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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 1985692

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Water sample data
Instrument Type
Niskin bottle  discrete water samplers
IsoPrime100 Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer  isotope ratio mass spectrometers
Instrument Mounting lowered unmanned submersible
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator Prof Melanie Leng
Originating Organization British Geological Survey, Keyworth
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) ORCHESTRA

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier JC159_CTD_STAB_5178:110
BODC Series Reference 1985692

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2018-04-01 01:59
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) -
Nominal Cycle Interval -

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 23.99852 S ( 23° 59.9' S )
Longitude 10.20197 E ( 10° 12.1' E )
Positional Uncertainty 0.05 to 0.1 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 5.5 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 4536.4 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 10.3 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 4541.2 m
Sea Floor Depth 4546.7 m
Sea Floor Depth Source DATAHEAD
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Unspecified -
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Unspecified -
Sea Floor Depth Datum Instantaneous - Depth measured below water line or instantaneous water body surface


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
ADEPZZ011MetresDepth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body
BOTTFLAG1Not applicableSampling process quality flag (BODC C22)
D18OWCXX1Parts per thousandEnrichment with respect to the VSMOW-SLAP scale of oxygen-18 in water molecules {18O in H2O CAS 14797-71-8} {delta(18)O} in the water body by equilibration with and cryogenic trapping of CO2 and mass spectrometry
ROSPOSID1DimensionlessBottle rosette position identifier
SAMPRFNM1DimensionlessSample reference number

Definition of BOTTFLAG

0The sampling event occurred without any incident being reported to BODC.
1The filter in an in-situ sampling pump physically ruptured during sample resulting in an unquantifiable loss of sampled material.
2Analytical evidence (e.g. surface water salinity measured on a sample collected at depth) indicates that the water sample has been contaminated by water from depths other than the depths of sampling.
3The feedback indicator on the deck unit reported that the bottle closure command had failed. General Oceanics deck units used on NERC vessels in the 80s and 90s were renowned for reporting misfires when the bottle had been closed. This flag is also suitable for when a trigger command is mistakenly sent to a bottle that has previously been fired.
4During the sampling deployment the bottle was fired in an order other than incrementing rosette position. Indicative of the potential for errors in the assignment of bottle firing depth, especially with General Oceanics rosettes.
5Water was reported to be escaping from the bottle as the rosette was being recovered.
6The bottle seals were observed to be incorrectly seated and the bottle was only part full of water on recovery.
7Either the bottle was found to contain no sample on recovery or there was no bottle fitted to the rosette position fired (but SBE35 record may exist).
8There is reason to doubt the accuracy of the sampling depth associated with the sample.
9The bottle air vent had not been closed prior to deployment giving rise to a risk of sample contamination through leakage.

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

IsoPrime100 Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer

A gas-source laboratory benchtop isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS), which operates in dual inlet or continuous flow modes. It forms part of the IsoPrime system which has a range of sample preparation and purification modules that can be coupled with the IsoPrime100 IRMS. The modules can analyse a range of samples (solids, liquids or gases) and each prepares the sample to be introduced into the IRMS as purified gases. The resultant prepared gases are then ionised and analysed for their isotopic content by the IRMS. The IsoPrime100 offers standard analysis of d13C, d18O, d15N and d34S using the IsoPrime Universal triple Collector (UTC), featuring patented high-performance Faraday buckets and automatic gain-switching. Due to its capacity to detect and measure up to ten ion beams simultaneously, the IsoPrime100 can also be used for multi-collector applications such as bromine isotopes, N2O isopromers, SO2-SO fractions and CO2 clumped isotopes, as well as other bespoke configurations. It has a sensitivity of 850 molecules per ion in dual inlet mode and 1200 molecules per ion in continuous flow mode.

For more information, please see this document:

Niskin Bottle

The Niskin bottle is a device used by oceanographers to collect subsurface seawater samples. It is a plastic bottle with caps and rubber seals at each end and is deployed with the caps held open, allowing free-flushing of the bottle as it moves through the water column.

Standard Niskin

The standard version of the bottle includes a plastic-coated metal spring or elastic cord running through the interior of the bottle that joins the two caps, and the caps are held open against the spring by plastic lanyards. When the bottle reaches the desired depth the lanyards are released by a pressure-actuated switch, command signal or messenger weight and the caps are forced shut and sealed, trapping the seawater sample.

Lever Action Niskin

The Lever Action Niskin Bottle differs from the standard version, in that the caps are held open during deployment by externally mounted stainless steel springs rather than an internal spring or cord. Lever Action Niskins are recommended for applications where a completely clear sample chamber is critical or for use in deep cold water.

Clean Sampling

A modified version of the standard Niskin bottle has been developed for clean sampling. This is teflon-coated and uses a latex cord to close the caps rather than a metal spring. The clean version of the Levered Action Niskin bottle is also teflon-coated and uses epoxy covered springs in place of the stainless steel springs. These bottles are specifically designed to minimise metal contamination when sampling trace metals.


Bottles may be deployed singly clamped to a wire or in groups of up to 48 on a rosette. Standard bottles and Lever Action bottles have a capacity between 1.7 and 30 L. Reversing thermometers may be attached to a spring-loaded disk that rotates through 180° on bottle closure.

δ18O samples from CTD bottles during RRS James Cook cruise JC159

Sample Collection and Storage

Water samples for δ18O were collected from 20 litre niskin bottles attached to the CTD sampling rosette. Samples were collected using 30 ml wide-mouth HDPE bottles (cat no-2104-0001), and then poisoned using 8µl of saturated mercuric chloride (HgCl2) solution to inhibit biological activity and reliably preserve the carbon isotope ratios for later analysis. Pre-printed labels were filled out per station with a unique incrementing sample number, the station number and the niskin bottle number. Samples were shipped back to the British Geological Society (BGS) for analyses.

Originator's Protocol for Data Acquisition and Analysis

Oxygen isotope (δ18O) measurements were made using the CO2 equilibration method with an Isoprime 100 mass spectrometer plus Aquaprep device. 90 samples (200µl of water) were loaded into Labco Limited exetainers (3.7ml) and placed in the heated sample tray at 40°C. The exetainers were then evacuated to remove atmosphere then flushed with CO2 and left to equilibrate for between 12 (first sample) - 37 (last sample) hours. Each individual gas sample was then admitted to the cryogenic water trap where any water vapour is removed. The dry sample gas is then expanded into the dual inlet where it is measured on the transducer before being expanded in the dual inlet bellows. Ionvantage software then balances the reference bellows relative to this volume. The sample and reference CO2 gases enter alternatively into the Isoprime100 through the dual changeover valve for isotope ratio measurement. In each run two laboratory standards (CA-HI and CA-LO) plus up to 2 secondary standards were analysed in triplicate. The value of these laboratory standards has been accurately determined by comparison with international calibration and reference materials (VSMOW2, SLAP2 and GISP) and so the18O/16O ratios (versus VSMOW2) of the unknown samples can be calculated and are expressed in delta units, δ18O (‰, parts per mille). Errors are < +/- 0.05 ‰.

BODC Data Processing Procedures

Data were provided to BODC in an csv and an nc file. Both files contained the same data and metadata included the station number, bottle numbers and bottle flags. The measurements were loaded into the BODC database using established BODC data banking procedures. Absent data were removed prior to loading. The data were then loaded to the database without any further changes.

The originator's flags were matched against BODC flags according to the table below:

Originator BODC
2- no problems noted 0- No problem reported
3- leaking 5- bottle leak
4- Did not trip correctly 3- Bottle misfire
2- Acceptable measurement No flag
3- Questionable measurement L- Improbable value (originator's quality control)
4- Bad measurement L- Improbable value (originator's quality control)
5- Not reported No flag
6- Mean of replicate measurements No flag
9- Sample not drawn for this measuerement for this bottle N- Null value

The originator's parameter was mapped to appropriate BODC parameter codes as shown below:

Originator's variable Units BODC code Units
δ18O D18OWCXX Parts per thousand

Project Information

Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports (ORCHESTRA)

The Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports (ORCHESTRA) is a £8.4 million, five year (2016-2021) research programme funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The aim of the research is to to advance the understanding of, and capability to predict, the Southern Ocean's impact on climate change via its uptake and storage of heat and carbon. The programme will significantly reduce uncertainties concerning how this uptake and storage by the ocean influences global climate, by conducting a series of unique fieldwork campaigns and innovative model developments.


ORCHESTRA represents the first fully-unified activity by NERC institutes to address these challenges, and will draw in national and international partners to provide community coherence, and to build a legacy in knowledge and capability that will transcend the timescale of the programme itself.

It brings together science teams from six UK research institutions to investigate the role that the Southern Ocean plays in our changing climate and atmospheric carbon draw-down. It is led by British Antarctic Survey, in partnership with National Oceanography Centre, British Geological Survey, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, the Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling and the Sea Mammal Research Unit.

The oceans around Antarctica play a critical a key role in drawing down and storing large amounts of carbon and vast quantities of heat from from the atmosphere. Due to its remoteness and harsh environment, the Southern Ocean is the world's biggest data desert, and one of the hardest places to get right in climate models. The ORCHESTRA programme will make unique and important new measurements in the Southern Ocean using a range of techniques, including use of the world-class UK research vessel fleet, and deployments of innovative underwater robots. The new understanding obtained will guide key improvements to the current generation of computer models, and will enhance greatly our ability to predict climate into the future.

The scope of the programme includes interaction of the Southern Ocean with the atmosphere, exchange between the upper ocean mixed layer and the interior and exchange between the Southern Ocean and the global ocean.

Further details are available on the ORCHESTRA page.


Six different organisations are directly involved in research for ORCHESTRA. These institutions are:

  • British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
  • National Oceanography Centre (NOC)
  • Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)
  • British Geological Survey (BGS)
  • Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM)
  • Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU)

GO-SHIP are a third party organisation that, although not directly involved with the programme, will conduct ship based observations that will also be used by ORCHESTRA.

Research details

Three Work Packages have been funded by the ORCHESTRA programme. These are described in brief below:

  • Work Package 1: Interaction of the Southern ocean with the atmosphere
    WP1 will use new observations of surface fluxes and their controlling parameters in order to better constrain the exchanges of heat and carbon loss across the surface of the Southern Ocean.

