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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 1628578

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category CTD or STD cast
Instrument Type
Sea-Bird SBE 911 CTD  CTD; water temperature sensor; salinity sensor
Instrument Mounting self-propelled small boat
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator Mr Hugh Venables
Originating Organization British Antarctic Survey
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) -

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier RATSBODC.1191
BODC Series Reference 1628578

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2010-06-18 00:00
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) -
Nominal Cycle Interval 1.0 decibars

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 67.57000 S ( 67° 34.2' S )
Longitude 68.22500 W ( 68° 13.5' W )
Positional Uncertainty 0.05 to 0.1 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 0.99 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 497.38 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 22.62 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 519.01 m
Sea Floor Depth 520.0 m
Sea Floor Depth Source SCILOG
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Variable common depth - All sensors are grouped effectively at the same depth, but this depth varies significantly during the series
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Instantaneous - Depth measured below water line or instantaneous water body surface
Sea Floor Depth Datum Approximate - Depth is only approximate


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
ACYCAA011DimensionlessSequence number
CNDCST011Siemens per metreElectrical conductivity of the water body by CTD
CPHLPM011Milligrams per cubic metreConcentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer and manufacturer's calibration applied
CPHLPS011Milligrams per cubic metreConcentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer and calibration against sample data
DEPHPR011MetresDepth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body by profiling pressure sensor and conversion to seawater depth using UNESCO algorithm
IRRDUV011MicroEinsteins per square metre per secondDownwelling vector irradiance as photons of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer
POTMCV011Degrees CelsiusPotential temperature of the water body by computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm
PRESPR011DecibarsPressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level
PSALST011DimensionlessPractical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm
SIGTPR011Kilograms per cubic metreSigma-theta of the water body by CTD and computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm
TEMPST011Degrees CelsiusTemperature of the water body by CTD or STD
TOKGPR011Litres per kilogramConversion factor (volume to mass) for the water body by CTD and computation of density (in-situ potential temperature surface pressure) reciprocal from pressure, temperature and salinity

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

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"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

Instrument Description

CTD Unit and Auxiliary Sensors

Until January 2003, CTD casts were undertaken by a Chelsea Instruments Aquapack. A single titanium housing contained all sensors (temperature, conductivity, pressure and fluorescence) sensor processing boards, transmission and data logger plus the internal batteries. A LiCor PAR (photosynthetic active radiation) sensor (serial number: 6387) was attached. Pressure certification of the sensors limited profiles to a depth of 200m. All data were logged internally.

Since 2003, a SeaBird 19plus SEACAT profiler (SeaBird Electronics, Inc) has been employed at the RaTS station. A self powered (powered by 9 D-size alkaline batteries) and self contained unit containing temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors together with a WetLabs in-line fluorometer and the same PAR sensor as used previously (LiCor; serial number: 6387). Utilisation of this instrument enabled full depth profiles to be conducted. Data from all sensors are logged internally, with data collection being initiated by a seawater switch.

Sea-Bird Electronics SBE 911 and SBE 917 series CTD profilers

The SBE 911 and SBE 917 series of conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) units are used to collect hydrographic profiles, including temperature, conductivity and pressure as standard. Each profiler consists of an underwater unit and deck unit or SEARAM. Auxiliary sensors, such as fluorometers, dissolved oxygen sensors and transmissometers, and carousel water samplers are commonly added to the underwater unit.

Underwater unit

The CTD underwater unit (SBE 9 or SBE 9 plus) comprises a protective cage (usually with a carousel water sampler), including a main pressure housing containing power supplies, acquisition electronics, telemetry circuitry, and a suite of modular sensors. The original SBE 9 incorporated Sea-Bird's standard modular SBE 3 temperature sensor and SBE 4 conductivity sensor, and a Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensor. The conductivity cell was connected to a pump-fed plastic tubing circuit that could include auxiliary sensors. Each SBE 9 unit was custom built to individual specification. The SBE 9 was replaced in 1997 by an off-the-shelf version, termed the SBE 9 plus, that incorporated the SBE 3 plus (or SBE 3P) temperature sensor, SBE 4C conductivity sensor and a Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensor. Sensors could be connected to a pump-fed plastic tubing circuit or stand-alone.

Temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors

The conductivity, temperature, and pressure sensors supplied with Sea-Bird CTD systems have outputs in the form of variable frequencies, which are measured using high-speed parallel counters. The resulting count totals are converted to numeric representations of the original frequencies, which bear a direct relationship to temperature, conductivity or pressure. Sampling frequencies for these sensors are typically set at 24 Hz.

The temperature sensing element is a glass-coated thermistor bead, pressure-protected inside a stainless steel tube, while the conductivity sensing element is a cylindrical, flow-through, borosilicate glass cell with three internal platinum electrodes. Thermistor resistance or conductivity cell resistance, respectively, is the controlling element in an optimized Wien Bridge oscillator circuit, which produces a frequency output that can be converted to a temperature or conductivity reading. These sensors are available with depth ratings of 6800 m (aluminium housing) or 10500 m (titanium housing). The Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensor comprises a quartz crystal resonator that responds to pressure-induced stress, and temperature is measured for thermal compensation of the calculated pressure.

Additional sensors

Optional sensors for dissolved oxygen, pH, light transmission, fluorescence and others do not require the very high levels of resolution needed in the primary CTD channels, nor do these sensors generally offer variable frequency outputs. Accordingly, signals from the auxiliary sensors are acquired using a conventional voltage-input multiplexed A/D converter (optional). Some Sea-Bird CTDs use a strain gauge pressure sensor (Senso-Metrics) in which case their pressure output data is in the same form as that from the auxiliary sensors as described above.

Deck unit or SEARAM

Each underwater unit is connected to a power supply and data logging system: the SBE 11 (or SBE 11 plus) deck unit allows real-time interfacing between the deck and the underwater unit via a conductive wire, while the submersible SBE 17 (or SBE 17 plus) SEARAM plugs directly into the underwater unit and data are downloaded on recovery of the CTD. The combination of SBE 9 and SBE 17 or SBE 11 are termed SBE 917 or SBE 911, respectively, while the combinations of SBE 9 plus and SBE 17 plus or SBE 11 plus are termed SBE 917 plus or SBE 911 plus.


