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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 2118970

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Water sample data
Instrument Type
Niskin bottle  discrete water samplers
Marianda VINDTA 3C total inorganic carbon and titration alkalinity analyser  titrators
Instrument Mounting lowered unmanned submersible
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator Dr Sue Hartman
Originating Organization National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) FixO3

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier DY050_CTD_CO2X_699:DY050-054
BODC Series Reference 2118970

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2016-04-27 15:26
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) -
Nominal Cycle Interval -

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 49.00580 N ( 49° 0.3' N )
Longitude 16.39745 W ( 16° 23.8' W )
Positional Uncertainty 0.05 to 0.1 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 12.9 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 1499.6 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 3312.0 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 4798.7 m
Sea Floor Depth 4811.6 m
Sea Floor Depth Source PEVENT
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Unspecified -
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Unspecified -
Sea Floor Depth Datum Instantaneous - Depth measured below water line or instantaneous water body surface


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
ADEPZZ011MetresDepth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body
BOTTFLAG1Not applicableSampling process quality flag (BODC C22)
FIRSEQID1DimensionlessBottle firing sequence number
MDMAP0141Micromoles per kilogramTotal alkalinity per unit mass of the water body
MDMASD141Micromoles per kilogramTotal alkalinity standard deviation per unit mass of the water body
ROSPOSID1DimensionlessBottle rosette position identifier
SAMPRFNM1DimensionlessSample reference number
TCO2MSSD1Micromoles per kilogramConcentration standard deviation of total inorganic carbon {TCO2 CAS 7440-44-0} per unit mass of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase]
TCO2MSXX1Micromoles per kilogramConcentration of total inorganic carbon {TCO2 CAS 7440-44-0} per unit mass of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase]

Definition of BOTTFLAG

0The sampling event occurred without any incident being reported to BODC.
1The filter in an in-situ sampling pump physically ruptured during sample resulting in an unquantifiable loss of sampled material.
2Analytical evidence (e.g. surface water salinity measured on a sample collected at depth) indicates that the water sample has been contaminated by water from depths other than the depths of sampling.
3The feedback indicator on the deck unit reported that the bottle closure command had failed. General Oceanics deck units used on NERC vessels in the 80s and 90s were renowned for reporting misfires when the bottle had been closed. This flag is also suitable for when a trigger command is mistakenly sent to a bottle that has previously been fired.
4During the sampling deployment the bottle was fired in an order other than incrementing rosette position. Indicative of the potential for errors in the assignment of bottle firing depth, especially with General Oceanics rosettes.
5Water was reported to be escaping from the bottle as the rosette was being recovered.
6The bottle seals were observed to be incorrectly seated and the bottle was only part full of water on recovery.
7Either the bottle was found to contain no sample on recovery or there was no bottle fitted to the rosette position fired (but SBE35 record may exist).
8There is reason to doubt the accuracy of the sampling depth associated with the sample.
9The bottle air vent had not been closed prior to deployment giving rise to a risk of sample contamination through leakage.

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

Marianda Versatile INstrument for the Determination of Total inorganic carbon and titration Alkalinity (VINDTA) 3C

The VINDTA 3C (Versatile INstrument for the Determination of Total inorganic carbon and titration Alkalinity) is a laboratory alkalinity titration system combined with an extraction unit for coulometric titration, which simultaneously determines the alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon content of a sample. The sample transport is performed with peristaltic pumps and acid is added to the sample using a membrane pump. No pressurizing system is required and only one gas supply (nitrogen or dry and CO2-free air) is necessary. The system uses a Metrohm Titrino 719S, an ORION-Ross pH electrode and a Metrohm reference electrode. The burette, the pipette and the analysis cell have a water jacket around them. Precision is typically ± 1 µmol kg-1 for TA and/or DIC in open ocean water.

Further details can be found in the manufacturer's brochure.

Niskin Bottle

The Niskin bottle is a device used by oceanographers to collect subsurface seawater samples. It is a plastic bottle with caps and rubber seals at each end and is deployed with the caps held open, allowing free-flushing of the bottle as it moves through the water column.

Standard Niskin

The standard version of the bottle includes a plastic-coated metal spring or elastic cord running through the interior of the bottle that joins the two caps, and the caps are held open against the spring by plastic lanyards. When the bottle reaches the desired depth the lanyards are released by a pressure-actuated switch, command signal or messenger weight and the caps are forced shut and sealed, trapping the seawater sample.

Lever Action Niskin

The Lever Action Niskin Bottle differs from the standard version, in that the caps are held open during deployment by externally mounted stainless steel springs rather than an internal spring or cord. Lever Action Niskins are recommended for applications where a completely clear sample chamber is critical or for use in deep cold water.

Clean Sampling

A modified version of the standard Niskin bottle has been developed for clean sampling. This is teflon-coated and uses a latex cord to close the caps rather than a metal spring. The clean version of the Levered Action Niskin bottle is also teflon-coated and uses epoxy covered springs in place of the stainless steel springs. These bottles are specifically designed to minimise metal contamination when sampling trace metals.


Bottles may be deployed singly clamped to a wire or in groups of up to 48 on a rosette. Standard bottles and Lever Action bottles have a capacity between 1.7 and 30 L. Reversing thermometers may be attached to a spring-loaded disk that rotates through 180° on bottle closure.

DY050 Discrete Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Total Alkalinity and Nutrient Samples Processing Document

Originator's Protocol for Data Acquisition and Analysis

Water samples were collected from 11 CTD casts during cruise DY050. The samples were obtained using an SBE 911plus CTD unit with 24 Niskin bottles (10 litre) fitted to the rosette. The total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon content were then measured by Marianda VINDTA 3C total inorganic carbon and titration alkalinity analyser (SN 24 and 11), as per the methodology stated in Dickson et al. (2007).

Nutrients (nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and silicate) were measured using a QuAAtro39 Continuous Segmented Flow Analyzer.

References cited

Dickson, A. G., C. L. Sabine, and J. R. Christian. 2007. Guide to best practices for ocean CO2 measurements. PICES Special Publication 3. 191 pp.

BODC Data Processing Procedures

The bottle data were supplied to BODC in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Replicate measurements from water samples taken from the same niskin bottles were averaged and the standard deviation was calculated. The values were extracted and loaded into BODC's database by matching bottle numbers to CTD stations, rosette position and nominal depths extracted from samples log sheets. Originator data quality flags were transferred and additional flags were added by BODC data scientists for values that were below the detection limit.

The parameter mapping of the originator and BODC parameters is provided below;

Originator's Parameter Unit Description BODC Parameter Code BODC Unit Comments
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon µmol/kg Concentration of carbon (total inorganic) {TCO2} per unit mass of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] TCO2MSXX µmol/kg n/a
Total Alkalinity µmol/kg Total alkalinity per unit mass of the water body MDMAP014 µmol/kg n/a
- - Concentration standard deviation of total inorganic carbon {TCO2} per unit mass of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] TCO2MSSD µmol/kg Generated by BODC when replicates had to be averaged
- - Total alkalinity standard deviation per unit mass of the water body MDMASD14 µmol/kg Generated by BODC when replicates had to be averaged
Nitrate (nitrite + nitrate) µmol/l Concentration of nitrate+nitrite {NO3+NO2} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] by colorimetric autoanalysis NTRZAAZX µmol/l n/a
Nitrite µmol/l Concentration of nitrite {NO2- CAS 14797-65-0} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] by colorimetric autoanalysis NTRIAAZX µmol/l n/a
Phosphate µmol/l Concentration of phosphate {PO4} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] by colorimetric autoanalysis PHOSAAZX µmol/l n/a
Silicate µmol/l Concentration of silicate {SiO4} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] by colorimetric autoanalysis SLCAAAZX µmol/l n/a
- - Concentration standard deviation of nitrite {NO2- CAS 14797-65-0} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] by colorimetric autoanalysis SDNTAAZX µmol/l Generated by BODC when replicates had to be averaged
- - Concentration standard deviation of nitrite {NO2- CAS 14797-65-0} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] by colorimetric autoanalysis NTSDAAZX µmol/l Generated by BODC when replicates had to be averaged
- - Concentration standard deviation of phosphate {PO43- CAS 14265-44-2} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] by colorimetric autoanalysis PHSDAAZX µmol/l Generated by BODC when replicates had to be averaged
- - Concentration standard deviation of silicate {SiO44- CAS 17181-37-2} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] by colorimetric autoanalysis SLSDAAZX µmol/l Generated by BODC when replicates had to be averaged

Data Quality Report

Silicate samples were stored in glass vials, therefore measurements are higher than expected. Use these data with caution.

Project Information

Fix03 - Fixed-Point Open Ocean Observatories

Fixed point Open Ocean Observatory network (FixO3) is a EUR7 million, four-year (2013-2017) research programme network including 29 partners from academia, research institutions and small and medium enterprises (SME). In addition, 12 international experts from a wide range of disciplines comprise an Advisory Board.


FixO3 is coordinated by the National Oceanography Centre, UK, and seeks to integrate European open ocean fixed point observatories and to improve access to these key installations for the broader community. These will provide multidisciplinary observations in all parts of the oceans from the air-sea interface to the deep seafloor. FixO3 will build on the significant advances achieved through the FP7 programmes EuroSITES, ESONET and CARBOOCEAN.

Open ocean observation is currently a high priority for European marine and maritime activities. FixO3 will provide important data on environmental products and services to address the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and in support of the EU integrated Maritime Policy.

The FixO3 network will provide free and open access to in situ fixed point data of the highest quality. It will provide a strong integrated framework of open ocean facilities in the Atlantic from the Arctic to the Antarctic and throughout the Mediterranean, enabling an integrated, regional and multidisciplinary approach to understand natural and anthropogenic change in the ocean.

The programme will be achieved through:

1. Co-ordination activities to integrate and harmonise the current procedures and processes. Strong links will be fostered with the wider community across academia, industry, policy and the general public through outreach, knowledge exchange and training.

