STD cast2014-05-26 13:39:4524.8973 N, 21.2485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1903656Offshore sea floor pressure series2014-05-28 07:55:0023.79133 N, 24.10917 WRRS James Cook JC103
1976800Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-05-29 12:57:1227.22217 N, 15.42317 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786564Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-29 13:00:0027.22217 N, 15.42317 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786552Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-29 13:00:0227.22217 N, 15.42317 WRRS James Cook JC103
1903681Offshore sea floor pressure series2014-05-29 22:00:0027.204 N, 15.41683 WRRS James Cook JC103
1903668Offshore sea floor pressure series2014-05-30 09:29:0027.204 N, 15.41683 WRRS James Cook JC103
1976873Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-05-30 09:59:0027.61433 N, 14.21133 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786576Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 10:00:0027.61433 N, 14.21133 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786588Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 10:00:0027.61433 N, 14.21133 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786607Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 10:00:0027.61433 N, 14.21133 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786619Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786620Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786632Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786644Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786656Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786668Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786681Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786693Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786700Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786712Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786724Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786736Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786748Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786761Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-30 18:00:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1976928Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-05-30 18:59:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1976953Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-05-30 18:59:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1903693Offshore sea floor pressure series2014-05-31 10:39:0027.8665 N, 13.514 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786773Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-31 15:00:0027.85067 N, 13.53983 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786785Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-31 15:00:0027.85067 N, 13.53983 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786797Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-31 15:00:0027.85067 N, 13.53983 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786804Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-31 15:00:0027.85067 N, 13.53983 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786816Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-31 15:00:0027.85067 N, 13.53983 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786828Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-31 15:00:0027.85067 N, 13.53983 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786841Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-31 15:00:0027.85067 N, 13.53983 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786853Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-31 15:00:0027.85067 N, 13.53983 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786865Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-31 15:00:0027.85067 N, 13.53983 WRRS James Cook JC103
1786877Hydrography time series at depth2014-05-31 15:00:0027.85067 N, 13.53983 WRRS James Cook JC103
1622583CTD or STD cast2014-05-31 16:14:0127.8441 N, 13.4705 WRRS James Cook JC103
1622595CTD or STD cast2014-05-31 17:32:2227.8296 N, 13.404 WRRS James Cook JC103
1622602CTD or STD cast2014-05-31 18:39:4527.8141 N, 13.3286 WRRS James Cook JC103
1903700Offshore sea floor pressure series2014-06-01 00:00:0027.8665 N, 13.514 WRRS James Cook JC103
1622614CTD or STD cast2014-06-01 06:05:3027.8728 N, 13.5924 WRRS James Cook JC103
1622626CTD or STD cast2014-06-01 08:07:5427.8849 N, 13.664 WRRS James Cook JC103