Specifications for the SBE 9 plus underwater unit are listed below:

Parameter Range Initial accuracy Resolution at 24 Hz Response time
Temperature -5 to 35°C 0.001°C 0.0002°C 0.065 sec
Conductivity 0 to 7 S m-1 0.0003 S m-1 0.00004 S m-1 0.065 sec (pumped)
Pressure 0 to full scale (1400, 2000, 4200, 6800 or 10500 m) 0.015% of full scale 0.001% of full scale 0.015 sec

Further details can be found in the manufacturer's specification sheet.

BODC Processing

The data arrived at BODC in Matlab binary .MAT files representing the CTD data collected as part of the Rothera Oceanographic and Biological Time Series (RaTS). These were reformatted to the internal QXF format using established BODC procedures. The following table shows how the variables within the matlab files were mapped to appropriate BODC parameter codes:

Originator's Variable Units Description BODC Parameter Code Units Comment
cond1 S m-1 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD CNDCST01 S m-1 Externally calibrated
chlor1 mg m-3 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer and calibration against sample data CPHLPS01 mg m-3 Externally calibrated
flsc1 mg m-3 Concentration of chlorophyll-a per unit volume of the water body by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer and manufacturer's calibration applied CPHLPM01 mg m-3 -
depth1 m Depth below the surface of the water column by profiling pressure sensor and converted to seawater depth using UNESCO algorithm DEPHPR01 m -
par1 µE m -2 s-1 Downwelling vector irradiance as photons (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer IRRDUV01 µE m -2 s-1 -
press1 dbar Pressure (spatial co-ordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and corrected to read zero at sea level PRESPR01 dbar -
temp1 °C Temperature of the water column by CTD or STD TEMPST01 °C -
salin1 dimensionless Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm PSALST01 dimensionless Externally calibrated
- - Potential temperature of the water body by computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm POTMCV01 °C Derived by BODC
- - Sigma-theta of the water column by CTD and computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm SIGTPR01 kg m-3 derived by BODC

The reformatted data were visualised using the in-house EDSERPLO software. Suspect data were marked by adding an appropriate quality control flag, missing data by both setting the data to an appropriate value and setting the quality control flag

Field Calibrations

Precision of the CTD was maintained by performing concurrent casts with SeaBird 911plus CTDs during regular visits of the RRS James Clark Ross and RV Laurence M. Gould to Rothera. SeaBird salinity data were themselves calibrated using discrete samples measured on a GuildLine Autosal 8400B salinometer, standardised with IAPSO p-series standard seawater (seawater standard of precisely known electrical conductivity ratio). Offsets to the RaTS salinity data were applied to reconcile them with the calibrated SeaBird data. Densities were calculated using the UNESCO (1983) algorithm.

Sampling strategy

Sampling began at the Rothera Oceanographic and Biological Time Series (RaTS) site in January 1997 which was subsequently occupied every five days during the summer and every seven days in the winter, except when weather, ice or logistic constraints intervened. An upper ocean hydrographic cast and discrete water sample at a depth of 15m was conducted. CTD (conductivity, temperature and depth) casts were made off an inflatable boat by use of a hand-cranked winch during the summer months and through a hole in the ice during the southern hemisphere winter. Discrete water samples were taken from a 15m depth using a Niskin bottle closed with a brass messenger. Water samples collected were measured for macronutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, ammonia and silicate), chlorophyll (both whole and size fractionated), dissolved oxygen isotopes, dissolved organic carbon and microbial community analysis. Prior to March 2002 all macronutrients were transported back to the laboratory at Rothera in the dark and analysed there. Since then, all silicate, phosphate, nitrite and nitrate samples have been preserved and sent to Ocean Scientific International Ltd, Petersfield, Hampshire, UK for analysis. Ammonium remains to be analysed at Rothera. Samples collected for oxygen isotopic analysis were sent annually (4oC; dark) to the Natural Environment Research Council Isotope Geosciences Laboratory, Keyworth, UK.

There are two extended periods during which no data could be collected. August to December in both 2000 and 2001. In 2000, there was an unusually extended period of unfavourable ice conditions which were too heavy for boat operations and unsafe for sledge operations. Then in the period during 2001 a fire occurred which resulted in loss of use of the laboratory at Rothera. It was not possible to restart observations until replacement equipment arrived with the relief of the Rothera Research Station the following December.

Project Information

No Project Information held for the Series

Data Activity or Cruise Information


Cruise Name RATS/CTD1191
Departure Date 2010-06-18
Arrival Date 2010-06-18
Principal Scientist(s)Andrew Clarke (British Antarctic Survey)
Ship Unknown self-propelled small boat

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NameRaTS, Rothera
CategoryOffshore area
Latitude67° 34.20' S
Longitude68° 13.50' W
Water depth below MSL520.0 m

Rothera Oceanographic and Biological Time Series (RaTS) Fixed Station

The RaTS fixed station is made up of 3 CTD sampling sites and 2 mooring sites. The main CTD site is located in Marguerite Bay, ~4 km from shore and over a water depth of ~520 m. Marguerite Bay is enclosed by Adelaide Island to the north, Alexander Island to the south and the Antarctic Peninsula to the east (Figure 1 and 2). Waters are strongly influenced by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Surface waters during summer become warm through insolation and freshened by ice melt. In winter surface waters are generally colder and more saline and characterised by a thick mixed layer which persists into the summer months and is marked by a subsurface temperature minimum (for fuller details please see Meredith et al., 2004 and references therein). When optimal conditions aren't available the secondary CTD site is occupied. In times when fast ice prevented sampling at both the primary and secondary site, a third site is utilised close to the Rothera Research Station. However, only a water sample is collected during this time as the water is too shallow to allow for a cast to be conducted. The following provides details of the CTD sites sampled:

Sample Site Latitude Longitude Depth Comments
CTD1 67.570°S 68.225°W ~520 m Main CTD site
CTD2 67.5808°S 68.1557°W ~400 m -
CTD3 67.57217°S 68.13283°W ~100 m Sampling just off Biscoe Wharf

To compliment the CTD data collected at the RaTS station, fixed moorings were deployed between 2005 - 2007. The moorings consisted of a suite of sensors including ADCPs, CTDs and sediment traps.