2. Support actions to offer a) access to observatory infrastructures to those who do not have such access, and b) free and open data services and products.

3. Joint research activities to innovate and enhance the current capability for multidisciplinary in situ ocean observation.

Further details are available on the FixO3 website.


29 different partners involved in FixO3. These institutions are;

  • Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
  • Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS)
  • Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)
  • MARUM, Unviersity of Bremen (UniHB)
  • Universitetet I Bergen (UiB)
  • Universitetet I Tromsø (UiT)
  • Alfred Wegener Institut für Polarund Meeresforschung (AWI)
  • University of Exeter (UNEXE)
  • SLR Consulting (SLR)
  • Institut français de recherché pour l'exploitation de la mer (IFREMER)
  • Blue Lobster IT ltd. (BLIT)
  • Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
  • Marine Institute (MI)
  • The University Court of The University of Aberdeen (UNIABDN)
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
  • GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR)
  • Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
  • University of St Andrew (USTAN)
  • Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO)
  • NKE Instrumentation (NKEI)
  • Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento das Pescas (INDP)
  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
  • Texcel Technology Plc (TEXCEL)
  • University of Gothenburg (UGOT)
  • 52°North(52°North)
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche (CNR)
  • Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Voor Zeeonderzoek (NIOZ)
  • Imar- Instituto do Mar (IMAR)

Research details

Overall, twelve Work Packages have been funded by the FixO3 programme. These are described in brief below:

  • Work Package 1: Project Management.
    - To effectively manage FixO3 to maximise the production of results in the most cost effective manner and to the proposed timescales.
    - To facilitate communication and integration between the partners and disseminate information about the project to the wider community.
    - To identify and resolve disputes between partners.
    - To keep the project on track, and ensure timely interaction and delivery of reports to the European Commission.

  • Work Package 2: Technical harmonization.
    - To review the current status of existing systems in operational use considered in the project;
    - To synthesize the characteristics of infrastructures offering TNA;
    - To increase the high-frequency measurements on fixed platforms;
    - To define the best technical practices for compatible, robust and cost-effective systems on a variety of fixed applications;
    - To promote tests of new or prototype instruments on a non-operational basis;
    - To define procedure for harmonizing and merging quality assessed high frequency fixed platform data;
    - To define procedures and technological solutions for integration and testing of new sensors on these systems;
    - To increase the traceability, quality and reliability of sensor metadata and data products.

  • Work Package 3: Procedural harmonization.
    To harmonise procedures across the network the following steps will be undertaken:
    1) Assessment of operational procedures for sustained Eulerian observations
    2) Further development of principles of 'best practice'
    3) Development of the FixO3 observatories 'label' building on ESONET and in collaboration with JERICO

  • Work Package 4: Data management and harmonization.
    To harmonise data policies and to provide a formal basis for data exchange between FixO3 infrastructures.
    - To improve standardisation, interoperability and compliance with major international initiatives
    - To harmonise data management and standardisation efforts with other European and international marine data and observatory infrastructures.
    - To foster the cooperation with the marine carbon observation community by disseminating FixO3 data via relevant international infrastructures and data centres such as the ICOS Ocean Thematic Centre
    To coordinate, harmonise and optimize the implementation and integration of Service Activities provided by the different partners in WP10 and to strengthen and monitor the dissemination of knowledge.

  • Work Package 5: Innovation through industry.
    - Promote interaction between the ocean observatory research community and the commercial sector
    - Proactively promote FixO3 and wider open ocean observatory products and services to the commercial sector
    - Identify innovative products and services within the ocean observatory community and develop targeted IPR agreements to encourage interest by the commercial sector.

  • Work Package 6: Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies.
    - To link the FixO3 efforts to international and intergovernmental bodies and activities.
    - To ensure visibility and facilitate further implementation and long-term stewardship of deep-ocean fixed-point time series observations
    - To develop a strategy for the future.

  • Work Package 7: International and European networking of fixed-point observatories
    - To consolidate and promote the synergy between European research groups and institutions.
    - To enhance the interaction with industry
    - To link ocean scientists and engineers into an international team in marine science.
    - Management of TNA activities.

  • Work Package 8: Outreach and training.
    - To engage with, educate and inform public, scientific and policy user groups.
    - To develop an informative and interactive suite of complimentary tools that educates and engages public, scientific and policy user groups to maximise engagement with end users.
    - To produce educational and informational resources that deliver knowledge to end user groups
    - To deliver a series of training opportunities that informs, educates and promotes best practices to professional users of hardware, data and data products.

  • Work Package 9: Transnational access to FixO3 infrastructures
    - To support external scientific users by providing coordinated, free-of-charge, transnational access to fixed open-ocean observatories, including:
    1) Ocean surface, water column and seafloor observatory installations and systems considered for transnational access under this proposal
    2) One shallow water test site able to make practical and fast tests of instruments, systems, procedures and new technologies applicable to fixed open-ocean observatories that will be accessible under TNA

  • Work Package 10: Service activities: Access to data products and knowledge
    - To provide access to the data products and knowledge derived from most of the observatories which compromise the FixO3 network.

  • Work Package 11: Optimisation of ocean observing capability
    - To carry out research on the specification for an optimum observational network of FixO3 platforms, integrated and complemented by other platforms.

  • Work Package 12: Research and development on critical observatory functions
    - To enhance the capability of the FixO3 infrastructures to make very high quality observations
    - To develop a new low energy consuming platform design in order to promote more sensors per platform and extension capacities.



Observatory Location Details
Antares Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean Sea Multidisciplinary, permanent marine observatory proving high-bandwidth real-time data transmission from deep-sea for geosciences and marine environmental sciences. Site is part of the MOOSE network providing real-time data transmission through two deep cabled moorings. These moorings are complemented by standalone mooring near the junction box. Physical and biogeochemical parameters recorded by autonomous sensors with regular maintenance. In addition, monthly ship occupation for CTD profiles and seawater collection. Cabled extension of the neutrino telescope is offering connectors for direct link to shore in addition to operational seismometer already in place.
Biscay AGL South East Bay of Biscal Fully equipped ODAS buoy transmitting data in real-time plus monthly hydrographical and biogeochemical sampling of water column from research vessel. Buoy obtains core measurements of meteorological, physical, biogeochemical and ecological parameters with high significance to weather forecasting and climate monitoring. Data immediately provided through IEO web page (hourly).
CIS Central Irminger Sea, Subpolar North Atlantic. Characterized by particular deep winter mixed layer depth. Mixed layer deepening is promoted through the combination of the cyclonic circulation of the Irminger gyre and strong surface buoyancy forcing in winter. Focus of the interdisciplinary research is on the biogeochemical cycling in a potential deep water formation area. The physical background field (temperature, salinity, currents) of the upper 1500m is surveyed with a number of sensors. Moreover, biogeochemical sensors (O2, Chl-a, zooplankton) is measured in mixed layer.
CVOO Tropical Eastern North Atlantic A mooring and a small vessel maintaining the time-series continuity.
DELOS (Deep-Ocean Environmental Long-term Observatory System) A Angola, between the Congo and Kwanza rivers. Environmental monitoring platform locations in the near field - within 50m of a sea floor well. The platform hosts a camera module, oceanographic module and acoustic module, each with multiple instruments, plus a sediment trap module.
DELOS (Deep-Ocean Environmental Long-term Observatory System) B Angola, between the Congo and Kwanza rivers. Environmental monitoring platform in the far field (~16km from sea floor infrastructure). On a flat <1° slope on finely sedimented sea floor within petroleum lease Block 18. The platform hosts a camera module, oceanographic module and acoustic module, each with multiple instruments, plus a sediment trap module.
DYFAMED Ligurian Sea - a passage between Eastern and Western Mediterannean Sea. Multidisciplinary site within MOOSE network. A strong influence of atmospheric deposition influencing productivity and particle export monitored by atmospheric survey (Cap Ferrat) and two permanent sediment traps. Physical parameters recorded from surface to deep waters through monthly visits and permanent deep mooring. Biogeochemical parameters obtained monthly during ship visits. The site is also a way point of gliders and used for cross-validation of bio-parameters (nitrate, oxygen).
E1-M3A Eastern Mediterranean, Crete Multidisciplinary mooring, an area of open sea conditions, characterized as extremely oligotrophic where dense waters with intermediate and deep characteristics are formed.
E2-M3A South Adriatic Pit (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). Two moorings (surface buoy and sub-surface mooring line) and designed to monitor physical and biogeochemical processes in the water column from the surface down to the bottom (approximately 1220m). The surface buoy collects air/sea meteorological and physical measurements in the surface layer (2m depth). The secondary deep mooring instead, is equipped with current meters (RDI-ADCP and Seaguard-RCM), CTD's with dissolved oxygen and optical sensors. New biochemical sensors (CO2 and pH) were deployed during the first year of the FixO3 project to enhance the payload of the site.
ESTOC Central Eastern Atlantic Open ocean site with over 15 years of continuous surface and mid-water meteorological, physical and biogeochemical monitoring.
FILCHNER RONNE Filcher sill in the Souther Weddell Sea Long-term monitoring of Ice Shelf Water (ISW) Overflow, established in 1977 and continuing to deliver the longest existing marine time series from Antarctica. The position for the observatory S2 proved to be a key site for monitoring the ISW overflow produced beneath the huge Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf and is selected to be a part of the global net of monitoring sites under CLIVAR ( and OceanSITES ( Time series of current speed and direction, temperature and salinity exist back to 1977. Continuous observation of dissolved oxygen started in 2009.
FRAM Fram Strait Array of moorings and permanent sampling sites across the Fram Strait. Installed to capture the exchange of Atlantic and Arctic waters, and to study the temporal development of an Arctic Marine ecosystem. enables year-round multidisciplinary long-term observations, partially with near real-time data access.
LION Gulf of Lion Deep-sea mooring aims to observe the winter convection affecting the north-western Mediterranean Sea water circulation and deep-sea ecosystem (physical data). The mooring is deployed near the ODAS meteorological surface buoy (Gulf of Lion) and integrated in the MOOSE network.
MOMAR Mid-Atlantic - Hydrothermal vent field Lucky Strike Multidisciplinary (fauna, fluid chemistry, seismicity and ground deformation); near real time communication through acoustic link, buoy and satellite. EMSO observatory node, in operation since 2010, comprises an oceanographic mooring and nested arrays of seisometers, pressure probes, temperature probes and chemical sensors in vent fluids, as well as a camera and colonization devices for faunal and microfaunal studies. Satellite transmission of a data subset, accessible on an EMSO-related server. Yearly maintenance cruises scheduled until 2015. Upgrades of system planned for 2014 with several new connection nodes accessible to FixO3 collaborations.
NEMO-SN1 Catania (Sicily) Multidisciplinary (geophysics, oceanography, bioacoustics) observatory. Deep-sea real-time multi-parameter observatory is currently being re-deployed after refurbishment and installations of new electronics.
NOC North Atlantic Sediment trap mooring with current sensors in the least productive gyre in the North Atlantic, influence to a degree by dust supply from the Sahara desert.
OBSEA Western Mediterranean The main objective for OBSEA is to be a test bed for the development of oceanographic instrumentation while being a shallow-water observatory providing real time data and database with historical values.
PAP North Atlantic Array of moorings covering the entire water column and benthos with associated repeat ship occupations for process studies and collections not possible autonomously (e.g. benthic megafauna). Longest running multidisciplinary open ocean sustained observatory delivering atmospheric, physical, biogeochemical ocean datasets in near real time.
PYLOS Adriatic and Eastern Mediterranean basins. Multidisciplinary observatory mooring. Very geologically active area, with lots of earthquakes and landslides as well as a potential source of Tsunamis that might affect the Easter Mediterranean Sea.
SOG South Atlantic A sediment trap mooring with current sensors, in the middle of the least productive gyre in the South Atlantic (in contrast to NOG). It is not influenced by dust supply.
SOR Mid-Atlantic RIdge, South of Svalbard. Single location mooring. A component of NOON (Norwegian Ocean Observatory Network) planned as a demo mission in 2012, then as a sustained observatory in 2016.
Station M Norwegian Sea Ocean Weather Station M (OWS M) has been an ocean weather station since 1948. At present there is a mooring and surface buoy measuring hydrography, O2, chlorophyll and carbon parameters. Real-time and delayed-mode capabilities. This site provides the longest existing homogeneous time series from deep ocean. The facility presented here is the mooring situated between 150 and 2000m.
W1-M3A Ligurian Sea A single multidisciplinary observatory mooring with real-time and delayed mode capability. The W1-M3A observing system is composed by a large spar buoy and a sub-surface mooring periodically deployed close to the main buoy depending on specific research needs. The W1-M3A large spar buoy specifically designed for air-sea interaction studies and the collection of meteorological data even in rough sea. Stability is the basic feature of this type of buoy with respect to the other more classical approach based on discus-shaped buoys. The buoy was specifically designed as a stable measuring platform since its total mass, the unity buoyancy at the sea level, and presence of a damping disk allow for negligible sensitivity of sea heave and height.