  • Work Package 2: Exchange between the upper ocean mixed layer and the interior.
    This work package will combine observationally-derived data and model simulations to determine and understand the exchanges between the ocean mixed layer and its interior.

  • Work Package 3: Exchange between the Southern Ocean and the global ocean .
    This WP will use budget analyses of the hydrographic/tracer sections to diagnose the three-dimensional velocity field of the waters entering, leaving and recirculating within the Southern Atlantic sector of the Southern ocean.

  • Fieldwork and data collection

    The campaign consists of 12 core cruises on board the NERC research vessels RRS James Clark Ross and RRS James Cook and will include hydrographic/tracer sections conducted across Drake Passage (SR1b), the northern Weddell Sea/Scotia Sea (A23), the northern rim of the Weddell Gyre (ANDREXII) and across the South Atlantic (24S). Section I6S will be performed by GO-SHIP Project Partners. Measurements will include temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, velocity, dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, inorganic nutrients, oxygen and carbon isotopes, and underway meteorological and surface ocean observations including pCO2.

    Tags will be deployed on 30 Weddel seals and these will provide temperature and salinity profiles that can be used alongside the Argo data.

    Autonomous underwater ocean gliders will conduct multi-month missions and will deliver data on ocean stratification, heat content, mixed layer depth and turbulent mixing over the upper 1 km, with previously-unobtainable temporal resolution. These gliders will be deployed in the Weddell Gyre and the ACC.

    Field campaigns with the MASIN meteorological aircrafts will be conducted flying out of Rothera and Halley research stations and the Falkland Islands. These campaigns will deliver information on key variables relating to air-sea fluxes (surface and air temperature, wind, humidity, atmospheric CO2, radiation, turbulent fluxes of heat, momentum and CO2), in different sea ice conditions and oceanic regimes.

    Eart Observation datasets will be used to inform the programme on the properties of the ocean, sea ice and atmosphere and on interactions between them.

    A cluster of 6 deep ocean moorings in the Orkney Passage will collect year round series of AABW temperatre and transport. This work connects to the NERC funded project Dynamics of the Orkney Passage Outflow (DYNOPO).

    The UK Earth System model (UKESM) and underlying physical model will be used to conduct analyses of heat and carbon uptake and transport by the Southern Ocean and their links to wider climate on decadal timescales.

    An eddy-resolving (1/12°) sector model of the ocean south of 30°S with 75 vertical levels, will be built using the NEMO model coupled to the Los Alamos sea ice (CICE) model. The improvements on the ocean boundary layer will be based from the results from the NERC-funded OSMOSIS project and the inclusion of tides.

    20-5 year runs of an adjoint model will be conducted to determine how key forcings and model states affect the uptake and subduction of heat and carbon by the ocean.

Data Activity or Cruise Information

Data Activity

Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2018-04-01
End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2018-04-01
Organization Undertaking ActivityNational Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Country of OrganizationUnited Kingdom
Originator's Data Activity IdentifierJC159_CTD_110
Platform Categorylowered unmanned submersible

BODC Sample Metadata Report for JC159_CTD_110

Sample reference number Nominal collection volume(l) Bottle rosette position Bottle firing sequence number Minimum pressure sampled (dbar) Maximum pressure sampled (dbar) Depth of sampling point (m) Bottle type Sample quality flag Bottle reference Comments
1336829   20.00 1    881.60  882.60  874.60 Niskin bottle No problem reported 5977  
1336832   20.00 2    756.40  757.40  750.70 Niskin bottle No problem reported 1077  
1336835   20.00 3    628.30  629.30  623.90 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6407  
1336838   20.00 4    504.10  505.10  500.80 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6408  
1336841   20.00 5    412.80  413.80  410.30 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6409  
1336844   20.00 6    378.30  379.30  376.00 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6410  
1336847   20.00 7    256.20  257.20  254.90 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6411  
1336850   20.00 8    177.10  178.10  176.40 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6412  
1336853   20.00 9    102.50  103.50  102.30 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6413  
1336856   20.00 10     81.00   82.00   81.00 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6414  
1336859   20.00 11     50.40   51.40   50.60 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6415  
1336862   20.00 12      5.00    6.00    5.50 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6416  
1336865   20.00 13   4614.40 4615.40 4536.40 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6417  
1336868   20.00 14   4319.10 4320.10 4249.00 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6418  
1336871   20.00 15   3808.90 3809.90 3751.40 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6419  
1336874   20.00 16   3296.30 3297.30 3250.40 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6420  
1336877   20.00 17   2785.90 2786.90 2750.50 Niskin bottle No problem reported 1122  
1336880   20.00 18   2530.30 2531.30 2499.60 Niskin bottle No problem reported 1098  
1336883   20.00 19   2275.40 2276.40 2249.20 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6692  
1336886   20.00 20   2020.90 2021.90 1998.90 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6428  
1336889   20.00 21   1768.50 1769.50 1750.30 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6425  
1336892   20.00 22   1513.80 1514.80 1499.20 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6426  
1336895   20.00 23   1260.40 1261.40 1249.10 Niskin bottle No problem reported 6427  
1336898   20.00 24   1009.00 1010.00 1000.60 Niskin bottle No problem reported 1086  

Please note:the supplied parameters may not have been sampled from all the bottle firings described in the table above. Cross-match the Sample Reference Number above against the SAMPRFNM value in the data file to identify the relevant metadata.

Related Data Activity activities are detailed in Appendix 1


Cruise Name JC159
Departure Date 2018-02-28
Arrival Date 2018-04-10
Principal Scientist(s)Brian A King (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)
Ship RRS James Cook

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NameWHP One Time Survey Section A095
CategoryOffshore route/traverse

WHP One Time Survey Section A095

This section is a complete full depth, hydrographic section from continent-to-continent from South America to Africa. The section is repeated to the highest international standards (World Ocean Circulation Experiment - WOCE), therefore, a full suite of physical, chemical and tracer measurements are made. It was occupied for the first time in 1983 as it was believed that flux calculations (heat, freshwater, tracers) could be performed better than at 30° S (WOCE A10), however transient tracers were not measured at this time and the cruise did not contribute to WOCE or CLIVAR.

The image below shows the location of this section in relation to both continents.

BODC image

History of Occupations

Cruise Date begins Date ends Approximate Latitude Country PSO
R/V Oceanus 133-3B 17-02-1983 05-03-1983 24° S United States M. Raymer
RRS James Cook JC032 07-03-2009 21-04-2009 24° S United Kingdom B. King
RRS James Cook JC159 28-02-2018 10-04-2018 24° S United Kingdom B. King

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 2

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: JC159_CTD_110

Related series for this Data Activity are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
1982276Water sample data2018-04-01 01:59:0023.99852 S, 10.20197 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983612Water sample data2018-04-01 01:59:0023.99852 S, 10.20197 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043843Water sample data2018-04-01 01:59:2223.99852 S, 10.20197 ERRS James Cook JC159