Sample Site Latitude Longitude Depth Comments
Marguerite Trough 67.9231°S 68.40225°W 841 m Deployed Jan 2005 to Feb 2006
RaTS Mooring - First deployment 67.56706°S 68.23371°W ~520 m Deployed Jan 2005 to Feb 2006
RaTS Mooring - Second deployment 67.56623°S 68.23437°W ~520 m Deployed Feb 2006 to Dec 2006
RaTS Mooring - Third deployment 67.5668°S 68.2334°W ~520 m Deployed Dec 2006 to Apr 2007

BODC image

BODC image

Figures Location of Maguerite Bay, to the west of the Antarctic Peninsula (Meredith et al., 2004) and more specifically the location of the RaTS station (Wallace, 2007)


Meredith, M.P., I.A. Renfew, A. Clark, J.C. King, M.A. Brandon (2004) Impact of the 1997/98 ENSO on upper ocean characteristics in Marguerite Bay, western Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 109, C09013, doi:10.1029/2003JC001784

Wallace, M.I., 2007. Ocean circulation, properties and variability in Marguerite Bay, west Antarctic Peninsula. PhD Thesis. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 1

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: RaTS, Rothera

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
757691CTD or STD cast1998-01-02 17:34:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD43
757709CTD or STD cast1998-01-14 16:44:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD49
757710CTD or STD cast1998-01-20 15:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD51
757722CTD or STD cast1998-01-26 15:55:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD53
757734CTD or STD cast1998-02-04 15:13:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD55
757746CTD or STD cast1998-02-09 15:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD58
757758CTD or STD cast1998-02-17 13:18:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD60
757771CTD or STD cast1998-02-23 12:53:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD62
757783CTD or STD cast1998-02-28 13:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD64
757795CTD or STD cast1998-03-06 17:32:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD66
757802CTD or STD cast1998-03-15 14:49:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD68
757814CTD or STD cast1998-03-23 16:12:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD70
757826CTD or STD cast1998-03-29 15:57:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD72
757838CTD or STD cast1998-04-04 15:40:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD74
757851CTD or STD cast1998-04-08 15:57:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD77
757863CTD or STD cast1998-04-24 14:11:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD80
757875CTD or STD cast1998-05-01 13:43:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD82
757887CTD or STD cast1998-05-10 15:14:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD84
757899CTD or STD cast1998-05-12 15:59:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD87
757906CTD or STD cast1998-05-21 13:51:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD89
757918CTD or STD cast1998-05-27 14:07:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD91
757931CTD or STD cast1998-06-20 17:40:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD93
757943CTD or STD cast1998-06-27 16:12:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD96
757955CTD or STD cast1998-07-04 15:39:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD98
757967CTD or STD cast1998-07-11 18:23:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD100
757979CTD or STD cast1998-07-17 15:42:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD103
757980CTD or STD cast1998-08-03 16:12:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD106
757992CTD or STD cast1998-08-11 17:26:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD108
758006CTD or STD cast1998-08-31 18:51:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD111
758018CTD or STD cast1998-09-05 12:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD113
758031CTD or STD cast1998-09-25 12:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD115
758043CTD or STD cast1998-10-09 12:20:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD120
758055CTD or STD cast1998-10-15 15:49:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD122
758067CTD or STD cast1998-10-19 12:13:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD124
758079CTD or STD cast1998-10-27 12:50:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD126
758080CTD or STD cast1998-11-05 12:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD129
758092CTD or STD cast1998-11-11 12:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD131
758111CTD or STD cast1998-11-18 12:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD133
758123CTD or STD cast1998-11-25 12:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD136
758135CTD or STD cast1998-12-02 12:26:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD138
758147CTD or STD cast1998-12-05 14:30:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD140
758159CTD or STD cast1998-12-14 11:42:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD142
758160CTD or STD cast1998-12-21 12:05:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD145
758172CTD or STD cast1998-12-30 15:24:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD147
758184CTD or STD cast1999-01-04 17:33:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD150
758196CTD or STD cast1999-01-06 12:23:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD151
758203CTD or STD cast1999-01-10 13:01:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD153
758215CTD or STD cast1999-01-12 12:36:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD154
758227CTD or STD cast1999-01-16 15:10:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD156
758239CTD or STD cast1999-01-19 14:38:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD157
758240CTD or STD cast1999-01-22 11:31:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD160
758252CTD or STD cast1999-01-27 18:03:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD163
758264CTD or STD cast1999-02-03 20:11:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD164
758276CTD or STD cast1999-02-05 14:02:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD166
758288CTD or STD cast1999-02-10 12:40:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD167
758307CTD or STD cast1999-02-12 14:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD169
758319CTD or STD cast1999-02-17 17:18:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD170
758320CTD or STD cast1999-02-25 12:29:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD173
758332CTD or STD cast1999-03-05 14:50:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD175
758344CTD or STD cast1999-03-21 19:06:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD177
758356CTD or STD cast1999-03-30 12:44:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD180
758368CTD or STD cast1999-04-07 12:31:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD182
758381CTD or STD cast1999-04-14 17:55:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD184
758393CTD or STD cast1999-04-22 11:49:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD186
758400CTD or STD cast1999-04-28 12:29:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD189
758412CTD or STD cast1999-05-05 11:54:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD191
758424CTD or STD cast1999-05-11 16:49:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD193
758436CTD or STD cast1999-05-31 15:14:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD195
758448CTD or STD cast1999-07-01 15:46:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD198
758461CTD or STD cast1999-08-18 15:50:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD200
758473CTD or STD cast1999-09-11 13:32:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD202
758485CTD or STD cast1999-10-08 14:12:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD204
758497CTD or STD cast1999-11-01 15:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD206
758504CTD or STD cast1999-11-10 16:28:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD208
758516CTD or STD cast1999-11-15 14:33:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD210
758528CTD or STD cast1999-12-08 16:56:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD214
758541CTD or STD cast1999-12-15 12:40:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD217
758553CTD or STD cast1999-12-22 11:36:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD219
758565CTD or STD cast1999-12-30 11:58:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD221
758577CTD or STD cast2000-01-05 12:21:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD223
758589CTD or STD cast2000-01-12 12:13:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD225
758590CTD or STD cast2000-01-19 13:27:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD227
758608CTD or STD cast2000-01-26 14:35:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD230
758621CTD or STD cast2000-02-01 15:43:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD232
758633CTD or STD cast2000-02-09 12:31:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD234
758645CTD or STD cast2000-02-20 14:53:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD237
758657CTD or STD cast2000-02-25 13:08:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD239
758669CTD or STD cast2000-02-29 11:43:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD241
758670CTD or STD cast2000-03-07 12:25:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD243
758682CTD or STD cast2000-03-20 13:38:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD245
758694CTD or STD cast2000-03-28 14:10:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD247
758701CTD or STD cast2000-04-05 18:27:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD249