The British Oceanographic Data centre store data from PAP, NOG and SOG as of January 2018.

Data Activity or Cruise Information

Data Activity

Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2016-04-27
End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2016-04-27
Organization Undertaking ActivityNational Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Country of OrganizationUnited Kingdom
Originator's Data Activity IdentifierDY050_CTD_DY050-054
Platform Categorylowered unmanned submersible

No Document Information Held for the Series

Related Data Activity activities are detailed in Appendix 1


Cruise Name DY050
Departure Date 2016-04-18
Arrival Date 2016-05-08
Principal Scientist(s)Mark C Stinchcombe (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)
Ship RRS Discovery

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NamePorcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP)
CategoryOffshore location
Latitude49° 0.00' N
Longitude16° 30.00' W
Water depth below MSL4800.0 m

Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) Observatory

The Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) observatory is a site at which moorings were deployed in the Northeastern Atlantic, as part of the ANIMATE (Atlantic Network of Interdisciplinary Moorings and Time-series for Europe), MERSEA (Marine Environment and Security for the European Area), EuroSITES, Oceans2025, Fix03 and CLASS projects. The PAP site is centred at latitude 49° N and longitude 16.5° W. Moorings have occupied this region since 2002 and are typically deployed for 12 months.

Please note: Near Real Time data is only stored at BODC where delayed mode data were not recovered. All near real time data can be found at the OceanSites GDA and through IFREMER.

Data summary

Mooring deployment Deployment Cruise Temperature salinity pressure ADCP Chlorophyll Sediment trap Current meter Nitrate Carbon dioxide Oxygen Irradience
Real time Delayed mode Real time Delayed mode Real time Delayed mode Real time Delayed mode Real time Delayed mode Real time Delayed mode Real time Delayed mode
PAP 2002 D266 Data Data Data NT UD Data NT Data NT Data NT SF NT ND NT ND
PAP 2003 P0300_1 CF Data Data NT Data Data NT Data NT Data NT Data NT ND NT ND
PAP 2003 P0306 Data Data Data NT Data Data - Data NT Data NT Data NT ND NT ND
PAP 2004 CD158 Data Data Data NT Data Data NT Data NT UD NT Data NT ND NT ND
PAP 2005 D296 Data ND ND NT ND Data NT Data NT Pending NT Pending NT ND NT ND
PAP 2006 D306 ND ND ND ND ND Data NT Data ND ND ND ND NT Pending NT ND
PAP 2007 CE0716 Data Data Data Data Data Data NT Pending SF SF NT Data NT ND NT ND
PAP 2009 D341 Data Data ND Data Data Pending NT Pending Data Data SF SF NT Data NT Pending
PAP 2010 CE10005 Data Data Data Data Pending Data Data Pending NT Pending NT Data Data Pending Data ND
PAP 2011 JC062 Data Data Pending Data Data Data ND Data ND ND Data Data Data Data Data ND
PAP 2012 JC071 Data Data Not deployed Data Pending Data - Pending Data SF Data Data Data Data Data ND
PAP 2013 JC085 Data Data Not deployed Data Pending Data Data Pending - Data Data Data Data Data Data ND
PAP 2013 JC087 Data Data Not deployed Data Data ND (see JC085) Data ND ND Data Data ND Data Data Data ND
PAP 2014 M108 Data Data Not deployed Data ND Data Data Pending Data Data Data Data Data Data -Data Pending
PAP 2015 DY032 Data Data Not deployed Data Data Data Data ND - Data Data Data Data Data Data Data
PAP 2016 DY050 Data Data Not deployed Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data SF Data Data Data SF
PAP 2017 DY077 Data Data Not deployed Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data ND
PAP 2018 JC165 Data Data Not deployed Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data
PAP 2019 DY103 Data Data Not deployed Data ND Data Data Data Data Near Real Time only Data Data Data ND Data ND
PAP 2020 DY116 Data Pending Not deployed Data Data Pending Data Data ND ND Data Data Data Data Data Data
PAP 2021 DY130 Data Data Not deployed Data Not deployed Pending Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Pending Data Data
PAP 2022 JC231 Data NYR Not deployed Data NYR NYR Data NYR Data NYR Data NYR Data NYR Data NYR
PAP 2023 JC247 - NYR Not deployed - NYR NYR - NYR - NYR - NYR - NYR - Data

Status Indicators

Indicator Description
Data Data received from mooring
Pending Data not yet received
SF Sensor failed
ND No data
NYR Not yet recovered
CF Communications failure
UD Unusable data
NT Not telemetered

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 2

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: DY050_CTD_DY050-054

Related series for this Data Activity are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
2138737Water sample data2016-04-27 15:26:3049.0058 N, 16.39745 WRRS Discovery DY050
1874263Water sample data2016-04-27 15:27:0049.00578 N, 16.39743 WRRS Discovery DY050

Appendix 2: Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP)