Appendix 2: WHP One Time Survey Section A095

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
1199304Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-03-07 20:57:2335.3205 S, 55.381 WRRS James Cook JC032
1199316Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-03-07 20:58:4835.3222 S, 55.3779 WRRS James Cook JC032
881342CTD or STD cast2009-03-16 13:41:0023.16058 S, 41.00627 WRRS James Cook JC032
881354CTD or STD cast2009-03-16 15:14:0023.20122 S, 40.96048 WRRS James Cook JC032
881366CTD or STD cast2009-03-16 17:11:0023.23258 S, 40.92313 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106563Water sample data2009-03-16 17:23:0023.23245 S, 40.92305 WRRS James Cook JC032
881378CTD or STD cast2009-03-16 20:14:0023.29347 S, 40.85223 WRRS James Cook JC032
881391CTD or STD cast2009-03-16 23:18:0023.34958 S, 40.78187 WRRS James Cook JC032
881409CTD or STD cast2009-03-17 03:03:0023.47985 S, 40.62427 WRRS James Cook JC032
881410CTD or STD cast2009-03-17 08:32:0023.73892 S, 40.311 WRRS James Cook JC032
881422CTD or STD cast2009-03-17 13:53:0024.00035 S, 40.00085 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106575Water sample data2009-03-17 14:11:0024.00034 S, 40.00087 WRRS James Cook JC032
881434CTD or STD cast2009-03-17 20:16:0024.00022 S, 39.49963 WRRS James Cook JC032
881446CTD or STD cast2009-03-18 02:19:0023.99628 S, 38.99797 WRRS James Cook JC032
881458CTD or STD cast2009-03-18 08:46:0024.00022 S, 38.49893 WRRS James Cook JC032
881471CTD or STD cast2009-03-18 15:03:0024.00048 S, 38.00102 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106587Water sample data2009-03-18 15:17:3024.00051 S, 38.00107 WRRS James Cook JC032
881483CTD or STD cast2009-03-18 21:41:0024.00113 S, 37.49113 WRRS James Cook JC032
881495CTD or STD cast2009-03-21 23:21:0023.99903 S, 37.49863 WRRS James Cook JC032
881502CTD or STD cast2009-03-22 06:39:0024.00022 S, 36.86692 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106599Water sample data2009-03-22 06:49:0024.00023 S, 36.86696 WRRS James Cook JC032
881514CTD or STD cast2009-03-22 13:49:0024.00077 S, 36.22963 WRRS James Cook JC032
881526CTD or STD cast2009-03-22 21:09:0024.00195 S, 35.59773 WRRS James Cook JC032
881538CTD or STD cast2009-03-23 04:34:0023.99887 S, 34.96597 WRRS James Cook JC032
881551CTD or STD cast2009-03-23 12:27:0024.00023 S, 34.33492 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106606Water sample data2009-03-23 12:42:3024.00011 S, 34.33501 WRRS James Cook JC032
881563CTD or STD cast2009-03-23 20:12:0024.00137 S, 33.69798 WRRS James Cook JC032
881575CTD or STD cast2009-03-24 03:44:0023.99953 S, 33.06848 WRRS James Cook JC032
881587CTD or STD cast2009-03-24 11:39:0024.00193 S, 32.43302 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106618Water sample data2009-03-24 11:55:3024.00193 S, 32.43303 WRRS James Cook JC032
881599CTD or STD cast2009-03-24 19:46:0023.99982 S, 31.79907 WRRS James Cook JC032
881606CTD or STD cast2009-03-25 03:44:0023.99955 S, 31.16922 WRRS James Cook JC032
881618CTD or STD cast2009-03-25 11:58:0023.99793 S, 30.53285 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106631Water sample data2009-03-25 12:12:0023.99795 S, 30.53285 WRRS James Cook JC032
881631CTD or STD cast2009-03-27 14:23:0024.00063 S, 29.89987 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106643Water sample data2009-03-27 15:03:0024.00065 S, 29.89983 WRRS James Cook JC032
881643CTD or STD cast2009-03-27 23:46:0024.00128 S, 29.18183 WRRS James Cook JC032
881655CTD or STD cast2009-03-28 09:50:0023.99892 S, 28.46618 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106655Water sample data2009-03-28 10:10:3023.99891 S, 28.46606 WRRS James Cook JC032
881667CTD or STD cast2009-03-28 19:01:0023.99977 S, 27.74802 WRRS James Cook JC032
881679CTD or STD cast2009-03-29 04:35:0024.00063 S, 27.03412 WRRS James Cook JC032
881680CTD or STD cast2009-03-29 13:36:0023.99953 S, 26.32048 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106667Water sample data2009-03-29 13:58:0023.99951 S, 26.32055 WRRS James Cook JC032
881692CTD or STD cast2009-03-29 22:46:0023.99912 S, 25.60252 WRRS James Cook JC032
881711CTD or STD cast2009-03-30 07:44:0023.99965 S, 24.88312 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106679Water sample data2009-03-30 07:52:3023.99967 S, 24.88299 WRRS James Cook JC032
881723CTD or STD cast2009-03-30 16:19:0024.00033 S, 24.16712 WRRS James Cook JC032
881735CTD or STD cast2009-03-31 00:47:0023.9991 S, 23.44948 WRRS James Cook JC032
881747CTD or STD cast2009-03-31 09:20:0024.00193 S, 22.73343 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106680Water sample data2009-03-31 09:42:0024.00196 S, 22.73326 WRRS James Cook JC032
881759CTD or STD cast2009-03-31 17:49:0024.00007 S, 22.01598 WRRS James Cook JC032
881760CTD or STD cast2009-04-01 19:40:0024.00048 S, 21.30027 WRRS James Cook JC032
881772CTD or STD cast2009-04-02 04:01:0024.00058 S, 20.58303 WRRS James Cook JC032
881784CTD or STD cast2009-04-02 12:46:0024.00052 S, 19.86878 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106692Water sample data2009-04-02 13:06:3024.00058 S, 19.86877 WRRS James Cook JC032
881796CTD or STD cast2009-04-02 21:32:0023.80002 S, 19.14617 WRRS James Cook JC032
881803CTD or STD cast2009-04-03 06:07:0023.60492 S, 18.43317 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106711Water sample data2009-04-03 06:38:0023.60493 S, 18.43307 WRRS James Cook JC032
881815CTD or STD cast2009-04-03 14:56:0023.50717 S, 17.71648 WRRS James Cook JC032
881827CTD or STD cast2009-04-03 23:19:0023.40982 S, 17.00065 WRRS James Cook JC032
881839CTD or STD cast2009-04-04 07:54:0023.31102 S, 16.28007 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106723Water sample data2009-04-04 08:16:0023.31107 S, 16.28002 WRRS James Cook JC032
881840CTD or STD cast2009-04-04 15:59:0023.21362 S, 15.56667 WRRS James Cook JC032
881852CTD or STD cast2009-04-04 23:10:0023.12842 S, 14.96707 WRRS James Cook JC032
881864CTD or STD cast2009-04-05 06:41:0023.04957 S, 14.36717 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106735Water sample data2009-04-05 06:54:3023.04951 S, 14.36708 WRRS James Cook JC032
881876CTD or STD cast2009-04-05 14:12:0022.90683 S, 13.76678 WRRS James Cook JC032
881888CTD or STD cast2009-04-05 22:17:0022.80337 S, 13.13188 WRRS James Cook JC032
881907CTD or STD cast2009-04-06 04:38:0022.52673 S, 12.81713 WRRS James Cook JC032
881919CTD or STD cast2009-04-06 12:04:0022.25702 S, 12.26802 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106747Water sample data2009-04-06 12:25:3022.25697 S, 12.268 WRRS James Cook JC032
881920CTD or STD cast2009-04-06 19:43:0022.21318 S, 11.72023 WRRS James Cook JC032
881932CTD or STD cast2009-04-07 04:13:0022.35283 S, 11.00513 WRRS James Cook JC032
881944CTD or STD cast2009-04-07 12:33:0022.50112 S, 10.28518 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106759Water sample data2009-04-07 12:48:3022.50114 S, 10.28512 WRRS James Cook JC032
881956CTD or STD cast2009-04-07 21:08:0022.7982 S, 9.56665 WRRS James Cook JC032
881968CTD or STD cast2009-04-08 06:03:0023.09232 S, 8.85057 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106772Water sample data2009-04-08 06:21:0023.09234 S, 8.8505 WRRS James Cook JC032
881981CTD or STD cast2009-04-08 14:51:0023.3881 S, 8.13463 WRRS James Cook JC032
881993CTD or STD cast2009-04-08 23:34:0023.68355 S, 7.41753 WRRS James Cook JC032
882007CTD or STD cast2009-04-09 08:46:0023.99802 S, 6.70187 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106784Water sample data2009-04-09 09:03:0023.99803 S, 6.7018 WRRS James Cook JC032
882019CTD or STD cast2009-04-09 17:39:0023.99983 S, 5.89243 WRRS James Cook JC032
882020CTD or STD cast2009-04-10 02:37:0023.99962 S, 5.08445 WRRS James Cook JC032
882032CTD or STD cast2009-04-10 12:25:0023.99918 S, 4.19635 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106796Water sample data2009-04-10 12:38:0023.99916 S, 4.19632 WRRS James Cook JC032
882044CTD or STD cast2009-04-10 22:48:0023.99998 S, 3.30808 WRRS James Cook JC032
882056CTD or STD cast2009-04-11 08:44:0023.99723 S, 2.42122 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106803Water sample data2009-04-11 08:57:3023.99721 S, 2.42118 WRRS James Cook JC032
882068CTD or STD cast2009-04-11 19:11:0024.00142 S, 1.53572 WRRS James Cook JC032
882081CTD or STD cast2009-04-12 04:59:0023.99997 S, 0.64292 WRRS James Cook JC032
2106815Water sample data2009-04-12 05:13:3023.99993 S, 0.64291 WRRS James Cook JC032
882093CTD or STD cast2009-04-12 15:08:0023.99968 S, 0.24547 ERRS James Cook JC032
882100CTD or STD cast2009-04-13 00:18:0023.99953 S, 1.13292 ERRS James Cook JC032
882112CTD or STD cast2009-04-13 10:05:0023.99975 S, 2.02108 ERRS James Cook JC032
2106827Water sample data2009-04-13 10:18:3023.99974 S, 2.021 ERRS James Cook JC032
882124CTD or STD cast2009-04-13 19:51:0023.9993 S, 2.91003 ERRS James Cook JC032
882136CTD or STD cast2009-04-14 05:10:0023.99977 S, 3.8003 ERRS James Cook JC032
2106839Water sample data2009-04-14 05:26:0023.99971 S, 3.80029 ERRS James Cook JC032
882148CTD or STD cast2009-04-14 10:25:0023.99892 S, 3.99807 ERRS James Cook JC032
882161CTD or STD cast2009-04-14 16:31:0023.99972 S, 4.46753 ERRS James Cook JC032
882173CTD or STD cast2009-04-14 21:30:0024.00003 S, 4.78415 ERRS James Cook JC032
882185CTD or STD cast2009-04-15 02:08:0023.9986 S, 5.09778 ERRS James Cook JC032
882197CTD or STD cast2009-04-15 06:29:0023.9955 S, 5.43052 ERRS James Cook JC032
882204CTD or STD cast2009-04-15 12:02:0023.99982 S, 6.04557 ERRS James Cook JC032
2106483Water sample data2009-04-15 12:12:0023.99978 S, 6.04561 ERRS James Cook JC032
882216CTD or STD cast2009-04-15 17:01:0023.99998 S, 6.51417 ERRS James Cook JC032
882228CTD or STD cast2009-04-15 22:43:0023.99978 S, 7.0378 ERRS James Cook JC032
882241CTD or STD cast2009-04-16 03:08:0024.00047 S, 7.23778 ERRS James Cook JC032
882253CTD or STD cast2009-04-16 07:30:0024.00145 S, 7.36248 ERRS James Cook JC032
2106495Water sample data2009-04-16 07:43:0024.00142 S, 7.36251 ERRS James Cook JC032
882265CTD or STD cast2009-04-16 15:57:0024.00018 S, 8.14968 ERRS James Cook JC032
882277CTD or STD cast2009-04-17 00:45:0024.00018 S, 8.96868 ERRS James Cook JC032
882289CTD or STD cast2009-04-17 09:28:0023.99907 S, 9.71367 ERRS James Cook JC032
2106502Water sample data2009-04-17 09:44:0023.99902 S, 9.71372 ERRS James Cook JC032
882290CTD or STD cast2009-04-17 20:13:0024.00162 S, 10.49748 ERRS James Cook JC032
882308CTD or STD cast2009-04-18 04:16:0023.99985 S, 11.28433 ERRS James Cook JC032
2106514Water sample data2009-04-18 04:28:3023.99982 S, 11.28437 ERRS James Cook JC032
882321CTD or STD cast2009-04-18 11:45:0024.00033 S, 12.0652 ERRS James Cook JC032
882333CTD or STD cast2009-04-18 16:51:0023.99957 S, 12.49748 ERRS James Cook JC032
882345CTD or STD cast2009-04-18 19:54:0023.95963 S, 12.64977 ERRS James Cook JC032
882357CTD or STD cast2009-04-18 23:00:0023.92285 S, 12.79027 ERRS James Cook JC032
882369CTD or STD cast2009-04-19 02:12:0023.87487 S, 12.97208 ERRS James Cook JC032
882370CTD or STD cast2009-04-19 04:59:0023.82568 S, 13.14777 ERRS James Cook JC032
882382CTD or STD cast2009-04-19 07:14:0023.77822 S, 13.32865 ERRS James Cook JC032
2106526Water sample data2009-04-19 07:16:0023.77819 S, 13.32866 ERRS James Cook JC032
882394CTD or STD cast2009-04-19 10:15:0023.67728 S, 13.71297 ERRS James Cook JC032
2106538Water sample data2009-04-19 10:18:3023.67725 S, 13.713 ERRS James Cook JC032
1921085Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-28 23:49:5523.20484 S, 42.52829 WRRS James Cook JC159