758713CTD or STD cast2000-04-11 11:51:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD251
758725CTD or STD cast2000-04-21 16:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD254
758737CTD or STD cast2000-04-25 16:40:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD256
758749CTD or STD cast2000-05-01 15:44:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD258
758750CTD or STD cast2000-05-09 13:14:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD260
758762CTD or STD cast2000-05-22 13:23:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD262
758774CTD or STD cast2000-05-28 17:12:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD265
758786CTD or STD cast2000-06-11 14:44:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD267
758798CTD or STD cast2000-07-18 13:11:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD269
758805CTD or STD cast2000-07-31 16:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD271
703620CTD or STD cast2000-12-02 16:18:0067.57733 S, 68.1305 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20001121 (JR55)
758817CTD or STD cast2000-12-06 15:54:0067.571 S, 68.178 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD273
758829CTD or STD cast2000-12-12 12:33:0067.571 S, 68.178 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD275
758830CTD or STD cast2000-12-20 18:39:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD277
758842CTD or STD cast2001-01-02 17:03:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD281
758854CTD or STD cast2001-01-08 17:26:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD283
758866CTD or STD cast2001-01-10 17:12:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD285
758878CTD or STD cast2001-01-17 11:56:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD287
758891CTD or STD cast2001-01-25 12:09:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD289
758909CTD or STD cast2001-02-01 17:13:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD291
758910CTD or STD cast2001-02-07 18:40:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD293
758922CTD or STD cast2001-02-14 12:34:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD295
758934CTD or STD cast2001-02-21 11:57:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD297
758946CTD or STD cast2001-03-06 13:32:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD301
758958CTD or STD cast2001-03-19 11:11:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD305
758971CTD or STD cast2001-03-29 12:42:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD307
758983CTD or STD cast2001-04-05 13:25:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD309
758995CTD or STD cast2001-04-12 13:23:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD311
759009CTD or STD cast2001-04-17 05:36:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD313
759010CTD or STD cast2001-04-28 13:45:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD315
759022CTD or STD cast2001-05-04 18:30:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD317
759034CTD or STD cast2001-05-10 13:27:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD319
759046CTD or STD cast2001-05-17 13:28:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD321
759058CTD or STD cast2001-05-24 13:02:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD323
759071CTD or STD cast2001-06-04 17:45:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD325
759083CTD or STD cast2001-06-15 15:09:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD327
759095CTD or STD cast2001-06-25 16:02:0067.57217 S, 68.13283 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD329
759102CTD or STD cast2001-06-30 14:43:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD331
759114CTD or STD cast2001-08-01 13:50:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD335
759126CTD or STD cast2001-08-06 17:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD337
759138CTD or STD cast2001-12-05 19:52:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD341
759151CTD or STD cast2001-12-17 13:26:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD343
759163CTD or STD cast2001-12-21 13:20:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD345
759175CTD or STD cast2001-12-28 19:22:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD347
759187CTD or STD cast2002-01-04 16:38:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD351
759199CTD or STD cast2002-01-08 11:39:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD353
759206CTD or STD cast2002-01-12 11:17:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD355
759218CTD or STD cast2002-01-17 11:34:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD357
759231CTD or STD cast2002-01-22 11:19:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD361
759243CTD or STD cast2002-01-23 17:23:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD363
759255CTD or STD cast2002-01-28 15:29:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD365
759267CTD or STD cast2002-02-18 12:33:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD373
759279CTD or STD cast2002-02-26 11:41:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD375
759280CTD or STD cast2002-03-04 11:41:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD377
759292CTD or STD cast2002-03-09 11:39:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD379
759311CTD or STD cast2002-03-15 11:38:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD381
759323CTD or STD cast2002-03-23 11:51:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD383
759335CTD or STD cast2002-03-28 11:43:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD385
759347CTD or STD cast2002-04-10 10:58:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD387
759359CTD or STD cast2002-04-17 13:28:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD389
759360CTD or STD cast2002-05-30 12:01:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD395
759372CTD or STD cast2002-06-06 12:12:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD397
759384CTD or STD cast2002-06-12 12:16:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD399
759396CTD or STD cast2002-06-19 16:42:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD401
759403CTD or STD cast2002-06-26 12:34:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD403
759415CTD or STD cast2002-07-04 13:25:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD405
759427CTD or STD cast2002-07-11 13:53:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD407
759439CTD or STD cast2002-07-18 13:32:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD409
759440CTD or STD cast2002-07-25 12:09:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD411
759452CTD or STD cast2002-08-06 16:10:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD415
759464CTD or STD cast2002-08-11 12:49:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD417
759476CTD or STD cast2002-08-15 15:20:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD419
759488CTD or STD cast2002-08-28 14:40:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD423
759507CTD or STD cast2002-09-04 12:08:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD425
759519CTD or STD cast2002-09-16 14:14:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD427
759520CTD or STD cast2002-09-20 13:37:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD429
759532CTD or STD cast2002-09-26 11:58:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD431
759544CTD or STD cast2002-10-03 17:07:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD433
759556CTD or STD cast2002-10-17 12:03:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD437
759568CTD or STD cast2002-10-21 12:41:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD439
759581CTD or STD cast2002-10-30 13:44:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD443
759593CTD or STD cast2002-11-05 15:29:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD445
759600CTD or STD cast2002-12-17 12:05:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD461
759612CTD or STD cast2002-12-20 11:54:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD463
759624CTD or STD cast2002-12-27 15:58:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD465
759636CTD or STD cast2003-01-02 13:09:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD467
759661CTD or STD cast2003-01-06 15:29:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD469
759673CTD or STD cast2003-01-10 12:18:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD471
759685CTD or STD cast2003-01-15 13:27:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD473
759697CTD or STD cast2003-01-20 12:43:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD475
759704CTD or STD cast2003-01-28 12:39:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD477
759716CTD or STD cast2003-01-31 12:32:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD479
759728CTD or STD cast2003-02-05 13:08:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD481
759741CTD or STD cast2003-02-10 14:07:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD483
759753CTD or STD cast2003-02-21 13:28:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD485
759765CTD or STD cast2003-02-24 13:38:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD487
759777CTD or STD cast2003-03-03 17:52:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD489
759789CTD or STD cast2003-03-05 12:50:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD491
759790CTD or STD cast2003-03-09 12:55:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD493
759808CTD or STD cast2003-03-14 13:44:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD495
759821CTD or STD cast2003-03-25 17:40:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD497
759833CTD or STD cast2003-04-01 17:43:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD499