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
1225957Hydrography time series at depth2002-10-06 20:00:0048.9833 N, 16.468 WRRS Discovery D266
1225970Hydrography time series at depth2002-10-06 20:00:0048.9833 N, 16.468 WRRS Discovery D266
1225982Hydrography time series at depth2002-10-06 20:00:0048.9833 N, 16.468 WRRS Discovery D266
1225969Hydrography time series at depth2002-10-07 02:00:0048.9833 N, 16.468 WRRS Discovery D266
1225994Hydrography time series at depth2002-10-07 02:00:0048.9833 N, 16.468 WRRS Discovery D266
1226008Hydrography time series at depth2002-10-07 02:00:0048.9833 N, 16.468 WRRS Discovery D266
1226021Hydrography time series at depth2002-10-07 02:00:0048.9833 N, 16.468 WRRS Discovery D266
1226033Hydrography time series at depth2002-10-07 02:00:0048.9833 N, 16.468 WRRS Discovery D266
1226045Hydrography time series at depth2002-10-07 02:00:0048.9833 N, 16.468 WRRS Discovery D266
1225945Hydrography time series at depth2002-10-09 00:00:0048.9833 N, 16.424 WRRS Discovery D266
895626Water column chemistry2002-10-09 10:28:2048.9833 N, 16.424 WRRS Discovery D266
876493Fluorescence or pigments2003-07-12 14:22:2948.9975 N, 16.4492 WFS Poseidon PO300_1
1226057Hydrography time series at depth2003-07-12 14:30:0048.9975 N, 16.4492 WFS Poseidon PO300_1
1226069Hydrography time series at depth2003-07-12 14:30:0048.9975 N, 16.4492 WFS Poseidon PO300_1
1226070Hydrography time series at depth2003-07-12 14:30:0048.9975 N, 16.4492 WFS Poseidon PO300_1
1226082Hydrography time series at depth2003-07-12 14:30:0048.9975 N, 16.4492 WFS Poseidon PO300_1
1226094Hydrography time series at depth2003-07-12 14:30:0048.9975 N, 16.4492 WFS Poseidon PO300_1
1226101Hydrography time series at depth2003-07-12 14:30:0048.9975 N, 16.4492 WFS Poseidon PO300_1
1226113Hydrography time series at depth2003-07-12 14:30:0048.9975 N, 16.4492 WFS Poseidon PO300_1
774750Currents -subsurface Eulerian2003-07-12 19:00:0049.0 N, 16.5 WFS Poseidon PO300_1
774762Currents -subsurface Eulerian2003-07-12 19:01:0049.0 N, 16.5 WFS Poseidon PO300_1
876407Water column chemistry2003-07-13 00:00:0048.9975 N, 16.44917 WFS Poseidon PO300_1
895638Water column chemistry2003-07-13 09:35:1949.0417 N, 16.5267 WFS Poseidon PO300_1
1226137Hydrography time series at depth2003-11-17 16:30:0049.0755 N, 16.4963 WFS Poseidon PO306
1226149Hydrography time series at depth2003-11-17 16:30:0049.0755 N, 16.4963 WFS Poseidon PO306
1226150Hydrography time series at depth2003-11-17 16:30:0049.0755 N, 16.4963 WFS Poseidon PO306
1226162Hydrography time series at depth2003-11-17 16:30:0049.0755 N, 16.4963 WFS Poseidon PO306
1226174Hydrography time series at depth2003-11-17 16:30:0049.0755 N, 16.4963 WFS Poseidon PO306
1226186Hydrography time series at depth2003-11-17 16:30:0049.0755 N, 16.4963 WFS Poseidon PO306
1226198Hydrography time series at depth2003-11-17 16:30:0049.0755 N, 16.4963 WFS Poseidon PO306
1226205Hydrography time series at depth2003-11-17 16:30:0049.0755 N, 16.4963 WFS Poseidon PO306
1226217Hydrography time series at depth2003-11-17 16:30:0049.0755 N, 16.4963 WFS Poseidon PO306
1226229Hydrography time series at depth2003-11-17 16:30:0049.0755 N, 16.4963 WFS Poseidon PO306
1226125Hydrography time series at depth2003-11-18 16:15:0049.0417 N, 16.5267 WFS Poseidon PO306
876419Water column chemistry2003-11-18 17:00:0049.0417 N, 16.5267 WFS Poseidon PO306
876500Fluorescence or pigments2003-11-18 17:00:2549.0417 N, 16.5267 WFS Poseidon PO306
895651Water column chemistry2003-11-19 09:14:1949.0417 N, 16.5267 WFS Poseidon PO306
1226242Hydrography time series at depth2004-06-22 22:00:0049.1192 N, 16.4935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
1226254Hydrography time series at depth2004-06-22 22:00:0049.1192 N, 16.4935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
1226266Hydrography time series at depth2004-06-22 22:00:0049.1192 N, 16.4935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
1226278Hydrography time series at depth2004-06-22 22:00:0049.1192 N, 16.4935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
1226291Hydrography time series at depth2004-06-22 22:00:0049.1192 N, 16.4935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
1226309Hydrography time series at depth2004-06-22 22:00:0049.1192 N, 16.4935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
1226310Hydrography time series at depth2004-06-22 22:00:0049.1192 N, 16.4935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
1226322Hydrography time series at depth2004-06-22 22:00:0049.1192 N, 16.4935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
1226334Hydrography time series at depth2004-06-22 22:00:0049.1192 N, 16.4935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
1226346Hydrography time series at depth2004-06-22 22:00:0049.1192 N, 16.4935 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
1226230Hydrography time series at depth2004-06-23 20:00:0049.0432 N, 16.529 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
876420Water column chemistry2004-06-23 20:00:0049.0497 N, 16.5169 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
876512Fluorescence or pigments2004-06-23 22:44:2249.04317 N, 16.529 WRRS Charles Darwin CD158
945170Currents -subsurface Eulerian2007-06-19 22:47:5148.915 N, 16.5458 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
888088CTD or STD cast2007-06-21 10:38:3648.999 N, 16.502 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
888107CTD or STD cast2007-06-21 13:51:3048.999 N, 16.502 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1868602Water sample data2007-06-21 14:07:0048.999 N, 16.502 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
888119CTD or STD cast2007-06-21 14:51:4948.999 N, 16.501 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
888120CTD or STD cast2007-06-21 18:24:1848.999 N, 16.502 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
888132CTD or STD cast2007-06-21 19:44:4748.999 N, 16.501 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
888144CTD or STD cast2007-06-21 20:03:4848.999 N, 16.502 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
888156CTD or STD cast2007-06-22 12:27:4149.002 N, 16.4545 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1083405Fluorescence or pigments2007-06-22 16:02:4549.0 N, 16.419 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1225816Hydrography time series at depth2007-06-22 18:00:0049.0163 N, 16.402 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1225828Hydrography time series at depth2007-06-22 18:00:0049.0163 N, 16.402 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1225841Hydrography time series at depth2007-06-22 18:00:0049.0163 N, 16.402 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1225853Hydrography time series at depth2007-06-22 18:00:0049.0163 N, 16.402 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1225865Hydrography time series at depth2007-06-22 18:00:0049.0163 N, 16.402 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1225877Hydrography time series at depth2007-06-22 18:00:0049.0163 N, 16.402 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1225889Hydrography time series at depth2007-06-22 18:00:0049.0163 N, 16.402 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1225890Hydrography time series at depth2007-06-22 18:00:0049.0163 N, 16.402 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1225908Hydrography time series at depth2007-06-22 18:00:0049.0163 N, 16.402 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1225921Hydrography time series at depth2007-06-22 18:00:0049.0163 N, 16.402 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1225933Hydrography time series at depth2007-06-22 18:00:0049.0163 N, 16.402 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
888168CTD or STD cast2007-06-22 20:09:0449.084 N, 16.401 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
888181CTD or STD cast2007-06-23 01:04:5448.9165 N, 16.3 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
888193CTD or STD cast2007-06-23 03:44:4048.9165 N, 16.5002 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1225804Hydrography time series at depth2007-06-23 14:00:0049.0163 N, 16.402 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
888200CTD or STD cast2007-06-23 15:27:5148.9767 N, 16.5116 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1058137Water column chemistry2007-06-28 15:00:0049.0 N, 16.419 WCeltic Explorer CE0716
1842200Fluorescence or pigments2009-05-23 16:00:0049.07167 N, 16.38167 WRRS James Cook JC034T
1851461Hydrography time series at depth2009-05-23 16:00:0049.07167 N, 16.38167 WRRS James Cook JC034T
1851473Hydrography time series at depth2009-05-23 16:00:0049.07167 N, 16.38167 WRRS James Cook JC034T
1851485Hydrography time series at depth2009-05-23 16:00:0049.07167 N, 16.38167 WRRS James Cook JC034T
1919019Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-05-23 16:15:0049.07167 N, 16.38167 WRRS James Cook JC034T
1620712Water column chemistry2009-05-23 16:15:0049.07167 N, 16.38167 WRRS James Cook JC034T
1640682Water column chemistry2009-05-23 16:15:0049.07167 N, 16.38167 WRRS James Cook JC034T
1620700Water column chemistry2009-05-23 17:00:3949.07167 N, 16.38167 WRRS James Cook JC034T
1640670Water column chemistry2009-05-24 04:00:0049.07167 N, 16.38167 WRRS James Cook JC034T
1170739Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-09 18:41:2055.10983 N, 5.302 WRRS Discovery D341
1170740Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-10 09:50:4852.32233 N, 6.02167 WRRS Discovery D341
1170752Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-11 10:02:1750.63183 N, 11.19833 WRRS Discovery D341
1170764Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-12 09:50:5649.919 N, 13.46283 WRRS Discovery D341
1170776Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-13 06:54:4949.04683 N, 16.48233 WRRS Discovery D341
1170788Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-14 04:55:1948.94567 N, 16.882 WRRS Discovery D341
1170807Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-15 04:57:3849.023 N, 16.562 WRRS Discovery D341
