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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 1795752

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category CTD or STD cast
Instrument Type
Sea-Bird SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor  dissolved gas sensors
Sea-Bird SBE 911plus CTD  CTD; water temperature sensor; salinity sensor
Tritech PA-200 Altimeter  altimeters
WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} C-Star transmissometer  transmissometers
Biospherical Instruments QCD-905L underwater PAR sensor  radiometers
Sea-Bird SBE 3plus (SBE 3P) temperature sensor  water temperature sensor
Sea-Bird SBE 4C conductivity sensor  salinity sensor
Chelsea Technologies Group Aquatracka III fluorometer  fluorometers
Instrument Mounting lowered unmanned submersible
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator Prof Mike Meredith
Originating Organization British Antarctic Survey
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) ORCHESTRA

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier JR15006_CTD019
BODC Series Reference 1795752

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2016-04-13 09:10
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) -
Nominal Cycle Interval 1.0 decibars

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 59.43767 S ( 59° 26.3' S )
Longitude 30.86083 W ( 30° 51.6' W )
Positional Uncertainty 0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 0.99 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 3427.98 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 134.88 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 3561.88 m
Sea Floor Depth 3562.87 m
Sea Floor Depth Source BUDS
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Variable common depth - All sensors are grouped effectively at the same depth, but this depth varies significantly during the series
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Instantaneous - Depth measured below water line or instantaneous water body surface
Sea Floor Depth Datum Instantaneous - Depth measured below water line or instantaneous water body surface


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
ACYCAA011DimensionlessSequence number
AHSFZZ011MetresHeight (spatial coordinate) relative to bed surface in the water body
CNDCST011Siemens per metreElectrical conductivity of the water body by CTD
CPHLPR011Milligrams per cubic metreConcentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer
DOXYZZ011Micromoles per litreConcentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ sensor
IRRDUV011MicroEinsteins per square metre per secondDownwelling vector irradiance as photons of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer
OXYSZZ011PercentSaturation of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase]
POPTDR011PercentTransmittance (red light wavelength) per 25cm of the water body by 25cm path length red light transmissometer
POTMCV011Degrees CelsiusPotential temperature of the water body by computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm
PRESPR011DecibarsPressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level
PSALST011DimensionlessPractical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm
SIGTPR011Kilograms per cubic metreSigma-theta of the water body by CTD and computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm
TEMPST011Degrees CelsiusTemperature of the water body by CTD or STD

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

Sea-Bird Dissolved Oxygen Sensor SBE 43 and SBE 43F

The SBE 43 is a dissolved oxygen sensor designed for marine applications. It incorporates a high-performance Clark polarographic membrane with a pump that continuously plumbs water through it, preventing algal growth and the development of anoxic conditions when the sensor is taking measurements.

Two configurations are available: SBE 43 produces a voltage output and can be incorporated with any Sea-Bird CTD that accepts input from a 0-5 volt auxiliary sensor, while the SBE 43F produces a frequency output and can be integrated with an SBE 52-MP (Moored Profiler CTD) or used for OEM applications. The specifications below are common to both.


Housing Plastic or titanium

0.5 mil- fast response, typical for profile applications

1 mil- slower response, typical for moored applications

Depth rating

600 m (plastic) or 7000 m (titanium)

10500 m titanium housing available on request

Measurement range 120% of surface saturation
Initial accuracy 2% of saturation
Typical stability 0.5% per 1000 h

Further details can be found in the manufacturer's specification sheet.

Sea-Bird Electronics SBE 911 and SBE 917 series CTD profilers

The SBE 911 and SBE 917 series of conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) units are used to collect hydrographic profiles, including temperature, conductivity and pressure as standard. Each profiler consists of an underwater unit and deck unit or SEARAM. Auxiliary sensors, such as fluorometers, dissolved oxygen sensors and transmissometers, and carousel water samplers are commonly added to the underwater unit.

Underwater unit

The CTD underwater unit (SBE 9 or SBE 9 plus) comprises a protective cage (usually with a carousel water sampler), including a main pressure housing containing power supplies, acquisition electronics, telemetry circuitry, and a suite of modular sensors. The original SBE 9 incorporated Sea-Bird's standard modular SBE 3 temperature sensor and SBE 4 conductivity sensor, and a Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensor. The conductivity cell was connected to a pump-fed plastic tubing circuit that could include auxiliary sensors. Each SBE 9 unit was custom built to individual specification. The SBE 9 was replaced in 1997 by an off-the-shelf version, termed the SBE 9 plus, that incorporated the SBE 3 plus (or SBE 3P) temperature sensor, SBE 4C conductivity sensor and a Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensor. Sensors could be connected to a pump-fed plastic tubing circuit or stand-alone.

Temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors

The conductivity, temperature, and pressure sensors supplied with Sea-Bird CTD systems have outputs in the form of variable frequencies, which are measured using high-speed parallel counters. The resulting count totals are converted to numeric representations of the original frequencies, which bear a direct relationship to temperature, conductivity or pressure. Sampling frequencies for these sensors are typically set at 24 Hz.

The temperature sensing element is a glass-coated thermistor bead, pressure-protected inside a stainless steel tube, while the conductivity sensing element is a cylindrical, flow-through, borosilicate glass cell with three internal platinum electrodes. Thermistor resistance or conductivity cell resistance, respectively, is the controlling element in an optimized Wien Bridge oscillator circuit, which produces a frequency output that can be converted to a temperature or conductivity reading. These sensors are available with depth ratings of 6800 m (aluminium housing) or 10500 m (titanium housing). The Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensor comprises a quartz crystal resonator that responds to pressure-induced stress, and temperature is measured for thermal compensation of the calculated pressure.

Additional sensors

Optional sensors for dissolved oxygen, pH, light transmission, fluorescence and others do not require the very high levels of resolution needed in the primary CTD channels, nor do these sensors generally offer variable frequency outputs. Accordingly, signals from the auxiliary sensors are acquired using a conventional voltage-input multiplexed A/D converter (optional). Some Sea-Bird CTDs use a strain gauge pressure sensor (Senso-Metrics) in which case their pressure output data is in the same form as that from the auxiliary sensors as described above.

Deck unit or SEARAM

Each underwater unit is connected to a power supply and data logging system: the SBE 11 (or SBE 11 plus) deck unit allows real-time interfacing between the deck and the underwater unit via a conductive wire, while the submersible SBE 17 (or SBE 17 plus) SEARAM plugs directly into the underwater unit and data are downloaded on recovery of the CTD. The combination of SBE 9 and SBE 17 or SBE 11 are termed SBE 917 or SBE 911, respectively, while the combinations of SBE 9 plus and SBE 17 plus or SBE 11 plus are termed SBE 917 plus or SBE 911 plus.


Specifications for the SBE 9 plus underwater unit are listed below:

Parameter Range Initial accuracy Resolution at 24 Hz Response time
Temperature -5 to 35°C 0.001°C 0.0002°C 0.065 sec
Conductivity 0 to 7 S m-1 0.0003 S m-1 0.00004 S m-1 0.065 sec (pumped)
Pressure 0 to full scale (1400, 2000, 4200, 6800 or 10500 m) 0.015% of full scale 0.001% of full scale 0.015 sec

Further details can be found in the manufacturer's specification sheet.

Chelsea Technologies Group Aquatracka MKIII fluorometer

The Chelsea Technologies Group Aquatracka MKIII is a logarithmic response fluorometer. Filters are available to enable the instrument to measure chlorophyll, rhodamine, fluorescein and turbidity.

It uses a pulsed (5.5 Hz) xenon light source discharging along two signal paths to eliminate variations in the flashlamp intensity. The reference path measures the intensity of the light source whilst the signal path measures the intensity of the light emitted from the specimen under test. The reference signal and the emitted light signals are then applied to a ratiometric circuit. In this circuit, the ratio of returned signal to reference signal is computed and scaled logarithmically to achieve a wide dynamic range. The logarithmic conversion accuracy is maintained at better than one percent of the reading over the full output range of the instrument.

Two variants of the instrument are available, both manufactured in titanium, capable of operating in depths from shallow water down to 2000 m and 6000 m respectively. The optical characteristics of the instrument in its different detection modes are visible below:

Excitation Chlorophyll a Rhodamine Fluorescein Turbidity
Wavelength (nm) 430 500 485 440*
Bandwidth (nm) 105 70 22 80*
Emission Chlorophyll a Rhodamine Fluorescein Turbidity
Wavelength (nm) 685 590 530 440*
Bandwidth (nm) 30 45 30 80*

* The wavelengths for the turbidity filters are customer selectable but must be in the range 400 to 700 nm. The same wavelength is used in the excitation path and the emission path.

The instrument measures chlorophyll a, rhodamine and fluorescein with a concentration range of 0.01 µg l-1 to 100 µg l-1. The concentration range for turbidity is 0.01 to 100 FTU (other wavelengths are available on request).

The instrument accuracy is ± 0.02 µg l-1 (or ± 3% of the reading, whichever is greater) for chlorophyll a, rhodamine and fluorescein. The accuracy for turbidity, over a 0 - 10 FTU range, is ± 0.02 FTU (or ± 3% of the reading, whichever is greater).

Further details are available from the Aquatracka MKIII specification sheet.

Biospherical Instruments Log Quantum Cosine Irradiance Sensor QCD-905L

The QCD-905L is a submersible radiometer designed to measure irradiance over Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) wavelengths (400-700 nm). It features a cosine directional response when fully immersed in water.

The sensor is a blue-enhanced high stability silicon photovoltaic detector with dielectric and absorbing glass filter assembly, and produces a logarithmic output. Normal output range is -1 to 6 volts with 1 volt per decade. Typically, the instrument outputs 5 volts for full sunlight and has a minimum output of 0.001% full sunlight, where typical noon solar irradiance is 1.5 to 2 x 1017 quanta cm-2 s-1. The instrument can be calibrated with constants for µE cm-2 s-1 or quanta cm-2 s-1.

The QCD-905L can be coupled to a fixed range data acquisition system like a CTD (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth) profiler or current meter. It has an aluminium and PET housing, and a depth rating of 7000 m.


Wavelength 400 to 700 nm
Output range -1 to 6 V, with 1 V decade-1
Operating temperature -2 to 35°C
Depth range 0 - 7000 m

Further details can be found in the manufacturer's manual.

Tritech Digital Precision Altimeter PA200

This altimeter is a sonar ranging device that gives the height above the sea bed when mounted vertically. When mounted in any other attitude the sensor provides a subsea distance. It can be configured to operate on its own or under control from an external unit and can be supplied with simultaneous analogue and digital outputs, allowing them to interface to PC devices, data loggers, telemetry systems and multiplexers.

These instruments can be supplied with different housings, stainless steel, plastic and aluminum, which will limit the depth rating. There are three models available: the PA200-20S, PA200-10L and the PA500-6S, whose transducer options differ slightly.