1921097Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-03-01 17:03:5223.74602 S, 40.31572 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902259CTD or STD cast2018-03-02 01:27:3323.186 S, 40.9812 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982737Water sample data2018-03-02 01:50:0023.18599 S, 40.98117 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984037Water sample data2018-03-02 01:50:0023.18599 S, 40.98117 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986124Water sample data2018-03-02 01:50:0023.18599 S, 40.98117 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044293Water sample data2018-03-02 01:50:1723.18599 S, 40.98117 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902260CTD or STD cast2018-03-02 04:26:5323.1995 S, 40.9598 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982842Water sample data2018-03-02 04:51:0023.19945 S, 40.9598 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984142Water sample data2018-03-02 04:51:0023.19945 S, 40.9598 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986253Water sample data2018-03-02 04:51:0023.19945 S, 40.9598 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044416Water sample data2018-03-02 04:51:2723.19945 S, 40.9598 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902272CTD or STD cast2018-03-02 07:26:4123.2354 S, 40.9238 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044533Water sample data2018-03-02 08:03:5123.23619 S, 40.92379 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982958Water sample data2018-03-02 08:04:0023.23619 S, 40.92379 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984258Water sample data2018-03-02 08:04:0023.23619 S, 40.92379 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986369Water sample data2018-03-02 08:04:0023.23619 S, 40.92379 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902284CTD or STD cast2018-03-02 10:37:5123.2965 S, 40.8511 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044649Water sample data2018-03-02 11:41:5623.29579 S, 40.85111 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983083Water sample data2018-03-02 11:42:0023.29579 S, 40.85111 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984387Water sample data2018-03-02 11:42:0023.29579 S, 40.85111 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986474Water sample data2018-03-02 11:42:0023.29579 S, 40.85111 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902296CTD or STD cast2018-03-02 14:59:4023.3478 S, 40.7819 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044754Water sample data2018-03-02 15:50:5023.34781 S, 40.78191 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983206Water sample data2018-03-02 15:51:0023.34781 S, 40.78191 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984511Water sample data2018-03-02 15:51:0023.34781 S, 40.78191 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986591Water sample data2018-03-02 15:51:0023.34781 S, 40.78191 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902303CTD or STD cast2018-03-02 19:02:5623.4703 S, 40.6094 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983323Water sample data2018-03-02 20:03:0023.47032 S, 40.60938 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984603Water sample data2018-03-02 20:03:0023.47032 S, 40.60938 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986714Water sample data2018-03-02 20:03:0023.47032 S, 40.60938 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044883Water sample data2018-03-02 20:03:2823.47032 S, 40.60938 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902315CTD or STD cast2018-03-03 00:00:0723.739 S, 40.3123 WRRS James Cook JC159
2043702Water sample data2018-03-03 01:21:3423.73896 S, 40.31228 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982159Water sample data2018-03-03 01:22:0023.73896 S, 40.31228 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983488Water sample data2018-03-03 01:22:0023.73896 S, 40.31228 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985563Water sample data2018-03-03 01:22:0023.73896 S, 40.31228 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902327CTD or STD cast2018-03-03 05:37:4023.9964 S, 40.0027 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982264Water sample data2018-03-03 06:50:0023.99639 S, 40.00265 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983600Water sample data2018-03-03 06:50:0023.99639 S, 40.00265 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985680Water sample data2018-03-03 06:50:0023.99639 S, 40.00265 WRRS James Cook JC159
2043831Water sample data2018-03-03 06:50:2023.99639 S, 40.00265 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902339CTD or STD cast2018-03-03 11:27:3223.9995 S, 39.5002 WRRS James Cook JC159
2043959Water sample data2018-03-03 12:56:4623.99949 S, 39.50016 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982393Water sample data2018-03-03 12:57:0023.99949 S, 39.50016 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983728Water sample data2018-03-03 12:57:0023.99949 S, 39.50016 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985803Water sample data2018-03-03 12:57:0023.99949 S, 39.50016 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902340CTD or STD cast2018-03-03 17:45:0524.0011 S, 39.0032 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982448Water sample data2018-03-03 19:02:0024.00109 S, 39.00324 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983789Water sample data2018-03-03 19:02:0024.00109 S, 39.00324 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985852Water sample data2018-03-03 19:02:0024.00109 S, 39.00324 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044011Water sample data2018-03-03 19:02:0324.00109 S, 39.00324 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902352CTD or STD cast2018-03-03 23:59:3623.9992 S, 38.4994 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044023Water sample data2018-03-04 01:29:4823.99922 S, 38.49943 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982461Water sample data2018-03-04 01:30:0023.99922 S, 38.49943 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983790Water sample data2018-03-04 01:30:0023.99922 S, 38.49943 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985864Water sample data2018-03-04 01:30:0023.99922 S, 38.49943 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902364CTD or STD cast2018-03-04 06:17:0724.0015 S, 38.0036 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982473Water sample data2018-03-04 07:40:0024.00151 S, 38.00365 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983808Water sample data2018-03-04 07:40:0024.00151 S, 38.00365 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985876Water sample data2018-03-04 07:40:0024.00151 S, 38.00365 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044035Water sample data2018-03-04 07:40:0424.00151 S, 38.00365 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902376CTD or STD cast2018-03-04 12:19:0124.0005 S, 37.4996 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044047Water sample data2018-03-04 13:54:3124.00051 S, 37.49964 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982485Water sample data2018-03-04 13:55:0024.00051 S, 37.49964 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983821Water sample data2018-03-04 13:55:0024.00051 S, 37.49964 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985888Water sample data2018-03-04 13:55:0024.00051 S, 37.49964 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902388CTD or STD cast2018-03-04 18:40:4023.9997 S, 37.0 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044059Water sample data2018-03-04 20:08:5023.99973 S, 37.00007 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982497Water sample data2018-03-04 20:09:0023.99973 S, 37.00007 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983833Water sample data2018-03-04 20:09:0023.99973 S, 37.00007 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985907Water sample data2018-03-04 20:09:0023.99973 S, 37.00007 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902407CTD or STD cast2018-03-05 00:53:3723.9995 S, 36.498 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982504Water sample data2018-03-05 02:31:0023.99949 S, 36.49805 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983845Water sample data2018-03-05 02:31:0023.99949 S, 36.49805 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985919Water sample data2018-03-05 02:31:0023.99949 S, 36.49805 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044060Water sample data2018-03-05 02:31:1923.99949 S, 36.49805 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902419CTD or STD cast2018-03-05 07:24:2024.0 S, 36.0003 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982516Water sample data2018-03-05 08:56:0023.99997 S, 36.00037 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983857Water sample data2018-03-05 08:56:0023.99997 S, 36.00037 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985920Water sample data2018-03-05 08:56:0023.99997 S, 36.00037 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044072Water sample data2018-03-05 08:56:1023.99997 S, 36.00037 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902420CTD or STD cast2018-03-05 13:40:0623.9999 S, 35.5 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982528Water sample data2018-03-05 15:19:0023.99994 S, 35.50002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983869Water sample data2018-03-05 15:19:0023.99994 S, 35.50002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985932Water sample data2018-03-05 15:19:0023.99994 S, 35.50002 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044084Water sample data2018-03-05 15:19:0323.99994 S, 35.50002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902432CTD or STD cast2018-03-05 20:15:3524.0004 S, 34.9982 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044096Water sample data2018-03-05 21:51:4824.00038 S, 34.9982 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982541Water sample data2018-03-05 21:52:0024.00038 S, 34.9982 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983870Water sample data2018-03-05 21:52:0024.00038 S, 34.9982 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985944Water sample data2018-03-05 21:52:0024.00038 S, 34.9982 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902444CTD or STD cast2018-03-06 02:53:4924.001 S, 34.4999 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044103Water sample data2018-03-06 04:29:5524.00096 S, 34.49988 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982553Water sample data2018-03-06 04:30:0024.00096 S, 34.49988 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983882Water sample data2018-03-06 04:30:0024.00096 S, 34.49988 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985956Water sample data2018-03-06 04:30:0024.00096 S, 34.49988 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902456CTD or STD cast2018-03-06 09:25:1624.0 S, 33.9967 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044115Water sample data2018-03-06 11:10:3824.00002 S, 33.99672 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982565Water sample data2018-03-06 11:11:0024.00002 S, 33.99672 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983894Water sample data2018-03-06 11:11:0024.00002 S, 33.99672 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985968Water sample data2018-03-06 11:11:0024.00002 S, 33.99672 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902468CTD or STD cast2018-03-06 16:08:0523.9993 S, 33.4984 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982577Water sample data2018-03-06 17:56:0023.99928 S, 33.49836 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983901Water sample data2018-03-06 17:56:0023.99928 S, 33.49836 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985981Water sample data2018-03-06 17:56:0023.99928 S, 33.49836 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044127Water sample data2018-03-06 17:56:0323.99928 S, 33.49836 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902481CTD or STD cast2018-03-06 23:08:3723.9995 S, 32.9999 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044139Water sample data2018-03-07 00:59:4923.99952 S, 32.9999 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982589Water sample data2018-03-07 01:00:0023.99952 S, 32.9999 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983913Water sample data2018-03-07 01:00:0023.99952 S, 32.9999 WRRS James Cook JC159