1170819Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-16 04:53:1149.1025 N, 16.41267 WRRS Discovery D341
1170820Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-17 04:57:2848.8335 N, 16.598 WRRS Discovery D341
1170832Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-18 04:55:0048.82283 N, 16.50567 WRRS Discovery D341
1170844Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-19 04:50:5148.99767 N, 16.51133 WRRS Discovery D341
1170856Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-20 04:57:2148.81283 N, 16.72583 WRRS Discovery D341
1170868Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-20 17:08:1849.07317 N, 16.389 WRRS Discovery D341
1170881Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-21 04:53:2648.725 N, 17.184 WRRS Discovery D341
1170893Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-22 04:53:0249.191 N, 16.89683 WRRS Discovery D341
1170900Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-23 04:55:5549.07417 N, 16.63433 WRRS Discovery D341
1170912Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-24 04:58:3148.91383 N, 16.35767 WRRS Discovery D341
1170924Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-25 04:48:5249.463 N, 16.06033 WRRS Discovery D341
1170936Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-26 04:57:0749.184 N, 16.022 WRRS Discovery D341
1170948Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-27 07:57:1649.13833 N, 16.284 WRRS Discovery D341
1170961Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-28 04:51:1848.814 N, 16.46 WRRS Discovery D341
1170973Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-29 04:46:4348.97817 N, 16.91267 WRRS Discovery D341
1170985Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-30 04:59:2748.83417 N, 16.485 WRRS Discovery D341
1170997Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-07-31 04:58:4048.60483 N, 16.601 WRRS Discovery D341
1171000Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-08-01 04:54:1748.7355 N, 16.54017 WRRS Discovery D341
1171012Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-08-02 04:44:1448.64567 N, 16.5675 WRRS Discovery D341
1171024Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-08-03 04:52:5248.99783 N, 16.4255 WRRS Discovery D341
1171036Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-08-04 04:51:2048.82417 N, 16.91783 WRRS Discovery D341
1171048Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-08-05 04:52:1848.90333 N, 16.87867 WRRS Discovery D341
1171061Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-08-06 04:48:4048.907 N, 16.08783 WRRS Discovery D341
1171073Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-08-07 04:49:1649.00783 N, 16.48933 WRRS Discovery D341
1171085Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-08-08 04:52:3948.79867 N, 16.98883 WRRS Discovery D341
1171097Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-08-09 04:51:2848.9835 N, 16.50517 WRRS Discovery D341
1171104Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-08-10 04:54:1849.26467 N, 15.59733 WRRS Discovery D341
1171116Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-08-10 22:47:2450.53633 N, 11.35417 WRRS Discovery D341
1839394Water column chemistry2010-06-03 12:00:0048.993 N, 16.369 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20100526 (JR221)
1839401Water column chemistry2010-09-21 12:00:0048.993 N, 16.369 WCeltic Explorer CE10005
1839413Water column chemistry2011-08-02 00:00:0048.0135 N, 16.3698 WRRS James Cook JC062
1177289Bathymetry2012-05-01 21:59:0048.6223 N, 16.3579 WRRS James Cook JC071
1839425Water column chemistry2012-05-06 00:00:0048.0049 N, 16.3763 WRRS James Cook JC071
1177290Bathymetry2012-05-07 20:59:0049.1075 N, 17.0159 WRRS James Cook JC071
1759923CTD or STD cast2013-04-19 06:38:0048.67517 N, 16.3365 WRRS James Cook JC085
2105768Water sample data2013-04-19 08:49:3048.67523 N, 16.33658 WRRS James Cook JC085
2107566Water sample data2013-04-19 08:49:3048.67523 N, 16.33658 WRRS James Cook JC085
2111830Water sample data2013-04-19 08:49:3048.67523 N, 16.33658 WRRS James Cook JC085
1928139Water sample data2013-04-19 08:50:0048.67523 N, 16.33658 WRRS James Cook JC085
1759935CTD or STD cast2013-04-21 21:10:0048.991 N, 16.48083 WRRS James Cook JC085
2105781Water sample data2013-04-21 22:17:3048.991 N, 16.48083 WRRS James Cook JC085
2107578Water sample data2013-04-21 22:17:3048.991 N, 16.48083 WRRS James Cook JC085
2111842Water sample data2013-04-21 22:17:3048.991 N, 16.48083 WRRS James Cook JC085
1928140Water sample data2013-04-21 22:18:0048.991 N, 16.48083 WRRS James Cook JC085
1759947CTD or STD cast2013-04-23 13:51:0048.61683 N, 16.2995 WRRS James Cook JC085
1928152Water sample data2013-04-23 15:13:0048.61797 N, 16.29808 WRRS James Cook JC085
2105793Water sample data2013-04-23 15:13:0048.61797 N, 16.29808 WRRS James Cook JC085
2107591Water sample data2013-04-23 15:13:0048.61797 N, 16.29808 WRRS James Cook JC085
2111854Water sample data2013-04-23 15:13:0048.61797 N, 16.29808 WRRS James Cook JC085
2161955Hydrography time series at depth2013-04-24 22:15:0148.98167 N, 16.27833 WRRS James Cook JC085
2023006Hydrography time series at depth2013-04-24 22:30:0148.98167 N, 16.27833 WRRS James Cook JC085
2022992Hydrography time series at depth2013-04-24 22:30:2948.98167 N, 16.27833 WRRS James Cook JC085
1759959CTD or STD cast2013-04-25 17:29:0448.58717 N, 16.333 WRRS James Cook JC085
1759960CTD or STD cast2013-04-25 18:59:0548.587 N, 16.34333 WRRS James Cook JC085
1759972CTD or STD cast2013-04-25 19:49:0348.58683 N, 16.35167 WRRS James Cook JC085
1928164Water sample data2013-04-25 20:40:0048.58575 N, 16.36107 WRRS James Cook JC085
2107609Water sample data2013-04-25 20:40:0248.58575 N, 16.36107 WRRS James Cook JC085
1759984CTD or STD cast2013-04-25 22:37:0148.56283 N, 16.44867 WRRS James Cook JC085
1759996CTD or STD cast2013-04-25 23:23:0048.56267 N, 16.45617 WRRS James Cook JC085
1760008CTD or STD cast2013-04-26 00:16:0248.562 N, 16.4655 WRRS James Cook JC085
1928176Water sample data2013-04-26 01:05:0048.55927 N, 16.47843 WRRS James Cook JC085
2107610Water sample data2013-04-26 01:05:0148.55927 N, 16.47843 WRRS James Cook JC085
1836556CTD or STD cast2013-04-26 01:05:4548.96667 N, 16.36667 WRRS James Cook JC085
2113443Water sample data2013-06-03 08:01:1748.48739 N, 17.1457 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880601Water sample data2013-06-03 12:31:0048.69983 N, 16.03367 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927702Water sample data2013-06-03 12:31:0048.69983 N, 16.03367 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107622Water sample data2013-06-03 12:31:0048.69983 N, 16.03367 WRRS James Cook JC087
2111866Water sample data2013-06-03 12:31:0048.69983 N, 16.03367 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880625Water sample data2013-06-03 20:38:0048.64867 N, 16.14267 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927726Water sample data2013-06-03 20:38:0048.64867 N, 16.14267 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107646Water sample data2013-06-03 20:38:0048.64867 N, 16.14267 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880717Water sample data2013-06-05 04:10:0048.64867 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927831Water sample data2013-06-05 04:10:0048.64867 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107751Water sample data2013-06-05 04:10:0048.64867 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880729Water sample data2013-06-05 07:58:0048.65017 N, 16.13883 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927843Water sample data2013-06-05 07:58:0048.65017 N, 16.13883 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107763Water sample data2013-06-05 07:58:0048.65017 N, 16.13883 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880730Water sample data2013-06-05 10:23:0048.64867 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927855Water sample data2013-06-05 10:23:0048.64867 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107775Water sample data2013-06-05 10:23:0048.64867 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880742Water sample data2013-06-05 13:24:0048.64862 N, 16.14292 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107787Water sample data2013-06-05 13:24:0048.64862 N, 16.14292 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880754Water sample data2013-06-06 03:58:0048.64862 N, 16.1429 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927867Water sample data2013-06-06 03:58:0048.64862 N, 16.1429 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107799Water sample data2013-06-06 03:58:0048.64862 N, 16.1429 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880766Water sample data2013-06-06 08:23:0048.64867 N, 16.14267 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107806Water sample data2013-06-06 08:23:0048.64867 N, 16.14267 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880778Water sample data2013-06-06 19:45:0048.6485 N, 16.14267 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927879Water sample data2013-06-06 19:45:0048.6485 N, 16.14267 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107818Water sample data2013-06-06 19:45:0048.6485 N, 16.14267 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880613Water sample data2013-06-07 08:36:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927714Water sample data2013-06-07 08:36:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107634Water sample data2013-06-07 08:36:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880791Water sample data2013-06-08 03:42:0048.64865 N, 16.1434 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927880Water sample data2013-06-08 03:42:0048.64865 N, 16.1434 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107831Water sample data2013-06-08 03:42:0048.64865 N, 16.1434 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880809Water sample data2013-06-08 10:26:0048.65067 N, 16.48833 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927892Water sample data2013-06-08 10:26:0048.65067 N, 16.48833 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107843Water sample data2013-06-08 10:26:0048.65067 