Transducer options PA200-20S P200-10L PA500-6S
Frequency (kHz) 200 200 500
Beamwidth (°) 20 Conical 10 included conical beam 6 Conical
Operating range

1 to 100 m

0.7 to 50 m


0.3 to 50 m

0.1 to 10 m

Common specifications are presented below

Digital resolution 1 mm
Analogue resolution 0.25% of range
Depth rating 700 , 2000, 4000 and 6800 m
Operating temperature -10 to 40°C

Further details can be found in the manufacturer's specification sheet.

WETLabs C-Star transmissometer

This instrument is designed to measure beam transmittance by submersion or with an optional flow tube for pumped applications. It can be used in profiles, moorings or as part of an underway system.

Two models are available, a 25 cm pathlength, which can be built in aluminum or co-polymer, and a 10 cm pathlength with a plastic housing. Both have an analog output, but a digital model is also available.

This instrument has been updated to provide a high resolution RS232 data output, while maintaining the same design and characteristics.


Pathlength 10 or 25 cm
Wavelength 370, 470, 530 or 660 nm

~ 20 nm for wavelengths of 470, 530 and 660 nm

~ 10 to 12 nm for a wavelength of 370 nm

Temperature error 0.02 % full scale °C-1
Temperature range 0 to 30°C
Rated depth

600 m (plastic housing)

6000 m (aluminum housing)

Further details are available in the manufacturer's specification sheet or user guide.

BODC Processing Document

The CTD data were supplied to BODC as matlab files and converted to the BODC internal format. During transfer the originator's variables were mapped to unique BODC parameter codes. The following table shows the parameter mapping.

Originator's variable Units Description BODC Code Units Comments
alt m Height above bed in the water body AHSFZZ01 m  
cond1 mS cm-1 Electrical conductivity of the water body by in-situ conductivity cell CNDCST01 S m-1 Conversion by /10
cond2 mS cm-1 Electrical conductivity of the water body by in-situ conductivity cell (second sensor) CNDCST02 S m-1 Secondary channel, Conversion by /10, not retained
fluor_ug_l µg l-1 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer CPHLPR01 mg/m3 No unit conversion. µg/l = mg/m3
Oxy_umol_l µmol l-1 Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ sensor DOXYZZ01 µmol l-1  
par   Downwelling vector irradiance as photons (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer IRRDUV01 µE m-2 s-1  
press db Pressure (spatial co-ordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and corrected to read zero at sea level PRESPR01 dbar  
psal1   Practical salinity of the water body by conductivity cell and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm PSALST01    
psal2   Practical salinity of the water body by CTD (second sensor) and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm PSALST02   Secondary channel, not retained
temp1 DegC90 Temperature of the water body by CTD or STD TEMPST01 DegC  
temp2 DegC90 Temperature of the water body by CTD or STD (second sensor) TEMPST02 DegC Secondary channel, not retained
Trans % Transmittance (red light wavelength) per 25cm of the water body by 25cm path length red light transmissometer POPTDR01 %  
    Saturation of oxygen {O2} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] OXYSZZ01 % Derived by BODC using DOXYZZ01, TEMPST01 and PSALST01
    Potential temperature of the water body by computation using unesco 1983 algorithm POTMCV01 °C Derived by BODC using TEMPST01, PSALST01 and PRESPR01.
    Sigma-theta of the water body by CTD and computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm SIGTPR01 kg m-3 Derived by BODC using POTMCV01, PSALST01 and PRESPR01

Following transfer the data were screened using BODC in-house visualisation software. Suspect data values were assigned the appropriate BODC data quality flag. Missing data values, where present, were changed to the missing data value and assigned a BODC data quality flag.

The originator's file contained the following channels: oxy_percent, potemp1, potemp2, sig0, sig2, sig4. These channels were not transferred but are available upon request. Secondary channels were not retained in the final files but are also available upon request.

Originator's Data Processing

Sampling strategy

A total of 49 CTD casts were performed during JR15006, surveying A23 hydrographic CTD section between the Weddell Sea and South Georgia for the ORCHESTRA programme.

Data Processing

For each CTD casts, the following raw data files were generated (using SeaSave V 7):

  • (a record of bottle firing locations)
  • JR15006_XYZ.hdr (header file)
  • JR15006_XYZ.hex (raw data file)
  • JR15006_XYZ.con (configuration file)

where XYZ is the cast number of the CTD data series.

The first three routines used to clean and process the data contained in these files were run in the SBE Data Processing, more specifically:

  • Data Conversion- converts .hex to AScii
  • Align- applies a time shift to the dissolved oxygen data to account for hysteresis effects
  • Cell Thermal Mass- corrects the data for the thermal mass of the conductivity cell

These files were transferred to the ship's linux network and further processing took place in Matlab enviromnent. The suite of routines used have evolved throughout the years and were modified for JR15006 purposes:

  • ctdread15006 - reads the files into the matlab environment and organizes the subsequent arrays appropriately
  • editctd15006 - launches an interactive editor and enables selection and flagging of data to be removed from subsequent processing. This was used particularly to exclude the soak period, the on-deck period after package recovery, and any noticeably problematic conductivity spikes in the data
  • interpol15006 - applies linear interpolation to fill in gaps created with the step above
  • salcalapp15006 - used to derive variables including salinity, potential temperature, potential density
  • splitcast15006 - divides the cast into its downcast and upcast profiles
  • fallrate15006 - removes data from the files where they are deemed to be contaminated by CTD motion effects. The routine is applied only to the downcast profile, and excludes data from pressure levels that have been previously encountered, and data from periods when the CTD package was descending at less than 0.24 m s-1
  • gridctd15006 - takes the upcast and fallrate-corrected downcast data, and creates 2 dbar averages of all variables.
  • fill_to_surf15006 - applied to fill in the missing few layers from the surface by copying upward the shallowest layer that contains data.
  • ctdplot15006 - creates a set of standardized profile and potential temperature-salinity plots from the 2 dbar data, to enable assessment of the quality of the data collected.
  • average_1Hz_15006 - takes the 24 Hz data (both downcast and upcast) and creates 1 Hz averages for inclusion in the LADCP processing
  • makebot15006 - reads the bottle files into the Matlab environment and extracts the mean and standard deviation of each CTD variable, including derived variables, and flags warnings to the screen if the standard deviations exceed 0.001
  • sb35read15006 - reads SBE35 data into the Matlab environment and plots differences between the SBE35 and the primary and secondary CTD temperatures
  • readsal15006 - reads salinity data from the Excel spreadsheets into which bottle conductivity measurements had been entered and standard-corrected salinity derived
  • addsal15006 - reads the file created with the step above and the file which contains the bottle data from the CTD
  • setsalflag15006 - loads the file created above, and flags those bottles with high standard deviations from temperature and conductivity (variable: "niskflag")
  • salplot15006 - creates a standard plot of bottle salinity measurements and CTD salinity measurements versus pressure and the standard deviation of their differences.
  • salcal15006 - appends information the master file containing salinity calibration data for the cruise as a whole
  • Field calibrations


    Comparisons were made between CTD temperatures and SBE 35 readings. Mean offsets of -0.00050°C (primary) and -0.00094°C (secondary) were determined. Both of these are smaller than the target accuracy for temperature of 0.001°C, hence no corrections for temperature were applied.


    A comparison made between CTD conductivity sensors and discrete salinity samples bottle salinities. Dependence of the secondary conductivity cells on pressure was found and corrections applied accordingly:

    • Primary conductivity: 0.9104e-3
    • Initial secondary conductivity: 2.8923*10-3 - (0.7285*10-6 * pressure)
    • Replacement secondary conductivity: 0.6940*10-3 - (0.6751*10-6 * pressure)

    Further information on the processing can be found in the cruise report.

Project Information

Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports (ORCHESTRA)

The Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports (ORCHESTRA) is a £8.4 million, five year (2016-2021) research programme funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The aim of the research is to to advance the understanding of, and capability to predict, the Southern Ocean's impact on climate change via its uptake and storage of heat and carbon. The programme will significantly reduce uncertainties concerning how this uptake and storage by the ocean influences global climate, by conducting a series of unique fieldwork campaigns and innovative model developments.


ORCHESTRA represents the first fully-unified activity by NERC institutes to address these challenges, and will draw in national and international partners to provide community coherence, and to build a legacy in knowledge and capability that will transcend the timescale of the programme itself.

It brings together science teams from six UK research institutions to investigate the role that the Southern Ocean plays in our changing climate and atmospheric carbon draw-down. It is led by British Antarctic Survey, in partnership with National Oceanography Centre, British Geological Survey, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, the Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling and the Sea Mammal Research Unit.

The oceans around Antarctica play a critical a key role in drawing down and storing large amounts of carbon and vast quantities of heat from from the atmosphere. Due to its remoteness and harsh environment, the Southern Ocean is the world's biggest data desert, and one of the hardest places to get right in climate models. The ORCHESTRA programme will make unique and important new measurements in the Southern Ocean using a range of techniques, including use of the world-class UK research vessel fleet, and deployments of innovative underwater robots. The new understanding obtained will guide key improvements to the current generation of computer models, and will enhance greatly our ability to predict climate into the future.

The scope of the programme includes interaction of the Southern Ocean with the atmosphere, exchange between the upper ocean mixed layer and the interior and exchange between the Southern Ocean and the global ocean.

Further details are available on the ORCHESTRA page.


Six different organisations are directly involved in research for ORCHESTRA. These institutions are:

  • British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
  • National Oceanography Centre (NOC)
  • Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)
  • British Geological Survey (BGS)
  • Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM)
  • Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU)

GO-SHIP are a third party organisation that, although not directly involved with the programme, will conduct ship based observations that will also be used by ORCHESTRA.

Research details

Three Work Packages have been funded by the ORCHESTRA programme. These are described in brief below:

  • Work Package 1: Interaction of the Southern ocean with the atmosphere
    WP1 will use new observations of surface fluxes and their controlling parameters in order to better constrain the exchanges of heat and carbon loss across the surface of the Southern Ocean.

  • Work Package 2: Exchange between the upper ocean mixed layer and the interior.
    This work package will combine observationally-derived data and model simulations to determine and understand the exchanges between the ocean mixed layer and its interior.

  • Work Package 3: Exchange between the Southern Ocean and the global ocean .
    This WP will use budget analyses of the hydrographic/tracer sections to diagnose the three-dimensional velocity field of the waters entering, leaving and recirculating within the Southern Atlantic sector of the Southern ocean.

  • Fieldwork and data collection

    The campaign consists of 12 core cruises on board the NERC research vessels RRS James Clark Ross and RRS James Cook and will include hydrographic/tracer sections conducted across Drake Passage (SR1b), the northern Weddell Sea/Scotia Sea (A23), the northern rim of the Weddell Gyre (ANDREXII) and across the South Atlantic (24S). Section I6S will be performed by GO-SHIP Project Partners. Measurements will include temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, velocity, dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, inorganic nutrients, oxygen and carbon isotopes, and underway meteorological and surface ocean observations including pCO2.

    Tags will be deployed on 30 Weddel seals and these will provide temperature and salinity profiles that can be used alongside the Argo data.