759845CTD or STD cast2003-04-07 16:11:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD501
759857CTD or STD cast2003-04-11 14:18:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD503
759869CTD or STD cast2003-04-18 13:55:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD505
759870CTD or STD cast2003-05-02 14:11:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD507
759882CTD or STD cast2003-05-07 17:33:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD509
759894CTD or STD cast2003-05-20 14:33:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD511
759901CTD or STD cast2003-05-28 14:39:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD513
759913CTD or STD cast2003-06-05 14:58:0067.57217 S, 68.13283 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD515
759925CTD or STD cast2003-07-08 16:42:0067.57217 S, 68.13283 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD517
759937CTD or STD cast2003-07-20 18:01:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD519
759949CTD or STD cast2003-07-24 14:42:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD521
759950CTD or STD cast2003-08-06 15:03:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD523
759962CTD or STD cast2003-08-12 15:47:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD525
759974CTD or STD cast2003-08-19 14:39:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD527
759986CTD or STD cast2003-09-01 14:07:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD529
759998CTD or STD cast2003-09-29 14:17:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD531
760011CTD or STD cast2003-10-13 19:02:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD534
760023CTD or STD cast2003-10-20 14:42:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD536
760035CTD or STD cast2003-10-27 17:45:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD538
760047CTD or STD cast2003-11-04 13:46:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD540
760059CTD or STD cast2003-11-10 13:19:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD542
760060CTD or STD cast2003-11-17 18:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD545
760072CTD or STD cast2003-11-21 12:47:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD547
760084CTD or STD cast2003-11-28 12:44:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD549
760096CTD or STD cast2003-12-04 14:43:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD551
760103CTD or STD cast2003-12-12 14:07:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD553
760115CTD or STD cast2003-12-17 13:11:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD555
760127CTD or STD cast2003-12-22 13:32:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD557
760139CTD or STD cast2003-12-29 12:37:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD559
760140CTD or STD cast2004-01-07 13:15:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD561
760152CTD or STD cast2004-01-12 14:44:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD563
760164CTD or STD cast2004-01-17 13:59:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD565
760176CTD or STD cast2004-01-21 12:30:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD567
760188CTD or STD cast2004-01-24 16:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD569
760207CTD or STD cast2004-01-28 13:23:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD571
760219CTD or STD cast2004-02-03 17:28:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD573
760220CTD or STD cast2004-02-09 12:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD575
760232CTD or STD cast2004-02-13 14:30:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD577
760244CTD or STD cast2004-02-18 18:43:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD579
760256CTD or STD cast2004-02-23 12:49:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD581
760268CTD or STD cast2004-02-28 12:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD583
760281CTD or STD cast2004-03-04 13:16:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD585
760293CTD or STD cast2004-03-15 16:37:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD587
760300CTD or STD cast2004-03-26 14:05:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD589
760312CTD or STD cast2004-04-08 13:26:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD591
760324CTD or STD cast2004-04-15 14:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD593
760336CTD or STD cast2004-04-22 13:16:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD595
760348CTD or STD cast2004-04-28 15:24:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD597
760361CTD or STD cast2004-05-11 18:29:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD599
760373CTD or STD cast2004-05-26 14:17:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD601
760385CTD or STD cast2004-06-03 15:06:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD603
760397CTD or STD cast2004-06-08 15:28:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD605
760404CTD or STD cast2004-06-16 15:32:0067.57217 S, 68.13283 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD607
760416CTD or STD cast2004-07-06 14:51:0067.57217 S, 68.13283 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD609
760428CTD or STD cast2004-07-14 14:32:0067.57217 S, 68.13283 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD611
760441CTD or STD cast2004-08-24 17:37:0067.57217 S, 68.13283 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD613
760453CTD or STD cast2004-09-09 18:27:0067.57217 S, 68.13283 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD615
760465CTD or STD cast2004-09-27 13:35:0067.57217 S, 68.13283 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD617
760477CTD or STD cast2004-10-08 14:52:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD619
760489CTD or STD cast2004-10-20 17:05:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD621
760490CTD or STD cast2004-11-04 18:48:0067.57217 S, 68.13283 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD623
760508CTD or STD cast2004-11-10 14:30:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD625
760521CTD or STD cast2004-11-24 13:14:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD627
760533CTD or STD cast2004-12-01 15:33:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD629
760545CTD or STD cast2004-12-05 13:45:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD631
760557CTD or STD cast2004-12-10 12:54:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD633
760569CTD or STD cast2004-12-15 12:33:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD635
760570CTD or STD cast2004-12-20 12:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD637
760582CTD or STD cast2004-12-22 12:47:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD639
760594CTD or STD cast2004-12-28 12:50:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD654
760601CTD or STD cast2005-01-07 14:39:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD669
760613CTD or STD cast2005-01-10 17:39:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD678
760625CTD or STD cast2005-01-13 12:29:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD687
760637CTD or STD cast2005-01-17 12:51:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD695
760649CTD or STD cast2005-01-19 13:38:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD705
779127Currents -subsurface Eulerian2005-01-24 15:01:2467.9231 S, 68.40255 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
770644Currents -subsurface Eulerian2005-01-24 15:07:3067.56706 S, 68.23371 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
784166Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-24 19:00:0267.9231 S, 68.40255 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
784178Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-24 19:00:0267.9231 S, 68.40255 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
784191Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-24 19:00:0267.9231 S, 68.40255 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
787023Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-24 19:00:0267.9231 S, 68.40255 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
787035Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-24 19:00:0267.9231 S, 68.40255 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
787047Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-24 19:00:0267.9231 S, 68.40255 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
788296Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-24 19:00:0267.9231 S, 68.40255 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
788303Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-24 19:00:0267.9231 S, 68.40255 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
788315Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-24 19:00:0267.9231 S, 68.40255 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
775950Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-25 15:00:0067.56706 S, 68.23371 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
776142Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-25 15:00:0067.56706 S, 68.23371 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
776178Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-25 15:00:0067.56706 S, 68.23371 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
776210Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-25 15:00:0067.56706 S, 68.23371 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
777298Hydrography time series at depth2005-01-25 15:00:0067.56706 S, 68.23371 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20050124 (JR112, JR113)
760650CTD or STD cast2005-01-28 12:57:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD722
760662CTD or STD cast2005-02-01 13:13:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD724
760674CTD or STD cast2005-02-12 12:46:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD727