1985993Water sample data2018-03-07 01:00:0023.99952 S, 32.9999 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902493CTD or STD cast2018-03-07 06:07:3424.0014 S, 32.5025 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982590Water sample data2018-03-07 07:54:0024.00142 S, 32.50254 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983925Water sample data2018-03-07 07:54:0024.00142 S, 32.50254 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986007Water sample data2018-03-07 07:54:0024.00142 S, 32.50254 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044140Water sample data2018-03-07 07:54:1724.00142 S, 32.50254 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902500CTD or STD cast2018-03-07 12:59:0323.9988 S, 31.9986 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902512CTD or STD cast2018-03-07 22:13:1823.9988 S, 31.9986 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902524CTD or STD cast2018-03-08 07:15:4824.0 S, 32.0 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982608Water sample data2018-03-08 09:03:0024.0 S, 32.0 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983937Water sample data2018-03-08 09:03:0024.0 S, 32.0 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986019Water sample data2018-03-08 09:03:0024.0 S, 32.0 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044152Water sample data2018-03-08 09:03:2424.0 S, 32.0 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902536CTD or STD cast2018-03-08 13:58:1224.0002 S, 31.5 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982633Water sample data2018-03-08 15:57:0024.00022 S, 31.49997 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983949Water sample data2018-03-08 15:57:0024.00022 S, 31.49997 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986020Water sample data2018-03-08 15:57:0024.00022 S, 31.49997 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044176Water sample data2018-03-08 15:57:0624.00022 S, 31.49997 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902548CTD or STD cast2018-03-08 21:40:0223.9996 S, 30.9003 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982645Water sample data2018-03-08 23:36:0023.99957 S, 30.90032 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983950Water sample data2018-03-08 23:36:0023.99957 S, 30.90032 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986032Water sample data2018-03-08 23:36:0023.99957 S, 30.90032 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044188Water sample data2018-03-08 23:36:0123.99957 S, 30.90032 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902561CTD or STD cast2018-03-09 05:07:3624.0004 S, 30.3012 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982657Water sample data2018-03-09 07:05:0024.00042 S, 30.30121 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983962Water sample data2018-03-09 07:05:0024.00042 S, 30.30121 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986044Water sample data2018-03-09 07:05:0024.00042 S, 30.30121 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044207Water sample data2018-03-09 07:05:1824.00042 S, 30.30121 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902573CTD or STD cast2018-03-09 11:10:2623.9999 S, 30.0 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044219Water sample data2018-03-09 12:39:4323.99759 S, 29.93752 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982669Water sample data2018-03-09 12:40:0023.99759 S, 29.93752 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902585CTD or STD cast2018-03-09 16:27:2624.0007 S, 29.7 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982670Water sample data2018-03-09 18:24:0024.00067 S, 29.70005 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983974Water sample data2018-03-09 18:24:0024.00067 S, 29.70005 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986056Water sample data2018-03-09 18:24:0024.00067 S, 29.70005 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044220Water sample data2018-03-09 18:24:1324.00067 S, 29.70005 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902597CTD or STD cast2018-03-10 00:06:0824.0 S, 29.0993 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044232Water sample data2018-03-10 02:06:3423.99995 S, 29.09931 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982682Water sample data2018-03-10 02:07:0023.99995 S, 29.09931 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983986Water sample data2018-03-10 02:07:0023.99995 S, 29.09931 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986068Water sample data2018-03-10 02:07:0023.99995 S, 29.09931 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902604CTD or STD cast2018-03-10 08:22:0223.9999 S, 28.4991 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982694Water sample data2018-03-10 10:30:0023.99991 S, 28.49911 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983998Water sample data2018-03-10 10:30:0023.99991 S, 28.49911 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986081Water sample data2018-03-10 10:30:0023.99991 S, 28.49911 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044244Water sample data2018-03-10 10:30:0123.99991 S, 28.49911 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902616CTD or STD cast2018-03-10 16:15:2524.0002 S, 27.8999 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982701Water sample data2018-03-10 18:05:0023.9974 S, 27.86765 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984001Water sample data2018-03-10 18:05:0023.9974 S, 27.86765 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986093Water sample data2018-03-10 18:05:0023.9974 S, 27.86765 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044256Water sample data2018-03-10 18:05:1323.9974 S, 27.86765 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902628CTD or STD cast2018-03-10 23:39:2823.9999 S, 27.2994 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044268Water sample data2018-03-11 01:39:4423.9997 S, 27.30011 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982713Water sample data2018-03-11 01:40:0023.9997 S, 27.30011 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984013Water sample data2018-03-11 01:40:0023.9997 S, 27.30011 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986100Water sample data2018-03-11 01:40:0023.9997 S, 27.30011 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902641CTD or STD cast2018-03-11 07:22:4823.999 S, 26.6973 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982725Water sample data2018-03-11 09:25:0023.99869 S, 26.69375 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984025Water sample data2018-03-11 09:25:0023.99869 S, 26.69375 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986112Water sample data2018-03-11 09:25:0023.99869 S, 26.69375 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044281Water sample data2018-03-11 09:25:2423.99869 S, 26.69375 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902653CTD or STD cast2018-03-11 15:04:2624.0003 S, 26.0996 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044300Water sample data2018-03-11 16:59:4323.99923 S, 26.03955 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982749Water sample data2018-03-11 17:00:0023.99923 S, 26.03955 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984049Water sample data2018-03-11 17:00:0023.99923 S, 26.03955 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986136Water sample data2018-03-11 17:00:0023.99923 S, 26.03955 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902665CTD or STD cast2018-03-11 22:47:3123.9999 S, 25.4992 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044312Water sample data2018-03-12 00:49:4623.99672 S, 25.46706 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982750Water sample data2018-03-12 00:50:0023.99672 S, 25.46706 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984050Water sample data2018-03-12 00:50:0023.99672 S, 25.46706 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986148Water sample data2018-03-12 00:50:0023.99672 S, 25.46706 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902677CTD or STD cast2018-03-12 06:42:2324.0002 S, 24.8988 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982762Water sample data2018-03-12 08:25:0024.00223 S, 24.69181 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984062Water sample data2018-03-12 08:25:0024.00223 S, 24.69181 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986161Water sample data2018-03-12 08:25:0024.00223 S, 24.69181 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044324Water sample data2018-03-12 08:25:1224.00223 S, 24.69181 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902689CTD or STD cast2018-03-12 13:42:0724.0007 S, 24.3006 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982774Water sample data2018-03-12 15:43:0024.00159 S, 24.20642 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984074Water sample data2018-03-12 15:43:0024.00159 S, 24.20642 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986173Water sample data2018-03-12 15:43:0024.00159 S, 24.20642 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044336Water sample data2018-03-12 15:43:0424.00159 S, 24.20642 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902690CTD or STD cast2018-03-12 21:36:5423.9999 S, 23.7001 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044348Water sample data2018-03-12 23:38:5724.002 S, 23.58303 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982786Water sample data2018-03-12 23:39:0024.002 S, 23.58303 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984086Water sample data2018-03-12 23:39:0024.002 S, 23.58303 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986185Water sample data2018-03-12 23:39:0024.002 S, 23.58303 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902708CTD or STD cast2018-03-13 05:31:3324.0004 S, 23.0998 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044361Water sample data2018-03-13 07:29:4724.00189 S, 22.95374 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982798Water sample data2018-03-13 07:30:0024.00189 S, 22.95374 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984098Water sample data2018-03-13 07:30:0024.00189 S, 22.95374 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986197Water sample data2018-03-13 07:30:0024.00189 S, 22.95374 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902721CTD or STD cast2018-03-13 13:38:2724.0014 S, 22.5011 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044373Water sample data2018-03-13 15:26:4424.00458 S, 22.30562 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982805Water sample data2018-03-13 15:27:0024.00458 S, 22.30562 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984105Water sample data2018-03-13 15:27:0024.00458 S, 22.30562 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986204Water sample data2018-03-13 15:27:0024.00458 S, 22.30562 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902733CTD or STD cast2018-03-13 21:26:0424.0002 S, 21.8998 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044385Water sample data2018-03-13 23:08:3224.00454 S, 21.56934 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982817Water sample data2018-03-13 23:09:0024.00454 S, 21.56934 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984117Water sample data2018-03-13 23:09:0024.00454 S, 21.56934 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986216Water sample data2018-03-13 23:09:0024.00454 S, 21.56934 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902745CTD or STD cast2018-03-14 04:26:1124.0006 S, 21.3006 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044397Water sample data2018-03-14 06:16:3623.96823 S, 21.02689 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982829Water sample data2018-03-14 06:17:0023.96823 S, 21.02689 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984129Water sample data2018-03-14 06:17:0023.96823 S, 21.02689 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986228Water sample data2018-03-14 06:17:0023.96823 S, 21.02689 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902757CTD or STD cast2018-03-14 13:06:2823.9204 S, 20.7002 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044404Water sample data2018-03-14 15:04:4423.89492 S, 20.47347 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982830Water sample data2018-03-14 15:05:0023.89492 S, 20.47347 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984130Water sample data2018-03-14 15:05:0023.89492 S, 20.47347 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986241Water sample data2018-03-14 15:05:0023.89492 S, 20.47347 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902769CTD or STD cast2018-03-14 21:04:3823.8406 S, 20.1002 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044428Water sample data2018-03-14 23:00:4923.79888 S, 19.78415 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982854Water sample data2018-03-14 23:01:0023.79888 S, 19.78415 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984154Water sample data2018-03-14 23:01:0023.79888 S, 19.78415 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986265Water sample data2018-03-14 23:01:0023.79888 S, 19.78415 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902770CTD or STD cast2018-03-15 04:35:0323.7611 S, 19.4994 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044441Water sample data2018-03-15 06:31:3223.71883 S, 19.15801 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982866Water sample data2018-03-15 06:32:0023.71883 S, 19.15801 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984166Water sample data2018-03-15 06:32:0023.71883 S, 19.15801 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986277Water sample data2018-03-15 06:32:0023.71883 S, 19.15801 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902782CTD or STD cast2018-03-15 12:12:1123.6815 S, 18.9003 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044453Water sample data2018-03-15 14:02:3623.62917 S, 18.50382 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982878Water sample data2018-03-15 14:03:0023.62917 S, 18.50382 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984178Water