    Autonomous underwater ocean gliders will conduct multi-month missions and will deliver data on ocean stratification, heat content, mixed layer depth and turbulent mixing over the upper 1 km, with previously-unobtainable temporal resolution. These gliders will be deployed in the Weddell Gyre and the ACC.

    Field campaigns with the MASIN meteorological aircrafts will be conducted flying out of Rothera and Halley research stations and the Falkland Islands. These campaigns will deliver information on key variables relating to air-sea fluxes (surface and air temperature, wind, humidity, atmospheric CO2, radiation, turbulent fluxes of heat, momentum and CO2), in different sea ice conditions and oceanic regimes.

    Eart Observation datasets will be used to inform the programme on the properties of the ocean, sea ice and atmosphere and on interactions between them.

    A cluster of 6 deep ocean moorings in the Orkney Passage will collect year round series of AABW temperatre and transport. This work connects to the NERC funded project Dynamics of the Orkney Passage Outflow (DYNOPO).

    The UK Earth System model (UKESM) and underlying physical model will be used to conduct analyses of heat and carbon uptake and transport by the Southern Ocean and their links to wider climate on decadal timescales.

    An eddy-resolving (1/12°) sector model of the ocean south of 30°S with 75 vertical levels, will be built using the NEMO model coupled to the Los Alamos sea ice (CICE) model. The improvements on the ocean boundary layer will be based from the results from the NERC-funded OSMOSIS project and the inclusion of tides.

    20-5 year runs of an adjoint model will be conducted to determine how key forcings and model states affect the uptake and subduction of heat and carbon by the ocean.

Data Activity or Cruise Information


Cruise Name JR15006
Departure Date 2016-03-31
Arrival Date 2016-04-26
Principal Scientist(s)Andrew J S Meijers (British Antarctic Survey)
Ship RRS James Clark Ross

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NameWOCE section A23
CategoryOffshore route/traverse

WOCE Hydrographic Programme Section A23

This section is part of the One-Time Survey of World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) designated A23. A hydrographic section from Antarctica to Brazil in the South West Atlantica. A full suite of physical, chemical, biological, meterological and tracer measurements were made. During WOCE in 1995 (James Clark Ross, cruise JR10) the A23 section area encompassed 20-70° S and 20-70° S. Part of this A23 section located in the eastern Scotia Sea has been repeated by theALBATROSS project (James Clark Ross, cruise JR40) in 1999, theUS CLIVAR repeat hydrography/CO2 in 2005 (R/V Ronald H. Brown, cruise A16S_2005a) under theCLIVAR/Carbon repeat hydrography program. From 2010 onwards the British Antarctic Survey has conducted annual cruises to survey the southern portion of this section, from the Weddell Sea to South Georgia. A comprehensive list of cruises is included below the map.


BODC image

History of Occupations at Section A23

Cruise Start Date End Date Country PSO
R/V Melville A16S 23-01-1989 08-03-1989 United States W. A. Smethie
RRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10) 20-04-1995 06-06-1995 United Kingdom K. Heywood
RRS James Clark Ross JR19990315 (JR40) 15-03-1999 22-04-1999 United Kingdom K. Heywood
R/V Ronald H. Brown A16S_2005a 11-01-2005 24-02-2005 United States R. Wanninkhof
RRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239) 19-03-2010 24-04-2010 United Kingdom M. Meredith
RRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A) 27-03-2012 24-04-2012 United Kingdom Hugh Venables
RRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4) 17-03-2013 27-04-2013 United Kingdom Jean Baptiste Sallee
R/V Ronald H. Brown A16S 23-12-2013 04-02-2014 United States L. Barbero
RRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg 2, UKD-5) 31-03-2014 29-04-2014 United Kingdom Andrew Meijers
RRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310) 09-03-2015 14-04-2015 United Kingdom Povl Abrahamsen
RRS James Clark Ross JR15006 31-03-2016 26-04-2016 United Kingdom Andrew Meijers
RRS James Clark Ross JR16004 24-01-2017 13-03-2017 France Jean Baptiste Sallee
RRS James Clark Ross JR17003 26-01-2018 18-02-2018 United Kingdom Povl Abrahamsen