N, 16.48833 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880810Water sample data2013-06-09 07:18:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927911Water sample data2013-06-09 07:18:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107855Water sample data2013-06-09 07:18:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880822Water sample data2013-06-09 15:07:0048.64847 N, 16.14132 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927923Water sample data2013-06-09 15:07:0048.64847 N, 16.14132 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107867Water sample data2013-06-09 15:07:0048.64847 N, 16.14132 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880834Water sample data2013-06-09 19:08:0048.64 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927935Water sample data2013-06-09 19:08:0048.64 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107879Water sample data2013-06-09 19:08:0048.64 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880637Water sample data2013-06-10 03:46:0048.64867 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927738Water sample data2013-06-10 03:46:0048.64867 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107658Water sample data2013-06-10 03:46:0048.64867 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880649Water sample data2013-06-10 08:35:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927751Water sample data2013-06-10 08:35:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107671Water sample data2013-06-10 08:35:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880650Water sample data2013-06-11 08:53:0048.64917 N, 16.14317 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927763Water sample data2013-06-11 08:53:0048.64917 N, 16.14317 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107683Water sample data2013-06-11 08:53:0048.64917 N, 16.14317 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880662Water sample data2013-06-13 04:43:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927775Water sample data2013-06-13 04:43:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107695Water sample data2013-06-13 04:43:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880674Water sample data2013-06-13 08:38:0048.64867 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927787Water sample data2013-06-13 08:38:0048.64867 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107702Water sample data2013-06-13 08:38:0048.64867 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880686Water sample data2013-06-14 04:16:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927799Water sample data2013-06-14 04:16:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107714Water sample data2013-06-14 04:16:0048.6485 N, 16.14283 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880698Water sample data2013-06-14 08:41:0048.6485 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927806Water sample data2013-06-14 08:41:0048.6485 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107726Water sample data2013-06-14 08:41:0048.6485 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
2111878Water sample data2013-06-14 08:41:0048.6485 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
1880705Water sample data2013-06-14 11:43:0048.6485 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
1927818Water sample data2013-06-14 11:43:0048.6485 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
2107738Water sample data2013-06-14 11:43:0048.6485 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
2111891Water sample data2013-06-14 11:43:0048.6485 N, 16.143 WRRS James Cook JC087
1920820Fluorescence or pigments2014-07-13 10:43:5849.02977 N, 16.31897 WFS Meteor M108
2026606Hydrography time series at depth2014-07-15 00:00:0149.02977 N, 16.31897 WFS Meteor M108
2026631Hydrography time series at depth2014-07-15 00:00:2449.02977 N, 16.31897 WFS Meteor M108
2026618Hydrography time series at depth2014-07-15 00:00:4249.02977 N, 16.31897 WFS Meteor M108
2074669Water column chemistry2014-07-15 07:20:4149.02977 N, 16.31897 WFS Meteor M108
2159219Fluorescence or pigments2014-07-15 09:30:0049.0295 N, 16.319 WFS Meteor M108
2159207Water column chemistry2014-07-15 09:30:0049.0295 N, 16.319 WFS Meteor M108
2073617Water column chemistry2014-07-15 15:07:0149.0295 N, 16.319 WFS Meteor M108
1778785Water column chemistry2014-07-15 23:59:1249.02977 N, 16.31897 WFS Meteor M108
1927984Water sample data2015-06-24 00:32:0049.02783 N, 16.415 WRRS Discovery DY032
1879544Water sample data2015-06-24 15:55:0049.04167 N, 16.41017 WRRS Discovery DY032
1927996Water sample data2015-06-24 15:55:0049.04167 N, 16.41017 WRRS Discovery DY032
1879556Water sample data2015-06-25 09:40:0048.84117 N, 16.522 WRRS Discovery DY032
1928011Water sample data2015-06-25 09:40:0048.84117 N, 16.522 WRRS Discovery DY032
1879568Water sample data2015-06-25 17:20:0048.94417 N, 16.59916 WRRS Discovery DY032
1927947Water sample data2015-06-25 17:20:0048.94417 N, 16.59916 WRRS Discovery DY032
1928023Water sample data2015-06-25 17:20:0048.94417 N, 16.59916 WRRS Discovery DY032
1879581Water sample data2015-06-25 21:12:0048.89167 N, 16.58556 WRRS Discovery DY032
1927959Water sample data2015-06-25 21:12:0048.89167 N, 16.58556 WRRS Discovery DY032
1928035Water sample data2015-06-25 21:12:0048.89167 N, 16.58556 WRRS Discovery DY032
1879593Water sample data2015-06-26 10:00:0048.84 N, 16.52583 WRRS Discovery DY032
1928047Water sample data2015-06-26 10:00:0048.84 N, 16.52583 WRRS Discovery DY032
1879600Water sample data2015-06-27 15:54:0049.074 N, 16.26133 WRRS Discovery DY032
1928059Water sample data2015-06-27 15:54:0049.074 N, 16.26133 WRRS Discovery DY032
1928060Water sample data2015-06-27 19:00:0049.07667 N, 16.25833 WRRS Discovery DY032
1928072Water sample data2015-06-27 22:00:0049.07367 N, 16.26383 WRRS Discovery DY032
2148953Hydrography time series at depth2015-06-28 09:00:0149.025 N, 16.3633 WRRS Discovery DY032
1879612Water sample data2015-06-28 09:30:0049.01283 N, 16.3955 WRRS Discovery DY032
1879624Water sample data2015-06-29 15:20:0048.81917 N, 16.52067 WRRS Discovery DY032
1928084Water sample data2015-06-29 15:20:0048.81917 N, 16.52067 WRRS Discovery DY032
1879636Water sample data2015-06-30 20:21:0049.21278 N, 16.47028 WRRS Discovery DY032
1927960Water sample data2015-06-30 20:21:0049.21278 N, 16.47028 WRRS Discovery DY032
1928096Water sample data2015-06-30 20:21:0049.21278 N, 16.47028 WRRS Discovery DY032
2171870Hydrography time series at depth2015-07-01 11:30:0149.01 N, 16.33666 WRRS Discovery DY032
2171882Hydrography time series at depth2015-07-01 11:30:5049.01 N, 16.33666 WRRS Discovery DY032
1851006Water column chemistry2015-07-01 11:59:3849.03056 N, 16.37222 WRRS Discovery DY032
2205966Fluorescence or pigments2015-07-01 12:30:0049.01 N, 16.33666 WRRS Discovery DY032
1879648Water sample data2015-07-01 14:10:0048.98567 N, 16.285 WRRS Discovery DY032
1928103Water sample data2015-07-01 14:10:0048.98567 N, 16.285 WRRS Discovery DY032
1850992Water column chemistry2015-07-01 23:58:0549.03056 N, 16.37222 WRRS Discovery DY032
1928115Water sample data2015-07-02 15:00:0048.68217 N, 17.059 WRRS Discovery DY032
1879661Water sample data2015-07-03 18:40:0049.18277 N, 16.60056 WRRS Discovery DY032
1927972Water sample data2015-07-03 18:40:0049.18277 N, 16.60056 WRRS Discovery DY032
1928127Water sample data2015-07-03 18:40:0049.18277 N, 16.60056 WRRS Discovery DY032
2201234CTD or STD cast2016-04-20 08:34:4749.6016 N, 8.3609 WRRS Discovery DY050
1874226Water sample data2016-04-20 08:55:0049.6017 N, 8.3605 WRRS Discovery DY050
2118945Water sample data2016-04-20 08:55:0049.60091 N, 8.36638 WRRS Discovery DY050
2138701Water sample data2016-04-20 08:55:0049.60091 N, 8.36638 WRRS Discovery DY050
2201246CTD or STD cast2016-04-22 14:12:4849.0055 N, 16.3971 WRRS Discovery DY050
1874238Water sample data2016-04-22 16:25:0049.0055 N, 16.397 WRRS Discovery DY050
2118957Water sample data2016-04-22 16:25:0049.00545 N, 16.39723 WRRS Discovery DY050
2138713Water sample data2016-04-22 16:25:0049.00545 N, 16.39723 WRRS Discovery DY050
2201258CTD or STD cast2016-04-24 08:18:0349.0081 N, 16.4531 WRRS Discovery DY050
2118969Water sample data2016-04-24 09:21:3049.00818 N, 16.45308 WRRS Discovery DY050
2138725Water sample data2016-04-24 09:21:3049.00818 N, 16.45308 WRRS Discovery DY050
1874251Water sample data2016-04-24 09:22:0049.00813 N, 16.453 WRRS Discovery DY050
1922826CTD or STD cast2016-04-24 15:00:0049.00738 N, 16.49232 WRRS Discovery DY050
1922838CTD or STD cast2016-04-24 15:00:0049.00738 N, 16.49232 WRRS Discovery DY050
2201271CTD or STD cast2016-04-27 14:08:2949.0058 N, 16.3974 WRRS Discovery DY050
2138737Water sample data2016-04-27 15:26:3049.0058 N, 16.39745 WRRS Discovery DY050
1874263Water sample data2016-04-27 15:27:0049.00578 N, 16.39743 WRRS Discovery DY050
2026643Hydrography time series at depth2016-04-28 12:00:0149.00046 N, 16.0055 WRRS Discovery DY050
2026655Hydrography time series at depth2016-04-28 12:00:0149.00046 N, 16.0055 WRRS Discovery DY050
2026667Hydrography time series at depth2016-04-28 12:00:3449.00046 N, 16.0055 WRRS Discovery DY050
1920832Water column chemistry2016-04-28 12:20:2449.04717 N, 16.30117 WRRS Discovery DY050
2201283CTD or STD cast2016-04-28 12:23:4949.0052 N, 16.397 WRRS Discovery DY050
1874275Water sample data2016-04-28 13:55:0049.00523 N, 16.39695 WRRS Discovery DY050
2118982Water sample data2016-04-28 13:55:0049.00524 N, 16.39697 WRRS Discovery DY050
2138749Water sample data2016-04-28 13:55:0049.00524 N, 16.39697 WRRS Discovery DY050
2159268Water column chemistry2016-04-28 19:20:1349.0283 N, 16.1807 WRRS Discovery DY050
2201295CTD or STD cast2016-04-29 14:03:2949.0053 N, 16.3975 WRRS Discovery DY050
1874287Water sample data2016-04-29 16:19:0049.00535 N, 16.39745 WRRS Discovery DY050
2118994Water sample data2016-04-29 16:19:0049.00534 N, 16.39746 WRRS Discovery DY050
2138750Water sample data2016-04-29 16:19:0049.00534 N, 16.39746 WRRS Discovery DY050
2201302CTD or STD cast2016-04-30 13:08:4249.0054 N, 16.3968 WRRS Discovery DY050