760686CTD or STD cast2005-02-18 13:12:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD729
760698CTD or STD cast2005-02-21 13:08:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD731
760705CTD or STD cast2005-02-26 12:46:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD733
760717CTD or STD cast2005-02-28 14:33:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD735
760729CTD or STD cast2005-03-04 12:54:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD737
760730CTD or STD cast2005-03-08 12:29:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD739
760742CTD or STD cast2005-03-14 12:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD741
760754CTD or STD cast2005-03-31 16:33:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD743
760766CTD or STD cast2005-04-15 13:17:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD745
760778CTD or STD cast2005-04-19 15:55:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD747
760791CTD or STD cast2005-04-25 15:58:0067.5793 S, 68.1935 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD749
760809CTD or STD cast2005-04-29 15:30:0067.5745 S, 68.18 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD751
760810CTD or STD cast2005-05-17 18:04:0067.5667 S, 68.16667 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD753
760822CTD or STD cast2005-06-01 16:23:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD755
760834CTD or STD cast2005-06-28 15:56:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD757
760846CTD or STD cast2005-07-16 16:55:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD759
760858CTD or STD cast2005-07-25 16:27:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD761
760871CTD or STD cast2005-08-05 15:25:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD763
760883CTD or STD cast2005-08-18 18:03:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD765
760895CTD or STD cast2005-09-17 16:02:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD767
760914CTD or STD cast2005-09-29 14:44:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD771
760926CTD or STD cast2005-10-13 14:45:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD773
760938CTD or STD cast2005-11-01 18:44:0067.5667 S, 68.16667 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD775
760951CTD or STD cast2005-12-28 13:38:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD777
760963CTD or STD cast2006-01-04 13:39:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD779
760975CTD or STD cast2006-01-06 12:46:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD781
760987CTD or STD cast2006-01-10 12:33:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD783
760999CTD or STD cast2006-01-13 12:53:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD785
761002CTD or STD cast2006-01-19 13:08:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD787
761014CTD or STD cast2006-01-24 12:51:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD789
761026CTD or STD cast2006-01-28 19:10:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD795
761038CTD or STD cast2006-01-30 12:54:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD797
761051CTD or STD cast2006-02-02 12:45:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD799
761063CTD or STD cast2006-02-11 14:53:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD801
761075CTD or STD cast2006-02-13 12:51:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD803
770656Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-02-17 11:36:0667.56623 S, 68.23437 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20060216 (JR136, JR137)
761087CTD or STD cast2006-02-17 13:02:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD805
775962Hydrography time series at depth2006-02-17 13:59:5767.56623 S, 68.23437 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20060216 (JR136, JR137)
776154Hydrography time series at depth2006-02-17 13:59:5767.56623 S, 68.23437 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20060216 (JR136, JR137)
776191Hydrography time series at depth2006-02-17 13:59:5767.56623 S, 68.23437 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20060216 (JR136, JR137)
776222Hydrography time series at depth2006-02-17 13:59:5767.56623 S, 68.23437 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20060216 (JR136, JR137)
777305Hydrography time series at depth2006-02-17 13:59:5767.56623 S, 68.23437 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20060216 (JR136, JR137)
761099CTD or STD cast2006-02-20 13:40:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD807
761106CTD or STD cast2006-02-23 12:46:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD809
761118CTD or STD cast2006-02-27 12:32:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD811
761131CTD or STD cast2006-03-04 12:51:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD813
761143CTD or STD cast2006-03-10 14:22:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD817
761155CTD or STD cast2006-03-13 13:19:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD819
761167CTD or STD cast2006-03-23 13:22:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD821
761179CTD or STD cast2006-03-29 12:49:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD823
761180CTD or STD cast2006-04-06 13:43:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD825
761192CTD or STD cast2006-04-10 13:46:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD827
761211CTD or STD cast2006-04-20 14:32:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD829
761223CTD or STD cast2006-05-04 14:34:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD831
761235CTD or STD cast2006-05-25 14:47:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD833
761247CTD or STD cast2006-07-31 17:02:0067.5729 S, 68.1368 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD837
761259CTD or STD cast2006-08-14 17:43:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD839
761260CTD or STD cast2006-08-22 14:23:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD841
761272CTD or STD cast2006-08-31 13:57:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD843
761284CTD or STD cast2006-09-18 14:59:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD845
761296CTD or STD cast2006-09-27 13:44:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD847
761303CTD or STD cast2006-10-09 14:24:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD849
761315CTD or STD cast2006-11-10 14:20:0067.5729 S, 68.1368 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD851
761327CTD or STD cast2006-11-15 12:45:0067.5729 S, 68.1368 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD853
761339CTD or STD cast2006-12-09 13:09:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD855
761340CTD or STD cast2006-12-12 13:13:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD857
770668Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-12-17 13:57:3767.5668 S, 68.2334 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061206 (JR155, JR163, JR164)
775974Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-17 19:00:0267.5668 S, 68.2334 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061206 (JR155, JR163, JR164)
776166Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-17 19:00:0267.5668 S, 68.2334 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061206 (JR155, JR163, JR164)
776209Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-17 19:00:0267.5668 S, 68.2334 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061206 (JR155, JR163, JR164)
776234Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-17 19:00:0267.5668 S, 68.2334 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061206 (JR155, JR163, JR164)
777317Hydrography time series at depth2006-12-17 19:00:0267.5668 S, 68.2334 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20061206 (JR155, JR163, JR164)
761352CTD or STD cast2006-12-22 18:05:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD859
761364CTD or STD cast2006-12-29 12:39:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD861
761376CTD or STD cast2007-01-04 12:45:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD863
761388CTD or STD cast2007-01-08 12:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD865
761407CTD or STD cast2007-01-11 12:49:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD867
761419CTD or STD cast2007-01-18 13:19:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD869
761420CTD or STD cast2007-01-22 13:10:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD871
761432CTD or STD cast2007-01-25 12:55:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD873
761548CTD or STD cast2007-01-28 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD897
761444CTD or STD cast2007-01-31 13:02:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD879
761456CTD or STD cast2007-02-08 13:11:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD881
761468CTD or STD cast2007-02-14 13:22:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD883
761481CTD or STD cast2007-02-19 13:08:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD885
761493CTD or STD cast2007-02-27 13:21:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD887
761500CTD or STD cast2007-03-09 13:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD889
761512CTD or STD cast2007-03-13 17:29:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD891
761524CTD or STD cast2007-03-20 12:45:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD893
761536CTD or STD cast2007-03-31 18:02:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD895
761561CTD or STD cast2007-04-28 17:49:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD899
761573CTD or STD cast2007-05-10 16:05:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD901
761585CTD or STD cast2007-05-14 16:51:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD903