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 1

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: WOCE section A23

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
1010471CTD or STD cast1995-03-23 18:52:0055.51417 S, 58.61 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360495Water sample data1995-03-23 20:29:3055.51424 S, 58.61007 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010483CTD or STD cast1995-03-28 09:34:0065.348 S, 25.01317 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360502Water sample data1995-03-28 10:01:3065.34804 S, 25.01317 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010495CTD or STD cast1995-03-30 09:35:0072.46083 S, 16.52233 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360514Water sample data1995-03-30 09:55:3072.46091 S, 16.52239 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010502CTD or STD cast1995-03-30 14:58:0072.38 S, 16.94717 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360526Water sample data1995-03-30 15:16:3072.38003 S, 16.94724 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010514CTD or STD cast1995-03-30 16:55:0072.34467 S, 17.0335 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360538Water sample data1995-03-30 17:21:3072.34467 S, 17.03356 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010526CTD or STD cast1995-03-30 19:41:0072.27517 S, 17.2265 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360551Water sample data1995-03-30 20:19:0072.27521 S, 17.22656 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010538CTD or STD cast1995-03-30 23:04:0072.186 S, 17.46233 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360563Water sample data1995-03-30 23:54:0072.18606 S, 17.46232 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010551CTD or STD cast1995-03-31 03:20:0072.06983 S, 17.90383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360575Water sample data1995-03-31 04:15:0072.06991 S, 17.90379 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010563CTD or STD cast1995-03-31 07:14:0071.95583 S, 18.222 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360587Water sample data1995-03-31 08:17:3071.95576 S, 18.22204 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010575CTD or STD cast1995-03-31 17:33:0071.84783 S, 18.522 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360599Water sample data1995-03-31 18:46:3071.84776 S, 18.52193 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010587CTD or STD cast1995-03-31 22:40:0071.70533 S, 18.86333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360606Water sample data1995-04-01 00:03:3071.70528 S, 18.86335 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010599CTD or STD cast1995-04-01 11:34:0072.49367 S, 22.92283 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360618Water sample data1995-04-01 12:55:0072.49364 S, 22.92287 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010606CTD or STD cast1995-04-01 22:52:0071.70583 S, 18.862 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010618CTD or STD cast1995-04-02 04:38:0071.30517 S, 19.50083 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360631Water sample data1995-04-02 06:06:0071.30521 S, 19.50088 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010631CTD or STD cast1995-04-02 10:28:0070.85433 S, 20.13317 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360643Water sample data1995-04-02 11:58:0070.85427 S, 20.13319 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010643CTD or STD cast1995-04-02 17:02:0070.25583 S, 20.98917 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360655Water sample data1995-04-02 18:29:0070.25587 S, 20.98918 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010655CTD or STD cast1995-04-02 23:30:0069.65567 S, 21.82117 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360667Water sample data1995-04-03 01:15:0069.6557 S, 21.82119 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010667CTD or STD cast1995-04-03 07:40:0069.05683 S, 22.62883 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360679Water sample data1995-04-03 09:18:0069.05676 S, 22.62887 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010679CTD or STD cast1995-04-03 16:07:0068.1565 S, 23.83133 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360680Water sample data1995-04-03 17:52:3068.15642 S, 23.83133 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010680CTD or STD cast1995-04-04 01:14:0067.26017 S, 24.993 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360692Water sample data1995-04-04 02:51:3067.26013 S, 24.99293 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010692CTD or STD cast1995-04-04 10:23:0066.36017 S, 26.09867 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360711Water sample data1995-04-04 11:58:0066.36018 S, 26.09865 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010711CTD or STD cast1995-04-04 18:25:0065.46133 S, 27.17333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360723Water sample data1995-04-04 20:02:0065.46134 S, 27.1733 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010723CTD or STD cast1995-04-05 03:38:0064.5655 S, 28.2055 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360735Water sample data1995-04-05 05:12:3064.56547 S, 28.20544 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010735CTD or STD cast1995-04-05 12:05:0063.96467 S, 28.87867 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360747Water sample data1995-04-05 13:38:0063.96469 S, 28.87874 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010747CTD or STD cast1995-04-05 19:30:0063.3465 S, 29.5725 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360759Water sample data1995-04-05 21:01:3063.3465 S, 29.57242 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010759CTD or STD cast1995-04-06 01:32:0063.07383 S, 30.11383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360760Water sample data1995-04-06 03:05:3063.07385 S, 30.11376 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010760CTD or STD cast1995-04-06 08:05:0062.7825 S, 30.69183 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360772Water sample data1995-04-06 09:41:3062.78252 S, 30.69186 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010772CTD or STD cast1995-04-06 13:39:0062.49183 S, 31.2625 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360784Water sample data1995-04-06 15:11:0062.49187 S, 31.26243 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010784CTD or STD cast1995-04-06 19:39:0062.07633 S, 31.18417 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360796Water sample data1995-04-06 21:11:0062.0763 S, 31.1841 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010796CTD or STD cast1995-04-07 02:42:0061.661 S, 31.10933 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360803Water sample data1995-04-07 03:48:0061.66099 S, 31.1093 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010803CTD or STD cast1995-04-07 07:37:0061.55067 S, 31.103 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360815Water sample data1995-04-07 08:58:0061.55069 S, 31.10303 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010815CTD or STD cast1995-04-07 13:00:0061.17067 S, 31.048 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360827Water sample data1995-04-07 14:09:3061.1706 S, 31.04799 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010827CTD or STD cast1995-04-07 16:34:0061.109 S, 31.04117 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360839Water sample data1995-04-07 17:25:3061.10905 S, 31.04119 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010839CTD or STD cast1995-04-07 20:58:0060.7 S, 31.00783 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360840Water sample data1995-04-07 21:34:0060.7 S, 31.0078 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010840CTD or STD cast1995-04-08 00:43:0060.31533 S, 30.9615 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360852Water sample data1995-04-08 01:40:3060.31532 S, 30.96142 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010852CTD or STD cast1995-04-08 04:50:0059.99517 S, 30.929 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360864Water sample data1995-04-08 05:49:3059.99516 S, 30.92898 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010864CTD or STD cast1995-04-08 08:37:0059.76717 S, 30.9045 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360876Water sample data1995-04-08 09:50:3059.76714 S, 30.90455 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010876CTD or STD cast1995-04-08 12:41:0059.67433 S, 30.898 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360888Water sample data1995-04-08 13:40:3059.67436 S, 30.89801 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010888CTD or STD cast1995-04-08 16:53:0059.43467 S, 30.86333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360907Water sample data1995-04-08 18:02:0059.43463 S, 30.86339 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010907CTD or STD cast1995-04-08 21:46:0059.0505 S, 30.82883 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360919Water sample data1995-04-08 22:50:0059.05047 S, 30.82879 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010919CTD or STD cast1995-04-09 03:43:0058.63483 S, 30.82317 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360920Water sample data1995-04-09 04:50:3058.63482 S, 30.8232 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010920CTD or STD cast1995-04-09 09:57:0058.212 S, 30.82167 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360932Water sample data1995-04-09 11:23:0058.21204 S, 30.82171 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010932CTD or STD cast1995-04-10 11:19:0057.80167 S, 30.832 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360944Water sample data1995-04-10 12:36:0057.80164 S, 30.83204 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010944CTD or STD cast1995-04-10 16:24:0057.45817 S, 31.3275 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360956Water sample data1995-04-10 17:38:3057.45811 S, 31.32747 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010956CTD or STD cast1995-04-10 21:36:0057.11867 S, 31.8165 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360968Water sample data1995-04-10 22:43:3057.11868 S, 31.81652 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010968CTD or STD cast1995-04-11 08:12:0056.77567 S, 32.3065 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360981Water sample data1995-04-11 09:16:0056.77572 S, 32.3065 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010981CTD or STD cast1995-04-11 13:08:0056.3815 S, 32.8735 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1360993Water sample data1995-04-11 14:16:3056.38157 S, 32.87351 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1010993CTD or STD cast1995-04-11 18:19:0055.99067 S, 33.41983 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361007Water sample data1995-04-11 19:21:3055.99068 S, 33.41984 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011007CTD or STD cast1995-04-11 22:54:0055.725 S, 33.78667 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361019Water sample data1995-04-12 00:05:0055.72495 S, 33.78674 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011019CTD or STD cast1995-04-12 03:13:0055.48567 S, 34.13217 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361020Water sample data1995-04-12 04:02:3055.48569 S, 34.13219 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011020CTD or STD cast1995-04-12 07:01:0055.25917 S, 34.444 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361032Water sample data1995-04-12 07:33:0055.25916 S, 34.44407 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011032CTD or STD cast1995-04-12 09:23:0055.21517 S, 34.50783 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361044Water sample data1995-04-12 09:38:0055.21509 S, 34.50777 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011044CTD or STD cast1995-04-12 15:00:0054.827 S, 34.68383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361056Water sample data1995-04-12 15:15:0054.82695 S, 34.6839 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011056CTD or STD cast1995-04-12 16:34:0054.71833 S, 34.67183 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361068Water sample data1995-04-12 16:57:3054.71833 S, 34.67179 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011068CTD or STD cast1995-04-12 19:05:0054.4385 S, 34.67883 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361081Water sample data1995-04-12 19:46:0054.43842 S, 34.67875 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011081CTD or STD cast1995-04-12 21:48:0054.2945 S, 34.67483 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361093Water sample data1995-04-12 22:56:0054.29456 S, 34.67477 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011093CTD or STD cast1995-04-13 01:24:0054.21867 S, 34.66867 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361100Water sample data1995-04-13 02:49:0054.21868 S, 34.66862 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011100CTD or STD cast1995-04-13 07:59:0053.89983 S, 35.02 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361112Water sample data1995-04-13 09:10:0053.89975 S, 35.01999 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011112CTD or STD cast1995-04-13 12:36:0053.50083 S, 34.833 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361124Water sample data1995-04-13 13:48:3053.50089 S, 34.83306 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011124CTD or STD cast1995-04-13 17:40:0053.0835 S, 34.91083 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361136Water sample data1995-04-13 18:51:0053.08358 S, 34.9109 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011136CTD or STD cast1995-04-13 22:46:0052.63267 S, 35.00117 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361148Water sample data1995-04-14 00:02:0052.63267 S, 35.00109 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011148CTD or STD cast1995-04-14 03:57:0052.19833 S, 35.17467 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361161Water sample data1995-04-14 05:17:3052.19837 S, 35.17461 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011161CTD or STD cast1995-04-14 09:46:0051.702 S, 35.24933 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361173Water sample data1995-04-14 11:18:3051.70194 S, 35.24932 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011173CTD or STD cast1995-04-14 15:52:0051.19867 S, 35.3355 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361185Water sample data1995-04-14 17:33:0051.19859 S, 35.33558 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011185CTD or STD cast1995-04-14 22:01:0050.7085 S, 35.41483 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361197Water sample data1995-04-14 23:35:0050.70852 S, 35.41483 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011197CTD or STD cast1995-04-15 04:06:0050.20767 S, 35.48983 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361204Water sample data1995-04-15 05:23:0050.20766 S, 35.48977 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011204CTD or STD cast1995-04-15 08:57:0049.8355 S, 35.584 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361216Water sample data1995-04-15 10:38:3049.83545 S, 35.58395 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011216CTD or STD cast1995-04-15 13:57:0049.58567 S, 35.62367 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361228Water sample data1995-04-15 15:42:0049.5857 S, 35.62369 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011228CTD or STD cast1995-04-15 19:01:0049.33467 S, 35.65833 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361241Water sample data1995-04-15 20:48:0049.33472 S, 35.65837 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011241CTD or STD cast1995-04-16 00:16:0049.1485 S, 35.86267 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361253Water sample data1995-04-16 02:21:0049.14858 S, 35.8627 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011253CTD or STD cast1995-04-16 06:35:0048.93383 S, 35.91917 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361265Water sample data1995-04-16 08:36:0048.93379 S, 35.91909 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011265CTD or STD cast1995-04-21 11:50:0049.82767 S, 35.60633 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361277Water sample data1995-04-21 13:51:0049.82761 S, 35.6064 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011277CTD or STD cast1995-04-21 20:13:0050.709 S, 35.41717 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361289Water sample data1995-04-21 21:36:3050.709 S, 35.41714 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011289CTD or STD cast1995-04-22 02:34:0050.46067 S, 35.46417 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361290Water sample data1995-04-22 03:44:0050.46065 S, 35.46424 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011290CTD or STD cast1995-04-22 06:26:0050.21183 S, 35.51117 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361308Water sample data1995-04-22 07:41:0050.21186 S, 35.51123 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011308CTD or STD cast1995-04-22 10:58:0049.873 S, 35.57483 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361321Water sample data1995-04-22 12:28:3049.87296 S, 35.57483 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011321CTD or STD cast1995-04-22 16:51:0049.54767 S, 35.6405 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361333Water sample data1995-04-22 18:41:3049.54768 S, 35.64043 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011333CTD or STD cast1995-04-22 23:18:0049.23117 S, 35.80867 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361345Water sample data1995-04-23 01:13:0049.2311 S, 35.8086 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011345CTD or STD cast1995-04-23 05:10:0048.915 S, 35.9495 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361357Water sample data1995-04-23 07:20:0048.91493 S, 35.94947 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011357CTD or STD cast1995-04-23 11:31:0048.6 S, 35.9935 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361369Water sample data1995-04-23 13:33:3048.60008 S, 35.99358 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011369CTD or STD cast1995-04-23 18:41:0048.066 S, 36.00267 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361370Water sample data1995-04-23 21:04:0048.06598 S, 36.00261 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011370CTD or STD cast1995-04-24 02:43:0047.536 S, 35.999 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361382Water sample data1995-04-24 05:30:3047.53595 S, 35.99903 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011382CTD