1874299Water sample data2016-04-30 13:22:0049.00533 N, 16.39667 WRRS Discovery DY050
2119008Water sample data2016-04-30 13:22:0049.00541 N, 16.39676 WRRS Discovery DY050
2138762Water sample data2016-04-30 13:22:0049.00541 N, 16.39676 WRRS Discovery DY050
2201314CTD or STD cast2016-05-01 19:15:3749.0056 N, 16.3969 WRRS Discovery DY050
2119021Water sample data2016-05-01 19:38:3049.00555 N, 16.3969 WRRS Discovery DY050
2138774Water sample data2016-05-01 19:38:3049.00555 N, 16.3969 WRRS Discovery DY050
1874306Water sample data2016-05-01 19:39:0049.0055 N, 16.39683 WRRS Discovery DY050
2201326CTD or STD cast2016-05-02 17:49:1549.0118 N, 16.3975 WRRS Discovery DY050
1874318Water sample data2016-05-02 20:36:0049.0118 N, 16.39683 WRRS Discovery DY050
2119033Water sample data2016-05-02 20:36:0049.0118 N, 16.39749 WRRS Discovery DY050
2138786Water sample data2016-05-02 20:36:0049.0118 N, 16.39749 WRRS Discovery DY050
2201338CTD or STD cast2016-05-05 11:28:2749.0053 N, 16.397 WRRS Discovery DY050
1874331Water sample data2016-05-05 13:30:0049.0053 N, 16.39702 WRRS Discovery DY050
2119045Water sample data2016-05-05 13:30:0049.00531 N, 16.39701 WRRS Discovery DY050
2138798Water sample data2016-05-05 13:30:0049.00531 N, 16.39701 WRRS Discovery DY050
1816715CTD or STD cast2017-04-16 20:39:3549.0544 N, 16.3395 WRRS Discovery DY077
1874343Water sample data2017-04-16 20:52:0049.05438 N, 16.33946 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816727CTD or STD cast2017-04-16 22:27:4849.0544 N, 16.3395 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816739CTD or STD cast2017-04-17 00:34:2049.0544 N, 16.3395 WRRS Discovery DY077
1874355Water sample data2017-04-17 02:51:0049.05433 N, 16.3395 WRRS Discovery DY077
1922863Water column chemistry2017-04-18 00:20:2549.04717 N, 16.30117 WRRS Discovery DY077
1922851Fluorescence or pigments2017-04-18 16:11:2749.04717 N, 16.30117 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816740CTD or STD cast2017-04-19 09:02:3348.9938 N, 16.3247 WRRS Discovery DY077
1874367Water sample data2017-04-19 09:18:0048.99381 N, 16.32473 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816752CTD or STD cast2017-04-19 12:22:3248.9528 N, 16.4322 WRRS Discovery DY077
1874379Water sample data2017-04-19 12:47:0048.95238 N, 16.43128 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816764CTD or STD cast2017-04-19 15:19:3749.0257 N, 16.4298 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816776CTD or STD cast2017-04-20 22:11:0648.9688 N, 16.4679 WRRS Discovery DY077
1874380Water sample data2017-04-21 00:03:0048.96882 N, 16.46792 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816788CTD or STD cast2017-04-21 05:22:4249.1176 N, 16.6171 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816807CTD or STD cast2017-04-21 08:55:2949.1881 N, 16.7005 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816819CTD or STD cast2017-04-21 12:35:5349.2009 N, 16.5667 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816820CTD or STD cast2017-04-22 16:26:2448.8358 N, 16.5213 WRRS Discovery DY077
1874392Water sample data2017-04-22 16:49:0048.83577 N, 16.52133 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816832CTD or STD cast2017-04-23 12:04:3149.0065 N, 16.3977 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816844CTD or STD cast2017-04-24 12:39:5148.9391 N, 16.2624 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816856CTD or STD cast2017-04-24 15:47:4848.9391 N, 16.2624 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816868CTD or STD cast2017-04-24 17:46:4348.9965 N, 16.3681 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816881CTD or STD cast2017-04-24 19:37:5048.9066 N, 16.3951 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816893CTD or STD cast2017-04-25 14:22:0448.9888 N, 16.3956 WRRS Discovery DY077
1874411Water sample data2017-04-25 15:06:0048.98882 N, 16.39555 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816900CTD or STD cast2017-04-26 12:01:4248.8679 N, 16.5862 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816912CTD or STD cast2017-04-26 14:56:1548.9147 N, 16.7024 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816924CTD or STD cast2017-04-26 18:01:1748.8255 N, 16.7048 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816936CTD or STD cast2017-04-28 08:48:3248.7853 N, 16.7799 WRRS Discovery DY077
1816948CTD or STD cast2017-04-28 10:57:3248.7487 N, 16.6749 WRRS Discovery DY077
2014678CTD or STD cast2018-05-22 12:07:4449.0033 N, 16.3946 WRRS James Cook JC165
2014691CTD or STD cast2018-05-22 14:03:1949.0033 N, 16.3946 WRRS James Cook JC165
2115787Water sample data2018-05-22 14:29:3049.00328 N, 16.3946 WRRS James Cook JC165
1928987Water sample data2018-05-22 14:30:0049.00328 N, 16.3946 WRRS James Cook JC165
2014709CTD or STD cast2018-05-23 12:29:1448.988 N, 16.3888 WRRS James Cook JC165
1928999Water sample data2018-05-23 14:58:0048.988 N, 16.38878 WRRS James Cook JC165
2115799Water sample data2018-05-23 14:58:0048.988 N, 16.38878 WRRS James Cook JC165
2014710CTD or STD cast2018-05-25 07:28:4049.0026 N, 16.4933 WRRS James Cook JC165
1929002Water sample data2018-05-25 07:38:0049.00407 N, 16.49312 WRRS James Cook JC165
2115806Water sample data2018-05-25 07:38:2049.00407 N, 16.49312 WRRS James Cook JC165
2048835Hydrography time series at depth2018-05-25 12:00:0148.99662 N, 16.49562 WRRS James Cook JC165
2014722CTD or STD cast2018-05-25 12:09:1848.9945 N, 16.4008 WRRS James Cook JC165
2027855Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-05-25 13:17:1248.99662 N, 16.49553 WRRS James Cook JC165
2027843Currents -subsurface Eulerian2018-05-25 13:20:0248.99662 N, 16.49553 WRRS James Cook JC165
1929014Water sample data2018-05-25 14:08:0048.99448 N, 16.4008 WRRS James Cook JC165
2115818Water sample data2018-05-25 14:08:0048.99448 N, 16.4008 WRRS James Cook JC165
1929026Water sample data2018-05-27 14:17:0049.00638 N, 16.47153 WRRS James Cook JC165
2115831Water sample data2018-05-27 14:17:0049.00638 N, 16.47153 WRRS James Cook JC165
2014734CTD or STD cast2018-05-27 14:22:3549.0064 N, 16.4715 WRRS James Cook JC165
2014746CTD or STD cast2018-05-27 16:07:5749.0064 N, 16.4715 WRRS James Cook JC165
2115843Water sample data2018-05-27 17:28:3049.00638 N, 16.47152 WRRS James Cook JC165
1929038Water sample data2018-05-27 17:29:0049.00638 N, 16.47152 WRRS James Cook JC165
1929051Water sample data2018-05-29 14:08:0048.00093 N, 16.50327 WRRS James Cook JC165
2115855Water sample data2018-05-29 14:08:0048.00093 N, 16.50327 WRRS James Cook JC165
2014758CTD or STD cast2018-05-29 14:09:4849.001 N, 16.5033 WRRS James Cook JC165
2014771CTD or STD cast2018-06-01 13:03:1949.0024 N, 16.5085 WRRS James Cook JC165
2115867Water sample data2018-06-01 13:22:3049.00237 N, 16.50855 WRRS James Cook JC165
1929063Water sample data2018-06-01 13:23:0049.00237 N, 16.50855 WRRS James Cook JC165
2014783CTD or STD cast2018-06-01 15:00:3749.0024 N, 16.5085 WRRS James Cook JC165
2115879Water sample data2018-06-01 16:43:3049.00235 N, 16.50855 WRRS James Cook JC165
1929075Water sample data2018-06-01 16:44:0049.00235 N, 16.50855 WRRS James Cook JC165
2012125Water column chemistry2018-06-04 00:10:0048.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2161967Hydrography time series at depth2018-06-04 09:20:0048.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2161979Hydrography time series at depth2018-06-04 09:20:0048.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2161980Hydrography time series at depth2018-06-04 09:20:0048.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2161992Hydrography time series at depth2018-06-04 09:20:0048.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2162006Hydrography time series at depth2018-06-04 09:20:0048.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2162018Hydrography time series at depth2018-06-04 09:20:0048.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2162031Hydrography time series at depth2018-06-04 09:20:0048.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2026723Water column chemistry2018-06-04 09:20:0048.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2013012Hydrography time series at depth2018-06-04 09:30:0048.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2012997Hydrography time series at depth2018-06-04 09:30:0148.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2046146Hydrography time series at depth2018-06-04 09:30:0148.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2013000Hydrography time series at depth2018-06-04 09:30:0448.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
1975716PAR radiance and irradiance2018-06-04 09:47:0548.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2004229PAR radiance and irradiance2018-06-04 09:47:0548.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2014980Water column chemistry2018-06-04 09:50:5948.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2022433Fluorescence or pigments2018-06-04 10:23:0648.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
2012069Water column chemistry2018-06-04 12:11:0048.86432 N, 16.42318 WRRS James Cook JC165
1928188Water sample data2018-06-07 08:17:0048.94508 N, 16.8184 WRRS James Cook JC165
1929087Water sample data2018-06-07 12:21:0048.94508 N, 16.4267 WRRS James Cook JC165
2115880Water sample data2018-06-07 12:21:0048.94508 N, 16.4267 WRRS James Cook JC165
2014795CTD or STD cast2018-06-07 12:23:2948.94508 N, 16.4267 WRRS James Cook JC165
1929099Water sample data2018-06-07 14:27:0048.94508 N, 16.4267 WRRS James Cook JC165
2115892Water sample data2018-06-07 14:27:0048.94508 N, 16.4267 WRRS James Cook JC165
2014802CTD or STD cast2018-06-07 14:32:0848.94508 N, 16.4267 WRRS James Cook JC165
1989607Water sample data2019-06-23 14:15:0049.13787 N, 13.0504 WRRS Discovery DY103
2001625Water sample data2019-06-23 14:15:0049.13787 N, 13.0504 WRRS Discovery DY103
2004101Water sample data2019-06-23 14:15:0049.13787 N, 13.0504 WRRS Discovery DY103
1989619Water sample data2019-06-24 05:27:0049.00008 N, 16.50042 WRRS Discovery DY103
2001637Water sample data2019-06-24 05:27:0049.00008 N, 16.50042 WRRS Discovery DY103