sample data2018-03-15 14:03:0023.62917 S, 18.50382 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986289Water sample data2018-03-15 14:03:0023.62917 S, 18.50382 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902794CTD or STD cast2018-03-15 19:33:2123.6017 S, 18.3004 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044465Water sample data2018-03-15 21:15:4123.54115 S, 17.84432 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982891Water sample data2018-03-15 21:16:0023.54115 S, 17.84432 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984191Water sample data2018-03-15 21:16:0023.54115 S, 17.84432 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986290Water sample data2018-03-15 21:16:0023.54115 S, 17.84432 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902801CTD or STD cast2018-03-16 02:46:5923.5227 S, 17.7012 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982909Water sample data2018-03-16 04:32:0023.46064 S, 17.23342 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984209Water sample data2018-03-16 04:32:0023.46064 S, 17.23342 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986308Water sample data2018-03-16 04:32:0023.46064 S, 17.23342 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044477Water sample data2018-03-16 04:32:0023.46064 S, 17.23342 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902813CTD or STD cast2018-03-16 10:03:1023.4427 S, 17.0999 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982910Water sample data2018-03-16 11:54:0023.36904 S, 16.69575 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984210Water sample data2018-03-16 11:54:0023.36904 S, 16.69575 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986321Water sample data2018-03-16 11:54:0023.36904 S, 16.69575 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044489Water sample data2018-03-16 11:54:0523.36904 S, 16.69575 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902825CTD or STD cast2018-03-16 17:49:1223.3295 S, 16.5001 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982922Water sample data2018-03-16 19:33:0023.26236 S, 15.99145 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984222Water sample data2018-03-16 19:33:0023.26236 S, 15.99145 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986333Water sample data2018-03-16 19:33:0023.26236 S, 15.99145 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044490Water sample data2018-03-16 19:33:0623.26236 S, 15.99145 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902837CTD or STD cast2018-03-17 01:19:3423.2505 S, 15.8996 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982934Water sample data2018-03-17 02:55:0023.17957 S, 15.36803 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984234Water sample data2018-03-17 02:55:0023.17957 S, 15.36803 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986345Water sample data2018-03-17 02:55:0023.17957 S, 15.36803 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044508Water sample data2018-03-17 02:55:1723.17957 S, 15.36803 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902849CTD or STD cast2018-03-17 07:55:5323.1795 S, 15.368 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044521Water sample data2018-03-17 09:32:5723.108 S, 14.83431 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982946Water sample data2018-03-17 09:33:0023.108 S, 14.83431 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984246Water sample data2018-03-17 09:33:0023.108 S, 14.83431 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986357Water sample data2018-03-17 09:33:0023.108 S, 14.83431 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902850CTD or STD cast2018-03-17 14:34:1523.108 S, 14.8343 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902862CTD or STD cast2018-03-17 23:48:5623.0368 S, 14.2995 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982971Water sample data2018-03-18 01:19:0022.96671 S, 13.76694 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984271Water sample data2018-03-18 01:19:0022.96671 S, 13.76694 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986370Water sample data2018-03-18 01:19:0022.96671 S, 13.76694 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044545Water sample data2018-03-18 01:19:2822.96671 S, 13.76694 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902874CTD or STD cast2018-03-18 06:18:5722.9667 S, 13.7669 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044557Water sample data2018-03-18 07:41:5922.78797 S, 13.20002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982983Water sample data2018-03-18 07:42:0022.78797 S, 13.20002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984283Water sample data2018-03-18 07:42:0022.78797 S, 13.20002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986382Water sample data2018-03-18 07:42:0022.78797 S, 13.20002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902886CTD or STD cast2018-03-18 12:54:5222.788 S, 13.2 WRRS James Cook JC159
1982995Water sample data2018-03-18 14:25:0022.49961 S, 12.79493 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984295Water sample data2018-03-18 14:25:0022.49961 S, 12.79493 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986394Water sample data2018-03-18 14:25:0022.49961 S, 12.79493 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044569Water sample data2018-03-18 14:25:2622.49961 S, 12.79493 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902898CTD or STD cast2018-03-18 19:25:3922.4996 S, 12.7949 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044570Water sample data2018-03-18 21:02:5022.29981 S, 12.30042 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983009Water sample data2018-03-18 21:03:0022.29981 S, 12.30042 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984302Water sample data2018-03-18 21:03:0022.29981 S, 12.30042 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986401Water sample data2018-03-18 21:03:0022.29981 S, 12.30042 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902905CTD or STD cast2018-03-19 02:23:5222.2998 S, 12.3004 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044582Water sample data2018-03-19 04:10:5622.19167 S, 11.71163 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983010Water sample data2018-03-19 04:11:0022.19167 S, 11.71163 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984314Water sample data2018-03-19 04:11:0022.19167 S, 11.71163 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986413Water sample data2018-03-19 04:11:0022.19167 S, 11.71163 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902917CTD or STD cast2018-03-19 09:43:5822.1917 S, 11.7116 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044594Water sample data2018-03-19 11:25:5922.06764 S, 11.16426 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983022Water sample data2018-03-19 11:26:0022.06764 S, 11.16426 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984326Water sample data2018-03-19 11:26:0022.06764 S, 11.16426 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986425Water sample data2018-03-19 11:26:0022.06764 S, 11.16426 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902929CTD or STD cast2018-03-19 16:48:5422.0677 S, 11.1642 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044601Water sample data2018-03-19 18:19:5721.95013 S, 10.60015 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983034Water sample data2018-03-19 18:20:0021.95013 S, 10.60015 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984338Water sample data2018-03-19 18:20:0021.95013 S, 10.60015 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986437Water sample data2018-03-19 18:20:0021.95013 S, 10.60015 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902930CTD or STD cast2018-03-19 23:38:0321.9501 S, 10.6002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983046Water sample data2018-03-20 01:06:0022.20617 S, 10.10119 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984351Water sample data2018-03-20 01:06:0022.20617 S, 10.10119 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986449Water sample data2018-03-20 01:06:0022.20617 S, 10.10119 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044613Water sample data2018-03-20 01:06:0222.20617 S, 10.10119 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902942CTD or STD cast2018-03-20 06:15:4722.2062 S, 10.1012 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983058Water sample data2018-03-20 07:44:0022.46232 S, 9.60135 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984363Water sample data2018-03-20 07:44:0022.46232 S, 9.60135 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986450Water sample data2018-03-20 07:44:0022.46232 S, 9.60135 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044625Water sample data2018-03-20 07:44:2422.46232 S, 9.60135 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902954CTD or STD cast2018-03-20 12:43:0122.4623 S, 9.6014 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983071Water sample data2018-03-20 14:10:0022.71872 S, 9.10107 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984375Water sample data2018-03-20 14:10:0022.71872 S, 9.10107 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986462Water sample data2018-03-20 14:10:0022.71872 S, 9.10107 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044637Water sample data2018-03-20 14:10:0122.71872 S, 9.10107 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902966CTD or STD cast2018-03-20 19:21:5722.7187 S, 9.1011 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044650Water sample data2018-03-20 20:56:5922.97498 S, 8.60008 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983095Water sample data2018-03-20 20:57:0022.97498 S, 8.60008 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984399Water sample data2018-03-20 20:57:0022.97498 S, 8.60008 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986486Water sample data2018-03-20 20:57:0022.97498 S, 8.60008 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902978CTD or STD cast2018-03-21 02:11:4022.975 S, 8.6001 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044662Water sample data2018-03-21 03:55:5023.23124 S, 8.10022 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983102Water sample data2018-03-21 03:56:0023.23124 S, 8.10022 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984406Water sample data2018-03-21 03:56:0023.23124 S, 8.10022 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986498Water sample data2018-03-21 03:56:0023.23124 S, 8.10022 WRRS James Cook JC159
1902991CTD or STD cast2018-03-21 09:17:5323.2312 S, 8.1002 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044674Water sample data2018-03-21 11:02:5723.4873 S, 7.59999 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983114Water sample data2018-03-21 11:03:0023.4873 S, 7.59999 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984418Water sample data2018-03-21 11:03:0023.4873 S, 7.59999 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986505Water sample data2018-03-21 11:03:0023.4873 S, 7.59999 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903005CTD or STD cast2018-03-21 16:36:1123.4873 S, 7.6 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044686Water sample data2018-03-21 18:27:3623.74391 S, 7.09974 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983126Water sample data2018-03-21 18:28:0023.74391 S, 7.09974 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984431Water sample data2018-03-21 18:28:0023.74391 S, 7.09974 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986517Water sample data2018-03-21 18:28:0023.74391 S, 7.09974 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903017CTD or STD cast2018-03-21 23:53:0123.7439 S, 7.0998 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983138Water sample data2018-03-22 01:35:0023.99994 S, 6.60008 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984443Water sample data2018-03-22 01:35:0023.99994 S, 6.60008 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986529Water sample data2018-03-22 01:35:0023.99994 S, 6.60008 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044698Water sample data2018-03-22 01:35:0123.99994 S, 6.60008 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903029CTD or STD cast2018-03-22 13:11:0424.0 S, 6.6001 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044705Water sample data2018-03-22 14:51:3224.00017 S, 6.10052 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983151Water sample data2018-03-22 14:52:0024.00017 S, 6.10052 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984455Water sample data2018-03-22 14:52:0024.00017 S, 6.10052 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986530Water sample