or STD cast1995-04-24 11:45:0047.001 S, 36.00083 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011394CTD or STD cast1995-04-24 14:09:0046.87267 S, 35.9995 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361394Water sample data1995-04-24 16:39:3046.87266 S, 35.99952 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011401CTD or STD cast1995-04-25 00:09:0046.06633 S, 36.00033 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011413CTD or STD cast1995-04-25 03:59:0045.86617 S, 36.00133 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361401Water sample data1995-04-25 06:23:3045.8662 S, 36.00131 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011425CTD or STD cast1995-04-25 14:24:0044.86733 S, 36.002 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361413Water sample data1995-04-25 16:26:0044.86739 S, 36.00202 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011437CTD or STD cast1995-04-25 22:55:0044.06833 S, 35.99417 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361425Water sample data1995-04-26 00:54:0044.06833 S, 35.9941 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011449CTD or STD cast1995-04-26 04:22:0043.86483 S, 35.996 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011450CTD or STD cast1995-04-26 10:49:0043.366 S, 36.0005 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361437Water sample data1995-04-26 12:45:0043.36605 S, 36.00056 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011462CTD or STD cast1995-04-26 17:22:0042.86583 S, 36.00717 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361449Water sample data1995-04-26 19:16:0042.86587 S, 36.00724 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011474CTD or STD cast1995-04-27 00:48:0042.2 S, 35.99817 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361450Water sample data1995-04-27 02:42:0042.19994 S, 35.99817 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011486CTD or STD cast1995-04-27 08:26:0041.53817 S, 35.98867 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361462Water sample data1995-04-27 10:23:0041.53824 S, 35.98866 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011498CTD or STD cast1995-04-27 16:09:0040.8755 S, 35.983 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361474Water sample data1995-04-27 17:56:3040.87542 S, 35.98296 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011505CTD or STD cast1995-04-28 01:03:0039.86733 S, 36.01317 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361486Water sample data1995-04-28 02:42:0039.86728 S, 36.01309 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011517CTD or STD cast1995-04-28 09:37:0038.86917 S, 35.9965 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361498Water sample data1995-04-28 11:23:0038.86912 S, 35.99644 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011529CTD or STD cast1995-04-28 18:30:0037.89783 S, 35.98417 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361505Water sample data1995-04-28 20:14:0037.89779 S, 35.98414 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011530CTD or STD cast1995-04-29 03:30:0036.86367 S, 35.99417 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361517Water sample data1995-04-29 05:14:3036.86365 S, 35.99414 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011542CTD or STD cast1995-04-29 12:16:0035.86433 S, 35.99917 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361529Water sample data1995-04-29 13:54:3035.86439 S, 35.99914 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011554CTD or STD cast1995-04-29 21:24:0034.867 S, 35.9925 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361530Water sample data1995-04-29 23:12:3034.86705 S, 35.99244 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011566CTD or STD cast1995-04-30 06:08:0034.36617 S, 35.99017 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361542Water sample data1995-04-30 07:46:3034.36624 S, 35.99022 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011578CTD or STD cast1995-04-30 12:45:0033.868 S, 36.003 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361554Water sample data1995-04-30 14:13:0033.86808 S, 36.00292 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011591CTD or STD cast1995-04-30 18:11:0033.53967 S, 35.9945 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361566Water sample data1995-04-30 19:38:0033.53968 S, 35.99447 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011609CTD or STD cast1995-05-01 00:02:0033.08817 S, 36.0005 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361578Water sample data1995-05-01 01:26:0033.08812 S, 36.00058 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011610CTD or STD cast1995-05-01 04:33:0032.847 S, 35.98783 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361591Water sample data1995-05-01 05:44:3032.847 S, 35.98781 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011622CTD or STD cast1995-05-01 08:50:0032.56383 S, 35.99383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361609Water sample data1995-05-01 09:50:3032.56376 S, 35.99377 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011634CTD or STD cast1995-05-01 14:02:0031.99967 S, 36.00717 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361610Water sample data1995-05-01 15:00:0031.99973 S, 36.0072 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011646CTD or STD cast1995-05-01 18:48:0031.55183 S, 36.00617 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361622Water sample data1995-05-01 19:30:0031.55188 S, 36.00623 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011658CTD or STD cast1995-05-01 22:11:0031.2525 S, 36.00733 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361634Water sample data1995-05-01 22:45:0031.25252 S, 36.00741 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011671CTD or STD cast1995-05-02 01:20:0031.01767 S, 36.00317 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361646Water sample data1995-05-02 01:46:0031.01772 S, 36.0032 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011683CTD or STD cast1995-05-02 04:32:0030.69117 S, 36.25633 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361658Water sample data1995-05-02 04:54:3030.69113 S, 36.25628 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011695CTD or STD cast1995-05-02 07:58:0030.3215 S, 36.5735 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361671Water sample data1995-05-02 08:30:3030.32151 S, 36.57348 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011702CTD or STD cast1995-05-02 11:37:0030.0045 S, 36.8805 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361683Water sample data1995-05-02 12:22:0030.00455 S, 36.88045 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011714CTD or STD cast1995-05-02 14:31:0029.856 S, 37.02533 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361695Water sample data1995-05-02 15:22:3029.85608 S, 37.02537 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011726CTD or STD cast1995-05-02 17:31:0029.728 S, 37.141 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361702Water sample data1995-05-02 18:33:0029.72793 S, 37.14108 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011738CTD or STD cast1995-05-02 21:14:0029.61167 S, 37.268 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361714Water sample data1995-05-02 22:29:0029.61164 S, 37.26797 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011751CTD or STD cast1995-05-03 01:15:0029.43933 S, 37.43967 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361726Water sample data1995-05-03 02:34:0029.43937 S, 37.43969 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011763CTD or STD cast1995-05-03 06:22:0029.092 S, 37.76917 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361738Water sample data1995-05-03 07:48:0029.09206 S, 37.76924 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011775CTD or STD cast1995-05-03 12:14:0028.70667 S, 38.13367 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361751Water sample data1995-05-03 13:43:0028.70672 S, 38.13369 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011787CTD or STD cast1995-05-03 20:35:0028.53233 S, 38.3065 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361763Water sample data1995-05-03 22:07:3028.53238 S, 38.30642 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011799CTD or STD cast1995-05-04 02:11:0028.19617 S, 38.62583 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361775Water sample data1995-05-04 03:35:0028.19623 S, 38.62587 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011806CTD or STD cast1995-05-04 07:35:0027.86167 S, 38.94383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361787Water sample data1995-05-04 08:57:3027.86163 S, 38.94389 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011818CTD or STD cast1995-05-04 12:53:0027.52567 S, 39.2605 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361799Water sample data1995-05-04 14:17:0027.52564 S, 39.26046 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011831CTD or STD cast1995-05-04 17:41:0027.28967 S, 39.47967 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361806Water sample data1995-05-04 18:58:3027.28964 S, 39.4797 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011843CTD or STD cast1995-05-04 23:04:0027.0245 S, 39.95917 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361818Water sample data1995-05-05 00:23:3027.02442 S, 39.95924 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011855CTD or STD cast1995-05-05 04:49:0026.74867 S, 40.45133 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361831Water sample data1995-05-05 05:56:0026.7487 S, 40.45129 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011867CTD or STD cast1995-05-05 09:00:0026.64783 S, 40.64217 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361843Water sample data1995-05-05 09:59:0026.64776 S, 40.64209 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1011879CTD or STD cast1995-05-05 15:01:0026.2525 S, 41.34517 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1361855Water sample data1995-05-05 15:58:3026.25251 S, 41.34509 WRRS James Clark Ross JR19950320 (JR10)
1223140Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-03-20 09:32:0739.7842 S, 56.0604 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046591CTD or STD cast2010-04-14 12:27:0163.9655 S, 28.875 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046609CTD or STD cast2010-04-14 19:15:1763.3468 S, 29.5678 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046610CTD or STD cast2010-04-15 01:45:1263.0729 S, 30.1151 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046622CTD or STD cast2010-04-15 07:59:2962.7827 S, 30.6946 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046634CTD or STD cast2010-04-15 13:45:5562.4916 S, 31.2622 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046646CTD or STD cast2010-04-15 19:36:4462.0753 S, 31.1826 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046658CTD or STD cast2010-04-16 03:10:5561.5515 S, 31.1042 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046671CTD or STD cast2010-04-16 08:55:2361.1709 S, 31.0454 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046683CTD or STD cast2010-04-16 12:37:0661.1094 S, 31.0409 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046695CTD or STD cast2010-04-16 16:59:4160.6992 S, 31.0091 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046702CTD or STD cast2010-04-16 22:37:1959.9946 S, 30.9296 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046714CTD or STD cast2010-04-17 03:05:1759.7663 S, 30.9054 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046726CTD or STD cast2010-04-17 07:13:1159.6737 S, 30.8957 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046738CTD or STD cast2010-04-17 11:01:3259.4357 S, 30.8602 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046751CTD or STD cast2010-04-17 15:47:1459.0495 S, 30.8312 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046763CTD or STD cast2010-04-17 20:29:4358.6352 S, 30.8245 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046775CTD or STD cast2010-04-18 02:36:4058.2131 S, 30.822 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046787CTD or STD cast2010-04-18 08:45:0557.8013 S, 30.8326 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046799CTD or STD cast2010-04-18 14:01:4557.4581 S, 31.3273 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046806CTD or STD cast2010-04-18 19:03:4557.1186 S, 31.8145 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046818CTD or STD cast2010-04-19 00:57:4856.7758 S, 32.3037 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046831CTD or STD cast2010-04-19 06:56:2356.3808 S, 32.8724 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046843CTD or STD cast2010-04-19 12:15:0655.9906 S, 33.4192 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046855CTD or STD cast2010-04-19 16:42:1555.7257 S, 33.7855 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046867CTD or STD cast2010-04-19 21:25:3455.4849 S, 34.1331 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046879CTD or STD cast2010-04-20 02:00:3155.2598 S, 34.4434 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1046880CTD or STD cast2010-04-20 04:49:5055.2152 S, 34.508 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100319 (JR235, JR236, JR239)
1797666Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-04 13:48:0063.34673 S, 29.56783 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796128CTD or STD cast2012-04-04 13:59:1863.3467 S, 29.5678 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797678Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-04 19:23:0063.07283 S, 30.1136 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796141CTD or STD cast2012-04-04 19:27:5063.0728 S, 30.1136 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797691Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-05 01:13:0062.78318 S, 30.70218 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796153CTD or STD cast2012-04-05 01:22:4062.7832 S, 30.7022 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797709Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-05 07:18:0062.49156 S, 31.26239 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796165CTD or STD cast2012-04-05 07:23:4662.4916 S, 31.2624 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797710Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-05 12:52:0062.08348 S, 31.17416 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796177CTD or STD cast2012-04-05 12:58:4362.0835 S, 31.1742 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797722Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-05 19:11:0061.66117 S, 31.11082 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796189CTD or STD cast2012-04-05 19:17:5361.6612 S, 31.1108 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797734Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-06 02:57:0061.55776 S, 31.09907 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796190CTD or STD cast2012-04-06 03:07:5761.5578 S, 31.0991 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797746Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-06 09:13:0061.17073 S, 31.04599 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796208CTD or STD cast2012-04-06 09:23:0561.1707 S, 31.046 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797758Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-06 12:16:0061.10877 S, 31.04048 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796221CTD or STD cast2012-04-06 12:24:1361.1088 S, 31.0405 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797771Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-06 17:17:0060.6995 S, 31.00858 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796233CTD or STD cast2012-04-06 17:22:2960.6995 S, 31.0086 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797783Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-06 21:07:0060.31939 S, 30.96101 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796245CTD or STD cast2012-04-06 21:09:5160.3194 S, 30.961 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797795Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-07 01:30:0059.99361 S, 30.92548 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796257CTD or STD cast2012-04-07 01:38:2859.9936 S, 30.9255 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797802Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-07 05:37:0059.76945 S, 30.90623 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796269CTD or STD cast2012-04-07 05:49:1159.7694 S, 30.9062 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797814Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-07 10:30:0059.43571 S, 30.86116 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796270CTD or STD cast2012-04-07 10:36:4959.4357 S, 30.8612 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797826Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-07 15:47:0059.05038 S, 30.83279 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796282CTD or STD cast2012-04-07 15:54:3559.0504 S, 30.8328 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797838Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-07 23:29:0058.62374 S, 30.82118 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796294CTD or STD cast2012-04-07 23:37:2258.6237 S, 30.8212 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797851Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-08 09:09:0058.21319 S, 30.82216 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796301CTD or STD cast2012-04-08 09:16:0958.2132 S, 30.8222 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797863Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-08 14:29:0057.8028 S, 30.83036 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796313CTD or STD cast2012-04-08 14:36:1557.8028 S, 30.8304 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797875Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-08 20:18:0057.45824 S, 31.32729 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796325CTD or STD cast2012-04-08 20:24:5757.4582 S, 31.3273 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1797887Currents -subsurface Eulerian2012-04-09 02:34:0057.11868 S, 31.81544 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1796337CTD or STD cast2012-04-09 02:41:1857.1187 S, 31.8154 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20120327 (JR254E, JR257, JR272A)