1622638CTD or STD cast2014-06-01 10:26:3827.9266 N, 13.8067 WRRS James Cook JC103
1976941Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-06-01 10:59:0027.80933 N, 13.7485 WRRS James Cook JC103
1622651CTD or STD cast2014-06-02 05:05:0228.4544 N, 15.6666 WRRS James Cook JC103
1622663CTD or STD cast2014-06-02 08:53:5328.4553 N, 15.6661 WRRS James Cook JC103
2058473CTD or STD cast2015-10-21 15:40:1536.0524 N, 12.9873 WRRS Discovery DY039
2058485CTD or STD cast2015-10-22 05:07:0934.7508 N, 12.5852 WRRS Discovery DY039
2058497CTD or STD cast2015-10-26 17:15:1528.6184 N, 15.5004 WRRS Discovery DY039
2022783Water sample data2015-10-26 18:52:0028.61843 N, 15.50042 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846262Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846274Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846298Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846305Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846317Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846329Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846330Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846342Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846354Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846366Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846378Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846391Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846409Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846286Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-27 15:00:0227.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1976977Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-10-27 15:57:4527.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1976990Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-10-27 15:57:4527.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1976965Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-10-27 15:59:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1976989Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-10-27 15:59:0027.80733 N, 13.7475 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846422Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 10:00:0027.85083 N, 13.5405 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846434Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 10:00:0027.85083 N, 13.5405 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846446Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 10:00:0027.85083 N, 13.5405 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846458Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 10:00:0027.85083 N, 13.5405 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846471Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 10:00:0027.85083 N, 13.5405 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846483Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 10:00:0027.85083 N, 13.5405 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846495Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 10:00:0027.85083 N, 13.5405 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846502Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 10:00:0027.85083 N, 13.5405 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846514Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 10:00:0027.85083 N, 13.5405 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846410Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 10:00:0227.85083 N, 13.5405 WRRS Discovery DY039
1977065Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-10-28 10:59:0027.85083 N, 13.5405 WRRS Discovery DY039
1976885Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-10-28 18:57:3027.6145 N, 14.21167 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846237Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 19:00:0027.6145 N, 14.21167 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846249Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 19:00:0027.6145 N, 14.21167 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846250Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-28 19:00:0027.6145 N, 14.21167 WRRS Discovery DY039
1971715Offshore sea floor pressure series2015-10-28 22:00:0027.8775 N, 13.51167 WRRS Discovery DY039
1971703Offshore sea floor pressure series2015-10-28 22:01:0027.8775 N, 13.51167 WRRS Discovery DY039