data2018-03-22 14:52:0024.00017 S, 6.10052 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903030CTD or STD cast2018-03-22 19:48:2024.0002 S, 6.1005 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044717Water sample data2018-03-22 21:27:4023.99989 S, 5.60033 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983163Water sample data2018-03-22 21:28:0023.99989 S, 5.60033 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984467Water sample data2018-03-22 21:28:0023.99989 S, 5.60033 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986542Water sample data2018-03-22 21:28:0023.99989 S, 5.60033 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903042CTD or STD cast2018-03-23 02:19:5123.9999 S, 5.6003 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983175Water sample data2018-03-23 04:05:0023.99977 S, 5.10029 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984479Water sample data2018-03-23 04:05:0023.99977 S, 5.10029 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986554Water sample data2018-03-23 04:05:0023.99977 S, 5.10029 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044729Water sample data2018-03-23 04:05:2623.99977 S, 5.10029 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903054CTD or STD cast2018-03-23 09:07:0123.9998 S, 5.1003 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044730Water sample data2018-03-23 10:55:3123.99989 S, 4.60172 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983187Water sample data2018-03-23 10:56:0023.99989 S, 4.60172 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984480Water sample data2018-03-23 10:56:0023.99989 S, 4.60172 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986566Water sample data2018-03-23 10:56:0023.99989 S, 4.60172 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903066CTD or STD cast2018-03-23 15:56:2223.9999 S, 4.6017 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044742Water sample data2018-03-23 17:43:4124.00019 S, 4.10011 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983199Water sample data2018-03-23 17:44:0024.00019 S, 4.10011 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984492Water sample data2018-03-23 17:44:0024.00019 S, 4.10011 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986578Water sample data2018-03-23 17:44:0024.00019 S, 4.10011 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903078CTD or STD cast2018-03-23 22:40:4324.0001 S, 4.1001 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983218Water sample data2018-03-24 00:32:0023.99938 S, 3.60104 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984523Water sample data2018-03-24 00:32:0023.99938 S, 3.60104 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986609Water sample data2018-03-24 00:32:0023.99938 S, 3.60104 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044766Water sample data2018-03-24 00:32:2223.99938 S, 3.60104 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903091CTD or STD cast2018-03-24 05:39:3523.9994 S, 3.601 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983231Water sample data2018-03-24 07:23:0024.00002 S, 3.10002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984535Water sample data2018-03-24 07:23:0024.00002 S, 3.10002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986610Water sample data2018-03-24 07:23:0024.00002 S, 3.10002 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044778Water sample data2018-03-24 07:23:1824.00002 S, 3.10002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903109CTD or STD cast2018-03-24 12:17:1424.0 S, 3.1 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044791Water sample data2018-03-24 13:55:3723.99979 S, 2.60035 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983243Water sample data2018-03-24 13:56:0023.99979 S, 2.60035 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984547Water sample data2018-03-24 13:56:0023.99979 S, 2.60035 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986622Water sample data2018-03-24 13:56:0023.99979 S, 2.60035 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903110CTD or STD cast2018-03-24 18:42:5523.9998 S, 2.6004 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044809Water sample data2018-03-24 20:26:5824.00028 S, 2.10035 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983255Water sample data2018-03-24 20:27:0024.00028 S, 2.10035 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984559Water sample data2018-03-24 20:27:0024.00028 S, 2.10035 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986634Water sample data2018-03-24 20:27:0024.00028 S, 2.10035 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903122CTD or STD cast2018-03-25 02:25:2324.0003 S, 2.1003 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044810Water sample data2018-03-25 03:43:4224.0007 S, 1.58903 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983267Water sample data2018-03-25 03:44:0024.0007 S, 1.58903 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986646Water sample data2018-03-25 03:44:0024.0007 S, 1.58903 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903134CTD or STD cast2018-03-25 08:05:5824.0005 S, 1.5997 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044822Water sample data2018-03-25 10:04:5923.9999 S, 1.10002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983279Water sample data2018-03-25 10:05:0023.9999 S, 1.10002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984560Water sample data2018-03-25 10:05:0023.9999 S, 1.10002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986658Water sample data2018-03-25 10:05:0023.9999 S, 1.10002 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903146CTD or STD cast2018-03-25 15:46:4523.9999 S, 1.1 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983280Water sample data2018-03-25 17:28:0024.00003 S, 0.59996 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984572Water sample data2018-03-25 17:28:0024.00003 S, 0.59996 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986671Water sample data2018-03-25 17:28:0024.00003 S, 0.59996 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044834Water sample data2018-03-25 17:28:2324.00003 S, 0.59996 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903158CTD or STD cast2018-03-25 22:15:5424.0 S, 0.59995 WRRS James Cook JC159
1983292Water sample data2018-03-26 00:06:0024.00012 S, 0.10031 WRRS James Cook JC159
1984584Water sample data2018-03-26 00:06:0024.00012 S, 0.10031 WRRS James Cook JC159
1986683Water sample data2018-03-26 00:06:0024.00012 S, 0.10031 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044846Water sample data2018-03-26 00:06:2724.00012 S, 0.10031 WRRS James Cook JC159
1903171CTD or STD cast2018-03-26 05:08:0824.0001 S, 0.1003 WRRS James Cook JC159
2044858Water sample data2018-03-26 06:55:3424.00021 S, 0.40028 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983311Water sample data2018-03-26 06:56:0024.00021 S, 0.40028 ERRS James Cook JC159
1984596Water sample data2018-03-26 06:56:0024.00021 S, 0.40028 ERRS James Cook JC159
1986695Water sample data2018-03-26 06:56:0024.00021 S, 0.40028 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903183CTD or STD cast2018-03-26 10:30:1524.0002 S, 0.14997 ERRS James Cook JC159
1986702Water sample data2018-03-26 11:56:0023.99622 S, 0.80481 ERRS James Cook JC159
2044871Water sample data2018-03-26 11:56:0823.99622 S, 0.80481 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903195CTD or STD cast2018-03-26 15:03:3524.0002 S, 0.40028 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983335Water sample data2018-03-26 16:52:0024.00001 S, 0.90001 ERRS James Cook JC159
1984615Water sample data2018-03-26 16:52:0024.00001 S, 0.90001 ERRS James Cook JC159
1986726Water sample data2018-03-26 16:52:0024.00001 S, 0.90001 ERRS James Cook JC159
2044895Water sample data2018-03-26 16:52:1824.00001 S, 0.90001 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903202CTD or STD cast2018-03-27 11:07:4124.0 S, 0.90001 ERRS James Cook JC159
2044902Water sample data2018-03-27 12:55:5123.99997 S, 1.44157 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983347Water sample data2018-03-27 12:56:0023.99997 S, 1.44157 ERRS James Cook JC159
1984627Water sample data2018-03-27 12:56:0023.99997 S, 1.44157 ERRS James Cook JC159
1986738Water sample data2018-03-27 12:56:0023.99997 S, 1.44157 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903214CTD or STD cast2018-03-27 17:46:1224.0 S, 1.4003 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983359Water sample data2018-03-27 19:40:0023.99867 S, 1.95389 ERRS James Cook JC159
1984639Water sample data2018-03-27 19:40:0023.99867 S, 1.95389 ERRS James Cook JC159
1986751Water sample data2018-03-27 19:40:0023.99867 S, 1.95389 ERRS James Cook JC159
2044914Water sample data2018-03-27 19:40:0623.99867 S, 1.95389 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903226CTD or STD cast2018-03-28 00:34:5724.0001 S, 1.9003 ERRS James Cook JC159
2044926Water sample data2018-03-28 02:25:5923.99917 S, 2.45771 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983360Water sample data2018-03-28 02:26:0023.99917 S, 2.45771 ERRS James Cook JC159
1984640Water sample data2018-03-28 02:26:0023.99917 S, 2.45771 ERRS James Cook JC159
1986763Water sample data2018-03-28 02:26:0023.99917 S, 2.45771 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903238CTD or STD cast2018-03-28 07:24:4424.0 S, 2.4009 ERRS James Cook JC159
2044938Water sample data2018-03-28 09:15:5224.00031 S, 3.03401 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983372Water sample data2018-03-28 09:16:0024.00031 S, 3.03401 ERRS James Cook JC159
1984652Water sample data2018-03-28 09:16:0024.00031 S, 3.03401 ERRS James Cook JC159
1986775Water sample data2018-03-28 09:16:0024.00031 S, 3.03401 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903251CTD or STD cast2018-03-28 14:15:2823.9991 S, 2.8965 ERRS James Cook JC159
2044951Water sample data2018-03-28 16:00:4424.00063 S, 3.56861 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983384Water sample data2018-03-28 16:01:0024.00063 S, 3.56861 ERRS James Cook JC159
1984664Water sample data2018-03-28 16:01:0024.00063 S, 3.56861 ERRS James Cook JC159
1986787Water sample data2018-03-28 16:01:0024.00063 S, 3.56861 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903263CTD or STD cast2018-03-28 20:53:3923.9999 S, 3.4003 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983396Water sample data2018-03-28 22:40:0024.00061 S, 4.20844 ERRS James Cook JC159
1984676Water sample data2018-03-28 22:40:0024.00061 S, 4.20844 ERRS James Cook JC159
1986799Water sample data2018-03-28 22:40:0024.00061 S, 4.20844 ERRS James Cook JC159
2044963Water sample data2018-03-28 22:40:2024.00061 S, 4.20844 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903275CTD or STD cast2018-03-29 04:03:5323.9996 S, 3.9978 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983403Water sample data2018-03-29 05:33:0024.00019 S, 4.7843 ERRS James Cook JC159
1984688Water sample data2018-03-29 05:33:0024.00019 S, 4.7843 ERRS James Cook JC159
1986806Water sample data2018-03-29 05:33:0024.00019 S, 4.7843 ERRS James Cook JC159
2044975Water sample data2018-03-29 05:33:2724.00019 S, 4.7843 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903287CTD or STD cast2018-03-29 09:54:3924.0001 S, 4.4674 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983415Water sample data2018-03-29 11:15:0023.99969 S, 5.09781 ERRS James Cook JC159
1984707Water sample data2018-03-29 11:15:0023.99969 S, 5.09781 ERRS James Cook JC159
1986818Water sample data2018-03-29 11:15:0023.99969 S, 5.09781 ERRS James Cook JC159
2044987Water sample data2018-03-29 11:15:2023.99969 S, 5.09781 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903299CTD or STD cast2018-03-29 14:41:4924.0002 S, 4.7843 ERRS James Cook JC159
2044999Water sample data2018-03-29 15:51:5524.00085 S, 5.60171 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983427Water sample data2018-03-29 15:52:0024.00085 S, 5.60171 ERRS James Cook JC159
1984719Water sample data2018-03-29 15:52:0024.00085 S, 5.60171 ERRS James Cook JC159