1716818CTD or STD cast2013-03-19 23:50:0055.1248 S, 57.9938 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716831CTD or STD cast2013-03-20 04:35:0055.1705 S, 57.9932 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716622CTD or STD cast2013-03-20 23:02:0055.8328 S, 57.8205 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716695CTD or STD cast2013-03-21 07:40:0056.1496 S, 57.623 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716763CTD or STD cast2013-03-21 21:10:0056.7848 S, 57.2282 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716775CTD or STD cast2013-03-25 00:12:0058.6845 S, 56.054 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716787CTD or STD cast2013-03-25 18:28:0059.6712 S, 55.4641 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716799CTD or STD cast2013-03-26 01:47:0059.9997 S, 55.2382 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716806CTD or STD cast2013-03-26 16:48:0060.6668 S, 54.8248 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1736924Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-06 03:37:1163.96462 S, 28.87528 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1736936Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-06 11:14:2663.34594 S, 29.56696 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1736948Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-06 16:55:1663.07156 S, 30.11266 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1736961Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-06 22:52:5962.78278 S, 30.69354 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1736973Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-07 04:59:5162.49208 S, 31.26015 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1736985Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-07 11:40:1462.07544 S, 31.18304 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1736997Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-07 17:21:1861.66119 S, 31.10922 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737000Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-07 23:00:5261.17094 S, 31.0463 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737012Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-08 04:51:5860.69988 S, 31.00886 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737024Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-08 08:53:4860.31526 S, 30.95876 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737036Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-08 13:10:1159.99502 S, 30.92853 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737048Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-08 16:53:2759.76674 S, 30.90468 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737061Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-08 21:42:3659.4354 S, 30.85922 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737073Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-09 02:53:2559.05132 S, 30.82894 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737085Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-09 08:07:5458.63482 S, 30.82316 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737097Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-09 13:35:2958.21278 S, 30.81914 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737104Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-09 19:26:0857.80132 S, 30.83314 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716843CTD or STD cast2013-04-10 03:02:0057.4582 S, 31.3278 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737116Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-10 03:19:1557.45816 S, 31.32788 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716855CTD or STD cast2013-04-10 10:23:0057.1065 S, 31.83 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737128Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-10 10:37:0557.10642 S, 31.83118 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737141Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-10 17:03:2856.77654 S, 32.3012 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737153Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-10 22:37:3556.37972 S, 32.87262 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716867CTD or STD cast2013-04-11 05:36:0055.9913 S, 33.4172 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737165Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-11 05:59:0455.99036 S, 33.4196 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716879CTD or STD cast2013-04-11 10:54:0055.7255 S, 33.7837 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737177Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-11 11:08:3355.72536 S, 33.78542 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737189Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-11 16:31:0055.48492 S, 34.13224 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737190Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-11 21:26:5455.25952 S, 34.44378 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1737208Currents -subsurface Eulerian2013-04-11 23:35:0855.21552 S, 34.50804 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716880CTD or STD cast2013-04-15 09:30:0053.2586 S, 44.9914 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716892CTD or STD cast2013-04-15 14:14:0053.2012 S, 45.5875 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716530CTD or STD cast2013-04-15 22:21:0053.1253 S, 46.5255 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716542CTD or STD cast2013-04-16 07:34:0052.9388 S, 47.7389 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716554CTD or STD cast2013-04-16 13:33:0053.1227 S, 48.1902 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716566CTD or STD cast2013-04-16 20:18:0053.1493 S, 48.5027 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716578CTD or STD cast2013-04-17 05:44:0053.3481 S, 48.1011 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716591CTD or STD cast2013-04-17 11:03:0053.3806 S, 49.456 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716609CTD or STD cast2013-04-17 19:42:0052.9278 S, 47.7485 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716610CTD or STD cast2013-04-18 00:00:0052.8304 S, 47.8253 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716634CTD or STD cast2013-04-18 08:20:0052.6499 S, 47.9827 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716646CTD or STD cast2013-04-18 13:33:0052.5584 S, 48.0629 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716658CTD or STD cast2013-04-19 22:38:0051.3095 S, 39.846 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716671CTD or STD cast2013-04-20 05:55:0051.0588 S, 40.3854 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716683CTD or STD cast2013-04-21 08:42:0049.3933 S, 41.9978 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716702CTD or STD cast2013-04-21 23:40:0048.4775 S, 42.0 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716714CTD or STD cast2013-04-25 14:21:0053.1487 S, 54.6468 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716726CTD or STD cast2013-04-25 19:46:0053.1622 S, 55.1265 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716738CTD or STD cast2013-04-26 05:12:0053.2872 S, 56.0438 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1716751CTD or STD cast2013-04-26 09:45:0053.3475 S, 56.5484 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20130317 (JR252B, JR272B, JR273A, JR281, UKD-4)
1734211CTD or STD cast2014-03-12 18:51:0062.76533 S, 59.10957 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734284CTD or STD cast2014-03-12 20:45:0062.76519 S, 59.10958 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734376CTD or STD cast2014-03-13 17:10:0060.98235 S, 54.62895 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734388CTD or STD cast2014-03-13 19:50:0060.84978 S, 54.71302 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734407CTD or STD cast2014-03-13 23:23:0060.83317 S, 54.72175 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734419CTD or STD cast2014-03-14 04:37:0060.66713 S, 54.8245 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734420CTD or STD cast2014-03-14 10:23:0060.33259 S, 55.03171 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734223CTD or STD cast2014-03-14 21:29:0059.66714 S, 55.44537 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734235CTD or STD cast2014-03-15 04:04:0059.33315 S, 55.6478 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734247CTD or STD cast2014-03-15 15:31:0058.68313 S, 56.05579 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734259CTD or STD cast2014-03-15 21:53:0058.3667 S, 56.25015 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734260CTD or STD cast2014-03-16 10:28:0057.73371 S, 56.64063 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734272CTD or STD cast2014-03-16 16:28:0057.4143 S, 56.84012 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734296CTD or STD cast2014-03-17 03:17:0056.78394 S, 57.22993 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734303CTD or STD cast2014-03-17 07:36:0056.70419 S, 57.2789 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734315CTD or STD cast2014-03-17 09:58:0056.625 S, 57.3276 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734327CTD or STD cast2014-03-18 18:21:0055.66613 S, 57.85477 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734339CTD or STD cast2014-03-18 23:27:0055.51905 S, 57.99993 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734340CTD or STD cast2014-03-19 05:03:0055.36824 S, 57.99933 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734352CTD or STD cast2014-03-19 10:36:0055.21425 S, 57.99954 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1734364CTD or STD cast2014-03-19 14:43:0055.17311 S, 57.99473 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140308 (JR293 Leg1, JR299 Leg1, UKD-5)
1919437Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-08 03:31:2562.48461 S, 31.25279 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812610CTD or STD cast2014-04-08 03:31:2862.4796 S, 31.2494 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812622CTD or STD cast2014-04-08 12:39:3962.0588 S, 31.199 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919449Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-08 12:39:4162.06151 S, 31.18355 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812634CTD or STD cast2014-04-08 19:37:1661.6559 S, 31.1 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919450Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-08 19:37:3161.66182 S, 31.10865 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812646CTD or STD cast2014-04-09 01:16:0161.162 S, 31.0512 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919462Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-09 01:16:2961.16894 S, 31.04869 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812658CTD or STD cast2014-04-09 08:26:2560.7009 S, 30.9988 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919474Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-09 08:27:1260.70007 S, 31.00047 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812671CTD or STD cast2014-04-09 12:46:4960.3159 S, 30.9556 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919486Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-09 12:46:5360.31566 S, 30.95379 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812683CTD or STD cast2014-04-09 18:38:4159.7662 S, 30.9053 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919498Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-09 18:38:5059.76572 S, 30.90585 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812695CTD or STD cast2014-04-09 23:32:0459.4357 S, 30.8569 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919505Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-09 23:32:1759.43577 S, 30.85695 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812702CTD or STD cast2014-04-10 04:43:1859.0505 S, 30.8294 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919517Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-10 04:43:4559.05092 S, 30.82339 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812714CTD or STD cast2014-04-10 09:48:1258.6353 S, 30.8243 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919529Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-10 09:48:2558.63523 S, 30.82405 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812726CTD or STD cast2014-04-10 15:03:5258.2129 S, 30.8215 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919530Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-10 15:04:1158.21181 S, 30.81786 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812738CTD or STD cast2014-04-10 20:47:0257.769 S, 30.9686 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919542Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-10 20:47:2057.76979 S, 30.96844 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812751CTD or STD cast2014-04-11 01:43:1557.4885 S, 31.3285 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919554Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-11 01:43:2557.48851 S, 31.32856 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812763CTD or STD cast2014-04-11 06:50:1757.3398 S, 31.8902 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919566Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-11 06:50:3657.33977 S, 31.89018 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812775CTD or STD cast2014-04-11 11:38:5657.2778 S, 32.3733 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919578Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-11 11:39:1557.27786 S, 32.37325 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812787CTD or STD cast2014-04-11 17:07:3956.8896 S, 32.43 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919591Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-11 17:08:0856.88958 S, 32.43001 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812799CTD or STD cast2014-04-11 21:48:1756.5767 S, 32.5072 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919609Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-11 21:48:2856.5766 S, 32.50731 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812806CTD or STD cast2014-04-12 07:52:0956.495 S, 32.9728 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919610Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-12 07:52:3156.4946 S, 32.97251 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919622Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-13 09:19:4955.95821 S, 33.6595 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812818CTD or STD cast2014-04-13 09:20:5455.9553 S, 33.6594 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812831CTD or STD cast2014-04-13 13:35:4955.7397 S, 33.9505 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919634Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-13 13:35:5555.73971 S, 33.9505 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812843CTD or STD cast2014-04-13 18:02:0755.4847 S, 34.1334 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919646Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-13 18:02:2155.48415 S, 34.13161 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812855CTD or STD cast2014-04-13 21:39:5555.2595 S, 34.4436 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919658Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-13 21:40:0655.2599 S, 34.44357 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1812867CTD or STD cast2014-04-13 23:57:2755.2151 S, 34.5071 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1919671Currents -subsurface Eulerian2014-04-13 23:57:3955.21507 S, 34.50705 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20140331 (JR272C, JR273B, JR293 Leg2, JR299 Leg2, UKD-5)
1814179CTD or STD cast2015-03-24 19:36:4163.9653 S, 28.8768 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805834Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-24 19:36:4763.96531 S, 28.87671 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814180CTD or STD cast2015-03-25 04:27:1663.3456 S, 29.5647 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805846Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-25 04:27:3263.34882 S, 29.56103 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805858Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-26 13:32:4863.07257 S, 30.11386 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814192CTD or STD cast2015-03-26 13:34:5263.0724 S, 30.1138 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814211CTD or STD cast2015-03-26 23:02:2162.7828 S, 30.6937 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805871Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-26 23:02:3362.78252 S, 30.69156 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814223CTD or STD cast2015-03-27 06:12:0762.4825 S, 31.2696 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805883Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-27 06:12:3162.48244 S, 31.26963 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814235CTD or STD cast2015-03-27 11:48:5862.0753 S, 31.1834 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805895Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-27 11:49:1662.07569 S, 31.18341 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814247CTD or STD cast2015-03-27 17:50:2261.6657 S, 31.1058 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805902Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-27 17:50:4661.66644 S, 31.10527 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814259CTD or STD cast2015-03-27 23:29:3061.171 S, 31.0459 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805914Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-27 23:29:3961.17059 S, 31.04584 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814260CTD or STD cast2015-03-28 03:31:0361.1093 S, 31.0413 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805926Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-28 03:31:3161.10932 S, 31.04127 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814272CTD or STD cast2015-03-28 08:21:1560.6995 S, 31.0098 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805938Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-28 08:21:3260.69947 S, 31.00975 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814284CTD or STD cast2015-03-28 11:57:0160.3153 S, 30.9585 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805951Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-28 11:57:1760.31481 S, 30.95759 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814296CTD or STD cast2015-03-28 16:03:0459.9945 S, 30.9294 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805963Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-28 16:03:2259.99443 S, 30.92934 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814303CTD or STD cast2015-03-28 20:00:3659.7661 S, 30.9055 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805975Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-28 