1976812Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-10-29 18:59:0027.22283 N, 15.42167 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846213Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-29 19:00:0027.22283 N, 15.42167 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846225Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-29 19:00:0027.22283 N, 15.42167 WRRS Discovery DY039
1971696Offshore sea floor pressure series2015-10-29 23:00:0027.21667 N, 15.432 WRRS Discovery DY039
1971684Offshore sea floor pressure series2015-10-30 05:01:0027.21667 N, 15.432 WRRS Discovery DY039
2058504CTD or STD cast2015-10-30 19:25:4624.9522 N, 21.2192 WRRS Discovery DY039
2022795Water sample data2015-10-30 23:00:0024.95217 N, 21.2192 WRRS Discovery DY039
1977286Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-10-31 12:30:0024.93267 N, 21.2675 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846526Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-31 13:00:0024.93267 N, 21.2675 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846538Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-31 13:00:0024.93267 N, 21.2675 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846551Hydrography time series at depth2015-10-31 13:00:0024.93267 N, 21.2675 WRRS Discovery DY039
2058516CTD or STD cast2015-11-01 17:33:2023.8359 N, 24.1782 WRRS Discovery DY039
2022802Water sample data2015-11-01 18:07:3023.83593 N, 24.17818 WRRS Discovery DY039
2058528CTD or STD cast2015-11-01 21:42:1223.8359 N, 24.1782 WRRS Discovery DY039
2022814Water sample data2015-11-01 23:55:3023.83593 N, 24.1782 WRRS Discovery DY039
2058541CTD or STD cast2015-11-02 19:58:1823.8079 N, 24.1445 WRRS Discovery DY039
2022826Water sample data2015-11-02 22:02:0023.80792 N, 24.1445 WRRS Discovery DY039
1976664Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-11-03 16:59:0023.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1976676Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-11-03 16:59:0023.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846016Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846028Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846041Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846053Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846065Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846077Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846089Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846090Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846108Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846121Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846133Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846145Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846157Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846169Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846182Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846194Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846201Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0123.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
1846170Hydrography time series at depth2015-11-03 17:00:0223.757 N, 24.15833 WRRS Discovery DY039
2058553CTD or STD cast2015-11-03 17:54:2523.798 N, 24.1597 WRRS Discovery DY039
2022838Water sample data2015-11-03 18:04:0023.79802 N, 24.15967 WRRS Discovery DY039
2157446CTD or STD cast2017-02-28 13:03:2528.7318 N, 15.7967 WRRS James Cook JC145
2157458CTD or STD cast2017-02-28 17:38:5828.7318 N, 15.7967 WRRS James Cook JC145
2047045Offshore sea floor pressure series2017-03-01 14:18:0027.86917 N, 13.51083 WRRS James Cook JC145
2047057Offshore sea floor pressure series2017-03-01 14:18:0027.86917 N, 13.51083 WRRS James Cook JC145
1977249Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-03-02 13:00:0027.80883 N, 13.74633 WRRS James Cook JC145
1977250Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-03-02 13:00:0027.80883 N, 13.74633 WRRS James Cook JC145
1977262Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-03-02 13:00:0027.80883 N, 13.74633 WRRS James Cook JC145
1977274Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-03-02 13:00:0027.80883 N, 13.74633 WRRS James Cook JC145
2157471CTD or STD cast2017-03-02 20:57:0327.6299 N, 14.2198 WRRS James Cook JC145
1976897Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-03-02 20:59:0027.61483 N, 14.21067 WRRS James Cook JC145
2047033Offshore sea floor pressure series2017-03-03 11:22:0027.20417 N, 15.41683 WRRS James Cook JC145
2047021Offshore sea floor pressure series2017-03-03 11:25:0027.20417 N, 15.41683 WRRS James Cook JC145