1986831Water sample data2018-03-29 15:52:0024.00085 S, 5.60171 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903306CTD or STD cast2018-03-29 19:02:1523.9997 S, 5.0978 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043714Water sample data2018-03-29 20:14:3823.99958 S, 6.09084 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982160Water sample data2018-03-29 20:15:0023.99958 S, 6.09084 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983507Water sample data2018-03-29 20:15:0023.99958 S, 6.09084 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985575Water sample data2018-03-29 20:15:0023.99958 S, 6.09084 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903318CTD or STD cast2018-03-29 23:24:1424.0003 S, 5.4 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982172Water sample data2018-03-30 00:18:0024.00012 S, 6.53329 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983519Water sample data2018-03-30 00:18:0024.00012 S, 6.53329 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985587Water sample data2018-03-30 00:18:0024.00012 S, 6.53329 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043726Water sample data2018-03-30 00:18:0724.00012 S, 6.53329 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903331CTD or STD cast2018-03-30 04:42:5423.9999 S, 5.9831 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982184Water sample data2018-03-30 05:26:0023.99987 S, 7.03802 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985599Water sample data2018-03-30 05:26:0023.99987 S, 7.03802 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043738Water sample data2018-03-30 05:26:2723.99987 S, 7.03802 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903343CTD or STD cast2018-03-30 09:26:0824.0001 S, 6.5333 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043751Water sample data2018-03-30 10:28:3423.9989 S, 7.24855 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982196Water sample data2018-03-30 10:29:0023.9989 S, 7.24855 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983520Water sample data2018-03-30 10:29:0023.9989 S, 7.24855 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985606Water sample data2018-03-30 10:29:0023.9989 S, 7.24855 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903355CTD or STD cast2018-03-30 14:29:1823.9999 S, 7.038 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043763Water sample data2018-03-30 15:34:3923.99967 S, 7.36292 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982203Water sample data2018-03-30 15:35:0023.99967 S, 7.36292 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983532Water sample data2018-03-30 15:35:0023.99967 S, 7.36292 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985618Water sample data2018-03-30 15:35:0023.99967 S, 7.36292 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903367CTD or STD cast2018-03-30 18:27:4224.0001 S, 7.2378 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043775Water sample data2018-03-30 19:52:5123.99989 S, 7.59933 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982215Water sample data2018-03-30 19:53:0023.99989 S, 7.59933 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983544Water sample data2018-03-30 19:53:0023.99989 S, 7.59933 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985631Water sample data2018-03-30 19:53:0023.99989 S, 7.59933 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903379CTD or STD cast2018-03-30 23:15:0924.0 S, 7.3625 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982227Water sample data2018-03-31 00:52:0024.00008 S, 8.13333 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983556Water sample data2018-03-31 00:52:0024.00008 S, 8.13333 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985643Water sample data2018-03-31 00:52:0024.00008 S, 8.13333 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043787Water sample data2018-03-31 00:52:0524.00008 S, 8.13333 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903380CTD or STD cast2018-03-31 04:17:1023.9999 S, 7.5993 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982239Water sample data2018-03-31 05:57:0023.99387 S, 8.53809 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983568Water sample data2018-03-31 05:57:0023.99387 S, 8.53809 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985655Water sample data2018-03-31 05:57:0023.99387 S, 8.53809 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043799Water sample data2018-03-31 05:57:0523.99387 S, 8.53809 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903392CTD or STD cast2018-03-31 10:51:4324.0001 S, 8.1333 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982240Water sample data2018-03-31 12:31:0023.99845 S, 9.064 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983581Water sample data2018-03-31 12:31:0023.99845 S, 9.064 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985667Water sample data2018-03-31 12:31:0023.99845 S, 9.064 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043806Water sample data2018-03-31 12:31:2223.99845 S, 9.064 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903411CTD or STD cast2018-03-31 17:39:0023.9997 S, 8.6663 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043818Water sample data2018-03-31 19:19:3023.99625 S, 9.63421 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982252Water sample data2018-03-31 19:20:0023.99625 S, 9.63421 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983593Water sample data2018-03-31 19:20:0023.99625 S, 9.63421 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985679Water sample data2018-03-31 19:20:0023.99625 S, 9.63421 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903423CTD or STD cast2018-04-01 00:17:4423.9994 S, 9.1985 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982276Water sample data2018-04-01 01:59:0023.99852 S, 10.20197 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983612Water sample data2018-04-01 01:59:0023.99852 S, 10.20197 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043843Water sample data2018-04-01 01:59:2223.99852 S, 10.20197 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903435CTD or STD cast2018-04-01 07:05:1323.9996 S, 9.7333 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043855Water sample data2018-04-01 08:39:3723.99971 S, 10.7657 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982288Water sample data2018-04-01 08:40:0023.99971 S, 10.7657 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983624Water sample data2018-04-01 08:40:0023.99971 S, 10.7657 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985711Water sample data2018-04-01 08:40:0023.99971 S, 10.7657 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903447CTD or STD cast2018-04-01 13:31:5423.9999 S, 10.2659 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982307Water sample data2018-04-01 14:59:0023.83569 S, 11.25034 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983636Water sample data2018-04-01 14:59:0023.83569 S, 11.25034 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985723Water sample data2018-04-01 14:59:0023.83569 S, 11.25034 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043867Water sample data2018-04-01 14:59:2723.83569 S, 11.25034 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903459CTD or STD cast2018-04-01 19:40:1023.9997 S, 10.7657 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982319Water sample data2018-04-01 21:07:0023.59571 S, 12.05191 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983648Water sample data2018-04-01 21:07:0023.59571 S, 12.05191 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985735Water sample data2018-04-01 21:07:0023.59571 S, 12.05191 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043879Water sample data2018-04-01 21:07:0523.59571 S, 12.05191 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903460CTD or STD cast2018-04-03 21:18:4023.677 S, 13.7131 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043880Water sample data2018-04-03 21:38:5023.92209 S, 12.78978 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982320Water sample data2018-04-03 21:39:0023.92209 S, 12.78978 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983661Water sample data2018-04-03 21:39:0023.92209 S, 12.78978 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985747Water sample data2018-04-03 21:39:0023.92209 S, 12.78978 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903472CTD or STD cast2018-04-04 01:38:4323.7775 S, 13.3287 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982332Water sample data2018-04-04 01:57:0023.95942 S, 12.65029 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983673Water sample data2018-04-04 01:57:0023.95942 S, 12.65029 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985759Water sample data2018-04-04 01:57:0023.95942 S, 12.65029 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043892Water sample data2018-04-04 01:57:2223.95942 S, 12.65029 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903484CTD or STD cast2018-04-04 04:49:4623.8251 S, 13.1489 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043911Water sample data2018-04-04 05:09:5323.99989 S, 12.50054 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982344Water sample data2018-04-04 05:10:0023.99989 S, 12.50054 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983685Water sample data2018-04-04 05:10:0023.99989 S, 12.50054 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985760Water sample data2018-04-04 05:10:0023.99989 S, 12.50054 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903496CTD or STD cast2018-04-04 08:01:3523.8745 S, 12.972 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982356Water sample data2018-04-04 08:35:0023.9987 S, 12.12268 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983697Water sample data2018-04-04 08:35:0023.9987 S, 12.12268 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985772Water sample data2018-04-04 08:35:0023.9987 S, 12.12268 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043923Water sample data2018-04-04 08:35:1823.9987 S, 12.12268 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903503CTD or STD cast2018-04-04 11:12:2123.9221 S, 12.7897 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043935Water sample data2018-04-04 11:54:4123.99946 S, 11.86638 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982368Water sample data2018-04-04 11:55:0023.99946 S, 11.86638 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983704Water sample data2018-04-04 11:55:0023.99946 S, 11.86638 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985784Water sample data2018-04-04 11:55:0023.99946 S, 11.86638 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903515CTD or STD cast2018-04-04 14:14:1623.9594 S, 12.6503 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043947Water sample data2018-04-04 15:03:3823.99545 S, 11.43527 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982381Water sample data2018-04-04 15:04:0023.99545 S, 11.43527 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983716Water sample data2018-04-04 15:04:0023.99545 S, 11.43527 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985796Water sample data2018-04-04 15:04:0023.99545 S, 11.43527 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903527CTD or STD cast2018-04-04 17:55:4623.9999 S, 12.5005 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982400Water sample data2018-04-04 18:53:0023.98631 S, 11.31185 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983741Water sample data2018-04-04 18:53:0023.98631 S, 11.31185 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985815Water sample data2018-04-04 18:53:0023.98631 S, 11.31185 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043960Water sample data2018-04-04 18:53:2323.98631 S, 11.31185 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903539CTD or STD cast2018-04-04 23:41:1823.9995 S, 11.8664 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043972Water sample data2018-04-05 00:48:3924.00007 S, 10.76593 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982412Water sample data2018-04-05 00:49:0024.00007 S, 10.76593 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983753Water sample data2018-04-05 00:49:0024.00007 S, 10.76593 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985827Water sample data2018-04-05 00:49:0024.00007 S, 10.76593 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903540CTD or STD cast2018-04-05 05:11:0623.9995 S, 11.3322 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982424Water sample data2018-04-05 06:29:0023.73365 S, 11.59906 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983765Water sample data2018-04-05 06:29:0023.73365 S, 11.59906 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985839Water sample data2018-04-05 06:29:0023.73365 S, 11.59906 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043984Water sample data2018-04-05 06:29:0323.73365 S, 11.59906 ERRS James Cook JC159
1903552CTD or STD cast2018-04-05 11:08:3324.0 S, 10.7667 ERRS James Cook JC159
2043996Water sample data2018-04-05 12:31:4723.39511 S, 12.68024 ERRS James Cook JC159
1982436Water sample data2018-04-05 12:32:0023.39511 S, 12.68024 ERRS James Cook JC159
1983777Water sample data2018-04-05 12:32:0023.39511 S, 12.68024 ERRS James Cook JC159
1985840Water sample data2018-04-05 12:32:0023.39511 S, 12.68024 ERRS James Cook JC159