20:00:5559.76622 S, 30.90592 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814315CTD or STD cast2015-03-29 00:08:0559.6737 S, 30.8966 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805987Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-29 00:08:2559.67369 S, 30.89659 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814327CTD or STD cast2015-03-29 04:17:0359.4357 S, 30.8598 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1805999Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-29 04:17:2959.43558 S, 30.85995 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814339CTD or STD cast2015-03-29 09:33:1359.0503 S, 30.8303 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806002Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-29 09:33:2159.04982 S, 30.82993 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814340CTD or STD cast2015-03-29 14:12:4358.6352 S, 30.8245 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806014Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-29 14:12:5458.63466 S, 30.82446 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814352CTD or STD cast2015-03-29 19:27:1558.2129 S, 30.822 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806026Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-29 19:27:2258.21173 S, 30.8231 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814364CTD or STD cast2015-03-30 01:33:5957.8016 S, 30.8326 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806038Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-30 01:34:1257.80157 S, 30.83258 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814376CTD or STD cast2015-03-30 06:59:2057.4582 S, 31.3277 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806051Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-30 06:59:4057.45816 S, 31.32766 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814388CTD or STD cast2015-03-30 11:53:4757.1183 S, 31.8148 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806063Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-30 11:54:0157.11834 S, 31.81482 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814407CTD or STD cast2015-03-30 16:36:4456.7755 S, 32.3038 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806075Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-30 16:36:5956.77515 S, 32.30394 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814419CTD or STD cast2015-03-30 22:13:4556.3811 S, 32.8728 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806087Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-30 22:13:5356.38107 S, 32.87283 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814420CTD or STD cast2015-03-31 04:20:2655.9904 S, 33.4197 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806099Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-31 04:20:3655.9904 S, 33.41972 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814432CTD or STD cast2015-03-31 09:00:0555.7255 S, 33.7855 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806106Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-31 09:00:2255.72563 S, 33.7854 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814444CTD or STD cast2015-03-31 13:41:1755.4847 S, 34.1334 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806118Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-31 13:41:3555.48465 S, 34.13342 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814456CTD or STD cast2015-03-31 17:10:4255.2899 S, 34.4 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806131Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-31 17:11:0255.28964 S, 34.40003 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814468CTD or STD cast2015-03-31 19:51:1655.2594 S, 34.4438 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806143Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-31 19:51:3255.25939 S, 34.44383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814481CTD or STD cast2015-03-31 21:55:4155.23 S, 34.49 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806155Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-31 21:55:5355.22994 S, 34.48992 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1814493CTD or STD cast2015-03-31 23:31:3555.2152 S, 34.508 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1806167Currents -subsurface Eulerian2015-03-31 23:31:4755.21518 S, 34.50798 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20150309 (JR272D, JR310)
1795623CTD or STD cast2016-04-10 11:30:0066.70517 S, 27.05 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798123Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-10 11:34:3766.70522 S, 27.04998 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795635CTD or STD cast2016-04-11 01:40:0063.96417 S, 28.87733 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798135Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-11 01:44:4063.96418 S, 28.87741 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795659CTD or STD cast2016-04-11 04:26:0063.07233 S, 30.1165 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795647CTD or STD cast2016-04-11 10:10:0063.35133 S, 29.56233 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798147Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-11 10:14:1463.3514 S, 29.56226 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795660CTD or STD cast2016-04-11 10:41:0062.79033 S, 30.69517 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798159Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-11 16:22:0563.0723 S, 30.11656 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795672CTD or STD cast2016-04-12 04:36:0062.4915 S, 31.25983 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798160Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-12 04:41:0962.49158 S, 31.2599 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795696CTD or STD cast2016-04-12 04:48:0061.66083 S, 31.111 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795703CTD or STD cast2016-04-12 10:38:0061.17117 S, 31.0515 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795684CTD or STD cast2016-04-12 10:42:0062.0765 S, 31.19283 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798172Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-12 10:47:2862.07652 S, 31.1928 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798184Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-12 16:53:2561.66092 S, 31.11098 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798196Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-12 22:44:2661.17122 S, 31.05152 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795740CTD or STD cast2016-04-13 04:20:0059.76533 S, 30.90717 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795715CTD or STD cast2016-04-13 04:30:0060.70067 S, 31.009 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798203Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-13 04:34:5960.70072 S, 31.00892 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795727CTD or STD cast2016-04-13 08:28:0060.3145 S, 30.958 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798215Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-13 08:34:5560.31448 S, 30.95798 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795739CTD or STD cast2016-04-13 12:36:0060.001 S, 30.93783 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798227Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-13 12:43:1160.00098 S, 30.9379 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798239Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-13 16:24:4159.76546 S, 30.90716 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798240Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-13 21:16:1959.43762 S, 30.86078 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795764CTD or STD cast2016-04-14 02:08:0059.05067 S, 30.833 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798252Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-14 02:12:5759.0507 S, 30.83296 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795807CTD or STD cast2016-04-14 06:25:0057.80167 S, 30.83183 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795776CTD or STD cast2016-04-14 07:06:0058.63417 S, 30.82417 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798264Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-14 07:11:3258.63424 S, 30.82408 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795788CTD or STD cast2016-04-14 12:40:0058.21133 S, 30.81833 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798276Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-14 12:43:2458.21132 S, 30.81834 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798288Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-14 18:29:4457.8017 S, 30.83182 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795819CTD or STD cast2016-04-15 01:04:0057.45767 S, 31.33033 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798307Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-15 01:09:0357.45768 S, 31.33026 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795844CTD or STD cast2016-04-15 06:10:0056.38183 S, 32.873 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795820CTD or STD cast2016-04-15 06:47:0057.1195 S, 31.8135 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798319Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-15 06:53:0357.11946 S, 31.81338 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795832CTD or STD cast2016-04-15 12:41:0056.7765 S, 32.3035 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798320Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-15 12:45:3656.77642 S, 32.30342 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798332Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-15 18:14:5456.38182 S, 32.87301 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798344Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-16 00:09:4955.99118 S, 33.42184 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795893CTD or STD cast2016-04-16 02:10:0055.28883 S, 34.40267 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795900CTD or STD cast2016-04-16 04:22:0055.25983 S, 34.44333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795868CTD or STD cast2016-04-16 04:40:0055.72517 S, 33.78417 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798356Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-16 04:47:5655.72518 S, 33.78424 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795912CTD or STD cast2016-04-16 06:10:0055.2305 S, 34.4895 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795924CTD or STD cast2016-04-16 07:23:0055.2155 S, 34.5075 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795881CTD or STD cast2016-04-16 10:00:0055.4865 S, 34.13183 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798368Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-16 10:05:4555.48641 S, 34.13176 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1795856CTD or STD cast2016-04-16 12:06:0055.99117 S, 33.42183 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798381Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-16 14:14:3055.28876 S, 34.40268 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798393Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-16 16:27:2155.25992 S, 34.44332 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798400Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-16 18:13:3755.23048 S, 34.4896 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1798412Currents -subsurface Eulerian2016-04-16 19:29:2055.21556 S, 34.5075 WRRS James Clark Ross JR15006
1836882CTD or STD cast2017-01-30 06:06:0055.21547 S, 34.5077 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1836894CTD or STD cast2017-01-30 07:17:0055.24494 S, 34.46639 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926262Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-01-30 07:40:2255.231 S, 34.48887 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1836901CTD or STD cast2017-01-30 08:52:0055.25892 S, 34.44389 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1836913CTD or STD cast2017-01-30 10:58:0055.28965 S, 34.40135 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1836925CTD or STD cast2017-01-30 15:01:0055.48454 S, 34.1331 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1836937CTD or STD cast2017-01-30 19:16:0055.72251 S, 33.78303 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1836949CTD or STD cast2017-01-31 06:43:0056.37908 S, 32.8712 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1836950CTD or STD cast2017-01-31 14:02:0056.77475 S, 32.29874 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926274Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-01-31 15:17:0956.77478 S, 32.29878 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1836962CTD or STD cast2017-02-01 10:17:0057.12004 S, 31.8136 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926286Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-01 11:17:4957.12003 S, 31.81355 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1836974CTD or STD cast2017-02-01 15:38:0057.45745 S, 31.32706 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926298Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-01 16:43:4757.45746 S, 31.32702 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1836986CTD or STD cast2017-02-01 21:07:0057.79785 S, 30.83212 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926305Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-01 22:09:0157.79785 S, 30.83214 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1836998CTD or STD cast2017-02-02 02:50:0058.21319 S, 30.82051 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926317Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-02 04:27:2258.2132 S, 30.82054 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837001CTD or STD cast2017-02-02 09:33:0058.63533 S, 30.8232 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926329Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-02 10:32:2458.63533 S, 30.82321 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837013CTD or STD cast2017-02-02 14:48:0059.05011 S, 30.82927 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926330Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-02 15:46:3959.05012 S, 30.82929 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837025CTD or STD cast2017-02-02 19:29:0059.43595 S, 30.85841 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926342Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-02 20:33:0159.43595 S, 30.8584 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837037CTD or STD cast2017-02-03 00:12:0059.67454 S, 30.89596 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926354Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-03 01:13:4159.67454 S, 30.89596 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837049CTD or STD cast2017-02-03 03:36:0059.76622 S, 30.90517 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926366Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-03 04:46:3259.76623 S, 30.90516 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837050CTD or STD cast2017-02-03 08:55:0059.99164 S, 30.92992 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926378Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-03 09:54:1159.99162 S, 30.92987 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837062CTD or STD cast2017-02-03 13:44:0060.3131 S, 30.95367 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926391Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-03 14:42:2460.31311 S, 30.95369 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837074CTD or STD cast2017-02-03 18:40:0060.69703 S, 31.12043 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926409Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-03 19:15:3160.69705 S, 31.12041 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837086CTD or STD cast2017-02-03 23:50:0061.10872 S, 31.03871 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926410Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-04 00:43:3161.1087 S, 31.03872 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837098CTD or STD cast2017-02-04 02:37:0061.16992 S, 31.04499 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926422Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-04 03:49:0261.16996 S, 31.04491 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837105CTD or STD cast2017-02-04 08:20:0061.55089 S, 31.10305 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926434Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-04 09:42:4061.55089 S, 31.10302 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837117CTD or STD cast2017-02-04 12:33:0061.66069 S, 31.10963 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926446Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-04 13:38:0261.6607 S, 31.10969 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837129CTD or STD cast2017-02-04 18:04:0062.07511 S, 31.18193 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926458Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-04 19:39:1262.07512 S, 31.182 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837130CTD or STD cast2017-02-05 01:12:0062.49089 S, 31.26075 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926471Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-05 02:39:5462.49091 S, 31.26076 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837142CTD or STD cast2017-02-05 07:15:0062.78313 S, 30.69787 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926483Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-05 08:46:3462.78313 S, 30.69787 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837154CTD or STD cast2017-02-05 13:14:0063.07244 S, 30.11209 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926495Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-05 14:47:2863.07243 S, 30.11208 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837166CTD or STD cast2017-02-05 19:01:0063.34816 S, 29.57113 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926502Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-05 20:29:4763.34815 S, 29.57112 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1837178CTD or STD cast2017-02-06 02:45:0063.96538 S, 28.87687 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1926514Currents -subsurface Eulerian2017-02-06 04:16:1863.96539 S, 28.87686 WRRS James Clark Ross JR16004