761597CTD or STD cast2007-05-21 17:46:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD905
761604CTD or STD cast2007-06-05 14:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD907
761616CTD or STD cast2007-06-14 15:39:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD909
761628CTD or STD cast2007-07-31 14:48:0067.5774 S, 68.1676 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD913
761641CTD or STD cast2007-08-09 13:40:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD915
761653CTD or STD cast2007-08-23 15:37:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD917
761665CTD or STD cast2007-09-21 15:28:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD919
761677CTD or STD cast2007-10-04 18:29:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD921
761689CTD or STD cast2007-10-11 19:21:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD923
761690CTD or STD cast2007-10-27 14:01:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD925
761708CTD or STD cast2007-11-06 18:18:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD927
761721CTD or STD cast2007-11-10 14:44:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD929
761733CTD or STD cast2007-11-19 14:17:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD931
761745CTD or STD cast2007-12-04 13:33:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD933
761757CTD or STD cast2007-12-07 13:46:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD935
1893709CTD or STD cast2007-12-08 17:06:0067.57333 S, 68.22533 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20071129 (JR171, JR193, JR196 Leg1, JR212)
761769CTD or STD cast2007-12-12 18:08:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD937
761770CTD or STD cast2007-12-17 13:23:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD939
761782CTD or STD cast2007-12-22 14:17:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD941
761794CTD or STD cast2007-12-27 13:05:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD943
761801CTD or STD cast2008-01-02 13:08:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD945
761813CTD or STD cast2008-01-08 13:08:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD947
761825CTD or STD cast2008-01-11 13:11:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD949
761837CTD or STD cast2008-01-16 13:40:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD951
761849CTD or STD cast2008-01-22 13:11:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD953
761850CTD or STD cast2008-01-30 13:17:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD955
761862CTD or STD cast2008-02-04 14:32:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD957
761874CTD or STD cast2008-02-12 14:11:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD959
761886CTD or STD cast2008-02-18 13:02:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD961
761898CTD or STD cast2008-02-21 13:21:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD963
761905CTD or STD cast2008-02-26 13:22:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD965
761917CTD or STD cast2008-03-03 13:02:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD967
761929CTD or STD cast2008-03-07 14:48:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD969
761930CTD or STD cast2008-03-14 18:03:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD971
761942CTD or STD cast2008-03-19 13:06:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD973
761954CTD or STD cast2008-03-26 13:30:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD975
761966CTD or STD cast2008-04-02 13:14:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD977
761978CTD or STD cast2008-04-15 18:07:0067.57217 S, 68.13283 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD979
761991CTD or STD cast2008-04-21 14:27:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD981
762005CTD or STD cast2008-05-14 15:10:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD983
762017CTD or STD cast2008-06-03 17:40:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD985
762029CTD or STD cast2008-06-09 15:36:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD987
762030CTD or STD cast2008-06-30 16:46:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD989
762042CTD or STD cast2008-07-11 16:05:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD991
1627502CTD or STD cast2008-08-22 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD993
1627514CTD or STD cast2008-09-13 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD995
1627526CTD or STD cast2008-09-25 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD997
1627538CTD or STD cast2008-09-30 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD999
1627551CTD or STD cast2008-10-07 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1001
1627563CTD or STD cast2008-10-14 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1003
1627575CTD or STD cast2008-10-21 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1005
1627587CTD or STD cast2008-10-31 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1007
1627599CTD or STD cast2008-11-05 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1009
1627606CTD or STD cast2008-11-07 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1011
1627618CTD or STD cast2008-11-12 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1013
1627631CTD or STD cast2008-11-14 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1015
1627643CTD or STD cast2008-11-27 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1017
1627655CTD or STD cast2008-12-04 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1019
1627667CTD or STD cast2008-12-10 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1021
1627679CTD or STD cast2008-12-12 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1023
1627680CTD or STD cast2008-12-15 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1025
1627692CTD or STD cast2008-12-18 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1027
1627711CTD or STD cast2008-12-27 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1029
1627723CTD or STD cast2008-12-30 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1031
1627735CTD or STD cast2009-01-04 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1033
1627747CTD or STD cast2009-01-07 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1035
1627759CTD or STD cast2009-01-12 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1037
1627760CTD or STD cast2009-01-15 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1039
1627772CTD or STD cast2009-01-19 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1041
1627784CTD or STD cast2009-01-22 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1043
1627796CTD or STD cast2009-01-26 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1045
1627803CTD or STD cast2009-01-29 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1047
1627815CTD or STD cast2009-02-05 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1051
1627827CTD or STD cast2009-02-09 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1053
1627839CTD or STD cast2009-02-12 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1055
1627840CTD or STD cast2009-02-18 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1057
1627852CTD or STD cast2009-02-23 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1059
1627864CTD or STD cast2009-02-26 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1061
1627876CTD or STD cast2009-03-02 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1063
1627888CTD or STD cast2009-03-05 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1065
1627907CTD or STD cast2009-03-11 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1067
1627919CTD or STD cast2009-03-16 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1069
1627920CTD or STD cast2009-03-25 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1071
1627932CTD or STD cast2009-03-30 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1073
1627944CTD or STD cast2009-04-06 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1075
1627956CTD or STD cast2009-04-13 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1077
1627968CTD or STD cast2009-04-20 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1079
1627981CTD or STD cast2009-04-25 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1081
1627993CTD or STD cast2009-05-11 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1083
1628007CTD or STD cast2009-05-20 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1085
1628019CTD or STD cast2009-05-27 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1087
1628020CTD or STD cast2009-06-10 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1089
1628032CTD or STD cast2009-06-15 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1091
1628044CTD or STD cast2009-06-30 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1093
1628056CTD or STD cast2009-07-19 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1095
1628068CTD or STD cast2009-08-25 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1096
1628081CTD or STD cast2009-09-11 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1098
1628093CTD or STD cast2009-10-16 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1100
1628100CTD or STD cast2009-10-22 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1102
1628112CTD or STD cast2009-10-28 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1104
1628124CTD or STD cast2009-11-04 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1106
1628136CTD or STD cast2009-11-09 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1108
1628148CTD or STD cast2009-11-12 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1110
1628161CTD or STD cast2009-11-16 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1112
1628173CTD or STD cast2009-11-23 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1114
1628185CTD or STD cast2009-11-26 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1116