2004113Water sample data2019-06-24 05:27:0049.00008 N, 16.50042 WRRS Discovery DY103
1989620Water sample data2019-06-25 14:59:0048.9718 N, 16.37257 WRRS Discovery DY103
2001649Water sample data2019-06-25 14:59:0048.9718 N, 16.37257 WRRS Discovery DY103
2004125Water sample data2019-06-25 14:59:0048.9718 N, 16.37257 WRRS Discovery DY103
1989632Water sample data2019-06-29 16:17:0048.94283 N, 16.48617 WRRS Discovery DY103
2001650Water sample data2019-06-29 16:17:0048.94283 N, 16.48617 WRRS Discovery DY103
2004137Water sample data2019-06-29 16:17:0048.94283 N, 16.48617 WRRS Discovery DY103
2027818Currents -subsurface Eulerian2019-06-30 12:00:0048.5805 N, 16.27624 WRRS Discovery DY103
2027831Currents -subsurface Eulerian2019-06-30 12:00:0048.5805 N, 16.27624 WRRS Discovery DY103
1989644Water sample data2019-06-30 13:00:0049.03823 N, 16.53018 WRRS Discovery DY103
2001662Water sample data2019-06-30 13:00:0049.03823 N, 16.53018 WRRS Discovery DY103
2004149Water sample data2019-06-30 13:00:0049.03823 N, 16.53018 WRRS Discovery DY103
1989656Water sample data2019-07-01 13:22:0048.94342 N, 16.48997 WRRS Discovery DY103
2001674Water sample data2019-07-01 13:22:0048.94342 N, 16.48997 WRRS Discovery DY103
2004150Water sample data2019-07-01 13:22:0048.94342 N, 16.48997 WRRS Discovery DY103
1989668Water sample data2019-07-01 14:35:0048.99973 N, 16.49993 WRRS Discovery DY103
2001686Water sample data2019-07-01 14:35:0048.99973 N, 16.49993 WRRS Discovery DY103
2004162Water sample data2019-07-01 14:35:0048.99973 N, 16.49993 WRRS Discovery DY103
2001698Water sample data2019-07-02 09:58:0048.99997 N, 16.50102 WRRS Discovery DY103
2004174Water sample data2019-07-02 09:58:0048.99997 N, 16.50102 WRRS Discovery DY103
2052115Hydrography time series at depth2019-07-03 14:47:0548.9656 N, 16.36905 WRRS Discovery DY103
2026907Hydrography time series at depth2019-07-03 15:00:0148.9656 N, 16.36905 WRRS Discovery DY103
2073248Water column chemistry2019-07-03 15:01:5748.9656 N, 16.36905 WRRS Discovery DY103
2026919Hydrography time series at depth2019-07-03 15:15:0048.9656 N, 16.36905 WRRS Discovery DY103
1989681Water sample data2019-07-03 15:16:0048.96148 N, 16.3742 WRRS Discovery DY103
2001705Water sample data2019-07-03 15:16:0048.96148 N, 16.3742 WRRS Discovery DY103
2004186Water sample data2019-07-03 15:16:0048.96148 N, 16.3742 WRRS Discovery DY103
2206945Water column chemistry2019-07-03 15:20:2549.02783 N, 16.33017 WRRS Discovery DY103
2073261Water column chemistry2019-07-03 15:30:0048.9656 N, 16.36905 WRRS Discovery DY103
2143383Water column chemistry2019-07-04 00:20:0248.9656 N, 16.36905 WRRS Discovery DY103
1989693Water sample data2019-07-04 08:28:0048.99998 N, 16.50032 WRRS Discovery DY103
2001717Water sample data2019-07-04 08:28:0048.99998 N, 16.50032 WRRS Discovery DY103
2004198Water sample data2019-07-04 08:28:0048.99998 N, 16.50032 WRRS Discovery DY103
1989700Water sample data2019-07-05 10:01:0048.9615 N, 16.39962 WRRS Discovery DY103
2001729Water sample data2019-07-05 10:01:0048.9615 N, 16.39962 WRRS Discovery DY103
2004205Water sample data2019-07-05 10:01:0048.9615 N, 16.39962 WRRS Discovery DY103
1989712Water sample data2019-07-05 13:02:0049.00002 N, 16.49993 WRRS Discovery DY103
2001730Water sample data2019-07-05 13:02:0049.00002 N, 16.49993 WRRS Discovery DY103
2004217Water sample data2019-07-05 13:02:0049.00002 N, 16.49993 WRRS Discovery DY103
2051726Water sample data2020-11-19 04:23:0048.99973 N, 16.5003 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051787Water sample data2020-11-19 04:23:0048.99973 N, 16.5003 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051843Water sample data2020-11-19 04:23:0048.99973 N, 16.5003 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051738Water sample data2020-11-20 10:51:3049.0002 N, 16.4998 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051799Water sample data2020-11-20 10:51:3049.0002 N, 16.4998 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051855Water sample data2020-11-20 10:51:3049.0002 N, 16.4998 WRRS Discovery DY116
2048847Currents -subsurface Eulerian2020-11-21 02:00:3149.015 N, 16.442 WRRS Discovery DY116
2048859Currents -subsurface Eulerian2020-11-21 02:00:3149.015 N, 16.442 WRRS Discovery DY116
2052096Hydrography time series at depth2020-11-21 12:14:0248.9676 N, 16.43582 WRRS Discovery DY116
2052754Water column chemistry2020-11-21 13:24:1348.96767 N, 16.43583 WRRS Discovery DY116
2048860Water column chemistry2020-11-21 20:58:0548.9676 N, 16.43582 WRRS Discovery DY116
2048872Water column chemistry2020-11-21 23:26:4348.9676 N, 16.43582 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051751Water sample data2020-11-22 16:34:3048.97848 N, 16.40918 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051806Water sample data2020-11-22 16:34:3048.97848 N, 16.40918 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051867Water sample data2020-11-22 16:34:3048.97848 N, 16.40918 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051763Water sample data2020-11-23 05:20:0049.0001 N, 16.49968 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051818Water sample data2020-11-23 05:20:0049.0001 N, 16.49968 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051879Water sample data2020-11-23 05:20:0049.0001 N, 16.49968 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051775Water sample data2020-11-23 12:13:0049.00058 N, 16.49898 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051831Water sample data2020-11-23 12:13:0049.00058 N, 16.49898 WRRS Discovery DY116
2051880Water sample data2020-11-23 12:13:0049.00058 N, 16.49898 WRRS Discovery DY116
2054005Currents -subsurface Eulerian2021-03-31 15:30:0048.9951 N, 16.4081 WRRS Discovery DY130
2054017Currents -subsurface Eulerian2021-03-31 15:30:0048.9951 N, 16.4081 WRRS Discovery DY130
2205954Water column chemistry2021-04-03 11:14:3249.0 N, 16.3 WRRS Discovery DY130
2074725Water column chemistry2021-04-03 11:20:2448.9593 N, 16.4373 WRRS Discovery DY130
2159281Hydrography time series at depth2021-04-03 12:00:0348.9593 N, 16.4373 WRRS Discovery DY130
2159188Water column chemistry2021-04-03 12:10:0048.9593 N, 16.4373 WRRS Discovery DY130
2162043Water column chemistry2021-04-03 13:55:0048.9593 N, 16.4373 WRRS Discovery DY130
2074670Hydrography time series at depth2021-04-12 00:01:0048.9593 N, 16.4373 WRRS Discovery DY130
2074682Hydrography time series at depth2021-04-12 00:01:0048.9593 N, 16.4373 WRRS Discovery DY130
2074694Hydrography time series at depth2021-04-12 00:01:0048.9593 N, 16.4373 WRRS Discovery DY130
2074701Hydrography time series at depth2021-04-12 00:01:0048.9593 N, 16.4373 WRRS Discovery DY130
2074713Hydrography time series at depth2021-04-12 00:01:0048.9593 N, 16.4373 WRRS Discovery DY130
2153470Water sample data2022-05-02 19:16:0048.554 N, 9.9291 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153598Water sample data2022-05-02 19:16:0048.554 N, 9.9291 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153586Water sample data2022-05-03 15:03:0048.70113 N, 17.1232 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153469Water sample data2022-05-04 06:56:0048.70751 N, 17.1232 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153482Water sample data2022-05-04 12:17:3048.967 N, 16.35743 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153605Water sample data2022-05-04 12:17:3048.967 N, 16.35743 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153494Water sample data2022-05-05 07:43:0048.9562 N, 16.3999 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153617Water sample data2022-05-05 07:43:0048.9562 N, 16.3999 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153501Water sample data2022-05-06 12:34:3049.0001 N, 16.5 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153629Water sample data2022-05-06 12:34:3049.0001 N, 16.5 WRRS James Cook JC231
2201664Water column chemistry2022-05-07 10:07:0148.58001 N, 16.2567 WRRS James Cook JC231
2201861Water column chemistry2022-05-07 11:14:0149.0 N, 16.5 WRRS James Cook JC231
2201178Water column chemistry2022-05-07 11:14:0248.9615 N, 16.4377 WRRS James Cook JC231
2206736Water column chemistry2022-05-07 11:30:0048.5769 N, 16.2626 WRRS James Cook JC231
2201222Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2022-05-07 13:17:0548.9697 N, 8.2783 WRRS James Cook JC231
2206668Hydrography time series at depth2022-05-07 16:00:0048.9615 N, 16.4377 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153513Water sample data2022-05-08 14:20:0049.00537 N, 16.50157 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153630Water sample data2022-05-08 14:20:0049.00537 N, 16.50157 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153525Water sample data2022-05-10 16:29:3048.99817 N, 16.45 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153642Water sample data2022-05-10 16:29:3048.99817 N, 16.45 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153537Water sample data2022-05-11 10:17:3048.94755 N, 16.47355 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153654Water sample data2022-05-11 10:17:3048.94755 N, 16.47355 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153549Water sample data2022-05-13 14:20:0049.008 N, 16.47967 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153666Water sample data2022-05-13 14:20:0049.008 N, 16.47967 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153550Water sample data2022-05-14 16:39:0048.97383 N, 16.46817 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153678Water sample data2022-05-14 16:39:0048.97383 N, 16.46817 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153562Water sample data2022-05-14 20:40:3048.9735 N, 16.45367 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153691Water sample data2022-05-14 20:40:3048.9735 N, 16.45367 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153574Water sample data2022-05-15 10:43:0048.99983 N, 16.5 WRRS James Cook JC231
2153709Water sample data2022-05-15 10:43:0048.99983 N, 16.5 WRRS James Cook JC231
2202680CTD or STD cast2022-08-26 12:29:0748.84167 N, 16.5033 WRRS James Cook JC237
2201652Water column chemistry2023-05-12 19:08:1748.9615 N, 16.4377 WRRS James Cook JC247