1921534Currents -subsurface Lagrangian2018-01-26 14:30:5167.76555 S, 69.20527 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877513Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-03 02:07:5663.9655 S, 28.87767 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1890957Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-03 02:13:0563.96553 S, 28.87721 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043462Water sample data2018-02-03 04:03:1463.9655 S, 28.87767 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877525Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-03 10:07:0363.3465 S, 29.569 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1890969Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-03 10:12:2563.34657 S, 29.56902 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043474Water sample data2018-02-03 12:05:5463.3465 S, 29.569 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877537Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-03 16:25:1063.07267 S, 30.11517 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1890970Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-03 16:31:2763.07273 S, 30.11511 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877549Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-03 23:53:0562.78433 S, 30.70017 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1890982Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-03 23:58:4662.78423 S, 30.70045 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043486Water sample data2018-02-04 01:34:1962.78433 S, 30.70017 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877550Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-04 08:17:2362.4905 S, 31.26217 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1890994Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-04 08:22:2362.4904 S, 31.26213 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877562Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-04 15:41:0362.07533 S, 31.18333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891008Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-04 15:47:1962.0753 S, 31.18338 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043498Water sample data2018-02-04 17:32:1862.07533 S, 31.18333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877574Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-04 22:00:4761.66133 S, 31.11067 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891021Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-04 22:05:2361.66128 S, 31.11064 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877586Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-05 01:22:1861.55267 S, 31.0935 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891033Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-05 01:27:0961.5608 S, 31.08001 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877598Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-05 08:40:0661.1715 S, 31.047 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891045Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-05 08:44:2461.17147 S, 31.04708 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043505Water sample data2018-02-05 09:59:0261.1715 S, 31.047 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877605Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-05 12:10:3961.11017 S, 31.043 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891057Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-05 12:17:2361.10975 S, 31.04204 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877617Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-05 17:09:5160.69983 S, 31.0095 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891069Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-05 17:14:5960.69981 S, 31.00948 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043517Water sample data2018-02-05 17:52:2760.69983 S, 31.0095 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877629Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-05 21:06:4260.315 S, 30.95717 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891070Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-05 21:11:2460.31501 S, 30.95718 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043529Water sample data2018-02-05 22:01:3260.315 S, 30.95717 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877630Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-06 01:15:2759.994 S, 30.92767 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891082Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-06 01:19:5959.99441 S, 30.92906 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043530Water sample data2018-02-06 02:23:1259.994 S, 30.92767 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877642Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-06 05:27:2559.76583 S, 30.9055 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891094Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-06 05:31:2359.76597 S, 30.90552 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043542Water sample data2018-02-06 06:46:3559.76583 S, 30.9055 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877654Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-06 10:05:0559.67417 S, 30.89817 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891101Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-06 10:11:0359.67413 S, 30.89817 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877666Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-06 14:29:0759.43533 S, 30.86017 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891113Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-06 14:37:2259.43537 S, 30.8604 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043554Water sample data2018-02-06 15:52:0059.43533 S, 30.86017 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877678Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-06 19:48:0959.05 S, 30.83017 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891125Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-06 19:56:1759.04996 S, 30.83029 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043566Water sample data2018-02-06 20:59:1559.05 S, 30.83017 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877691Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-07 00:53:4658.63533 S, 30.82383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891137Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-07 00:58:3158.63539 S, 30.82372 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043578Water sample data2018-02-07 02:10:5658.63533 S, 30.82383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877709Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-07 06:27:3558.21283 S, 30.82183 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891149Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-07 06:31:2858.21293 S, 30.82195 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877710Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-07 11:39:0057.80183 S, 30.8305 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891150Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-07 11:46:1557.80161 S, 30.83178 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043591Water sample data2018-02-07 13:11:1157.80183 S, 30.8305 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877722Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-07 18:18:4357.4575 S, 31.32283 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891162Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-07 18:26:0157.45749 S, 31.32291 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877734Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-08 12:57:3857.11817 S, 31.81367 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891174Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-08 13:05:2057.11819 S, 31.81368 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043609Water sample data2018-02-08 14:17:1957.11817 S, 31.81367 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877746Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-08 18:55:2856.77567 S, 32.30417 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891186Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-08 19:04:4456.77568 S, 32.30413 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877758Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-09 01:01:5256.381 S, 32.8715 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891198Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-09 01:06:0556.38106 S, 32.87237 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043610Water sample data2018-02-09 02:06:4856.381 S, 32.8715 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877771Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-09 06:33:0655.98933 S, 33.4205 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891205Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-09 06:36:5855.98989 S, 33.41993 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877783Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-09 12:57:4455.72517 S, 33.786 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891217Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-09 13:03:3755.72517 S, 33.78598 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043622Water sample data2018-02-09 14:19:1755.72517 S, 33.786 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877795Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-09 17:52:3355.48417 S, 34.13383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891229Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-09 17:59:1255.48421 S, 34.1338 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043634Water sample data2018-02-09 18:51:0555.48417 S, 34.13383 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877802Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-09 21:49:5155.2895 S, 34.39967 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891230Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-09 21:54:2155.28948 S, 34.39972 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043646Water sample data2018-02-09 22:38:0055.2895 S, 34.39967 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877814Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-10 00:16:4355.25967 S, 34.44333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891242Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-10 00:20:3955.25964 S, 34.44364 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043658Water sample data2018-02-10 00:48:3455.25967 S, 34.44333 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877826Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-10 01:59:0655.23017 S, 34.48983 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891254Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-10 02:03:1955.2301 S, 34.48988 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043671Water sample data2018-02-10 02:23:4955.23017 S, 34.48983 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877838Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-10 03:30:2055.21517 S, 34.508 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891266Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-10 03:34:3455.21522 S, 34.50796 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2043683Water sample data2018-02-10 03:46:5455.21517 S, 34.508 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877851Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-10 15:22:3655.11 S, 37.41617 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891278Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-10 15:29:0155.10994 S, 37.41624 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877863Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-10 18:04:4555.064 S, 37.4165 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891291Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-10 18:13:1855.06408 S, 37.41652 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1877875Hydrography time series at depth2018-02-10 20:15:0655.04517 S, 37.41683 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
1891309Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-02-10 20:21:0155.04538 S, 37.4168 WRRS James Clark Ross JR17003
2045340CTD or STD cast2020-02-16 19:17:4963.9653 S, 28.8777 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045352CTD or STD cast2020-02-17 16:25:2563.3466 S, 29.569 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045364CTD or STD cast2020-02-17 23:03:1163.0724 S, 30.1157 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045376CTD or STD cast2020-02-18 05:16:0362.7829 S, 30.6944 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045388CTD or STD cast2020-02-18 13:02:2062.4912 S, 31.2612 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045407CTD or STD cast2020-02-18 19:11:5762.0755 S, 31.1848 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045419CTD or STD cast2020-02-19 01:46:1561.6602 S, 31.109 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045420CTD or STD cast2020-02-19 05:40:5461.5509 S, 31.1042 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045432CTD or STD cast2020-02-19 11:30:4661.1704 S, 31.0456 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045444CTD or STD cast2020-02-19 15:47:2561.1093 S, 31.0404 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045456CTD or STD cast2020-02-19 20:48:5760.6998 S, 31.0103 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045468CTD or STD cast2020-02-20 01:03:4860.3235 S, 30.9722 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045481CTD or STD cast2020-02-20 06:05:3959.9943 S, 30.9305 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045493CTD or STD cast2020-02-20 10:15:0459.7664 S, 30.9057 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045500CTD or STD cast2020-02-20 15:05:4559.6738 S, 30.8966 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045512CTD or STD cast2020-02-20 19:34:5359.4363 S, 30.8606 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045524CTD or STD cast2020-02-21 00:52:4659.0509 S, 30.8304 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045536CTD or STD cast2020-02-21 06:21:4058.6355 S, 30.8244 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045548CTD or STD cast2020-02-21 12:07:2558.2131 S, 30.8203 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045561CTD or STD cast2020-02-21 17:35:3357.8017 S, 30.8318 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045573CTD or STD cast2020-02-21 23:23:0357.4584 S, 31.3273 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045585CTD or STD cast2020-02-22 05:00:4557.1188 S, 31.8161 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045597CTD or STD cast2020-02-22 11:00:1756.7754 S, 32.3052 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045604CTD or STD cast2020-02-22 16:44:2256.3808 S, 32.8732 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045616CTD or STD cast2020-02-22 22:18:3855.9898 S, 33.4186 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045628CTD or STD cast2020-02-23 02:49:3455.7249 S, 33.7862 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045641CTD or STD cast2020-02-23 07:56:1555.4844 S, 34.1185 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045653CTD or STD cast2020-02-23 12:19:5155.2892 S, 34.4003 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045665CTD or STD cast2020-02-23 15:00:4555.2587 S, 34.4428 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045677CTD or STD cast2020-02-23 17:00:0855.2298 S, 34.4891 WRRS Discovery DY113
2045689CTD or STD cast2020-02-23 18:42:2355.2148 S, 34.5079 WRRS Discovery DY113
2047985CTD or STD cast2021-02-17 01:29:4555.2207 S, 34.5112 WRRS James Cook JC211
2047997CTD or STD cast2021-02-17 03:34:2155.2285 S, 34.4895 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048000CTD or STD cast2021-02-17 06:13:0855.2593 S, 34.4431 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048012CTD or STD cast2021-02-17 08:45:2055.2851 S, 34.4012 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048024CTD or STD cast2021-02-17 13:44:3255.4895 S, 34.1073 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048036CTD or STD cast2021-02-17 18:28:1655.7247 S, 33.7862 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048048CTD or STD cast2021-02-17 23:57:0655.9916 S, 33.4197 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048061CTD or STD cast2021-02-18 08:28:5156.3793 S, 32.8719 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048073CTD or STD cast2021-02-18 16:41:2756.7755 S, 32.3039 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048085CTD or STD cast2021-02-18 22:01:3857.1181 S, 31.8144 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048097CTD or STD cast2021-02-19 03:42:1657.458 S, 31.3289 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048104CTD or STD cast2021-02-19 09:20:5657.8013 S, 30.8328 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048116CTD or STD cast2021-02-19 15:04:1758.2126 S, 30.8209 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048128CTD or STD cast2021-02-19 20:28:1858.6338 S, 30.8216 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048141CTD or STD cast2021-02-20 02:49:0359.0505 S, 30.8296 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048153CTD or STD cast2021-02-20 09:29:0759.4912 S, 30.8649 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048165CTD or STD cast2021-02-20 14:04:5159.7779 S, 30.8987 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048177CTD or STD cast2021-02-20 18:59:0159.992 S, 30.9366 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048189CTD or STD cast2021-02-21 00:05:1360.3132 S, 30.9904 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048190CTD or STD cast2021-02-21 07:06:0360.7045 S, 31.0107 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048208CTD or STD cast2021-02-21 11:29:4161.1092 S, 31.0394 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048221CTD or STD cast2021-02-21 14:14:0661.1721 S, 31.0465 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048233CTD or STD cast2021-02-21 19:45:0361.5513 S, 31.1008 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048245CTD or STD cast2021-02-22 00:10:0761.6621 S, 31.1038 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048257CTD or STD cast2021-02-22 06:38:4362.0717 S, 31.1807 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048269CTD or STD cast2021-02-23 11:15:0062.4892 S, 31.2608 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048270CTD or STD cast2021-02-23 12:45:3762.49 S, 31.261 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048282CTD or STD cast2021-02-23 18:51:1062.7828 S, 30.6915 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048294CTD or STD cast2021-02-24 01:38:3363.0848 S, 30.113 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048301CTD or STD cast2021-02-24 08:00:4463.3474 S, 29.5665 WRRS James Cook JC211
2048313CTD or STD cast2021-02-27 11:11:4161.0467 S, 54.59 WRRS James Cook JC211