1628197CTD or STD cast2009-12-02 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1117
1628204CTD or STD cast2009-12-15 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1119
1628216CTD or STD cast2009-12-21 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1121
1628228CTD or STD cast2009-12-24 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1123
1628241CTD or STD cast2009-12-28 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1125
1628253CTD or STD cast2009-12-30 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1127
1628265CTD or STD cast2010-01-04 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1129
1628277CTD or STD cast2010-01-12 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1133
1628289CTD or STD cast2010-01-18 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1135
1628290CTD or STD cast2010-01-21 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1137
1628308CTD or STD cast2010-01-23 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1139
1628321CTD or STD cast2010-01-27 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1141
1628333CTD or STD cast2010-01-30 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1143
1628345CTD or STD cast2010-02-02 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1145
1628357CTD or STD cast2010-02-06 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1147
1628369CTD or STD cast2010-02-12 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1149
1628370CTD or STD cast2010-02-15 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1151
1628382CTD or STD cast2010-02-18 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1153
1628394CTD or STD cast2010-02-22 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1155
1628401CTD or STD cast2010-02-25 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1157
1628413CTD or STD cast2010-03-01 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1159
1628425CTD or STD cast2010-03-04 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1161
1628437CTD or STD cast2010-03-10 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1163
1628449CTD or STD cast2010-03-15 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1165
1628450CTD or STD cast2010-03-18 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1167
1628462CTD or STD cast2010-03-22 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1169
1628474CTD or STD cast2010-03-31 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1171
1628486CTD or STD cast2010-04-07 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1173
1628498CTD or STD cast2010-04-20 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1175
1628505CTD or STD cast2010-04-27 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1177
1628517CTD or STD cast2010-05-05 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1179
1628529CTD or STD cast2010-05-13 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1181
1628530CTD or STD cast2010-05-19 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1183
1628542CTD or STD cast2010-05-25 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1185
1628554CTD or STD cast2010-06-02 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1187
1628566CTD or STD cast2010-06-14 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1189
1628591CTD or STD cast2010-07-01 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1193
1628609CTD or STD cast2010-07-19 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1195
1628610CTD or STD cast2010-07-26 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1196
1628622CTD or STD cast2010-08-11 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1197
1628634CTD or STD cast2010-08-24 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1199
1628646CTD or STD cast2010-09-07 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1201
1628658CTD or STD cast2010-09-15 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1203
1628671CTD or STD cast2010-09-21 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1205
1628683CTD or STD cast2010-09-27 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1207
1628695CTD or STD cast2010-10-05 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1209
1628702CTD or STD cast2010-10-13 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1211
1628714CTD or STD cast2010-10-21 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1213
1628726CTD or STD cast2010-10-28 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1215
1628738CTD or STD cast2010-11-08 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1217
1628751CTD or STD cast2010-11-11 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1219
1628763CTD or STD cast2010-11-24 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1221
1628775CTD or STD cast2010-11-27 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1223
1628787CTD or STD cast2010-12-06 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1225
1628799CTD or STD cast2010-12-09 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1227
1628806CTD or STD cast2010-12-13 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1229
1628818CTD or STD cast2010-12-17 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1231
1628831CTD or STD cast2010-12-20 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1233
1628843CTD or STD cast2010-12-23 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1235
1628855CTD or STD cast2010-12-28 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1237
1628867CTD or STD cast2010-12-31 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1239
1628879CTD or STD cast2011-01-04 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1241
1628880CTD or STD cast2011-01-08 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1243
1628892CTD or STD cast2011-01-10 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1245
1628911CTD or STD cast2011-01-13 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1247
1628923CTD or STD cast2011-01-17 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1249
1628935CTD or STD cast2011-01-20 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1251
1628947CTD or STD cast2011-01-24 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1253
1628959CTD or STD cast2011-01-27 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1255
1628960CTD or STD cast2011-01-31 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1257
1628972CTD or STD cast2011-02-03 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1259
1628984CTD or STD cast2011-02-07 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1261
1628996CTD or STD cast2011-02-10 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1263
1629011CTD or STD cast2011-02-16 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1265
1629023CTD or STD cast2011-02-21 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1267
1629035CTD or STD cast2011-02-25 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1269
1629047CTD or STD cast2011-03-02 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1271
1629059CTD or STD cast2011-03-07 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1273
1629060CTD or STD cast2011-03-11 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1275
1629072CTD or STD cast2011-03-14 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1277
1629084CTD or STD cast2011-03-23 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1279
1629096CTD or STD cast2011-04-01 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1281
1629103CTD or STD cast2011-04-08 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1283
1629115CTD or STD cast2011-04-14 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1285
1629127CTD or STD cast2011-04-20 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1287
1629139CTD or STD cast2011-04-26 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1289
1629140CTD or STD cast2011-05-05 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1291
1629152CTD or STD cast2011-05-19 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1293
1629164CTD or STD cast2011-05-24 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1295
1629176CTD or STD cast2011-06-02 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1297
1629188CTD or STD cast2011-06-30 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1301
1629207CTD or STD cast2011-07-05 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1303
1629219CTD or STD cast2011-07-12 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1305
1629220CTD or STD cast2011-08-12 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1307
1629232CTD or STD cast2011-08-19 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1309
1629244CTD or STD cast2011-10-10 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1311
1629256CTD or STD cast2011-10-19 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1313
1629268CTD or STD cast2011-10-24 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1315
1629281CTD or STD cast2011-11-01 00:00:0067.5808 S, 68.1557 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1317
1629293CTD or STD cast2011-11-04 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1319
1629300CTD or STD cast2011-11-08 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1321
1629312CTD or STD cast2011-11-12 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1323
1629324CTD or STD cast2011-11-21 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1327
1629336CTD or STD cast2011-11-25 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1329
1629348CTD or STD cast2011-11-28 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1331
1629361CTD or STD cast2011-12-02 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1333
1629373CTD or STD cast2011-12-06 00:00:0067.57 S, 68.225 WUnknown self-propelled small boat RATS/CTD1335
1978855Water sample data2015-01-07 11:04:0067.5703 S, 68.227 WRRS James Clark Ross JR20141231 (JR307, JR308)