1976824Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-03-03 14:59:0027.22217 N, 15.4225 WRRS James Cook JC145
2157483CTD or STD cast2017-03-04 20:49:2824.9159 N, 21.2682 WRRS James Cook JC145
1977108Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-03-05 15:59:0024.93683 N, 21.26467 WRRS James Cook JC145
2157495CTD or STD cast2017-03-06 11:20:2523.7956 N, 24.1127 WRRS James Cook JC145
2157502CTD or STD cast2017-03-06 15:06:5523.7956 N, 24.1127 WRRS James Cook JC145
2047008Offshore sea floor pressure series2017-03-09 18:06:0023.799 N, 24.14167 WRRS James Cook JC145
2157514CTD or STD cast2017-03-09 21:38:5223.7828 N, 24.141 WRRS James Cook JC145
2157526CTD or STD cast2017-03-10 19:01:1423.7617 N, 24.1572 WRRS James Cook JC145
1976688Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-03-10 19:59:0023.75683 N, 24.15933 WRRS James Cook JC145
1976707Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-03-10 19:59:0023.75683 N, 24.15933 WRRS James Cook JC145
2157735CTD or STD cast2018-10-20 16:51:5328.7032 N, 15.7581 WRRS James Cook JC174 (JC175)
2157747CTD or STD cast2018-10-20 22:32:0028.7032 N, 15.7581 WRRS James Cook JC174 (JC175)
2157759CTD or STD cast2018-10-23 18:14:3427.8666 N, 13.5381 WRRS James Cook JC174 (JC175)
2157760CTD or STD cast2018-10-23 22:53:3227.8184 N, 13.7398 WRRS James Cook JC174 (JC175)
2157772CTD or STD cast2018-10-26 21:56:3224.917 N, 21.3001 WRRS James Cook JC174 (JC175)
2157784CTD or STD cast2018-10-28 04:59:2723.7749 N, 24.16 WRRS James Cook JC174 (JC175)
2157796CTD or STD cast2018-10-29 18:46:3923.7262 N, 24.1765 WRRS James Cook JC174 (JC175)
2157803CTD or STD cast2018-10-29 20:29:1123.7392 N, 24.1974 WRRS James Cook JC174 (JC175)
2158044CTD or STD cast2020-03-09 15:00:1928.732 N, 15.7968 WRRS James Cook JC192
2158056CTD or STD cast2020-03-09 19:35:4128.732 N, 15.7968 WRRS James Cook JC192
2158068CTD or STD cast2020-03-10 11:32:4327.8012 N, 13.7636 WRRS James Cook JC192
2158081CTD or STD cast2020-03-10 21:35:0727.8181 N, 13.7315 WRRS James Cook JC192
2158093CTD or STD cast2020-03-11 02:35:3427.6207 N, 14.1948 WRRS James Cook JC192
2158100CTD or STD cast2020-03-11 08:52:4827.8499 N, 13.5581 WRRS James Cook JC192
2158112CTD or STD cast2020-03-11 20:20:5927.8999 N, 13.4162 WRRS James Cook JC192
2158124CTD or STD cast2020-03-11 22:44:5527.9166 N, 13.3668 WRRS James Cook JC192
2158136CTD or STD cast2020-03-12 01:01:5927.8681 N, 13.5319 WRRS James Cook JC192
2158148CTD or STD cast2020-03-14 23:39:5024.9183 N, 21.2764 WRRS James Cook JC192
2158161CTD or STD cast2020-03-16 06:17:5223.7282 N, 24.192 WRRS James Cook JC192
2158173CTD or STD cast2020-03-17 17:38:4223.7778 N, 24.1587 WRRS James Cook JC192
2201885CTD or STD cast2022-02-16 13:47:5027.1891 N, 21.9916 WRRS Discovery DY146
2201897CTD or STD cast2022-02-17 09:17:4024.7365 N, 23.5525 WRRS Discovery DY146
2201904CTD or STD cast2022-02-18 22:09:4523.7733 N, 24.1615 WRRS Discovery DY146
2201916CTD or STD cast2022-02-19 21:15:1924.0374 N, 23.4603 WRRS Discovery DY146
2201928CTD or STD cast2022-02-21 17:10:4824.9367 N, 21.2705 WRRS Discovery DY146
2201941CTD or STD cast2022-02-23 20:15:3227.2246 N, 15.405 WRRS Discovery DY146
2201953CTD or STD cast2022-02-24 20:02:4027.624 N, 14.1955 WRRS Discovery DY146
2201965CTD or STD cast2022-02-25 03:58:3027.802 N, 13.7643 WRRS Discovery DY146
2201977CTD or STD cast2022-02-25 19:19:5627.3591 N, 15.0004 WRRS Discovery DY146
2201989CTD or STD cast2022-02-25 21:48:1427.3278 N, 15.0938 WRRS Discovery DY146
2201990CTD or STD cast2022-02-26 00:15:4227.2958 N, 15.1878 WRRS Discovery DY146
2202004CTD or STD cast2022-02-26 02:35:5327.2639 N, 15.2809 WRRS Discovery DY146
2202016CTD or STD cast2022-02-26 04:52:1027.2324 N, 15.3737 WRRS Discovery DY146
2202028CTD or STD cast2022-02-26 07:05:2827.2006 N, 15.4674 WRRS Discovery DY146
2202041CTD or STD cast2022-02-26 09:25:4127.1687 N, 15.56 WRRS Discovery DY146
2202053CTD or STD cast2022-02-26 11:52:3227.1364 N, 15.6543 WRRS Discovery DY146
2202065CTD or STD cast2022-02-26 14:05:2627.1045 N, 15.7472 WRRS Discovery DY146
2202077CTD or STD cast2022-02-26 17:15:0326.8546 N, 15.7466 WRRS Discovery DY146
2202089CTD or STD cast2022-02-26 20:25:0726.9181 N, 15.5613 WRRS Discovery DY146
2202090CTD or STD cast2022-02-26 23:44:1926.982 N, 15.3745 WRRS Discovery DY146
2202108CTD or STD cast2022-02-27 20:05:4427.8255 N, 13.7489 WRRS Discovery DY146
2202121CTD or STD cast2022-02-28 01:57:0827.8255 N, 13.749 WRRS Discovery DY146
2202133CTD or STD cast2022-02-28 19:58:1927.8676 N, 13.5461 WRRS Discovery DY146